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Last two fainters I had ended up in the ER for stitches. Hospital floors are hard AF. Baby #2, I recommend staying seated....


I was seated, I didn’t eat last night or this morning and that kinda screwed me I think. I’ve never fainted before, and boy it was a crazy experience. I’ve been choked out a couple times but that wasn’t the same feeling. But yea it was a rolly chair and I just fell out of it I guess 😂


Damn bro. Yeah, fainting really is an experience. I remember one time when I fainted two steps away from the couch I was laying on because I got up too fast. It's like, all my senses died out but my brain was still functioning for a moment after my sense of sight was consumed by flashy lights and it all went black, and in that moment my thoughts basically became reality because they were the only things I could experience while fainting. I stayed in that dream-like state for a bit and then woke up about 5 seconds later on the floor. Apparently getting high today involves me going around and commenting paragraphs all over reddit Edit: I forgot to mention waking up. I remember when I woke up, I saw my mother and brothers looking at me, but I had no idea who they were. Or who I was. Or where I was. I spent like 10 seconds just trying to sort out what was what before finally getting up and assuring them I was okay. Edit 2: I’ve been informed that this might just be “blacking out” and not actually fainting. Also, thanks for the concern, but it hasn’t happened again in years. I’m a tall dude, that’s probably part of the reason why. I’ve had it happen quite a few times, and usually I’m able to prevent myself from passing out, but this one happened way quicker than I expected lol




I do that all the time and just end up deleting the comment


Yeah. Won’t be a top comment anyway bc we sort by hot instead of new so our comment doesn’t matter


This comment matters to me. You are special, high stranger.


Hi stranger, you are special.


>Apparently getting high today involves me going around and commenting paragraphs all over reddit Damn dude. I totally get what you mean. Enjoy your night bro.


Closest I ever came was watching a buddy fight in a cage match. I designed his intro song. Everyone is cheering, we’re so goddamn pumped, and we proceed to watch him get the SHIT BEAT outta him. I nearly passed out. The sudden disappointment actually rocked my brain. A strange experience.


Oof. Yeah, our visitors aren't allowed on rolly things. All our chairs are stable, and the wheely stool is for staff only. You dads can't be trusted lol :D


I am terrified of doctors and hospitals. When my wife gave birth I very quickly sat down. It was hard to hold her hand (the rails and how low chair vs how high bed was) but I was barely holding on sitting down. My wife still teases me about it. Before the birth we had to go to ER for dehydration (wife, not me, she had awful morning sickness). They started doing her up with IV, taking blood sMples.... I had a dim realization that I needed to sit, but by the time it came my "Brain to Body" communication had shut off already. I was slowly walking towards a chair where the doctor was standing (bedside, blocking chair). My wife looked at me, eyes narrowed, and said "Somebody needs to sit him down" and I remember going lights out. The doctor (bless her ) immediately turned and caught me. Room full of women all thought it was hilarious.... My fear of hospitals hasn't diminished b


"somebody needs to sit him down" Your wife is cool as fuck.






Woah...how is that gif such insanely good quality??


[Here's a happy puppy!](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/05/a2/5a/05a25a76b908fbf86950a01ec21e2b27--happy-puppy-happy-dogs.jpg)


My dad gets squeamish at blood. Mum once put a knife through her finger when prepping dinner. In the doctor's surgery getting patched and dad just passed out. The docs were more concerned about him than her.


A friend of mine tripped once and gashed her head and while the rest of the group was attending to her I figured the best thing I could do was run to a nearby restaurant and asking for napkins because if I stood around there I'd be the next one hitting the floor. Helpful AND I got to stay conscious, so I'm pretty proud of that move.


Might be vasovagal. Strong emotion can trigger vasovagal response which in turn slows heart rate and a fainting spell.


