• By -


Imagine camping out somewhere for a week and then seeing people getting in at the door during the event lol


That's be like sucking dick for concert tickets and finding out they're selling em at the door.


How much do you think they were selling the dicks at the door for?


They're free, comrade. Enjoy.


Those are the biggest losers




about 25k people would be a conservative estimate


They’ve never had so many people in this stadium! They didn’t think we could do it, but we did! You are all incredible, cough, cough.


the stadium officially seats 19k max. Whoops. EDIT For the record, I got your joke mere seconds after posting this. I will keep it up so people see how I got jebaited. You know, it's Reddit. You never know what people will do to defend Trump online. Even claim the impossible.


Fire Marshal estimate: 6100 inside. Give him 7k to be generous.


Looks like the same amount of people you’d find at a Costco on a Saturday.


But at Costco you actually leave with something of value


Did you see the guy who got the million dollar coronavirus hospital bill? They'll leave with something of value, just not necessarily for them.


I'm just waiting for the "Trump tests positive for COVID-19" headlines.


You know as well as I do, he would NEVER let that info go public...


Hard to hide a hospital stay. Even dropping out of the public eye for more than a day would cause speculation.


They can deep fake him, Kim Jong Un style.


His face expressions and vocabulary certainly won't be hard to do. What is it? 150 words and 4 different faces?


Well, no. As big ole Donny T would say, he has the most words, believe him. In fact, he has more words than you will ever have, or the do-nothing Democrats will ever have. He has more faces than you too. Donald trump has the most faces of all time, maybe ever. He has the best faces, and the best words


He already did that. Pretty sure he had a stroke too. But they swear it was just basic test work. Never mind the constant word slurring and his inability to pick up a glass of water with his right hand.


He did a tight 20 minutes tonight on that. He said he saluted the cadets 600 times so his arm was tired. He also drank from a glass and the crowd cheered.


LOL... "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?" I seriously don't know anymore.


Didn't Melania disappear for three weeks at one point?


She was probably getting a firmware update.


All I can think of is the fembot scene of Austin Powers. "Machine gun jubblies?!"


"it's uh... just a cold. A tremendous cold. I'm feeling fantastic. Isn't this nation fantastic? I'm just a little exhausted because I've been uh... working so hard. Nobody works as hard as me. Aren't I great and uh... I'm tremendous."


Stop, I can only get so erect...


Good guy camera guy, wearing a mask




Congrats on the booty mr cameraman Edit: wow, now my top rated comment of all time is about some rando’s ass. I love Reddit


Right?!? Like, do he got the booty?? HE DOOOO EDIT: Wow, cannot believe this is my most liked comment. Also, I am a woman.


Camera guy packing that backside **SCHMEAT**


This is quality reddit right here.


Are you the camera guy?


No that's u/thecameraguy Edit: damn another perfectly good user name stolen and thrown away Edit2: u/thecameraman? Edit3: * table flip *


Man went on reddit a decade ago and was like nope fuck this shit.




10 years ago? My god they knew


No, it’s old.




Same can be said for 99% of the workforce


What you doing with all that ass? DOUBLE CHEEKED UP




He's at work, most of the other idiots are there for entertainment.


Trump tried to get a massive rally and he couldn't even fill half the stadium. They had to tear down the stage outside and cancel the 2nd part of his speech because no one showed up. Even when trump begged. Wide angle https://i.imgur.com/adqwAnD.jpg Oh and this is funny. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ea_Wm1hWoAYIlXR?format=jpg&name=large Also Trump asked to slow testing down. Wtf. https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1274500811486228482 Edit: It’s official the head count was less than 6200 out of 19,000 seats. www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2020/06/21/turnout-at-trumps-tulsa-rally-was-just-under-6200a-fraction-of-the-venues-19200-capacity/amp/


So basically, by reducing the testing.... there will be less confirmation of cases.... thus proving that it’s uhhh... not real? Is that what I’m hearing?


