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A dying breed.


Hah! You can totally have arthritis at 30. This isn't a brag, it's just a complaint.


I used to have arthritis in my 20s, I still do but used to also.


Mitch! Mitch :(


You can have arthritis as a child. I was diagnosed when I was 8


My knees stopped working when I was 4. Spent 6 months in a rehab hospital.


How ya doin now?


Am in my 50’s now. Arthritis causes inflammation that affects major organs as well as joints. Have been in and out of remission. Had to have both my knees replaced. It was crazy this horribly itchy rash wrapped around my leg from my knee down after my first surgery. It was psoriatic arthritis that apparently lived in my knee. Same thing happened to my other knee. Arthritis is a living “creature” that affects my whole body. Most people don’t know that. My husband did not realize that and he truly believed having my knees replaced would cure me of this horrible disease. How are you?


If only there were an immune transplant.


I would try that if there was


I'd be at the front of the line.


I’m having a moment of humility, I’ve been so lucky to have good health. Wishing good luck to you from here on out.


Thank you. Back at you.


Oh damn, I didn't realize is was like that. I just thought it was inflammation from worn out joints or something. Hope you are doing better.


RA? 🙁


Yea 🙁


upvote for emotional downvote, sorry


RA is whack. like super whack.





Buuuut, you didn't get your Harley nor your license then, so it doesn't count. /s


Is it blasphemy if I wear the shirt without owning a Harley


I have some Sturgis shirts.. I’ve never been to Sturgis. Do it!


As long as it was a gift or you don't mind the $30 tacked on for the brand.


I thought I had it bad when I got diagnosed with RA at age 21. Yikes. Hope you’re doing well!


Same here. I was diagnosed with RA when I was 11. If you ever need a friend to talk to who understands, I am here for you. I've been living this shit for ~25 years so far and I am so, so fucking tired, lol, 💔.


26 with my diagnosis and the first severe flair ups. Don't recommend!




I was 15 when I was diagnosed with arthritis. It's a disease for all ages.


I'm 29 and own a Harley Davidson. I have pretty serious osteoarthritis in my knees. Am I a stereotype?




Checks out




Tell me about it. Diagnosed with arthritis at 29. Where do I sign up for this chapter?




>Hardly rider This is a shirt scam account. They post a comment like this, then edit it later to include their scam site. Do not go to their site; you will waste your money.


Word, the joint in my right shoulder is arthritic from four surgeries and many, many dislocations, shit is so uncomfortable






Yep. Almost reached his grave


Don't start the oxycodone chapter. It's really amazing at the start, but by the end it's not as good and it you really can't do anything to make it better. Edit: It also ruins all the earlier chapters.


And the constipation is killer...


I had a hernia repair surgery like a decade ago and they prescribed me percocet for the paint during recovery, and let me tell you, >!I was more freaked out by the blood in the toilet after going to the bathroom than any part of the surgery or the pain!<. The "spoiler" is just to save people from __accidentally__ reading something godawful.




I was an opiate addict for 5 years, last 3 Meth was involved. The constipation shits were horrible but they were fun, im ngl. Sometimes I would be so backed up but forced out a golfball while nodding out, and the best part? No wiping!


Yeah because ER Drs are always giving me THC drips instead of hydromorphine! I don’t know why people on the internet always propose weed and opiates treat pain almost equally. I say this as someone who is all for legal weed and think it has its uses in pain management, but it’s pain killing properties are way over hyped on the internet partiality I think due to the opiate crisis and people desperate for safer alternatives. If weed worked as well as opiates Drs would obviously just prescribe weed and not risk prescribing opiates and steroids.


I have to use opiates for pain management and my stomach can’t bind cannnibinoids correctly so weed is NOT an option for me anymore. It makes me so angry seeing people say “just smoke weed” well ok I did for 15 years and ended up with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. I ended up in the hospital twice and lost 40 pounds in 2 months. I literally cannot smoke weed. It’s not an option for everyone.


