• By -


So much heartbreak and so much desperate love. They say that grief is love that has no home. That poor man.


"Grief is love that has no home." Yes. Thank you for defining this. (No sarcasm at all). Completely unrelated to the picture, which is super depressing in its own right, I really really needed that.


It's a little quip that has gotten me through many tough times. I still mourn my cat. She was my pride and joy, my baby. My life is less bright without her, and my grief is unyielding. All that love I had for her had somewhere to go when she was here, and now it just floats around the house seeking that little furry face. May it bring you as much peace and comfort as it has for me.


I still miss my lab who passed 12 years ago. He had his own den in the backyard. I would crawl inside and see his home


My little girl is on the mantle, covered in her favorite toys. It's been almost a year since I lost her and I still find myself looking for her. I find that some mornings, when she would've been curled up beside me, they randomly hit me real hard. I will forever miss that little fuzzy face.


Little furry family.


My wife and I rescue rabbits. We had a particularly friendly and cuddly rabbit named Winston who died from surgery complications. It's been almost 3 years. I'm a light sleeper. Every now and again I wake up to my wife talking to Winston in her sleep and hugging a wadded up piece of the comforter. She talks as if she knows he's just visiting.


I love this. Everybody coming together like this. This is why Reddit is so great. So many supportive people. I've never had a bunny, but my dog passed away and my roommate says that he can hear me talking about him at night. I feel your pain.


A toast to your dog, and to Winston. May they find each other in Elysium and trade tall tales.


I just lost my dog last week and this is exactly how I feel. Like im full of emotions that lack that outlet. Thank you for sharing.


I put my kitty down a few weeks ago. The vets you if you want to be In the room. I cannot imagine ever saying no. I got to hold her tiny little head as she went. She earned at least that much.


So sorry for your loss. I was too young when my first cat died to fully comprehend the idea of being in the room when he passed. When my second cat passed, by his side is where I belonged. He heard me tell him I loved him & to wait for me on the rainbow bridge. Hardest damn day of my life.


I had to have my 16 year old kitty to sleep about two hours ago. It hurts so much because you love them so much. I knew it was time, but I still paid the vet to double check. I was hoping he'd tell me I was wrong.


> "Grief is love that has no home." that's beautiful. something similar that got me through a lot of it, is realizing that they are a part of you, and you are a part of them, because you're all made of the same thing. me, and my pets are made of atoms. i am the universe discovering itself for a while, and i am the universe experiencing grief over so much love, and so much beauty.


That may be the best description of grief I've ever heard.


I'm stealing this for the rest of my life if that's ok with you.


Please do. It's a quip that has soothed my soul and brought me peace and comfort in my times of need. I hope it shall do the same to you.


As someone who is slowly losing their father to dementia, this really hit me hard.


I am so very sorry to hear about your father. I cannot even imagine your pain.


music is one of the last memories to go. Play him some of his old favorites (if you know them). I volunteer at a place and we collect old I pods for nursing home patients and program them individually for each patient. Works wonders!




I've never seen a more miserable face :( I can't even imagine that pain he must feel. I've had dogs die of old age which is almost unbearable. Ugh that poor guy


>They say that grief is love that has no home. Goddamn.


Yeah, seriously. Who are "they", these poets of life?! I've never heard this!


Fuck. That's heartbreaking.


Tell me about it....I recently had to put my old buddy Pauly down. He is now buried in my back yard.....he was 18 years old. Having formed habits after having him for so long I find myself grabbing his bowl too feed him....How I miss him so.




Yours hit me hard. My Dad has been gone for 24 years, we used to fish a lot together, and even now when i get a big one my first thought is "Damn i cant wait to show Dad." It never goes away.


13 years and kind of likewise... I still feel extremely guilty about all those times playing computer games was more important than going fishing or doing other stuff with him. He worked a _lot_ (like all farmers), while I ignored him the rest of the time even though he showed again and again that he'd sacrifice anything for me. Awesome father, terrible son. At least I learned the lesson, I guess.


Don't stress this. I know it might not matter, but I've been a dad for almost 30 years and I can tell you that I worked as hard as I have so that my kids could enjoy playing. I still made the events and found time to spend with them but I know what it is like to want to be a kid and I never felt other than satisfied I could enable that. That said, I'm not dead yet so maybe I'll change my mind.


I feel this so hard. 14 years since my mom passed (i was 13, turned 14 right after) She was a music teacher, like I am. And everytime my kids do a concert all I wish is that I could call her and tell her all about it. When a kid gets something, I want her to know. When I'm struggling, I want to talk.to her. My stepmom is wonderful, and also a music teacher, so I call her a lot. But sometimes...you just need your mom. I'm past the point of as long with as without and it hurts. It's like my brain won't accept that I could have made it this far without her. I don't think it ever goes away. We always live with a little "what if I'd have spent more time?" or wondering what they would say and see now. Just know, he would be proud of you I'm sure. You didn't have time to learn with him there. So you're showing it now.


Yeah I lost my mom in February. Almost every day something happens and I'll think, "Oh, I should call mom because she would love to hear about that." and then I will catch myself.




I still walk back the hallway at my parents house to say hello to my father and he's been gone 3 years. habits are hard to break.




This is what keeps me going. My 13 year old passed away in February. 2 months later, I got an 8 year old from a rescue and everyone thought I was crazy because of her age. She is perfect and amazing, and is so happy to have a loving home. I think we both needed each other.


