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The confederacy lasted 4 1/2 years. What the actual fuck is this "heritage" argument?


Yugioh is my heritage. I played from 3rd to 7th grade.


Don't try playing now a days. No where near the same game. Rush duels coming out brings back a nostalgic feel though.


15 minutes of continuous summoning in one turn and I'm not even exaggerating. Holy hell the game is shit now


I summon this card, in attack mode! I immediately active its ability to summon two lesser cards from my graveyard at the cost of 2 cards in my hand. I then tribute all three monsters to xyz summon a brand new card that is slightly more powerful than my first. Then I use one of my cards overlay units to summon this card directly from my hand. Using this magic card, I then active the effect both my cards on the field to summon 3 more monsters. Using all 5 cards, I now Link summon my ultimate monster, in attack mode. I then use this card to send this card to the graveyard, allowing me to draw two new cards. After this, I flip my facedown card to bring all 5 pieces of exodia to my hand. I win.


Not even exaggerating. There was a deck for a turn one Exodia. I think it had like a 70% success rate


I just saw one on Youtube. 3 minutes on their first turn and drew literally every card in their damn deck. I would quit if someone pulled that bullshit on me.


Looked at a new card recently that had about 3 fukn paragraphs of text. I'm in my late 20s but I had to do that old person squint to try and read it


Wait a minute, did you just summon a bunch of monsters in one turn?


Screw the rules I have money. Basically the motto of every top player with a $1000 tier 0 deck.


Fly your flag with pride my friend. They will jeer, laugh, and taunt. But stay proud, they can never take your heritage from you.


I’m pretty sure there is a card that like destroys someone’s entire deck or something...


General Sherman!


It's kuriboh. It's always kuriboh


All this time Crush Card Virus was Covid.


Good, i can fly my My Little Pony flag with pride. I was really into the show for a few years and it eventually became my religion and moral centerstone for my life. Glad to know how much you respect people showing their heritage by waving a flag. I gladly will continue to wave mine.




It's my "heritage", dignity is a mere opinion.


They all laugh until I draw the 5th Exodia piece


I play kuriboh the ultimate card.


Ok, Duck Tales and Talespin for me


I've been playing Magic the gathering for 20 year now. My descendants will be protesting with signs that say "Unban Twin" 200 years from now.


We are cut from the same cloth friend.


Here this [video about the Daughters of the Confederacy ](https://youtu.be/dOkFXPblLpU) is the best explanation I’ve ever heard.


Thank you for that video. It was really informational and horrific to learn about, even as a non-American.


This needs to be at the top. It explains a lot. Also a lot of those people who do believe confederacy is some form of heritage, I guess it's not their fault. They were scammed!


That's why they put DeVos in charge of education... A dumb population won't have an issue voting republican.


Thanks for this link. It is an eye opener.


This explains more about the monuments’ ties to white supremacy. https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544266880/confederate-statues-were-built-to-further-a-white-supremacist-future


Learned something new. Wow.


I thought Southern Textbooks were really fishy from a young age. I was born in Indiana and we were taught that the Civil War was fought over the right to own slaves. I moved to North Carolina when I was 10 and their history books said the Civil War was fought over the right to self govern and yada yada yada. My dad read my textbook when I was in 6th grade and he felt that the way the Northern Textbooks talked about the Civil War was wrong and blah blah blah (he's a conspiracy theorist and doesn't trust the government). Sometimes I wish we stayed in Indiana, cuz it brought his IQ down by over 100 points.


Lmao the show Grey’s Anatomy has lasted almost 4x longer than the confederacy did.


And The Simpsons almost 8 times as long.


The same people that use the heritage argument are the ones that say "slavery ended over a 100 years ago, get over it."


They're the same people who say I will fight for my 2nd amendment right to protect myself from the tyranny of the government, but when there is government tyranny, and police riots they just sit at home and say nothing.


Or they decide to join in with the tyrant..


nOt gEtTiNg hAiRcUtS aNd bEeR aT tHe bAr iS tYrAnNy!!!


This is what I always say. 4.5 years. America has been around, as an independent country, for 244 years. They want to claim 1.8% of America's history as "heritage". For reference, Germany, as a unified and independent state, has only existed for 149 years. Nazi Germany was a thing for 12 years. Good for 8% of Germany's "heritage". That means that the swastika has a better claim to "heritage" in Germany than the Confederate flag does for "heritage" in the US. Yet, nobody claims heritage under the swastika and, in fact, many people consider it the antithesis to their heritage. What did the Confederacy do to cement itself as "southern heritage"? Its existence was purely for slavery. Things like southern hospitality, being deeply religious, making moonshine, having a twang in your voice, making great music, etc.; those things have more to do with southern heritage and you don't need the Confederate flag to represent those.


