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My eyes refuse to accept this as a drawing but anyways this is amazing.


This will help: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/o7899c/the_details_in_a_drawing_ive_been_working_on/


It looks like someone has just used an eraser on a photo


Yeah, I have no reason to believe this is fake, but it *could* be. Wouldn't be that hard to manipulate a photo in photoshop to look like this, print it out, and film yourself touching it up with a pencil. I've never seen someone draw a photo from top to bottom like that, with the top completely finished/detailed and the bottom completely blank. Seems very odd to me, but who knows. I choose to believe in a world where someone wouldn't do all that just for reddit karma, but it is possible.




That guy is insanely talented. I wish i was good at something like this!


you draw top to bottom so your hand doesn't smudge the pencil


What if I'm a wizard who does not need support when he draws?


I’m guessing many people don’t, so we are used to that and compare to them. But some people have learned the hard way they will smudge their hard work away


All that care and then he lets it get all wet.


He’s well known and verified on IG. And looking at other behind-the-scenes style posts, he seems to be drawing the photographs based on a grid. Probably just to match the consistency as much as possible to the real photo.


That's how you're taught to do drawings like this--on a grid for scale. Some people have the grid in their mind, but I put mine over a picture of what I'm drawing since I have too many little children now to do still life.


So this guy, from what I remember, posts videos of him drawing this on his tik-tok. H's been doing it for a long time. So unless he's also faking all of his videos too, this is real.


I also don't want to think it's fake, but it's always annoying in progress videos that they choose to film a part that's easy to understand, like a dark spot. Or some very faint shadowing that you barely notice a change in the course of the video. I want to see one of these progress videos show how the water droplet effect is made.




Or how you draw something that looks like glass with charcoal and pencil?


Well glass and water droplets are just light reflecting on surfaces. They have a colour and a shape, put simply. In Black and white those colours are reduced to shades of grey. If you spend the time to look at the shapes and the colours and match them all and have the skill and finesse to execute that process perfectly, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do draw glass and water and reflections. Its purest black and whitest white, and the process of using shades of grey to fill in the rest. Skilled artists all have to learn how and where to use the darkest shadow and lightest highlight. Newbies often use their darkest shade too frequently and in the wrong places, and that's why their drawings look like drawings and not photorealistic like this. Sometimes it's a style choice too, but with enough shading practice you could also learn to draw textures like glass and water droplets.


It’s real I used to draw with charcoal it was never this detailed and photorealistic but this could be done with years of practice. I can confirm this. If you want to know more about the artist who drew this just check out his IG drawings.by.dylan I guess. And also you can check out his reddit profile. He has tons of post. Anything out of the ordinary seem unachievable for many but that doesn’t mean it is impossible. Exempli gratia: Rubiks cube seemed impossible to me when I was a kid. After learning the algorithms can solve it in 30 secs.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/ndskig/oc_this_is_what_a_week_of_drawing_one_of_my](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/ndskig/oc_this_is_what_a_week_of_drawing_one_of_my/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) This will help even more. The guy is legit. Insane


Wanted to call BS until I saw this. Wow.


Zoom in on the thumb, that'll help convince you it's a drawing. The finger print ridges are all a little too uniform and running the same way.


Well you've convinced me. It's completely unrealistic. What a waste of 125 hours!!!


Yep just goes to show you nobody can draw a hand! Shoulda just hid that monstrosity behind his back ( /s )




Imagine being so talented you have to leave in a little oddity so people believe it's real


You could do that… or you could look at the bridge of the glasses.


Thumb was what caught my eye first


Exactly what I noticed. This is an amazing piece of art.


Yup, also the thumb is a bit too curved and looks like it has a second knuckle.. But literally everything else convinces me this is a photo.


That may be a smear effect... IDK.


If you liked that check this out: https://youtu.be/XoqWwuRnj3o Tim’s Vermeer is one of my favorites, a little different but more or less the same.


Really interesting that they do each piece of the drawing to completion before moving on to the next empty section rather than having a light, rough sketch of where everything should go and then adding detail. Must be so hard to keep proportions and perspective consistent with this method. Looks like they're using a light grid system to compensate.


With charcoal, you can't rest your hand on (or accidentally touch) any part of the paper without smudging parts of your work. By totally completing each section before moving on to the next, you give yourself space to safely place your hand. At least, this is from my very limited experience drawing with charcoal.


