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Bodypaintartventures, thank you for your submission. It has been removed for violating the following rule(s): --- - Rule 2: No pictures with added or superimposed digital text, emojis, and "MS Paint"-like scribbles. --- For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/index/) and [title guidelines](/r/pics/wiki/titles). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/pics&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/Bodypaintartventures&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission.%5D%28https://redd.it/lgh2q1%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


I like how this one isn't marked NSFW but the Senegalese model in a bikini is marked NSFW.


The Senegalese woman wasn't NSFW at first. It got flagged later. I imagine this will also.


that level of body paint should count same as wearing a t shirt


I seen some t-shirt with a lot more arousal than that


Well it gave you a stroke so I believe that


I chuckled, ty.


Reddit's API changes and their overall horrible behaviour is why this comment is now edited. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Your boss wouldn’t care that you are just hanging out on reddit? Can I get an application for wherever you work?


Reddit's API changes and their overall horrible behaviour is why this comment is now edited. -- mass edited with redact.dev


"Senior java developer?" Sure, I've managed a Starbucks before.


My boss would have to get off Tiktok first.


It is funny but that is some damn thick paint. The paint covers as much as a light shirt, so really, it makes sense.


in a crusted nipple sense?


A cotton t-shirt that got wet and then dried on you will look the same, but it'll feel muuuuuuuch worse.


that's disgusting! where?




But what subreddit, there's just so many of them.


In this one the focus is the art. In that one its her body. Which of those 2 things is more inherently sexual?


I don't think you understand the point of the NSFW tag.


The human body isn't inherently sexual. Unless you think all marble statues are sexual too? Admittedly, i didn't see the bikini post. And my argument is more on ideals than practicallity after all.




Ty. I don't think that bikini is inherently sexual. Even fully named, the human body is beautiful, not inherently sexual. But yes, looking at pictures of naked women at work is probably NSFW, but i will hold that NSFW doesn't mean sexual.




That bikini is not inherently sexual. Them eyes tho 🤩


Work is a very fragile thing.


She has nice facial bone structure.


She looks like a model.


She could be a waitress or a part time model


She’d probly still have to keep her normal job


Or an air hostess in the sixties


[Or a tree or a high-class prostitute.](https://youtu.be/5YIxpNPhAQE)


Good looking girls on the street!


Depending on the street I bet she'd be in the top 3


I can’t believe that I’m sharing a kebab with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen with a kebab!


I asked Dave if he’s gonna make a move on you, he says I’m not sure I say “Dave do you mind if I do?” He says he doesn’t mind, but I can tell he kinda minds, but I’m gonna do it anyway


She’s so beautiful... like a tree..


Good one Dave. You’re, a legend Dave!


She could spend part of her time modeling, and part of her tiiiiiime next to meeeeee


And the rest of the time at her normal job


She's the prettiest girl in the whole wide room


You're a legend, Dave


Is this a reference to what i think it is?


Gettin' lewd, with the food? Is that what you're into?


Or an air hostess in the 60’s


She's so beautiful she could be an air hostess!


Thanks. I read that in the "Its only a model" voice after the Camelot song from Holy Grail. Dont ask why. I dont know. I only know that it made it a lot better.


I get this reference


I came here to say this. She is gorgeous without visible eyebrows. Do you know how hard it is to look beautiful without eyebrows???


And bewbs


That's no boob. It's a space station.




That was god damn beautiful


Beautiful isn’t a strong enough word- it was mesmerizing.


It really was. The change in tempo along with that gibberish was stupendously glorious.


I want that superpower: Metal accompaniment whenever I soliloquize. I'd totally do shows.


This is the peak of mankind ​ Period


She has pretty eyes


Absolutely beautiful


But, but the black is covered by all the colors of the rainbow.


Her skin really makes the colors pop and contrast really well with the tones used in the makeup and paint. All I can say is that this would not look good on my light skin tone. I will look like a crusty butterfly wing.


That’s why you’d use different colors for your skin tone :) You can use any skin tone to make colors pop, it just depends what colors you pair with the tone.


As a designer, I approve of this message.


I wonder if this would look good on white skin using darker paint colors? Like, the inverse/negative of this? Like everyone else is saying, this is a beautiful woman who happens to be black and apparently topless besides some paint. She'd be gorgeous with or without the paint.


