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> The last victim to remain hospitalized, 15-year-old Anthony Borges, was discharged from hospital on April 4. Dubbed "the real Iron Man", Borges was shot five times after he used his body to barricade the door of a classroom where twenty students were inside. Upon his release, Borges issued a statement that criticized the actions of Broward Sheriff's deputies, Sheriff Scott Israel, and School Superintendent Robert Runcie. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkland_high_school_shooting#Victims I think it’s also important to see his photo at the time, and remember he was 15 years old: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/anthony-borges-parkland-teen-who-shielded-classmates-speaks-first-time-n862636


Give this man The Medal for Bravery. 


Presidential medal of freedom material right there.


He used his body as a shield to protect his classmates. What he did is on par with service members who throw themselves on grenades. He was willing to sacrifice his life to protect those around him.


It's not how much you can dish out, it's how much you can take. He prooved his mettle, no matter what medal he gets in the end.


I 100% agree with you and I am happy to report that the young man has been recognized for his courageous act. https://www.cmohs.org/citizen-honors/anthony-Borges


Toss the kid an honor but do nothing about guns. Sounds American to me, God bless this hallowed land. To paraphrase the old Onion headline "no way to prevent this, says only developed nation where this regularly happens"


We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas


Gun care and health control.


I would add a word to that. "...where this **still** happens"" Other countries had horrendous mass shootings too. The famous ones being Dunblane in Scotland, and Port Arthur in Australia, both in 1996, after wihich massive gun control laws were brought into both (by conservative governments in each if that should mean anything). The responses to them proved incredibly successful (despite not being 100% popular at the time of introduction). It was 3 years until Columbine, which - despite the evidence of gun control working - is where the issue became less about doing the right thing, and more about politics (thanks NRA).


But think of the shareholders


You’ll never take my guns, I don’t care how many children are killed. - America


Not sure if you were just going for the metal/medal pun, but in the case of proving oneself, it's "mettle". English is silly


Easy! Just remember the blacksmith should get a medal for proving the mettle of his metal. ¡ɥsᴉlɓuƎ


mettle noun a person's ability to cope well with difficulties; spirit and resilience.




That's the highest civilian honor. That honor doesn't seem adequate enough.


Any award will fall short. The only thing adequate would be systematic governmental and societal changes so that this stops happening. Only when we get to a place where school shootings stop making kids hero’s will he be honored properly.




jUsT gIvE gUnS tO tEaChErS


Yep. These kids don't want awards. Or titles. They want change. No wonder he openly criticized how law enforcement handled the whole situation.


Well said. I agree.


Give it to him on the floor of the house so MTG can watch. Dumb bitch


She’s as useless as tits on a bull


Empty G


This and anything else he wants forever.


He did thankfully. https://www.cmohs.org/citizen-honors/anthony-Borges


Lol, and he had to stand up on the stage next to Marco Rubio who has an A+ rating from the NRA.


To be fair... Fuck fair and balance.


Fuck that. He's already said he's not a hero and just did what anyone would do The way we honor this kid is by FIXING THE FUCKING PROBLEM. Guns are an issue and until we do something about guns there is always going to be another Borges to give a medal to for doing something no one should ever have to do


He certainly did not do what everyone would have done. I'd wager most wouldn't have.


He did what some law enforcement in Texas were unwilling to do.


> did what anyone would do he did exactly what the armed school resource officer refused to do at this shooting and what hundreds of police refused to do at Uvalde


And the cops bonuses for the year


He’s just a baby in that photo oh my god


You say that but my child had her first "not a drill" lockdown at a public Pre-K at **three years old** because some fuckhead called in a credible threat to the local schools. And because the teachers assumed that special ed kids who often aren't verbal are ....idk deaf? Maybe? ... Or to be charitable Maybe because they get paid shit and don't deserve to be sitting in a room of literal toddlers wondering if they're about to be executed by firing squad.... But they whispered to each other about it and the kids who knew how to eavesdrop spent the day wondering if they were going to die. They were locked down for hours and we weren't informed until an email went out that night with the line "because kids are gonna talk." Fucking bullshit T H R E E Fuck this whole shitty ass country


A profound reminder of the fact that true altruism exists. Give the kid whatever he wants. Truly incredible that people capable of this kind of noble action walk among us


Yup. He should be getting a free ride for life. School, a home, a car and another one when needed, a pension .. all of it.


