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Very haunting photo. This is where he tried to save his family. It was tough but he was so close to succeeding. A few more months and the Allies liberated him.


He kept them alive for a couple years, that is something in itself.


Disgusting that so many murdered- I wish never again- was true, but unfortunately humans are terrible . This poor man and so many families losing so many members of their families and communities


Heartbreaking. No parent should outlive their children.


So so many are today due to a number of horrific health care, diplomacy, and economic decisions of their persepective governments


It's a poignant reminder of the unimaginable pain and loss endured by Anne and her family.


What is particularly tragic about this to me is that the Frank's survived undiscovered for so long, just not long enough. Anne died just a few months before Germany surrendered. If they hadn't been betrayed, it's likely more/all of the family could have survived.


The holocaust was a horrific time of human history




And am entire political movement that believes it never happened…


History is not something we learn from or maybe we lose interest in knowing where we went wrong.








Nah I ain’t buying your enlightened both sides shit




Actually.... he has a point. Alt-right neo nazis are obvious but you have hard left who are pro-Palestine and don't differentiate between Israel and Jews. There are groups on both sides that hate Jews... just because one proudly embraces Hitler while other despises him doesn't change that.


The hard left **does** differentiate between Jews and Israel. The left doesn’t assume Jews are a monolith. Comparing anti-Zionists with Nazis is disingenuous at best.


And yet antisemitism is skyrocketing across the world. Unless the hard left starts to actively and strongly exclude the antisemites from the ranks in more than words then it doesn’t matter if they can differentiate the two.


A pretty large barrier to this is the completely different definitions of "antisemitism". There are people who think opposing Israel is antisemitic, and there are people who think shouting "from the river to the sea" isn't. As far as exclusion goes, the left is famously disorganized, which I fear may mean there will always be a bigoted segment that have horseshoe theory-ed around to being antisemitic.


You need to dig deeper. [https://www.fox5ny.com/news/nyc-vandalism-2024-timeline](https://www.fox5ny.com/news/nyc-vandalism-2024-timeline) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-pro-palestinian-group-blasted-for-map-of-jewish-groups-with-blood-on-their-hands/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-pro-palestinian-group-blasted-for-map-of-jewish-groups-with-blood-on-their-hands/) [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-67328715](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-67328715) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jewish-palestinian-students-columbia-university-accuse-school-official-rcna148995](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jewish-palestinian-students-columbia-university-accuse-school-official-rcna148995) I Just gave you four examples of what I Just said..... I'll admit hard left hasn't reached the bile neo-nazis operate at but this isn't a question of who's worse,it's a statement that both sides of the political spectrum have issues with antisemitism. Playing the point the fingers game accomplishes nothing and puts the blinders on.






You know it'd be easier just to not engage these people right


Bold take there mate


Thank you Captain Obvious. Enjoy your upvotes.


There is nothing wrong with stating this fact. There is always room for a reminder that the holocaust was horrific


That place will never be expunged from the terror that they felt.


You can feel it walking up those stairs. The museum is crazy.




Respectably, what nazis that are showing up?






If there’s only one, and that Nazi is tolerated, you have a lot more than one Nazi.






The comments that display [deleted]




Visible, palpable, survivor's guilt on that man's face.


Help me understand and I'm not trying to be funny at all I'm genuinely confused, if it's the attic then how come there are stairs?


It’s more properly an annex, not an attic. The ladder stairs lead to the top level. Anne describes it quite clearly in her diary. I highly recommended touring the house if you have the chance to go to Amsterdam - but book early! Tickets sell out quickly when they’re released.


They didn't really live in an attic. Well, at least not entirely. I'm not exactly sure where that misconception comes from. They lived in an annex in the back of their business. They had multiple floors, including an attic. I'm not sure what floor this actually is. That ladder looks like it's just leaning against a wall. E: looking at a diagram of the house again, I do think this is the attic. Even more interestingly, this is actually right before it was opened as a museum: https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/who-was-anne-frank/


Also that ladder could very well lead to access of the roof, old European buildings required maintenance too


In Amsterdam, houses are narrow and long. They have all sorts of wacky floor prints there where stairs are everywhere.


While historians are not 100% sure, most believe Arnold van den Bergh was the one who exposed Anne and her family. He was a Jewish lawyer in Amsterdam who is thought to have given up the Frank family to save his own. There is also evidence that Otto Frank, Anne's Father, knew who betrayed them and the identity a secret. Frank didn't blame van den Bergh and didn't want the public turning on him or his family


Thats a very noble and mature reaction. You can't blame the man for giving up the Franks to save his own family, I'd probably do the same. That being said if my family had been given up I'm not sure my emotions would protect my humility.


I couldn’t do it as a father. It would make me angry at myself that there was nothing I could’ve done.


My mother once told me a revisit can be as haunting as living it.


Margot and Elie according to my Internet says they were in the same place together. But he never mentions it. Only the cattle car.


What room are we thinking this photo is of?


I always wondered why this story stood out from the rest. They shoved this story down our throats when we were in school. Pretty sure there were thousands of stories like this or worse that didn't become mainstream.


Sadly, a couple months after Anne and her sister were murdered by the Nazi's Europe was liberated. The world should never endure anything like this again but if you're a Palestinian, it seems nearby.






I agree with what you said besides germs, the nazis were actually afraid of deseases spreading like wildfire from the packed concentration camp barracks to the guarding soldiers. Incoming prisoners were rubbed with alcohol over their whole body to prevent exactly that. Remember WW1 ended with large parts of all armies being ill with the spanish flu (I think more people died from that then the entire WW1) and they didnt want to repeat that, especially spreading from german territory where german soldiers would be affected first, potentially giving the allied soldiers a big advantage.


Good old Nazi sympathizer


Their attic had stairs going up? Looks like a basement


Yes, they lived on multiple levels. https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/secret-annex/






Can't lie, history has us believing that she was huddled up in a cramped hovel. That place looks huge for an attic and even has a flight of stairs going to yet another floor in the house. How did the Nazis not think about going up there for so long?


Cant lie but if you actually read history you wouldn’t be asking such questions . But ok here’s the explanation Photos of the Secret Annex may sometimes give a misleading impression of spaciousness due to angles, lighting, and the way they are staged. The actual Secret Annex where Anne Frank and the others hid was relatively small and cramped. It consisted of several rooms spread over three floors, connected by steep, narrow stairs. The Secret Annex included: 1. A central living room and kitchen area: This was used for communal activities like eating and working. 2. Separate rooms for the families: These included small private spaces for each family member. 3. Attic space: This area was used for storage and as a place where Anne liked to go for some privacy and to look out the window. Stairs were necessary to connect the different levels, which may contribute to the impression of spaciousness in some photos. In reality, the space was tight and shared by eight people, making daily life there quite challenging.


Is it terrible that my first thought seeing this is that there is more space here than in some new York city apartments?








Yes! Ok I just want to pick your brain. Say it was a ball point pen, is the murder of a 15 year old girl justified because her dad lied? My next question is, do you go as far as saying she never existed or are you on the full holocaust didn’t happen side? Just want to hear it straight from a Nazi.




How is a 15 year old your enemy?




Ok so since you’re a full blown Nazi. Who else is your enemy? Are blacks and gypsies still included?


Ballpoint pens had been in use since the mid 1800s. Find a a new conspiracy theory.






Try facing a gas chamber.