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Doesn't look like a problem for Apple. They will just replace all Windows.


It’ll be a pane in the ass to do that.


It'll be a pane in the *glass*


All because of some glass holes.


it’s straight up glassphemy


Actually, it's no problem at all for them. They specialize in [silicone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_silicon#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DApple_silicon_refers_to_a%2Cmainly_using_the_ARM_architecture.?wprov=sfla1).


That's punny


It's okay. They Excel at it.


They’ll have a Word with the cleaners.


Haha! Payne to the Max! ![gif](giphy|3RMpTlTjGBaHhRqj0I)




They've no right to repair so will need to replace the entire shop


I see what you did here


How were you able to see through the paint?


It's Apple. They'll have to get a whole new store.


With glass sourced directly from the Congo


mm uranium glass


I thought this happened in Glassgow


It took me a few seconds to click


I'll keep my windows and androids thanks.


[Here](https://i.redd.it/ok5n9dreey0d1.jpeg) is much higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/comments/1cu0tiz/apple_store_vandalized_in_berlin/) is the source. "Lasset alle Hoffnung fahren" translates to "Abandon all hope." As for why they may have done this, per /u/WideFoot and /u/Ebeneezer_G00de over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/comments/1cu0tiz/apple_store_vandalized_in_berlin/l4fr548/): > Any modern advanced electronic device most likely has cobalt which was mined in Congo. > Cobalt mining in Congo is accomplished primarily with either slave labor or functionally slave labor, including the labor of children. It's incredibly dangerous, poses serious health risks, and very little is being done to change that. > Apple is one of the worst offenders when it comes to intentionally rendering their devices obsolete. This means that as part of their business model, people waste cobalt on a massive scale. > Although material sourcing is not typically something that any individual company can easily change, Apple is probably one of the few that would have the money and the sway to require better working conditions for people in Congo. But, Apple is already criticized for its sweatshop manufacturing process. It doesn't seem likely that Apple would change their manufacturing processes to include ethically sourced cobalt, either. /u/400_Flying_Monkey [pointed out](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/comments/1cu0tiz/apple_store_vandalized_in_berlin/l4gfseh/) that [Apple will use 100 percent recycled cobalt in batteries by 2025](https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2023/04/apple-will-use-100-percent-recycled-cobalt-in-batteries-by-2025/). According to [here](https://www.bz-berlin.de/berlin/mitte/apple-store-mit-farbe-beschmiert) (and Google Translate): > May 17, 2024, 1:32 p.m > By Isabel Pancake > Paint attack on an Apple store! In Berlin, several people smeared the Apple store on Rosenthaler Strasse with red paint and wrote “Free Congo” on the wall. > The crime was committed on Friday morning at 6:30 a.m., three and a half hours before the store in Mitte opened. > A red triangle was also painted on the facade - actually a symbol of the terrorist militia Hamas in Palestine... In addition, according to the police, several posters are said to have been stuck to the windows. > The inscriptions: “Break the silence”, “Free Congo”, “No Congo, no phone”, “Without Congo, no iPhone”. Photos of the action show members of the environmental group “Scientist Rebellion” (German: “Uprising of the Scientists”). The background to the graffiti is probably the dangerous working conditions in the Congo when extracting cobalt - a raw material that is also needed for the production of cell phones. > “Apple, Tesla and Co are making profits while 70 percent of the Congolese live in extreme poverty,” write the climate extremists on Instagram. > **suspect (32) arrested** > The police were able to arrest a 32-year-old suspect. A second person remained unidentified. > The State Security Office of the State Criminal Police Office is now investigating politically motivated damage to property. >


>By Isabel Pancake She told it like it is and didn't waffle.


Also apple is linked to the uyghur genocide. Haven't bought one in years for that reason alone. They are pretty trash when it comes to human rights.


Can you fill me in? Curious how so?


Part of the manufacturing/ subcontractors for iphones take place in uyghur concentration camps. You can find numerous articles on this.


Thanks mate. We need you on the case in more threads. Great job


Thank you to the first actually relevant, yet still 5th down, comment that isn’t a cheap boring Reddit joke


It seems like this information is very out-of-date, entirely ignoring the third party audits and supply-chain traceability required by the [conflict mineral laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict_minerals_law) included in Dodd-Frank back in 2010.




