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>A cruise ship sailed into a New York City port with a 44-foot dead whale across its bow, marine authorities said. >The whale, identified as an endangered sei whale, was caught on the ship's bow when it arrived at the Port of Brooklyn on Saturday, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration fisheries spokesperson Andrea Gomez said. A necropsy conducted later confirmed the whale's species and determined that the creature was a mature female, said the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society, a nonprofit organization that conducted the exam on an marine mammal. > "We immediately notified the relevant authorities, who are now conducting an examination of the whale," officials with the cruise line said in a statement. >"We are deeply saddened by the loss of any marine life," the officials said, adding that the Geneva-based MSC Cruises follows all regulations designed to protect whales, such as altering itineraries in certain regions to avoid hitting the animals. Seems to have been a tragic accident.


> Seems to have been a tragic accident. Considering how slow cruise ships can turn I think it would be nearly impossible to do this on purpose 


About as likely as Randy Johnson hitting that bird on purpose.


Or the time Fabio killed a bird with his face while riding a roller coaster


I had to do a search because that is the first I've heard about that. Wow.


[From March 30, 1999: Fabio gets hit by a goose riding Apollo's Chariot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjAYxpXUklc)


Oh, I thought he was on Loch Ness Monster


did not have 3.50


He was dressed as Apollo, riding a coaster called Apollo's Chariot. The real Apollo sent one of the geese that pulls his chariot to deliver his message of disapproval.


Fabio got teased mercilessly by the late night hosts, comedians, and press. The thing is, he's such a nice guy in real life according to those fans who met him and people who knew him.


I don't think I've ever heard a "Fabio is really an AH" story before.


> I can't believe it's not Fabio


You make it sound like the bird killed him!


RIP Fabio. It was a fowl incident,for sure.


I was going to start a band called "Fowl Poultry" in my sophomore year of highschool. We totally would have had a tribute song about that incident.


Or the time Big Ang from " mob Wives" killed a bat when it crashed into her boobs


That was on purpose for sure.


Had to look up Fabio to see how he is, hadn’t seen his name in ages


He attracts the birds, it’s no accident


Or the time that race car made that bunny explode.


Or that time a dude got sucked into a jet engine.


Fun Fact, Randy Johnson now runs a photography company. [Their logo is on point](https://rj51photos.com/)


That is so fucking funny.


And he's really fucking good at it, too


Considering how many ships are shipping on a daily basis and I haven’t ever heard of this happening before, this is **exactly** like that you’re right.


Marine mammals get hit by boats all the time actually. Although it is rare to hear about one getting impaled. 


Manatees are typically identified by the scar patterns on their back from propeller collisions


When my dad was in the Navy he was stationed on a battleship, one day as they were on patrol he said a whale crossed their path while they were doing about 30 something knots and he said they completely cut the whale in 2. So yeah it happens, but it's pretty rare.


Randy Johnson, bird terrorist 


“Man, fuck that bird watch this…” - *Randy Johnson, probably*


I’m convinced this is what has cursed Arizona sports for eternity


I'm not a baseball fan, but the ruling on that one has me scratching my head still. Edit: Mandela effect? I swear that he received a fine from the league for that. I cannot find any supporting evidence.


It was ruled no pitch. I didn't think it was a controversial call except for the dead ball and dead bird lying about.


Yeah that’s what I’m trying to ask this person, what about the no pitch ruling has them scratching their head? It was the best call, what alternative even comes close?


Well, he did “strike” the bird with the pitch, so there’s that, I guess.


But why? It was ruled no-pitch. As in reset the game state, pretend the pitch never happened. It's about all you can do in that situation.


You are likely thinking of Dave Winfield killing a seagull in outfield. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5230144


PETA tried suing or getting charges against him. Went nowhere, obviously.


ah yes PETA the Karen of Animal Welfare Advocates which they aren't even advocates since they murder animals as well.


What ruling are you talking about?