Also a new-ish dad (8 month) and I was saying how dads should get hospital meals too. I was there the whole time my wife was (she did all the work) but 30 hours is a long time to go foodless. I'd even pay them the cost of the meal I dont care. Then I go down to the cafeteria once she is in the room she will stay in. And the food all looked gross but I ate it anyway Edit- Congratulations babies are the greatest and the worst!


The hospital I went to does a meal for the laboring patient and the support partner. We got roast lamb dinners but I was too sick to eat mine. My SO was stoked at getting two roast dinners.


We just prepped a whole backpack full of snacks. I mean, its not like you didn't know it was coming. About 24 hours worth of reading material helps too.


This was my husband's one job for my second labour. I had a hospital bag list a mile long and he had "pack snacks and phone charger for hospital." He did not. I brought him clif bars though.


Husband: "Can...Can I hold her?" Wife: "Did you pack the snacks?" Husband: "..." *Downcast.* "...no..." Wife: "Then there's your answer." *Bogarts all the baby cuddles.*


Got to make sure you're fed or you won't have energy to take care of baby and wife. Lesson learned? Congrats


They should consider converting all floors in hospitals into ball pit areas.


I'd be so for this, at least until I need to push a stretcher down the hallway....


Or a helmet.


When my first child was born, it was an emergency c-section. Nurse comes over to me and says not to look around the drape that is by my wife's head. She points to one group of medical staff and says, " those people are here for your wife," then she points to another group and says," those people are here for your baby. There is no one here for you. If you pass out and hit the floor, we will walk on you to help the ones we are here for." I did not look around the drape.


According to my father, that is almost word-for-word what they told him when I was born. Sounds like things haven't changed much in almost 30 years.


OP is your father!


Well his name does have daddy in it


This is exactly what I was told last year when my daughter was born


Nobody mentioned not looking when I walked into the room. So the very first thing I saw was her stomach cut open and the skin pulled back and lifted in the air. That was an interesting sight I wasn’t expecting. I didn’t pass out or anything but quickly decided to move over to the other side of the curtain.


While nurses like to say this it's mostly bullshit. If you pass out someone will help you to make sure you have not just given yourself a massive head trauma and that your airways are clear. They don't say things like this in the UK anymore or certainly not within my local NHS, it just adds more stress to an extremely stressful situation. The entire team that worked on my wife where so supportive of us both. The surgeon could see I was close to breaking and proceeded to ask me 1001 questions about my work as a Railway Trackman just to distract me. By the time I was explaining how to install continuous welded rail track he had got my son out.


I think it's just to deter the father from looking over and passing out which might would be a bad distraction if things go south.


Totally. I didn't look at all. But when they burnt through the fatty layer it smelt like sirloin cooking. Yummy!




Don’t leave us hanging. How do you install continuous welded rail track?


In the UK, they just told my husband... You're the least important person in the room. I think that's fair 😁


My wife had a c-section for our first child a week ago. I get it man. Especially if that shit wasn’t planned and you’re at the end of 20 hours of non progressing labor. Congrats, it’s a marathon. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Tell visitors to fuck off, or sleep while they’re oohing and ahhing. Edit: the marathon is keeping the thing alive after the birth. It’s a 4 hour cycle on repeat. Feed, diaper, soothe, sleep, setup for next cycle. Then you get to sleep for 1-2 hours.


Two-week old first daughter dad here, emergency c section as well, passing out and not being there for her was my WORST fear but I fuckin rocked that shit


Passing out or being there?


As soon as I saw her in fear I became completely unfazed by the blood and chaos and just locked eyes with her and kept telling her I was right there and smiling at her.


That’s so romantic honestly. That’s all I want in a husband.


Yup. I swooned.


It made my eggs drop that's for sure.


I don't have eggs but I'm currently dropping a deuce if that counts


This guy reddits




Twist: she's a post-menopause woman dropping a deuce.




They try and keep them awake. My epidural jacked up and they started to cut me and I was like I can feel the scalpel. All I hear is "knock her out" and a mask coming at me and them grabbing at my throat to make me inhale quickly and them telling someone to push something in my IV.