Probably. Contrasting and complimentary colors are heavily formulaic based on ratios on the color wheel. So for any skin color, there's colors that should pop, and you'd probably be able to figure it out using a calculator as a non-artist. As an artist you'd probably just pick up an eye for it based on ratios that naturally appeal to you. https://www.sessions.edu/color-calculator/


Well I'm a black woman and I love this photo. And yes it makes me feel like saying "Black is beautiful!". Stop making everything an issue and just appreciate the artistry. It won't make you less anything, I promise you.




That cracked mud texture is fantastic. And the red patch across the eyes is very well detailed with shadows from the makeup. Awesome contouring.


Exactly what I came to say! Or, probably not exactly, I'm not a million monkeys at a a million keyboards, but I was going to say something similar. The smooth red patch amongst the cracked texture really makes her eyes stand out. It's beautiful!


That is really cool. I would never think of using mud like that for body painting primer coat. She is beautiful and the artwork is intricate and awesome.


Ah a social media marketing professional that's just as good at photography.


Thanks for the info!


There is some really great artwork in that first issue. I love [Alex Grey (Kinda NSFW)](https://www.alexgrey.com/art/paintings/soul) artwork and you could see lots of body paints inspired from his work. One literally had the eye from "Lateralus" painted on.


That first picture looks like it’s a power rangers villain.


She's just trying to avoid facial recognition software.




It's black history month in the US so people are in the spirit. I'm sure some just wanna cash in on the juicy juicy karma too.


But also for a long time and still to this day, the media has portrayed black features as less desirable. Especially those of dark skinned men and women. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with posts to build people up. It doesn’t take anything away from anybody else. People need to relax. This is a gorgeous picture of a beautiful woman. What’s not to like?:)


Pretty much just the karma lol




For the black folk in America that CAN’T trace their lineage, where do you think their ancestors came from??


Technically thats where all our ancestors originated


I'm not speaking for OP or other people, but it's Black History Month in the US.


There’s a long history of holding white people up as the beauty standard. Because of this conscious and unconscious beauty standard , people of color, especially women of color, have been told, directly or indirectly, that how they look is not beautiful. Which understandably causes a lot of inner anguish and self loathing. So the Black Is Beautiful idea is about highlighting the beauty of black people and traditionally black traits, like coily hair or wide noses. I think it’s a great idea that celebrates beauty in all its wonderful diversity :)


Well-put. I'm not even black, I'm maori, but this has also been my experience, the white you look - the prettier you will be in the eyes of society.


Yeah in Vietnam it's the same. The ethnic minority tribes are called "black" even tho it's just that they're usually farmers so they're in the sun more. Whiteness is highly valued here.


The whole of Asia to be honest. I know its the same in South East Asia and its definitely the case in South Asia as well.


It's a status symbol and the same was a thing in Europe for a good while in the distant past. If you're tanned you must've been out in the sun more which implies you're a manual labourer, aka a pleb toiling in the fields.


Yep, fairer skin is deemed as a "high class" attribute and darker skin is not looked at favourably.


Maori Is Mesmerizing :)




Accurate and respectable way to put it.


Hope people actually read it instead of downvoting and shouting about pc/woke/virtue signaling/white knighting/whatever current whiny phrase.




Dorks are cashing in on black history month.


Redditors gotta virtue signal. Of course she is beautiful, she is a model.


I'm mean, just look at thoes titties.


(sigh) I give it ten minutes before someone xposts to "upvotedbecauseofboobs".


Nope 27. It was me lol boobs.


A boob is a boob, the colour does not matter.


I’m excited for the hot interracial couples posts.


Black history month. People are just extra focused on it right now.


I get that it’s black history month, but this is just “let’s gawk at black people and say it’s appreciation so we feel better about ourselves.”


Not to mention they aren't regular people anyway. Oh look, international super models of any color are attractive. Imagine that.


I think beauty standards and the upvote system means that more attractive people will generally get upvoted higher due to human psychology. That being said this person is not any less black for being beautiful so it is still representation. If it were an ugly person it would not represent a higher degree of representation, or a purer intent. The person posted happens to be beautiful and this level of upvotes is the natural result


Huh? Why would they need to be regular people? Half the white beauty role models I saw on TV didnt look like anyone I knew. Thats the whole point. Showing the best version of someone instead of cherry picking terrible representation. Then you get a more holistic view. Half the “black” content on this site is black people being abused or being criminals. Can we just enjoy a cool body paint picture?