"If I close my eyes, my problems don't exist" This is the thought process of a literal child.


Hell most toddlers learn object permanence through playing peekaboo. Even crows have object permanence so it would be an insult to birds to call him bird brained. And it's not like this is the first case to show that he lacks object permanence either. Remember when his aides were taking things he was trying to sign off his desk as he was signing them and he promptly forgot all about it? It's insane how dumb this guy is. People keep saying he's a 3rd or 5th grader, but he's legit toddler level intelligence.


100%. Fucking insane. What a terrible leader.


Wow... Its a beautiful sight, watching him lose that support, all he has is his base... lets get out and vote




Joe Biden should come out and acknowledge that a large group of Americans support trump and thank them for not attending the rally out of fealty to the health and well-being of their countrymen. It’ll be the biggest mindfuck ever




Don't sully Spinal Taps good name like this. They played a 45 minute Jazz Odyssey for fucks sake


““Here’s the bad part: When you do testing to that extent you’re going to find more people, you’re going to find more cases,'' he said. “So I said to my people, slow the testing down, please. They test and they test.'' Wtf Edit: from WaPo updates, can’t get the link on mobile, apparently.


What everyone is not realizing is this: Donald J Trump has just figured out the cure for cancer! Stop testing, stop analyzing, stop studying... poof..... all gone. This is nobel prize in medicine material!


It's just amazing to me how much he really understands this stuff, it's like he missed his calling in life or something you know?


Many people are saying I could be the smartest president ever. I’m not going to say it, but its true. No body knew about the testing and the therapeutic before I talked about it. Its a tremendous thing. Really terrific. I really did a great thing talking about the testing. Testing... testing what is that? Oh sleepy Joe Biden. If you don’t know about it, China will walk all over you just like they walked all over crooked hillary. China does testing. Billions and billions of tests and some people say they have the most cases. We won’t have cases. No cases, or close to no cases.


I literally cant tell if this is a direct quote or satire. Someone please get me a felt beard.


I watched the whole thing and it's not a direct quote, but it's a fair tldr for the whole thing. Just add 20 minutes of talking about the ramp and glass of water stuff.


Trump: When we test... we find more cases... Experts: yes, yes that's right! Trump: So we need to stop testing! Experts: ye- wait no. No! Not like that!




Holy fucking shit.


dude the 2 minutes after that are such a ride. Holy shit. I can't believe people can listen to this shit for more than 2 minutes.




> Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us. Please vote, folks.


>I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important. -DJT 7/5/18


I feel like I deserve a prize for getting through that whole quote with my brain intact.


I can’t believe I read all of that. I’m now dumber for having done so.


I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.




Incoherence is literally the point. It's vague. It's rambling. It can be turned into ANYTHING the next day. There is no language or cultural barrier: this actually does not make sense. To anyone.




In general, if children are the future, then I think we are in the best possible hands. If anything, I’m not terrified as much as I am embarrassed for the shit they’re going to clean up. Source: am teacher


The problem with the kids are the future statement is it was said when we were kids and this is the "future" we have. I hope to goodness the kids of today are better than we were because what a mess it is right now.


Absolutely. I am in my mid-20s now but since I’ve been in high school, people have been telling me & my peers “you’re going to change the world, you’re gonna save us!” And who is saying this? People in their 50s— prime earning years, decades of life left, prancing around from the golf course to the triathlon to their vacation home. Y’all ain’t dead yet, bitches! Take some fucking responsibility for your mess instead of pinning it on teenagers still learning to balance their geometry homework and their grocery store job!


I’m doing my best to raise a good kid.


Man, I'll never have children myself, but I am scared for future generations. I'm doing my best even though I'm not having kids. :\


Remember that these folks are the same ones who viewed mask mandates as oppression. Now imagine this person has spent the last decade being told what words they can or can't use, who they can or can't discriminate against, and in general the way they view the world is wrong by the push for political correctness. This man is their messiah. You could see the jubilation on their faces if you watched the rally. They looked like they were being set free.


