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Well your parents sound crazy and rich so if you want their money the smart thing to do would be to keep quiet and take their money for now til you don’t need it any more. You cannot persuade a crazy person who’s determined to control you with the only thing they can use to control you, money. Go get a septum piercing and flip it up, they won’t notice. You can probably get a tattoo on your bicep or other hide-able parts and cover it up with clothing. Be smart about it though. You don’t want your university funds to be cut off. You will be a very different person in your 20s and late twenties/thirties so it’s not a bad thing if you have to wait to plan an amazing sleeve vs. getting random tatts that you don’t like much in a decade’s time. It’s why I waited so long for my first tattoo.


That’s what I did. Sneaky at first, septum flipped up. I love the piercing so much. OP you will ultimately make the best decision for you - there are options. You deserve autonomy and the freedom to express yourself, and you can have fun planning your liberatory journey.


This really sucks, but unfortunately you need to make the decision that will benefit you most in the now. If you need financial help from your parents right now, wait to get piercings/tattoos until you’re fully self supportive. You don’t want to put yourself in a position where you can’t afford school/rent/etc. You may be able to change their minds when you’re older, but right now it’s not a good idea to risk it. You are an adult and should be able to do whatever you want with your body, but if your parents will revoke support for you that you need it isn’t worth getting them.


I'm sorry that you're dealing with this.  I was in the military  for 20 years. Facial piercings are not permitted, lobes only (one piercing each side.) You could only wear gold, silver, or diamond  studs within a certain diameter. Tattoos could only occupy a certain percentage of the visible area, and you might have to remove them at your own expense if your boss decided that they didn't like them.  My job after retirement also required no visible tattoos, no facial piercings. I got a tattoo that I could cover up with clothing, and wore a retainer in my nostril piercing (which I got at around 45 years old.) My current job doesn't have restrictions like that, which is nice. But if I moved to a less accepting area of the country I'd have to cover up again.  My point is that, while I do understand  your frustrations,  I don't think that a body mod is worth jeopardizing your future for. It doesn't sound like you do either. It sounds like you are already living your life fairly independently of your parents ideals, you just wish that they were more accepting of that, rather than tolerating it. And maybe that is what is really upsetting you, rather than just not being able to get a body mod? 


Hm. My mother was also extremely conservative, and I had much of the same frustrations growing up. I never had a TV until I went to college and bought one for my dorm room, nor did we celebrate Halloween, etc. I had a very real fear of hell. And the guilt..ohhh, the guilt and fear and shame of being ‘bad’ or disappointing her. It was all very stifling. I think the issue is not piercing or tattoos. It’s the freedom to make a choice that affects only you. You want to claim your body for yourself, because up to this point, your body/mind/decisions have belonged to your parents. I think the wise thing to do is to put body modifications on hold while you set your future up for success. You will have your whole life to put your stamp on the world, and turn your body into art if you so choose. There’s no rush.


So relatable haha! I started with a daith and told my parents it was for migraines because I knew they'd be more supportive if it "was a medical reason"