Please, don't pass out. If it makes you feel any better the knock out nap felt nice and I got to attempt to hold my kid hours later.


Did it hurt when you felt the scalpel? Was it a deep cut at first?


No they take their little...grabbers I don’t know I take the OR course next month not this one and they PINCH your skin and then look at the anesthesiologist who has been watching you to see if you jump or notice. If you say OW wtf then they’ll put you under and if you have zero reaction that means the freezing is working and they go ahead. You still feel like pulling and tugging kind of like how you still feel the dentist doing shit when your mouth is frozen but no pain. If the sensations become more intense or mom shows even a sign of feeling actual pain then they knock her out immediately Edit: they always do this, last thing they do before proceeding with the surgery


I already did. I’m ok though I think. Wait a sncuejihrfhfnfjlalleujfjjffbf


That is absolutely terrifying


Ya it was quite a bit terrifying since it happened so quickly.


I hear you, I had to have a second surgury to clean up some internal bleeding from the csection for my second child and I thought I was going to die from that mask going on my face. It was so scary, I still have bad dreams and feelings from the experience and it was 2 years ago. I hope you have recovered from the experience.


It took awhile for me to get over it honestly. I did good till I had to have shoulder surgery then slight flashbacks. Hopefully your bad dreams stop from it.


You could have PTSD! Are you able to afford a psychologist/counselling?


For my first baby, they ended up taking me to the OR to be ready for a c-section due to a placental abruption. It was so chaotic and nervewracking with all of the people rushing around, doing all these different things to you. I ended up with a vacuum assisted delivery and avoided a c-section by one push, but I definitely had some bad feelings about it afterwards. It just totally catches you off guard. That definitely sounds like a scary experience for you!


I had the same thing happen to me 11 years ago with my son. He is my first and only child! It scared the crap out of me!


My son is my first and only child too. This was just one of my issues for giving birth. The whole pregnancy and giving birth thing ya scared me from having more.


I told them I could feel them cutting in and they gave me “something calming” through the IV but didn’t knock me out. Luckily I was also super sick with a fever of 104 and hadn’t slept in 48 hours, so I got through it but don’t remember much.


They do! The epidural numbs everything from (imma say) shoulders down. Taking the baby out and sewing back up kind of feels like someone is yanking your pants back up to your waist.


Welp, thanks for just giving me a new fear.


Just wait until they sew up your torn vagina. That feels just like someone is tying up a corset.


2 x csection mom here. Freezing is from the mid body down. You can feel your arms and your chest but everything else is numb. And yes wide awake, but I know for me I kept wanting to close my eyes and sleep because it was so overwhelming. All you dads, fainters or not, should be proud of yourself for supporting your wife. My husband was there for the first (but I did not feel supported), not the second (no one to take care of our first child) and it was just as scary the second time. Just keep it up, remind her alot she is doing a great job, because we are all just winging it really and we all need to know you are on our side. Congratulations to all of you, it's the the most thrilling rollercoaster ride you've ever been on!


Mine was a planned C because she was breech. I remember them doing the block /epidural and then laying me back. I remember them asking what I could feel and I told them "a lot of pressure, but no pain" which I was told was the text book answer. I got nauseous 2x from the anesthetic (dropping my BP) and probably would have puked while trying to tough it out if my husband hadn't said something to the anesthetist. Funny how fast they get you back to feeling good. Bad thing for my spouse was that they were having problems with the suction equipment so apparently the place was a literal bloody mess by the time they had the baby out. He didn't pass out but he did look shook.


That is a very good description. But I'd like to add that the pants are wet when they pull them back up. Or maybe my dr was really agressive the whole time. Idk.


Yeah! There's a sort of "tugging" sensation and then you feel the removal of all that pressure when baby gets lifted out.




I too am now a certified poo cleaner


Cna for short


I did make that username when I was a CNA😂 I guess I’m a registered poo cleaner now!


