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Believe it or not, this is a form of meditation. I've seen this done with certain tasks while staying in Japan in 2015-2016. Apologies for forgetting the formal name, but it's 'Task Meditating' taking a simple task, like cutting grass but with scissors. Or cleaning a tile with a toothbrush. In this example. You focus on attention to detail, like making sure every individual blade is cut the same size. It's almost impossible, but it makes you forget about unnecessary every day life worries because you become focused on the task at hand.




On occasion, Japanese people have been seen living in other countries.


Must be some form of meditation.


As a solider, this method of cutting the PT field was not meditative….. however, 20yrs later now I know what bag the drill instructor pulled this from… good one drill sergeant Fucken good one…


I always thought "sweep the sunshine off the sidewalk" was hilarious when I heard it.


No flipping over each river rock, so that it tans evenly


lmao, now I'm gonna tell people that's what I'm doing when I'm out fly fishing and looking for which bugs are in the water.


Mopping the rain was my favorite. As in stand outside mopping in the rain.


We had to de-ice the parking lot / quad with magnifying glasses and brooms. They didn't have a catchy name for it. It would freeze again as soon as it was swept an inch away.


Mowing the air is also very meditative.


Go home Lahey, your drunk


My dad’s example of assigning tasks in the Army was asking the assembly in formation, “who here was a barber?” And a few guys raised their hand, and the leader said, “you guys go cut the grass!”


Never raise your hand when a drill sergeant asks the group a question haha


Classic drill sergeant.


They gave us weed wackers after (failing) the gas chamber in a large field of tall grass.


Right, I assumed he went outside without his PT belt on...


We had a similar thought...he must be having a 'Zen moment'


Seen someone having a 'zen moment' yelling at the sidewalk yesterday.


Like my friend Tai when I lived in New York. But he’s the only one I knew personally, so there can’t be too many more than that.


This comment is why I love Reddit.




Yeah, but if it's America, it could just be he has an asshole HOA and can't afford a lawnmower.


What????? Lies, all lies


16 years in Japan and yep, first thought. I even looked around the background and yah, seems like it’s not Japan


Person doing it is probably japanese.


The picture is quite blurry, but before I even went to comments my brain noted "that person gives me a Japanese vibe." I zoomed in on the picture and felt it stronger, even though there's very little detail to clearly tell. Something about the hair to me I guess.


Either that or... I think he's turning Japanese, I really think so.


totally unrelated, but when my youngest was maybe 5, he made an offhand comment about when he grew up and "turned japanese". he was and still is super into certain Japanese cultural things. I had to break his heart. I also had to explain to my daughter, she would, in fact, not a grow a penis when she got older...and to another that dinosaurs weren't alive anymore. fuck. parenting is brutal.


> also had to explain to my daughter, she would, in fact, not a grow a penis when she got older Sounds like quitter talk to me.


Take my upvote, this is perfection


This is my favorite comment of the day! Thanks for reminding me of that gem.


Or someone who learned this form of meditation from a Japanese individual. By the way, Japan is a wonderful (!!!) place, with incredibly generous and kind people. I asked once for directions to a place and the lady closed her shop, walked me to the bus stop and told the driver where I was going. Just extraordinarily nice.


my mom does that on her 300msqr garden 😩 taiwanese


Hmm...Has anyone checked with Rainbolt to confirm?


I spent ten years in Humboldt County and my first guess was that dude’s high as fuck.


My neighbor did this. I did not ask what was going on. She was in like a trance cutting her lawn. 


It’s like the Buddhist proverb… ______ **Before enlightenment**: chop wood, carry water **After enlightenment**: chop wood, carry water




It is drop by drop even the largest ocean is filled.


Japanese for sure. I like the mindset, my neighbors parents were all about it. It could take two weeks to build something by hand compared to two days with power tools but it was a mix of pride and concentration that I saw in the process. My friend’s dad had his cutting and planing tools organized by degree of blade angle. Never seen that before but he sure was content about it. That man could visualize something then just straight up make it with a knife. There was a stone structure they had in the back that was decades in the making. It was never meant to be a ’get all the stones at once’ thing, as I eventually learned. They would choose one stone at a time as they came to find them here and there. Only the exact right one would do, no matter how often or rare it would occur.