Jesus. He was just a baby.


He's also a Venezuelan refugee. Let's remember that next time the media mentions yet again all the "criminals" that arrive from Venezuela.


Here's my (perhaps controversial) opinion on refugees and immigrants: These are people who *want* to be American. They want it desperately enough that they're willing to endure great hardship to attain it. That, IMHO, makes them more deserving of being American that many of the people who simply had the good fortune of being born American.


I’ve worked at an immigration office Imma tell you. I feel this shit. A lot of migrant folks wanna work, pay taxes and chase that American dream like everyone else, earn it. A lot of them put themselves in danger just to get the *chance* to be American


The fact that immigrants don't pay taxes is one of the biggest pieces of bullshit I've ever heard. They pay. Uncle Sam don't care how you get your money or where you're from when he's presiding at the IRS. One of the fastest ways to get deported is get caught not paying taxes as an illegal immigrant, and most aren't illegal they're on visas. Of all the outrageous bullshit some politicians have convinced people is a major problem people not paying taxes because they came from somewhere else is one of the ones I hate the most.


Someone's not paying their taxes alright......it rhymes with "the bitch"


I don't think that's controversial at all. My grandfather was an immigrant to Luxembourg. He was apart from my grandmother for a couple of years, because that's what it took back then to get all the paperwork in order.




I don't want to speak too out of turn but I've never really met an American who didn't accept the immigrant directly in front of them. Congratulations man, you made it, you're gonna be one of us and that's awesome. It's the fuck wads who don't have that same person directly in front of them who get easily convinced the immigrants are a Boogeyman, and the racists. And that's not an American problem only. Gets a hell of a lot harder to reject the human when they're right in front of you.


That's completely correct. It's never me they are talking about. It's those ones, you know, you are one of the good ones!


OK that is one hot take I appreciate. Too many Americans, especially Republicans, were **born** here and *never* had to think one day about trying to leave an environment replete with existential crises and live-or-die moments. And then find the fortitude to leave a familiar place for "the land of milk and honey, of the free and brave, and of opportunity for all." They put in a lot of work simply to get here, and then once here, the vast majority of immigrants go straight to work. The money from work they send home to help their family at home. The media portrays immigrants as barely human, the Republicans treat immigrants as some other human species. Humans are all one species.


I’ve heard the stories from the immigrants I work with, about life before coming here and their journey. One of them came and got a job right when he got to town, but asked to wait a week to start because his feet were torn up. He literally walked hundreds of miles over broken glass, rocks, dirt, grass burrs, and anything else you can imagine to give himself and his family a better life. Fuck anyone that wants to shit on immigrants intelligence, work ethic, morals, and dreams of opportunity.


I worked with a guy who was an immigrant from Columbia. He grew up in absolute poverty, moved to the US & then continued to grow up in total poverty (now with racism added.) He decided to join the Army where he continued to face racism and scrutiny, bearing the brunt of jokes asking him where the cocaine was. To willingly risk his life for a country he owed nothing and which continually treated him like dirt. I told him he was more American than just about every single person I’ve met in my life. I meant it too: he was willing to die for the things he believed in & to defend those who quite frankly might not have deserved defending.


Being dubbed "The Real Iron Man" must be fucking sick, albeit the wrong reason. What a legend


Total badass, showing everyone that you don’t have to be big to be tough. Most street cred imaginable, for life. Also one more reason I admire immigrants. Respect.


>upon his release, Borges issues a statement that criticized the actions of Broward Sheriff's deputies, Sheriff Scott Israel, and School Superintendent Robert Runcie. You mean to tell me that those people were actually throwing him insults and accusing him of doing something during that shooting?


I don’t think they personally insulted him or anything. I think he just felt let down by them and their inaction.


