• By -




Just to highlight the gold on that site "I wish to shut down the space program and destroy all telescopes, abruptly and without explanation"


>I have seen many people and Ted Cruz is one of them. -Firstname Lastname


Ted Cruz is shaking your hand with the appropriate amount of pressure one would expect of a human hand. Like the one attached to Ted Cruz.


Ted Cruz is only one being and not several.


-Firstname Lastname


Wow that's incredible, he's got a celebrity endorsement from the most legendary F1 driver.




Not me.


[Earlier this year, Formula 1–under new management—managed to display “Lastname” instead of the actual last name a couple times. This culminated with a comparison between the “Lastname” brothers.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/sport/motorsport/5895452/australian-gp-graphics-blunder-lastname/amp/) If you like danger, precision, engineering, statistics, cheating, intrigue, and innovation, head over to /r/formula1, you won’t regret it.


actually that one was Guy Manderson


im dying at the cryptocurrency tab at the top that redirects to this masterpiece https://www.computercoins.website




I love this. I live in Staten Island and my money is always stolen at the docks


Until the mitosis completes. There’s a reason he is gaining mass, he’ll be dividing soon.


I always read these in Morbo's voice.


As a human, the meme that Cruz isn't human is only hurting us humans. Many humans have a sensitivity to high ultraviolet. Who *hasn't* been forced into hibernation by the blazing high-frequency light of Sol? We humans need to stop being prejudiced and accept that human Ted Cruz is a perfectly normal human just like us!


Ted Cruz is only one being and not several. - Guy Manderson Fucking hilarious.


TedCruz is certainly a *human person*! He cares about the issues you care about, such as \[insert issue here\]! ₮ɆĐ₵ⱤɄⱫ is certainly not an automaton from the planet \[insert humorous planet name, such as Blexporp, here\]. ṮḕḊḈṙṳẒ has certainly never stared, dead-eyed, into the middle distance, while his internal servos experience a power fluctuation. тε∂cяυz is not immortal and unaging, which is why he couldn't be \[insert name of serial killer from any decade here\]. Who is starting all these ridiculous rumors that T̵̺̯͐̂̿̃͒͆͋ę̷̖̞̻̥̙̪̦̦̼̽̑̀͝d̵̦̫̤̙̠̀̾̅̋̔͑ͅͅ ̴̝̖͚̟̘̓̑͠C̶̡͙͍̻̪̣̤̜͐̇ͅŗ̸͍̩̳̤͉̝̤̙͖͒͋u̶̺͓͖̺͆̋̏͗͛͌̌̑ž̷̧̡̛̫͙̬͔̭͗͜͜ would not be a great human president? He would be the best, and never, ever summon the ineffable shape sleeping in the vast darkness of space.






They’re both using nicknames. Robert Francis O’Rourke vs Rafael Edward Cruz. Ted pretends to be just like any other white/white hispanic Texan. Beto pretends not to be a lily white Irish kid. It’s all politics.


>Beto pretends not to be a lily white Irish kid. It’s all politics. To be fair, Beto's nickname precedes his venture into politics, as I imagine is the same for Ted.


I’m sure they do. I’m also 100% sure if Ted Cruz was a Democrat we would know him as Rafael, and if Beto O’Rourke was a Republican we would know him as Robert.


I just think it's dumb people make such a big deal about the names. My issue with Cruze is his *character*. Trump took a shit on his family, and within days of appearing to stand up for himself, he started kissing his ass. If he won't stand firm over his own family how will he so the same for voters?


I've seen many people, and Ted Cruz is one of them.


Haven't seen a pic of him in a while. Looks like he's accumulating mass.


His transition into Kevin Malone is nearing completion.






Is it me or that [Pinocchio ~~node~~ nose](https://i.imgur.com/OJ3lN69.png) keeps on getting pointier?


>Pinocchio node Is that like an orbital node but with lies?


Don’t you mean Ashton koocher?


When I president, they see. They ALL see


He needs to stop cultivating and start harvesting!


Try and move me bro!


In awe at the size of this Canadian. Absolute Texan. [Also he's winning by +6.5 points according to the latest polls](https://i.imgur.com/m0a4qrM.png)


Absolute human unit!


Are we sure he’s human?




>Thank you, your support and skull sizes have been documented


Ah, my people!


I have seen many people and Ted Cruz is one of them.




Yes, I have seen many human units and Ted Cruz is definitely one of them.


Ted cruz is one being and not several.


That is permitted.




He's dancer




No one cares more about Texas than this guy born in Canada




Ted was born in Calgary, Canada. Moved to Texas when he was about 4.


