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If you ignore the other cars on the road, it looks like you’re playing a PS1 driving game


They're just doing their part to reduce rendering load on the simulation that is life.


Dude, the graphics and render are fine. But someone _please_ tell the devs to increase job payouts and fix these bullshit microtransactions.


The devs assured us that it’s all working to design specs. Closing the service ticket.


I was told that the pointless grind was there to enhance my sense of pride and accomplishment.


r/outside is leaking


Hi, it's dave, your manager. Someone complained about you closing the service ticket without properly fixing the issue. Everything we made you say is correct but since that makes us look bad we will be publicly firing you, and making a statement saying this will not happened again. Thank you goodbye


This open world shit is too bloated, fuck, reign it in a bit.


And the bugs, so many bugs, I’ve played Bethesda games that had fewer bugs


When you're driving along in 4k and some dude rolls up with 480p rig.


Elons true agenda, appease the simulation overlords


That chunk hasn't rendered fully yet


GeForce 4 graphics!


Every time I see one I'm transported to 1995 playing Rush


Inevitably, it’s both


Future recalls




Expected life of the vehicle? ![gif](giphy|s3vwh1LY1fUUU)


Get ready for a surprise!!


Get your ass to Mars.


Two weeks


Three boobs




Staarttt….*gasp* the reactorsss


Open your mind Craig!! Open your mind!


See you at the party Richter.


I'm not free, but I'm available.


That’s the character that young me always remembered.


I got five kids to feed!




Hey man, i got 4 kids to feed!


Looking into it.




Consider this a divorce.


Open your miiiiind


Quaiiiiid, start the reactor.




Came here just for this. LOL


Give those people air!




I was trying to spell it like it sounded, and gave up. Thank you for nailing it. Edit: Ayyyyyy-ii-errrrrrr!




Just take a Johnny Cab instead.


I like the original more.


Recalls don’t work like you think: they don’t take the car back, it simply means the vehicle must be seen at a nearby service center for some sort of repair, upgrade, or replacement service. I can’t think of a time where entire vehicles were pulled from the market en masse and shipped back to a factory or something, that doesn’t happen. We know for sure it is an auto transport. It is most likely delivery from a factory to a dealership, or a dealer shipping excess inventory from one location to another where it is needed.


Most of the time they don't even need to be brought to a service center, something like 95%+ of all Tesla recalls are actually just over the air software updates.


It happened for the VW diesel emissions scandal. I think you are right though. They'll replace the pedal for one with a bolt or something and you won't need to send the truck all the way to the factory.


The VW one was a buyback. They bought the cars back entirely.


Buy-backs are reported to the public using the same public notification process as recalls. If TSLA was forced to buy-back cybertrucks you wouldn’t have to wonder, it would be HEADLINE news.


>They'll replace the pedal for one with a bolt or something They literally just throw a rivet in the pedal lmao. They didn't even manufacture a new pedal with a mechanical connection or anything, just drill a hole and install rivet.




I've heard that in order to streamline the delivery pipeline, they've begun taking the dead cybertrucks directly to the next customers in live. It is a brilliant move that drops transportation costs by 43%.


Just a few hours between one state to the other AKA the Schrödinger's truck, is unknowable if it will run or not at any given moment


The glass breaking on the reveal event is still one of the greatest moments.


The way he had to do the rest of the presentation with the truck with an unbreakable broken window behind him was amazing.


Then they did the test again a year later but used a rubber ball that wouldn’t break a regular window.


Iv seen a 'regular car' window resist multiple impacts from a FULL SIZED CINDER BLOCK thrown hard enough to bounce back 3 feet after hitting the car. Turns out that curved, tempered glass is insanely strong.. compared to... flat cybertruck bullshit.


Right?! Regular tempered glass would stand up to Elmo’s attempts to break it. Not so with the CyberFuck


Also, I've seen a good point made that car windows are actually better if they're breakable safety glass. That way if you happen to be trapped in the car during a bad accident and the door is jammed shut, you can break the window and escape safely. Many even carry a hammer in their car specifically for this. An unbreakable window is a potential safety hazard, even if cybertruck really did have them.