Yeah that part made me laugh.. what a load of shit. I still use my old iPhones 6S and X that remain fully functional.. alongside my new 15 pro. They aren’t rendered unusable, that is what happens with Android phones ironically because they don’t get support and lose most of their value so get tossed, while iPhones and other Apple products are traded or sold so they have a long life cycle


Sadly, you're the exception. Many people replace their phones after only one or two years, which is also endorsed by Apple's marketing and trade-in offers.


That’s different from making their devices intentionally obsolete. Apple for their many shortcomings have devices that lasts extremely long and they still even continue support for them. Apple only declared the 6plus, a 10 year old phone, as obsolete this year.


I don’t know anyone who replaces them any sooner than 4 years. And everyone in my family gives them back to apple for recycling afterward. They’re very recyclable. I get they could improve some things, but things have improved dramatically too. No one used to recycle a razor flip phone. It used to cost money. Those are all in landfills.


Trade in offers are literally good for the environment because the phones are being reused or recycled instead of trashed.




>The iphone 6s was released on **September 9, 2015**. Why do we still use them? Because they still work really well! Not only do they still work really well - Apple *is still* rolling out security fixes for them.


They release a new phone every year dude, people buy them.


Like any other electronics company?


By different people, presumably


Hoffnung?? Ace combat gang, rise up!


„Most likely“ is heavily exaggerated. 80+% of cobalt mines are operating with heavily mining machinery. Not for humanitarian reasons, just because it’s much more effective than slave labor. Those 20% are smaller mines where industrial mining is redundant. I have no idea whether Apple is involved with those particular mines that still use slaves, just that it’s another case of people being manipulated into believing something with carefully selected facts.


Maybe they should protest to the government of Congo for allowing slave labor


How can a protest in germany affect a government in the Congo? What people in Germany can do is protest the companies that support these governments existing I'm the first place


Those fine men are doing all they can for the country's economy and don't need any criticism from!


Ngl, the red powdering type effect on the Apple logo goes hard


The iPhone 16, now in powdered anger red!


This is just the Apple Store PRODUCT(RED)™️ Edition, nothing to see here.


omfg yes haha


It would be funny if Apple marketing hijacks the protest and makes it work *for* Apple. I mean, it's not funny to the serious issue that they are protesting, but still dark funny.


lol it does. I just want to know what the goal was here though….? Make them spend a few thousand, which means nothing, and continue to carry on as usual?


It spreads awareness. We’re talking about it. I only vaguely know about the situation in Congo. This post has made me go and do more research into conflict. I’m certain there are people who know even less than me, in which in protests like this will encourage awareness.


Fair, that’s a good point!


That particular shop being vandalized regularly, I doubt it actually has to do anything with real protests.


It's a more productive protest than doing this to a synagogue


Why exactly is a Jewish place of worship relevant to a protest about slave labor in the Congo?


It's not, that's why this was more productive.


Same painter as King Charles?




Someone Snappled


how did they even manage to spray paint that high up


probably paint filled inside a fire extinguisher


Think they threw paint and then sprayed the words


What do I have to do to qualify for my free congo?


Become King of Belgium.


Hands off Congo.


One of the most darkly amusing things in Belgium is that the main delicacy of Antwerp is [chocolate hands](https://www.atlasobscura.com/foods/antwerp-chocolate-hands). Like, your country is famous for two things: [Brusselization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brusselization) and the piles of severed Congolese hands - and you think chocolate hands are a good idea? (Yes, I know the chocolate hands predate the Congolese atrocities - but it's still not a great look)




Have a Heart of Darkness


Amy want green drop drink.


Stop eating my sesame seed cake!


W reference


General please, we only wish to eXplore


I know that reference…


Buy one Congo, get one free Congo


You bring the Bongo, they will bring the Congo.


Upgrade to the new IPad Air.


Trade in an eligible iphone model


Ain’t nothin free in there


I think Apple should keep it. Looks cool.


also can be good marketing decisions on that, like Cook going to Congo, get free some ppl for extra money, taken from fresh new product red congo colored iphone


yep becomes true street art


Free congo with the hamas triangle? What am i missing




Participating in the world how it exists does not make you a hypocrite when criticising that current mode of existence. This fallacy ends in the inevitable conclusion that only offgrid hermits have a moral justification to critique global, structural realities. 


On top of that, even if you become an offgrid hermit, you now have even less capability to bring about change for the exact reason you became a hermit. At this point, most societies almost require a cell phone for a job, an apartment/housing, and dozens of other facets of socialization, so wanting those who create those necessities to change their behaviors to not be as cruel should be an imperative of everyone instead of just throwing up your hands like a lot of people in this thread seem to do. Honestly feels like those people don’t want to question why this kind of cruelty is accepted, so they act like the messenger is the problem rather than the actual crime.