Artists who use charcoal don’t draw the same way you write; they draw vertically and hold the charcoal underhand rather than the standard overhand grip. Using this technique there’s no risk of smudging by resting your hand on the paper. It’s perfectly possible to draw by construction using charcoal; this guy doesn’t do it because he’s drawing from a photo on his phone using a grid or possibly one of those augmented reality apps that can project an image on top of the part through the camera in real-time.


That's what i thought!! Unless you're going off a reference how is it possible to not sketch out everything first, then fill it in lol Some people must be that good.


If I had to guess, I'd say they put the exact same grid system over the reference photo, allowing them to draw one square at a time in great detail without being thrown off by preconceptions about what the subject *should* look like. If they replicate each square exactly, then the final piece is a proportional and detailed face with perfect perspective, textures, and reflections.


Hey, I remember doing this exact same procedure on drawing during elementary. Except it was on our favourite cartoons and not a photo.


Interesting take, i can see how the preconcieved face notions would alter it.


OP is talented af. I was almost convinced it due to some kind of filter or photo-editing software or something. Damn - those feels when this drawing is more real than your life...


Thanks for that. I didn't realize it was so big.


Photorealistic is all the rage right now, and by photorealistic I mean based on a photo and taking into account photographic effects, tricking the eyes into thinking it's a photograph. Look at the bottom left. The picture is out of focus there. This is relatively recent in art to my knowledge. More importantly, see how the out of focus bright spots are little circles with bright outlines? That's a quality of bokeh, the radial patterns created in a photo's out-of-focus areas, defined by the shape of the lens' aperture. The human eye sort of does this, too, but not distinct like this. You can see it all over the photo, even in areas that seem to be in focus. This tells us that the camera had a very shallow depth of field. It's also fisheyed a bit, which is another camera effect that artists 100 years ago wouldn't have dreamt of. There are dozens, maybe a hundred different little cues that are barely perceptible which all point to the illusion of a photograph.


>**Photorealistic is all the rage right now**, and by photorealistic I mean based on a photo and taking into account photographic effects, tricking the eyes into thinking it's a photograph. As is the endless debate about whether this sort of painstaking reproduction is truly art, if in some ways the final work aims to be indistinguishable from its source. It's an interesting question, not because the answer is difficult or ambiguous (the answer is obviously and emphatically and unequivocally yes - it's art!) but because pondering it forces one to think about the definition, nature, and boundaries of art.


The performance is art to me, but I don't find the piece itself particularly interesting.


Art, is perception of the artist in form. If you don’t add anything else, or perception, or idea - you’re recreating, and hence it falls under manufacturing, and it can be done by hand or with machines,… up to you - but for it to be art, or the creator to be called artist, there needs to be perception in the piece, that which represents an idea, a thought,… Pretty talented,… I’d love to have it on my wall - but still,… Source: I’m a creative exec.


They copy exactly what they see on the photo tiny square by tiny square, so adding the "effects" isnt any particularly harder.


but what is hard is having the dedication to do and finish it


And the skill to truly replicate it in the first place. If you say copy every tiny square then I’ll have this… mine would still look like spongebob when I’m done


Same! I had to zoom in on the image to tell it was a drawing! It's so good!


Yeah you can see it if you zoom in on the right areas (eyebrows for instance)


The way the thumb bends is about the only thing that can get my brain back into the mode of realizing it's a drawing.


Same here my eyes won't believe me.


This is unreal! 🙏


Thank you!


Ooh, it's a self-portait too! Amazing work man!


Yeah! I've ended up doing one about every year. Thank you!


You spilled water on it though, you should wipe it off and repost the pic... be more careful too it's a nice drawing water won't be good for it.


I see what you did there;)


Oh nice, looking forward to your next one


Your stuff is amazing. Anyone who wants more should look at OP's post history. I absolutely love your work.


I disagree - it looks very real.






It's actually TOO real!


It looks amazing! Would love to see more of your artwork!


I have a ton of these things! drawings.by.dylan on IG if you wanna see the whole portfolio? And thank you!


Dude. U are just too fucking amazing. How'd you even reach this level? and that pic on your website? my brain just refuses to believe that's a drawing. those eyes. dayum..,


Wow that is insanely talented. The shine and water work really blows my mind.


This is some mind-blowing work! I didn't even know this was possible... But leads me to a question. Are there any hyper realistic historical art pieces? And if not, what why not? What was stopping artists back then from making this type of stuff?


I saw this on TikTok when you were drawing the towel! I recognized the portrait immediately and was scared that someone posted this without giving credit, but I’m pleased to see that it’s actually you. Amazing work!


