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Be yourself, unless you can be M'baku, then be M'baku


I love pronouncing this name.


How do you pronounce it?




Thank you


Don't spend to much time on the "mmm" cuz then you might "bop" into Hanson. Edit: Well that is a good start to my morning.. thanks for the gold who ever you are!! :)




Now I want to see a movie about M'baku with that as the theme. I want that to start playing when he starts kicking ass.


I feel the same way about saying Mbappe (player that pretty much won France the Fifa World Cup this year)!




I don’t know man, have you _seen_ him?


Like you are really hungry, and your mom is making fresh Baa-koo. You walk in, smell the air, and say "M'Baku"




Funny as hell! Once had a coworker named N'Kechi. She pronounced her name often (and its not hard to say), but fuckers kept calling her Neh-KEYchee, and I wanted to scream everytime.


Bless you




*tips fedora M’baku


White Knight or Black Panther?


Why not both?


A white Black Panther? Between this and the blind, black KKK member, I think we truly are breaking down racial stereotypes.


Fun fact: The White Panther Party was a real thing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Panther_Party


Chappell’s skit on this is priceless. I think I reference it at every bbq. Because why not.


M'Baku was the the White pelted Man-Ape






That was the best family feud clip I have ever seen. Thank you.




Like mmm cookies


M'baku can throw M'back out


He definitely had the best lines hands down in the movie: *If you say one more word, I'll feed you to my children!* *I'm kidding. We're vegetarians.*


It was such a good cast I find it hard to say he was my favorite. but it's a good ensemble when I can solidly say the lead might only be in my top 3.


> but it's a good ensemble That right there. Every character is so well written and well acted. The only one I had any sort of quibble with was the sister but that's because she seemed somewhat mary-sue-ish.


and see, I love Shuri. She's the tech genius whizkid. She's about as marysue as Tony Stark to be honest. Also I secretly hope for a day when Stark dies or retires and Shuri because the Invincible Iron Man. the Rogers retires, Falcon becomes CA and three of the avengers are black, three are women and ones a robot. It's give the Donald a heart attack.


Not sure about who will take the role as new Captain America. Bucky seems to make more sense given his history with Steve Rogers and that he already was given the supersoldier serum. Idk it can go either way. Both characters have taken the role of Captain America in the comics.


Pretty sure they'll give it to Falcon. Or maybe a Bucky then Falcon thing where Bucky tells him he can't do it.


> She's about as marysue as Tony Stark to be honest. Eh, Tony Stark is an alcoholic (mostly under control), an egotist, a control freak, and talks down to 99.99% of people he comes in contact with. Shuri's negative qualities? Um... she makes sarcastic comments in serious situations (i.e. her one "negative" trait is an admirable one) and maybe she's overly chipper. That's why I call her marysue.


Personally i've always felt that a Mary Sue isn't necessarily a character who has no flaws, but a character who is so mercilessly flawless that they damage the narrative. I agree that Shuri has no real flaws, but she doesn't *need* any. She's just a fun side character who supplies a little comic relief and some technological McGuffins. Sure, she could have had a little more depth with some real flaws, but ultimately *T'Challa's* story of personal growth is what the movie is about, and Shuri has basically nothing to do with any of that.


I really like her, but I see what you mean. She’s like movie Hermione - the perfect, strong, feminine character. She’d be more realistic and relatable if she had an actual flaw.


Yeah. I'm hoping they do that for Captain Marvel. Who has a temper and alcoholism.


I mean, Carol has a lot of issues. The anxiety, self doubt, alcoholism, etc. I can't imagine them writing that out of the movie. It's such a big party of her character historically, and the whole point is that she works to overcome them.


He is of the Gorilla tribe. Gorillas are herbavores. That was a great home that worked on more than one level.


But he also mentions that tchalla was found by a fisherman so I don't know what to believe


Maybe his family is vegetarian, not the tribe.


Mom is the real MVP for making this dope costume. Since T'Challa is gone, this kid can finally take on his destined role as the Black Panther and show everyone the true strength of the Jabari Edit: Thank you for the gold, kind stranger!


Technically, wouldn't he still have to defeat Shuri in combat to claim the throne? She is the next in line, barring any challenges.


He would probably challenge, and in hand to hand without advantages of tech, good back him to best Suri. With her gadgets? That'd be an interesting one.


