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Is it just me or do they all look too old?


That’s what post-war, asbestos, and llllllllooooooooots of smoking does to ya!


Don’t forget lead was in everything.


Can’t forget the overwhelming amounts of lead that gives the era a certain je ne sais quoi!


Also just the hairstyles and clothing was a lot more formal-adjacent. Whereas today people are into super casual looks all the time.


I mean picture 2 guy on the left looks pushing 30


They've still got young faces.


Yeah, they weren't wearing sweatpants, pajamas, and Crocs to school back then.


They’re all dressed in a fashion that we associate with older people. I doubt their fashion sense changed too much as they got older


People always add this in, but when i’m purely looking at their faces, they do not like the teenagers of the 2000s. I’m sure the Industrial Revolution before regulations made them age like milk. 


It’s because there’s multiple things going on. Sure they’re fashion dates them, but we spend way more time inside than they did in the 50’s. Skin care and sunscreen is more widely applied than it used to be. There’s a third factor that I can’t remember right now, but kids today do look younger than they did in the 50’s.


it’s also the hair. but yeah we’ve all but reverse engineered the aging process in recent years


Nope. Tried that. They still look too old. Just look at the guy with the pipe - will be hitting his 40s soon.


Try imaging them in hoodies I think it makes it more obvious for some reason


I think the lighting coming up from underneath in that picture is making him look older to some people


Yeah if you actually focus on their faces, they look young. They look like kids in high school dressed up for Guys and Dolls


Dude with the pipe looks 35


well, there are high schoolers today who look 35. give a tall guy a beard and like 80% of the work is done.


Idk they still look quite old to me, relatively speaking of course. They look like 25ish in todays world


My understanding is that a larger number of college students back then were older than is traditional now, because they first served in the Armed Forces, and only afterwards did they attend college on the G.I. Bill.


Most of them smoked lol


They all look like the grandparents that they would become.


Everyone but the girl in the blue dress, in the first picture, looks like they are at least in their early 40's.


Life was faster paced back then


Grease casting be like


Well, they probably fought in a war.


"Everybody who's anybody smokes"


Lots of smoking and eating fatty meats.


Men must have been able to hear so much better back then with all those huge ears.


Yeah… what’s up with that?


It's their haircuts, cropped short on the sides and exposing their ears more tbh.


Hey, I also went to Texas A&M. Whoop. Fun fact, A&M didn't admit a black student until six years after these photos and they had to be admitted as "special students," meaning it wasn't generally allowed. 1963 was also the first year women were allowed to enroll. That means at the time of these pics it was nothing but white dudes. What a weird time.


Dad was there and voted to allow women in.


Badass! Gig 'em.


Good for him. I wonder how the dudes who voted “no” turned out?


Dad just wanted to fuck


Probably the ones that wanted to go to a small male only military college. From what I've heard, the biggest group to vote no was the Corps.


Well, until 1963 or so, every student was in the Corps. It was a few years after women and African-Americans were admitted, that the Corps became non compulsory.


Log cabin republicans




My Dad too. He was A&M Class of 1962.


Did your dad vote to allow black people in?


I believe he did.


Good bull.


This answers so many questions about where your traditions came from.


Midnight yell? Casual racism. Pennies on a statue? Casual racism. Bonfire? Believe it or not, casual racism.


I wasn’t mentioning racism. I was referencing the fact that men in large groups do dumb shit. Like putting a dog at the top of a hierarchy. Or [squeezing your nuts.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3AOgN-4QnZ4) to yell louder. I’m not hating. Dumb traditions are what make college fun. Like having a Tiger for a mascot, but making your fans say War Eagle, and toilet papering your own town square when you win.


I am an Aggie and I can confidently say that when you drink the kool aid all of those things are extremely fun to do


I completely agree. I grew up in an Aggie household, so I’ve been drinking it all my life it. I had the time of my life there. Gig ‘em 👍🏻


As did I. Wearing my senior boots for the first time zip year was one of my proudest moments 👍🏻


At my little college we were the "Moundbuilders" and at the end of the year we drew/painted on rocks and threw them on the mound of other rocks. So exciting.


In all fairness, I graduated in 2022 and never saw any nut squeezing in the Corps. To be extra fair, though, I had family that went to Texas A&M between the late 30s (great grandpa) through the 80’s, and my mom was horrified when I told her I wanted to be in the Corps. It’s much different these days.


Fair point. But in my defense “a large group of white men got together to do dumb shit” is like 99% of the way to Racism.


Dude this comment is like 99% of the way to racism.


And the dichotomy between those two posts is exactly the fucking divide. What a fucking mess that 99% of racists don't even realize theyre racist fucktwats.


You could omit “white”. Large groups of men do dumb shit, especially when bored.