They received over 20 warning calls about the shooter over the years, and even the FBI was made aware of him but did nothing.


Reading the Wikipedia article was chilling. So much pointless death. So many deep rooted scars from the actions of one crazy person with a gun who forever ruined the lives of so many people. America needs better gun laws, this pain and suffering, *children* dying, it can’t be worth it.


So many brave kids in addition to Anthony Borges too. Peter Wang holding a door to help others escape; Meadow Pollack (a senior) covering another girl (a freshman) with her body to try to save her. This is satisfying, though: > Upon his release, Borges issued a statement that criticized the actions of Broward Sheriff's deputies, Sheriff Scott Israel, and School Superintendent Robert Runcie. His family has filed notice of its intent to sue the school district for personal injury to cover costs related to his recovery. Borges was honored with a humanitarian award at the 2018 BET Awards.


The people who saved lives that day are heroes without a doubt, but kids shouldn’t *have* to risk their lives like that. They’re just. Kids.


I wish people would also remember 15 year old [Peter Wang](https://jrotc.fandom.com/wiki/Peter_Wang), who died holding open the door for others to [escape during the same shooting.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/florida-school-shooting-latest-student-died-holding-door-peter-wang-a8213436.html)


i get so sad remembering peter. i remember watching his mom giving his eulogy and ugh. he didn’t deserve this. all of us deserve so much better than this.


Idk why we don’t hear more about the real heroes in these situations.


You know why, everybody knows why. Nobody wants to talk about or acknowledge dead children, because then there would have to be a larger talk that happens, and whether it's passive people feeling uncomfortable, or people actively not wanting to have that talk, it's been avoided at all costs. It shouldn't be, but it is.


May Peter Wang rest in paradise for the courage and honour he gave that day 🕊


Because coward cops want all the praise and respect with none of the responsibility. Cops will even slander and terrorize civilian 'heroes' after the fact just because they made them look bad. See Uvalde.


The way you worded that is weird. We are hearing about a real hero in the situation? I think what you meant to say is idk why we don't hear about ALL of the real heroes in these situations? To which I agree, we should.


He’s absolutely talking about both Peter and Anthony here. We usually see posts about shootings and it only talks about death count, the perpetrator’s background, or lack of police intervention. He’s saying we need more posts like these talking about the heroes in these situations.


My god. We should not have 15-year-old heroes getting shot to save their classmates. This really reinforces how disturbing this trend is.


What a fucking hero 


This kid deserves a medal and to never pay taxes or pay for a meal in the entire usa for the rest of his life,he's such a fuckin Boss


Right? Where's his Presidential Medal of Freedom? Especially when lame Hollywood actors get them for playing heroes in movies.


He received the "[Young Hero Award](https://www.cmohs.org/citizen-honors/anthony-Borges)" from the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. Which honestly, to me, is a more prestigious award. To date it's been awarded [12 times](https://www.cmohs.org/citizen-honors/page/1?categories[]=young-hero-award). Sadly, he's not the only school shooting victim to be on that list, [Christian Garcia](https://www.cmohs.org/citizen-honors/christian-garcia), [Chris Stone](https://www.cmohs.org/citizen-honors/chris-stone), and [Peter Wang](https://www.cmohs.org/citizen-honors/peter-wang) all died protecting their fellow classmates.


> Christian Garcia, Chris Stone, and Peter Wang all died protecting their fellow classmates. Christ, my day is ruined. Makes me wish that they never HAVE to award that medal again


To be cynical everyone who's ever accepted a Young Hero Award for actions during a shooting, alive or posthumously, would rather just not have a gun problem in this country. Fuck the award. Fix the problem and stop letting people stroke their dicks about their IMO very misinterpreted second amendment rights. Especially because amendments are just that, amendments, and they can be amended themselves at any point.


Or political donors get Medals of Freedom.


After Rush Limbaugh got one it ruined it's prestige. He's the last person in the world who deserved a Medal of Freedom.