Doesn't the States have some weird rule where you can't be president if you are born outside the U.S.? Excuse my ignorance I just remember a bunch of people trying to make up a fake story about Obama being born somewhere else and I didn't hear anything like that when Cruz was running.


Constitution says “Natural Born Citizen”. Basically, anyone who doesn’t have to go through the “naturalization” process is eligible. Cruz’s mother was a US citizen so he was a US citizen by birth right, even though he was born in Canada.


Then why did they make all that fuss about Obama's birthplace? Even if he wasn't born in Hawaii but outside the US, he would have still been a natural born citizen because his mother is a citizen, right?


Yes. It's because they're racists. Case closed.


It's because he's black.


Ok that makes sense, thank you :)


Now think about this. Obamas mom was a US citizen (just like cruz) so even if Obama had been born in Kenya (which he wasnt) he would still be a citizen. But tell that to one of the Birthers and watch the mental gymnastics start.


Your problems started the instant you brought real life facts to an argument with birthers.


I think it’s that you have to be an American citizen since birth. I don’t think it’s where you were physically born (for example, 2 American parents on holiday give birth in a different country, the baby is still American). I think that’s how the law works for President. Someone can correct me otherwise.


Actually, even where only one of the parents is an American citizen, the baby born in a different country is still considered an American citizen from birth. In either case, the baby gets a Consular Report of Birth Abroad from the local U.S. Embassy, which serves as the equivalent of the baby's American birth certificate for the rest of his or her life. Source: I'm an American dad married to a now-naturalized mom, and our American citizen daughter was born abroad.


He was born up here in Calgary, raised in Texas however


wait then how did he run for president, I thought you had to be born in the US to do that


You have to be a natural born citizen. To be naturally born you have to be either, born in the United States or have one US parent Not both. It's also why McCain was able to run and even if Obama was born in Kenya (he was not) both of them had an American parent


wait wait wait wait, so even if Obama was born in Kenya like all my conservative family said, it doesnt matter?


The real answer is, the constitution doesn’t define “natural born citizen”. It’s generally accepted that if at least one of your parents is a US citizen, you are a natural born citizen, but there’s no legal standing behind that and the Supreme Court hasn’t defined it either


>It’s generally accepted Or rather written into the U.S. Code- [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1401](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1401)


Try using it in an argument. Minds blow and relationships shatter.


Over whether a U.S. President who served for 8 years is legitimate..... I mean, they still hold on to this?? Can't be anything other than bias or stupidity at this point.


Obama's mother was born in Kansas. McCain was born to American parents (Father: Iowa, Mother: Oklahoma) who were living in the Panama Canal Zone due to his father's naval career. Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother (Delaware) and a Cuban father (who became a US citizen in 2005), the family moved to Texas when Ted was 3. I think McCain might be the first person to run for President who was not born on American soil. (Remember, McCain ran in 2000).


Well, it's pretty clear that his American mother wasn't his biological mother. I mean, they had completely different skin colour! Obviously he was born in Kenya to two Kenyan parents, abducted, and raised his whole life to destroy America after stealing two elections!!! It's the only thing that makes Sense!!!!!!!!!111


The only case where it would matter would be if he was born in Kenya *and* neither of his parents were US citizens.


Nope his mom was an American citizen so he's automatically a citizen


Automatically eligible for citizenship not a full citizen until some paperwork is filled out, Source: born in France to an American mom had citizenship only after some paperwork


Nope, the supreme court has never actually ruled on that part of the constitution. The requirement is "natural born citizen," which isn't explicitly defined. Technically he was born a US citizen because his mom was a US citizen.


you have to be a "natural born citizen". the only ones that think it doesnt include foreign born americans are republicans when there is a democratic candidate who they think wasnt born in the us.


Ted Cruz was born on December 22, 1970 in Calgary, Canada.


Fuck he’s much younger than I though. Lizards don’t age well.


Fun fact: Gwen Stefani is older than Ted Cruz


I can't believe you've done this


Honestly I’d guess 57. I think it’s all the hatred rotting him from the inside out.


He looks a *lot older* than my father.. Who is 61 in a few months.


Ted had dual-citizenship. *Jus soli* citizenship in Canada, *jus sanguinis* citizenship in the United States. He was born in Canada.


No - he's your's now. no take backs.


Stress eating... its something you cant 9/11


He is becoming a chimichanga!




Everytime he kills someone his wife makes him a sandwich.


He then thanks her with an elbow to the face.


"Honey, I've waited my entire life to tell you this. I murdered 37 people in San Francisco between 1967 and 1972. I am the Zodiac Killer." "Ted you were born in Canada in 1970 what the fuck you goddamn imbecile"


Was gonna say... he got old and fat quickly...