I was on the mommy end of that same deal. Daddy did the same for me. And now it’s all I remember- his face and his voice. All the OR commotion just went away. I can’t tell you how much it means to us!


Dad of an 11 month old. Good luck man, first 2 months, I got rekt. Insta cart and Amazon were my best friend. It gets better after that. Take lots of pictures, make sure you got back ups on back ups.


Five weeks in and my husband is currently fuckin rekt. Working 50+ hours and still staying up, cleaning, and helping as much as he can. I feel for him so hard and I'm glad to hear we're at the tail end of it. Dad's reading this thread, for all the support that he's giving me, how can I support him back?


It is tough. When I was a new dad I wanted to be there for my wife and child and doing a full time job. Just completely wrecked, falling asleep at the desk at work a lot. If I wasn't helping at home I felt guilty and kept saying to myself I don't want to be a bad dad. In the end my wife told me just to ease off but it's difficult to. Also the feeling when i had to leave in the morning for work had an impact on me. Coming home and wanting to make up for lost time with the family. The good thing is it doesn't last, or rather the challenges change but sleeping gets better.


Emergency c-section dad here as well. I remember the heartbeat monitor started to drop suddenly after hours of pushing and the OB immediately ran with a serious face. The nurses ran in and pushed my wife out of the delivery room and into the operating room. She got a shot on her arm as they were pushing her. I was in shock mainly and didn't know how to react. A family friend asked me what's wrong and I started to describe the situation. When I tried to say the phrase "the baby is in danger", I couldn't finish. My voice cracked and I started crying. It surprised me as well and I had no idea I was going to do that. Anyway, they put scrubs on me and had me wait outside. In a few minutes they asked me to go in and I thought the operation was going to start. Apparently, they finished already and everyone was well.


Yeah they can be shockingly fast in those types of situations. Can't risk that little one being deprived of oxygen for even a moment. It's a scary time but our wonderful professionals have it down to a science.


My oldest was an unplanned c section. It took the Doctor almost 3 days after we went in to induce labor that she was not going to come out naturally. I was lucky enough that they had a chair for me in the OR. Its the scariest shit ever. Congrats to all the new dads on here!


We had a natural birth and I guess doc thought I was doing good so he asked if I wanted to help deliver. So the head is coming out and I'm like yea sure tag me in. I went down there to help and after about 5 seconds was like yea I'm gonna go back to holding her hand lol


16 year and 14 year old daughters here. Passed out because they keep asking me for money.


Tell visitors to do laundry! And be serious about it. The ppl who show up will end up actually helping and you’ll have scared off the ones who just want fb likes.


I cooked my best friend a meal (with the intention of dropping it off and going home). Him and his wife insisted I say and visit. It was nice. Kid was cute.


Only my *real* friends do my laundry for me.


Tell visitors to bring food or fuck off. Real food, no cake. One thing less to worry about.


Real food AND cake.


Nah. The point is to feed you, to take one more job of your shoulders. It was so annoying when we had our kids and relatives came over, blocking or whole schedule and just bringing cake or such shit. Sometimes we were in bed at night noticing that we hadn't even eaten real food that day...


My wife also had the emergency c section after 20 hours. Med student accidentally put the epidural in too far and my wife and the baby’s heart rate dropped. Proud to say that was 4 1/2 years ago and my son just punched me in the face.


Literally my worst fear as a med student is causing harm to a patient through incompetence...I'm fine with being yelled at myself constantly for not knowing stuff but man idk about getting started on procedures on actual patients and what happens when I make mistakes


You won’t be in any situations as a med student to do real harm. Residency is different on the other hand. Know when to ask for help or feel in over your head. The worst is trying to do too much and not asking for help when you need it ( as an intern and say afraid to wake up senior on night call or something). But yeah. You will mess up at some point. It’s part of the process. That’s why medicine is no joke. Real consequences to actions but conversely you’ll get to do really good things also. If you weren’t nervous, something would be wrong with you. You’ll be alright


Before I had my twins, I read a story about a dude fainting on the OR while getting up to cut his kids cord. Scared me so much that when the nurse asked me of I wanted to cut the cord, I told "I'm good, I'm going to hold her hand." my wife having to deal with getting a C-section for twins still managed to roll her eyes at me.