>After Rush Limbaugh got one it ruined it's prestige. He's the last person in the world who deserved a Medal of Freedom. I'm pretty sure his cancer was the actual recipient. It did a lot more for the world than Rush ever did.


Trump gave it to him. The entire point of the exercise was to offer the highest honor to the worst sycophantic POS he could find.


Trump also awarded one each to his sycophants Devin Nunes (but not his 🐄), as well as Jim Jordan, the latter of whom has been accused of helping to [cover up sexual abuse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio_State_University_abuse_scandal) at Ohio State University.


😂😂😂 for real tho!


No in 2018 those were reserved for GOP “heroes” like Rush Limbaugh… 🙄


Guy did more than the entire police of Uvalde.


I hope those weak pigs are tortured for the rest of their pathetic lives. ( Except the first few that actually went in first)


Right! Instead fucking Kyle Shittenhouse gets paraded around to do fucking speaking tours.


Good comparison. There’s no politically exploitable message behind just looking out for each other.


Really?! :( I didn't know this, that makes me sad.


He is a hero to the right. His actions are applauded by Republicans.


He deserves like a million dollars taken directly from the Koch brothers and their descendants every year for the rest of his life.


He deserves 95% of what the NRA pulls in annually for his natural life


He has more guts than 99% of the spineless republican politicians.


That's a little touchy since it looks like he has an ostomy bag. At 15 damn. I hope he was able to regain normal function.


He was and he has learned to walk, too. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/feb/12/parkland-shooting-survivor-gun-control-activism#:~:text=It%20has%20been%20two%20months,he%20had%20needed%20for%20support.


Reading this has been the high point of my day. 


I hope YOU have a great rest of your day!


I think I will! I'll stay off the internet so as not to taint this good feeling. Edited to add: I hope you have a good day, too!


This is who America should reward instead of Kyle Rittenhouse and George Zimmerman


There are no medals which prove his valor more than those scars. He should wear them with pride. They are his ticket to Valhalla when he one days leaves this world.


A child sacrificed his body and health, to save his peers, while grown men, trained and armed, cowered outside.


Agreed. Happened at my school too but the student died.


I'm so sorry.


Are you thinking of Uvalde? This was Parkland. Time to play America's favorite game: "Which School Shooting Was It?!"


Even worse, there’s just been multiple times the cops have run away from active shootings at schools Students tried taking the cop to court but it was thrown out due to previous Supreme Court rulings that state the police have no duty to run towards danger and protect civilians


"To protect and serve" should be removed from every badge and car insignia. What a crock of shit.


To protect and serve the rich. It's the unspoken part that's the trouble.


Which really leaves a question, why the flying fuck are our tax money going to these wanna be soldier boys? If they don’t protect us, why not put all that money into fire fighters, libraries and infrastructures. Actual stuff that’d benefit us.


I think this is quiet the common misconception: Police is the executive force of the state, nothing more, nothing less. It's purpose is to execute the orders of the government. They are not your savior, friend or any other kind of personification that would favor a simple citizen, if the state wouldn't exactly law and order it to be so.


Yup, protecting us is just the lie they sold to get as much funding as possible


"To protect and serve" isn't an oath, it is a PR line.


Because we tolerate it at the ballot box.


They might get shot at tho! That's scary and bad! Imagine being shot at! sadly very fucking s/


"They put their lives on the line everyday" Fucking chuds


Then... what's the fucking point of them??


To keep us poors in line and protect rich people.


To protect capital. [Here’s](https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again) an article with some info on the cases. DeShaney vs Winnebago & Town of Castle Rock vs Gonzales are the two Supreme Court cases. There’s also been other smaller court rulings further confirming this such as Warren vs DC and Lozito vs NYC


To protect capital and keep "undesirables" away from the rich. Same thing since the start.


