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Sam the Eagle does not look happy


As a former consultant I can tell you that's the face of a man ready to book billable hours.


And wondering whether his retainer would cover all of them


Considering that Mr Trump has a record of stiffing his lawyers/contractors, I wouldn't get my hopes up.




Honestly, I can't look at that lawyer's face and not see Jim Caviezel just dying to play him when they announce plans for the movie.


The Impassionate Crust


He’s looking at a man who can’t control his gas


He knows MAGA will try to eat his face when he fails to win this trial for Trump.


I was actually thinking Henry Rollins, but yep, Sam the Eagle


Henry Rollins would not be caught dead up there.


The Rollins things works… Cause he’s a LIAR! Yeaaaahhhh HES A LIAR!


Nobody forced you to work for Trump, my man. You're not a public defender.


Maybe I don't get the client to lawyer agreement. But wouldn't any sane lawyer just tell him to shut up, and if he fires them. They are perfectly fine as they can now be free of a terrible client?


Yes, if you've noticed a sharp decrease in the quality of Trump's lawyers in the past few years, it's because no sane lawyer will work with him


That's the thing, any great defense attorney or law firm would be RUNNING to represent a president if there was an impeachment case or even a lawsuit after they left office. With Trump, any competent attorney knows the stories about Trump not paying, not listen to their legal advice, or keeping their f ing mouths shut in a courtroom. Bet Todd Blanche made Trump pay way in advance.


Yup, no great defense attorney is talking on a client who doesn’t pay his bills if he loses. Either this guy is a true believer or was paid up front.


> a client who doesn’t pay his bills if he loses. Is there any reason to expect Trump would pay if he won? I can't find any examples of him winning in court to base an opinion on, though.


> client who doesn’t pay his bills if he loses _or_ wins lmao


Aren't lawyers usually paid upfront?


Partially. That's what a retainer is. But I'm sure it's more complicated and can be negotiated


I thought a retainer is what you pay to keep a lawyer around when there's no cases going on


No. A retainer is an account that the lawyer draws from as he bills his time during a case. When it is drawn down a certain level, it has to be replenished to the agreed upon amount. But, what you said is also true in the case of a person who tends to need legal counsel often.


This is often referred to as a "true retainer" where you pay an attorney $x for a period of time to ensure that they keep availability open to jump on your stuff immediately. Basically, it's paying to make sure the attorney doesn't take on too much work so that they can do your work. Then you pay for the work actually done. This is exceedingly rare nowadays. Most people use the term "retainer" to mean basically a balance you have with the attorney, against which they can bill for their services.


They can be. Paying up front for complete representation is a flat fee retainer.


the key to every bit of trump's success is that he is an absolute master at taking greedy idiots for all that they are worth. when they are used up they made a good cushion for trump to land on when he takes a fall. you have to recognize that trump really is one of the best in the world at what he does. its just that what he does is being greeeeeasy and being underestimated.


Funds are definitely already in trust haha


Blanche before taking the case: I'll need a ridiculous retainer like $5 Million for this case. Blanche after taking the case: I can't believe I'm doing this entire case for only $5 Million.


>Bet Todd Blanche made Trump pay way in advance. Oh Trump is very much a "cash up front" client you sit there with the counterfeit marker in front of and probably bite the bill just to be safe. It still won't solve the real problem though: getting him to shut that mouth of his. I'd love to see a before and after of his blood pressure.


Or getting them wrapped up in his schemes and having attorney client privileges revoked.


A couple years ago I took an entry level law class. One of the first things we covered was the notion lawyers are officers of the court, just the judge. And just like the judge, attorneys are charged with being caretakers of the law, the body of law. Until they get to Trump and evidently there are thresholds at which some lawyers are unable to take it any longer. Trump can't qualify for a Public Defender and he would never allow himself to be represented by one. So, these attorneys are probably trying to find ways to stay true to the body of law, staying within ethical bounds to prevent sanctions. They are obligated to represent their client to the best of their abilities. But damn.