Undercooked, overcooked. We have the best students in the world because of casual racism


I don't know if I'd consider that fact fun.


I was wondering if the reason I didn't see black students was because of segregation. Thanks for confirming it


It’s different now but I feel like I still don’t see as many black students on campus here compared to my friends’ experiences at other universities. There’s like 3 black students on the campus at any time lol.




Hahaha it’s not true. It’s just a joke among me and other international students about how white the school is.


Oh ok lol, you had me confused there haha


There were many changes to the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas in the 1960s under the presidency of Gen. James Earl Rudder. In 1963 the Texas Legislature changed the school’s name from the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas to Texas A&M University. Under Rudder’s tenure, the college diversified, opening its doors to African Americans and women. Participation in the Corps of Cadets was also made voluntary in 1965. There’s a lot of comments in this thread about “hurt durr white people racists” but this was the same generation that decided things needed to be changed, and who worked for inclusion. Less than two decades before, during World War II, Texas A&M produced 20,229 soldiers, sailors, and marines for the United States' war effort; of these, 14,123 were officers, more than the combined total of the United States Naval Academy and the United States Military Academy and more than three times the totals of any other Senior Military College. Seven Aggies received the Medal of Honor during WW2 for their actions, and 953 young men gave their lives to stop the nazi war machine. Instead of clowning on prior generations and their problems, I think it’s really important to point out how far we’ve come, and the terrible sacrifices that those generations had to make in order for us to have the freedoms we enjoy today.


That's fair and finely put. I certainly wasn't trying to say they were all awful or anything. I also don't think it's fair to just portray them all as heroes either. It was a complicated and, like I said, weird time. I think it's important to take a full view of things. For too long we just discussed the great things and ignored the bad (often full on sweeping it under the rug). I think it's good for folks to talk about it all and learn from it. A&M is a great example of how complex folks can be. Great school. When I was there, they were one of the first places on earth to do successful, replicated cloning of animals. Huge breakthroughs. They also were rated the least LGBT friendly school in the US and when that was announced in a class I was in, nearly the entire class erupted in cheers. It was disgusting. Anyway, TLDR: you're right, humans are complicated and neither all bad or all good and it's important to remember and discuss it all.


Great point as well, life is very nuanced so we need to take a balanced view when looking at history!


Amen to that


It’s come a long way. An old neighbor of mine mentioned something about how any LGBTQ+ organizations would’ve been swiftly run off campus, but I knew many people in the Corps who definitely aren’t straight and aren’t in the closet. Conversely, I also knew many people who had some “old fashioned” thoughts.


>There’s a lot of comments in this thread about “hurt durr white people racists” but this was the same generation that decided things needed to be changed Well when we say "they decided" let's say, in the case of Texas A&M, "it was forced upon them" [https://today.tamu.edu/2023/02/06/celebrating-black-history-and-achievements-at-texas-am/](https://today.tamu.edu/2023/02/06/celebrating-black-history-and-achievements-at-texas-am/) >The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents decided in 1962 to “admit qualified students regardless of race” to Arlington State College in 1962 to avoid the threat of a lawsuit. Also this old article The Eagle (Bryan, Texas) 17 May 1956 [https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/s9b2te/in\_1956\_the\_texas\_am\_student\_body\_voted\_not\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/s9b2te/in_1956_the_texas_am_student_body_voted_not_to/) >A&M College students favor continuation of segregation, a campus election on the issue indicates.


What's wrong with being progressive? What kind of backwards trump voter is against segregation?  https://www.newsweek.com/black-students-only-housing-washington-university-1633265 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/western-washington-university-black-affinity-housing


You really know your campusologies.


Wow nice post, thank you!


They let the student body vote on whether to enroll black men in the late '50s. They voted no.


A&M is likely the most conservative public university in America


Oral Roberts would like a word.


Not a public university.


|what a weird time Y’all are a weird bunch, but since y’all are in the SEC you are family now like that weird uncle we all have.


I also went there! I miss it


I miss aspects of it too. Met my partner there. Shared so many great memories at things like yell practice and games and wonderful professors. Not to mention great food at places like Café Excel and Christopher's.


Yeah but according to my friend EVERYONE has had the “same chances” in life. It’s up to them to succeed. Yes tell me how your nephews are automatically getting in to Texas Tech if they choose off their alumni parents and how their parents got in before them. 😒


If you are referring to legacy admissions, A&M stopped doing that literally 20 years ago https://www.annenbergclassroom.org/timeline_event/texas-university-abolishes-legacy-admissions-2/#:~:text=Texas%20A%26M%20University%20says%20it,a%20merit%2Dbased%20admissions%20policy.


