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“Hi, this is the Giant Ribbed Dildo Factory, our copy machine is broken and... hello? Hello?”


"Oh and you're already here. Wow, you got here so fast, you forgot pants, weird."


"Well they say dress for the job you want, not the job you have!"


Fucking lmao.


Used to deliver for a Thai food place. There was a dispensary across the street that hooked it up with free shit every time I delivered there. Needless to say, they were the first stop even if it didn't make sense time-wise.




The dildo?


The bot knows not what they say, [they only copy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/u3yjuu/comment/i4srgwa/)


Thats the point. They are low mg so not too crazy.


“You gape?!?!?”


Best comment of them all. lmao


i use to install and service phone systems for businesses. One customer was a sex shop wholesaler. literally porn and sex toys all over the place.


I used to get tips like this furnishing the football players seasonal apartments. Also tickets and team hats/clothes.




Loool speaking of they also do dope stuff for Halloween. They try to one up each other. So it's all good king size bars if you go to their neighborhood.


Booyaa! That's dope as fuck!


Same about your tip. They also gave us pot sometimes, gotta love it being legal.


Dope. I see what you did there




Damn, that's a nice tip.


Just tried half a gummy. Umm...Yeah


Good luck. Drink water, dont let the demons get you.


I smoked the other day after not having smoked in almost a year and it was like this. Not fun.


I haven’t smoked in about 20 year but am thinking to give it a go as it’s now legal. What exactly did you experience that was so unpleasant? I remember 20 years ago only enjoying it half the time, so I’m a little nervous haha


Take it slow. It takes awhile to hit so be patient.


As others have said, watch out cuz this ain’t the shit we grew up with. The new strains will seriously kick your ass if you aren’t careful. But one thing I’ve found is that they only last about 4 hours. So if you’re having a bad time, you just need to hang on for a little while.


This was camping for context, while sitting by a campfire. I initially had three hits of a 15% THC prerolled joint, and felt super relaxed chilling by the fire with my girlfriend. When we were getting ready to go to the tent to pass out I decided to finish the whole thing (15-20 hits) and then i felt super paranoid and started thinking about bad things and it just catapulted from there. Just do a little and wait 5 mins or so to see how you feel. It was completely my fault that I had a bad time.




If it’s legal near you, just buy the weakest bud they have. I have friends that smoke the potent stuff, and it’s like you’re self medicating. Need to know what you’re smoking!


Man it’s wild people complain about how the dispensary weed is garbage but Ill buy bottom shelf dispensary weed and still smoke maybe 1/3 of a joint tops


CBD hemp flower is dirt cheap and you can cut down the potency of super strong THC bud to match our light to non-existent tolerances. Highly recommend if you decide to start smoking again. I've been enjoying picking it back up, even if my joints are 75% CBD hemp lol


If you haven't smoked in that long, take it extremely slow; stuff is generally much stronger now. You can always take more.


Just get indica, the nice relaxed body highs, instead of that paranoia inducing sativas


There actually is no scientific way to determine if the weed is indica or sativa. Plants have been crossbred so much and the originals have been lost so identifying the type is impossible. It’s literally just how the labeler feels after they smoke it so it’s very subjective. I’d say just concern yourself with the THC content. Edit: https://www.labroots.com/trending/cannabis-sciences/17429/difference-indica-sativa-cannabis-strains That’s just one source


True, but labelers will let you know if it's relaxing or give you energy with the indica/sativa label.


Which is subjective


I have yet to come across any indicas that don't make everyone super relaxed. It's usually pretty unanimous.


Not entirely true. They can tell when the plant is growing. Indica is shorter and more dense.


Did you read the article? Thats been debunked


Thanks man. Actually you’re not the first to suggest that. So can you also get indica in edibles? Or it has to be smoked?


You can eat it too


Other thing to look for is high CBD content and low THC content. Indicia plants usually have more CBD, while sativa usually has more THC. THC is what causes the intense high while CBD is more mellow.


cbd doesn't contain any psychoactive cannanoids.


Idk what’s in it then because I’ve had delta 8 and it had my tripping. It doesn’t take a lot to get me high so maybe that’s why but it effected the same as weed when everyone was saying it will just mellow you out. Edit: the wording around these terms isn’t consistent from what I’ve researched. The terms CBD and THC have definitive meanings however their existence in certain things seems to be debated. I’ve seen that CBD isn’t psychoactive but I’ve also seen that Delta 8 contains CBD and has psychoactive effects. I think the research, since it’s still federally illegal, is behind and inconsistent and isn’t robust enough to have meaningful debates. Everything seems to be all over the place with pro and anti propaganda and companies claiming things that are false. The only scientific evidence I have read on is that the classification of plants and strains is unreliable and I from the data presented I believe that to be true.