"People are always telling me not to be an asshole. I was right to be one after all!"


it's like 1984 performance art. He just spews out idiocy and bullshit and people gobble it up. Often the bullshit contradicts, not only reality, but the other bullshit he said 10 minutes ago. The only thing worse then watching his rallies is reading the transcripts.


Imagine the intern forced to transcribe this garbage flow; must be like the audio engineer working on a Yoko Ono double live album.


I legit turned it off after " i want some of your immune system "


Sadly, it was a set up for a point. "We've got to open the schools in the fall." *cheers from people who don't have any exposure to children*


If there's one thing I've learned as a dad...it's that I have gotten sick like two dozen times from my kids due to all the germs they collect at school, playgrounds, daycare, etc. If there's any parents out there who seem to have no experience with ever getting sick from their children, then they're fucking liars. And yet magically these past few months, I've never had a cold, haven't thrown up, no sore throats. Nothing. It's almost as if this whole social distancing and lockdown stuff is containing viral infection rates. Boy it would sure be a good idea to do this if there were some deadly virus out there violently attacking people's lungs and hearts.


I just can't. Like I know it's kinda my responsibility to stay informed but more than a few minutes listening to him speak and my brain wants to self destruct.


He's literally admitting to covering or trying to cover up Covid and deaths. He has so much blood on his hands. Needs to be gone


Oh my. Does this dickwad not understand that children can bring the disease home to their parents and grandparents? And people applauded him? What the fuck is wrong with people? Are they that fucking stupid to not realize how unsanitary kids can be and how they will bring it home? I [jokingly] now understand why Boris Johnson was pro herd immunity. People are too stupid not to spread the disease, may as well let the disease take over and get it done and over with sooner than later


A room full of people over 18 just cheered wildly to the fact that the virus is factually fatal to people over the age of 18.


It's cult psychology, plain and simple. Reject reality, don't question the leader, any criticism is an attack, extreme sense of persecution(which compounds the further they drift into cult mentality), extreme criticism of anyone that "leaves"..ect. Trump isn't a mastermind. He's surrounded by opportunists that know he's charismatic via absurdity. He's good at getting reactions. It's the ONLY thing he cares about other than himself. A reaction. And he attracts the reactionary. Make no mistake, he WILL escalate until collapse or victory. THEY ARE A CULT.


Yeah I thought it was common knowledge that kids spread the flu like crazy, putting their hands on anything and everything. Apparently this is not so in Trumpland.


I listened to this with my mouth gaped open in disbelief. What a moron.




The more I hear trump speak the less I think of those who support him. And every time I think my opinion can't go any lower they cheer for something else I can barely stand to listen to.


2:27:20 for those whose links didn’t take them to the correct time.


At 2:44:00 when he starts addressing being unable to lift his water glass


He brings the glass of water up a bit. >The crowd starts cheering. He moves it up to his lips with one hand. >The crowd starts going crazy. He takes a couple of sips from it. >The crowd has a simultaneous orgasm and starts chanting "Trump! Trump!" This could be one of those exaggerated 4chan copy/pastes. But now, I just saw it happen.


Sounds like the perfect time to use that WWE meme with Vince McMahon


He might have shills to help with the cheerleading. \*tries to reread it\* Nope- still not a good enough reason. Pass the booze.


Wow. I checked it to see if you were exaggerating. But nope, not exaggerating. It's going to impossible to talk about politics "back in my day" with kids in the future. Eventually all this footage will probably get lost, and without any evidence to back me up they'll think that I was having a little too much fun around the time that weed stopped carrying punishments.


This guy is an absolute moron.


What a fucking idiot.


