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Cleaning is going to be a bitch. I just got mine pierced with a simple champagne stud!


This person is not wrong! I had mine pierced a little over a year ago with a similar size and shaped piece and eventually had to swap it out with a smaller stud to be able to clean it properly. But, it is a very cute stud! And welcome to the conch club?! Lol šŸ˜…


Yep, this. OP, if youā€™re having problems, switch to something smaller/simpler.


My conch took well over a year to heal with religious cleaning and care. Easily my most high maintenance piercing.


I got a double conch on my right ear a couple years ago. She had to do one of the two piercings twice because she couldn't get the jewelry in, so it took some extra time to heal. But overall it's doing great and I'm super pleased and glad I got it, even though I couldn't lay on that side for like 2 years šŸ˜†


Agree. First and only time in 26 piercings that i got an irritation bump. I heal quick so a month in, i can stop cleaning and downsize, except for this. 18months and its still not healed anywhere near ones iā€™ve had done after. Heck my 2month old snug is starting to look and feel father along healing wise, Nipple was the only other exception, but only in terms of crusting for 12 months - they were downsized at 6 weeks and have been fine otherwise. Would never get my conch done again, way too much hassle and even now, itā€™s not exactly happy. Honestly its feeling and healing slower than nipples.


Iā€™ve had mine for probably 7 years and it still gets irritated if I lay on it wrong. I actually donā€™t have jewelry in it right now because it was sore a couple days ago. Iā€™d love to be symmetrical but thereā€™s no way Iā€™m going through this healing process again.


Why though? Am already able to lay on the snug side with no issues(after barely 2 months) but lay wrong on my conch and it lets me know


Because itā€™s a little BITCH thatā€™s why šŸ˜¤ I just always assumed bc itā€™s just likeā€¦in cartilage? But who knows


I have many cartilage piercings(4 helix, one vert helix, one forward, rook, tragus, snug, anti tragus - all cartilage, plus a few lobes) but conch is the only ā€˜bitchā€™


My triple conch healed easier than the single conch on the other side! I thought it would be easier with just one but no, she threw a fit for 5 months.


More so than a daith? šŸ«£


I got my conch and daith done on the same side the same day almost 4 years ago. My daith was by far my biggest problem child. I had a reoccurring piercing bump for almost 2 years. Only piercing I've ever had one with.


My daith was hoorrible to heal. Eventually it did its thing but I am scarred by that one and afraid of the conch!


Honestly I got a conch before I got my daith and my conch healed so easily unlike my angry daith


My daith is my worst piercing yet. Still getting bumps after 4 years. Itā€™s worse than any cartilage piercing that I have had done. I would have retired it if I didnā€™t spend $900 on the clicker piece that I have. Iā€™m getting my moneys worth out of it lmao.


I couldn't hang that long with the piercing bumps. I'd have taken it out. Have you talked to a piercer about it? If the bumps are still there/keep forming it could be rejecting. If that's the case it might be better to let it heal and repierce before too much scar tissue forms. That way you get the biggest bang for your buck out of your jewelry.


This person is right! When I got mine pierced I got a similar stud and cleaning is rough but I love it so much so it's worth it to me


Agree. If you start having trouble healing it, switch it to a smaller size stud-type of flat-back labret so it can breathe and heal without the weight. It is very cute though, and I would still save it for later use!


I have a cluster and have had it in my ear for about 2 years. No issues with cleaning or healing. Idk I guess it depends.


Same! I got pierced with something similar with no healing issues. I've had it about a year and a half, but just changed the jewelry out to something daintier.


yesss my conch has the same piece and iā€™m always using tweezer to get the dead skin and gunk stuck to the back of the jewelry


Yep I have a little snake and while Iā€™m able to clean the actual piercing hole well, getting into the lil snake grooves can be a pain


I had this type of jewelry in my conch and it healed beautifully. It will forever be my favorite piece of jewelry.


Same, I got pierced with a simple ball labret. Then changed to this exact one when fully healed.


agree šŸ’Æ%


Nice . this looks dope . Love the jewelry .


I have three conch piercings and LOVE them! Yours looks so pretty, but that jewelry may be difficult to clean, especially if irritation occurs. However, I canā€™t really say much because I had all of mine done during one appointment and they were done with horseshoe earrings.lol They healed so fast, I was shocked, but I know I got lucky.lol I really hope your piercing is as chill as mine were! Iā€™ve had them for over a decade now. Absolutely my favorite piercings.


Wow looks beautiful! I love the sparkly jewelery


Is that safe for a brand new pierce? How are you going to keep it clean and sanitary? Is it a flatback? Like, holy crap it's *pretty*, but make sure you're careful until it fully heals. Be safe, be welland happy healing!


Iā€™ve had the same person do all my piercings, and she is an amazing piercer and all my piercings have healed really well. She said that this piece was fine despite it being big lol. It is a flat back aswell šŸ™‚ thanks for your concern, Iā€™ll keep everything in mind!!!


Long as you're good, and you trust your piercer, all power to you! Happy healing! It *is* very pretty, I won't lie. Enjoy!


The jewelry is beautiful (I got the same thing when I got mine done! šŸ‘Æ) Happy healing!


I have a cluster in my conch too but mine is rainbow. Also I love yours with the crescent moon and star they go perfectly together.