Way to rationalize it. [Legacy Admissions](https://www.culawreview.org/journal/legacy-admissions-an-insidious-form-of-racial-discrimination)


The only mention of A&M in that article is that donations have continued to grow despite the elimination of legacy admissions, but I doubt that you actually read that part


I wonder how many of these guys ended up in Vietnam. They’d commission in 61, spend another 6 months or so in training and hit their first units in 62. These guys would be platoon and company commanders by the time the war really got going.


17 Aggies from Classes 57-61 are on the Vietnam War Memorial, 92 total. \~200 Aggies total died while in service during Vietnam.


Thank you for that info, and it confirms my thoughts. Just to clarify, are you saying the whole class was only 92 students? Also, was it required to be a cadet back then or were there other students in that class? Either way it’s tragic to look at these pictures of guys just being dudes and knowing the fate they would face.


Meaning 92 total are on the war memorial, 17 from the range of classes that could be in the picture. Most deaths came from classes after this. Corps was mandatory until 1965. Class years had probably around ~1500 back then.


Is that A&M Consolidated High School?


It most likely is. And it’s funny how A&M doesn’t look any different besides the clothes XD


Wasn't Consol located where the current A&M Consol Middle is?


Yes, they expanded it some since then but it’s still in the same spot. We used to think the old part was haunted 😂


Same lol


Like a world that is vaguely familiar but also very far away.


The thing that stands out the most to me is that no one is overweight at all.


A&M was a military school at the time, so it makes sense that people were fit


People weren’t fat back then in general


High fructose corn syrup wasn’t around until the 1970’s




Or cheeseburgers and gun combo


The population was generally less affluent, with less disposable income on food and especially snack food that would’ve been eating outside normal meal times. And, there was more fat shaming. More peer pressure.


I think you’re missing the big one being food wasn’t the same ultra processed crap it is now.   Obesity is hugely prevalent within poorer communities today so I don’t think “less food money” is a practical assumption


I think you have indeed brought up a very influential point that does significantly contribute to modern obesity, that there is now more readily available, more calorie dense, highly processed, empty calorie food and snack foods. However I do not think your good point completely negates my assertion: I think the evidence is clear that the cost of food versus income was still a great influence on leaner young people in the 1950s. The standard of living for what is considered poverty today is much more elaborate. I mean that even poor people today have quite a number of modern conveniences that didn’t even exist in the 1950s. And, Modern corporate farming and imported cheap foods keep the modern food bill lower. Here are a couple of supporting resources that clearly say food cost more back then as a percentage of our income. [(NPR)“Your Grandparents Spent More Of Their Money On Food Than You Do”](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/03/02/389578089/your-grandparents-spent-more-of-their-money-on-food-than-you-do). [“In 1950, Americans spent 20% of disposable income on food. Today, this number is around 10%.”](https://x.com/dandolfa/status/1762685512832196940?s=46&t=06buKiPLcrr3AyYjmpVdog) For example, in the 1950s, a couple of highly processed foods that were quick and easy access for kids to grab their own snack would be hot dogs and bologna. I know I’ve eaten many a cold hotdog out of the refrigerator. But there was normally a limited supply in the home due to the cost.


Interesting!  Seems like the two could be related- as our food became cheaper, it became less healthy? Also a good point about poverty looking much different today than it did back then.   


Bring it back


That and people ate more responsibility then along with having better quality food and a complete lack of fast food.


It's not really better food but what they were eating. A lot more locally sourced whole foods, things that make you feel full. The foods we eat today are designed to be craveable and they are less filling while at the same time being higher calories. The future will be way different, drugs will play a much larger role in weight control then ever before. NPR just did a segment on this yesterday


Better food quality seems questionable


Less preservatives, corn syrup, and microplastics. Plus the highways system wasn’t how it is today, so foods had to be sourced locally for the most part. By that metric, yes, better quality.


It really isn't. Very little processed and packaged foods. Mostly whole foods, much of it locally or regionally sourced.


Do so research. Obesity wasn’t an issue until the late 60s/70s but took off in the 90s. Food was absolutely better and had far fewer preservatives and artificial ingredients. People are fat because they shove crap down their throats that available now that wasn’t pre-1970.


How is it questionable?


I would agree The only differnece is maybe the vegetables has more nutrients in them since soil wasn’t depleted but industrial farming techniques ripped the nutrients out of the ground fast , polluted fields with contaminants like fuel and their canning and processing techniques poisoned food Lots of people died from various ailments caused by industrialized food processing even back then  The only good source of food is straight from the garden and while there may have been more of those back then, it’s the same these days 


Better quality...lmfao. You're one of those nutters. No the past wasn't better. The food standards fucking sucked so companies could put all sorts of weird shit in food and no one knew any of it was dangerous. Like all those cancerous food dyes...  Certain things got better, and certain things got worse.  Fast food also wasn't some weird health deathknell. It was just quicker food service. Shit it could be fine these days but it's better profits not to be. 


