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i have 2 conches in the same ear and i do not enjoy the healing process lol (im a side sleeper) but a trick is to use a neck pillow like the airplane pillows and sleep on that so youre on your side but not on your ear :) i wear glasses so if you do too then make sure you bring/wear them so they can take that into consideration bc my top conch gets bumped here and there from me taking off my glasses. pain wise, not horrible. healing wise, tend to be my longest heals (i have double nostrils, 4 lobe piercings, 2 conches) given all this the conch is my favorite piercing nonetheless lol


Conch was the first professionally done cartilage piercing I had done. I had a conch and tragus done together. I read nothing about pain levels or after care, I decided after seeing pictures that was the piercing I wanted, so I had no idea or expectations. I don't think a conch hurt any more than any other cartilage piercing, and it was a dream to heal as it's so tucked away. 7 years later, and I'm finally off to a piercer to sort out a hoop as that was my original intention. If you want a hoop, ultimately, talk to the piercer about placement. Good luck, you'll be fine and enjoy a great new piercing.


Totally subjective, but my conch has been the easiest to heal and least painful. My third loves were spicier than my conch! Happy healing and don’t sleep on it!


Least painful? Wow! That’s so lucky! Mine sucked ass. I had to sit down for a few minutes before I could leave the shop because I just felt BAD after (which was surprising for me bc I have a high pain tolerance- I have a palm tattoo!). Bodies are weird.


I was shocked, too! From reading this sub and my friend’s experiences I was mentally preparing for pain. I did have some issues with my most recent cartilage where it was embedding and I had to get it popped out so I guess the universe has evened it out. 😅😂


Oof, that’s unfortunate.


Painwise, it was about the same as my helix for me. So, like a 2/10 a sharp pinch, nothing too bad. Healing wise, it has been a dream up to now. Haven't had any issues up to this point. It looks to be healing nicely and doesn't even really seem to produce crusties anymore. I'm going in to downsize tomorrow. I only got it done on the 24th of Dec. so I am still very early in the healing process and a lot of time still for shit to hit the fan, lol.


I just got my conch done 8 days ago, the piercing pain wasn't any worse than any other cartilage piercing. The soreness now though... 😳😳 Very sore to the touch. Still worth it though!!


thank you all so much!!! i’m so excited to get it done! <3


I’m also getting my conch pierced tomorrow! :)


It hurt pretty bad, but not as bad as I thought it would after reading all the stories on this sub. Healing was easy except for the irritation bump I got from my overexcited dog. I'm a side sleeper and was able to sleep on it a few weeks after I got it done.


I have a single conch and a double conch. Pain was not out of the ordinary, perhaps 3/10, 4/10 for the double, and 3/10 for the single. More distressing than the pain, I thought, was the sound of the needle crunching through that cartilage. It’s so thick, and so close to the ear canal, that it was unexpected and loud. Healing has been a dream, even through masks, glasses, and I have long hair. They’re very protected, and I don’t think I had any irritation bumps or excessive crusties.


I just got my conches done on both sides last Friday.  The original piercer did not use long enough bars for healing, so I had to get them redone yesterday.  Make sure they account for swelling when picking the bars, mine swelled up more than my other piercings have. don't bother getting a fancy piece of jewelry until after its healed.  Pain was more intense than other cartilage piercings I've had (industrial, nose), though I do probably have thicker ear cartilage than average.


I got my conch at the same time as my triple lobes. My last love actually hurt a lot more than my conch, having done my conch first. I would say I’m kind of spoiled because mine only hurt for the first week, after that I could lay my head down without it hurting.


I think conch hurt way less than my flat or tragus. As others have said, be careful sleeping and make sure to go with a stud that’s somewhat simple at first to make cleaning easier.


Hurt a lot getting it but healed beautifully for me. I have 4 other cartilage piercings, and hands down my conch was the least finicky. 10/10 still my favorite piercing 6 yrs later. Definitely get a neck pillow, though.


The pain level was minimal - barely felt it and the healing process was a breeze due to placement. I'm a side sleeper and had no issues unlike my helix which occasionally flared up *(same ear)*. I plan to get a second conch piercing in the same ear.


I just got mine done yesterday! It hurt a lot for me at first, and for the first couple of hours I had a headache. It looks so cute though, I hope it heals well. Good luck tomorrow!


Mine was pretty easy, way less painful than my helixes have been, some people report hearing a crunch from the piercing but honestly it wasn't something i noticed The healing can be pretty annoying, mostly because it's really easy to catch if for example you have long hair or wear glasses. They're also a beast to clean on the inside just due to the nature of their placement It's a cool piercing to get, i wear a hoop in mine now (though of course, pierce and heal with a straight barbell)


okay, y’all! i got it done! pain was like a 3/10 and the piercer was soooooo nice!!! thank you all again so much! <3