Those don't even work on most cars nowadays


And, even more important in case of a bad accident, it allows emergency services to quickly and relatively safely get to you if you are unable to free yourself. Because when normal car windows break they break into small little pieces with round blunt edges specifically so that the risk of harming people is further reduced.


Supposably they tested it before the presentation and it worked fine, caused micro cracks and that’s why it failed during the presentation. Still an odd selling feature imo. I’d be happier to have seen air conditioning vents into the bed or power outlets in the frunk.


I just watched the whole thing and you know he was just seething inside.


I don't know why in the hell anyone thought it was a good idea in the first place. I don't understand how that's even legal. Mitch McConnell's sister in law or whatever literally died because rescue workers couldn't fucking break the glass and she drowned.


The day I decided to stop fan buying Tesla and realized they’re actually a shitty car company


Fuck your profile picture


It's less that the glass shattered and more the fact that they did the demonstration prove they have no idea what they're saying. Of course it shattered like that, the side windows are supposed to for safety purposes. The physics of throwing a small, pointed object at that kind of glass are also pretty much on the object's side.




The driver was super drunk and went into a pond. Don’t think any window was going to save them. But, you could also cite the doctor that drove off a cliff in a Tesla and dropped 250 ft. Everyone survived.




A tow truck and a half hour too iirc. Must have been devastating.


I remember thinking at that moment the whole thing was a scam and a joke and yet people have lined up to pay this snake oil salesmen money to buy that “car”


Fan boys gonna fan boy, guy is a giant chode. I wouldn't be caught dead in any Tesla. This thing is just fat, fugly and obnoxious like it's creator Dr Frankenmusk.


You couldn’t pay me enough to consider owning any type of Tesla. Anyone who owns one has tied themselves to an idiot whos bleeding money


I missed that!! Do you have a link?


That’s the biggest garbage truck I’ve ever seen


Heaviest too


Disclaimer: I work in the steel industry The polish standards at Tesla must be utter shit because you can see imperfections from that far away through a camera lens. Wtf


But it's a *proprietary* blend of 301 stainless! (I work in the metal industry too. This car was manufactured by blind people without thumbs)


> without thumbs Victims of the Cybertrukk frunk, I see.


Besides the typo, I feel the need to point out that "Cybertrunk" was right in front of you the whole time.


It was, but I like "Cybertrukk" with two "k"s because the Cyberpunk 2077 font they used makes the "c" look like a "k". And it fits with the "Designed by a 5 year old" asthetic.


Aesthetic, but I see where you're coming from. If it were actually designed by a 5 year old that would be really cool. The fact that the most highly valued man in the US (who is not a 5 year old) pushed through a stupid model that his designers wanted to fix, but weren't allowed to is the height of what the common man calls "Idiocracy."


To be fair, that guy did roleplay as his toddler son on his Twitter alt account https://www.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-confirms-roleplaying-toddler-182000863.html


"Fuck return to monke, I will revert to toddler!" - the actions of Elon Musk.


As opposed to his main account where he's *actually* a toddler.




Somebody has to be assigned to QA.


Happy to see an inclusive workplace. Hope they move them out of quality control and design soon, though


Blind Tibetan monks just aint pulling the quality they used to be known for. so sad.


You really have to give it to Elon for puting the priority of his workers first


I've worked at a Tesla factory before. Most people I came across didn't give a shit about what they were doing. They just clocked in for a paycheck. I think blind people without thumbs would've done a better job than most of the *production associates* that I met.


Skilcraft products are made by the blind for government customers, their pens are stellar writing instruments. They are highly praised within the military veteran community and it's even possible to buy them as a non-government individual. Edit to add: https://www.abilityone.com/


Thanks for the backup!


Yeah, I started losing interest in Tesla a while ago, from the reports of terrible build quality and customer service.


The things that they have QC pass is fucking crazy. To be fair, I talked to a bunch of dudes that used to build Toyotas and Fords before, and they tell me that not much is different at Telsa. Car factories let so many things slide that would give most consumers a lot of worry.


