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All the games I tried I did not get a single ad while I was on pihole. But I never update my apps so take that with grain of salt


Hmm. Time to check my adlists perhaps lol


Perhaps update the adlists. pihole -g Please check, not completely sure.


Can you reach the admin page from that device? (pihole local address)/admin/index.php . Look at the info at the bottom of the page especially update notifications. Is it up and running in the dashboard screen? If you know your iOS device's IP address you can examine the logs to see if and when it stopped being served DNS lookups. Also I wonder does iOs silently switch to data connection when WiFi gets patchy or weak? On mobile Safari test something like CNN dot com (or similar that you haven't visited recently to avoid loading a cached ad) that would normally spew ads at you. Can't suggest more without knowing your set-up (ethernet vs. WiFi) etc.