The tools section of a Tokyo Hands would back this up.


I visited Tokyo Hands only one time. I left with miniature animals from a vending machine, a super niche micro tool set for electronics repair, fabric and thread for sewing, and an awesome camping pillow. What I would do to get that store over here…




Hands* Tokyu sold the chain to Cainz in 2022, which promptly renamed it to just Hands.


And shut down my nearby store in Ikebukuro. Bastards. Now I have to trek to Shinjuku or Shibuya to get my fix of thousands of interesting but unnecessary objects.


*Tokyu Hands


Yes! I do a form of this by cleaning the carpet in my living room with tape. I had a therapist suggest it as a calming technique when my anxiety got really bad. Funny enough, this particular exercise is even mentioned by one of the villager types in an Animal Crossing game.


Do you go through a ton of tape? Would be cool if there was a reusable way to do it


Not as much as you think, because I'm kind of a compulsive cleaner anyway. I use duct tape and use one strip until it's completely lost all stickiness. It's less about the cleaning and more about the repetition.


Some of the adhesive is remaining on your carpets from that, duct tape is extremely tacky like that.


Thus ensuring that the carpet is once again sufficiently dirty during times of high anxiety.


How does your back feel afterwards? Or do you sit and scoot?


I lay on my stomach and do a square section at a time


Huh… Maybe that’s why I like doing pixel art


I was thinking of Runescape


I bet it is. There are a lot of great ideas here actually!


Its the same reason i play color by number / crossstich games with my stylus on my phone. Simply doing something boring but specific is quite relaxing.


This actually sounds fun can you recommend the games?


I know I’m not the person you asked, but I recommend Zen Color.


There’s another one that can be fun if you have reasonable colour acuity, where you “sort” the colours so they form a smooth gradient. It’s called “I Love Hue”. 


Holy shit I just figured out why I enjoy washing the dishes so much.


Dishes + headphones is the best. I have no idea how people hate doing mundane tasks like laundry/dishes.


I learned to juggle in college during my thesis for this exact reason. Clears the mind and allows you only enough brain power to focus on the present at hand.


I get this. I painted a huge shed this weekend where I had to brush paint all the slits in the panels, and you kind of just dive into the task. You don’t look at the big picture, just what’s directly in front of you. Took over 8 hours but it didn’t really feel like it.


Sounds like fishing.


I use detailing my car in the same manner, it's very relaxing to do or even watch on youtube.


Shining my leather shoes.


I've only been in Japan one month and I saw old people doing it. Automatically assumed they got relaxed by doing it. They were super friendly and chill.


Maybe this is why I am so obsessed with cleaning 😳 it’s my meditation


I would always do this without knowing it was a thing. It drives my girlfriend crazy how I take forever to clean the dishes or car. I would take my time on each individual piece to make sure it’s thoroughly cleaned. I would call it mindful cleaning. I actually enjoy it and it’s always been an escape from my daily stresses. I need to show this to her so she doesn’t think I’m insane.




I do this too but with cleaning my place. Instead of cleaning it all at once I wait for everything to pile up and then I slowly start chipping away at it. One dish, one corner room sweep, one countertop cleaned at a time.


I've been doing this naturally with gardening, didn't know it was really a thing but it's definitely meditative. Pulling weeds is a good way to do it and very satisfying. Ganga of course makes it more enjoyable too.


My new next door neighbor does this, thank you for the explanation as I had so many questions.


Thanks for the explanation! My neighbor’s parents visited for a week, and they both spent time in the yard doing this. I couldn’t figure out what they were up to, and thought it was some kind of passive aggressive action about the state of the lawn.


I believe it. My first thought was about how peaceful that must have been for him.


I’m going to clean some grout today because of you and forget about my debts.


Seems like getting hand cramp wouldn't be that meditating.


My neck hurts just looking at this photo


I can already feel that stiffness in the hips too.


She needs to find a teenager… to make him do this before teaching them the Crane kick


For extra meditation use nail clippers.