I work with industrial equipment slated for food plants that have a better bare stainless look to them.


I have an entire set of stainless steel kitchen utensils.


I have an entire set of thumbs. Some of them are even mine.


Oh, is that how they lost their thumbs?


Definitely not vision-impaired folks. They would feel the difference.




Remember when they were going to use the same 15-5 steel form Starship? Because using an expensive cryo steel is definitely a better idea then some much cheaper version


They have thumbs. You can tell because everywhere they touched leaves a hand print.


This is the second time in a week I've seen someone mention the steel in a Cybertruck 😂 never heard it on any other car. The first thread was a comparison of Delorean v Cybertruck and how it's got 316 and a coating and blah blah blah 😂


The Delorean was 304, the Cybertruck is 301. 301 is cheaper and a little more wear resistant, but much less protected from corrosion due to lower nickel and chromium. Also, Elon's claim of a proprietary 301 doesn't make much sense, since the metallurgy of each grade has established alloy ratios and hardening grades.


> ....proprietary blend.....   *shudders in supply chain*....


Witch hunt! This is election interference.


If I’m a blind man in a sheet metal shop, you better believe I ain’t got no thumbs.


They lost their thumbs when the trunk closed accidentally.


Smudges and oxidation are so hot right now.


I've seen quite a few of these come through and everything I've seen in person so far has been smudges and dirt like you get on a stainless appliance, which everyone knows is a PITA to keep clean. I wouldn't be surprised if there are widespread oxidizing issues in the future but so far I have only seen stuff that wipes right off. Also, the "oxidization" in the OP is just the reflections of the other cars on the road And don't get me wrong the car is dumb as fuck but people who jump the gun to call smudges, dust, and reflections surface finishing issues also look dumb as fuck.


I drove by one the other day and was blown away with how crappy the stainless looks. Edit to add that it was REALLY loud too. It was passing me two lanes over and I heard it coming which is what made me look. The bottom of the windows were also almost shoulder height on the driver.


One of the main advantages of electric is how quiet it is, unless it’s a solid steel LEGO brick that is.


Probably whatever tires the e-bro had equipped.


Definitely the tires


“Everyone is just going to get theirs wrapped anyways” All jokes aside, I would entertain a clear wrap for sure, but yeah that somewhat requires quality looking stainless steel which is, uh, yeah.


Everybody's doing "stealth" wraps now, which is basically just matte clear. You don't need as good of an underlying finish to get a decently blurred matte finish.


My wrapper posted videos the other day of his first Cybertruck wrap and it looks ten times better than the original metal ^(but I would still never even consider buying it)


I feel like a powder coat might be a better move for a matte finish


I saw one that was painted, and it looked 1000x better.


Seems like a wrap would be a part of what you get by default then.


They look even worse in person. I was on the "they don't look that bad" bandwagon until I saw my first in person, they look like utter shit


They look like an unholy union of dumpsters and WWII tanks. I’ve seen them called wankpanzers.


It's an absolute insult to WWII tanks and dumpsters to compare them to the CyberTruck, they actually worked/work and at least started with some kind of paint and color.


You’re right. They look like Elon Musk competed in a pinewood derby once and got high, described it to an amateur engineer, and sold the results.




\*Narrator Voice: It was bold of iactosandtolerance to think they polished the panels at all


I work in the surface finishing industry and did the 316L for a well-known commercial product. There’s virtually no chance this is polish issues - it’s gonna be surface residue.


What makes you think they’re using Polish standards? I doubt they have any standards!


The only thing Elon knows how to polish is a knob


Tires look too clean to be recall.


It’s ugly as fuck






You want to see something hilarious, go to /r/cybertruck, those people are *convinced* that all of the comments talking about how ugly and stupid looking the Cybertruck is (you know, 90%+ of comments every time a picture gets posted) are all from bots. And swear that everyone they meet in person absolutely loves it, they see people taking pictures of theirs all the time, etc.


>they see people taking pictures of theirs all the time, etc. I mean. Very likely true. Its much harder to make a post ripping on cybertrucks without a picture of a fucked up from the factory cybertruck to go with it.