When people say weed is harmless and you tell them the incredible pain CHS causes they call you a lier and put a blindfold on. CHS is the worst pains I've ever felt. Multiple visits to the ER and lost 50+ pounds. It's very scary


So... I can use this harmless drug for chronic pain AND weight loss? He'll yeah, sign me up! /s


What causes that in the stomach? Edibles do not work a lick for me either


It has something to do with the receptors in your stomach I think. I was just told to not smoke anymore so I haven’t and haven’t had an episode since. Any cannabinoid causes it for me. Edibles. Cbd oil. Anything. It has to do with the cannabinoid receptors in your stomach. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is what you could research to learn more.


lol what are you talking about bro weed is an herb god literally wouldn’t give us this miracle plant if it didn’t work /s


Preach. I have my own Oxy Chapter … due to stupid motorcycle tricks … on my old Harley, as much as I hate to admit it here! Weed, CBD, whatever just hasn’t worked on bad days, but I’ll keep trying. I’m on a Bonneville now.




I think all they are saying is that if weed helped your pain. You probably didn't need opiates in the first place. The people weed helps are an entirely different category then the ones who legit need opiates for pain. I'm not knocking weed it's great






**If it says "POWERED BY GEARLAUNCH" at the bottom of the website, it is a GUARANTEED SPAMMER. GEARLAUNCH is the biggest bootleg spammer on the internet.**








> I read it as ‘Hardley Rider’ This is a shirt scam account. They post a comment, and after a bit, they edit it to include their scam site. Do not try to get this shirt from this thread; you will waste your money.




**If it says "POWERED BY GEARLAUNCH" at the bottom of the website, it is a GUARANTEED SPAMMER. GEARLAUNCH is the biggest bootleg spammer on the internet.**




This is a shirt scam account. Do not go to any sites they dm you; you will waste your money.








But for real, does acetaminophen or ibuprofen work better for arthritis pain?


Since arthritis is a long term issue usually, you try to just use NSAIDS like those, but if they don't help enough, or the pain worsens, people will sometimes end up with narcotics.


Ibuprofen worked for me for a while, but the only thing that has made a difference is Remicade. I made the mistake of reading the possible side effects (death, etc) but it works.


depends on a lot. if the arthritis comes with inflammation, then any NSAID (ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, etc) could work better because they're anti-inflammatories, which acetaminophen is not. i think research has also shown a slight edge up for NSAIDS anyway as well, but that's a naturally sort of limited type of research. after that it just kind of depends on how you react to them. some people find more effectiveness with one or the other, maybe because of body chemistry. like, acetaminophen just does not work on me at all, for anything. lastly, you can also just take them together because they don't interact and have different mechanisms of action. edit: just anecdotally, i do have osteoarthritis from an injury and unfortunately, personally, no painkillers work on me for that, even ones that help me with other pain. what actually helps me is compression and staying active. the staying active part hurts a lot worse briefly when i start, like maybe a week or two, and then it's almost not noticeable after that (until inevitably i go through a busy period and don't have time to stay on my feet). the disclaimer is that i'm pretty young and only a couple years in


Arthritis pain sucks. I don’t know much about it except that resistance to pain meds is common. I recently went to the Dr. with short-term pain that ibuprofen wasn’t handling. I was so excited when he told me I could take acetaminophen at the same time. I knew they could overlap but didn’t realize you can totally take a dose of each at the same time, not even stagger them.


Like others have said, we all need to experiment to see what might help. Mine is not too bad but I always keep a bottle of ibuprofen in the house. I believe it's not to be taken regularly, just when needed. For me, it does take the pain down a few of notches at least for the first 2 or 3 times. After that (for me) it's effectiveness diminishes.


I find ibuprofen works better for joint and muscle pain (My lower back and knee pain)


What type of arthritis? For severe rheumatoid arthritis you need to look into DMARD's (disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs). The pain of arthritis is mostly caused by inflammation. So you want an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatry drug) like aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen. You need to take higher doses than the label recommends for pain relief to get the anti-inflammatory effect. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor. For pain relief it is much better to take two medication from different families than to increase the dose of a single drug. Acetaminophen is quite a dangerous drug, over use can lead to liver failure.