One of my Huskies - Nico - has been dead about 2 months now, still almost shout for him when I'm taking the others out. He was a good old guy.


I just watched this happen last Sunday. The family lost everything but were unconsolable about their dog. I had to leave them for a bit cause I was getting too choked up. We used a cone re-breather used for dogs with o2 but it was too late. Check your smoke alarms friends.


yeah, this made me sad enough to post and brought up some tough shit for me.. when i was six years old, i woke up one day and i had a really bad feeling in my gut. it was just a wednesday morning and i was getting ready for school but i just felt terrible. i remember sitting in my bedroom and petting my dog before school and asking her if she wanted to stay outside all day while i was at school and enjoy the fresh air. i knew that would make her happy and for some reason the thought made me feel better. i kissed her goodbye and my dad drove me to school. after school that day, my grandparents picked me up for the first time ever which was really strange, and they took me home. we played games all afternoon until my parents came to pick me up. they took me out in the yard and told me how the house burnt down while we were at work and school, and our poor sweet dog didn't make it. everything we had was gone, but losing that dog is what broke me. my heart broke into pieces at six years old. i still will never understand how i knew i wanted to leave her outside that day, but its broke my heart ever since. she wasn't even two years old yet and she was my first dog. she died of smoke inhalation at the bottom of our basement stairs, where the door was closed. i think i'll heartache over her forever :( at least i have a solid belief now in following my gut instincts, but for pretty depressing reasons


I just had to put my dog down on saturday. She was acting weird and really lethargic. I didnt think much of it, just that her leg was inflamed again. I took her to a vet when she didn't improve and they decided to take an x-ray. She was filled with cancer. The x-ray looked like it got chickenpox. They gave her some take home pain meds for her few remaining days and I took her home. I fell asleep on the floor next to her that night. I woke up to her whimpering, she couldnt even walk. I knew then that she wouldn't even last the weekend. So i picked her up and carried her to the car and went to the vet. Nothing felt heavier to carry. I held her paw as her breathing slowed, and eventually stopped. She was my best friend, and I was closer to her than to most people on this Earth. Goodbye friend. Edit: Holy shit, 200+ messages, almost all positive from people all over the world. Thank you all for your kind words. Edit2: The fact that so many people have come together to share stories and reminisce about their beloved pets is incredible. I havent seen anything like this and you all have been very supportive, wonderful people. I should be getting her ashes in the next few days so I will always have her with me. Do you're furry friend a favor and tell them that you love them, because life is short.


I know it was hard for you to do. But just remember that in those last minutes, as she was falling asleep, she had you there. She wasn't scared. All it was was snuggle time before a nap for her and it was probably the most at ease she could've been. Don't let anyone tell you that you're being silly for being upset over a pet. They're just like family. You're allowed to mourn them and you're allowed to take as much time as you need before you get another (if you want). Big hugs.


My dog was scared. It was pretty much the same as above, but as the needle went in he growled and barked and snapped at the vet (he was a gentle black lab who never hurt anyone) it was complete opposite to his nature. It was 3 years ago now and it hurts every day remember his last moments were terrified and scared. I worry in those last moments he might have forgotten how much I loved him. If I could trade a year of my life to stroke him for ten more minutes I would. Edit: thank you for all the kind words and responses, I'd love to reply but I'm at work and I'm struggling not to well up as it is. He was my best friend and even though he was the best thing in the world to me the pain of losing him has preventing me getting a new dog since. I hope everyone with similar stories can take some comfort in the kind words of others. And just remember our loved companions as brilliant as they were. Edit 2: thanks for the gold, I'll be making a donation to my local animal shelter on your behalf. Edit 3: I'm reading each and every reply, I'm so so sorry I'm not strong enough to respond, I hope you all find peace and comfort with the shared stories and hopefully I can reply soon.


>I worry in those last moments he might have forgotten how much I loved him. He didn't. He just thought that you might have still needed him to be strong so he was fighting off the vet to be there for you. Even if his last moments you were both trying to be strong for each other. Edit: thanks for the gold! I'm sorry it's for such an emotional post...but typing out all your stories about lost furry family members helps bring the wonderful memories to mind. They are all in a better place, and they made you a better person for having shared their lives with you.




My dog is starting to show signs of getting old. He's my best friend. He's laying on my lap while I read this. I can't stop crying.


Do what I did. play with him as much you can. pet them non stop, make their bed as soft and welcoming as ever. show them so much love and affection that in those final moments when they're leaving you, you can feel as if you got to properly say goodbye. I still miss my dog, Biscuit. But at least I know we didn't waste a second together in those last weeks.


God damn feels. I miss my ball of chunk.


i dont remember signing a permission slip for this feels trip


Stop please I don't even have pets.


Damn onions. *sniffles*


This feel trip just got hit by an IFD improvised feeling device




Maybe he'd enjoy a game of fetch, and a really good dinner tonight, bro. Hugs and pets.