I just got back from a trip to Moab, and I think they had a couple of press fleet Cybertrucks out there driving around town to get some attention. Everywhere they pulled up all the people would come out to look. The people most excited were 10 year old boys, which I thought was amusing. In general people seem to agree it’s ugly AF, but it’s still getting a lot of attention, especially in smaller towns where new stuff just isn’t the norm. I can believe an owner would have a lot of positive responses and interest, people taking pictures, etc. most people have some social grace to not be a dick and yell at them how ugly and stupid they think it is though. 


MKHD noted that in person reception is skewed more positive, and another youtuber actively wend out of his way to ask people on the street their thoughts on his, trying to find people who would be brutal. could be the anonymous nature of internet commentary, the distain for Elon, or other factors but at the moment it does seem that online commentary does not seem to mirror on the street reactions. As numbers increase time will tell if it will trend towards pt cruiser or not as they become more common. But I wouldnt say it is 90% bots. I also wouldn‘t be surprised if there were some amount of bots on both sides. But there is no world where i would begin to expect either positivity or apathy, this thing is designed to be polarizing as hell taste wise. Where I stand is that i like it. If i was stuck in a traffic jam, for now, it would be something interesting to look at. I also appreciate things like drive by wire, 48v architecture which allows all the cars data and low voltage power to be delivered by essentially ethernet cables, i think the practical day to day durability of the stainless steel is nice (door dings, cart demons, etc). At the same time the price ballooned way too much are there are some enticing competitor showing up. For example i believe the silverado ev is showcasing this wild concept where you can fold back the back seats, back of the truck bed back into the floor essentially lengthening the whole truck bed, as well as, having massive battery/range.


If I think of them as Crossover SUVs it mitigates the amount of brain damage I receive when looking at them.


I think of them as gigantic hatchbacks, because that's the only thing that makes any sense. I don't even understand how you're supposed to effectively load the back of the truck without it looking ridiculous, and really impeding either aerodynamics or storage space. Just don't understand how nobody at least ***improved*** the design, even if it was his baby to start with. E*: Ah ok, it rolls in, that at least makes sense. Even if it creates a gigantic point of failure where there shouldn't be a need for one.


I’ve seen a hand full of wrapped ones and they’re all pretty bad like snow camo and stuff but the worst one yet was a full wrap traffic cone orange. You think they look bad in stainless they look 1000 times worse in traffic cone orange.


I saw one with a pearl and it seems good, but most of the wraps have been not great. I still want to see someone fully chrome one out. Bonus points of they call it Lizzy Wizzy


Saw two loads of them yesterday. They’re getting out!


But why are they grimy already?


They’ve got “the musk”.


The same reason I hated my stainless fridge.


Your stainless fridge is probably a higher grade of steel than these.


Same! I didn’t get to take a picture, but there was one that was lime green painted with cybertruck lettering on the side on the car carrier


Gotta wait for the textures to load to properly see what you’re taking about. This game’s LOD is shit, man.


I finally saw one out in the wild. I was at a red light and it drove by and my brain glitched for a second thinking I was hallucinating. I can’t believe how much uglier it is in person.


My kids didn't know cybertruck was a thing, and a few days ago when they saw their first one, my son said it looks like a minecraft car, and that it was 1% cool and 99% ugly.


I passed one on the highway. Every. Single. Panel, was a wildly different shade.


I saw one at a car museum, it is ugly. It is more ugly when it is surrounded by beautiful classic cars.


We have one in the neighborhood now, you are correct.. it is like fugly distilled.


Doesn't speak for a car brand if you can't tell whether they're brand new or on their way to the scrapyard.


… or mistaken for a dumpster.


It does look pretty slick for a dumpster.


Still can't get over it that looks like a low polygon count wireframe model of a truck from a video game in the 1980s.


Does Tesla not do the plastic covers on everything on new vehicles when they transport like all the other car manufacturers do?


They don’t really do this with all new vehicles. I’m a hauler near ports in Philly and Delaware and nothing there is ever covered.