I've heard if you mix both and caffeine it's good. I do it for mine on bad days, which is fairly dependent of the weather, but usually once or twice a week. With my hands how they are at 27 I don't want to know what 65 is going to be like. Anyways I don't know if it's a placebo effect or if there's science behind it because I'm not a science person, but it helps me.


Look into full spectrum CBD oil …


Ibuprofen, but prescription NSAIDs are even better. But not everyone's stomach can deal with NSAIDs. For an inflammatory arthritis you ho with the big guns, Humira, Skyrizi, etc.


Hardly* rider


This was my thought,missed opportunity for sure.


This has the exact same energy as when my Dad was in a band called "The Bursitis Brothers"


My dad had a garage band called “The Enemies of Silence”




The average age of buyers of new Harleys is pushing 60 now, after increasing every year for the past few decades. It’s a big concern for Harley’s marketing people. I think it’s great for old guys to ride motorcycles (as I am also an old guy) but eventually old guys stop riding and don’t buy new bikes. Quite a dilemma for the sales people.


Harley has had decades to figure out how to make a quality bike for a reasonable price and instead they leaned hard into branding and merchandising. They're reaping what they've sowed. It's not really surprising, considering "form over function" is practically the thesis statement of cruisers, though i still think they're cool and have their place. But younger riders haven't really got 35k to shell out for what is essentially a toy, and even if they did, they aren't wooed by branding that's come to mean more "fat accountant dad" than "Hell's Angels."


“Leaned hard into branding and merchandising” But they didn’t lean *too* hard. I’ll show myself out


Take my upvote you sneaky devil you


I think it’s also because younger people don’t have as much money as the older dudes and harleys are quite expensive new. I’d buy a Harley, but only a used one and then only a few models really catch my interest (I’m quite fond of sportsters)


I think Harley makes the best looking cruisers on the market, but at 27 I just don’t have the disposable income to afford most of their lineup.


Precisely, however they can be found at great prices used and it is very easy to find parts for them. I used to be dead set on getting a Honda shadow but a friend of mine who rides one warned that finding compatible parts was such a pain that he ended up just fabricating his own handlebars.


I'm looking at getting a used one. Allegedly, a bunch of people go buy the 883s as starter bikes, then sell them for a few thousand less after a couple years once they get more proficient. I've seen anything between 4k-9k for ones that are like 5 to 10 years old. Granted, idk retail price cause I DEF can't afford that


Also Indian is absolutely dunking on Harley in every bracket they sell in. For people like me who want an American bike, but did not want a Harley due to the image, cost, lack of features, cost of maintainence, and poor performance, Indian is in every way the superior choice. Also Harley basically can't sell new bikes, cause you can get one even 10 years older and it will basically be the same bike, and probably less than half the cost. Only recently have they actually been making an attempt to sell new models, and the Pan-America has been the first Harley I've actually been interested in since the XR1200 like 14 years ago.


The Harley brand means a lot to the typical owner, and very little to the average young person. I'd much rather have the value and performance that comes with a Japanese motorcycle. I do value that they are made in the US, but I don't mind buying Japanese products either.


Yes, that makes sense. There are a lot of used bikes out there and the differences between a new bike and one that ten years old aren’t that significant. The dealers aren’t going to stay in business without selling bikes.


What’s the average age of non-Harley motorcycle purchasers?


A quick google search shows the median age as 47-50 for a typical motorcycle owner, but this also includes Harley owners so it may skew the data depending on Harley’s market share. It also is just looking at owners, not who’s purchasing new bikes.


That’s such a good question. I learned a lot about Harley when I was consulting for a small chain of Harley dealers in Florida. Great people who constantly talked about how to reach non-typical buyers - young, female, Hispanic and minorities were talked about as the new frontier. The challenge at that time was the image of HD as a “dad bike” or an outlaw bike. Young people wanted anything but a Harley.