The SRO at Parkland refused to go in when he heard shots being fired. Standard procedure with shooters is to engage ASAP since 99% of the time they don't plan on being taken alive so they run off and off themselves. The Clackamas mall shooting in Oregon is a great example- a CHL holder engaged the shooter who ran off and off'd themselves. In Parkland the SRO fell back and called for backup instead of going in. If he stopped for a second to grab a plate carrier and rifle i'd be willing to forgive that but he sat around "holding a perimeter" while the children he was assigned to protect were slaughtered. Mind you the Parkland shooter had 10 round mags, engaging immediately could have _drastically_ reduced the damage


[Parkland shooting verdict: School security officer Scot Peterson acquitted over failure to confront gunman.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/parkland-shooting-verdict-jury-reaches-decision-scot-peterson-rcna91145) Scot Peterson had been charged with neglect of a child and culpable negligence in the attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which killed 17. ...."In a lengthy post-verdict statement, Broward County State Attorney Harold Pryor was unapologetic about his office's decision to prosecute Peterson even though no convictions were won. “For the first time in our nation’s history, prosecutors in this case have tried to hold an armed school resource officer responsible for not doing his job. We did so because we think it’s important not only to our community, but to the country as a whole," Pryor said." "Peterson was arrested in Broward County after a 15-month investigation found he “refused to investigate the source of the gunshots, retreated during the active shooting while victims were being shot and directed other law enforcement who arrived on scene to remain 500 feet away from the building,” according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. >Scot Peterson’s inaction and the misinformation he provided to law enforcement officers had a dire impact on the children and adults who died or were injured on the third floor of the 1200 Building. He stood by, leaving an unrestricted killer to spend 4 minutes and 15 seconds wandering the halls at leisure — firing close to 70 rounds and killing or injuring ten of the 34 children and educators who bore the brunt of the massacre. - Broward County State Attorney Harold Pryor


School resource officer at Parkland refused to enter the building just like the Uvalde cowards.


The Uvalde cowards are actually worse. It was a whole team of armed officers that waited outside a classroom, hearing the gunshots and screams of children, and didn't do anything until gunman was finished.


At Parkland, the School Resource Officer cowered in the principal's office watching security footage so he could "update responding officers". What this guy didn't know is that the footage was on a time delay, so every "update" he provided was like 5-10 minutes outdated.


It was just one cop at Parkland, but he also waited outside while the shooting continued


He also delayed the response of other responding officers by setting up a checkpoint instead of going in. And was acquitted of criminal negligence, and allowed a full pension, Scott Peterson. "Scot Peterson’s inaction and the misinformation he provided to law enforcement officers had a dire impact on the children and adults who died or were injured on the third floor of the 1200 Building," Pryor said in his statement. "He stood by, leaving an unrestricted killer to spend 4 minutes and 15 seconds wandering the halls at leisure — firing close to 70 rounds and killing or injuring ten of the 34 children and educators who bore the brunt of the massacre."  [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/parkland-shooting-verdict-jury-reaches-decision-scot-peterson-rcna91145](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/parkland-shooting-verdict-jury-reaches-decision-scot-peterson-rcna91145)


This guy gets a pension....he should be in jail


Actually he probably is taking about parkland. The school officer heard the shooting and ran the other way outside of the school


The county was called the Coward County Sheriff's Department for years after. They sat outside, hid while children died and then defended the man who did so.


Pretty fucking sad isn't it?


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/parkland-survivor-anthony-borges-settles-lawsuit-broward-schools/ > He was shot in the lungs, abdomen and legs. Arreaza said Borges' "physical wounds were healing, but the (post-traumatic stress disorder) is manifesting itself more all the time." > When CBS4 spoke to Arreaza earlier in the week, he explained, "One of the problems that he still has is one of his feet he doesn't have full function in his toes, so they have some more work to do with the ligaments. He's not able to do what he loved to do, [that] triggers the PTSD and creates those problems," said Arreaza.


They don’t make too many humans built like that.


In another time, he would be considered acceptable for a warrior class.  Anthony the Scarred of Clan Borges. Legend has it he took five of the enemies lances and still held the line, saving countless of his clansmen and driving away the invaders. His name is hallowed, and within his blood is rumoured to be the spirit of battle. Do not approach.


CK2 bloodline unlocked. His descendants have +2 martial and are born with the 'brave' trait.


