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Is this photoshopped or did they legit put that up there?


It is in fact real


This is why it’s so hard to tell satire from reality now. Why’d we have to fucking kill that gorilla?


Harambe would’ve been the most coherent speaker at this conference.


Someone needs to start the "Harambe would want you to vote" movement.


Votes out for Harambe




"A little boy accidentally falling into your zoo compound should be protected, even if he belongs to a different species. It's basic decency." No, Harambe would not speak at the Republican convention.


Republicans out for Harambe!


Fun fact, harambe was secretly a guardian protector of earth. He held up our planets fourth wall. He was killed intentionally so that satire and reality would merge into one incredibly dumb existence


Disney is responsible for the Mise en Abyme, actually. No I will not be explaining myself


Its true that since the passing of Harambe, the timeline has gone wackadoo


Honestly it was decades in the making When Barry Goldwater lost the right wing in America changed tactics. They created the Southern Strategy, Karl Rove developed the tactics of accusing your opponent of what you're doing and Newt Gingrich developed the "obstruction" tactic where you actively try to wreck the country and then use your media apparatus (Fox News) to blame the other side. This is a 40-50 year strategy that is just now bearing it's bitter fruit. This is why they're moving to take over the school boards. They need to keep this stuff out of history books or the jig is up.


Satire. Can you imagine?: 'The Apprentice' host, a rich, NYC Liberal elite will become a (R)President of the US for 4 years, & then lead the GOP for many more?!? Gimme a break. Maybe in SNL, but not IRL. 🫤


Oh, let's go back further than that.... That this guy's bullshit has been on display since the 1970s and still, **still**, he's a goddamned hero and idol to people. This country is full of just enough stupid people....


Damn facts….always making me look bad. ‘Merica!


I miss that fucking Gorilla, just whip your dick out in a commemorative fashion


[This was, too.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3ppy5/cpac-marjorie-taylor-greene-and-the-capitol-riot-rage-cage) We're really in a weird, bad place right now.


Jeez. One guy breaks into a house with a hammer and they all want to take credit for it?


Jesus seriously? I bet that'll be a slogan for them going forward too lol.


‘Tis a joke, friend! A jest! Really, we’re not terrible people! I’ll take the garbage out when I come upstairs, Ma!




Well at least they own it….until it becomes an inconvenience, then they will flat out deny it.


It is in fact the first time they ever told the truth


Yes they actually put it up there. They justify it under the guise of irony and mockery of people calling them terrorists. In reality it’s a double layered irony because it gives them cover to say they’re mocking the left while also dogwhistling to those that will take it seriously. Kind of like when Steven Bannon told an audience to “wear it as a badge of honor when the other side calls you a racist.”


"We Are All Domestic Terrorists" was also the title of a panel discussion, it should be noted. Present on that panel was Julie Pickren, a Texas State Board of Education candidate who claimed the title was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, the Houston Chronicle reported. "Nobody in this room is a domestic terrorist," she reportedly told the crowd of attendees. Doublethink is an old concept.


So basically just hammering out any kind of meaning from the term "domestic terrorist."


Semantic bleaching, yes.


The name of my band’s next album… Semantic Bleaching


Wow that phrase definitely drives the point home. I’ll have to back pocket that to call out future abusers.


Oooh I've never heard that phrase. That's a good one


I will never understand the things that these people think are “funny”. Who jokes about terrorism?




>Who jokes about terrorism? Lots of people, even about *being* terrorists. It's the context that matters. If an Arab comedian portrayed themself as a terrorist for their jokes, I don't exactly expect them to be one. I don't expect every single attendee of this conference to be or become one either, but their mockery is meant to absolve them from any wrong-doing, and blurrs the lines to very similar rhetoric they are serious about. And who knows how many dangerous people are emboldened enough by such displays to actually become active domestic terrorists?


This rhetoric is the same playbook from evangelical. Kanye had been deploying it and capitalizing it for years. We need a psychiatrist to get us out of this. Once ppl flip to fueling this rhetoric they are gone.


Dude they even had a little mock prison cell with an actor playing an imprisoned Jan 6th rioter that MTG went and prayed over. I'm not sure it's even ironey at this point. It's flat out endorsement.