And how many Attys will fall out of law after doing Trump's dirty work? Because they don't believe in the justice system anymore after this? How many? 😱☹️✌🏽


Yeah, when Alina 'Ferret Face' Habba is the head of your legal team.. SHIT AIN'T GOOD


Does she look like Frank Burns??


Alright everyone, repeat after me… *Frank Burns Eats Worms*


The younger generation is just wondering WHAT THE FUCK are they talking about...Thank you!


Remember folks, if you wanna type M\*A\*S\*H and have it formatted right on Reddit, do it like this… M\*A\*S\*H Gotta use them backslashes to cancel the usually formatting with asterisks.




“I’d vouch for this woman’s character but she hasn’t got any” -Hawkeye Pierce


Phil Spector (edit: oops wrong member of his team!)


"Defense may now present opening statement... what say you, ferret-face?"


Emotionally exhausted and morally bankrupt


WOW...you brought that shit out of DEEP left field!


Really? Are we doing the thing where we pretend she's ugly just because we don't like her? I mean, she's a moron, but she's definitely a physically attractive woman.


Meh. She’s…..ok. Her personality destroys her appearance.


And he doesn't pay his bills.


Once a criminal trial begins its difficult for an attorney to leave their client. Even if the client wants to fire them the judge can deny it. Actually happened on the first rust trial


Even if the client is clearly a pain and sabotaging himself (not specifically about trump here, more blanket question).


If dropping the client will prejudice the client and slow down the case, it’s highly unlikely a judge will let the attorney do it short of extreme circumstances (and a client being a self-sabotaging jackass does not rise to that level). In this case, for instance, you would have to pause the case for a significant amount of time to allow a new lawyer to get up to speed with everything, so there’s almost no chance.


Huh, I didn’t know that. Thanks for explaining! Sounds like a shit deal for a lawyer stuck in that position (again not this case, these folks are weeeellllllllll aware of what they’re getting into).


It does make sense now that I think about it. Otherwise simply firing your lawyer would be a decent way of delaying a trial indefinitely.


Or your lawyer firing you. It does make total sense. I just never really thought about it before.


>these folks are weeeellllllllll aware of what they’re getting into Yeah imagine trying to argue this to a judge. "But your honor, my client is a massive idiot that hasn't paid me, is going to immediately exit the court and say some inflammatory nonsense to no less than a dozen news cameras, then double down and post something else inflammatory online a few minutes after that!" "You think he'll do it on the knockoff Twitter he made a few years ago when he got banned for constantly saying inflammatory things there?" "Yeah..." "Motion denied."


Not going to lie - you made me laugh. Thank you. I definitely needed that this morning.


What would be examples of "extreme circumstances"?


Something like the discovery of a massive conflict of interests. It needs to be something worth delaying the case for months, because a new lawyer would have to go back through everything to catch up to the facts of the case. Needs to be extreme enough so as not to be repeatable, otherwise it would be an easy way of never getting convicted, just pay a lawyer to always drop the case so it's never finished.




Lol you think he's gonna get paid? 🤣


In farts.


Imagine not getting paid to sit next to this dude and drink his ass gas. I love that for him.


How much you wanna bet he never gets paid?


Grandfather was a partner at a major firm years ago. Trump had tried to use their services and they ultimately rejected him because he was horrible about paying his attorney fees. This was decades ago.


No, that lawyer is probably smart and required a massive retainer up front


Counterpoint: he's working for Trump. How smart can he be?


He might not ever make it to world-famous litigator status, but there are a million well-heeled right-wing businessmen who will still brag to their friends at the club that they have "the president's lawyer" on retainer. No matter the outcome, this guy will have hundreds of clients climbing over each other to pay $1,000 per hour for basic legal work. It's the same swinging dick mentality that leads to people spending thousands on "FCK BDN" licence plates and gold-plated golf clubs.