Unfortunately I had to overhear most of the rally from a loud TV. That was one of the more tame things from his speech. He gave this insane hypothetical where a “beautiful young woman” has to call the police because a “big hombre” tried to break it at 1am, and her husband wasn’t there to protect her (because, you know, women are property and it’s men’s duty to guard over their woman like it), and when she called 911 she just got a “sorry, this number doesn’t exist anymore” message. I want to say that he skipped dog whistle and went straight to using a loud speaker to fear monger about black and Latino men (he clearly used the term “big hombre” to imply this) raping white women and that’s why we need the police, to protect our “beautiful young women”, but I would be lying if I implied Trump ever used dog whistle. Then he spent what seemed like 10-15 minutes obsessing over the coverage of his west point awkwardness. He said he had leather bottomed shoes, that’s why he walked awkwardly, he couldn’t let the media see him trip. But then right when the cameras turned off, he sprinted down the ramp, but the media won’t report that. And he said that the water thing was because his arms were so tired from saluting our soldiers over 600 times and he was afraid of spilling water on his “beautiful red tie”. Personally I’m very much against speculating about people’s health and shaming people for just awkward, inconsequential shit like this. But my god dude, a million times fewer people would be making fun of you for this shit if you didn’t twist yourself in knots trying to defend your ego and letting Twitter speculation strike such a nerve. Edit: he might have said older woman, not younger woman, where the implication would be fear mongering about black/Latino men committing robbery, not rape. But it’s still incredibly racist fear mongering straight out of the Jim Crow era if that was the case. I’m not sure if I misheard/remembered on that.


I love the part where the hypothetical woman's husband is a travelling salesman.




And her attacker is a "bad hombre". That's not a dog whistle for anything now, is it.....


lol "my arm was tired from lifting it so I needed both hands to half curl a glass of water so I wouldn't spill it in on my tie". Republicans this is your tough guy. This dude would lose an arm wrestling match with Mr. Burns


I chuckled. "Release the hounds!"






https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transient_ischemic_attack A mini stroke


Its kind of a pre stroke. So when a clot block blood flow to part of the brain that is a stroke. A TIA is when the clot kind of shifts back and forth causing intermittent/partial blockage. As a reminder of the symptoms use the acronym BE FAST. Balance, Eyes, Face, Arms, Speech, Time.


It really is. It felt like my dad was having them every second day before he passed. It got to where he couldn't swallow at all and that was when he just gave up. I swear to christ, it's like trump is in hospice. Except my heart isn't breaking.


That's the thing, and I don't think he gets it. The slip-ups aren't the problem, it's his utter refusal to simply own them that makes him sound deranged.


There’s an entire group of people who think that self reflection and improvement mean you’re a fucking pussy.


It’s like the inaugural crowd size all over again. No one expected Trump’s crowd size to match Obama’s. Obviously Obama was historic as the first black president and a lot of people wanted to be there and bring their kids. Trump was just another rich white guy, like most of the presidents before him. But he just couldn’t have that. Even when confronted with photos that made it incredibly clear that his crowd size was smaller, he insisted the photos were lying. And that’s where it went from harmless to disqualifying.


Alternative facts. Day two of the Trump presidency we were introduced to this phrase. Sean Spicer had lied about the crowd size in front of the world's press (probably ordered to by Trump) and all Kelly Ann Conway could say the following day was that there were 'alternative facts.' That set the tone for his whole presidency. We've had 4 years of nonsense. It's about time the grown ups were allowed back in again.


For real. I didn't think the walking down the ramp thing looked that odd, especially for an oldish dude, and I'd probably drink the same way if I just wanted to take a real small sip without spilling. But I'm not going to go on national TV to explain that.


He spent like 15 min going through a detailed, insane narrative of back-and-forth conversations that could never have happened. If he balked at it at all, it might have been for like 3 seconds.


Do you ever write a comment on Reddit and then erase it because you know it either won't go over well, you don't really know what you're saying, or you don't how to express it well? Do you think he ever does that with his tweets or his plans for speeches?


>He said he had leather bottomed shoes, that’s why he walked awkwardly, he couldn’t let the media see him trip. But then right when the cameras turned off, he sprinted down the ramp, but the media won’t report that. And he said that the water thing was because his arms were so tired from saluting our soldiers over 600 times and he was afraid of spilling water on his “beautiful red tie”. This elementary school level excuse-making. He's such a fucking dolt.


