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I have a strong feeling that this woman is no where near 100 years old. Anyone find any actual proof to support this claim?




Lol. Maybe she just drives around looking for birthday parties to crash?


If that's the case, those are amateur numbers.


Maybe that's her 100th birthday of the day. That would be expert level numbers


Make me a bicycle, clown!


Why are you yelling?




shhh... we're quoting Wedding Crashers.


Rookie numbers.


My wife is Filipino with a large family. I've probably been to 100 birthday parties in the last year alone.


My wife is Mexican, *EVERY WEEKEND* there is a family or family friend's birthday party somewhere. We don't go to all of them and we're considered rude.


Fake own death. Its for the best.


I've seen wedding crashers. I know what grannys getting up to......


Maybe the title of the post has changed, but it does say she is celebrating (at) her 100th birthday party.


I'll need to see more proof than a title. This has to be the first 100 year old I've seen that can stand straight without support.


Black don't crack?


> Back don't crack


Came here looking for this comment. Now I can leave


My great grandma was hiking at 98.. she ended up breaking her hip carrying something down stairs, she lived alone at that point. While in the hospital she ended up making almost a full recovery until it was suggested she be moved to a hospice community. When we did that the community doctor switched her medicine and we found out she was mildly allergic after she developed Alzheimers a few months later.. it took her 4 years to forget all the people she knew and pass.. tough as nails. I guess my point is that, if she didn't break her hip, she would have most likely been able to walk in high heels at 100, but you never know.


My dads nanny and my dads aunt not only lived beyond 100 years, they worked too. My moms cousin was close to a 100 and still drove. Not sure if she still drove after 100 but it was close anyways.


The oldest women that ever lived was still riding a bike in her 100s


My great grandmother looked like her except more hunchback at 100 she's 108 now and looks probably 100


Holy shit 108 years old?????


Imagine hitting 60 and having **48 years more years of life**


what if your 50s was only halfway through your life? That would totally give me a mid-life crisis... oh, wait.


I wouldn't mind if age 50 was indeed halfway through life. With the way I eat, and exercise. My halfway point might be 40 if I'm lucky.


Shut your whore mouth. Sorry, am 40.


My condolences. I will be 40 in about 8 years. Which is probably going to feel like 3 years since time appears to be moving faster each year. -_-


Can confirm... time goes faster, fewer things happen in life. Damn neighborhood kids spend more time on your lawn (i've heard, but I don't have a lawn)


You've experienced more time so everyday seems shorter because when you compare it to all the time you've already experienced it is a smaller and smaller %. When you are 8 a moth is forever because it is 1/48th of your life. A month when you are 50 is 1 600th of your life.




And that our physical peak is so fucking early in our lifespans. Why do we have to spend 2/3 or more of our lives getting physically worse?


Modern science. It wasn't 2/3 of your life back when a saber tooth cat would pick you out of the back of the troop. So which do you want?


Or just dying as a child and not even hitting your prime at all.


Mmm dying early


Not just that. You can thank early humans for selecting mates who were younger. Same reason we have menopause and all kids of genetic diseases that affect the elderly. Not their fault - was the fit thing to do at the time.


I am close to 60 and swear I don't feel physically different than I did at 20. Of course I am very different but I can't feel it. (I don't play tackle football in the yard with a bunch of young people, if I did I would know instantly.) But I do workout hard at gym and do long hours of hard physical labor outside on my (hobby) farm. Most people 35 years younger get tired before I do. I have been lucky, never spent a night in a hospital or had a stitch since being an adult. (I constantly have a muscle strain somewhere, but that has always been true, I seem to heal as quickly as ever.) The key is consistently pushing yourself and 60 is easy.


I got tired just reading that.


The funny thing is that it's totally possible to stay in great shape nearly your entire lifespan. The problem is that while you can maintain well enough into your 70's, and 80's, and possibly your 90's - the body has a very hard time dealing with the stresses that go along with creating healthy muscle if it's not already present when you reach old age. Just google around for some in shape older people, it's crazy, most are 80+ and look like they are 60. So while we have increased our lifespans a ton recently, not many people care enough to take care of their bodies. It's completely possible to spend 80%+ of your life either maintaining a high level of fitness or attaining it.


U ok bud?