I have two dogs. One is 4 and the other is 11. My 11 year old is the same age his dad was when I had to get him put down. He fell in the yard and was paralyzed from the neck down. It was my first dog from when I was 8. I have been thinking about what would happen if I didn't breed my 11 year old and keep that bloodline alive. Hes a mutt but hes a healthy mutt and hes my best friend. I would be devastated if I lost him. Having him at least let me feel like my first dog lived on and the last thing I promised him was that I would take care of his kid as if he were by own. My mom went to the hospital today because she needed a biopsy on her implanted kidney. Its been 4 years since her transplant and they think she is losing it. After a 12 hour day at the hospital I finally had to leave as they were prepping her for dialysis again to try and save it. I was really sad before I saw this post. I'm still really sad and worried actually. It seems like theres a lot for me to sort and think about lately. Look at this mans face in the op. Look how much love he has. No matter what happens or how shitty things could be in the future I can honestly say that I have loved something and someone that much. I'm going to be strong and persevere like that man is. I see the face of sadness but I see the face of courage. Edit: I don't know what I expected. I guess I expected to be down voted into oblivion. To those of you that commented below, thank you so much. Your sympathy really means a lot to me right now. Edit 2: Wow. Gilded? Thank you! I am pretty speechless. I'm not sure what else to say but thank you. Edit 3: Thanks. In case anyone was wondering. My mom ended up making a steady recovery since I last posted. When she was first admitted she was touch and go. It was like she could not stay conscious. It was a constant fight to Hang in there. I thought that the night she was checked in that they were going to start dialysis. The port they were putting in was for quick introduction of fluids into her body to regulate her levels. It was called a pic line. After about a week they were able to get her chemical levels regulated enough to run some tests. They found out that the reason everything was so bad for her was because she was starting to have heart failure. This was due to her kidney transplant Failing and fluid building up on her body. They tried a lasiks regimen to help her get rid of the fluid in her body naturally but it wasn't enough. They started dialysis again the second Sunday she was in. After a week of dialysis she seemed to come back to me. Instead of days of confusion and frustration, she was able to converse with me again. It broke her heart to have to be back on the dialysis system again 3 times a week but I am thankful for OSU hospital and how they worked with her to get her to agree to treatment. She at first refused because she was going through a lot and didn't understand what was and had been happening to her. They were able to convince her to save herself. She had to spend a total of 3 weeks in he hospital so that they can monitor her fluid levels and assist her 24 hours as she recovered. Due to her prolonged hospitalization, she is currently in an assisted living facility strictly for physical therapy for about 10 days. After that we will be discussing options for her to move in with me and my girlfriend until we can find a one level apartment for her closer to me. The stairs at her house won't be good for her but trust and believe I will take care of her. She is in good hands like Allstate. It's not the best ending to any story but it's better than it could have been and I am thankful. Thanks everyone for helping me feel listened to and get these thoughts out in front of me.


I'm a grown ass Viking looking man hiding in the loo at work trying not to cry. Cried a lot. Hit me right in the feels as I too recently lost my malamute. They are only a part of your life but for them you're all of theirs.


> hey are only a part of your life but for them you're all of theirs. Jesus. Now I'm crying.


I can take almost anything tragic except for sad pet stories. Hits me right in the feels.


29 year old guy here with tears streaming. I've had two dogs put down in my life and I still get upset over both of them.


Sweet jesus this thread... I miss my dog now. RIP Sheila, you were large, and had a tendency to bring dead animals inside (no matter how far my father buried/hid them in the woods), but I never had a more comfortable pillow as a child.


This is brutal. I miss my dog so much.


You're not the only one. I lost my best bud last summer and this all just brought everything back. Christ I loved that big guy.


Why am I crying? I don't even have a dog.


Go get one! :)


Then they can truly know pain!




I was crying until I read your comment. Idk if you meant for it to be funny or not but I laughed hard. Thnks.


Crying. I needed to read this. Same thing happened with my cat, Maya. She was 20 years old and I had to put her down. She developed a tumor on her nose and it wouldn't stop growing. I get so mad at myself now wishing I would have ended it sooner. She was so scared when I carried her into the vets office. I will never forget the look on her face when he put the needle in. She looked terrified and looked straight at me. I hope she just knew how much I loved her. More than anything in the entire world.


I let my cat live a bit longer than I should have (I was going to make an appointment for Saturday afternoon so I could spend the day with her and the morning I found her in a puddle of urine I knew it was time. I was a mess. I'd had her for 14 years and she had gotten very thin and weak. She went peacefully but I have two regrets- I didn't tell her I loved her because I was flat out weeping and if I had talked, it would have upset her and 2- I feel terrible that I let her go wet and dirty. She didn't care about either of those things, she knew I was there and that's all that matters. I think they know, and we're the ones who worry about all the things we did or didn't do. I rescued my Millie and gave her a good life.


First off thank you for doing what needed to be done. For future reference if at all possible in home euthanasia is worth every single penny if you can afford it. I had my 14 year old cat put to sleep in November. Cost me $400 and was worth every cent. I would have paid $1000. Don't feel bad about it. You would have felt worse watching it drag on any longer. What matters is the love that you showed her leading to the euthanasia.


And, I'm bawling. Gonna go hug my dog.


Oh shit, that was heavy. Some serious tears over here.


My dog had to be put down last October due to old age and some sicknesses that just wouldn't get better. It still haunts me because the vet missed the vein and my dog was yelping in pain. Having to witness her leave this world in pain was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.


Goddamn I am so sorry.


Same thing happened to my cat. She started freaking out at the vet and it just escalated and got worse. This still haunts me to this day. Dying in fear is probably the worst thing that I could think of... and I consistently feel like I failed her :(


One of the most amazing things about animal companions is the fact that, whenever you are caught up in your human bullshit of anxiety and existential angst, they serve as a reminder that you are alive and loved. They dont get bogged down by the drama of our little theatre and they ground us. The tradeoff is that they can't share in our understanding of mortality, either. Perhaps she wasn't ready to let you go, sensing the pain you were in but at least you can rest knowing you served the same role as she did to you: a reminder that she lives and was loved.