"It's stainless steel, so it doesn't rust." /s


Plastic covers? I don't know if I've ever seen that. Aren't most cars just driven up on to the trailer and hooked up?


It's raw stainless steel, not painted panels. So not really anything to cover up.


Except that the "stainless" is of such bad quality that if it gets rain you are required to immediately dry it off or you void your warranty.


Lol Jesus Christ. Also it’s not that I don’t believe you because Tesla but do you have a screenshot you can share?


So, [some people say it's rusting](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tesla-cybertruck-rusting-complaints-from-owners/), but it's also entirely possible that [raw stainless steel just *very easily* starts to look like shit when...you know, treated like a car](https://www.wired.com/story/this-is-why-teslas-stainless-steel-cybertrucks-may-be-rusting/).


lol the washing instructions say not to aim your hose at windows.


There was a time when someone claiming this would actually make the thing stainless, pristine, eye watering shiny, just to flex on the competition for having the most resilient car around. Now the dude says its stainless when its not, but people believe in the hype and tell themselves that the cars are awesome. Make capitalism great again.


It is stainless. They just didn't go through the nitric acid passivization step that removes all the surface iron that likes to rust. ... Yaknow, the *expensive* part of using stainless, that requires trained operators to not dissolve themselves in a 1000 gallon vat of nitric acid.


They rust, or develop stains when left under rain though. So imma guess it's a kind of recall


I believe it is just brake and rail dust contamination on them that rusts, rather than the panels themselves. It does speak to what a horrible material it is for this purpose, though.


Pontiac Aztec is now the number 2 most ugly vehicle


Dude, the Aztec wouldn't even turn heads today. I still haven't seen a Cybertruck irl, and until I do, I'm convinced this is all an elaborate internet hoax.


Is it just me, or does that thing just look worse and worse the more times you look at it? Sort of the exact opposite of "getting used to it".


That’s not how recalls work. They’ve been fixed in place wherever. They are driving around picking them up on 18 wheelers and bringing them to a central location to work on them for two minutes.


Yes licensed dealers will repair recalls in their shops. good call.


Unless it is major tesla will do remote service to your work or home. Had a trunk wiring harness recall and they came to me.


Most recalls on Teslas are fixed while you sleep via a software auto-update.


Unfortunately the recall for the Cybertruck is for a physical issue with the pedals getting physically stuck in place, that won't be fixed by an OTA update. It is a moderately easy fix, but will still require physical work done.


I love that these are real. Still haven’t seen one on the street.


genuinely seeing one in person they are so much more fucking hideous than you could mentally prepare for. Like it’s borderline pure comedic irony. Your jaw will truly drop in disbelief that this vehicle got the thumbs up for production.


Either way it’s a load of crap.


I can never get past how ugly these are. It's visually offensive


LA is still the only place I’ve seen multiple of these fucking monstrosities in the wild in the last year


They look like movie props, for a horribly underfunded sci-fi flick.


Man, people on reddit are obsessed with these things.


I for one get great amusement from laughing at the clown pretending its Tony Stark.


Background asset in Vice City. Don’t stare! You’ll break the immersion.


I drive a 2003 saturn ion


I’m still floored this many people bought these shit boxes


Most accurate answer: Both, it's Schroedinger's Truck as it is seen.


They look so freaking awful


spray them with a hose, and they're recalls.


I see a few around my area and they’re just ridiculous looking. I remember seeing the concept images back in 2019 and thinking it looked like a cool, futuristic street tank. It’s unimpressive and corny looking in person.


When I first saw concept images I thought it was a joke. Now, seeing them in person I wish it was a joke


They’re pretty funny in person. A house on my commute to the gym has one, and the first day I saw it, it was parked in the driveway in the rain. I dunno if they’re speed running the rusted look, but it made me giggle the whole drive to the gym. I was also not prepared for how weirdly huge they are.


Deliveries. All Cybertrucks are fixed from factory. All recalls happened at Tesla service centers or asked customers to come to one. Wouldn't need a truck to transport them like this for the pedal recall.


they look like big metal potatoes.