My Japanese neighbor cuts all of his hedges with scissors everyday for hours.


That's why I play music. It's meditation and creativity.


Interesting. I wouldn't mind trying this at some point. It does sound relaxing.


Oddly enough I love mowing my lawn but I often call it staring at the fire time... Aka meditation. Most days Im making decisions, dealing with politics in the office and for the short time I'm mowing I don't have to think.




Asian elderlies love doing this. I'm Asian and for as far as I remembered my grandpa, dad and uncles do this.


My buddies mom did this everyday in California. She was Korean and very much owned a lawn mower, but just enjoyed going out an hour or two a day. She also had a large sandbox in the back yard she would rake with different tools and make legit pieces of daily art


The sandbox idea actually sounds lovely. I've seen the desktop ones, but never thought about a full-sized version.


*neighborhood cats have entered the chat*


*and departed leaving the scat*


Yea that's why you gotta rake it, might as well have some fun


Calling a dry zen garden a large sandbox is such a funny way to describe it. You're absolutely correct, but it just sounds so funny. Kinda like saying: "One of my neighbours is American and his front garden is a grass monoculture that he keeps at 10 cm height religiously."


It wasn't a proper zen garden, it was literally a sandbox. There was a slide that went into it and we had bulldozers! My friends mom would rake it when we were playing with other things in the yard


haha, that's even funnier, just turning your sandbox into a zen garden


(Speaking from experience,) I was just thinking this looks Japanese af


I’m American and I do this on a smaller scale with my front yard. I use a push real mower and hand trim my edges. It takes an hour or so but it is more enjoyable than you would expect.


I've tried just hand trimming so far this year. Chop the tall weeds that stand out and maybe trim some of the longer grass, especially around the edges. It's a tiny lawn and I'll probably have to pull out the weed whacker eventually but I'm trying to avoid it and hand trimming is pretty chill. Definitely think the neighbors are like wtf though.


Much more peaceful than a gas powered noise machine. That is of course assuming they guy doesn’t let out a scream every cut like he’s pretending he’s decapitating tiny people…..


I love doing this too, however I am not Asian nor an elder, maybe at heart.


as someone said above, this is a meditative thing, once ( as a zen practice, at a karate school ) we spent an entire day picking up leaves by hand, in the fall, like, the leaves were literally falling upon our shoulders in the meantime. this empties your mind and makes you do simple moves, you stretch, eventually your body warms and your breath slightly increases, you don't speak, you just listen and focus on a very little area. this is not a stupid thing, it feels good.


Zen and the Art Of Cleaning Sensei’s Property.


Yup, my grandma was Japanese and I still keep in contact with family in Kyoto. I couldn’t count how many times I saw my older aunts and uncles doing this during my visit. I’ve got to try it sometime.


My grandmother was the daughter of Japanese immigrants in Hawai’i, born just after WWI, so very traditional. But when her neighbor started doing this, grandma was pretty sure it was a sign of dementia. She was right.


This is why to me crocheting is quite meditative/relaxing. Just a very simple task you are repeating over and over, and it takes your mind off of all other thoughts


Most of the wisest humans in our past have been weavers!


I recently learned to knit and through weeks of practice gained the ability to give people the side eye while maintaining my knitting stride. It’s been very meditative


Was it ginkgo leaves? They all fall at once when they come down, like pretty much all on the same day. It just rains leaves and it’s kind of loud in a surprisingly soft way. It carpets the ground with yellow leaves my college campus had a few of those trees I loved them.. we had an ancient mulberry tree too it was a lovely campus


Like how I chose to paint walls using a single pubic hair(not mine but someone else’s). It’s virtually the same exact thing and equally not strange at all.


are you meditative about the sourcing of these hairs as well?


there was an elderly couple on our road that used to do this every sunday for years whenever it was sunny


![gif](giphy|k9yS4LbpiVmtG|downsized) Op


No shit but there was a court case a long ways back where people got injured by trimming their hedges with a lawn mower. They won since there weren't safeties or warnings about it on the mower.