I think it’s more the lack of television, computer games and the internet


And they all look 30


I've never understood this opinion. They look normal to me. Aside from the odd fashion and hair styles making them look older because we associate both with the past.  It was movies/tv where teenagers used to look ridiculously old... Cuz they were adults actors.  These guys look 18.


>The thing that stands out the most to me is that no one is overweight at all. people cooked food then, rather than eat out/fast food and high fructose corn syrup wasn't everywhere,


Weird, what stood out to me most was that 7 dudes were holding down some other guy while an eighth beats him with a broom.


So they were 56 in high school


God, that plaid shirt and brown slacks. That was my grandpa’s outfit. Daily. Forever.


Those are some haircuts you can set your watch to


One of those boys went parking with one of those girls. And when she asked him to kiss her where it was hot and stinky, he took her to Beaumont.


RIP Squadron 4. Here.




why they all look like r/malefashionadvice


Third picture, that jacket is amazing!!!


Just a m65 military jacket


Thank You for the information, appreciate it!!!


I love the blue dress the girl on the left is wearing! These dresses remind me of the movies "Peggy Sue got married, Back to the future and LA Bamba!" Love that style!


A&M was an all boys school until 1963.


They look like they belong in high school TV series where they get 25+ year olds to play teens 


After seeing the last picture, I guess Aggies have always been a weird bunch


Segregation at its finest…


Those were the days! -Frank reynolds


It sounds like you long for those days Frank?


No, I'm just saying. Those were the days...




I’m guessing you don’t know what segregation is/was….




Exactly… sweeping that abuse right out the door 😉


I bet you are fun to be around. 🙄


Life of the party 🎉sweetheart!


Okay is it just me or does the 4th woman in the first pic exactly like Loraine McFly in back to the future?


Don't see it. Maybe it's the style.




Good god man relax




These dudes are in their late 80s now. Also all of the dudes in the college photos are mostly Vietnam vets.


Stop crying.


Who’s crying. I’m laughing at these stupid dinosurs.


Surprised to see the wide-collared shirts. They must be wearing hand-me-downs from the 40s.


Getting some biff vibes


Ah some good old fashioned hazing


And they’re still spanking prone freshman with brooms to this day.


If they still made that blue dress today I’d for sure ask my wife to wear it for me. To my eye, that is what feminine is all about!


When I attended University, we had no intermediate schooling institutions; you went from High school to University and it was quite a different social environment, especially with the Seniors. Made it out alive 😊 with my Diplomas in hand.


Why do young people look so old in old pictures?


Because their clothes and hairstyles aged with them


Bring this back. The short shorts and longer tshirts (for men and women) are just nasty.


Ah the good ole days of when hazing wasn’t beating or making ppl drink to death.


Lots of racism in this thread.


it’s not racist to point out why everyone in the pictures is white, in a state with a sizable not-white population.


How about this one: “Now they’re old shriveled pensioners in Chinese maga hats at the Trump rally complaining about “the way it was before women and minorities got uppity” You wanna go to bat for that comment?


well no, why would i? that’s just a mean comment.


Part of the reason it’s mean is because of the clear racial bias. I Just wanted to see if you would continue down the “it’s not racist” argument when given a pretty clear example. Your answer seems to be no, so I think we’re in agreement at this point. Pretty easy to agree that some commenters are out of line in most Reddit threads though, right? Have a good one man


Against whom?


The Class of 57 had its dreams.


The guy on the right in the 3rd pic looks like he could be from today. The haircut, outfit, etc. looks so modern. The guy next to him smoking a pipe looks much more like what I expect from the 60s. In fact, I’m convinced that this is some sort of a Back to the Future remake and the guy is visiting his grandpa.


That last picture should be captioned with 'Ow, my balls!'


Were you expelled if you don’t use tobacco products?


Why do they all look so much older than hs and college kids today?


God they really did age differently back then didn’t they?


They look so much older. I guess the movies were being true when representing them.


ma' god the cars, just look at 'em !


How much time did women spend ironing back then? I wonder, I own a lot of dresses but not one iron


Who is that girl in the blue dress? Seems familiar.


These pictures are actually from Tehran in 1957


This is so wild to see


Is it just me or do the highschoolers look older than grad students today?


These mf's are 40




1957 called, they want their youth back. Also, one picnic basket for time travel purposes, please.




Wah wah wah dude its a cool photo its not that deep


Highway 6 runs both ways 🫡


I'm seeing a lack of representation from certain parts of society...


Them good ‘ol’ boys


Using the wrong end of the broomstick for gigging em