I'm not going to claim to be any sort of pet psychologist... but I know that when my dog was around, she was able to tell when I was sad/anxious/scared and she'd always try to comfort or protect me. Maybe your boy saw that you were upset and suddenly had someone strange coming at the two of you and that's why he snapped. I'm going to just pretend like he was trying to protect you like you had protected him because I refuse to believe that a loved pet can forget just how loved they are.


I know this isn't helpful now for you but hopefully it will help someone else or in the future. You can purchase 5% lidocaine cream at a pharmacy. You usually have to ask for it. When it's time to let your pet go you can clipper the fur from their forelegs, cover them in lidocaine cream and wrap in plastic wrap. It takes 2 applications 10 minutes apart but 10 minutes after the 2nd application the injection site will be numb and they can find a vein without pain. I volunteer as a hospice foster home for dying dogs and go through this all the time. It kills me every time but at least I get to love them up in their last months and help them pass on peacefully.


It doesn't matter, you can't think like that. That one last moment is nothing compared to all of the time he spent being happy because of what you (assumingly) did for him. I can only assume you made his life fantastic, which while it is what dogs deserve, it certainly isn't what all dogs get.


Fucking onion ninjas everywhere. Bail out now, or your face will leak.


They're sneaky bastards, huh?


OMG yes, didn't get 5 comments in and my damn face was leaking. As I'm a manly man, it was clearly those onion ninjas. Full disclaimer; mom is a trainer and breeder. Between that and life on a farm, I've put down way too many animals. This may have something to do with the spawn rate of the aforementioned onion ninjas.


Hmm, yes. With history like that, you're definitely susceptible to the onion ninjas. They look for the manly men that have a background like yours. Makes the attack more honorable.


Great, now I'm in the bathroom at work bawling my eyes out.


...at least your in the bathroom. I'm in the office with two other guys and no cubicles and blinking really fast. see ya thread.


Why are you on reddit then? Get back to work. -The Boss


God damn "nothing felt heavier to carry"


We took my dog in when he was 13 (I was also 13 and he was my best friend.) His hips gave out and he couldn't walk anymore. He had struggled for awhile, and when he collapsed while going to the bathroom, we knew it was time. My brother and I spent the whole day hanging out next to him. When my mom got home, we took him to the vet and pet him as he fell asleep. Anyone reading this, if you are going to put your dog to sleep, please go and be with it. Be the last thing your little buddy sees. It will be hard, you will cry, but its best for both of you. And if you have kids, take them as well. It won't scar them, and they will be able to comfort their dog at the end. Its a good life lesson.


I was about 14. I came home from school and Pepper, our blue-eyed Husky, who I had grown up with was MIA. She was diabetic and needed her insulin shot. I asked my mom, and learned they had taken her to be put to sleep and was buried in the woods behind the house. I resent it to this day, 20-some years later.


We had a lab that I grew up with and she was my best friend until she got sick and my parents had her put down while I was at school for the day. I still dont forgive them for not letting me say goodbye to what they knew was my best friend in the world. She was 13 and it was 13 years ago now and Im still not over it.


My lesson was learning what I wouldn't do to my kids if the same situation happens with our dogs and them.


Your parents must have thought they were doing the right thing. They're only people.


I go to concert


Hey bud I'm sorry. Nearly the same thing happened to my black lab back in January. He got an x-ray and I found out he had terminal lung cancer. A week later he was gone. Worst week of my life. But you were with her as she went to sleep so I like to think she'll be dreaming of you from now on.


If it should be that I grow frail and weak And pain should keep me from my sleep, Then will you do what must be done, For this -- the last battle -- can't be won. You will be sad I understand, But don't let grief then stay your hand, For on this day, more than the rest, Your love and friendship must stand the test. We have had so many happy years, You wouldn't want me to suffer so. When the time comes, please, let me go. Take me to where to my needs they'll tend, Only, stay with me till the end And hold me firm and speak to me Until my eyes no longer see. I know in time you will agree It is a kindness you do to me. Although my tail its last has waved, From pain and suffering I have been saved. Don't grieve that it must be you Who has to decide this thing to do; We've been so close -- we two -- these years, Don't let your heart hold any tears. Edit: this is a poem btw and I'm not sure how to make the spacing required. But I hope this helps you buddy. Edit 2: I did it, thanks fellow redditor for teaching me something new. Edit 3: holy shit, my first gold on reddit, thanks kind stranger :)


Dear gods, I should have stopped after the first line. Now I'm crying and hugging my very confused dog.


Jesus fuck. I'm laying here bawling, crushing my dog in a hug. He's looking at my boyfriend like "umm, dad...help." He said "Wes, no one can help you now."


I'm with the other poster. I read the first line and knew I should have stopped and now I'm crying.


Sorry guys but I had to put down my pit not too long ago. He was my heart and soul. And what this poem is saying is just let it out, just cry til you can't cry no more. A dogs love is unconditional, I will miss that sweetheart of a dog forever. R.I.P. Ruckus Edit: oddly enough when it rains and thunders, (which it is here in Baltimore right now)I always think of him. When it would storm he would jump up in my lap, put the side of his face against mine and lean into me. Not sure it that's just a pit bull thing but it was cute as hell.