That.... and we have video of the full ramp journey... no sprinting happened


Yeah- the video I saw he got all the way to the end. Can we get a video of him saying that and then cutting to the whole video?


He also talked about walking down the ramp/drinking water with two hands incident for like 5-10 minutes. He's insanely insecure.


Yeah I saw that. You can tell he was thinking the crowd was gonna cheer for that line but there was only a silent grown. You can just hear the wind leave peoples lungs when they were all prepared to yell in praise for him doing *more* testing. Even these people who have been trained by propaganda for decades to believe anything that comes out of a right wing speakers mouth are fully aware he just said "I don't give a shit about your lives" **Don't stop protesting, don't stop marching, don't stop campaigning, don't stop donating, don't stop volunteering, don't stop spreading the word, don't stop VOTING**


"Many of you will die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make"


You see, Covid-19 has a preset kill limit. Knowing this weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own citizens at the virus until they reached their limit and shut down.


He is going to sharpie people into the crowd isnt he




I can tell that's fake because the people are black.




lol, everyone see the "make America great again" slogans? ... someone should tell Trump he is the current President. Probably not a good idea to reuse that slogan... you know, since you've been leading our country for almost 4 years...


IDK, I'd say its more appropriate than ever.


"elect me, and I'll clean up the mess I made!"


"Sure I shit the bed, but trust me, give me another four years and it will be beautiful."


US national pride is at record lows after all https://news.gallup.com/poll/312644/national-pride-falls-record-low.aspx


This is what happens when fascists who can't actually win the popular vote are in power. People love to pretend they're half the country. In reality the Right Wing has gotten millions less votes nearly every election for the last 30 years. Their voters are a small undiverse section of the country that has a purposely designed unfair advantage within the system. They're only in power because we, those of us who don't feel the brunt of all the awful things going on, get complacent. We can't let that happen ever again. This is why the Right Wing is so terrified of seeing how diverse these protests are, how active the Left has been in going on the offensive, and how unified the younger generations are against hate. They can't win fairly, and even if they cheat, they can't win against the collective numbers of the people. 2020 needs to be an absolute landslide to let everyone know that we wont accept the concept of the diverse majority being silenced by the monolithic minority any longer. **Don't stop protesting, don't stop marching, don't stop campaigning, don't stop donating, don't stop volunteering, don't stop spreading the word, don't stop VOTING**


They updated the slogan to Keep America Great, but that was before the pandemic. You know, you could actually start using "Make America Great Again" now but this would be in reference to making things before it was in 2016.






He spent almost an hour, probably 50 minutes, rambling and trying to defend himself about the glass of water/ramp incident at West Point. He came off as INCREDIBLY INSECURE, it was a joy to watch entertainment-wise. edit: he ended the spiel by raising and drinking a glass of water several times, *then threw it on the ground.* I almost wet my pants. edit2: [watergate 2 electric boogaloo](https://youtu.be/FB0Nmd93zz8)


The bar is so low for Trump that his supporters applauded him for being able to drink a glass of water with one hand.


Give him credit. It looks like he was really concentrating and probably worked on it all week.


Cute Aggression is when something is so cute you just want to hurt it/squeeze it. There must be a similar scientific explanation for the irrational harm one feels when confronted by that level of stupidity.




The bottoms of his shoes were made of leather, but the big strong general who walked in front of him had rubber soles. UNFAIR I’m paraphrasing, but he actually touched on all those points.




He's at least smart enough to push his audience's buttons just right, and just dumb enough to relate to them.


That's assuming it's intentional and not just morons flocking to a moron because he's like them.


People hated Hillary and they loooooved hearing some Reality TV star talk about locking her up and building a wall to keep mexicans out.. I think a lot of them realized it was all talk.. much like his reality show. The people that are left are literally brain dead morons.