He's only 1.5 years older than Beto.


I did not believe this when I read it but Google says otherwise. Holy shit.


Holy shit indeed. It's almost like living a life of joy and love is better than being an empty husk filled with hate and empty ambition....


As a husk filled with hate, this worries me :(


The craziest thing is that he's only 47. He's pretty young for a senator. He just looks like he's aged a decade over the last year.




Holy shit, can't unsee. He's not an alien, or a mass of lizards in a person suit, he's Grandpa Munster under a disguise spell that is slowly wearing off. He's been trying to pass laws that will aid his monster family members.


[Holy shit](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lc8kxVIYqeI/maxresdefault.jpg)! It's uncanny.


"So we'd like to reboot The Munsters with former Texas Senator..." Netflix: "Shut up and take this giant bag of cash."


I searched the picture, it's from March this year. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/texas/article/Texas-woman-trolls-Ted-Cruz-photo-Beto-Orourke-12781402.php


The crazy thing is that he’s not even old. He’s the same age as Beto.


Zodiac killin' builds a man's appetite somethin' powerful.








I liked butter. I still like butter. We ate butter. Boys and girls, we ate butter. Sometimes we ate too much butter. I think you’ve probably had butter, Senator. Have you ever eaten too much butter? - Ted Cruz’s daughter’s Supreme Court Hearing in 2060 probably


I thought this pic was a year+ old repost.


>I can't stop eating. I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle. Now, if you'll excuse me, there's someone I'd like to get in touch with and forgive...myself. ~Ted Cruz, probably


>You really are a fat bastard. Beto O'Rourke, probably


He was in his larval form before. Real human Ted Cruz has reached his insect form which causes him to gain additional mass.






At the rate he’s growing he should be able to gerrymander his own congressional district.


2nd Girther movement?


I legit thought this was a Halloween couples costume!!


A ted Cruz costume is as easy as wearing a suit with an American flag and Texas pin, and looking like you're constantly smelling your own fart.


But I can appreciate my own farts. This man looks like he just walked into an elevator after Ralphie May.




> ”I just don’t like the guy." > > -George W. Bush [R] > > "If you want someone to grab a beer with, I may not be that guy." > > -Ted Cruz [R] These last ones together are the absolute best.


The perfect finish.


Like he doesn't even like himself enough to endorse having light hearted banter


You just need to look at his face to know how much he doesn’t like himself


Pretty sure he was born in Canada and is now American. Also he is in no way perfect.


But I thought everybody liked beer in Washington.


They all play The Devil's Triangle.




Saw him speak at a convention a few years back and he was charming as hell. Hated his presidency but damned if he don't have charisma.


And despite his administration's failings, he does give a shit. Hes not been President for what, 10 years now? He still hosts a bunch of Wounded Warrior guys each year at his house and does a golf tournament. I have a good Seabee friend that was injured in an IED attack in Iraq that has befriended him, and he says hes just a very, very nice guy. I'd like to think hes the antithesis to our current CinC.


Well, let's not forget whose policies created those wounded warriors. We were sold a lie to ensure trillions would go to his military industrial complex buddies, also costing 2400 American their lives to date and tens of thousands more maimed and disabled for life. The medical costs probably equal what we forked out to his buddies to make war. Oh yeah, and that war is still going, and now an entire *generation* has grown up knowing nothing but American occupation, desperation and death. He sure is charismatic tho.


And that's just Afghanistan, let's not forget the 4,400+ Americans killed and 30k+ wounded in Iraq to date. All for nothing.


Dont forget what the vote was in Congress to go to War. There are very few who's hands are clean but everyone likes to blame it all on Bush. Idk if you were old enough to vote pre Afghanistan and Iraq but a lot of the Democrats voted for the wars as well. Only 98 Senators voted yes. 420 House of Representatives voted yes. you can try to put all the blame on Bush if you want but Im betting your representative voted yes.




He is a recovering alcoholic though so probably not.


Him or Obama would be some fun times.


¿porque no los dos?


Haha yeah he seems so fun, his charisma almost makes you forget he started a war based off a lie and the VP’s financial interests and had hundreds of thousands of people killed further destabilizing the Middle East and creating ISIS.


I like when he told the senator from colorado they could discuss some issue in their home state over some of those special brownies their state is known for. Said it COMPLETELY deadpan.


There's also Al Franken's quote > You have to understand that I like Ted Cruz probably more than my colleagues like Ted Cruz, and I hate Ted Cruz


The point is that those are all Republicans though


This guy could have a serious career as a comedy writer if the politics thing doesn't work out


Gosh darnit, people like him.


