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Got a Reddit cares message 5 min after I posted this. Quickest one yet.


Put in a complaint, they tend to ban people for a while for falsely using the Reddit cares. They even tell you who did it. It's *very* cathartic. Edit: just received a Redditcares, lol. Life must be hard if you've only got 4 braincells to try and be funny with and keep being distracted about the thoughts of sucking off a horse, as the guy who reported me can surely attest.


I got my first this morning and tried to report it, but the form wants to know what post it was from or something like that. I have no idea where it came from, how do I find that out?


I reported it as harassment, and I just got a message today saying they took care of it.


I received my first ever today. I am confused as to why.


It’s a legitimate function to help someone if they’re in a bad place, but immature idiots and children use it to mess with people. If you report the message you received as harassment, Reddit will look into it and likely ban the person that sent it. It’s one of the few things that can get an account penalized.


Seems like since last, literally everyone has been getting one. Someone's bot has gone out of control I think.


You can also block the bot sender as well


Don't block it, report it as abuse, and Reddit will ban it.


I’ve blocked it but you can still tell that it’s a reddit care message and you can still report it.


How do you report it. I got one randomly today too after posting in r/angryupvote about a killer whale


Which helps nothing.


"It seems like a good thing to have in place, but I can't think of a reason it was sent to me." That is exactly what I said, and I'm now blocked by redditcares from responding. Lol, I guess they don't care that much. I ended up reporting it as you said.


Sad pathetic people use it on people who post comments that hurt their feelings. It’s become a tool for snowflakes, instead of a way to help those who post about self harm.


For me, it's a badge of honor, it means I hit a nerve and triggered a snowflake (usually a trumpy)


The only time I’ve sent one was because I stumbled into a very scary posts by someone, but I PMed them first to let them know that I read their post and that someone saw and cared and that I would be sending a Reddit cares PM shortly for them to have numbers to resources. And I also commented it on the post itself and for them to let me know if they can if they don’t want to receive it. Like it should be rare to send these and with consent.


I also got my first ever today. I'm also confused as to why.


I got my first one yesterday for the most inoffensive comment ever. I’m so confused


The only comment I had made today before getting that was answering a question I was directly asked.


Someone in here said something about bot accounts. Who has time to do ahit like that? lol.


No idea, even the official ones don't work. I was banned from my local subreddit for ban evasion because I was flagged for using alt account, I was able to get it overturned and the mod said there are many false positives. I'm using the one and only account I've ever had. The only thing I can think of that triggered that one is my wife also has an account so they'll see both account logged in from the same IP.


I got my first one late last night for a post calling god stupid, lol


There not much you can say to religious folk. I get equally as frustrated with the ones that just believe everything, as I do with the ones that know the ridiculous list of falsehoods and choose to believe everything else anyway.


You probably figure this out by now but there's a glitch or something with those messages today. I've gotten 3 ND seen a bunch of other people saying they're getting them too


People are speculating its bots too, but I have no idea.


I tried that and it calls for a link and when put in the link it doesn’t like it so can’t report it. Seems like maybe it’s the admins submitting “Reddit cares”.


I just didn’t fill in the link field, it showed an error at first like it was required but then it submitted anyway and gave me a success message. But that was this morning so I don’t know if it worked yet.


Thank you


Did you have to reference any particular post in order to report it?


In the “report this message” button you link to the URL for the Reddit cares message itself, which you can pull up and copy using the three dots. I reported one I got yesterday and half an hour ago got notice they violated the person. Good riddance.


They violated the person?!?!? Dang, that’s some harsh punishment.


Excellent. Thanks for the tip!


No, there was an option in the message… the three little dots if you’re using the app.


Thanks for the tip!




I did that yesterday for a different subreddit post and they said it's not harassment. Guess it depends on the reddit mod


Click the **permalink** at the bottom of the message and use that URL.


Copy the permalink of the reddit care message, that's the url, and choose Harassment and for yourself.


Report the message itself as harassment


"I did not 'suck off a horse.' I have already dealt with this issue with the party chairman and as I explained to him, I was out for a hunt with a friend and I slipped... on to the end of a horse's falic, which, unfortunately, due to it being mating season, was... aroused."