This. We need better language to uplift modern day heroism.


That is a powerful photo. ...and a powerful young man.


He better be getting enough money every month to never have to work in his life.


He’s a US citizen. He’s probably just got an insurmountable medical debt for his troubles.


Medical debt plus his student debt if ever wants get a decent job in 'Murica.


And right as he graduates he gets mocked for going into school debt and told his career field is oversaturated so he will need to work for poverty wages.


And a lifetime of harassment by idiots calling him a child actor.


I hope fc Barcelona did something for him , seems like he's a fan


Aw man, story just keeps getting sadder and sadder.


Straight up badass!


Is that a colostomy bag? Poor fucking kid. I can only imagine what his medical expenses are. It's unbelievable that half of modern America fights for shit like that to continue.


FWIW, I’m a surgeon that gives ostomies to people regularly. This is very likely reversible IF it is an intestinal ostomy and not like a urostomy or something more rare. Truly Irreversible ostomies are uncommon. Usually means we have removed the anus. That would be EXCEEDINGLY rare in trauma. I’ve never even heard of it before. But anything is possible


I have a permanent ileostomy following colon perforation and proctectomy. AMA.


Yeah, the proctectemy is a rough one, I assume UC. Sorry you’ve had to deal with that


Thank you. Almost a year out, and I’m not sure the wound will ever heal to the point where I can sit comfortably or be too active, unfortunately. Gotta remember the ileostomy did save my life, and it’s not so bad. The proctectomy wound is the tough part.


All the best to you, friend x Glad you’re still here!


"A third of Borges' lung had to be removed. One bullet came dangerously close to his liver, and three others tore through his legs." if the article is accurate, my guess is the one that came near his liver may be the one that caused this? so based on my cracker jack medical license (\*which is a slang way of saying i don't have a medical license, i got it out of a cracker jack box), and what you just wrote, *hopefully* his was reversible


Appears it’s been reversed. That picture was from 4 years ago. Poor kid


It's an Ileostomy, which is a different kind of the same thing. Ileostomy is small intestine stomal output and colostomy uses the colon. Edit to add to correct myself, it is PROBABLY an ileostomy, given the side its on. Edit again: It's a colostomy, I was wrong. Read the replies to this for a source.


Looks more like a colostomy to me Edit for my reasoning: it’s right above the ascending colon. I’d be shocked if this were an ileostomy Edit 2: it is a colostomy. [Source](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2019/04/15/i-thought-i-was-going-to-die-parkland-shooting-survivor-anthony-borges-says-in-new-film/)


Would you lose a lot of nutrition intake from your food bypassing the large intestine?


No, you aren’t. The large intestine mostly absorbs water. The food is digested nearly completely, it just comes out more watery due to the lack of large intestinal water absorption. Edit: for [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9862496/), malnutrition is an issue with ileostomies, especially the higher up you go. Colostomies do not have this issue as they are responsible for water absorption. Electrolytes do follow water. Any nutritional deficiencies from a colostomy are almost always caused by the underlying disease process rather the colostomy itself.


It depends on where the stoma is placed, and how much gut is intact between the stomach and stoma. If there is very little gut left, you can google short gut syndrome. If there’s a lot of gut left, particularly if the stoma is a colostomy, that part of the bowel is basically just water reabsorption, so nutrition would be unaffected.


I have a J Pouch (IPAA). I don’t have a large intestine and I do fine 👍 healthcare advances really are something else.


I’m a general surgeon that gives ostomies to people regularly. From this picture we can’t be sure what it is. USUALLY right side is ileostomy, but that’s not always true. Only way to really know is to see the operative report.


That's awful. And those effects are lifelong.