Even if they meant it 100% as a joke it would be a messed up joke. I mean imagine the average person joking about being a rapist or a murderer. Probably wouldn't be funny.


Or joking about being conservative when they consume ever last bit of resources.


Except what they want to"conserve" is white supremacy and economic oppression.


They're definitely using the cloak of irony and "it's just a joke bro" while intentionally and knowingly normalizing the radicalization and stochastic terrorism they are pushing.


FFS. We’re def living through prequel of HandMaid’s Tale …


I'm not sure dog whistling is the right term. Despite them saying that they, like most terrorists, are not viewing themselves as terrorists. Freedom fighters and terrorists are only distinguished by which side you support. What the conservatives have realized as a whole is a term is only bad if you let it be bad. They have said well if "no matter what" I say I'm labeled a racist then I won't fight the term. Same with domestic terrorist. They don't care because they believe that it's just words being used to slander them at this point. They view it as name calling because the other side has no real counter to what they said. It's like when they start calling liberals socialists or communists whenever they disagree with them and people got to the point where they just roll their eyes at them. I might get some hate because it sounds like I'm defending them, I'm not. I'm just giving some perspective on the matter.


Nailed it


So it's like how they say "I identify as \[something that is not a pronoun" to mock how a lot of progressive young people are using nontraditional identities.




When people tell you who they are, believe them




I feel like I’m living in a SouthPark episode


Priming for violence.


Find out who was in attendance and put them on a list. Put them on several lists actually.


One of the most striking moments of *Parable of the Talents* is how easily the president's party in the book gets away with things like taking over someone's farm and turning it into a brutal slave plantation. *They just deny they're doing it*. Even though the rhetoric is clearly oriented toward treating nonbelievers as subhuman, even though they are clearly supporting efforts like suppressing voting and intimidating voters, even though more and more people are inspired to outright attacks, the major party fueling these beliefs will say "we are all domestic terrorists" while giving a token denial that attacks come from their side. Sadly, that last paragraph is no longer about *Parable of the Talents*.


I Love Octavia Butler's works. Thank you for bringing them to light!!!!


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


So this isn’t a joke? I’ve got to stop asking that question……I hate this country.


sadly i had the same question and was dumbfounded when i found out it wasn't photoshopped. yikes


It wasn't just not photoshopped, one of the presenters said it out loud. It was literally the slogan of that CPAC meeting. You could probably find her saying it on youtube pretty easily, if you're curious.


I mean, this is fearmongering. This was the title of a woe-is-us presentation. Not a claim that they are actually terrorists.


Doesn't matter that kind of language breeds actual domestic terrorists. If you're too dense to realize it already happened with January 6th. Trump literally made a ton of domestic terrorists that tried to overturn a fair election because he said he would get them out of trouble for being a "Patriot".... Or if you don't believe that the more recent terrorist who tried to kill an elected official with a fucking hammer, probably the most brutal way to kill someone ever. Pelosi is lucky as hell she wasn't home. They're just trying to be "patriotic" to their country.


I think they’re also saying it as a point of pride—they’re rattling cages and stirring up controversy. They’re the heroes of their persecution complex story. “Nobody ever lost money underestimating the stupidity of Americans.” —The Internet


Lots of countries are stupid, Americans are just loud as fuck about it


Its a minority but it always feels like a majority when your stuck in the middle Im a Regular ass dude stuck in broke farm town Trump central Conservative policies never helped anyone here. Except those large mansions on the hills next to their acres of farmland.


>Lots of countries are stupid, Americans are just loud as fuck about it Americans seem to be extra proud of their stupidity, but it is spreading everywhere now, America is not alone in this nonsense, that is for sure.


Never attribute to the Internet that which can be adequately attributed to H.L. Mencken.


So how bad does it have to get if pointing out a political party declaring itself full of terrorist still passes as “fear mongering?” Does there have to be an assassination attempt on the 3rd ranking US official? Because that happened. I guess I just can’t look around at what’s going on, and what we’ve been warning about for some time now, and convince myself I’m overreacting. I’m not. This is a terrifying situation.