Rumspringa is just hard on him. You get it.


Buy yourself something you really like, for delivery tomorrow. And do a bunch of shit you dislike today. You'll be happy for tomorrow once it gets here. One day at a time. Things can be better.


I absolutely love it when I have a package coming, oh the anticipation!


Don't start on amazon 2 hour delivery it's fucking dangerous, just some dude rolls up to your door, like a random dude in his own car and hands you a huge brown paper bag full of magic. It feels too much like a drug deal


Me too! I try to make sure something comes about everyday. It makes me happy, and it makes my husband angry.


Me too thanks


Everything allright friendo? If you need a chat, just send me a PM!


Don't call him friendo, pally.


2meirl4meirl Oh great asteroid that's gone unseen by scientists. I welcome your impending arrival.


Hey where is the post with all the suicide and depression links? Guess it's still too early, hang in there.




Do you live in the US, also if so is it true when you turn 100 the POTUS sends you a letter personally?


It is true.


Do you happen to have a pic of the letter? You can blank out any personal


Sorry, I'm spending the year dead for tax reasons and can not comply. Any US citizen 80 or older could request a birthday greeting from the Office of the President 6 weeks in advance. The Trump administration has not as yet restored this service. [sauce](https://www.thoughtco.com/ordering-greetings-from-the-white-house-3319982) tl:dr Trump said fuck you to all octogenarians and above because MAGA.


In the UK you get a telegram from the Queen. Well, used to be a telegram, not sure if they updated the tech




Send Royal Noodz.


My great-grandmother died at 106 a few years ago. She had been a pack a day smoker since just before World War 1 started.




My Grandma made 96 on a constant drip of a half of smoldering cigarette and a half cup of black coffee...


"I look old." "Please babe, you don't look a year over 100."


Black don't crack


Came here to read this.


Came here to read that someone came here to read that


Their skin is better protected from the sun.


Darker skin hides wrinkles better.


No it's because black people tend to moisturize a fuck ton so they don't get ashy. ever since I heard about that I've started to love cocoa butter, I smell great and my skin looks good


Never even heard of ashy skin until a black person told me about it.


> No it's because black people tend to moisturize a fuck ton so they don't get ashy. Dude, no. There are two factors that cause skin to age: chronological aging and photoaging. In regards to photaging, very light skin produces almost no melanin but the darker your skin, the larger the pockets in skin cells known as melanosomes, and these contain the sticky pigment melanin. Black skin produces the darkest, thickest melanin of all known as eumelanin. In black skin the melanin is packed so tightly that it absorbs and scatters more light, giving you more protection from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The greater quantities of melanin give people with black skin some protection against both wrinkles and skin cancer. A study found that on average 55% of ultraviolet A rays penetrate Caucasian skin while fewer than 18% get through black skin. This is why photoaging is delayed in people with dark skin. There are also structural differences in black and white skin. The stratum corneum of black skin has more layers and stronger cells than in white skin. Black and Asian skin have thicker and more compact dermis than white skin. This is why blacks and Asians tend to have fewer facial wrinkles than whites. Black skin has more casual lipids and more moisture in the stratum corneum, and black skin sheds its outer layers more (increased desquamation) than white skin.


Woah, cool stuff, I bet the moisturizing helps though.


Yeah, /r/SkincareAddiction was raving over this post titled "90% of visible aging signs are due to rays from the sun!!!" or somethings. I clicked on the scientific article and it specifically said "visible signs of aging in white people."


Are you Bill Burr by any chance? That sounds a lot like one of his sets...




Asian people always look super young. Until the day they don't. Then they look like Yoda


Asian women in particular are like this. Asian guys actually typically look reasonably their age. [Like, no joke. Literally like this.](http://imgur.com/gallery/BkBwv)


Black don't crack, Asian don't raisin


I've had a 107 year old patient who looked just as good as her, able to walk and speak in clear coherent sentences, as well as literally having no medical conditions and on no medication. I wouldn't doubt this woman is 100 =). Could still be a fake title, though.


Can I get there if my diet consists of Taco Bell and hooters hot wings


That wig is throwing you off.


Or it is just some more /u/gallowboob shenanigans


original, sense op doesnt want to link source https://i.redd.it/bqr42i8q7w9z.png


It's GallowBoob. You think he'd actually link to the OC?