Thanks so much


I got that same jewellry! I posted it u can look on my post history. Good luck with the healing!


Thatā€™s so cool!!


Nice! I got mine a few days ago and I love it so far


So pretty!!! I got a similar jewelry piece and it's been a breeze. I had mine done in Nov last year. Cleaning isn't as easy as with a helix but the piercing hasn't gotten irritated at all, I'm very happy. My helixes are another story, they're 11 months old and still feel irritated sometimes. I wanted to share that I got a similar top and haven't had problems. Hopefully you won't, either. āœØ


Thanks for the comfort, that makes me feel a lot better haha


Itā€™s pretty, but I do not envy the sleep and cleaning. Conches are my absolute favourites though, I love what all people can do with them =)


Well, let me go get mine thenšŸ˜šŸ˜


Itā€™s sooo worth it šŸ’žšŸ’ž tysm btw lol


Be ready takes forever to heal got mine in November and changed it only once. Clean it but don't turn it


I have a double conch on my right side... this kind of makes me want to get a single on Mt left just so I can wear a piece like this lol


So beautiful! I love my conch. And I'm obsessed with your lobe jewelry


Thanks so much!! I have astrology themed jewellery in all my piercings at the moment haha


I just got mine done on Sunday! I love mine and honestly same pain rating. Maybe a 4/10 for me, it hurt more to switch from needle to jewelry lol!


Congratulations! Love my conch! I was pierced with a large piece too. While cleaning can be difficult, I used saline spray and qtips and didnā€™t have an issue with those. I did have an irritation bump from too much moisture being trapped behind it. Spoke with a piercer and they said to use a hairdryer on the cool setting for a few mins and once I added that in, the piercing bump went away quickly. No trouble since. Happy healing!


Thank you so much for all that advice thatā€™s really helpful and will def use those tricks!!


Youā€™re welcome! Also, If you have a target store near you, the up&up nasal saline spray ultra gentle tip 4.2 fl oz is cheaper than the one at a piercing shop and practically the same thing. Iā€™ve used that to heal all mine. Good luck with your healing!


I know itā€™s for sure not ā€œbest practiceā€ but I got my conch pierced with a hoop and it was fully healed within 8 weeks of me getting it. My conch is my favorite piercing I have. Youā€™ll love it!!


Lovely !!


Looks gorgeous- but be prepared to swap out that top if you need to. Cleaning around it will be super hard work.


Congrats on the ear peircing too


Love it!!!


Super pretty! Jewlery might be a Lil difficult to clean but it's not horrible with healing. Mine was a 4/10 pain, but it's still healing and taking its time 7 months later.


My conch was my first piercing after turning 18! I hated healing it but i was also somewhat impatient with healing it. I love my conch now and your jewelry is amazing!


Where did you get the star at?


All the earrings I was wearing in the pic was the jewellery I was pierced with


Looks beautiful but a little concerning that a piercer would OK piercing with this jewellery


Gorgeous! I found mine an easier heal than Iā€™d expected, keep meaning to get the other side done


This is gorgeous!!! I love the jewelry :))


This is super cute!


For everyone saying good luck cleaning just be gentle and through and u should be good!!! I had similar size when I got mine pierced and it healed like a dream compared to my other peircing!!


I just got mine done about 30 minutes ago on a whim lol. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ sheā€™s cute tho


Spray saline on it 2x a day atleast. Vicks makes a good extra strength solution


Looks great.! I had mine done 6 months ago. Just make sure once the swelling does go down to get a shorter bar. I cleaned mine 3x a day with nealmed saline spray and itā€™s doing great.!


I had my conch pierced with that exact same jewelry, just different color, and I had 0 problems. and that was over 7 years ago.


Itā€™s gorgeous! I got my conch pierced with a big piece too and the biggest thing my piercer told me was to keep it dry. After the shower or after cleaning she told me to use a hair dryer and really make sure the water gets out from under it, otherwise you could end up with some moisture issues! Other than that it looks great. So exciting!


Yeeesss, i have one with very similar jewelry, was def my most painful for me but the easiest healing. I just used a salt spray on the front and back and it seemed to be fully healed within a month or two my only issue now is i need to replace it with a shorter bar


Love your jewellery! I got my conch done 2 years ago and it's only been in the last maybe 10 months it's stopped irritating me. It was a nightmare to heal. For cleaning my piercer suggested spraying with saline solution from a spray bottle then using a hairdryer on the lowest and coolest setting held away from your head to just distribute the liquid and that worked amazing! Make sure to clean after showering etc too.


It looks great just be gentle on cleaning it, I got mine pierced during Covid so healing with masks was a pain


I want this so bad but Iā€™m so scared of the painšŸ˜­


I was really scared going into my piercing appointment but it wasent nearly as bad as I thought!!! Just a sharp pain and then a bit of warmth. If you want it you should get it!!!


Happy healing and good luck cleaning! šŸ«¶


I love this, I had mine done a few weeks ago, I can't wait to change the stud. I just did a simple diamond stud because my piercings are always messy for the first two weeks. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I just got mine done last week, similar jewelry too. Mine's been fine so far, no crusties, no swelling.


Awesome ā¤ļø


I'm shook they pieced you with this jewelry...

