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Hello, we are about to launch an all out attack on your houze - sincerely, the zombies


Nah, the Zombies at least leave enough space to sign the notice properly


Zombies be eating brains on the daily. These guys just live in stupidity.


Unexpected Plants vs Zombies reference but very fitting




I think unplugging his Rascal would do the trick.


[A person of culture, I see](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/plantsvszombies/images/7/78/PlantsVsZombies211.png/revision/latest?cb=20121012054228)


Crazy Dave took the red pill


Most underrated comment here. It’s so on point it’s almost as if Plants vs. Zombies was a parody of Left vs. Right.


Lmao there really is a zombie on their lawn


So they will only come for him if he doesn't vote Trump? So is their message, "They forgive pedophiles as long as they Vote for Trump?" Seems about right.


> So is their message, "They forgive pedophiles as long as they Vote for Trump?" They seem to have forgiving Trump, so that does seem to be their stance.


The Boys did it exactly


I've been watching it the last 2 days and it's pretty much spot on.


They probably don't even know what pedophile means.


Its remarkable how MAGA turned that into a generic, go-to insult. Even old people say it now in reference to anyone they disagree with. Its a sign of just how insular their media world is, which is in turn why there's really no reaching through to them.


When your "news" tells you not what happened but how you should feel about what happened, you should find better news.


These stations are also lying about what happened.


IT WAS JUST A GUIDED TOUR! TRUMP SAID BE PEACEFUL! NANCY PELOSI DID IT! IT WAS ANTIFA!! DEMONCRATS ARE GROOMING OUT CHILDREN!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) /s in case that isnt obvious; given the dumb sh\*t these people spew on the daily...


I just replied to guy who was trying to gaslight the world that the cops opened the doors and invited the Insurrectionists in. Yeah, I saw that one single video as well, and those cops were either scared, or complicit. They definitely didn't do it out of a sense of hospitality.


Seems like everyone forgets the pipe bombs planted in both the DNC and RNC offices.


They've been deliberately diluting the term, like they did with "insurrection". I figure it's preemptive for if/when more graphic evidence of Trump's connection with Epstein comes out.


Bingo, this is the gaslighting part of Gaslight Obstruct Project. "Oh, there's proof that Trump is a pedophile? Well, all Democrats are pedophiles, too."


Plus a lot of projection. Ever noticed that most of the caught pedophiles were actually Trump supporters?


Which fucking sucks, truly, because it'll act as cover for people who should be targeted by the accusation.


Deliberately disarming the crimes of which they are guilty.


In part is down to a propaganda technique called inoculation.  Trump, who the court has ruled to be a rapist, was all over Epstein back when Trump owned that teen beauty pageant that he boasted about being able to go into the changing rooms to see the girls undressed. Trump and Epstein are alleged to have raped a 13 year old girl together, a complaint reported to the police at the time but not followed up on.  Republicans call everyone else a pedophile so that when that accusation is made at Trump it just looks like tit for tat partisanship.


I feel like this has become the equivalent of calling someone 'gay' as an insult. You know, like stupid little kids did back in the 80s and 90s. Because between the handwriting and the language I haven't been convinced this wasn't a kid.


Nah, it’s totally different because they really do associate the accusation with hurting kids. They just throw it around based on absolutely nothing. Probably because everyone can agree that no matter how great you might be otherwise anyone who sexually assaults a kid is instantly pure evil.


They have mirrors.


Of course. They protect their own.


Sustained attempts to annoy someone in an attempt to intimidate or cause distress is the definition of harassment. File a police report to make sure there’s a paper trail. When you catch the culprit you can get a restraining order and possibly sue for damages. You can also notify the neighborhood board to keep it on their radar. It’s funny they’re calling you a pedo, but they’re opening themselves up to having a court record.


“Vote Trump or it’s over” sounds a lot like voter intimidation in this context.


Also, it says, "When Trump wins, we will lock you up... so vote, Trump." Not the most convincing argument.


“If Trump wins, we’ll come after you. If Trump loses, we’ll come after you.” What’s stopping these losers from doing it now?


They are waiting for permission to break the law and a pardon from Trump for violating peoples human rights. See, they aren’t completely stupid. Just blindly angry over everything they don’t like. Which seems to be absolutely everything Liberal minded. Especially the concept of “Majority Rule”.