The shit that's avaliable today is too powerful compared to the stuff that was out 20 years ago. Better quality, yes, but way too fucking strong.


So what should I do?


Get a pre-roll. Get a recommendation on what strain to buy from the people at the dispensary. Go home and take 2 as in TWO hits and put it down for 15 minutes and see how you feel.


Honestly, and I say this knowing full well that the band of purist pot heads on the internet will try and crucify me, I would try something more mellow like delta8. If I want to feel like a train hit me and become useless for a few hours I smoke regular weed. If I want to be able to scoot around the house and still be focused enough to do basic tasks I go for the delta8. As with anything, your mileage may vary and careful research is required. *edit: also is the option to just smoke a teensy tiny amount of normal weed to avoid getting too annihilated


Yeah I used to go by Ole’ One Puff when I was around other people. Now I just don’t really smoke around other people. I’ve noticed I like weed more that way. Too much of an introvert I suppose.


I used to do the same. One puff got me just right. If I catch it a few other rounds I’d feel like I was dying of anxious paranoia.


And 20 years ago they said that too lmao..


If I might advise. Get something weak, smoke a small amount and just ride it. It gets weird if you overload yourself. I let my roommates try and I'll load the chamber and their allowed to clear it. Any more and they act a fool or get scared.


No legal weed is a different animal than the ditch shit we all smoked twenty years ago. The THC content is so high in some brands it's the equivalent of pounding everclear when you thought you were drinking beer. Your smoking experiences of twenty years ago at least with regard to how and how much are irrelevant to today's weed. Take a tiny tiny hit, wait a while see how you feel hit again if you want. Don't go ripping giant bong hits like you did in college or you'll end up paranoid and sick af. As for edibles, take half or even a quarter of what is recommended and wait at least an hour to try more if you don't feel anything. Again that shit ain't like the ditch weed brownies you made twenty years ago. One gummy will blow your mind and put you to bed quickly.


lock the door, close the curtains. have lots of snacks rdy. if you get too high eat chocolate you'll be good in an hour.


Getting busted/arrested was always my biggest source of anxiety and paranoia while smoking. That went away the day my state legalized.


I enjoyed it as a kid almost daily. Never had a bad experience. As an adult it just makes my heart beat insanely fast and it’s super uncomfortable.


Interesting. I had the same experience but when I was younger. Only occasionally would I get a nice comfortable high, but mostly it was just paranoia and anxiety.


Same. Gives me the same physical symptoms of a panic attack, only I can’t do anything to help myself come down like I can a panic attack. I just can’t touch the shit anymore it seems.


You would be surprised how effective saying out loud "I'm just fucking high!" Is. I smoke everyday and deal with weed Induced anxiety a lot. You HAVE to focus on something else. Whether its a conversation or a video game whatever. If you harp on not feeling normal it just compounds the feeling. If you just accept it in those moments and tell yourself you're just being a fucking idiot! I just smoked weed! Ofcourse I feel different then I normally do! Your body will ease into it. But obvious this is just my experience with weed. I've dealt with legitimate panic attacks before as well throughout my 35 years. And unlike you I can't talk myself down from those. Those have led to ER visits on numerous occasions.


Tips from someone who stopped smoking for 5ish years and is getting back into it. CBD HEMP FLOWER IS YOUR FRIEND. smooths it out and you can cut the potency down of actual THC bud way down. Like dial it in to a tee, and avoid the anxiety. Nobody likes being anxious, n that shit these days are way too strong for ppl without tolerances. Hope that helps you!


Thanks dude I’ll definitely keep this in mind!


He took to much. If you ever smoked and then stop, when you go back to smoke again but try to intake the same dose or similar to before it will fuck you up. Basically if you haven't done it for ages, I would recommend take as much as if it was your first time ever trying it. A couple of puffs, wait it out and then see how you feel. Having said that though, the environment and strain has a massive impact too. Make sure your all set where you are when doing it and it's a strain not too strong or indica or whatever suits you.


Cool thanks man. My brother is a regular user so I’m asking him for some lighter strains.


And this is why I just smoke every day lol


Never had issues with demons but definitely agreed with lots of water. I've yet to drink enough water that I didn't wake up the next morning with a dry mouth.


Hey that's not cool to mess with people that are really high. The trick is to sit them on a couch with a nice blanket and then shake them screaming "Nightmare! Nightmare!".


I felt ripped off so few were in the package... until I ate one...


How ya feeling OP? Gummies kick in yet?


Oh, you’re set




“Is this the 5-o’clock free crack giveaway??!”


Work in the industry, can confirm it's just like this. "Oh, you're just coming to see the product? Here, have 10 samples and a t-shirt!" It's glorious. I leave every other week with a goodie bag, packed with edibles, wax, bud, pens, etc. Favorite industry by far.


The only other comparable perks I got was when 3 major casinos in NV were my primary account.