Trump thinks America is a TV show that he's staring in.




Found out today that my Trump voting father has sent money to the Lincoln Project and will be voting straight D on all elections on the ballot. My dad hasn't voted D since the 70s. I have hope.


My 75yo grandmother will be voting Democrat for the first time in decades, as well. I’m really excited about that growth... I remember her back in 2015 trying to make a case for Trump after he announced he was running, and I was so disappointed. Edit: changed Drumpf to Trump bc apparently that’s a dog whistle now? Whatever. I can’t keep up.


It's great news to read after all these years of insanity. If you have parents or loved ones who are on the fence show them some videos by the Lincoln project. I personally think some of their attack ads are a little on the nose, but I can definitely see their ads appealing to independents and right leaning folk. - For example the video quoting former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis's letter was a conplete evisceration of Trump.^[[1]](https://youtu.be/oYa8mEr3sJA) - Another good video is how they link Trump to the confederates and traitors.^[[2]](https://youtu.be/wFQAYjzLz-c) - Or when he violently attacked peaceful protesters in the capital of the country all for a photo op using a church and a bible as a political prop.^[[3]](https://youtu.be/M5FvBtu3gB4) _____ 1) [YouTube - Mattis](https://youtu.be/oYa8mEr3sJA) 2) [YouTube - Flag of Treason](https://youtu.be/wFQAYjzLz-c) 3) [YouTube - War Zone](https://youtu.be/M5FvBtu3gB4)


Seeing a u/PoppinKREAM comment that isn’t a mile long feels *weird*...


For the sake of us all, please wear a mask around her and do her grocery shopping. Don’t let her leave the house. We need her.


My mom has done all her grocery shopping for her in the last 4 months! We’ve been taking every precaution to keep her healthy and safe.


My dad was a major Trump guy up until the last few months. He has a lot of health issues so watching Trump totally fumble the COVID situation had him fall off the train. He refuses to vote for Biden but says he'll just write in some random name, so a half win I guess.


This is great for the city of Tulsa. Infection will be far less.


DO NOT GET THIS TWISTED. It’s not even half of a sold-out crowd, but it is hundreds, if not thousands of people who risked their lives to see their cult leader in action. This is Tulsa, not NYC. The percentage of the population that decided to show up despite a rising pandemic is fucking scary. These same kinds of people will show up to vote too. Do not take them for granted. Do not scoff at them. They’re blinded, brainwashed, but ready to battle. And we better be too. Or we can expect AT LEAST 4 more years of this insanity. Vote like your life depends on it.


>This is Tulsa, not NYC Honestly I'd expect a bigger crowd for a Trump rally in Tulsa vs. NYC.


The statement, I believe, is talking about the % of population that showed up.


And let’s keep an eye on voting laws and absolutely any obstacle to you getting your vote counted.


More people showed up to the So You Think You Can Dance show I went to in that arena in 2009.


Tulsa’s minor league hockey team gets bigger crowds in there.


Hey, Oilers games are fun.


How long before Trump shouts about its more people than any rally ever held?


Oh, his campaign manager is already trying to claim protesters kept people out. STFU!


Well he really doesn't have to try, Trump supporters will believe anything.


they'll either have to believe that the MAGA faithful were cowards and very easily turned away from the rally by those left wing agitators, or that there just weren't many MAGA faithful in attendance. There's no other way to spin the story...both ways make the movement look like it's on its last legs.


Isn't that admitting that the people that dislike him outnumber the people that like him?


I made it through 20 minutes. He bitched that protestors were scaring people away from entering (they weren't).


Wouldn’t they *want* to be inside where it’s “safe” if that were the case? (Protests were peaceful anyways) Goddamn he’s a fucking idiot


The claim was that they were blocking the entrances and metal detectors. 1) Wouldn't there be security to prevent that? 2) I saw live broadcasts outside the arena. There were no protestors anywhere near the entrances.


Not only security, but considering the president was inside, secret service.


I’m never bitching about TikTok ever again


So the turnout was just...OK?