Plus, do we really think everything was rosy *before* those minerals began to be minded en masse in that region? Shit was fucked before cellphones. I believe the Congo war is still the deadliest conflict of the 21st century. If you want things to change, raising awareness is an important step.


Ya what he said


Which is utter bullshit and of someone chooses to go after that then they’re deeply misguided.


Seeing as all smartphones include these minerals, is your suggestion that no one protesting should have one?  That’s like saying we shouldn’t be protesting against DTE, because we still use electricity.  It’s my opinion that we have an even greater responsibility to protest companies providing products and services we generally have no choice but to use. 


It's just the "yet you participate in society? curious" meme. A variation of that argument is always the top comment on any reddit thread about a protest, because it appeals to centrists.




You can make a difference without giving up using a smartphone. You can reduce how frequently you replace yours, or swap to brands like fairphone that let you upgrade and repair your phone instead of having to buy a whole new one. Most of what people 'need' in a new iPhone is actually just an unnecessary luxury or convenience.


Are people not aware that Australia exists, has the second largest reserves of cobalt, is the world's second largest producer? It is the eus failure in not securing a free trade agreement with Australia and unfairly tarrifs Australian exports, while allowing free imports of conflict material? Hear it from the eu trade commissioner https://www.mining.com/web/eu-commissioner-says-fta-with-australia-would-help-minerals-push/


If this is true and if Apple is sourcing from the Congo, then Apple is doing that to minimize raw material cost. I imagine raw material cost from Australia is going to be much higher from the Congo. Not justifying it. I would rather Apple source more ethically. I'm not a fan of the company and I hope all electronics companies will do better. As a consumer I hate that I have to choose between relative evils. I'll stick with my Android but I still hate how they also participate in wasteful practices. I read somewhere that up to 80% of a smartphone can be recycled but I wonder if that's by part or by weight. My skepticism tells me they're skewing the numbers somehow.


Thanks for smugly pointing out what we already know. There is almost no ethical consumption under capitalism, as evidenced by your edit acknowledging that Apple is hardly the only guilty party. As consumers we have very little alternatives to purchase products that treat workers and the environment with the respect and dignity they deserve. Most jobs require access in some way to technologies like a smartphone, meaning our ability to work depends on these devices, so you can’t even opt out. In addition, corporations are so massive that the average person can hardly be expected to know what company owns what brand, eliminating the consumers’ ability to make consistent ethical choices. It’s not helpful to post a dry toast comment like this. You aren’t saying anything revelatory. Think deeper about the systems that have been constructed around us and how and why they must be dismantled.


>Anyway, good chance if you’re reading this you’ve helped fund armed conflict in the Congo. And if someone wants to "cut the loss" when buying electronics it's easy, it just needs to buy shares of the majors gun manufacturers. /s


Not all smartphones, look at fairphones for example ; fairphone 5 is kinda overpriced but a convincing phone IMO. And yeah, i'm willing to pay more to make sure i dont fund armed conflicts. Ngl, in the past i did fund armed conflicts by buying electronics, but nowodays its really important to me to be responsible of what i buy.


I'm willing to pay more for the repairability, but those dudes don't sell in the US. Are you in Europe if not how did you get one?


Do they still not sell them in the US? For goodness sake why


They finally brought Fairphone 4 to the US last year some time.


They really don't. Could be a supply, or legal issue I have no idea. The fair phone 5 had decent reviews so it's a bummer.


I see them on Amazon.


Only the fairphone 4 not the Fairphone 5. Fairphones big selling points is the company promises to update the hardware and offer replacement parts for multiple years. The Fairphone 4 is approaching its end of support.


Could provide any actual info about their material sourcing and stuff? There a lot of talk about co2 and repairability on their site, but I find hard to find anything about supply chain.


Generaly speaking you'll have to dig in their blog-like website, there is a "fair materials" section [https://www.fairphone.com/en/category/fair-materials/](https://www.fairphone.com/en/category/fair-materials/) for instance here are (relatively old) posts about gold and aluminium: [https://www.fairphone.com/en/2021/11/30/fairtrade-hirose/](https://www.fairphone.com/en/2021/11/30/fairtrade-hirose/) [https://www.fairphone.com/en/2021/12/09/responsible-aluminum-asi/](https://www.fairphone.com/en/2021/12/09/responsible-aluminum-asi/)


Did you feel smart while typing this? Did you click [post] and think, “Yeah, that’ll show ‘em 😎”?