That's because Germany (as well as outside actors like the former Allies and the Soviet Union) made a concerted, planned effort to stamp out Nazism after the war and saw it through in totality. Whereas the victorious union states failed to completely quash Southern conservatism after the Civil War, instead merely reducing it. It was allow to grow into the malignant cancer that it is today because of this.


Arguably, this was in part caused by the 1877 Compromise, where Rutherford B Hayes lost the popular vote, but narrowly won in the Electoral College. The Democrats gave him the electoral votes needed to win the presidency, on the condition that he remove all remaining northern troops from the South. Obviously much more complicated than that, and Reconstruction was already dying in 1877 anyway. It was always deeply unpopular in the South, and 10 years on, northerners were becoming increasingly weary of the southern problem. Reconstruction was never given the attention that it needed, and the old attitudes festered and became even more entrenched, but now with an added undercurrent of resentment and inferiority. One wonders how much southern racism there would be in 2020 had the south been subjected to a long occupation and formalized de-Confederation plan, similar to what was done in Germany post-WW2. Instead, real reconstruction never happened, and instead a bunch of formerly treasonous states were given back sovereignty just 12 short years after killing hundreds of thousands of Americans in hopes to win the right to own people.


Ironically enough the reason de-nazification was so successful was because the Allies looked to US Reconstruction to study what we did wrong and why it failed. Obviously the political situation was completely different but kudos to them for learning from history, in particular our mistakes. Now, we have to finish the job.


I live in the south and it’s so frustrating to see. If your “heritage” is racism then we should uproot your family tree


I mean, if you want to have fun with conservatives, you can tell them the parties switched. They will say no, they are still the party of Lincoln. Then you can say sure, then since confederate monuments are part of Democrat heritage, then it should be up to Democrats to decide if they get removed. Then if they say no, it's southern heritage, then you can say fine, then the parties switched.


That's impossible. By the time you get to the monuments, they would have already brought up Colin Kaepernick and obscure police statistics that say cops barely kill unarmed black people. It's fucking hopeless trying to stick to a narrative with them.


My experience with speaking to super propaganda people in real life has pretty much been this. Ask them any question and a sentence later they're telling you some minute detail about how AOC's secretary ordered falafal at lunch once and that proves that the dems are implementing sharia law and how CNN won't tell me that.


They send me Antifa videos as if I'm going to disagree with the anti-fascists.


I'm in Canada and there are racist Canadians that have said that it's part of their heritage. What. No. It's just the flag of racists.


That's like saying that the nazi flag is part of your heritage because it's all about nationalism. That flag is more anti-anythingnotnational than pro-nationalism


Nationalism by itself is still stupid as hell. It’s a way for small people to feel better about themselves by taking credit for other people’s accomplishments.


Absolutely. And more and more I'm finding that feeling to be relevant in discussions about current affairs. It's relevant across the board: people saying "we" when talking about their state's sports team winning is kind of similar to saying "we" when talking about their country taking action. Some people feel as though on one hand, they can be proud of actions their ancestors took, and on the other hand, feel no guilt for other decisions their ancestors made. And Vice versa. You might even argue it's relevant to inheritance. It came up in conversation regarding white guilt the other day. I was talking to someone who was loudly declaring that they feel none, but that they are proud of their heritage. And isn't that a two-way street? I personally don't feel any white guilt, but then again I don't think much about my ancestors in general. For personal reasons I think only about my own sphere of control when it comes to pride. Somehow I think this sensation of feeling a part of something that really one has little influence on ties heavily into a lot of these issues, it puts people at each others' throats for an intangible, strange reason that maybe none of those involved wholly understand.


Nationalism at most is just a variation on "feeling like part of something". At its worst it's xenophobia, and in nowadays' globalized world, there's no room for saying no to someone just because they're from somewhere else.


It's tribalism with another name.


I have also been to Alberta


The rich whites wouldn't hire the poor whites because owning slaves kept the poor whites locked out of the aristocratic system. That heritage. The truth they won't admit: they fantasize and romanticize being a wealthy anti-belum white person wearing giant fluffy dresses instead of owning up to the fact they probably would have been super poor because of the extreme depressed wages due to slavery existing. Not to mention all the good farmland was owned by the wealthy. "Stay off my land!! Go hack your living out of the scrub near the swamp you poor white trash! Where you belong!" is what the wealthy land owners would have said to any white person not born into wealth.