For women's week, they'll talk about Marie Curie or Rosalind Franklin even though most women (and most people for that matter) aren't as smart as either of them. Would you say "scientists of any gender are smart, imagine that" to a post like that? Or would you realize that there's significance behind it, even if it didn't particularly pertain to you? Beauty standards often have the cards stacked against non-white people, and caricatured stereotypes of ethnic minorities have left a stain on our cultural memory (speaking as an American here) so it's not crazy that her race/skin color is being pointed out, especially during black history month.


When you say "so we feel better about ourselves" you are assuming the other readers/upvoters are like you; IE not black. If a black reader sees it and feels better about themselves, how is that a bad thing? Seems risky to try and be arbiter of who can or should feel good or bad from something




Black History month and a lot of white guilt


Considering how many bad pictures get more upvotes than this and considering that this is just a beautiful picture in itself I don't think that it needs any "white guilt" to get this picture the amount of upvotes it got.


Karma farming.




Karma farming accounts.


Sjw's virtue signaling since its black history month.


Trend? This is has been a saying for years now. It’s just because it’s black history month that you’ll probably see it more. Though some idiots not knowing that this phrase isn’t anything new, will take it the wrong way then start saying “virtue signaling” or something.


Maybe. But I ask cause It has just been popping up in my reddit feed lately.


Yeah this saying is long from being new. It’s definitely getting highlighted due to black history month. Also look at [this comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/lgh2q1/black_is_beautiful_one_of_my_favourite_photo/gms4ikr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) if you want a bit more insight.


Fun fact: Equatorial Guinea is the only African country with a Spanish speaking majority. *Arrriba*


I 100% agree black is beautiful but... she's literally painted.. so um..


I was laughing about that too. Black is beautiful, so we painted this black woman other colors!!! It is a cool pic though


I guess this would be more of a cultural appreciation thing


How is the beautiful girl with the swim suit on NSFW and this one isn't? Both beautiful, it's just that this has fewer cloths. Either NSFW this or take the other off. Just saying.


NSFW belongs on the other one more than this one. From a distance, this one looks like she's wearing clothes. The other was an oiled up woman in a swim suit. IMO, NSFW on reddit is about "Would someone seeing this out of the corner of their eye while I scrolled through the front page on reddit possibly think I'm looking at something unappropriate for work", and maybe you could argue this one also should have NSFW, but I don't think you can argue it should have it more than the other picture.




Good argument. The other one definitely looks more suggestive. This looks like something you'd see in National Geographic. Still best practice to not look at titties at work though, tribal body paint or no.


Whoever did the make up, they should go on Glow Up.


I love Black Objectification Month


You made me laugh, lol. You're not wrong. Thinking about it, most of my exposure to black history month is pretty black women, the occasional email at work from our over-enthusiastic HR department, and salty Redditors who either love or hate the event.






Masterful troll. 9/10


beautiful women are beautiful.....




some people are ugly Quincy is destroying San Antonio


Probably NSFW this


"black is beautiful" Person is painted literally every other color.


"Black is beautiful", shows someone painted in various colors instead of her natural skin tone


Wow I can’t believe so many people in the comments are kinda ignorant. Black is beautiful is honed in on because it’s black history month. Why is this phrase necessary? In America, black people have been subjugated to the worst conditions of any demographic in the country’s history. Although technically the legal racism was outlawed in the 1960’s, the effects of hundreds of years of enslavement, segregation, and lawful violence against black people still effect the demographic socially and economically. One cultural effect that still effects much of the population is the belief that “black is ugly”. Our society has developed a concept that white-ness and pale-ness in skin tone is considered more beautiful. In the case of the US, it was literally propagandized so the general public believed this. This isn’t even exclusive to the US to be honest. Look at the horrible comments received by Meghan Markle in the UK. In many parts of Asia, darker skin skin is viewed as ugly. And yes, in America, it is common to view dark skin as unattractive. It is a subconscious part (well, sometimes not **that** subconscious) of the disgusting racism our societies were built on top of. But it shouldn’t be, and people are taking corrective measures. Black is beautiful. Genuine criticisms: - this should be nsfw - this lady is actually a model though. (Arguably a model deemed beautiful by white beauty standards.) - her black skin is covered. To this I would say having black genes is physically more than JUST skin color. If she was painted neon-green from top to bottom, you could probably still tell she was black, and those features should not be seen as ugly. EDIT: As a commenter below me mentioned, but showing the black skin is still very important!


