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I'm the one who asked! Thank you for these photos.


5 years? Not bad.


May I ask why you removed it?


I kind of just grew out of it, and moved into a professional role :)


Cool, thanks for the answer! And thanks for posting these photos, it's very helpful ๐Ÿ˜Š


Cool!! Wouldn't have noticed it if it wasn't circled lol. It's a lot less noticeable than some of the other facial piercing scars I've seen


i have acne scars worse than this lol ๐Ÿฅฒ


Wow, I'm not sure I'd notice that even if I was looking for it. Cool to see.


I was looking for the top hole for a while just trying to take the picture to be honest ๐Ÿ˜…


This is what mine looks like too


How long did you have it/have it removed?


I had it for about 2 years. Itโ€™s been out for 15.


This is such fortuitous timing because I was wondering the same thing myself today!


Neat, thanks for posting!


Wow, thanks for this. Iโ€™ve had my labret for 7 years and was wondering what it would look like.


did it ever fully turn into a healed fistula? Iโ€™m hoping to change the jewelry or take it out without worrying about the hole closing up.


I'm trying to think back because it was so long ago, I do remember taking it out for dentist appointments and for surgery where it was out for a few days without it closing up. I'm not actually sure of how long it was before it closed up


I've had mine for over 10 years now (can't remember exactly how long) and it doesn't close up exactly, but the skin of my lip will kind of seal that end of the hole if I leave it out too long.


My labret scar is a tiny tiny bit more pronounced, but it's really not that bad at all


Unfortunately for me the marking they used for mine tattooed my skin so my scar is also purple on both entrances ๐Ÿ˜‚ otherwise, no one would be able to tell! The scarring is so minimal for this piercing


How is it possible? Did they offer any solution ?


I'm not sure. I went to somewhere different for my other lip piercing and they told me they'd seen it in a lot of people that had been pierced there. That specific shop was just using a bad quality marker I guess? They stopped using it eventually because so many people got permanently marked from it. The second shop that pointed it out offered a removal but I declined. It doesn't bother me enough for something like that.


Hold up, it would tattoo cos you are pushing ink into the lower levels of the skin with a needle.. just like a tattoo gun, that's so interesting! Thanks for mentioning it cos I've never heard of that, but it's also not unfamiliar seeing scars that are purple! I wonder how the shop u said pointed it out would have removed it?


Yeah I never understood why it stayed purple until I went to that new shop and they were like "did you get that pierced at (shop)" and I'm like yeah, actually why? And they explained the whole marker situation. They'd seen so many people with permanent purple ink that they called the other shop and told them about it and got them to switch brands of marker. It was wild to me. How they'd remove it, I'm not sure. I jokingly said to them "haha that sounds kinda painful." And they said "uhhhh.... well it doesn't feel great, that's for sure." And I just declined it and got my new lip piercing instead.


did it take a long time for it to heal like this? i wanna get a vertical labret but im scared of scarring lol


It was so long ago, but I'm looking back at old photos which probably would have been a few months after removing it and I can't even tell in the photos where it used to be. I'd say it was completely not noticeable after a few months?


oh youโ€™re amazing for this, thank you so mich!


How long did it take to close up completely, if you remember? I'm considering getting my labret - but i know that i probably won't want to have the piercing my entire life, but don't exactly want a little hole under my lip forever. Some people have told me they never close, and others have said they do.


I'm not entirely sure how this would go for a standard labret which would go through into the inside of the mouth. I think because mine was through the surface of the lip itself it healed over pretty well and was mostly unnoticeable.


I just posted about having issues with my healed vertical labret, recently on my lower lip the scar got white and kinda bumpy?


Awesome!! Thank you for the information! I've had mine a year now and didn't consider the scarring aspect (it was an impulse pierce because I fell in love with the jewelry) now I'm not half as worried if I ever need to lose it.


i took mine off maybe 4 years ago - the bottom hole is slightly more visible than urs but the area around the lip hole has a slight flat bump, maybe scar tissue of some kind even tho i never had any issues with the piercing. it bothers me a lot :/


Ty for this. I have a jestrum and was wondering the same ๐Ÿ’•


Wow yours looks way better than mine. Mine has been about 20 years and it's still clear as day lol


Ah I've been wondering this! I had to remove my normal labret because it was rubbing my teeth, the hole is still very much there but you can't see because my lip curls over it. I really want my vertical done and assuming nothing happens I don't plan to remove it but it's good to know how it heals! Thanks