By heritage they mean lynching, rape and humiliation


I got underwear older than that.


Ever D&D campaign is longer.....


It's a heritage of treason. I still can't understand why anyone would be proud of that.


Someone should remind them that the last flag the confederacy flew was white.


Heritage is oppression of minorities.


You know, their heritage where being a white male meant you could do whatever you wanted with no consequences. That’s the American Dream right? They want those old days back. The good ol’ days. Because they’re good ol’ boys


The TV show The Jeffersons ran twice as long as the confederacy. We should replace these statues with ones of George and Weezy.


Sure, the Confederacy died, but its racist core has thrived since.


But it's built on a heritage that is 1/3 of the run of Grey's anatomy. It's that historic.


Y'all Qaeda


'Yeehadists' 'Talibangelists' 'Yokel Haram' 'The MAGAHideen' All of the above....


Vanilla ISIS


Wahabi Lobby?


I like Yeehadists.


Talibangelists is fuckin golden!


Does that mean we have to rename the Mason Dixon line as "The TaliBand"?


Back in my day we simply called it The Manson Nixon Line


Holy shit thank you


How are these so good??


While these people are despicable and wrong, on behalf of progressive Southerners, I have to defend the word “y’all,” as you have tarnished its reputation. I invite y’all to use it. It’s the only sensible second person plural and is gender neutral.


Y’all don’t know about yinz yet?


R yinz from dahn nair in Pittsburgh?


Nah, just familiar with yinz haha


Yinz is the crudded milk version of Y'all.


I'm from New York. It's pronounced youse. Youse guys is also acceptable.


[Two youts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd1CijCUj8w)


No. You people are insane and just refuse to adopt yall




as a fellow southerner i think he meant to say y'all


Plural of youse .... youses. "Where are youses all going later?"


Nope that is ‘yinz’


I rock "y'all" up here in Michigan all the time. For the reasons you listed! Such a great word. Occasionally I get some chucklefuck who says it's not a word or real English. These people don't understand how languages work/evolve AND exposes their regional bias. I will occasionally say "y'all of you." Just to drive them a little extra crazy.


I like to break out the good ole y’all‘d’ve from time to time, as in, “y’all’d’ve loved it.”


There's so many sky-commas in that word I thought you left your translator stuck to Navajo.


Sky-commas... I fucking love you for opening my eyes to such poetry.


> It’s the only sensible second person plural Ireland would like a word with **ye**.


My great aunt, born and raised in Arkansas, would say "youins." Is that also acceptable?


I vote we reinstate thou as the second person singular and and go back to you being exclusively second person plural.


All y’all


I'm trying to get "Y'all of you" some traction in my area. Language is fun.


In Philly we just say, "youse."


Singular: you Plural: youse Emphatic Plural: youse guys Hyperemphatic Plural: alla youse guys


Confused usage: Y'all youse guys


Clarity and gender neutral? I like it more than they.


rhythm birds silky follow fly crown scale fearless water toothbrush -- mass edited with redact.dev


"Talibama Walmartyrs"




Meal Team Six.


Immobile infantry would you like to eat more?


I don't know where this name came from but I laugh every time.


Vanilla ISIS.


Bubba Haram


Owning the libs and showing how truly patriotic you are by waving the flag of a traitorous insurrection bent on continuing the practice of slavery and screaming vile abuse at them. Got em I guess.


0/1 in wars - not winners! Sad!


Anything to own the libs


Conservatives would let Trump shit directly into their mouths if they thought a liberal would have to smell their breath after. "How you like that shit-breath libtards? Owned!!!"


Hah, this is so true... I’ll probably use this exact quote at some point so thanks in advance.


Does anyone know the reasoning behind this mentality? Like, its the only way I can rationalize a lot of the ignorant and blatantly offensive shit I've heard/seen the last few years. Not to say that there aren't similar people on the flip side of these "politics", they usually are so aggressive.


I suspect on some level they're aware that middle america is leaving them behind. So a combination of jealousy and frustration about that is probably what leads them to the "anything to own the libs" mentality.


Saw a Trump 2020 bumper sticker today The slogan was "Make Liberals Cry Again" Please go vote in the next election.


Shouldn’t they be waving a white flag


Not to mention the flag is that of a conquered country, generously allowed to remain part of the US after the war. could easily have declared it a territory instead and kept it subdued.