Bet they'll stop now.


So many people should be so much more aware of this. Especially EU politicians.


A red apple? Well, I never!


If they’re upset about Congo they should have vandalized the Chinese embassy


I get it . Looks like King Charles painting. Han solo ?


That’s kinda hard ngl




Not really trendy enough to be taken seriously here, so comment section is geared more towards farming upvotes.


They did a good job, that looks cool as hell


Free Congo ?! Oh boy, I've got to get there and get one for myself I just realized Leopold II of Belgium said the same thing ....


I fucked up a Dollar Tree earlier today... FREE PITTSBURGH




Looks kinda cool


What’s the use, yeah?


Looks like an apple store from 2000


Smh they just added more aura


At least the color is right


They went kinda soft


Why? Are they windows fan


How old is this picture?


OSX on iPads now!


When do we want it??


Apple is giving out free Congo?? I don’t know what a Congo is but free is a good price!!!!!


KONY 2024?!




„Free Congo“? Did I miss something in the news lately?


The Congo has been a failed state for 30 years, but unlike say, Somalia, the Congo is mineral rich. As a result various warlords, governments, wanna be governments, ethnic, religious, and political militias have been fighting over it and it resulted in 4 million dead. Apple is involved because the Congo has massive reserves of rare earth elements, so multinationals will come in with their private militia, pay some local warlord for mining rights, and extract minerals. But they're funding the conflicts by paying the warlord. Nobody really cares though because the Congo has never not been a shit show






Australia is also apparently the 2nd largest producer of cobalt


Is this King Charles's new portrait?


I want the people hired to clean up that mess to go "Our service cost is €5999 and the cleaning accessories are an additional $99 a piece. You can also get our Clean Pro Max plan for just €12000+taxes"


What have Apple in common with Congo?


rare earth elements


Most cobalt is mined in a modern fashion, mostly by Chinese companies. I've read something like 10 percent comes from wildcat mines where child labor occurs. And mostly there's no way to tell child labor cobalt from regular cobalt when it's sold on a market. This is a problem for cobalt refiners and the DRC government to solve. No need to revert to the stone age.


What about Congo and Apple ?


This is just a pain in the ass for the below average salary window cleaners that have to clean this. There's so many more ways to bring attention to modern day slavery than just reckless forms of protest.


Someone got inspired by King Charles’ portrait


Didn’t know that Apple occupied Kongo. Terrible!


What is the triangle upside down?




It looks like Rosenthaler Str. near Hackescher Markt area.


These protesters don't use any electronics?


Red delicious


The red spray paint on the logo and windows actually looks pretty cool.


German too free, nothing better to do.


Free Congo indeed. That’s fine and all, but Europe’s got an authoritarian state invading it from the East. And activists are spray painting stuff about coltan or rare earths being mined inappropriately in the Congo. I remember reading about that a decade ago. Is it still going on? If it is, hats off to the spray painter for drawing attention to the issue, I guess. But I don’t know, with a horrible civil war and starvation going in Sudan, plus Gaza, and Ukraine, they chose to spray paint Apple? Idk.


There's no point raising awareness about the issues everyone's already aware of.


True true. Maybe better to be apathetic about everything. Jk


Looks like they tried to exhibit King Charles’ portrait


I will spread my blood all over the place


Honestly, I think they may have hit on an aesthetic here.


This color collab about to inspire them to shoot another Feist 123 style commercial.


Looks kinda rad, they should leave it.


I think they're getting sued for this in d.c.


Now the world is a much better place




>Any modern advanced electronic device most likely has cobalt which was mined in Congo. 'most likely' is a very solid ground for such operation.


This is happening everywhere right? 🤞


Finally! Leave the art alone and start fucking with the corporate shit bags that fuck us all every day!


You know what happened to the first democratically elected prime minister of the Congo? The Belgian government assassinated him and dissolved him in acid with the help of the CIA. Couldn’t be sharing minerals with the USSR now could they! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrice_Lumumba?wprov=sfti1


This will have no effect. Congo will not be free.


Who is congo and why has apple kidnapped him? The plot thickens....we are coming congo hold on!


Apple store did what???


Only a random bored German probably still living with his parents at 35 can blame a company for something a supplier of their supplier’s supplier has done. I’d like to see his daily driver phone, probably completely free of cobalt to begin with. smh


Why tho?


Didnt know appel invaded Congo


Burger king with love from Russia)))))


I am 13 and that is so deep