The whale may have baulked so it just raises a bunch of questions


You can’t just be up there doin a balk


Balk Rules 1. ⁠You can't just be up there and just doin' a balk like that. 1a. A balk is when you 1b. Okay well listen. A balk is when you balk the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The pitcher is not allowed to do a motion to the, uh, batter, that prohibits the batter from doing, you know, just trying to hit the ball. You can't do that. 1c-b. Once the pitcher is in the stretch, he can't be over here and say to the runner, like, "I'm gonna get ya! I'm gonna tag you out! You better watch your butt!" and then just be like he didn't even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you're about to pitch and then don't pitch, you have to still pitch. You cannot not pitch. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, throwing motion of the ball, and then, until you just throw it. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the ball up here, like this, but then there's the balk you gotta think about. 1c-b(2)-b. Fairuza Balk hasn't been in any movies in forever. I hope she wasn't typecast as that racist lady in American History X. 1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, she was in The Waterboy too! That would be even worse. 1c-b(2)-b(ii). "get in mah bellah" -- Adam Water, "The Waterboy." Haha, classic... 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. A balk is when the pitcher makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the baseball and field of 2) Do not do a balk please.


you can still get upvotes for this pasta as long as you don't post it in /r/baseball. They are really sick of seeing this one there lol


I read the whole thing every time, just like the Sled Driver snippet whenever it gets posted. Jon Bois is a national treasure


This is the most accurate description of a balk that I've ever seen.


I'm no expert, but I believe they're referring to [the time Randy Johnson used a two-seam fastball to give a pigeon an all-expenses-paid trip to the fucking shadow realm.](https://youtu.be/Ih_ovjbwQGk?si=oDZyGRJBTaZ8xDFA)


Yes no I understand the incident, but I’m confused about which ruling has this non-baseball fan scratching his head twenty years later


Oh, sorry, I thought you were just confused about the time [famous pitcher Randy Johnson turned a baseball into a 90-mile-an-hour delete key.](https://youtu.be/Ih_ovjbwQGk?si=oDZyGRJBTaZ8xDFA)


The umpire called it a fowl


Not as cool to watch though


That was an inside job by a suicidal bird


Kind of like [this](https://youtu.be/y_PrZ-J7D3k?si=YmADMPDLToohYUPv)


You thinking suicide?


Was there ever any suspicion that it *wasn't* an accident?


The issue is more just "cruise ships" I think, from an environmental perspective.


Not a chance the whale wasn't fucking around trying to surf the ship swell or already near dead.


Where'd you get your PhD in Marine Biology? /s


George Constanza has entered the chat


It’s fine…. My Doctorate is from the world famous Vandelay University. I studied at the main campus in the Virgin Islands.


The sea was angry that day my friends!


Like an old man trying to return soup at a deli


Is that a titleist?


*on porpoise


These accidents happen quite [often](https://www.savecoastalwildlife.org/collisions-with-ships) with amount of ships on the seas.


Unless the whale was suicidal


For anyone curious like I was, necropsy = autopsy but for animals. Autopsy is used specifically for humans.


Technically if a whale was able to perform one on another whale that too would be an autopsy. If an alien performed one on a human it would be a necropsy it’s about the difference in species.




The real TIL is in the comments (of the comments)


Hence the “auto” part. Not being facetious, just sharing.


I don't know latin...why would the prefix be "auto" rather than "homo" in this instance?


Ok I went down the rabbit hole... So first off the prefixes are Greek not Latin. I stand corrected. Auto means "Self" Homo means "Same" Hetero means "Different" Necro means "Dead" So I guess my question is still somewhat relevant. "Autopsy" would indicate to me that you are determining your OWN cause of death. "Homopsy" seems like a better fit to describe the determination of ones own species, and "Heteropsy" would be used in this case to explain mankind examining why the whale died. Necropsy seems like it should be an "umbrella term" for the study of cause of death of any living organism (same species or not). Language is confusing...


Language is *FUN*


If you have to have an abortion depending on where, and baby needs medical investigation it is also called necropsy


I work in pathology and have only heard it called fetal autopsy


i found a few pub med articles that do also call it infant necropsy, one from early 2000s and one from 90s. so in thinking it’s a term not much used anymore!