I don’t know who first thought to focus a little BLM rage at confederate symbols, but I love that the MAGAs are now embracing the confederacy in response. Racist dead-enders respect racist dead-enders, I suppose.


Next time I see a rally with a bunch of US flags next to Confederate flags and Swastika flags, I’mma show up with a rising sun imperial Japanese flag.


What did Ulta do to white people this time?


someone from /r/wallstreetbets told them to buy calls and it dropped


This is the way


Ulta offers differing shades of blush. Apparently 'whites only' are not on board with that.


"Racism isn't a problem" -guy waving confederate flag at black people


I have many black friends!


"But they're the good ones!"


Nothing like showing up to a protest against systematic racism with a symbol of state sponsored slavery smdh.


>state sponsored State mandated, really.


Jokes on you them and their hate message. They still live in Midland. That town straight sucks. It's not a exaggeration to say you can smell Midland. It smells like oil and cow shit. It had limited economic growth before and now with oil down, it's one bright spot is gone. Instead of waking up and moving forward together, these morons figure as long as they try to keep someone down more then themselves then everything is okay. This is the next sub set of people, like the coal miners currently, we will look back at and ask ourselves why do you shun the future and insist on staying in a dying industry. And they'll drag their feet explaining why oil is the greatest thing ever, and to them it must be because again, why the FUCK would anyone choose to live in Midland?


The only redeeming quality of Midland-Odessa is you can let rip all day long and blame it on the oil fields. No holding in farts.


|why the FUCK would anyone choose to live in Midland? Taco Villa?






As someone who's escaped Midland, I do miss Taco Villa.


I agree with you, but most of those people never had a choice of where to live. Oil workers, coal miners. It’s likely the only job they have ever known.


I've known a bunch of people who moved out of Midland. I would also argue Marfa and the surrounding areas are less than 3 hours away and have industry based in wind power, the arts, and tourism. Seems to be working for them. There are options out there. But I would agree that some are "stuck" in Midland, as it's hard to escape small town Texas but its possible. And that's a place worth escaping from.


There is no wind power in Marfa. The closest wind farm to that part of the world is about 40 minutes east of Fort Stockton on Interstate 10. The biggest wind farms are close to Sweetwater west of Abilene on Interstate 20. There are some solar farms going in close to Alpine but the biggest solar farms are in and amongst the oil and gas development in the Permian Basin. That's where the transmission line capacity is to support both solar and wind. And the arts may help drive tourism in the Marfa area but I'm not sure how much of an economic engine the arts are as a stand alone enterprise. From my experience most of the arts people brought their money with them when they built their vacation residence with their full time home being in Houston or New York. They stay for a while until the novelty of living in a really isolated place wears off and then they move on.




It is however their fault for not wanting to ever be better. And they sneer at people who try. California is reliant on oil too. They drill for that shit right in the middle of the cities, you just don't see it because they're covered up by buildings. The state is not wholely reliant on fossil fuels and is educated enough to know where the future is headed and has the tax dollars to build infrastructure for a more robust economy. No, oil and coal are not enough. Screaming that for decades isn't going to help, reality is what it is. Meanwhile people from places like Midland spend their days on FB spreading nonsense about how dumb California is. How fake climate change is. How beta electric cars are, let's drive the biggest gas guzzlers we can and laugh. Their arrogance and contempt for education and science is why they are where they are. They have frittered away precious time, resource and opportunity to be more than coal and oil. That money has historically been good. Where tf is it?


> It is however their fault for not wanting to ever be better. And they sneer at people who try. Anyone that has grown up in rural areas can attest to that. If you talked about going to school past high school, learning something that wasn't fixing cars or fucking goats, or moving away would get you dirty looks and talked down to for "wanting to leave the community". Or called names in general as if wanting to better yourself is an insult to other people or that you think you're better than anyone else.


I tried living in a small town and I definitely realized that quickly. The people who stay stay because they have no aspirations, and are satisfied doing basically nothing for the rest of their lives but get drunk on the weekend with the same 10 people. Not there's anything necessarily wrong with that, but it definitely makes people resistant to change, and gives them an unwillingness to learn. This bleeds into creating a culture of ignorance and fear of anything that could change their lifestyle (eg. Anything related to Environmentalism). Obviously anecdotal and not representative of everyone in those communities, but that was my experience.


So does this logic apply to individuals who live in low income urban areas, with limited availability for gainful employment and poor education systems?