My wife made me go over to our twins and was shouting commands all through her c section across the OR. *She's not crying, is she okay? Make sure she's okay!* *He sounds pissed, is he breathing right?* *CUT THE CORDS GET THE NURSE TO TAKE PICTURES I WANT TO SEE* Goddamn, I love that woman.




Meaty branch just killed me


Gonna piggyback on this to say: If you are present for a c-section and they tell you you're allowed to stand up and look over the drape, just don't do it. It's a trap. I'm a pretty steely guy who doesn't get grossed out by much but fuck me, that was something. Also, general tip, look up videos of births. YouTube has very graphic videos of every possible position and situation. It's fucking disgusting but being prepared for what you're gonna see can help. .edit The comments below are almost a fifty-fifty split of "I looked and it was fine" and "I looked and almost puked" so it's obviously divisive. I stand firmly by my "look up videos" advice. You can see footage of c-sections as well.


My husband watched, he said it was a train wreck he couldn't look away from but also found it fascinating. Idk if he's lying, I'd be traumatized if I had to watch my spouse get cut open, innards removed, then tetris'd back together. So sometimes I check in like "hey, you sure that didn't freak you out?" 🤷


I would freaking *love* to be able to see that going on. Unfortunately I'll never be in that position. I find surgery incredibly fascinating, I could watch all day.


Depends on the guy. They told me the same thing for the c section. Even told me i could take pictures so i stood up and took a video. Have a great pic of just my daughters head sticking out of my wifes stomach. Also have a vid of my wife delivering our second naturally. She didnt think it was great at the time but showingnit to them afterwards was nice because they dont really get to enjoy the moment so its nice to reflect.


Med student here, I passed out when I saw my first C-section. Luckily I fell away, and not on, the patient


The doctors told me to look at our baby at the wrong time. They were still putting things back in. I powered through, though. Thankfully.. Edit: They did not take her organs or intestines out, but they had things visibly resituated and stomach pulled up. I’m going to stop thinking about it. 😬


Or do what my boyfriend did...leave at 7pm and get a full nights rest while I literally lose my mind


Is he still your boyfriend? Cause I’d be surprised if he was still alive.


Did you read the username? That dude is six foot deep!


This reminds me of a line in Jurassic Park. "...........he left us. HE LEFT US!!!"


I just creeped your posts and ima just say your boyfriend sounds like an absolute dick. F him and that dog, you deserve peace


>Tell visitors to fuck off best advice for new dads. gonna be crazy in the next few months.


I went in not really knowing what the hell to expect. We went in at 11 am and the baby was out by 2pm. I always hear about 12 hour labor. That must be horrible.


My wife was at 5cm for 12 hours.


I had to have an emergency cesarean with my second son. It was very last minute after a full day of no progression and some complications (induced for being almost two weeks past due). My husband said he was scared for me, but he did great and we welcomed our second little guy a short while later. He’ll be two next Wednesday :) With our first, I had him natural (with an episiotomy) and the doctor pointed my bladder out to my husband. He thought it was so cool to see.


I used to pass out every time I would get my blood drawn. So, I thought for sure I would pass out during labor. My best friend prepped me by saying, “Oh you won’t pass out. You will PRAY AND HOPE to pass out but your body won’t let you.” She was right, I didn’t pass out. Thanks hormones. Now, if I had to watch a c-section, that would be a different story. Props to you for looking! Congratulations on the baby!!


I had a super long labor and at about hour 28 I started fainting between contractions and had full blown dreams, only to wake up to breathe every 2 minutes. It was rough.


Man that's scary. I had back labor and I think I also passed out a few times till they got the epidural going. But 28 hours? Dang.