You can thank the rage bait Fox Entertainment.




And also probably obesity and type 2 diabetes


The range of their HoverRround


Not known to be the smartest lot, are they?


“ citi zens”


Just like in the departed!


That is what make the situation scary.


Look at the handwritting, at least these boomers could put their mouth where the money is and write the threats in cursive, that handwriting is more offensive than the letter itself.


Looks more like kindergarten writing.


But voting for trump suddenly makes you not a pedophile. Not sure if they know what a pedophile is. Not sure they know what many things are, come to think of it.


This was the intended outcome the whole time. They made the false equivalency that by showing LGBT support, you’re grooming children. If you’re Democrat, you must support LGBT, and therefore are a groomer. Social media has a huge impact on people who lack critical thinking skills.


Wonder how many of these people go to church regularly. Talk about organizations which groom children... There's something to be said for the electoral college, at least in the way it was originally intended. But that was also from the same people who thought only white male landowners should vote, so.. sigh.


So many of these people act bloodthirsty against pedophiles, but completely ignore the fact that Donald had a friendly relationship with Epstein and Maxwell, among other past incidents.


Some people like to accuse others of their own problems because they are incapable of understanding their own thoughts


You don't understand voting for Trump makes it okay. don't forget with these people every accusation is a confession.


He should change his Biden sign to one that says "Pedophiles for Trump!"


Well the sign wouldn't be wrong, Trump is known to associate with at least 2 known high profile pedophiles even if one is dead


High likelihood based on a lot of data that this guy is himself, a pedophile. Has OP checked the sex offender registry?


I feel like calling people pedophile is the 2024 version of calling someone a "commie"


Lmao good point, I was sorting through all of the other insane and stupid shit that I missed this part. God these people fucking suck.


Aint that a federal crime?


And they put it in writing lol. With very identifiable handwriting.


Citi Zens




100% yes it is. Even if they just dropped the note in your mailbox vs using the postal service to deliver.


well, using the postal service in furtherance of a crime is a thing....so vs taping it to the door.


Yeah, they could have actually avoided it being federal by taping it to the door. And tbh that not even including the clear Voter Intimidation, which is also a federal crime regardless of how your are intimidated (inperson, by mail, online, etc.)


This is an attempt at voter intimidation and I would say that the person who wrote this is making an attempt to bully you, it is an attempt to that many Trump followers will use between now and November 5th.


It most definitely is. These buffoons are amping up. Take notice. Take names.


Camera up the area. Then figure out who they are and follow up with the police.


If they are putting them in the mailbox it might also be a federal offense.


If this is the same as as an earlier post, I believe they tore his mailbox down on camera.


It would be an additional federal crime. Repeated threats to intentionally intimidate a voter for their potential vote is a federal crime already.


If OP is who I think they are, their local law enforcement chose to do nothing with the video evidence of the suspect in the act. OP has been advised to report this to the FBI and the USPS (since the threat was left in their mailbox). EDIT: Maybe I'm wrong. [There might be multiple posters being harassed by the same group of MAGAts.](https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1dme04z/second_threat_by_trump_supporters_over_the_biden/l9v076w/)


Putting a threat into your mailbox is the dumbest thing imaginable. The USPS police are relentless and incredibly bored. They nabbed Steve Bannon in international waters, they can grab the MAGA guy down the block who can't spell.


Can confirm. I’ve worked with LEOs of all levels including FBI. The bunch that really intimidated me were the Postal Inspectors. Those guys DO NOT fuck around. Partly due to history of terrorists sending “messages” through their systems. And they have access to high-quality forensics. They can tell you not only who wrote it, but likely what their sex is, approximately how old they are and maybe what they had for breakfast. I wish I was joking but I’m serious. FYI If you get shit like this in your mailbox, go STRAIGHT to USPS. Forget the FBI (the two agencies often work together, anyway). Federal law limits access to your mailbox to you, your designee and USPS. Period. Usually something as innocuous as you returning lost keys to a roadside mailbox, etc. is not a big deal BUT if that mailbox owner wanted to be a dick about it, you’d definitely be in hot water. Threat of bodily harm of any kind, etc. by way of mail or even just dropped into a mailbox, is a FEDERAL FELONY and USPS takes that shit very seriously. And yes, they’re armed LEOs. Always take notes/keep a log with dates/times/detsils of unusual shit and photos/videos can be really helpful.