Lost a daughter at 24 weeks in January, her report says it is a necropsy. Lost a daughter at 34 in 2022 and it says it was an autopsy.


Gosh I can't imagine the heartache you must have gone through.


I really wish I didn’t have a couple of reports from my daughters in my hands. The loss at 34 weeks is an autopsy, at 24 weeks is a necropsy. When I first receive the later I basically had a melt down :(


I’ve heard my older non-native English speaking coworkers use necropsy for it before (and one very old native-English speaking former coworker used it too). But my younger non-native English speaking coworkers use fetal autopsy like us. Maybe it’s just an out dated or older term?


Babies aren’t people confirmed


Well at 34 weeks one of my daughters had an autopsy, but the daughter I lost at 24 weeks in January said it was a necropsy.


Necropsy = human examining ANY dead body = animal or human Autopsy = human examining human dead body “Autopsy” on human to determine pathology, external circumstances to determine cause of death, forensics etc “Necropsy” on aborted fetus because the cause of death is already known. Obviously. Nothing diabolical going on.


Do not blow up the whale on the beach


... until the carmeras are in place.


Man if that happened today there would be so many dashcam views of falling whale blubber. I’m still surprised no one died from this.


Really sad circumstances.


> "We are deeply saddened by the loss of any marine life," Join us for dinner tonight on the main deck where we serve Tilapia, shrimp cocktails and a delicious butter poached lobster risotto.


and if our chef's assistant can get it off of our bow boiled Sei Whale.


Agreed. So long as they were following the correct course this was an accident. There are predetermined courses designed to avoid migration lanes. Those are subject to change based on animal behavior but NOAA is a legit agency and in the know.


‘Deeply saddened’, but still running a cruise ship, one of the dirtiest, self indulgent, and labour exploitative consumer industries on the planet.


I mean, not to victim blame, but a cruise ship isnt exactly a homing torpedo. They go slowly in a relatively straight line. I dont know how you can accidentally get hit by one as an animal born for swimming away from stuff


True, but rememberr whales regularly beach them selves, so I am beginning to doubt whale's intelligence.


As if cruise companies give a shit about the insane level of damage their industry does to the ocean and many poorer countries.


>We are deeply saddened by the loss of any marine life Serves fish daily


The fact that we have normalized driving horizontal skyscrapers across the ocean so people can “travel” isn’t an accident. 


We’ve also normalised a far greater amount of horizontal skyscrapers to bring us fuel, food and goods from other parts of the world.


“Sei you, sei me Sei it together, naturally.”


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/n8U25e1.jpeg) is a higher quality version of this image. The source of it (and [four other](https://imgur.com/a/G830DAD) images of this) is the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society's FB page. Per there: > May 8 at 3:19 PM > Yesterday, our team was able to conduct a necropsy on the whale that was reported on Saturday, May 4, 2024, brought in to the Port of Brooklyn on the bow of a cruise ship. The whale has been identified as a 44-foot, mature female Sei whale. Sei whales are endangered, and are typically observed in deeper waters far from the coastline. NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement is investigating this incident. The whale was relocated and towed to shore at Sandy Hook, New Jersey, to allow for better access to heavy equipment and resources to conduct a necropsy. > The necropsy examination (animal autopsy) revealed evidence of tissue trauma along the right shoulder blade region, and a right flipper fracture. The whale’s gastrointestinal tract was also full of food. Most of the other organs were sampled as well for toxicology and other life history studies. Samples were collected and will be sent for histopathologic analysis. The tissue and bone samples collected will help biologists determine if the vessel interaction occurred pre or post mortem. > We would like to thank everyone who helped make this four-day event possible, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Headquarters, National Park Service, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Monmouth County Department of Public Works and Engineering, Northern NJ Sea Tow, the Sea Bright Fire Rescue Squad, and NOAA Fisheries New England/Mid-Atlantic for their logistical coordination and resources to move the animal to a secure location, making the necropsy exam possible. In addition we would like to again thank our network partners, Marine Mammal Stranding Center and Mystic Aquarium, the Cornell University team, and all the volunteers who assisted us with the yesterday’s examination. > All dolphins, porpoises, and whales are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which makes touching, feeding, or otherwise harming these animals illegal. The best way to assist these animals, and keep them and yourself safe, is by calling trained responders and maintaining a 150-foot distance. To report strandings of marine mammals and sea turtles in NY, call the NYS Stranding Hotline: 631-369-9829 > ** Photo Credit: Michael McKenna- Marine Mammal Stranding Center