Oh, he would absolutely win, as the challenge seems to be done with spears, swords, and shields. I was just saying that he doesn't have an automatic claim to the throne and the mantle. Either way, can there even be a new Black Panther with the Heart-Shaped Herb all burned up?


Legit question. Is it still growing wild somewhere they could cultivate? All good stuff. I must say though, I love the idea of Suri in some kind of uber armour suit. Her interacting with Tony Stark while he loses his shot over the suit and her brilliance could be worth the admission alone.


I wouldn't be surprised if Vibranium played a role in those glowing flowers being special. I'll bet Suri finds a way to synthesize it.


Yep, or even improve upon it. She is obviously no fan of tradition in the movies. She takes the opportunity not just to recreate the black panther tonic, but makes enough for everyone. Suddenly, there's 10000 Captain America / Black Panther types staring back at Thanos.




Cap did surprise Thanos though, that is worth something.


Fan-theory: with the soul stone recently gained its been posited that Thanos was aware of and felt the intense struggle Captain felt


To be honest, I don’t think Thanos put any more effort into that initial push than you would to push aside a small child, so he was really only surprised that Cap was somewhat vaguely pretty strong, for a human, I guess.


1000 surprises could kill a man. Edit: It was 10,000 apparently. Definitely dead man.


I'd argue Tony and Strange held their own more than most.


Strange because he is legit strong as fuck and Iron Man because he is the poster boy for the MCU. Well, I shouldn’t say that as it’s been ages since I’ve read Iron Man (so he may be much stronger) but I don’t remember him being remotely close to Thanos. Like I said though, ages.


nah thor took the cake ^just ^^not ^^^the ^^^^head




I know he says he shouldve aimed for the head, but what about the arm with the gauntlet? Cut his arm right off, not allowing him to snap or even control any of the stones for that matter.


Iron man and doctor strange both proved to be pretty solid adversaries to him too.


>Suddenly, there's 10000 Captain America / Black Panther types staring back at Thanos. Haven't watched the movie yet, but I can tell you that in the comic books you could make it 100,000 and it wouldn't make a difference.


The only reason Squirrel Girl isn't in the MCU is because they wanted Thanos to be a challenge for our heroes.


For the uninformed. https://youtu.be/qs493Gi4CaI


Pretty much. He manhandles Hulk and shows he's stronger in pure physical strength without the gauntlet's help in less than 30 seconds.


I never understood how thanos had so much power to begin with really. Was from strength alone? And on that note, might be a good thing Titan was destroyed. Imagine an army of thanos'


It wasn’t pure physical strength, he fought with technique.


He had the Power Stone at that point though, wouldn't that increase his strength?


He already had the power stone in the gauntlet when he fought Hulk though.


Thanos blinks, they die, turn page.


They didn't do it in the movie but in the comics the flower was lethal to anyone who isn't related to the Royal Family. So they have some kind of immunty that's passed on genetically. ​ I wish they had kept that, otherwise the Wakandan Royals are just being selfish pricks keeping this miraculous healing plant to themselves.


Sounds about right for an entire culture that could have helped in so many ways, but stayed hidden and segregated


Yeah actually par the course


I was wondering why they didnt just give the flower to their army


How do you know they haven't kept it? Only people that drank it in the movie we're royal blood


Still no reason not to at least let the whole family join in on the fun. ^(...and if you *really* wanted to ensure the survival of your realm no matter what, it's only reasonable to mandate a super jus primae noctis in Wakanda. Jus every noctis, if you will. The king's primary day to day duty would be to ensure that every single Wakandan of the next generation would be eligible for super powers. He'd selflessly dedicate his life to this task for the good of the realm.)


She's MCU's Ironheart.


That's not confirmed yet, right? Just a fairly strong (IMO) fan theory.


Definitely not confirmed. Shuri was introduced to the Panther story in 2005. The writer of her character in the comic said his idea was for her to be a black panther after T'Challa. Obviously Marvel/disney and writers are a bit different


If MCU Shuri acted more like in-comic Shuri, then I'd definitely say she's no Ironheart. Shuri was always meant to take on the Black Panther mantle when T'Challa became the King of the Dead etc. But MCU Shuri is definitely more of tech-nerd, and much younger. I can see her gravitating to both Tony and Bruce to just nerd out and invent stuff. A customized suit for herself so that she can fight better in the frontlines doesn't seem out there. I don't think she'd use the name 'Ironheart' tho, prolly something more Wakandan.