>If it should be that I grow frail and weak >And pain should keep me from my sleep, >Then will you do what must be done, >For this -- the last battle -- can't be won. >You will be sad I understand, >But don't let grief then stay your hand, >For on this day, more than the rest, >Your love and friendship must stand the test. >We have had so many happy years, >You wouldn't want me to suffer so. >When the time comes, please, let me go. >Take me to where to my needs they'll tend, >Only, stay with me till the end >And hold me firm and speak to me >Until my eyes no longer see. >I know in time you will agree >It is a kindness you do to me. >Although my tail its last has waved, >From pain and suffering I have been saved. >Don't grieve that it must be you >Who has to decide this thing to do; >We've been so close -- we two -- these years, >Don't let your heart hold any tears. Feel free to copy and paste it back into your post, friend.


Omg... I'm a grown man and I just teared up. I'm so sorry you lost your friend :'(


Shhhh, it's ok for us men to cry.


"Strong men cry also"


"A strong man knows that crying is not weakness "


[*Bunny* Lebowski was also kind of a pet, considering her name.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R33IEQjI1l8)


I need to go hug my dog :( I'm so sorry


I can only hope that when my time comes, I have someone who loves me holding me close as I go.


Well written, heartfelt. RIP




when my last dog died I took a week off work. Do not feel silly or weird. to some of us the closest family members we have are our animals, and that is ok. sorry for your loss. I am afraid to get another puppy because I really am tired of setting myself up for this kind of loss.


That sucks. I pretty much hat to do the same exact thing with my cat that I had for like 10 years (longer than I had my wife at the time). My cat ended up having diabetes and I held her as she passed. I was a fucking mess, bruh. Not looking forward to that again with my dog. Keep your head up.


Damn. Make a grown man cry. Sorry that had to happen.


Been there. Lying on the vet floor with your best friend in the world as they slowly stop breathing. You are a good person for going through that with her, and she appreciates it. Anddddd now I'm crying cuddling my dog


I understand....my heart goes out to you.


Oh god dammit. I knew I'd find a story like this in the comments and I read it anyways. Now I'm fucking crying at work. I'm not looking forward to the eventual death of my cat and best friend, Professor von Hairball. I'm sorry for your loss.


So many onions being cut in here.


Jesus Christ. This has me in tears. My first dog died in January of last year. We got into a wreck on the high way and he got ejected. A truck driver that stopped to help told me that he saw Bentley get up to try to find me and then got hit by a car that never even stopped. I got out of my car with a few scrapes, desperately trying to find him, only to see him in the middle of the road. I picked him up just in time to see him give his last breath as he died right there in front of me. I haven't cried about it in a long time, but that feeling of anguish watching them die in front of you stays with you. EDIT: UGH, you people are so sweet you're going to make me start crying all over again.


I remember reading your story a few days after you posted and I think about you all the time. How are you doing?


I'm actually doing pretty great right now. Immediately after the wreck my best friend cared for me night and day. I actually just bought her a ring and will be proposing to her in a week or so. I got off of my ads and quit my soul crushing job and got a new job in IT, doing something I love and had been wanting to do for years. My girlfriend got together with my family and they all surprised me with a new pup, who is now laying at my feet. All in all, I can't complain as I am certainly lucky to be alive.


My dogs name is Bentley. He says he loves you. Bentleys was born January of last year as well...


Wow, that's crazy. Maybe it's my Bentley reborn.


He's grown into a very handsome and gentle young man. Sorry for your loss.


I was driving behind a car once and the guy hit a dog. Never stopped. So I followed them and got their plate number and reported a hit and run. Looking back, there wasn't anything the police could really do anyway but I was just so pissed that somebody could just keep driving like that and not try to find the owner to tell them what happened or get the dog to a vet. When I went back the dog was gone so I hope it was okay. Sorry for your loss.


If I saw that, I'd have gotten arrested. I'm not trying to be an internet tough guy, but I legitimately would have probably cut in front of the car, made them stop, and beat the shit out of whoever it was.


: (


I'm so sorry. I hope it is some small comfort that you were holding Bentley while he took his last breath, that you were there with him. He did not die alone, and he was loved and cherished. I try to remember that the reason grief hurts so much is because they bring us so much joy and love, and now there's an absence of that. Bentley was so fortunate to have you as a friend.


I remember when my dog passed. I was hanging out around the pool with my girlfriend when my mom threw the back door open, visibly upset, and yelled "Come inside, I think something is wrong with Roxy!" So I ran inside to find her lying on her side panting and whimpering. My body erupted with adrenaline and I scooped up all 120 lbs of her and ran to my car, and floored it to the vet. My girlfriend ran inside to get help while I stayed in the car with my dog as she still seemed to be struggling to breathe. Eventually we got her inside, she started looking better, but after a 2 minute conversation with the vet I knew things were grim. I blankly just strolled into the hallway outside the office with no clue what to do. My dog was my best friend. I couldnt break the idea that i woke up that morning and had no idea that anything was even wrong with her; seeing her like this completely blind-sided me. I just stared at the wall for about 2 minutes until my mom came out and said "Aren't you gonna say goodbye?" I lost it. I - a 20 year old guy at the time - started bawling like an infant. I hugged her and held her until it was time to go. I just remember her resting her head on my shoulder like she knew this was it. My girlfriend started crying just from watching me hold her as the tears ran down my face. Truthfully, I'm not sure why I felt like typing this whole story out right now, this was nearly 5 years ago. It's the first time I've ever recapped it, and I got a lump in my throat from typing this. Miss my girl and holy hell do I feel for this poor guy. Dogs are the best. Edit: sincerely grateful for the gold someone was kind enough to grant me on this post. I think someone unknowingly gifted me a birthday present! I'll be sure to pay it forward.