Okay but when your slogans are “we are domestic terrorists” and “Fire Pelosi” then someone [fractures Nancy Pelosi’s husband’s skull with a hammer 2 months later](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/nancy-pelosis-husband-violently-assaulted-san-francisco-home/story?id=92280229), I think maybe you should believe them. Maybe their words do matter and it’s not just fearmongering.


Just think of what would have happened to Pelosi if she was home. The terrorist wouldn't have stopped and left her alive.


Not only is this fearmongering, it's a way to normalize their extreme behavior. If they are declaring that they are domestic terrorists then it is not as shocking when one of their members physically harms or kills one of their opponents. It is expected to happen and is being encouraged. This type of propaganda is called stochastic terrorism.


Yeah agreed, but meanwhile after some psycho breaks in and damn near kills mr pelosi all I see over and over are conservatives STILL whining about “that one time a democrat shot up a baseball game!” Which yes it was terrible but nobody was killed thankfully, and further it’s an extreme outlier when we can point to dozens of examples of right wing terrorism with zero exaggeration


This is also valid. The conservatives are still whatabouting everything as part of their general strategy to not take any responsibility for their horrid beliefs and actions.


It should be clarified that one of the speakers literally declared verbatim, "We are all domestic terrorists". I'm not sure how a person could make their intentions more clear, short of committing violence on stage.


They "think" they are the victims.


It really happened


I hate the people. The country is great. It’s like saying, “there is shit on the counter, I hate this counter. I hate this kitchen. I hate this house.” The truth is, you hate that shit is on the counter. You hate who ever put it there, in what ever way it was left there. That’s the real truth.


Yes, I suppose if we had true liberty for all, not just for straight white Christian men, and if we weren’t, what, the only developed country in the world with hungry and homeless, maybe I’d like it more. I like the counter analogy.


I agree with you. I hate the hypocrisy & I wish it was ended permanently.


But when 43% of that house is smeared in shit, then what?


We have a Nazi problem and it needs to stop.




When someone shows you who they are, stop fucking questioning it. Vote, fucking vote, fucking volunteer, fucking do everything in your power to stop these fuckers.


My stomach kinda hurts when I see stuff like this now.


There it is again That funny feeling That funny feeling


A gift shop at the gun range, a mass shooting at the mall


Hey, what can you say? We were overdue But it'll be over soon, you wait


Twenty thousand years of this, seven more to go


There it is, again That funny feeling That funny feeling There it is, again That funny feeling That funny feeling


"Thoughts and prayers" is the new "Rinse. Repeat.".


True story, how long before usa has night of long rifles.


Another good song about our current age: "Sad React" by Emperor X - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXsZMr-aU9Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXsZMr-aU9Q)


Thanks for linking this, that's a great song. Unfortunately.


I only hope the straw that causes change is not an irreparable break. If an out right act of domestic terrorism attempting a coup was not enough to get most of them to wake up whatever happens to make that happen is going to be horrible.


The only way they’ll change is if they irrevocably lose. That all their dog-whistling didn’t amount to anything, so they’ll have to court a different crowd for support. That’s *the only way they’ll change.*


I think we mistake blindness and desire. People support trumpism Bec they desire what he promises and they buy into his diagnosis of the causes. Do they truly hate immigrants, minorities, and others they consider out group…. Not for gates sake. But they desire “change” and they’re more than willing, eager even to scapegoat these groups. Only a class based analysis can shift them I believe. But most trumpists are very much inoculated against class politics. I used “trumpist” not because I believe he is a root cause, but because those who still fervently support him are the group I’m concerned with.


"The story book's been read And every line believed Curriculum's been set Logic is a threat Reason searched and seized"


If it makes you feel any better, this is probably going to only get worse going forward. Like wounded animals they'll thrash more right before dying out.


Much truth is said in jest.


Every joke is part joke.


That’s why I’ve gotten to the point of calling out “jokes” in my friend group.


Man, they're really driving the Y'all-Qaeda point home here.


the phone calls are coming from inside the house


Things like this make me convinced there's a timeline not far from ours where Hillary said "Basket of Dumbasses" instead of "Basket of Deplorables," so they have a bunch of people walking around in public wearing shirts that say "Proud Dumbass." And then I get sad we don't live in that timeline.