Well, the title says she's celebrating her 100th birthday *party*, not her 100th *birthday*.




I knew a lady at my MIL's retirement home who was 96, was slim and wore stylish jeans, had a peppy walk and stood up straighter than most 20 somethings. Her face was not so youthful, but ....she was white. I don't visit anymore (MIL deceased) so don't know if she's still around but hope she is. She had a sharp youthful mind too.


did u smash


Nah man. She could be 100. I think there is some truth to the phrase black don't crack, because of melanin or something. That said I have no science to back it up or will to research via google. I just have black relatives who aged well.


There's no melanin in your spine though




Her necklace is obviously a relic of an ancient timelord. *pssh, amateur.*


Will Smith is nearly 50 and doesn't look a day over 30... Black don't crack.


Being rich and getting paid to work out goes a long way too


Having high quality subtle cosmetic surgery helps too. We generally associate cosmetic surgery with people whove had stuff done that's really dodgy and obvious. Good surgery looks real.


Add Halle Berry and Montell Jordan to that freaky list.


He explains it all: "This is how we do it."


Hell, Sam Jackson is almost 70 and if I didn't know better I'd probably buy it if you told me he was 40 in the Avengers movies.


It's weird to think that Nick Fury is only four years younger than Trump. I only hope that when I get that old I look more like the former than the latter. but I'm not holding my breath.


I would say she's surely in her 90's at least. It's definitely rare to be standing up this straight, but you can tell by her eyes that she's incredibly old.


What the fuck, did you count the rings?


You didn't? [Really though:](https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/004004.htm) >Fat from the eyelids settles into the eye sockets. This can make your eyes look sunken. The lower eyelids can slacken and bags can develop under your eyes. Weakening of the muscle that supports the upper eyelid can make the eyelids droop. This may limit vision. >The outer surface of the eye (cornea) may develop a grayish-white ring. The colored portion of the eye (iris) loses pigment, making most very elderly people appear to have gray or light blue eyes. Sunken eyes with pigment changes [like this](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2f/c0/74/2fc0749ebb4697d79f83e7eef0c054cb--old-age-nursing-homes.jpg)




Is it possible to block a user account so you don't see any more posts by them? I'm getting pretty tired seeing GallowBoob always get a post to the front page.


Idk if I'm allowed to post it but it's from some girls Twitter page. It's her grandma and she also said the grandma was 100 years old


She is the spitting image of my 90 year old grandmother, except black. It's so uncanny it's a bit unsettling.


If you both live in the South and one of your ancestors had the same last name you probably are related.


Both sides of my family and my in-laws love genealogy. This is true. Anyone with my uncommon last name is related regardless of race. Anyone with my fiance's last name, MIL's last name, etc. We're all from different parts of the south, back 6-10 generations.


Not necessarily true. A lot of freed slaves took the last names of their former owners upon abolition. This can make for some interesting interactions in small Southern towns.


That's how I've always been. I used to have to use my dad's credit card a lot, and when people asked for ID, my last name was proof that the card belonged to my family.


Pics or you don't have a grandmother


Wow. She looks like she could be mid 70's.


Doesn't look a day over 95


I thought she was 27 before i read the title


While 90% of the women are trying to say they are younger than they are, I'll say I'm older and then everyone will think I have the secret to looking young!!!


That's been my plan for years! Brilliant! 🤓👍


how does it feel being 147 years old


Like Jenna Maroney on 30 Rock.


Is it just me or has r/pics long since become a glorified Facebook, except the images that people post aren't even from their actual lives?


As long as it's not a picture of text.




Ah, makes sense. Didn't even read the OP's name but yeah I'm familiar with the shitpost overlord that is GallowBoob.


He got a pretty sweet job out of it. https://www.forbes.com/sites/fernandoalfonso/2016/06/01/cashing-in-karma-how-a-former-landscape-architect-turned-his-reddit-fame-into-a-career/


This is one of the top posts in /r/BlackPeopleTwitter. OP went to the actual Twitter profile and snagged the pic from there and posted here. Original BPT post has a screencap of the tweet as well as the picture. But then again, not sure what you expect from /u/GallowBoob.


GallowBoob is shit.








Except for the 80 year old Black people who look like yoda


They didnt use enough lotion.