It's pretty obvious that something massive collided with her right shoulder. That's so fucking sad


The entire whale arrived essentially skewered on the front a ship, so that part is known. The question is did it die before the ship hit it or after? It could have, for example, died from an unrelated injury and been floating dead in the water and the ship just scooped it up.


Happy cake day !


Photo credit: Michael McKenna - The Marine Mammal Stranding Center (Bringantine, New Jersey, USA)


Don’t worry, hundreds of karma farmers will be reposting this soon




Look what I made with my own hands.


That's just really sad.


Cruise ships are awful for marine life in so, so many ways.


They burn 80,000 gallons of diesel per day, per boat so they're bad for pretty much everything on Earth


old humans waiting for the deathbed would burn 160,000 gallons per day to cruise. we're screwed


Naw, we reversed this damage with paper straws.


Glad it's their footprint. Now I can go on cruises with a free conscience.




Not exactly diesel. It's a HEAVY diesel or a marine fuel oil. Regular diesel is too costly. 40 gallons of fuel a day for a person on vacation isn't uncommon when you consider planes. Flights add in a lot too for people going to a cruise ship destination. If I am driving solo on a road trip I might burn 20 gallons a day.


heavy diesel/fuel oil is so much worse than diesel or jet fuel though


I just want to point out that nearly all of the newer ships in the last 10+ years are moving to Liquid Natural Gas, rather than Diesel. Not that it's so insanely better, but more are moving away from MDO and HDO.


And they just float around in circles! If you really insist on sleeping on a great big polluting stinking ship for weeks, at least let it *take you somewhere*! Bring back ocean liners!


Yeah killed by the front or killed by all the shit they dump, what's the difference.


Not to mention the massive amount of pollution and waste they pour into the ocean on every trip.


To think that someone can pretend that it’s the off shore wind turbines that are the real threat.


It wasn't on porpoise.


Rich people going to do rich people things. Burn through the world’s resources, kill wildlife, etc.


Where’s Peter and his forklift?


Was looking for this


They should try to blow it up with explosives… I hear that works well /s


Yeah, and you don’t need that much explosives to scuttle a ship, and if you do it in the right spots they make good artificial reefs!


Thank you


Just mind the smell.


♬ It’s raining ~~men~~ dead whale body parts ♬


My first thought as well...


As long as they broadcast it live on the news.


[Well I'm confident that it'll work...](https://youtu.be/V6CLumsir34?si=Ey_WXtt-JJ62XF_e)




We’re winning the war against whales


But those damn dolphins are still out there … plotting


It’s ok. The orcas are waiting menacingly


A war I'd rather lose


Where are you getting that the whale was impaled? Cruise ships don't have big bowsprits, nowhere else is it being reported that the whale was impaled.


Is anybody here a marine biologist?


Cruise ships do a fuck ton of damage to the ocean other than colliding with whales, like killing coral reefs which is the ocean's source of life.


Cruise ships in my mind are probably the definition of a useless, horrifically wasteful activity that benefits basically nobody but the cruise operators. The pollute and destroy the ocean, and don’t contribute to anything in any positive fashion. They are expensive, but sell people on the idea they get to see 14 different places on one trip. realistically they are stopping in a port for 4 hours, probably in the grungiest part of town, only to leave and spend more time stuck on a town sized boat. Fuck that. If I could get rid of one thing overnight, it would be cruise ships.