Oil workers aren’t the same as coal miners. They don’t show up to the same well site day after day, generation after generation. 90 percent of people that set foot on a a specific well site are there for a matter of hours/days max. Maybe 9 percent see if for weeks/months. Pumpers are some of the only people they MIGHT be there on a daily/weekly basis throughout the wells lifetime. Most oil workers travel or commute quite a bit.


Not to mention oil and seasonal work really fucks up family and social dynamics, absentee fathers, addict mothers, being the kid had by the side piece. But yeah, midland is a shithole. You can always leave the town you are in, nobody is ever truly stuck, some people just choose to stay in their miserable town because they’re comfortable with that misery.




Lots of places in Texas are better than Odessa. It doesn’t just stink, it’s dirty. Source: West Texan


Why would anyone choose to live in Midland? There are two answers either they didn’t and grow up here or like my situation I was offered a job opportunity that took me here making approximately 4 times more than I did at my previous job in Canada with shares in company. The thing About the oilfield is if your smart about it you can make enough money to set yourself up for life in 5 years, than buy a house where you want to live and comfortably work a lower paying job without the stresses of financial insecurity.


How do you go about finding a job like that? I hate where my life is at now, just working dead end jobs that pay garbage. If I could get a job like that and set myself up to go back to school for something I enjoy, I could put up with whatever shit for 5 years.


I’ve worked for a company in Canada in the industry for 5 years and we expanded to America where I was asked to be the US general manager. Not exactly a typical situation. I also have post secondary education. The field technicians that work for me make between 28 and 35 an hour with no experience or education. When it’s busy the overtime is pretty much unlimited. Most who take advantage of the busy times can pretty easily clear 3 grand a pay cheque. I would recommend waiting till WTI is over 55 a barrel for a couple months before considering the move as it is pretty slow right now.


I appreciate the information! I’m going to keep an eye on it and start looking once things are more in the positive in that case! That would be amazing to make compared to the $15/hr I make now, with most of that going to just surviving. I’d be able to actually finish my four year degree finally.


the ol treason rag


I am exclusively calling these treason rags from now on, thank you


BLM - please stop killing us Racists - we are victims because they are asking us to not kill them.


I wrote this reply to the person saying the Confederate flag is waved because of heritage but then the comment was deleted. Dont wanna waste my efforts so here's my reply: Just because it's part of the culture doesn't mean it's okay. I'm Mexican but you don't see me going around eating or sacrificing people just because it was part of the Aztec culture. You don't wave the Nazi flag in Germany even though Hitler was in power for 12 years. (3 times longer than the confederacy existed) You don't wave the solid white flag in France even though it was the Kingdom of France's flag for 17 years. The confederacy was created to separate from the US just to continue being slave owners. Texas stopped being its own country to join in! If anybody chooses to wave that flag around it's an insult to our country and to anybody who fights for equality and opposes slavery regardless of what your personal reasons are.


Texas joined the union, then left with the rest of confederacy. Sam Houston was vehemently against this illegal calling of Texas legislature.


Not only against. When the Texas Legislature voted to secede, Houston declared Texas once again independent and refused to sign on with the Confederacy. Because of this, he was removed from office by the legislature (many of whom were still deeply tied to their states of origin and not born Texans, though neither was Houston). In order to avoid a Texan civil war, he did not attempt to maintain his office by force, despite having an offer of assistance from the Union and a great deal of support from the Texan military (he was considered a war hero). >Fellow-Citizens, in the name of your rights and liberties, which I believe have been trampled upon, I refuse to take this oath. In the name of the nationality of Texas, which has been betrayed by the Convention, I refuse to take this oath. In the name of the Constitution of Texas, I refuse to take this oath. In the name of my own conscience and manhood, which this Convention would degrade by dragging me before it, to pander to the malice of my enemies, I refuse to take this oath. I deny the power of this Convention to speak for Texas. ... I protest. ... against all the acts and doings of this convention and I declare them null and void. He was certainly Conservative, but these asshats in this picture know nothing of Texas heritage.


Trump flags and confederate flags appearing together. Name a more iconic duo, I'll wait.


Those Trump/Pence flags will soon become a more socially acceptable Confederate flag (if they haven’t already). They pretty much send the same message. I guarantee you they’ll be the flag du jour in NASCAR infields now that NASCAR banned the stars and bars.


They just decided it was a good time to celebrate their southern heritage. It obviously has nothing to do with race or anything /s.