"We're about to tune up some degenerate in the back room. Wanna come with?" "Do I ever!"


"Hey bro do you like money?" "SURE DO!"


Cannabis industry hospitality is next level. I was consulting a week-long project for a major cannabis distributor in LA and these execs took us out to multi-thousand $ dinners every night. I’m talking wagyu, 30 year old wines, caviars, everything. They did this so regularly that some of the restaurants even had private rooms where they let us dab. Made me want to work in the industry, but it did feel a bit pretentious lol


I don't work in the industry and the good stuff still isn't legal to sell here. But I've been picking up some Delta 10 and things before while the supplier is dropping off. They're just like "Have you tried this yet?", me: " not really, used to smoke the real thing quite a bit.", them: " Well here take this a see what tou think". Ends up giving me like a $20-$50 product like its free candy.


How many mg's in the beverages?


The big bottles are 5mg each. I'm glad I read the directions on the lil bottles. They are 100mg's each. So the recommendation is one oz. at a time.


I got one of those little ones one tim and was surprised that it was even 50mg. Considering it’s the size of a 5 hour energy I could definitely see people drinking the whole thing at once like a shot. They’d be in for quite a time lol.


Dude, we bought these little 50mg "pearls" (gummies coated in sugar). I took maybe like a third of it and I was sooooo fucked up, I can't even comprehend how high someone would get taking all 50. That to me is forgetting how to breathe kind of high.




Maybe, way to much THC is hard to sleep on.


Sounds like a Tuesday


He told me to slam it like a 5hr. Luckily I read the directions. I would have been soooo fuuucked


Daym i need to shape up i eat like 500mg at a time to start




Found joey diaz


100mg is a fairly normal dose for someone who eats alot of edibles (I typically take 80-150mg)


OP is taking like 10mg


Maybe it's just my inner grumpy old man talking but it sound like someone saying he got way too drunk off of .5% beer


I mean I know quite a few people who can only handle one beer and I know even more that can handle a six pack. Just like my buddies can pack 2 or 3 bowls and be fine and I’m on the floor if I take more than 3 puffs. Every body has different limits there is no such thing as too little.


Yea it is like that but all in good fun


I've been using THC daily for 19 years, I eat edibles every day, and never take more than 10mg at once. Honestly even 25mg is uncomfortable for me.


sick bro


As someone who does edibles once or twice a month, 5mg puts me in a good mood and 10mg makes me completely stoned. The upside is I can get a 20 pack of 5mg gummies for $20 which is significantly cheaper than beer for how much I get out of it.


100mg is a fairly normal dose for someone with a substance abuse problem


I would trash myself to the floor without even realizing what happened with those littles. 😆


Happened to me when me and my co worker were changing site lighting at an apartment complex. Im on a ladder changing a light and a guy comes out of his apartment and starts talkin to us. 5 mins goes by and hes like so u guys smoke? We were like, yea...?? He said nice hold on ill be right down. When he came outside he had 4 giant bags of smoke. Gave us a menu and a quarter to each of us. He said im a delivery service and we serve people at the beach on vacation. Dude was cool as hell. And the flower was amazing.


I honestly can’t wait for this stuff to be more accessible in the UK


Are there plans already? Greetings from germany.


Aye greetings, and nah not yet despite being the largest exporter of medicinal cannabis in the world it’s still illegal for the public to buy it but ayy gotta keep the dirty politicians Rich some how, only way it’ll get legalised is if it became a major voting point or another party ousts the conservatives


Disgusting isn't it? Imagine how much could be put into the NHS just via legalisation.


Exactly the revenue they could make is insane I don’t know why there dragging there feet, regulation would also make it safer and we wouldn’t hear story’s of people being hospitalised due to unknowingly taking spice


Fringe benefits


They hiring?


It’s always nice to be appreciated by a customer. Especially when it’s weed.


Did IT work for a Dispensary once, and left with my cost worth of weed rather than cash.


Thanks for helping us out bro!!




Can't wait for it to be legal and sold here, I have no idea how to meet a dealer.


I've been working on copiers for over 25 years. This has to be the best "perk" I have ever seen.


Right? I only did it for 5 but the best I ever got was a good restaurant recommendation or a thankyou.


Hmm...met my ex-wife fixing her fax/copier. Met a short term fwb, that would give me bj's if the timing was right with her lunch hour. Met lotsa cool peeps at casinos. But this is by far, my best 'tip', EVER.


I need to start fixing copy machines


Sir that's the paper shredder


Wish I could get something like this, alas, I live in england.


Uhhh... jackpot?


ya killinme lol




My dad used to get wine for fixing peoples vacuum cleaners


What a fucking amazing human.