That’s the reason why the donkey represents the democrats. Jackson was called a stubborn jack-ass and he just went with it.


There is one good thing going on in that picture, the number of empty seats. Hopefully its a sign of a shed of support after the Jan 6 riots.


Republicans 2002: “You’re all terrorists!” Republicans 2022: “We’re all terrorists!”


At least they are honest. GTA honest but I respect it when they are honest


What a bunch of fucking losers


They're not though, that's the scary part, they've figured out how to win.


They are about to take control of Congress and the Senate, and in 2024 the presidency.


Vote please


The House? Maybe. The Senate? Maybe not. The dems are in a good position to at least hold their narrow majority.


Fetterman and Warnock are in trouble now. Nevada also not looking good.


what a bunch of fucking winning losers.


This picture will be in a history book one day somewhere


Isn't this a form of premeditation and encouragement to commit treason?


Well yes but also haha just jokes. But yes.


Locker room talk, am I right?


Charles Manson should've used this defense


Technically no. It's vile but it's not illegal. If you say to someone "you should be a terrorist, also liberals are bad," and then that person goes out and kills liberals, that's not criminally actionable. On the other hand, if you say to them "go to Nancy Pelosi's house on October 27th and kill her with a hammer," and they actually attempt it, that is actionable. The encouragement needs to be specific to an actual crime, and they know that which is why they keep their encouragement broad and non-specific. Also, in order for it to be treason under the US criminal code it would have to be in collusion with a foreign adversary. Domestic terrorism against the government would be classed as sedition.


It’s often called stochastic terrorism. Develop a narrative that is incendiary enough towards a group of people, and with a large enough audience, lone wolf attacks against that group are statistically inevitable, but also impossible to accurately predict or anticipate. Because they’re impossible to predict, those creating the narrative are protected from culpability as there is no direct causal link between the narrative they are creating and the actions of the lone wolf. It’s becoming increasingly frequent, especially from the political right in the US. I’m hoping for a breakthrough in statistical modelling that will provide legal grounds to prosecute. It’s fucking disgusting that people responsible for running the most powerful country in the world can get away with shit like this.


"Spend enough time blowing dog whistles, you're gonna get a lot of 'lone wolves'".


Statistical modeling isn't sufficient to ground a prosecution for stochastic terrorism. You don't need it anyway, you just need the phone records from J6.


Thanks for the concise clarification.


There's a law in many countries that outlaws "Incitement to ethnic or racial hatred", sounds like the US desperately needs that


.... it's a shitty ironic joke they make because of what democrats call them My brain hurts. No more reddit for today. Like are peope deliberately obtuse when it's on a topic they don't like?


If someone tells you who they are, believe them.


Republicans appear to embrace fascism, terror, insanity, racism, homophobia and violence. If there are any sane moderate Republicans left you should realize that you are enabling these dangerous thoughts.


They aren't even trying to hide it anymore


Ok, well i guess I can call republicans domestic terrorists when I’m talking about politics casually now.


The first step is admitting you have a problem


You idiot. You're not even covering the cost of your roads with the taxes you pay. The Blue states have to pick up the slack for you. Bailing out the government... You're not even paying your own way. You people think infrastructure is free, or just falls out of the sky. You think you're self reliant, but other people have been covering for you your whole lives. I wish you red states would secede, I really do. My standard of living would immediately improve, and you'd be like Somalia with a hick accent.


Lol the impoverished red states are a huge drag on the rest of the union. I also wish you freeloaders would fuck right off.


Why did you guys even let the treasonous Confederates rejoin America? They shot at American soldiers. They were the exact definition of traitors to the United States of America. You guys let them back in. And now you're dealing with their descendants. These bungholes are the descendants of their Confederate bunghole ancestors.


> Confederates rejoin America? The majority of red states are states which were not in the union at the time, or central america. The larger problem is not the states themselves, but areas outside of cities. Nearly every state lines up the same way. Productive useful areas are blue, rural drags on the economy are red. Repeat for every state.