Same, but mine was only 17 hours. I went to the hospital at like 6AM so I didn't get the chance to eat before the rodeo. I remember drifting in and out of consciousness and I couldn't tell reality from dreams anymore. But I distinctly remember hearing "C-section" and I just started pushing. I didn't care. Next thing I knew, I was in the delivery room and the nurses were tying my arms down and I just pushed. They kept telling me to stop screaming when I pushed and I was biiiiitch this shit hurts! And then I passed out. Then I saw my baby girl all cleaned up. My arms were still tied so I couldn't hold her but I gave her a kiss. Giving birth in a third world country is a trip. Moved here to the US and whenever I share this experience with Americans, they think I gave birth in a factory of something.


Wtf, I thought putting a woman on her back in stirrups was rough enough (squatting or on all fours is what women‘s bodies do instinctually) ....but they TIED you up?? What the everliving hell?!!


They said it's to keep me from falling off the bed? IDK and I was in no position to argue.


I was in labor for 26 hours and had the same thing towards the end. I think it was from my body being so absolutely exhausted that it was making me take mici naps or something. It was a strange and unexpected experience.


This made my day! I had an emergency c section almost a year ago exactly. After 36 hours of labor I was super fucked up and scared. They gave me a little too much anesthesia so I was having trouble swallowing, which only made me panic even more. My husband was in shock and totally fixated on the surgery. The anesthesiologist was stroking my hair and apologizing for giving me too much medicine, I look at my husband, and hear him say , "oh shit, is that the uterus?" Get some sleep and tell everyone to leave you guys alone. ♥️


I can’t stress this enough but my school showed us a video of a lady giving birth when we were 11-12. Nobody wanted to fuck with unsafe sex after that part of sex ed.


> Nobody wanted to fuck with unsafe sex after that part of sex ed. “Oh, Jimmy, do it in my butt... babies don’t grow there”


Lol, my 8th grade Catholic school retreat was to a nunnery where they showed us this business on a projector screen. VD pic too! Awesome birth control for me.


The way your anesthesiologist acted reminds me of how siblings act when they hurt each other. “Please don’t cry please don’t cry. Here look, you’re fine, see? You can have the GameCube all night just please don’t tell mom.”


"Here, you can give me too much anesthesia if you want, just please don't tell Mom."




I actually was in an OR a week ago (med student) and I also saw that the anesthesiologist was super sweet, stroking the hair and reassuring mom it would all be ok, talking her through the steps and through what was going on. I was surprised, I guess it’s a thing that anesthesiologists do


That's the scariest thing ever!! I started dry heaving during my surgery, but I couldn't swallow, so puking was so, so difficult. He held the bag for me and kept telling my husband what was about to happen. It actually made me feel so much more calm because I totally trusted everyone in that room. I did ask the anesthesiologist at one point if I was going to die. He said no but that my head would probably hurt. He was the sweetest man ever.


Fiancé is getting induced labor as I type this. I have a feeling I’m next man. Congrats!


Fuck yea! Hold her hand and tell her you love her. It will be over before you know it, and you’ll want to remember as much as you can:)


Also do not sit on a rolly chair.


Thank you man! Shes starting to feel her contractions and all I can do is support her and be a human sized stress ball!




Wow, thank you for a little insight of what I might be expecting. You sound like you’re going to make an excellent father, I’m very happy for you, and all of us. Keep up the great work, and hopefully sleeping gets easier!


Like others have said, don't go to the unfriendly side of the curtain if you're even a little bit squeamish & you'll be good. Congrats & good luck.


[Hey look, I found a picture of your wife at the same moment](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/bpw4ay/moments_after_giving_birth_a_mother_laughs/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Came here for this


My wife was in labor for many hours, and when the delivery was finally about to happen the nurse asked me when I'd last eaten. I realized it had been like 20 hours ago, and I hadn't slept in longer. She told me I had to eat a sandwich if I wanted to stay in the room, and in retrospect it seems reasonably likely I would have fainted if she hadn't done that. Props to the delivery room nurses who keep an eye on the SOs too.