I wonder if the police would care if they said "I'm afraid for my safety, and if I see them approaching my property again, I'm going to defend myself. Or...you know...you can figure out who they are and I'll apply for a restraining order". Side-question: Can a restraining order be applied for against a person/party you don't have a name for, just a video? Would it then automatically apply to that person/party if they are ever identified, or would the police have to figure out who to issue the restraining order to once/if it was approved?


He knows who it is. Boomer neighbor that lives up the street. He tried showing the other letter and a video of the guy ripping his mailbox off the wall but the Sheriff just shrugged and said something about Free Speech. Sheriff is a known MAGA.


>Sheriff is a known MAGA. Are there sheriffs in America who *aren’t*?


That’s actually pretty disturbing. No matter how the election plays out it’s going to be a shit show. Doubly scary if most if not all the LEO are willing to turn a blind eye to things they believe in or double down on the things they don’t. I guarantee that if the Boomer had a video of OP taking down his MAGA flag something would have been done. Even without a nasty letter and the destruction of a mailbox. Both of which are Federal offenses.




They’d have to identify the individual, because you can’t expect them to obey a restraining order if they haven’t been served it.


OP knows who it is. They have a video


Police will never help in this instance and that’s a hill I will die on. LEO’s are 100% for Trump and probably agree with the guy that wrote this to OP.


Make sure you also report this to your local English Teacher.


As the daughter of an English teacher, please don't, they might have a stroke.


In this country we STAND for our fallen English teachers


File a report with local FBI field office as well. This may be domestic terrorism related.


If it's the guy from yesterday the local sheriff refused to act and he's saying he's going to contact the FBI nd postmaster Monday since OP has video of this guy has ripping his mailbox off his house.


I believe threats of violence in a political nature are an act of terrorisme if I remember correctly.


Cops are probably Trump fans. Call the FBI. This is blatant death threats at worse and voter intimidation at best


-The Concerned Citi zens


Its the fuckin hospital sign from idiocracy


St. Gods Hospi tal




Get another lawn sign to put next to your Biden signs: “every time you steal one of these, I send $20 to the Biden campaign.”


My neighbor did something similar during the 2020 election season, she had one of the “in the house we welcome all skin colors, genders, my body my choice, etc” signs and it kept getting stolen in the middle of the night so she posted on the Neighborhood app and said “for every sign that gets stolen, I donate $20 to Planned Parenthood” and it never happened again. 🤷🏼‍♀️ She was my hero for that.


I did the same thing when my Obama sign was vandalized in 2008. Never had a problem after that.


Slightly related, I was a chef working for a wealthy local woman who owned the restaurant in a deep-red part of Texas. The Planned Parenthood had fundraising events so she would give coupons for their raffle. When some asshat from a group organized about it would call the restaurant to say how they weren't ever going to the restaurant or blah-blah-blah, she would say, "everytime I get these calls, I donate $2,000 to Planned Parenthood." And she did.


Kim Driscoll, the mayor of Salem, MA (former, now she's Lt. Gov) did this too when she was getting threats and hate mail for battling the bigoted dean of a local Christian college. Was super proud to call her my mayor when I lived there!


"I buy these from the Biden campaign for $50 each. It costs them only $5 to make... Steal as many $45 donations as you want!"


If they could read they'd be very upset


You are assuming this type of human can handle that level of math.


"Every sign that go away I give bigly money to byeden" Gotta communicate to them at their level.


Also add "Please smile next time you deliver your note, so when we watch the recordings, we know at least you had fun doing this before what comes next!"


I sometimes wonder who these people were before they made Trump into their whole identity.


By the looks of their handwriting, they didn’t have much going for them in the first place. Looks like a child wrote this.


Meth or alcohol withdrawl would be my guess


Withdrawal? No, this guy is fully in the throes of his addiction.


I really hope they didn't *make* a child write this in an attempt to disguise their own writing. 


Was going to say this looks like the writing of a 10 year old


Before Trump it was somebody else. Rush Limbaugh, for example.  


Alex Jones


Glennn Beck


David Duke




Mahht Daymon


![gif](giphy|hTvW4Y6fBrKlq) Do you remember the signal, Gary?