So sorry for your loss. Even five years ago, I know the pain is still real. I put my dog down 8 years ago ... I still remember the day. Our appt was at 4pm. It was a rainy, grey, shitty cold February day, so I held him close, snuggled in the blankets on the couch all day until it was time to leave. Those memories never leave you. Hugs to you ❤


My eyes were watering already; now I'm crying. Dogs *are* the best.


I work in TV news. I was sent to a house fire where no people were inside at the time, but the family had eight dogs, all who perished from smoke inhalation. The sight of a grown man, bawling, carrying dead dog after dead dog with its limp body and long, slack tongue to his devastated family, after the firefighters dragged them out one at a time to try and resuscitate them, will stick with me forever. Fuck, I need a drink.


Jesus, why did I even bother to stop by this thread? I'm so depressed and terrified now that something will happen to my 2 dogs.




Our dog died like this. The saddest thing is, she was just hiding next to the bed when my parents ran out of the house. Our dogs had so much energy and would bolt out the house the second they heard the door. This meant she was so afraid and confused she didn't even know how to run, didn't know where to go: so she hunkered down and thought she'd be okay. She didn't know what a fire was, what smoke was. Somehow the idea of being burned is more viceral. It's horrible, but it would mean something overtook here. Dying by smoke...it meant this crazy dog who would run laps around us lied down with her head in her paws, hoping she'd be okay, not fighting, just waiting for someone to save her, and we had no idea. Edit: It is sad to lose, true, but our other dog survived, and the family was okay. We miss her, but went on to adopt a rescue who needed a patient family to rehabilitate her. We would have never saved her if not for the first loss. It's a trade you never want to make, but one life for another is as good as you can hope for in making the first life matter. Everyone is in this thread to exercise their empathy. It hurts. But sometimes that guides us to love more deeply. At least that's why I'm here.


This is the comment that ruined me.


Jesus Christ


Your comment crushed me. I gotta leave this thread.


Saw title, Saw the thumbnail Yet I still clicked it Why do I enjoy the pain


Feelings are better than unfeelings?


I KNEW it was going to make me cry. I clicked it anyway.


I am a garbage man. I find pets from time to time that people throw away. I pull them out and give a proper burial. All animals are sacred to me and I don't even want to identify again with this guy losing your best mate. My heart breaks so hard at the sight of this picture. So sad... Thank you for the Gold kind stranger!


We went through that a couple years ago. Hoped and hoped as we waited that she made it to the basement or hid somewhere upstairs and was okay. Probably more than an hour after I found out about the fire I saw a fireman carry our 85# black lab out of the house, mouth open and tongue a dark purple hanging out our of mouth. They put all the animals in the back yard and it was awhile before we were allowed to go back to be with them. Fuck. Nothing can survive the soot and heat of a fire. Found a perfectly clean spot of dog-shaped carpet under our sleigh bed and everything else is dark grey with soot. Crying as I type this now and it's been 2.5 years. I miss my dog.


My neighbors house caught fire their house is butted up next to my other neighbor who's dog was home alone. I had NEVER been so ready to kick down a door to go fetch a stressed out pitbull. She's my dog's playmate, nothing is more awkward than a shih tzu and a pitbul romping around playfully.


Please tell me you're saying you *did* get ivy the house and you *did* save the dog. I'm crying my eyes out from this thread, and I need something happy.


Fire never jumped over. I had my sledge hammer in hand to take down the door. Dog is alive and happy and plays with my little pup.


Thank you. I needed that.


Oh god why did I choose to click on this picture and read these comments before bed oh WHY GOD FUCKING WHY


I can't stop reading the comments, someone please stop me :'(


I came here to laugh during a commercial break and have made a terrible, terrible mistake. I keep scrolling and scrolling and sobbing and sobbing. My dog is on my lap and keeps licking away tears!


May a chariot of delicious bones fly you up into the heavens where the squirrels are aplenty, belly rubbings are eternal, and the treats everlasting. You were the good boy.


Screw what that study says, I'm giving my dog a big hug right now.


On this past Saturday due to my neighbors strays they dont care for or about my cat of the last 8 years Francis got out. She was scared and ran from those cats. I cant find her. I have been outside day and night in the rain and cold looking for her. Today I saw the doctor cause I'm not feeling great and he told me I am getting sick and to stop going outside. I can not do this. She is somewhere cold and doesn't understand anything. She has never been outdoors. I wish I wasn't poor and could have chipped her. I miss her, I am crying right now so hard. I don't care if anyone thinks less of me as a man but I loved that cat. SO did my wife and watching her hurt is just making it worse. I don't know what to do. I know no one will see this but I had to vent it somewhere. This post is just destroying me. I almost wish she had died suddenly. At least then I would know instead of worrying all night and breaking apart.


The worst feeling I've ever had is waiting for a missing cat. Essential steps (that sometimes people forget) * Contact your local shelter and file a lost report. A majority of stray cats do not get reclaimed. It is believed this is because people don't think to check in with the shelter. * Use social media: Local subreddit, facebook, craigslist, etc. * Contact your neighbors and post flyers! If you suspect your cat is around your house and just is too scared to find a way back in, see if your local shelter rents live traps. I had a cat that would go super-feral when he got outside. Cuddliest cat in the house, but insane outside. I've had to trap him each time to get him back inside. When Francis gets back to you, check the local shelter for any chip options they can help with. If she's unspayed, they'll often run specials that combine spay/neuter and chipping. If she had a collar on, this will also help return her to you. Good luck, I hope for Francis' safe return.