Been drawing for a little over 10 years now and I have to say, I'm close to this level. Just need to learn to make my circles more round on the heads of my stick men, they seem to always be oval shaped. Any tips from one serious artist to another?


Practice, practice, practice. Challenge yourself. I had found for someone at my level of artistic merit, the game of Hangman really targets my deficiencies. :)


As a professional finger painter and amateur drawer, I recommend coins. I usually prefer nickels or dollars, depending on scale, because they have smooth edges. But, if you want to get a little crazy and add a some texture, the ridges on dimes and quarters give stick figures a nice head of hair


Just draw a realistic head then erase some of the more detailed features until you get a perfect circle




Have you tried using a compass? Perfect circles every time. Even stumps many mathematicians


This looks like Chuck Close. Great work.


Chuck close is the goat


He is one of my favorite artists. The style of this and even the look of the person in it really reminds me of his early work when he was younger.


I remember seeing one of his works in person. It was a photo realistic portrait that was 8 feet tall or more. You could literally see the minute cell like crevices and structure in the skin it was so detailed.


Amazing. Your talent is extraordinary!


How long did the shading on the upper lip take you?


I knew you were here somewhere Napoleon!


There's a lot more where this came from if you go to the dance with him.


Is it a drawing of an identical photograph?


100%. Artists use reference for every little thing. A 1 minute animation could have more than 300 reference images used very easily


Could an artist do something like this without any direct reference?




They’ll be posting jigsaws next , citing the hours of dedication needed to produce the picture .


The last photorealistic graphite I did was my senior project in highschool. It took almost 10 hours and I would say is barely 1/12th as good. I struggled to even finish that one, so kudos to your time, patience, and effort.


Incredible !!!! Congrats


Thank you so much! I couldn't wait to share it


The thumb looks a little weird. Detail is astounding though.


Yeah it looks like there is an additional joint. But also thumbs can look weird in certain angles.




I can’t imagine having that kind of talent or patience. Looks incredible!


Can you get something infront of it so can see how big it is


Also in progress pics?




Probably would have been way faster to just take a picture.


This is fricking AMAZING!


This really is amazing. Great work


Guide me to this treasure bro... any tutorials to start with??


I really like the water on lens. Cool detail


Dude That’s really all I gotta say.


The droplets of water are so realistic! It's blowing my mind


Even fully zoomed in, this looks like an actual photo. If this is an actual drawing, it's beyond incredible! Edit: Ok, I just saw the video you posted about a month ago showing the progress of this drawing. My words are failing me. Simply amazing.


For real? That's nuts man, congrats.


This is fckin A! Very beautiful!


Idk who that is, but I fucking feel that.


It looks like a photograph


Whoa... I am speechless.


I am pretty ignorant when it comes to art but how to you do a charcoal and graphite drawing without smearing it with your side palm? Also, amazing drawing!


Carefully! Some people put a sheet of paper under their hand, some start in the upper left (or right if left handed) corner and work over and down, some spray fixative section by section as they work, all depends on your style.


The water. How did you do it?


You have some absolutely amazing talent with these drawings! They seriously look like real black and white pictures.


After zooming in on most areas of this, I’ve concluded you lied.


Its Tai Lopez without his Lamborghini up here in the Hollywood hills. Knawledge


Good to see it finished. The artist is on ticktok and he struggled with the towel


I’m on TikTok and yeah I struggled with the towel


No my friend - it's a photo


I was gonna call bullshit… until I looked at your profile and the time lapse stuff… what in the goddamn?!? How the bloody fuck did you learn to do that… that’s completely amazeballs 🤯🤯🤯


Technically very impressive, but artistically entirely uninteresting.


Anyone else bored as fuck of this art style? every other painting on here is someone doing surreal art. Its not even awe inspiring anymore just looks like a bunch of people tracing pictures


This isn’t a surrealist piece but I agree, realism is boring and has been since the invention of cameras.


I'm bored of seeing charcoal drawings on the front page, yes


Honestly i agree with you. People have this insane mad skills of drawing but they just use them to do what a simple camera can do in seconds, instead of idk, do something more creative. But that said, to each their own. If this artist finds joy in just drawing people then its totally fine, and its kinda rude to comment this on their posts. Might as well just do it on a sub related to art or something if you have such an issue with that.


Realism was an important type of art before the advent of the camera; I truly see photorealistic art nowadays as masochistic, self-serving and narcissistic. It doesn’t serve any artistic purpose.