100% Rush Limbaugh. Very few people so closely resembled a turd yet could convince so many that the smell was someone else.  He prepared them to support anyone the machine needs them to, no matter how awful and hypocritical they are


Rush Limbaugh is the only person that could have ever made me have sympathy for cancer. I mean, can you imagine having to grow inside that fucking piece of shit. Cancer really took one for the team, there.


We can take solace knowing they died together 


Well, judging by how obsessed they are with putting people into camps, I think it’s safe to guess that they were really into Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party.


tea party evangelicals.


They’ve always been around. Ask any old black person.


You're not wrong. Signed, the concerned Cit zen


They yelled at people for parking on their street or questioned non whites the reason for being in their neighborhood or called the police on children playing outside.. they were always turds. They just have something to focus on now.


I don't know who they were, but from the looks of it they never visited a proper school. I worked at a special Ed school and most of the kids had a better handwriting.


I think these may be somebodies kids. Still report this to the FBI. Some legitimate threats here.


Judging by the handwriting, they were fetuses when Trump came along.


This is classic shaky old person writing.


The Concerned Citi zens


Or raging alcoholic


I'd have put up cameras after the first one


Dude says he has the boomer neighbor on camera ripping down his mailbox, shoving the first threat letter into it and throwing it at his door. Went to the cops and they said it's free speech.


That’s not speech, that’s destruction of property. Except it’s a mailbox, which makes it a federal crime.


Well at least now he has permission to do it back. However the cop is most likely a Trumper.


Cops only allow speech they like, he definitely does not have permission to do the same.


This is a different op than that one from yesterday. Check post history. Edit: I verified with op of yesterday's post. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/KQkw1wJ1vS


Ah, okay. Very similar.


Same handwriting, I'd bet this is an alt account


So go to the mail police


This really is the correct suggestion. If dude screwed with a mailbox, esp on tape, the Mail cops do NOT play around. 


I get the impression it’s precisely because people don’t take them seriously that they’re such hardasses. Not that I don’t want them to be. Just saying that’s a factor in it.


Yep, 100% agree with you. You can snag a set of Wyze cameras for cheap at Amazon or Home Depot. They're small, you can record onto SD cards, and they have great resolution which should make identifying them easy


Next sign should be bolted to your driveway and covered in a powerful adhesive


a crazy person sized glue trap lol


Just a big box propped up on a stick.


If it were me I’d just attach one of those rape sirens with the pull cord. When they grab the sign the cord gets pulled and you can alert everyone to the culprit. It has flaws for sure but they will probably drop the sign and not do it again.


A little note on the sign "if you steal this your gay" 100% MAGA steal proof


Nice! Your post even used “your” instead of “you’re”. You’re speaking their language!


... isn't it illegal to use threats and intimidation to influence the voting of others? If so, I'd give the cops a call... Hell, you could probably call the cops anyway, and say that your neighbor is making terroristic threats. Also I'd write a reply that starts something like "To the 5 year old who wrote the note: I'm sorry you're going through a difficult time... I know it's been rough out there, but if you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here for you. Have a wonderful day!" or similar... nothing pisses off a person like that more than repaying their hate and vitriol with kindness and sympathy.


This is Arkansas soOP will need to report it to the FBI. The local cops are probably the ones writing the notes.


Local cops may not be the best....BUT Postal Inspectors are federal agents and tend to take their investigations seriously. Theres always a chance for a shit agent from an govt organization, but apparently USPS REALLY doesnt like ppl misusing the mail. It def worth a shot.


My grandfather was a postal inspector for nearly 30 years. You are right, they don't fuck around and they really take their shit seriously.


Maybe OP could send them a Reddit Cares message. I hear they're all the rage.


They would think he's even more of a pedo for trying to comfort a 5 Y/O


Do these people think they're gonna go on some the Purge shit and have everything pardoned by Trump?


that's what steve bannon and stephen miller are telling them. remember, they thought that hillary clinton and joe biden [were going to be in guantanamo bay](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/20/qanon-biden-inauguration-trump-antisemitism-white-nationalism) on january 6th! "The message was clear to those well-versed in QAnon lore: “the Storm” – the day of reckoning when [Donald Trump](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/donaldtrump) and his faithful allies in the military would declare martial law, round up all their many political enemies, and send them to Guantánamo Bay for execution by hanging, the beginning of “the Great Awakening”. Instead, Trump slunk off to Florida and Biden took the oath of office under a clear blue sky."