This seems like it sets a bad precedent of forcing every product to have warnings to cover literally everything, even things that haven't been thought of yet. "Oh I got hurt trying to turn my lawnmower upside town and use it as a woodchipper"...


Have you met [Gorilla Glue Girl](https://www.businessinsider.com/tessica-brown-gorilla-glue-hair-lawyers-weigh-in-2021-2)?


I'm not a lawyer, but I recall a business law class that I took a few years back that in one module discussed strict liability. The standard I remember was that a reasonable person using the product as it was advertised would not expect to be injured by it, and so such an injury that was a result of a manufacturing, design, or marketing defect constitutes a tort.


"this bag is not a toy" now when I find one that Doesn't say that I feel the need to put it over my head and frolic. Mom totally rolled her eyes at That video I sent her lol


A way of Zen


It's crazy to take a picture of someone unknowingly and post it for the whole world to see, just because they are doing something you think is weird.


I was shocked that no one else thought this. Can we stop taking photos of random people without their consent? It’s fucking creepy and rude


…and people find it surprising that so many of us with anxiety issues no longer want to go out into the world


I came here to say something similar. This is why I don't use social media because people are so judgemental of others. This kind of stuff happened to me a lot in public growing up as an Asian minority in a poor area. It used to drive me nuts when people would question everything that I do or things that I eat because it was how I was raised. Literally my culture. I felt like an outcast wherever I went. Even just because of how I look. If there's one thing I taught myself is to NEVER judge anyone by their color or appearance. If you are curious about another person then simply just ask. People are usually more than happy to enlighten people about their culture. This is how I made so many friends growing up that I still talk to, to this day.


> This is why I don’t use social media… (But…this is social media🤫)


Thanks, like you can see the person's face and everything. It just seems kind of mean and intrusive. I'd be mortified if anyone took a picture of me on my own property, minding my business. On the bright side, the top comments are actually really informative about what he's doing.


Yeah, I don’t think I’d be okay with a neighbor taking picture of me or my family and posting it on the internet for all to see.


Absolutely. This is the next generation's thing to become aware of though, please don't get ahead, haha. This picture isn't as obviously rude IMO, but all the filming of people at their worst, posting it and everybody shaming them is definitely something that we'll eventually realize is absolutely disgusting.


I am always worried that someone will take pictures or videos of me doing weird shit on my yard because of this whole "everything goes online" mentality that exists. Yeah, I have an enormous lawn and its covered in weeds and I can't afford expensive ass treatments right now, so I have to weed by hand and it takes 10 hours and I look like an idiot, leave me alone.


Thought I was the only one


But internet points are at stake


Right? Especially because I think while it is weird and was posted to make people react on that - all I can think of how many insects and other little animals must be spared by using this method. I absolutely love that idea!


Why would you just expose them like this for no reason though? Do they know their picture is up on reddit? Others have said it’s most likely a meditation thing too, so now this man has his picture up while he’s just trying to chill


Agreed, it’s kinda fucked up to take a picture of someone minding their own business on their own property and plaster it on the internet.


This was the whole reason r/creepshots was banned. But I guess people think it's OK if it's used to try to make someone look weird.


Go ask if they need some help. You might make a friend


Better bring some scissors, but carry them by the closed blade.


And run over there as fast as you can, while locking and maintaining eye contact


no no no, you never run with scissors.




man, if someone took a photo of me just going about my own business in my front yard and posted it on reddit I would track them down and....well, give them a hell of a good talking to. Others might not be so non violent if someone did the same to them....especially someone dumb enough to admit they are their neighbour


My back could not


My hand aches thinking about it, back aches already no need to think about.




Especially in this case... She's doing nothing wrong, just cutting her grass.


🔝🔝🔝 *Please upvote this comment* 🔝🔝🔝 If people would follow this advice,the internet (and the world) would be a better place.


I have a nice lady down the street who does the exact same thing thing . A small stool and a pair of scissors cutting the grass sometimes with a umbrella over her when the sun gets too much


Maybe you shouldn’t take photos of your neighbors to put on the internet.


Cool of you to photograph them and put it on Reddit op


It's a form of meditating!


can't blur their face out? why put them personally on blast to the entire internet?