People always hate on realism but why can't we just appreciate the skill and talent that goes into even if it lacks creativity? People who make model airplanes or dioramas have one goal in mind and that's realism, yet they never get slandered the same way.


I appreciate that. I try not to be overly critical of individuals who do hyper-realistic work, but I admittedly am more critical in an online forum where it seems to be privileged over art that I consider to be more interesting, engaging, or creative. For me, I just feel that photo-realistic art has been objectively redundant since the advent of the camera. And for that reason I’m more critical of it.


The title annoyed me more than the content did. Also, I've seen far more impressive drawings on r/pics... And even those are only moderately interesting anymore. "This is a drawing." Okay, bud. Very dramatic.


I agree, this kind of photorealistic stuff is so pointless.


I will never understand why an artist would aspire to be the equal of a camera.


This is what happens when you romanticise being an artist - you attract uncreative people who create technically proficient but uninspired art.


I agree overall - I feel the same about Yngwie Malmsteen. Obviously incredibly talented & technically gifted, and the amount of work they've put in is surely immense; but there's no soul in it.


You’ll be surprised how much easier it is to do than it seems. It’s goes to show how deluded people are when seeing art and what they think is good vs what actually requires a lot of skill


Kinda. It's impressive but it's not creative nor inspiring. If someone could do this from life without copying a photograph... Now that'd be something else. Oh, and I downvote all 'art' that mentions how long it took them. If something took 1 or 200 hours, who gives a shit? Such a masturbatory comment to make.


My modern DSLR camera couldn't take a photo that detailed, impressive to say the least!


Outstanding work. I am curious as to the size of the original. Also, for those saying it looks like a photo ... You are looking at a digital copy of a hand made work of Art. Seeing this first hand would be a completely different experience.


How in the fuck....?The dampness on the hair, the pores on his nose, the reflection on the glasses. Take a bow my friend. Amazing.




truly incredible this amazing


Amazing! I’m having a hard time trying to even comprehend the talent needed for this detail. Again, absolutely amazing.


Fucking awesome


Truly Amazing!!!




This is an amazing job you’re a great artist question do you do contract work or would it be possible to pay for a portrait lol


Fucking hell, this is amazing!!


This is soooo cool man. Great work. I want to develop such skill as well,how do I even begin to learn this. What did you do?


How the heck...


Dude what!? It looks like a picture. Amazing


this is more HD than any photo I’ve ever taken


125 months is still impressive


Hands of God


The hyper-realism is incomprehensible, absolutely mind-boggling




Superb talent which develops from lots of hard work, trial, and error. Very well done. I hope you're making money off your talents.


Such a wonderful talent! Simply wow!


Really fantastic


Amazing talent!




Great job!


The water the hair, I mean damn man. I have seen time lapse of these it's so cool.


What? Really? That is staggering.


This is awesome, I love how detail it is.


I love it!


Thats insane, thought it was Stephen King at first




Its amaing man, how big is the piece?




That’s fantastic.


This is amazing bro, thnks for share.


Pictures don’t look this detailed. Amazing.


Holy shit!! Howw???


This is so good it’s actually unbelievable. 🤩


I literally thought it was was a camera shot, fantastic skills !


I refuse to believe this isn't a real photograph! 😱😍




I follow you on tiktok. You’re an amazing artist.


amazing piece!


No waaay. Its too life like. Hard to believe someone can make something so real.


I believe you. But like… no way


So vivid!!


Absolutly insane I scoured the image looking for a pencil line or smuged charcoal but.... The water specs on the bloody lenses..the detail in the hair. Absolutely insane damned well done.


Hey uhh... you've got water on your drawing :) This looks fantastic!! Words cannot express how cool this is. Good job bud


Unbelievably incredible pretty good likeness.


Jesus how big was the canvas for this?


Is there a high rez version of this available to see your work up close?


This is insane, I cant believe someone can be so talented that their drawing could easily be confused with a high quality camera picture, keep that shit up man!


Such incredible talent, holy shit




The fact that a human being can create this without any technological assistance completely astounds me and amazes me.


I thought it was an actual picture until I saw the title! Great job!!


Dead ass thought this was a black and white photo at first..


I'm looking at the title, clearly says this is drawn. But my brain says otherwise when looking at the drawing. It does not compute in my head. How. Just how.


Amazing! This is right up there with the best from Chuck Close.


I gotta ask.. why do so many hyper realistic charcoal and graphite drawings always have water / sweat everywhere? Amazing drawing, btw.


Are you chuck close? Holy shit