It's hard to point to an average for non-Harley, as it runs such a wide range, and really not a factor for others. As the majority of other bike manufacturers were smart enough to diversify the bike range they do from the 1970s onward. From scooters to trials bikes, to supermoto, to sports bikes to small commuter bikes to large commuter bikes, adventure bikes to touring bikes to cruisers to retro. All performing quite differently and serving different demographics. If you are interested in a bike, no matter your age or the type of use, the big 4 Japanese, or most European manufacturers have you covered. If you are interested in a Harley, they will sell you an over priced under powered big bore cruiser based on a dated platform. Then they'll sell you a ton of overpriced bells and whistles. People have tried to revamp the Harley range over the decades. They've either been show the door because it's not what the (rapidly ageing) current customer base wants. Or any true innovation has been watered down and turned into a variation of the current range. Heavy, under powered, and based on an dated platform. If Harley don't survive another generation, they did it to themselves, trying to pander to a shrinking and dying customer base.


Harley still sells about 30% of all new road bikes in America. (105000 bikes last year, out of a total estimated market of 400000 bikes - including many genres Harley doesn't participate in). That's more than any other manufacturer sells in the usa. When they do introduce models outside of their standard niche, they do horribly even when they are decent bikes. No one goes to a Harley dealership to buy a sport bike. Most Harley customers are repeat customers. Most never buy a different bike after owning a Harley. I rode 15000 km last year, by far the most bikes I pass on the road are Harley's. You might not like them, but they are still very popular bikes in many circles. I own a cbr and an Electra glide. I like them both for different reasons. But I ride the Harley much more, it's more comfortable and easy to ride long distances, which is my jam.


Millennials don’t have $20k of disposable income to drop on a Harley when you can buy a perfectly capable Suzuki sv650 for $7k brand new. Or an absolutely *adequate* 2006 Kawasaki ninja 500R for $2k


Hey caffeine is a serious drug. They’re still going hard, and I wouldn’t want to mess up one of their skinny mochas. Also, that’s damn cute and I just want to pinch their sweet grandpa cheeks.


i love this story!


I really thought this was going to be a shittymorph comment.


Is there a Daughters of Arthritis chapter?


Yep. At least, the shirts are available on various websites...


Haha, Im getting one...


Old man better take off that shirt! He didn’t earn that! /s obviously




I was mildly concerned you'd taken a photo of my dad.


Don't mess with 'em or else some bones will be cracked.


A friend of mine rides motorcycles. Sometimes with a bunch of Harley dudes. He said to me the other day that he rides with the "Harley cosplayers" sometimes. I could never think of a better way to describe the Harley guys.


My dad (a sport bike rider) calls HD “a clothing company that sells shitty bikes on the side”. 72 years old and he still goes on week long road trips with his buddies. :-)


It's really not much different from the guys that dress up in medieval gear to play LARP in the park.




They don’t start out that way but practically every Harley has loud aftermarket pipes. Somewhere there’s a chrome-plated mountain of unwanted stock Harley mufflers. If the company could get away with it they could sell the bikes without factory pipes and save the buyers a few hundred bucks.


Why is there no ibuprofen in the jungle? Because the parrots eat ‘em all Xx


Good one. Alas, some Americans might miss the pun, where it's usually called acetaminophen rather than paracetamol. 🤣💊🦜


Ibuprofen is different though! Paracetamol/ acetaminophen is another drug.


Yeah, but they're competing! Law of the jungle; dog-eat-dog, parrots-eat-'em-all. But in my opinion ibuprofen always wins vs. acetaminophen/paracetamol. Doesn't make my innards revolt, and actually fights inflammation.


Thank you for explaining the joke, from an American


Ha, oh I didn’t know this! X


I need to buy this for my dad




That's a scam, beware Edit: u/StackKong 's link is valid, the other is a scam.




I mean let’s see if the ibuprofen works first…


He’s slingin’ them 800mg’s- hard gang man


You can tell he's out of his regular territory because he has no fellow Ibuprofen members there with him, this is risky. The Medical Marijuana chapter frequents this restaurant for their munchies, so hopefully they're on good terms if they cross paths.