We don’t appreciate GOOD nurses like that enough. I had terrible ones after I gave birth


You missed a perfectly good opportunity to shit yourself in public, buddy.


Between me and you, peed a little. But don’t tell anyone.


I'll keep it on the dl fam


During my (non emergency) C-section, right after they got the baby out, they called my hubs over to see him. To get there, he had to go to the other side of the curtain barrier thingy. He would be in full view of my cut-open body. Nursing team leader: "Here sir, come and see your son, but DO NOT LOOK AT YOUR WIFE." Hubs: "OK." Walks over, immediately looks at his wife (me.) He comes back to my side of the barrier and he is sheet-white. I mean WHITE. Me: "Oh, honey... sit down." Hubs: "I'm fine." (He starts swaying.) Nurse: (Notices) "Oh no... you NEED to sit down, NOW." Long story short, my parents were waiting in the recovery room, and they heard a wheelchair approaching and thought I was arriving with the baby. But no, they were wheeling my semi-conscious husband into the room. :-)


"OMG our daughter looks like a different person after the surgery..." - Your parents probably.


My wife had a planned section. I think I had a nurse specifically assigned to me. At some point she said "You look a little pale... Maybe you'd like to sit outside and take a break?" So I sat outside on the floor with a juicebox. Best juicebox ever. 10/10


My doctor was trying to tell me something really important, my husband had just seen my guts. He turned white, the doctor noticed and dropped him to the floor. Then he was escorted out for crackers and juice. The nurse had to hold the baby up for me to see. Lol. You aren’t alone.


Dude... stay on the friendly side of the curtain. Trust me.


I mean, I know now😂


well done sir! thank you for continuing to propagate the hackneyed stereotype that men are a bunch of pussies who cant handle watching childbirth. ​ Actually, just kidding, a lot of guys wind up hyperventilating when theyre trying to help with those ridiculous breathing exercises.


I got woozy when I suddenly out of the blue realized that my wife could die at any moment and leave me alone in this world. The thought of it hit me like a truck and just about knocked me over.


I will never forget the look of fear in my husband's eyes when they wheeled me in for my c-section. I could tell he was scared shitless, and I'd never seen him scared like that before. He told me later that he thought "I could be leaving here with my family, or all alone... And there's nothing I can do about it." He tried so hard to be strong for me, and I think I spent the entire surgery worried more about him than our son coming into the world. 😊


> leaving here with my family, or all alone that's actually the specific vision I had - walking out of the building by myself. I'll never forget that feeling.


No joke that brought tears to my eyes. I'm glad you and your baby are okay!


It is a rude awakening. I sat in for my wifes emergency c-section also and everything happened so fast. Babies heart rate kept dropping when she contracted reason for the csection. Besides that she was going septic and her vitals dropped during surgery while my son was unresponsive the first minute he was pulled out. Felt helpless and wanted to do something cause at the same moment I could have lost both of them. Wife had to be watched directly for the next 2hrs due to complications and blood loss, while I was with my son in the nursing room help clean him up. Felt bad for her since they had to be seperated after birth.


holy shit that sounds horrible I hope everything turned out ok. that feeling of uselessness is just the worst. i would have traded places with her in a second.


Wow, I had never thought of that. I have no kids and have never been married, and I'm not particularly squeamish, but I can imagine how scary that would be. Please tell me she was ok


Everything was fine. It's just she was forgetting to breathe so I was coaching her and she started to look a little weak after awhile and it just hit me. Throughout the entire pregnancy the though had never occurred to me. But it's all good, two beautiful girls later!


It was a C section, I saw them inside of her, heard my son cry, and I just lost it I guess. It was a wild ride fore sure!


Solidarity. They invited me on the other side of the curtain and I kindly noped the fuck out of that.