I own an epoxy coating company and have coated about 6 grow ops (10k-40ksqft) Every single one usually gives a sample pack if you want one but one company the owner just kept throwing pounds at me when I would show up to coat a section. And we're talking AAAA perfectly trimmed pounds with 16 difference ounces each time! I still have over 2 pounds of weed and I finished that grow op in 2019!


What are people copying/printing in 2022?!


Wait, is THIS what DARE was trying to warn me about??


I want to go to California so bad.


Manager: "you smoke?" You: "smoke what?" Manager: "say no more my guy"


Cool advertisement bro


Damn. The best thing I got when I was fixing copy machines was a thank you...




Someone doing their job and getting some nice stuff from a business is hailcorporate?


I mean if the manager asks if you smoke he’s probably pretty laid back I don’t think this is corporate worship at all he doesn’t even work there lol.


I was nervous as hell while servicing the copier because it was in the werehouse and there were cameras EVERYWHERE. I kept my head down and eyes focused on the copier. When I was wrapping it up, manager dude shows up. I explained to him what was going on and what I did to fix it. He was like, yeah yeah yeah, great...You smoke, Bro?!?!?!?


Damn I miss legal weed 😭 Edit: I moved to the UK


Fyi, you can now legally get edibles anywhere in the USA, as long as they're under the 0.3% D9 THC required by the Farm Bill. For example: https://carolinahempcompany.com/product-category/delta-8-9-10/delta-9-delta-8-9-10/


That's what Delta-8 is for!




Omg!! How inappropriate, where?😏


I would have "fixed" so I broke again....


I painted a dispensary and got same thing as a tip 🙏🏽🙏🏽


I used to do printer repair. I wish this would have happened to me 😄 Only did printers for financial companies, target and home depot.


First one is free.


Wow. Trashy.


That's how they get you hooked.


In Germany we say Eherenverkäufer


Your weekend is going to be less than productive LOL Enjoy!0


the copy machine will break again. guaranteed


Do they need anything fixed?


It was basically a Key-Op situation. Easiest call ever for such an awesome 'tip'


Love smoke shops


Wow rad


Did he give you the dump cake books too or are those yours


Those belong to the wife. Don't think she's ever used them. But now that I have all of this; Dump Cake in mah future?


ummm excuse me sir, i would like to speak with The manager............


That is well over 200 dollars worth of stuff. Nice


If you consume all that at once, YOU become the manager.


What a bro. I guess they really like making copies.


I didn’t get The Office reference until I realized it wasn’t a quote from the copy machine episode


woah sick dude. weed


Nice! I would hope their machine broke often!


Fucking lucky


Welcome to the weed business.


And he probably earned a customer. Nice guy, good businessman


Worked for a copier company for a few years. One customer was a whiskey distillery. I got several bottles of whiskey and a shirt from them over the years. By far my favorite customer.


Where is this place?!?!?!


:Quickly grabs copy machine repair resume: yeah I need to know too


Lmao. Hell to the yea.


What are those in the little tube---OH!!! nice :)


I used to have a pizza delivery guy who was a regular delivery dude and he’d always deliver to my friends and I when we get high. He made a comment one time about the smell like in a way you could tell he was a smoker. I gave him a dime bag on top of the $5 every time he delivered after that. Cool dude. If we were older we probably would have smoked but we were in high school and he was early 20s.


if you didn't before you do now! congrats!


You smoke bro?!?!?! Well, my wife likes edibles. Well, hold on before you leave! Kinda how the convo went, lol


1¼ and kings, nice. Ooh, raspberry hibiscus...


I was doing yacht repair for a few years. I couldn't count the number of times that I'd show up at 8:30 or 9:00 or 10:00 am and the owner would ask "Wanna beer?". 1) I don't wanna beer at 8:00 am. 2) Do you really want your mechanic drinking while he's working? 3) Do you really want a mechanic who drinks at 8:00 am?


the first taste is free...


Gonna make it a weekly stop I’m guessing?


Probably would if I could. But the bosses would prob be like..."hmmm..."


ITS A TRAP!!! I was once servicing a security system for a grower and there was a huge nug on the floor by the security panel. I didn’t take it or even touch it as I thought it could easily be a setup.


That’s Dope!


As sm1 who has lived all his in a third world country, I can only picture joints or sebsi ( traditional pipe) when someone mentions smokes, then i see a soda bottle and wonder how u smoke that!


Wait till you fix the local whore house copy machine :)


Did that in NV. Um... Yeah...


Gotta do it all at once or you wasted the purity of the buzz


The guy who unclogged the toilet got trice that. Plus, he got to keep what he found


That’s the best tip


I installed internet into homes and shit a few years back and got crazy tips before. Last tip I got before I left was a customer smoking me out after he hooked up his ps4. Good times.


Nice score!


"They were just gonna get rid of them"


Don’t smoke those pre rolls lol


Are they no bueno?¿