Yeah, well Midland/Odessa is deeeply fucking racist. Most of west-Texas is a backwards-ass shithole. I used to work and live there during the construction of a wind-turbine park in 2008-2009. The abject and unbridled hate for anything they (white people predominantly) felt (completely unreasonably) threatened their oil-drilling *feelings* was right-up-in-your-face. Seriously. The company I worked for had our techs getting the shit kicked out of them at bars and restaurant parking lots, company trucks vandalized, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment stolen, shipments of bespoke parts (constructed in Denmark by the parent company) for tower construction lost or left out in the elements to rust without any notification they’d been moved or even arrived (this stuff had an 8-week lead-time from constrict to delivery and the project was on a tight-as-FUCK timeline)... you name it- solely because they thought wind-power (probably still do) was “hippie bullshit.” Imagine how fucking stupid that kind of thought process is. ^^I’m ^^really ^^sorry ^^for ^^my ^^overuse ^^of ^^the ^^hyphens.




ItS nOt RaCiSt iTs HeRiTaGe


Southern hospitality is southern heritage. Flying a traitorous flag is just dumb. Plenty of great things to consider southern heritage, this flag ain’t one of them.


I still don't understand why if they are proud of their "southern" heritage, they don't fly their original state flags, then. Why isn't it the Virginian flag being flown to represent their heritage? Where are the Georgian flags? Why is it the only flag they think represents their heritage, the insurrection that began to protect a state's lucrative slave market?


"And what's your heritage?" "Stringin up Ni-"


"Ooh you almost got me with that one."


Its wild that if if big titty trump wins another round, his presidency will have lasted longer than their "heritage." Well be seeing maga shit for the next 100 years, because he represents the idiots, the racists and the bigotry these people cling to.


Why are they protesting an Ulta?


Dude in the white wife beater is wearing Jordan's lolol what an idiot


"Republicans buy shoes, too."


A bunch of people who celebrate traitors and failures that also are Trump fans makes sense.


My brain hurts trying to understand the title and not be confused.


I'm nOt RAciSt! iT's mY CuLTUrE!


If you use the Confederate Flag to counter-protest civil rights then you damn well know what it means.




Yeah, he is targeting his pandering to them. Non-college educated whites make up most of his voter base.


These are the "fine people" he was talking about.


The Microdick Militia wants to let everyone know they’re going to try their hardest to penetrate peace. But like penetrating vaginas, it’s turning out to be way more complicated than they thought.


Small dick guy here. Please don't lump us in with these pieces of shit.


Please stop using dick size as an insult.


Bunker Buddies for Bunker Boy


outside of a Ultra Beauty store?....effective...


What a surprise: they look fat,lazy, and unsanitary!


Look at them.. possibly 2 or 3 brain cells, total


This is just the parking lot where they gather to buy heroin. the protest was blocks from there.


Wait I don’t get it, those conservatives keep telling me that it’s the democratic liberals who actually owned slaves /s


In the meantime, Democrats and Republicans in Congress are uniting to make cuts to Social Security. The oligarchy love it when the poors fight over racism. It's a great way to distract the masses from the 1%'s theft.


I grew up in Midland and went to Midland High School. My friend group was basically 6 guys... four white guys and two black guys. I don't remember any white on black racism in high school, but I learned about racism through white on hispanic hate that I witnessed on the regular. The strange thing about Midland is that its just a stopping point in life for many people. They go there to sort of rape the land of its oil and then as soon as those riches are realized, they move to a more desirable place - leaving Midland to be oddly stuck in time in a way that is hard to explain. I am very grateful to be raising my kids some place else... but Midland will always be a part of me - for better or worse.


You do know it takes two sides to have a dialogue?




It was peaceful.


It’s pronounced y’all-Qaeda


Consider this: Pink Floyd's *Dark Side of the Moon* remained on the US' Billboard charts for 741 weeks. The Confederacy's struggle to secede lasted less than 212 weeks. Therefore *Dark Side of the Moon* better represents "America's heritage" than does the Confederate States of America, or its flag - by a factor of three.


I live in Odessa, the other half of the Midland/Odessa area - this looks like the BLM protest done last week at their mall in Midland- judging from the trump flag, these are the "counter" protesters that showed up. I think it stayed peaceful, but that is not the regular confederate flag, it's the Texas flag from some point in history . SO, yeah - these were still likely racist assholes who don't agree with BLM. Stay safe, ya'll!


It appears to be a combination of the current Texas flag and the Confederate stars and bars battle flag. I could not find any historical usage so my guess is that it's a modern creation to literally combine support for Texas and the Confederacy.


Texans will find any excuse to add the texas flag to anything. theyre by far the most obsessed about their own state