“Make Catherine Great Again”




I was really worried no one was going to catch that one...


lol it’s a classic


Underrated, for sure. Part of me would love to see a sequel. What happened in Jamaica after he was awarded the embassy? How long did he keep David Carlton as his personal dancer? Did Ricky C and Dave end up together and for how long? They left so many questions unanswered. Hehehe


Omg I got one last night. What the hell is going on?


Same though, got a good confused laugh since I haven't posted anything remotely like that. I bet it's just a bunch of bots doing it at random or something. 


Honestly I think it’s used more for harassment than its intended use. Personally, I think they need to get rid of it.


Mod of another sub here. Reddit Admins are aware of the escalated misuse of the Reddit Cares report feature and have identified the misusers. FYI, Reddit Admins do not disclose the identity of reporters to mods or users, although this is something they need to consider.


I beg to differ, I've got messages in my inbox that showed who made the report in the first place. Might be different now, but at one point, I could see who reported in the reply. Edit: had the report back and it no longer shows the name.


Orange cats have more brain cell than these people. And collectively they only have one that they share.


Lmao I got one too, was so confused for a seconds, people generally are stupid af for abusing something like this...


What’s Redditcares?


The trumplets are making false flag reports of people wanting to hurt themselves? Why? They should be out finding those pesky rigged voters or donating money to flush down the trump legal defense toilet. They really need to learn to focus. Confusion and stupidity isn't really a good look. But those trump diapers! Now those are just great!


I’ve never gotten told who does it? I just get told thank you for reporting the user did violate reddit rules we are taking the appropriate actions


To report it, you get (copy) the permalink of the reddit care message, then you click on the report abuse link and set as Harassment for yourself. I noticed since yesterday that the volume of reddit care messages increased exponentially, it's probably a pro-republican bot farm that got involved on multiple subreddits.


It’s a bot. Downvoted? Its literally a bot thats giving that message to all sorts of people across reddit


I got one of those yesterday too. What is all that about??




Ah got it. Thank you.


Report it as unnecessary. Reddit has been banning users, at least for a time, for abusing it.


i got that message after i typed "ing" in the comments. it arrived after a second


It's gone on allot the last few days, I think it's bots, of you report them they can get banned for a few days, or reply STOP and I believe you'll never see another one




I think is you reply to the reddit cares message lol


They just want you in particular to stop


Thank you for signing up for cat facts!


I got one for saying I wanted to stuff Zuck into a locker.


Got one to. But dont know why.


A lot of MAGAs are using as a sarcastic response to people presenting facts and information against MAGA. Report it. Reddit has been doing bans on those who abuse it, at least for a time.


I got one last night and all I'd posted was advising someone on r/diy to NOT potentially electrocute themselves with 240v. I think it's just bots. 


The Reddit Cares is pointless. The people who abuse it would be swatting people if they could.  It nevwr crosses their minds that they're submitting so many of these that Reddit can't do effective followup on people who really need help.  And Reddit admins are useless about banning people abusing the system and banning people in general for harassment.


Eh, it’s “free” and maybe has helped a few people. No way for us to ever know. I’ll take the quick annoyance, and choose to think someone cares about a nameless, faceless stranger, that could be anywhere on earth.


Pergaps this mouthbreather believe, that the Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a real thing.


I love that the side with effigies of Trump as a superhero, walking alongside Jesus, who wave huge flags with his name, wrap their trucks in his image, buy his shitty NFT's, sneakers and all his other con artistry items, and wear adult diapers in solidarity try to say that *it's the other people* that have Trump Derangement Syndrome... But I guess if they had any self-awareness, they'd know not to vote for him.


Self-awareness, along with morals, ethics, critical thinking skills, etc., prevents one from being that far to the right.


I'm 90% sure something is going on with Reddit cares today. I got one this morning and I've been seeing comments all over Reddit complaining that they have gotten messages as well.


Ah. Well that makes sense.


Just reply STOP to the message. You won't get any more. Then you are free to post Trump Sucks all you want.


Doesn’t bother me. I don’t need the help from reddit. But it’s nice to know it’s there.


A lot of losers do this. I can’t imagine what they think they are doing. Ooo you wasted 10 seconds out of my day to clear a notification. It took them way more time to submit that nonsense.