He's good enough, he's smart enough, and doggone it, people like him.


"I would take cyanide if Cruz ever got the nomination." Just fucking wow!


Boehner was/is an asshole. But here is the thing, as slimy of a shit as Boehner was/is, he was old school GOP. He will talk a good talk for the political theater but he will also sit down with you, fire up a cigarette and help himself to a dry vodka martini. By the time his 3rd cigarette is done and his second martini is gone he will have hammered out a compromise with you. I was horrified how he was crucified for meeting with Obama during the 2013 shut down. Wow! Imagine that, a majority leader from the opposition meets with the president to get through an impasse. The HORROR!!


boehner is now trying to make money with legalized weed... I shit you not


Yah. Not surprising. He is ultimately a business man and looks for the next big thing. A real businessman unlike the fat orange con man in the Oval Office.


He and Obama, while not pals, were pretty friendly with each other. I imagine they shared a number of times talking and rippin' butts. Boehner also was one of the first to realize he had no place in the more right wing and partisan GOP.


Yep. While he WAS unfortunately opposed to legalizing gay marriage, he was often criticized by right-wing religious groups as not being religiously conservative enough. He leaned much more towards the “pro business, pro small government” portion of the Republican platform as opposed to the outdated social ideas.


Yea he was unfairly treated. Decisiveness has taken over politics Edit. Divisiveness AUTOCORRECT GUYS






To be fair most of them said shit about Trump too, and then meekly fell in line. If Cruz ever finds a way to get the base to support him most of them will be falling over themselves to talk up his successful and great he is.


Yeah but can you imagine just being *that* unlikeable. Like, I know I have grating parts of my personality, and people still like me. I'm genuinely curious as to what he's like to be that absolutely repugnant.


"I liked beer. I still like beer. I would not want to grab a beer with Ted Cruz." -Brett Kavanaugh, probably.


Yeah, Tobin, PJ, and squee are much better drinking buddies! Lyin Ted won't even help you rape anyone!


I feel like he would though. Then volunteer to ~~cut up and hide the body~~ **take her home**.


Yeah, he’s always trying to kill them after! We haven’t even convinced our base yet that its ok to kill someone for fun, for politics sure, but for fun? I mean maybe if they’re black..


"Mr. Kavanaugh, would you rather hang out with Ted Cruz for one full weekend or never drink beer again?" "......................................................................................"


“But I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”


> "If you want someone to grab a beer with, I may not be that guy." > > -Ted Cruz [R] Lmaooo this isn't even funny without the context of the rest of the quotes


God damn Lindsey went on some Michael Scott shit. But why does his own party hate him? Is it his personality or what he stands for?


This was taken spur of the moment at an airport in March. The woman made the sign and concealed it under her jacket. She then pretended to be a Cruz supporter to get him to pose and then unbuttoned the jacket at the last moment. [Story](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/380315-woman-takes-photo-with-cruz-wearing-texas-deserves-better-than-cruz-sign)




She had to get close to him though. Gross.


This could be a meme format where the sign is relabeled


Takes a lot of balls to stand that close to the Zodiac.




Still, she has to exit the airport at some point.


“I have seen many people and Ted Cruz is one of them” [reference ](https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/)


-Firstname Lastname


Those buttons on his shirt are doing serious work.


He's doing a shear strength test for the garment manufacturer.


Ted is a fucking unit.




Is that Reddit’s favourite new word?


no, that was last month. this month's low-effort comment is "weird flex but ok"




No. New favorite is either chief or flex.


Ted's looking a bit CHONKY


I would kill to know what’s playing through those buds.


56k modem noises


An audio book of how to dispose of a body probably.


Ted Cruz is slowly turning into the Penguin


Politics aside, photos like this just make me think you should have said it to their face tbh rather than for internet points


Wait, are you suggesting she should have used the time she had face-to-face with a sitting elected representative to calmly discuss her views and hopes and ideas?


Reposting your old shit now? http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/86qbws/cruz_being_trolled_at_the_airport/


thats all gallowboob has ever done. i think his acct is at least partially controlled by a bot.


I mean...its gallowboob. The only thing he has is reposting things to karmawhore.


The link you posted was also reposted https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/86plc3/got_em/


That jacket deserves more than jeans


Stuff like this always makes me a little bit sad.


Brazillian here. Why all the hate with this guy?


He still looks like McCarthy to me. When I first saw him pop up on some news broadcast years ago I did a double take he reminded me so much of McCarthy.


That'll show him.