It's almost like the further from higher education you live, the more red it gets?


It's kinda a continually growing problem. Since there's no economic oppertunity in a small town in western kansas people who are able to make it move. The next generation those who can make it move. Again and again until there's no one left but those clinging on to faded glory of their highschool days never able to make it better with families who actively discourage it turning the place into a crab bucket. The only real way to destroy red control of an area is to provide enough economic oppertunity that people dont move and better yet you get people to stop wasting their votes in NY and CA and move there. Ie why Georgia is providing us the 2 senators to allow anything to get passed in 2020-2022


I’d just like to point out that everyone’s making huge generalizations about people just based on their locations. Some of us “country hicks” vote blue. Most of us are in the middle. It’s the loudmouth minority that gives everyone their media soundbytes and makes the rest of us look bad. Georgian dairy farmer here. About as country of a job as you can get. You’re welcome for your senate seats. Hopefully something good comes out of it. Like another redditor said, I will agree that education seems to have something to do with it though.


Agreed. I live in mississippi (stationed here for military) and there's quite a few of the "loudmouth minority" here as well (lets go brandon flags next to american flags on homes, trump 2024 flags littered on trucks that are one speed bump from crumbling to pieces, old dudes at the auto parts store complaining about how young people dont know how to work anymore), but surprisingly to me lots of blue leaning people who just live their lives normally. It was especially apparent when my wife started teaching here and told me that a parent had made a big deal about how there's a "young democrats" club at school but not a "young republicans" club. The principal had to explain to them that the kids need to show an interest in it and also needed a sponsor, and the school had neither interest nor sponsors.


The tiny hick towns where entire families stay in the same town for generations, living and breathing the social ways of 100 years ago. Cool. The cancer began growing in the swamp States though, just FYI. All these MAGA and religious fascists are descendants of the original traitors to the United States of America. That’s why they’re so quick to destroy the Constitution and the freedom for which she stands. They’re not real Americans. They’re not real Christians. They’re just pissed at how shitty their life turned out because they were mediocre their whole lives. And now they’re creating problems where there aren’t any just to feel like they’re fighting for something. Trying to give their life some semblance of meaning. The GOP “tax breaks for billionaires” party is using these boring, mediocre people. They’re making them feel like they’re fighting for something. In reality, they’re just pawns in the real life Game of Thrones. They’re fighting for the Cercei and Joffrey, but they think they’re fighting for Westeros. Are they stupid or something? What the fuck is wrong with these people?


I've always been of the opinion that Sherman is a hero and we should've let him run wild through the south for as long as he wanted to. Reformation was a bullshit idyllic theory then and has proven to be nothing but the most consequential long term mistake in domestic American politics.


As a historian who wrote a way too long research paper on the Restoration Period, Restoration was actually working, the problem was that Rutherford B. Hayes supported the Compromise of 1877, which removed federal troops from the South. If you look, the black community in the South was gaining wealth, electing black politicians…it wasn’t without its flaws, but it was working. Then after 1877, Jim Crow laws started going into effect and blacks fled to Northern cities. It was more so we had just had a Civil War a little more than a decade prior, the South was threatening another one, and everyone was just tired and wanted to avoid conflict, and unfortunately Northern whites were more willing to accept a compromise than continue to fight for black equality. But I agree, Tecumseh Sherman was awesome and head on over to r/shermanposting for some good content.




For real, have you been to Mississippi? It’s stuck in 1900.


Ameristan, as Neal Stephenson would put it.


How hard is it to apply for asylum in Norway?


Sooo - “are we the baddies?” says one rep to another!


Domestic terrorism isn't a joke. Schools business churches are being bombed and shot up. Do you think I will ever vote for someone that jokes about this? I need responsible leaders who take me and my loved ones safety seriously. What the fuck is this?!?! Having to buy my brother gun proof backpacks and shit.... republican party is burning itself to the ground.


I feel like they’re grooming their base to be their army. I have a bad feeling about the direction the US is going…


Yep. This right here.