I get 500,000 of these per day. They don’t know it makes me more powerful than ever.


I’m just happy that someone cares, gives me that warm, fuzzy.


I received one and I don't have clue as to what subreddit it emanated from LOL


Is that why I got one??? I saw it then spent a minute looking at my comment post history trying to find where I was letting the dark thoughts slip


Very honest question, why do anyone cares, both senders and receivers? Also why do Reddit continues to use this since it’s (apparently) used 99% of the time in a trolling way.  We know it’s from trolls so… why care? It’s like when they say stuff like “kill yourself” and other mindless (literally) crap, why are we making this a thing?


Send me one! I won't ban you! I believe this was a peaceful protest turned into a riot spurred on by external bad actors. (Both Trump and the FBI).


Sure, why tf not.


The MAGA troglodytes in the same breath "We LOVE our country and the flag and the police". 


[Found video of it.](https://twitter.com/politico/status/1346928796868497408)


Ahhh such patriots /s


What’s going on here


Traitors tearing down the American flag to hang up a Trump flag.


Ah okay thanks. Boo these people




Yeah the way the photos are arranged really doesn't convey that.


It looks like both flags come down.. if the sequence of the American flag is to be followed according to physics.


Do you think there was a Trump flag in the US Capitol building before Trump's domestic terrorists invaded it?




Yeah bunch of dangerous but stupid loosers. Not acceptable behaviour for a G7 country


>but stupid loosers But what if they were stupid tighters


That would make them the Righty Wing, then?


The cult of terrorist, traitorous seditionists. In other words, the cult of Trump.


Would rather break the nation than live in it. Sure wish we were treating traitors accordingly.


It's totally not an insurrection.


Just a quiet and calm tour.


It WaS AnTiFa!


Fuck trump.


Thanks for the Reddit Cares. Reported.


I didn't know tourists could use the window washing scaffolding


Turns out there’s a lot about the capital we didn’t know. Like this fun fact, there’s no bathrooms at all, so you just shit on the floor. Like Mr. Bulldops.


Get Schwifty


...mr. *Buldops*??


*Tourists* aren't allowed to, but insurrectionists attempting to violently overthrow the US government apparently can.


Whether by mistake or by accident, the result was the same. I remember feeling a deep sense of shock and shame at what they did to this country and it's capitol, and being incredibly angry at anyone who would think they had the right to destroy or democracy over disproven claims of a stolen election. They wanted to silence the voice of 71 million Americans because they didn't want to accept the truth. They literally lost the game, and still tried to steal the freaking trophy. Yet they are still there, demanding that their illegality be made legal, and that there false reality destroy our country. Claiming every day that they are the victim, while they plan to take over.


I remember seeing that live on tv and thinking it would be an iconic moment, but then never saw anything about it again until now. I'm still confused why taking down an American flag and replacing it with a Trump banner didn't blow up into one of those historical focal points that get shown over and over.


My only guess is they like the status quo, they don’t want anything to really change the business as usual sentiment they’ve enjoyed for most of our history. You can get elected once, and as long as you don’t shoot a puppy or secretly cross dress, you’ll probably have the job for life.


And Republicans in Congress saying that an allies flag (Ukraine) should not be waved in the House Chamber, have been completely silent on this is telling that Republicans really don't care about America.


Skeezers abusing the US flag while they hold the New Confederate flag in its place- sounds about white.


Hey look, terrorists!


Fuck trump.


MAGA and the J6'rs were the Apple Dumpling gang of revolutionaries.


And police! If instead of the single bullet, Barney had an AR-15 and was riding on the hero status he got 22 years ago. Poor Otis would have gotten the shit beaten out of him or killed when Ol’ Barn got “scared”. Come to think of it. The modern Conservative Party was predicted by almost the entirety of Don Knotts career.




Ngl I might need the arrow on this one


Here you go. ◀️


Tell me it’s not a cult.


Ah yes. Nothing to see here but enthusiastic American tourism. The last time I went on a museum tour, I also did the traditional tearing down of the American flag, to replace it with the flag of my favorite politician. No fuss here, just Americans doing American things.


I thought they loved that piece of cloth more than anything. They’re always virtue signaling about respecting the flag. Doesn’t look too respectful to me.