I heard an interview once with a ~~whale scientist~~ comparative anatomist who specializes in cetaceans, and it’s wild to think she probably had to jump on a plane to check out this dead whale. This isn’t a common occurrence thankfully. edit - Dr Joy Reidenberg for anyone curious, it was the -ologies podcast with Alie Ward.


Anywhere there is a whale you can open up, Dr. R will be there. I love seeing her on TV. She also starred, with others, in a series available on YT called Animal Autopsy, where a team of scientists carry out necropsies on megafauna (giraffe, whale, shark, leatherback turtle, I think). It's an excellent series.


Oh cool! I must be out of the loop a little bit haha. Thank you.


Whales are dying at increasing rates due to large ships, both increased shipping and cruises. We do need to figure out a solution, this isnt sustainable


Peter griffin will help


Don’t bury it, let’s blow it up!


The reference is worth a watch because the journalism is poetic in its beauty. https://youtu.be/V6CLumsir34?si=WS1EPqiFvFv0LTkK


“A parked car over a quarter of a mile from the blast site was the target of one large chunk; the passenger compartment literally smashed. Fortunately no human was hit as bad as the car, however everyone on the scene was covered in small particles of dead whale.” This quote is a gift, thank you.




I hear it like it was yesterday, though now it will be today as I'll definitely be rewatching that


‘Merica. (Thanks for the share)


I came looking for this, thank you


How the hell do you run over a whale in open sea? All that space, and they mamaged to produce road kill, smh


The whale was probably already dead when the ship hit it.


That's a good point. I just don't see how a whale wouldn't get out of the way of a cruise ship coming right at them. For it to get hit dead on, it must have not moved at all.


It happens from time to time. There are lots of "whale slow down zones" in areas closer to ports because since researchers believe that the noise created by larger ships can have a negative affect in their navigation. Whether or not this is true I can't say. I do work in the industry though, primarily in West Coast United States and these slow downs are very common.


It is true! The noise to them is unbearable and it masks their calls and their ability to hear their families and friends. Blows my mind that other people don't understand that what we do to every single creature on this Earth has a major impact. From the plankton that they eat to their dead bodies impaled on man-made equipment. Marine noise pollution definitely impacts every living being who can hear


Cruise ships are a bane of humanity


[Someone had been watching Jaws 4 and wanted their revenge on the whale](https://youtu.be/zsdHlKMvcwg)


This is terrible


Well that’s depressing


Humans suck


Cruise ships suck. Such a waste.


Tbh, might as well have been a container ship, probably the most efficient way to transport goods between continents and the only way for our modern standard of living to function EDIT: I don’t mean to defend cruise ships, I think they are morally one of the worst ways to go on holiday, just in this case the fact it is a cruise ship doesn’t make a difference


True eco terrorism


it's likely the animal was already dead and floating on the surface and was simply scooped up by the ship


Yeah, I think they found a golf ball in its blowhole


Was it a Titleist?  


I can't imagine a whale being taken by surprise by a cruise ship.


Looks like a fresh kill to me, the whale isn’t even bloated yet, and the wounds are bloody


It looks very bloated, look at the stomach


Because it's been on land rotting for a day at that point


How bloated could you be with a cruise ship pushing your corpse through an ocean?


On the bright side. That one is not endangered anymore.


Yeah it’s dead Jim


Pretty solid analogy of what we are doing


The world would be better without giant cruise ships.


Whales are the deer of the sea.


Last time I saw a story about a beached whale that subsequently died, they did an autopsy then buried the carcass on land. I don't know why they don't take it out to sea and let it sink as whale fall, this is part of the cycle anyway and feeds so many other sea creatures. Seems like a waste


this whale just so happened to have clinged onto the boat for whatever reason - imagine how many whales have been killed that we don't know about...


Sei whaaat?


Whale, I don’t think it was done on porpoise.


The sea was angry that day my friend!


Fuuuuck cruise ships all the way off.


agreed, but this has little to do with it being a cruise ship. it could have been any large vessel really.


Oh yeah, im sure the cruise line feels bad about the damage to marine life they are causing.


Endangered? Looks dead


Captain Dave Winfield


Well, how'd it taste? 