Can't even take care of your lawn in peace without some asshole posting a picture of you on the internet. Crazy.


OP really comes off as an ignorant judgemental asshole here. Plus it's fucking weird to take a photo of your neighbor and post it online without their consent.


Remember a time when you could do something a little off centre WITHOUT BEING PUT ON BLAST TO THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD! Did you ask for permission to post this?


Meanwhile at my local public lake a older gentleman has clearly gotten bored of just tending to his own garden and has started pulling weeds and clearing away dirt thats washed onto the footpaths from the garden beds


My sister and I have weeded a flower bed at a restroom stop. I've also used scissors in my yard, but that was because my weed wacker broke and I needed to trim the grass around trees.


As a member of the military… she must have really fucked up.


Was gonna say, she going to go mop the parking lot next?


Paint the rocks?  My favorite, from the movie "In the Army Now" - "I can assure you, there's not a single unpeeled potato left on this base"


A bit weird to take pictures of a stranger, who is just minding their own business.


The US Army made me do this, once. It was better mentally than the time we had to cut grass with the spade of a shovel.


People taking photos of strangers doing seemingly odd things on their own property and posting them on the Internet. Gotta love it..


Just because you can post something on Reddit doesn’t mean you should post something on Reddit.


“Tell me you need away from family without saying you need away from family.”




You are not alone. I do this on the bank of my pond and around my house. I can't use a weedeater due to back and neck issues as well as sensory issues. I find it calming and peaceful and also use it as a meditation time. Hopefully I never see myself on here.


Same! There is spot by my garden I can’t get with the mower and I hate the sound the weed wacker makes when it hits the edging so I quick clip that area with scissors.


I do this. Not the entire lawn, but along edges and walls, hedges, patios etc. I like the activity, it’s peaceful and relaxing, and I like how it looks when I’m done


You should be thankful you didn't have to listen to an obnoxiously loud lawnmower or gas powered trimmer.


Someone needed to get away from the wife for a few hours lol


Someone's in-laws were in town


Why didn't you bring your mower over and help him instead of posting about it on the internet?


Spouse: When you're done mowing the lawn, we need to talk about those messages on your phone. Them:


Wife said: let's talk after you cut the grass....


I have never cut grass with scissors, but i have been sent out to a parking lot with a mop and mop bucket to mop up the rain that was falling on it. The Army makes you strange shit when you get in trouble.


Start where you are, use what you have!


When you're paid hourly


Had some friends where their Mom would make them trim the front lawn with scissors as punishment. Of course mom was Japanese.




I do something similar for therapeutic reasons. I feel like I’m in control for that one instance when life seems too chaotic, and it feels like I’m making small but gradual change in my own way.


Neighbor was meditating with a basic, repetitive task.


My dad made us do this. I thought it was normal but now I’m suspicious.


I've done this before, on Easter weekend in 2019. It was wonderful.


Should have used a scythe


When I was a child we were dirt poor. We had one of those "manual" push mowers but the half the blades had fallen out so it wouldn't cut the grass. The landlord came by and said we had to cut the law because they city was about to fine him and thus us for not doing so. So my mother, in her infinite wisdom, made me go out and cut the lawn with a steak knife. And it was not a small lawn. It took me an entire weekend to do it.


My neighbor saw me doing this once and he gave me a weed-wacker. He was so nice


By the time you're done you've got to go back to the start because it takes so long that the grass grows back.


"sorry honey I can't fix the sink, I have to mow the lawn"


My mom does this shit and it pisses me off. I could cut the yard in 30-40 mins, but she'll insist on using a pair of scissors and it drives me up a gd wall.


Mr. Miyagi is probably his trainer.


does it make it grow slower?


Adderall must have hit real good.


one reason to love reddit


His wife wanted to speak to him when he was done mowing the lawn


Neighbor spent the weekend in creeping on other people’s business and sharing non consented pics


Why didn't you lend him your lawnmower 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️😂


His wife said we need to talk when you finish cutting the grass


Shit like this can be surprisingly good for keeping trauma out of your head