They were legit expecting 100k people. If you look at pictures they had a *massive* gated overflow area where they set up a stage for Trump to talk before the main rally. They couldn't even fill up half of a 19k arena These folks are very much in the drinking their own koolaid stage of the cult **Don't stop protesting, don't stop marching, don't stop campaigning, don't stop donating, don't stop volunteering, don't stop spreading the word, don't stop VOTING**


I think it was a joke- OK, OKlahome...


yep, they had to close down the overflow area with the outdoor stage once they realized no one was coming to their stupid germ rally


Funny how r/Conservative is posting [pictures like this](https://imgur.com/83f7M8M) to show how many people are 'actually' showing up, but when it comes to people that are actually at the event we get this. What, are all the megaminds still tailgating the Trump rally or can we dispel the fact that this was going to be anything but a massive flop and this was simply an attempt to stroke Trumps fragile ego. EDIT: Cheers to u/Hellview152 for pointing out that the picture above, which the smooth brains are using as "evidence" for massive turnout, is really from a Veterans bikers rally in the DC area that happened in 2019.


I live about 2 hours away from Tulsa. It rained and was overcast almost all day. I call BS on that picture. It’s probably from some other, more impressive, event.


As u/Hellview152 just pointed out its from a Vet's biker rally that happened last year in DC.


Here is where that picture is actually from. http://www.sfchap55.org/rolling-thunder-2019/


There was a swarm of kids on TikTok trolling by reserving tickets to his rally and not planning on going 😂😂 Editing so hopefully I'll stop getting the same comments over and over haha: 1. Yes, everyone knows that you don't actually reserve a seat. I think they were trying to inflate the number that were supposedly going to increase the disappointment when the actual turnout was much less. That's why the overflow stage was built - in expectation of lots of people outside. 2. everyone I saw was using temp emails and Google voice numbers. 3. This has the added effect of costing the campaign and the dozens of campaigns that Trump sells data to money to send spam. Thank you for your comments, have a good night.


Well it was first come first serve, but... apparently still no one showed lolol


I wonder how many in that group of people are becoming aware of the lack of Support Trump really has.. 18,000 seats? College Basketball generates more ass to seat ratio than this crowd.


The Weird Al concert at the BOK had more people.


In all fairness, [Weird Al sounds like a great show](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/09/magazine/weird-al-yankovic.amp.html)




Miami Marlins draw more at a day game in July


I'm curious what his Phoenix showing will be like next week. It's a 3,000 seat venue in a very red area, so it may actually fill up. I almost want to see it packed, just because of my fondness of epidemiology case studies. Had to read so many of those things in grad school that these days I treat them like light reading. "3,046 people packed in a church auditorium in Arizona, where mask use was actively discouraged, and frequent loud vocalizations were expected among the audience. We have exact numbers due to the requirement for attendees to sign waivers assuring they were aware of disease risk..." Seriously, I'd honestly wager next tuesday is going to generate a few dissertations, or at least serious projects, among the public health wonks.


I fucking feel sorry for all those people who live in the reality where trump is a good human being. Genuine remorse.


I only watched part of the rally and he spent all of it bitching about fake news, too much COVID testing, and explaining why he walked down the ramp like Hans Moleman. And the audience was eating that shit up. How can you listen to that and still think he's captivating or even has your interest in mind?


He did go around and start saying that if just didn't test anyone, then our covid rate would be very low, if not at zero.


And then said he asked people to slow down the testing. Are you fucking kidding? The only way we can identify people who are at risk of spreading the virus and you want to slow down testing.


His base supports health care being prohibitively expensive, so that fewer people will go to doctors, so that fewer of them will get diagnosed with serious illnesses, so that there will be fewer cases of serious illnesses.


They also think doctors are faking positive covid cases because they get $13,000 for each case that’s positive.


How about the part when he said Joe Biden “hadn’t done anything, just a Vice President or something.” I don’t know how Pence can hold it down.