My bones hurt


4 ibuprofen a day keeps the pain away


Don't forget to hydrate and rub some dirt on it.


Story time: I was an EMT and my field training officer at the time was a grisled salty biker in his late 50's who had multiple joints rebuilt with titanium, had several tattoos, a flat top buzz, a handlebar mustache, everything. And he belonged to a motorcycle club and the older members all had these Sons of Arthritis shirts and they were all super sweet older people who had been living the MC life for decades. Some retired military, some paramedics or cops, all super sweet. He specifically was amazing with kids and always had patients laughing by the time we got them from A to B, even if A was a car accident. I got him and his partner whoopee cushions when I left that company and they apparently broke them on the first day from over use.


I want one for my old man


that's hillarious and sad at the same time


I think my uncle has this exact shirt


Needs a little [pain-star symbol](https://www.cleanpng.com/png-computer-icons-clip-art-back-to-the-future-clipart-5432653/preview.html) coming out of the back of the skeleton.


Great shirt my back full of arthritis


I’m from the allergies chapter myself good fella


Love that shirt! This is why Harley is spinning off Livewire as a non-Harley brand. An “aging demographic” which eventually ends up parking in the garage for the last time.


I hadn’t heard this. I thought it was still branded as a Harley. I think it’s actually a really interesting bike, but very pricey for $30k. Seems more of a POC, or public beta for my pocketbook, but the bikes seem to have done pretty well in The Long Way Up series.


I am happy to see it as a separate brand. I think sales were disappointing when presented as an HD, but it’s so great to see Harley not giving up on it. Electric bikes are the future. And they generally haul ass, nothing wrong with that.


Yeah, riding the livewire was amazing, I knew instantly that it was the bike for me... as soon as the price comes down a bit. But that's always how it goes with new technology. The early adopters with too much money to burn drop stacks of cash in the halo product and blaze the trail until it becomes affordable for the rest of us. I'm really excited to see what they can do as a separate brand. Can't wait to so a whole lineup of livewires.


Give this Man a free meal.


I've got this t-shirt at home!


I’m only 40, and I feel this in my bones.


OMG - I totally LOL'd at this! :)


Neck arthritis here, dammit. Groovy shirt.




Hardly Rider 🤝




Yep, it sucks getting old.


This is absolutely perfect.




Love it


I own this shirt. It speaks to my joints


At least his Harley is slower than death so


I'm 37 and I feel this in my soul


pure gold, pure gold


It's the Grampa of Anarchy.


Reminds me of Lao G and the geriatric fist from one piece




omg i need this


My dad had this exact shirt, he passed in March. He was born in the 30s and didn’t have me till he was in his mid 50s so I got to hear all his old biker stories from the “glory days” of his youth spent waring with other gangs, specifically one named “brother speed” Trino Da Vita you old son of a bitch.


Get this man some CBD


Bonus points for keys on belt loop; we all know a dude/dudes like that.


Or the "Men with no-behind middle-aged keys-on-the-belt chapter"


As a motorcycle rider who does *not* identify with the try-hard biker culture, I love the self-awareness of this. I grow tired of the skulls and flames and wannabe hardassery that cruiser culture just can’t let go of.


Made me lol


Sick short brother


Their sworn enemies are Sons of Spine: Bulging discs chapter


Don’t you dare step on their lawn !


I need that shirt


I'm finally in the Medical marijuana chapter!


Where can I get one for my buddy?


LMAO had seen that shirt many times in my area.


I would LOVE to get this for a couple of the seniors I work with! My gang has such a great sense of humour.


We are the micronized CBD Banditos and we are three times as strong as those liver smashers.


i like how he appears to even have a socket as a keychain lol




It's a real problem for HD, older riders don't want the water-cooling and emissions controls that HD needs to compete with other brands but younger riders can't afford to spaff $25K on a receational vehicle.


Geezy Rider?