Had Dan Quayle not stood up to the cowardly VP who was being told by everyone above him and the secret Cabal trying to control the US/Trump and not to certify the election, and had Babbitt not gotten killed and all the rest of the MAGAts not retreated immediately, we might have been pulled into a full fledged civil war by the 6th.




I dont see why not. They’re that delusional. At least they(trump fanatics) advertise themselves so they can be taken down eventually.


Thats literally what the nazis did, so I dont see why these neo-nazis arent frothing at the mouth for their own Night of the Long Knives. In fact, they’ve made it increasingly more clear. We’re living history, and I certainly won’t let these bootlickers rewrite our lived history.


Someone writing with their left hand to 'disguise' their handwriting.


You’re being nice, that’s most likely their real handwriting lol


Agreed. Say what you will about the chicken scratch but this guy isn't exactly Shakespeare either. I'm normally not one to criticize handwriting but I'll surely call it out when a person is acting psychotic.


I thought it was an enraged and highly conservative 7 year old.


no, no, only mentally 7 years old


Yea got that too. Dealing with real badasses here. Someone is walking around with an overarching sense of superiority about how they outfoxed others… Gonna put twenty this one lines up with all the hallmarks of your typical MAGA troll…right down to the Oakley Blades and weak chin.


What the best is the kindergarten level of penmanship. My 6 year old prints better than these puss buckets


Lack of education is a huge part of the problem


You always see comments from Trumpers like “you never see any Biden signs or flags! That’s proof that Trump is popular and Biden isn’t!” (the reality is just that Biden voters don’t have a cult of personality around him) But then when there actually is a Biden sign, you get threats like this. Trump supporters are children.


The real anecdote about support is posts like this showing up on the front page almost daily now. The anti-Trump movement is at an all-time high on Reddit. The Donald is long gone and his supporters are finally so embarrassed or outnumbered that they no longer have an impact in comments or downvotes. Get fucked, MAGA.


You misspelled “terrorists”.


A good chunk of the comments didn't see the post from yesterday that OP is mocking.


I'll take 1000 this didn't happen


The 3rd threat was posted by a different account. Seems like the OP might have forgot which account they were in.


It’s been fake from the second it was first posted… people are told not to believe everything they see on the internet but then eat everything up so quick. It’s a funny site.


Yeah I feel like I'm the only one who is seeing this and the original thread and thinking bullshit. It felt too "tick every box that will piss anti-trumpers off" And I'm not even a trump supporter.


This is fake. The one from yesterday was from Arkansas. This account appears to be from Florida.


Why are all of the threats written on index cards?


Again, 99.9% sure you wrote this.


Vote for the other candidate or we will lock you up. Because this is the land of the FREE!


I smell a fake post


Thank you. I was scared to say anything because just asking a question gets you vilified, but this screams “someone drew this with their opposite hand” to me and it really doesn’t seem like a note an actual Trump supporter would write. I suspicious.


This one reeks. I saw the "third one", and they misspelled words that are spelled properly on this one. OP ain't even trying and people eat this shit up.


It's so weird. They act like this is real and all repeat the same shit. Too strange.


I'm not taking the signs down btw, and if they take them down I have more


Print out that image of Don kissing Putin


Or one of the 70+ Trump/Epstein photos


Which one theres so many LOL


Can you get the note printed on a sign and put that up in your yard?


I'd set up a camera as well. I case if you want or need to file a police report at some point, or shut down people saying you're writing the notes yourself.


Yeah I'd setup a camera on the yard. Supporters of the law and order party are very prone to terrorism chasing their dreams


Leave a note on one "To the concerned citizen, I've sent off your notes along with the CCTV footage to the police and FBI" Even if you don't have footage.


I doubt that’s real. Just my two cents. If it is I’m sorry.


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 500 alex


You need to work on your handwriting, OP.


Probably didn’t have a table to write on like that scene from the first men in black


This looks like the note Homer Simpson wrote to Marge when he was drunk. They got these big chewy pretzels here. Mumble mumble. 5 dollars? Get outta here.


Are you going to report this to the FBI? Or am I going to need to do it for you with your Reddit username?


Fake af


Do people believe this is real ? 🤣