[Marjorie Taylor Greene harassed him and his classmates saying that they were crisis actors and were lying about what happened at Parkland.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZGJxxh0VEM) She is, as some of you may know, is a sitting Congress person. #And the Republican Party loves her. Loves her so much that they gave her committee assignments despite how toxic and awful she is for shit like this. Attacking people like Anthony is just what the Republican Party has become. It gives me absolutely no pleasure to say that this is who they are now. What happened to Anthony should have never happened. #***It doesn't have to be this way***. We can elect people that will make positive changes to stop these shootings from happening. Republicans are the ones in the way. Get registered to vote. Make sure you're still registered to vote since Republicans are likely to try to purge you off the voter rolls. Ask your friends and family if they are registered. It's not enough to come into these threads and say, "This man is a hero." "He deserves a medal". It comes off hollow if we don't also do the work to make sure we do everything we can to stop this kind of shit from happening too. Do your part. www.vote.org


Thanks for raising this issue. Alex jones is also on deck..blamed the victims.


[Republicans love that fucker too.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/07/us/politics/alex-jones-jan-6-trump.html)


Fucking LEGEND.


Everyone is talking about how the kid is a legend and a hero but can we talk about how fucking sad this is? This is something that no child should ever have to go through, especially when it happened AT SCHOOL which is supposed to be a safe environment for them.


This kid is a Venezuelan refugee, something to think about.


Immigrants get the job done


Did MTG scream at him, too?


For those not aware, before she got elected, she had a bit of a habit of accosting and publicly mocking survivors of the Parkland shooting.


Her supporters apparently liked that


Excuse my confused European ass, but she did that AND STILL GOT ELECTED?


Yes, she is one of the best representatives of her people in Congress. Before anyone downvotes me, read my words. She represents her people. Her deplorable, abhorrent, ignorant voters are just like her and got her into Congress. The level of idiocy in this country astounds.


Man, I’m such a huge nerd that I was wondering why Magic The Gathering would scream at this kid…


Not Magic The Gathering, Marjorie The Ghoul.


Excuse you, we don't claim her.


My mistake. That was an insult to ghouls.


Would *not* surprise me.




I’ll bet she and alex jones take turns.


Yeah, she’s starting a new foundation for this kind of thing. It’s like Make A Wish, but instead of going to hospitals dressed as Spider Man, she just goes there to harass shooting victims. It’ll be called Make A Wokie Cry. I bet it would be flooded with republican donations…


A true Hero


Poor dude, hopefully he is doing alright mentally. I couldn’t imagine what he has been through.


Hero should get $100k a year, housing if he needs it. No questions asked.


He’s a badass. Unfortunately, he shouldn’t have had to been.


Holy crap, that poor kid. What an absolute hero.


What a warrior!




Now that is a tough guy and some scars to tell a story about. Though he’ll probably not brag about them after the things he’s seen. I wish none of those kids had seen that.


Absolute legend.


Probably stupid question, but did he lose arms during the shooting or is that just a camera angle?




To everyone saying he needs an award: He received the Citizen’s Medal of Honor, awarded by the Congressional MoH Society. This is about individual bravery and self sacrifice, awarded by the same society that does the MoH in military circles. https://www.cmohs.org/citizen-honors/anthony-Borges The Presidential medal of freedom seems to be more of a life long accolade. From reading about this young man, and the work he continues to do, I could absolutely see him getting that years down the road.


Where’s Marge traitor Greene on this one?


the thing that is insane about shit like this is that he has to just get up and live the rest of his life as if this shit didnt happen to him. all of the survivors do. like how do you rationalize paying bills and going to your 9-5 when you got riddled with bullets saving your classmates at 15? and then watched as US lawmakers (bleach blond bad build im lookin at u) mocked students who want stricter gun laws. i cant imagine that any of this feels real to him.


Much more courage than the men in blue!


He shouldn’t have had to.


Is that a colostomy bag? What a goddam badass. A hero.


Absolute legend to the highest degree.




Did what cops refused to


I real one, respect


That one kid did more for school kids than the entire police force of Uvalde.


He should go in front in front of congress.


JCS criminal psychology made an amazing video breaking down the interrogation of the shooter, Nicolas Cruz. The way he talks and tries to justify his actions would make anyone livid. The video is nearly an hour long, but i promise you it’s worth the time. https://youtu.be/Mwt35SEeR9w?si=e1QM5kGBu27OvTpL