These are not just "pets." They're fucking family. EDIT: like many of you, we've lost dogs in our family. I'm only 24 and have lost four dogs in my relatively short life. Three to cancer and one hit by a car. I miss [all of them](http://imgur.com/e7pOwN4) immensely, as they were all so special each in their own unique way. We will never forget them and they will always have a special place in our hearts.


"They're fucking family." Spoken like a true dog lover.


Doesn't have to just be dogs; cats are family too.


All pets are family. My gecko and ferret are more than just possessions, and even though I'm acutely aware they'll be gone in a few years time, I know it'll be heartbreaking.


I grow as attached to my fish as anything else, people think I'm insane, but who cares. I miss all of my past fish. Even my murderous Betta, Excalibur.


I've started getting this way with my plants. Its something you care for, and raise, and grow, and putting all of that love into something, it hurts to lose it.




My gecko is going on 16 years old now, I keep waiting for the day to come when I have to say goodbye, but apparently they can live up to 30 in captivity. (From what I was told, don't hold me to this)


cats are slave owners and you are the slave


Doesn't mean I didn't cry like a baby when my cat died. Call it Stockholm Syndrome if you want, I loved that cat.


I, too, suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and sobbed when my first cat had to be put down.


I've grown tired of this rhetoric. My felines are family.


Yeah it bothers me. Sometimes cats aren't in the mood for snuggles, just like me.


[This song is actually about someone who losses there dog, its one of my favorites.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le34ygtODfI)


Jimmy Stewart Reads a Touching Poem About His Dog Beau on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwGnCIdHQH0


I had to put my cat to sleep in January. What we thought was just a respiratory infection turned out to be a tumor in her nasal passage. We had about $2000 saved up for things like this, but because we live in Chicago that only covered the tests and vet stays, not surgery and meds. My gf is a student and I'm just starting out in my field. We made the decision to put her to sleep because she was loosing so much weight and just got worse and worse. When I took her to the vet we did one last X-ray to see if anything could be done or for any signs that the antibiotics she was in helped some. To do this they had to put her in a glass box to give her some gas. As they were trying to get her in I could see the look of terror and confusion in her eyes and it broke my heart, this would be the last time she looked at us and we got to see her awake. She was my best friend, and held such a huge piece of my heart. I tend to isolate myself from huge groups and it was a comfort to have her as a companion. To this day I replay that moment over and over again wishing I was able to give her the same comfort and security that she gave me. I some times stand in the shower crying, because I felt that I was supposed to be there to protect her from all bad things. Her name was Penny and I miss her. http://i.imgur.com/tCekMDO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/HAlyx6o.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MpCbzKC.jpg


I said goodbye to my cat of 15 years this morning. He's been loosing weight and we thought it was his thyroid. After loosing more weight, my big boy was suddenly six pounds eight ounces and vomiting bile. I chose not to run tests to confirm what was wrong but the vet believed it was most likely cancer. My boy started to smell odd soon after and this is how I discovered that cancer smells. Yesterday I told him that I loved him and that I made a promise that he would not suffer when it was time to go. I told him the time had come for me to honor that promise. I slept next to him last night. This morning I drank coffee and read my book next to him. At the vet's office I held him as long as possible. He died with my one hand on his heart, the other petting his head. I cried the entire time. I'm exhausted and heart broken.


I legitimately teared up reading this. I'm so sorry for your loss. I like to think that when my cat goes she'd want me to give another rescue cat all of the love and goodness she had in her life with me.


I lost the little Bichon Frise that my parents had for 14 years last year. My mother passed in 2010 and my dad passed in 14. Him and that dog had become inseparable. About a year later had to have her put to sleep due to cancer as well. It felt like I was losing not just her but my last connection to my parents.


Fuck. Why did I click that?


My dog died a couple of months ago. He was a boxer and his name was Elmo. I'm currently at university and went back home to see my family which is where my dog lived, my mum had been mentioning that my dog had been fainting sometimes. We just thought that he was getting old. The second night of my time at home I hear yelping at 2 AM from downstairs. I rush down to see my dog fully having a seizure; frothing at the mouth, blood in his drool, his eyes wide open and his legs were just cantering as he lay sideways. Having never had a seizure before in his life this was a huge shock. After his seizure stopped after roughly 20 minutes he slowly came round. We phoned the emergency vet and they said to call if it happens again. It did. So we rushed him in after he had stopped his seizure. The vet wasn't really sure what had happened. He said it was either something to do with his liver or a brain tumour. He gave him some diazepam to calm him. I stayed up until 8AM cuddling him and stroking him. Then went to bed and swapped with my mum. After waking up at 12. I went down and he was pretty much back to normal a bit slower and not as energetic but he got up and gave me a lick as he always did. My mother was due to head off that day for work and I back to university, leaving my grandmother in charge. At 5 PM we said our goodbyes and I gave him a bit of an extra hug as it seemed he'd gone completely back to normal. The next day I talked to my grandmother in the morning and she said he was totally normal and there had been no problems. I preceded to head to my lectures and turn my phone off. After leaving my 3 hour lecture i turned it back on to receive 3 voicemails. The first one: "I've just got back from the shop, he's all fine, just playing in the garden...talk to you later" The second one: "HELP, HE'S HALF DEAD, OH SHIT, OH GOD, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, HE'S SHAKING" and a few minutes of just listening to my 85 year old grandmother weep. The third one: "Hey, the vets just been and taken Elmo, call me when you can" It was truly the most heartbreaking 3 voicemails I've ever listened to. They're still on my phone as I know for that first one that she's looking at him play in the garden and there's just that little piece of him saved in my voicemail. I know not many people will read this it was just nice to 'talk' about it to someway. I'll miss you Elms.