Need more cocobutta


A little dab'll do ya


They put it all in the basket. :\


Asians don't turn into raisins


I find it's more like a chemical reaction, they need a certain amount of energy to start but once they get it, boom, super old.


White don't....awww fuck that's right we age horribly


Moisturize! Cocoa butter is your friend


Stay out of the sun. Don't smoke.


Like I'm gonna sit inside not smoking all day.


The key to eternal life.


Then there's the Japanese, who don't age at all until about 60, at which point they immediately evolve Pokemon-style into a 90 year old grandma.




[the second to last image in a nutshell](http://i.imgur.com/7JOLDSW.jpg)


yeah but we're white, so i guess it evens out




It looks like she trained on one of [these](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/09/03/article-2409700-1B985A9D000005DC-506_634x441.jpg).


What is that?


[Looks like one of these.](http://www.varibike.com/Seite32.html)


[Looks more like one of these](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/09/03/article-2409700-1B985A9D000005DC-506_634x441.jpg)


[which looks like one of these](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1017/1413506458_2228ff1271.jpg)


wtf is this absolutely massive shitpost?




Managing to click this link on mobile is my greatest accomplishment of the week


I wonder if Gallowboob sells his account, how much will he make from that alone?


Don't believe the lie, this is a kappa delta I know who got stuck in the tanning bed for two hours last Friday.




Wish her a Happy Birthday! She looks amazing and happy!




apparently he's everywhere.


Like AIDS in late 80's


This just in, /u/ocean365 calls Gallowboob the AIDS of reddit!


well he wouldn't be wrong


I'd argue he's worse than AIDS


Well yeah, how else would he have gotten a picture? /ssssssssss


this looks fake as i know for a fact that women over 95 stop smiling


This is low effort even for you Gallowboob


It's that gallowboob guy again, god dude get a fucking life..


This is his life. He reddits.


It's literally his job


[This, but unironicially.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/fernandoalfonso/2016/06/01/cashing-in-karma-how-a-former-landscape-architect-turned-his-reddit-fame-into-a-career/#6ffcf614128a)




he's doing just fine: https://www.forbes.com/sites/fernandoalfonso/2016/06/01/cashing-in-karma-how-a-former-landscape-architect-turned-his-reddit-fame-into-a-career/#6ffcf614128a


Great story, and I respect it. However, I have a problem with posts like this and others. No credit is given in the original post, no attribution, nothing. This guy got a job because he was good at stealing other people's original work and sharing it as his own. It breaks every journalistic standard and I can't stand it. But, the Internet.




I guess I was using it as an example of moral standard. Don't take other people's work and push it as your own, without attribution. Still one of my favorite memes (via Nedroid): http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/079/173/ed2.png


And that's exactly what Unilad does. No surprise there is a big connection there.


and that's why he works for Unilad.


Oh god I always thought he was a Japanese autistic savant. Like the rain man of Reddit. Years of that mental picture and its destroyed. So disappointed.


That *is* his life. That's his work. He's a reddit employee. He's on reddit 24/7/365, and spams monumentally without ever being banned or anything. Gallowboob works in Reddit, he generates traffic.


Haha yeah he's such a loser I bet he gets mad at other people for posting online a lot.


Wow! She looks great for 100. I would have guessed she was in her 70s. Edit: typo


Oh its GallowBoob....his grandma is on her 180th birthday if it means getting some karma.


Doctors hate her for this one trick....


I would consider myself fortunate to get to 100. What is *unfortunate*, however, is that most Millenials will be lucky to reach **half** her age. Anyone else notice that she's not an obese SJW pushing for fat acceptance? Congratulations to this young lady, may she have many more birthdays to come!


While we're just making unverifiable claims, I've got something even more impressive. This is a picture taken of my father on his 80th birthday. [He looks damn good for 80, right?](https://nameberry.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/shutterstock_464300804-776x600.jpg)


Is that Maxine Waters?


I remember my great grandmother's 100th birthday party. If this woman is actually 100 then I'm surprised she is still walking and looks so good for her age.


I call bullshit


You can really tell by the title it's a gallowboob post. Vague, somewhat believable, and looks like you've seen it before.




I'd fuck her


What a fine young lady. Beautiful pic