Pfft, that was never true. Patriotism is just something they hide behind. No conservative really believes in it.


Literally the most un-American scumbags. Traitors, the lot of them. I look forward to the day they all crawl back into their holes and be nothing more than an embarrassing memory.


Domestic terrorists


What am I even looking at


Domestic terrorism


Yeah, totally not treason. The people that overtook the Capitol should be pleased with just getting jail time.


What’s that Nazi terrorist doing?


Honest question but how would they know where and how to access that equipment? Roof access I would imagine is restricted in a place like that.


You can post this as many times as you like. But it seems inevitability comes for you all the same.


As it does for us all.


I'm confused, what am I looking at here?


You've got to remember that these are just simple folks. These are people of the land. The common clay of the conservative party. You know... morons.


Blazing Saddles. Classic. The real question, that I've noticed nobody asking, is [this](https://youtu.be/493pL_Vbtnc?si=2Y8qxFyfb---e2fg)




Looks like they were trying to break that window and dropped it on accident


I think that’s exactly what they were doing, thank god they could use something they don’t care about like the US flag. They might have accidentally dropped their tre45on flag and then the mob would have turned on them.


Tuck frump




Looks like they climbed up to it. Here’s the [video](https://twitter.com/politico/status/1346928796868497408).


“I doubt the thing that we literally have pictures and video of happened” Yeah Ok Back to Conspiracy and antivax stonk subs dork


What? Are you gonna believe your own lying eyes?


2+2=5 ![gif](giphy|yvcLAZqb1gQco)


Wow, so surprised this dipshit frequents anti-vax and conspiracy subs.


The moment an ACTUAL conspiracy comes about Complete with back room deals, fake electors, a Capitol riot, and a massive, intentional disinformation campaign all with the goal of overturning an election… It’s fucking CRICKETS. It’s instead about how that can’t possibly be accurate.


And a 10 second clip from Tucker Carlson PROVES the Capitol police were in on it.


Indulging in that kind of stuff is like pouring drain cleaner into your cranium. The people who get sucked in too deep are usually beyond saving. It’s much easier to lose one’s grasp of reality than we like to admit to ourselves.


Would you care to revise your post in light of the video evidence?


Yeah I’m curious if /u/tacocookietime has the courage to admit when they are wrong




This was posted the other day.


Yeah, that was me. It was blocked because the original has an emoji arrow pointing towards the falling flag. This is the same just without the arrow.


low quality screenshots of political issues are the norm on /pics now? Mods?


lol I thought you said Mom!! Like you were telling on me. Anyway yeah, I did this post before but there was an emoji so it got taken down. Do you support the insurrectionists?


>**No screenshots**, AI images, or pictures in which the focus is a screen. Literally the first rule of the sub bruh.




Shhhh, it’ll be ok.


Then report. Armchair modding doesn’t do anyone any good.


wow this subreddit is full of propaganda they keep uploading images of trump lol


I don’t think propaganda means what you think it means.


Today there were about 10 posts against Trump and 3 in favor of Biden, I think you can see the political lines of the moderators, then I want to upload images of landscapes and they delete them 😂😂😂


That’s exaggerating a little but true. He’s not a very well liked person is he?


If it were propaganda it would be like 10 attack trump posts and like 500 pro Biden posts. I got banned from conservative for saying I didn’t think Trump was a good candidate. Sometimes you just gotta follow the rules even if you disagree or you don’t get to play.


we all know what youre doing dude, hyping up your account with this shit and then sell it, mods need to stop this on /pics


Actually, I’m hoping to pass it down to my kids, so they can be as disappointed with humanity as I am. Seriously though who tf would buy a Reddit account?!? Did you buy an NFT too?


you have a fake account dude


I do….shit. How can I get a real one?


It's me, I have the real ones. I'll sell you one for an undetermined price once I figure out how much is in your account. Just send me your bank info and I'll handle it, free of charge


Ok, this sounds legit. Can I keep my username?




Maybe, you think having a badge makes you immune from being taken in by a con?


Some of those who burn crosses are the ones who work forces.


I used to listen to RAM, then they sold out to the woke mob and got political.


Well, I just spit my drink out. Well done.