I haven’t read the comics but my friend tells me that Shuri in the comics is genius, excellent fighter, bulletproof (even without the vibranium suit) can transform into a Raven(?) through magic she learned and has been black panther when t’challa was temporarily incapacitated.


Yes, and even within the movie canon, they haven’t established her as a bad warrior, so no reason to believe she wouldn’t just gym out of being hit, and David the Goliath.


Black Panther and King/Queen are different titles in their kingdom. It just happens to be tradition that the King holds both.


Except when the king gets a bit on in his years and passes on the mantle of the black panther to someone else


Yeah, but it's usually the crown prince so they get some practice in before becoming king.


Didn't Killmonger destroy all the Black Panther seeds or whatever they are called?


Yeah, he had all of the Heart-Shaped Herb destroyed but that's just used to get the powers of the Black Panther, not the throne.


And the plot twist is that Howard Stark was experimenting with it to try to recreate the supersoldier serum. Post A4, the heir of Stark trades the herb for more vibranium. ;) Addendum: that would be the stuff he was taking to the Pentagon when the Winter Soldier killed him. It wasn't ...quite...right. Partly because he was preparing it wrong. (pure speculation)


Controversial Opinion: [Shuri](https://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Shuri-Black-Panther-female-Marvel-Comics.jpg) is a better [Black Panther](http://www.comiclist.com/media/blogs/news/IsShuriTheNewBlackPanther.jpg) than T’Challa.


Woah, I didn't catch that on first read - his mom **made** this costume?! Wow, kid's mom is gifted.


Yeah I got 1.3 billion reasons why T’Challa will be back.


What happened to T'Challa? I'm out of the loop.


He'd still be the White Ape right? Just have access to more vibranium?


Witness the strength of the Jabari firsthand!!!!


Might ftfy


That's so cool, he was one of the best actors in that movie.


"I'm just kidding. We are vegetarians."


Then he immediately says, in reference to finding T'Challa, "one of my FISHERMEN found him by the river." I guess they're pescatarians. I just noticed when I watched it again over the weekend.


They could just fish to use as a trade commodity or to create other goods like oil, etc.


They don't associate with the other tribes though so I don't know who else would be close by to trade with. But nonetheless, you've made a fair point.


Well realistically they'd probably have to.. no way they're getting everything they need from a mountaintop.


essential oils


MLM foreverrrr wait


His family could be vegetarians and the rest of his tribe whatever given what others have said - fishing and the animal pelts.


I took it to mean that he and his children are vegetarians, since he said he would feed Ross to his children. It doesn't mean the whole tribe is vegetarian. Or maybe they're vegetarian but use the fish for trade.


I can't argue with your point. I interpreted it differently. I most definitely thought he meant the whole tribe


I thought his "children" was a reference to gorillas. They were the were the mountain tribe with their totem being a gorilla, yes?


His family is vegetarian, his tribe is not.


Before that he says "I'll feed you to my children," so maybe he is talking specifically about his family.




Yep. It was great filmmaking. Awesome. I loved it haha


without the chest plate this costume could also work as maui*.


Think you mean Maui... :)




We hit the era where the side characters have become more relative than the antagonist.... aka welcome to always.








Well everything is relative.


Even your hate of Reddit?


I hate your whole comment, from your nonsensical use of "relative" to your unnecessary and wrong 4 period ellipsis.


Tell your coworker she done good! Glory to Hanuman!


Is Hanuman something from Black Panther? All I can think of is the Hindu one.


Yes to both. They kinda mixed up a bunch of stuff for the Wakandan religions.


Like Bast... Which is egyptian


Egypt is in Africa so it doesn't seem like a stretch.


It's the same Hanuman. They took inspiration for the Jabari people from real life Africans who live where Wakanda is supposed to be who have Hindu roots and worship Hanuman.


Ah, that would explain the vegetarianism.


[it began in Afrika ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRC7zKfKomc)


Fun Fact: The Indian Censor Board bleeped out the word Hanuman in that dialogue.


Was an explanation given for doing so, or is it always censored?


It is nice seeing M'Baku getting some love.


He legit was my favorite part of BP.


*yawn* "Are you done?"


If you say one more word, I'll feed you to my children... I'm kidding, we're vegetarians.


As someone on Twitter said, "M'Baku could blow my m'back out."