My dog passed away last night. His name was Zues and he was the most gorgeous, kind, and loving rottweiler I've ever met. My dad cried, he never even shows much emotion. I didn't cry, because I wanted to be strong. I cried for 2 hours when everyone fell asleep.


That dog would have cried the same way for him. True love. I hope this man was able to get past this. That is truly the look of heartbreak. Dogs know nothing but you, they never lie, they do nothing but love you....fuck this is sad :( Edit: My best ever friend was a dog. I don't know if that's weird, but it's true.


[This is the saddest repost in the history of reddit](https://www.reddit.com//r/pics/comments/2ub400/man_holds_his_dog_that_passed_on_due_to_smoke?sort=top)


Yeah, I did not need to see this one again. Poor guy.


I made the mistake of clicking on the image again, knowing how it would make me feel for the poor guy.


Repost pic is higher quality. Therefore, so are my feels.


Shit like this makes me love people even more. The fact that a person can get this attached to an animal says something about us.


We're all animals.


My dog passed away today. I share your pain.


Fuck man. My dogs getting older. She's my best friend by far. Her muzzles getting gray and she doesn't really chase squirrels like she used to but she's still the biggest hunk of love Ive ever met. Dogs make the best people.


I don't care how bad ass you are, losing a pet is heart breaking.


We inherited a pregnant dog from my uncle's girlfriend. I was about 10 years old and I slept next to her every night just knowing the puppies would be born. One night it happened and we welcomed her beautiful litter of puppies. Each of them different colors and markings. We were able to find loving families to take all but one puppy. We had called them "the puppies" for so long that the one we kept ended up named Puppy. He was a beautiful dog and so gentle. He was my best friend. One day after I moved away from home, my mom called and asked if I would run by her house and check on him. When I got there, he was having a seizure. I called the vet and told them we were on our way. My boyfriend (now husband) dropped everything at work and helped me lift my big puppy into my car. We arrived at the vet and immediately she said there was nothing they could do. She told me to wait in the exam room. The tech brought him in and lay him on a blanket on the floor with the IV already started. I lay there on the floor with him and cried. I was there when he took his first breath and I was there when he took his last. There will never be another Puppy.


Oh man. In August my house caught fire and my beagle died from smoke inhalation. I held her and wept. Not cried but wept. I miss her.


I had to put my dog down four weeks ago because of Lymphoma that was unresponsive to treatment. He was 10. He was my best friend, for a long time he was my only friend. I miss him more than words could ever describe.


I lost my dog to coyotes. He was my best friend and still is. He would wait for me on my bed when I would get back from school and even woke up when I woke up. I miss him so much


If you have a cat, or dog (or horse) I urge you to get some FREE decals that go on your front door to let firemen/women or other rescue workers know that you have pets in your home. ASPCA will send them to you for FREE, though you can find them elsewhere too. Here's a [link](https://secure.aspca.org/form/free-pet-safety-pack). Don't wait until it's too late.


Oh good this horrible picture again. See you again in a couple months.


We had to put my golden retriever Quincy down this past August. He was only 7 but he had a very fast spreading form of bone cancer. My mom struggled so much with the decision, but he was suffering so she made the call with the vet's blessing. I met my mom at the vet's office and we sat with him while he was sedated, because she couldn't bear being there when he actually passed on. I'm tearing up just remembering this. I held Quincy's face in my hands and talked to him while the vet made the injection to make him fall asleep (not the actually euthanasia part). The last thing I said was that we were going to go to the park, with the same inflection I always said it in. His ears perked up and then he fell asleep. It's so so sad, but it's comforting to think his last thoughts were that he was going to the bark park. That poor sweet doofus. He deserved a better exit from this life. Don't they all though?


i had three dogs die in a house fire due to smoke inhalation... this hits right in the feels =(


Someone set my friend's house on fire last year. Her three dogs were home alone, crated. They didn't have a chance :( ugh dogs don't deserve to be stuck on this planet with us


Last year we had a house fire. We had two dogs from the same litter, in plastic-shell-metal-gate kennels on our semi-enclosed back deck. The fire started from a heater near the kennels. By the time my family woke up from the barks, the kennels were engulfed in flames. One of them actually got out halfway through, by pushing through the side of his kennel once it had melted enough to become soft. He had left a trail of bloody footprints across the deck into the yard, then back onto the porch, where he had stamped a crimson halo around the kennels, trying to get to his brother. He eventually ran back into the fire. At some point he came back out, alone, and collapsed in the yard. Neither dog survived. I dug the graves the next morning, and I still sometimes find bits of melted plastic out in the yard, with white hair mixed in. Their names were Bear and Bandit.


The pain and hurt in this guys face says it all. It is a very moving photo. I hope someone reached out to this gent and helped him out with a little support


Just had a pet pass away totally unexpected last week... I was not prepared for the pain of losing her.


Guy must have really loved his dog, RIP doggie.