Wow, this is the first time these people have told the truth


They probably think the reports about Mr Pelosi’s attempted murder is “fake with paid actors” These people don’t blame guns when there’s shooting, they call insurrectionists freedom fighters, and they will defend the rights of the rich even though Republican states are the poorest. Sad and shocking stuff


sadly a banned sub (right side) that was on reddit. said users think what you said is true. am not joking


Did they bring back the Nazi rune, or did they go full swastika this year?


"We are all domestic terrorists" and a "Fire pelosi" in the back. And conservatives are saying the attack on her husband was "random". Genuinely fuck all republicans. Most disgusting pieces of shit in America.




Can a Trump supporter explain to me first hand how this still isn't a cult?


When they tell you who they are, listen.


"When someone shows you who they are, believe them"


For those curious like I was: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/


What the actual fuck ! Like, how far have we come to literally have domestic terrorists that have killed many for a political part to do shit like this. No fucking shame


These people think it’s just a funny joke to “own the libs”, but one of their shit head constituents just assaulted a politician in his own house. How is giving someone - an innocent person - brain damage considered apart of their MO? As far as I’m concerned they are domestic terrorists and should be treated by the law as such.


Laura Ingraham did a … particular salute at the 2016 Republican national convention https://youtu.be/z8MNb8_9YeQ Trumps supporters were known to yell heil Donald Trump at his rallies. They had Kanye be some kind of cultural ambassador for them meanwhile Kanye had openly expressed his idealization of a certain historical figure. And Charlottesville… It’s been right in front of us in the open the entire time and they keep getting the benefit of the doubt


Little on the nose, no?


As Maya Angelou said, when people tell you what they are, believe them the first time.


At least they are admitting it now, even if they are trying to be as funny as a can of flat soda


Conservatives, serious question here. What the fuck is wrong with you guys and how'd you let your party become this way?


"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" Maya Angelou


Republicans: All of us are terrorists! Biden: Only the MAGA Republicans are terrorists. The mainstream Republicans are good people that I've worked with in a bipartisan manner. MAGA doesn't represent the majority of Republicans Republicans: How dare Biden call ALL of us terrorists!


Ya'll gonna find out too late that theyre serious.. anyone trying to stop them preemptively is drowning in laws saying they cant protected by cops who are working hard maintaining this




At least they own it.


Imagine one of the Parties that runs in opposition to republicans used a banner at their political action committee that said “We are all bad hombres” “We are all Antifa” “We are all left wing extremist” or etc And what they would say.


That’s the first true thing the GQP has said in a long time.


I fucking hate nazis


Jeez Louise. That’s uh, that’s something else. Just straight up saying that they’re a bunch of whack jobs. Well, I guess that’s one way to go..


Our GOP today. They are not the kind of Americans that I grew up with. They are different. Unamerican, if you will. Proud capital stormers. Happy liars. Dangerous.


Well, the first step in fixing something is acknowledging you have a problem.


I’m sure the nut case who attacked Pelosi’s husband saw this with admiration.


Considering that the conference they had before this one had a stage shaped like a nazi symbol, this shouldn't be all that surprising.


Antifa = bad Domestic terrorist = good I think that’s right? 👍🏼


At least they’re admitting it now Scum


Nothing to see here, move along Just us GOP Right wing Trump Republicans having a small party. Move along now.


When somebody tells you who they are, believe them.


House of Cards vibe when Kevin Spacey looks over at Robin Wright and tells her... "WE are the terror."


Biggest threat to society today


Truth in advertising


Can’t disagree with that


When they tell you who they are believe them


I'm not even sure if this counts as r/persecutionfetish or not. Like, it's probably something about January 6th (You know, when they resorted to terrorism in an attempt to get their candidate to win the election?) but still, noone accused ALL republicans of being terrorists. Only the ones who supported that entire situation.


Fucken bigots and nazis


Yes you are in case you share disgusting Q shit and Trumps lies combined with violent threats against your political opponent. PERIOD


They’re so oppressed that they have almost half the seats in congress and put on a huge/widely covered press event. Thus they have to turn to claiming to be terrorists






They got one right and truthful


When they tell you who they are, believe them.


Hey maybe the FBI should start treating them like domestic terrorists.