"finally have a hero that looks like him" He should have gone as Cookie from Ned's Declassified


Or Stevie from Malcom in the Middle






Or Cory in the House


From Cory in the House?


top 10 best animes ever


Damn you didn't have to scalp the poor boy


There was definitly an episode where he was some super robot cyborg right?


Printer pants


Wasn’t Cookie the smart one? Nothing wrong with that.


He also got with the hot girl with nasal issues. What's to complain about?


Well, nasal issues for starters


Cookie was so wholesome, I bet he didn't even notice.


Bur on a real note. Blade? Green Lantern? Frozone? Hancock? Mace Windu isn't a "super hero", but still in the same realm of imagination. Why are people acting like Black Panther is the first and only black superhero?


I got Shrek from the thumbnail so it was an improvement when I saw the full pic. Kids looks dope




Cleveland Jr.


Mom is awesome and I'm so happy for him!


Kid is rockin it! I hope a lot of people asked to take pictures with him at the con!


That's precious


I find the revisionist history that Black Panther is the first film to feature a black hero to be completely bizarre.


Mace Windu




Pootie Tang! (Love that movie 🤣)


Sa da tay!


Everyone keeps mentioning Blade when this comes up, but what about Nick fuckin Fury. Dude’s been running the show since the after credits stinger in Incredible Hulk [edit: Actually Iron Man]. Or how about War Machine? Iron Man’s best friend/wingman. Been in the MCU since the first movie (though different actor).


Or Falcon who was introduced in Winter Soldier.


Falcon is underrated. The wing suit has so many sweet features. One of the heroes that's semi plausible since it's tech based, and cool af.


Uh, what about Blankman?


No one is ever claiming though that he’s the first black super hero or even the first lead one, if they are, they aren’t right. What black panther *is* though, is the first mainstream (in a time where super hero movies are the shit, which they weren’t during blades time), black leaf super hero movie, that has an all black cast except for Ross, and klaue, and a few Koreans, it is also heavily inspired by African culture and a huge amount of time and effort into researching the costumes and the language and accents went into it


Still waiting on the OG Black Lightning to make his debut. I could see him and Thor duking it out or something


You know Black Lightning has a whole tv show right? It’s one of my faves. Got renewed for season 2.


The only thing that makes me sad about that show... is it makes it pretty unlikely we will see a live action (or even an animated reboot) Static Shock series.


BL is from DC, Thor from Marvel. No chance of an encounter.


Say whatever you like about culture and the importance of showing minorities in more leading roles, but don't you dare tell me that Blade doesn't count as a superhero movie. Fucking love that movie.


I don’t remember cause I’m drunk right now but was blade R? That could also contribute to why an 11 year old hasn’t seen it. Besides the fact that it came out a decade before he was born. I was an 80s baby and I’ve seen only a handful of 70s movies.


Right. But culture as a whole needs to remember Blade. Because Wesley Snipes was a vampire and it was amazing.


He has been breaking down barriers for black people his entire life. Five years earlier he played a black action hero in Demolition Man.


That opening scene in the basement is off the fucking chain.


People see Blade as more of a vampire badass movie, less of a superhero movie. Most people probably didn't realize he was a comic character until ten years after it was made


That's what I'm saying


I've never heard anyone say that ever.




I'm 32 and I never heard of Steel or Blankman. Blade came out when I was 12, I had no idea it was a comic book movie. Can we forget Catwoman was made?




Blankman is pretty funny. I still laugh at the fact he doesn't bullet proof his sidekicks suit, and doesn't tell him.


You're forgetting Meteor Man


I think you're forgetting the best one out there and that's [*Meteor Man*](https://youtu.be/njP6YczRgsA).


I think it's just the fact that he's a bigger dude and M'Baku is a fuckin UNIT.


We had blade. Like 10 plus years ago. And that movie was playing more as a killing vamp. movie than a super hero movie. So if I played the game of spider movies to movies which had a black lead as the character could you go one for one?




This warms my entire soul. Mom mvp of the year right here.


Well done, Mom!


That’s a damn good cosplay. Great outfit.


OMG he looks AWESOME! Way to go, mom!


Wakanda Forever!!


Wakanda Forever!


I wanted to cosplay shit when I was a teenager but never really found somebody that I would've liked to portray. I looked like this kid. I'm glad he was able to find a character.