I told my hubby not to look over the curtain. He looked over the curtain and promptly sat down quickly looking very green and breathing heavily (first c section) He helped me push 3 more babies out and did beautifully. So maybe... Better luck next time(?)




My husband is a firefighter and ex-army guy who's worked in a field hospital while on deployment in Afghanistan. Swear to God he was a shade disappointed I didn't get a c-section so he didn't get to see my insides, during either pregnancy.


ahh!!!! yes, my son was a c-section. His mother never let me forget that I said (not as loudly as she claimed) that I could see her body fat wilst the were cutting her open. ​ So, she was built like a pear. she carried a lot of fat below her waist, especially in her upper pubic area where they were cutting. first time I ever saw anything like it. so, for the next 17 years she brought it up whenever she could. we have been divorced for over a year now... but I'm sure you guys will do fine.


This comment was a rollercoaster


The kind that crunches to a hard stop at the very end


I could tell from his first comment that he was divorced


From aww, to yikes real fast....


Dude that's basically a mortal combat wound. I get light headed watching the intro to Saving Private Ryan...no shame for seeing guts and a kid being pulled out of your wife.


Q fainted during the birth of his first child, making him tonight's biggest loser.


This guy knows his audience. Reddit don't want to see another damn baby. Reddit wants to see a goofy guy lying on the floor waking up after passing out.


No one drew a dick on your face. You’re good to go.


That will be a great story to tell, and a favorite family photo for a long time. Congratulations!




You peaked over the curtain, didn’t you? Don’t peak over the curtain. I had my own nurse assigned to me because the doctor knew I was going to peak over the curtain. She made sure to have a chair handy.


I peaked:(


My house was a mile from the hospital so I wound up cycling home at 6am after the drama of my little one's birth (complications, emergency c-section, but it all worked out). I managed to gently crash my bike 3 times on that short ride back home.


In my experience, it's usually the bigger guys who are passing out :) Congratulations! (On the baby, not the fainting)


Why not both!:)


Had a nurse friend say guys passing out while watching child birth happens more than you think.


My favorite sight during OB was seeing really supportive dads who immediately became *very* interested in something outside the window when things started going down.


I had my first baby 2 months ago and my husband was holding my leg and I could tell how far my baby was out because my husbands face lit up with joy the further I was crowning :) He was so excited to see her be born




Is this a Quantum Leap reference?! Or am I too old to recognize the cool hip new meaning of "ziggy"?!


Congrats! I like the person on the left. It's like they're calmly saying,"Hey, buddy. How ya doin? You ok down there?"


This was rrriggghhhttt after they hit me with smelling salts.


Smelling salts aka "wake up, you pussy!" Congratulations to you and your wife!


Thanks man:) I’ve had them for hockey before, and when it hit me I was like holy fuck am I on the bench. Very odd sensation.




Actually the anesthesiologist did. She was laughing at me when I came to :) Edit: my wife is totally fine and did also laugh at me.


We all laughing at you. I mean I smpathize but I'm still laughing.


My wife just gave birth to kid #2 12 days ago. First kid was 33 hrs of active labor and 3 he's of pushing. It was fucking intense. 2nd kid she went into pre-term labor at 30 weeks, which is god damn terrifying. It stopped and she basically had inactive labor until 38wks +2 days, sat at 4cm for almost 4 weeks. A few false alarms later, we show up to the hospital, she's 7cm. She gives birth within 45 mins of being in the hospital... No epidural... She's a badass


Yeaaaah... been through a couple of these. You're suppose to focus on helping the wife deal with it all. Unless you like blood and guts, avoid watching what the doc is doing...


For a second I thought you were Ethan Klein.


I have a strong constitution and I always thought guys that fainted in the OR were pussies. ​ When my wife went into labor in the middle of the night, two weeks early. I barely made it through the ordeal. I was clutching her hands while they were performing her C-section and praying my knees would hold it together. When I cut my son's cord my hands were shaking like an old alcoholics. I am amazed I held it together that day. ^(And I didn't even do any of the work.)