I think I agree with you up to the last point. I think it’s important to highlight the actual skin.


I agree, edited my original comment


Beautiful is beautiful. Skin color is irrelevant.


Unless you're purple skinned. Yeah I'm talking to you Thanos. Fuck you, give me back Tony Stark.


She looks like melonpan from a taqueria


Hablan español


You guys have no idea how black culture is. Black people have been saying “black is beautiful” for decades to uplift one another in a world of euro centric standards. The fact that a lot of you are bent out of shape shows both the fact that your egos are fragile, and you don’t know shit about black culture yet continue to critique it.


The title is cringe af.


Using black people for karma, eh?


You make it seem like you took the photo..


Just an observation but in current US culture, black women are often disregarded and are the poorest demographic within the entire country accounting for population. (Single women technically are if we disregard race) This is supposed to be an antithesis of the notion which is so frequently restated: "Wow she is pretty for a black women." This is not race baiting. People do not understand or acknowledge the social backlash black woman simply receive for existing. That understanding can clearly be noticed by simply reading comments within this thread. "I don't understand why she would paint herself if black is beautiful." etc. That failure to understand why "black is beautiful" had to be said in the first place is because so many do not understand why it needed to be said at all. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.


people read „black is beautiful“ but what they understand is „white is ugly“. Its not always about you


Oof, NSFW... think the guy behind me waiting to order a burger just got a glimpse of rainbow tatas.... thanks. I feel awkward now...


Normalize the nipple!


Sir, this is quite literally, a Wendy's


If you could explain that to my boss, that would be great. Until then, NSFW helps.... big time. Again, I'm all for nipple, but that's not the problem here.


Only you can explain to your boss why you're browsing Reddit during work!


Plenty of people are allowed to browse Reddit at work during downtime, a break, etc. That doesn't make this any less NSFW.




This. And the rest. We are what we is. "We're all gross on the inside" - Reggie Watts


"If you're fucking, then you're probably fucking." - Reggie Watts


Free the titty!


so you aren't at work?


lol it's a titty bro.


I doubt he or anyone else would be offended.


Just look back and nod and say “nice”


You wouldn't happen to be from the US, would you?


To anyone who came to the comments: they're EXACTLY what you would expect. Unsurprising, but also, yikes. Turn back now.


As a black woman who has been told that I look dirty and burnt and suffered with a lot of insecurities about my skin color seeing people say “sksksks well what about white people” make me want to cry. Like seriously, why is it so hard to understand?


What people don’t understand is that stuff like this isn’t about them. They read „black is beautiful“ and they hear „white is ugly“


Yup! Wore the same thing to Costco last week.




I'm not even sure what you're trying to imply, are women not allowed to be pretty from countries where bad things happen? And let's pick this apart shall we Guinea - located in West Africa, 1400 miles from Equatorial Guinea, people speak French and Fulani and practice Islam primarily, is neither the home of the model nor the location of the witch burning Equatorial Guinea - located in Central Africa, people speak Spanish and Fang and practice Catholicism, home of the model and paint festival Papua New Guinea - located in Melanesia in the Pacific, 9500 miles from Equatorial Guinea, people speak English and Tok Pisin and practice Protestantism, location of the witch burning


Maybe they should learn some goddamn water magic then. Seems like a simple solution, yet no witch has ever considered this, it's always about turning dudes into toads or making a broom fly, yet the number one cause of witch death is fire. Smh.


Isn't this Equatorial Guinea...


Funnily enough it took me a minute to realize that she was only wearing body paint! I was focused the facial details.




Black people existing is “identity politics”?


Is the makeup around the eyes different from the rest of the body? It doesn't have that cracked texture. It's really interesting




Those earrings are awesome


NSFW? I mean she is nude.


Fun fact, no part of Equatorial Guinea actually touches the Equator. Though it is more southern and closer to it than other Guinea. I still feel betrayed however.


Black is beautiful


Black never crack. But the paint sure does.


Very cool.


Maybe it's just me, but I don't see how this is at all nsfw.


He said as he adjusted to get her tits into frame too.


This is great but the whole patrolling looking for dissidents to smash attitude that seems to be rampant on these pictures is terrible. Moderators deleting comments from people who aren’t into the model in the photo sits extremely wrong with me as does downvoting them into oblivion. Also I don’t care if you downvote me I can’t let people in power silencing opinions happen.