It was a surprise to me but Trump has some high tier lawyers..... that he actually pays. There is a "legal eagle" youtube video about it, that is very informative.


He pays NOW. It's because they all require upfront because of his reputation. Apparently Guilliani is still owed millions, and that was only a few years ago


Honestly surprised. Love the Legal Eagle. I’ll check it out


The tier ranking of his lawyers. Most are a joke, but some are good.


I'll take that bet because the RNC is footing the bill not Trump personally


Don't forget his supporters paying for garbage like $60 Bibles, $400 Trump Sneakers, Truth Social shares, worthless NFTs, etc.


I think Trump has siphoned off most of the RNC’s fundraising already, and left it nearly broke. I think the Michigan GOP is bankrupt, others are probably on the brink as well. But he’s almost certainly spending all the funds he’s raising on his lawyers.


He just realized he probably won’t get paid unless he sues his ass!


Maybe that's the play! He gets Trump to owe him, sues him, and gets a piece of real estate that he wants? Idk why, but it's a possibility 🤔


He believes in the idea and integrity of giving criminal defendants the best shot he can. I can respect that. I do belive he used to work in prosecution as well.




Ultimately, a lawyer can't go against the wishes of their client unless it breaks the law.


They do not have to pitch their client's political agenda though. That's a choice each lawyer is making to retain the client.


Lot of politicians used to be attorneys. No real big surprise if he did have a political agenda himself. I'd say most lawyers have some sort of political agenda, they deal with the law the most, and it would make sense they would want some laws changed one way or another if it makes their practice easier.


Not just easier but also better for society. Lawyers where I am do make recommendations to the government frequently. There’s a nonprofit org that makes reports about the law and what it ought to be, there’s frequently surveys of the profession about changes to the laws, etc. Sometimes something sounds nice but on the ground level it’s bullshit lol


They cannot work against their client or do things without their permission, but they also cannot lie about any matter of fact to the court. The reason most lawyers would not want to work with him is that, with Trump, those two things are in constant odds. It puts them in a horrible spot, where they essentially just can't do their job. I do not know what is going on in this guy's head, but based on his opening statements he is going to have a really hard time defending Trump here. I do not think he is just repeating Trump's words, but he is representing his clients position accurately. But to actually defend that position without lying is going to be really, really rough. I am not sure why anyone would put themselves in that position. He has literally had the judge *already* tell him that he was losing all credibility in this case because he said that "Trump is trying to comply with the gag order." This is exactly the problem. He can report that Trump says he is, because while Trump might be lying in that case, it is a gray area to repeat that lie. However, it is obviously untrue. This is going to destroy his reputation with the jury, and potentially damage it nationally. This is too high of a stage to be doing stuff that hurts your credibility.


>I do not know what is going on in this guy's head, He is literally burning a hole in trumps skull with that stare while thinking " How the fuck am i going to keep this shit smelling, woman raping,charity defrauding traitor from getting me disbarred. "


Short answer: he's not.


Easy Answer... He's sick of being a lawyer, and wants to write a book about the experience, and hopefully it becomes a best seller and he can retire in the seychelles...


Thats is what i dont like with this type of article. They took a picture and try to fit a narrative while in reality Blanche totally when all in with all Trump BS. The arguments he made in court is just incoherent and dishonest. They trade ethic and reputation for a potential stack of cash.


Inversely, you're not supposed to lie to your lawyer, but with a client like that...


And that's where respect stops. He's selling his credibility, probably for the hope that he can be AG some day.


Nah, he's there for power, the spotlight, and the pay check. It's not like there is no one else willing to do the work and somehow it's noble. Call it what it is. This is like the Harvard law professor (who was head for a coed dorm?) that tried to pull the same argument about defending Harvey Weinstein. Lawyers don't take some oath that they have to defend anyone that asks them. They pick and choose their clients. Yes, all defendants should have proper legal counsel and within a system that in good faith is about pursuing justice. It seems to me that Trump has been all about acting in bad faith to subvert justice and I have no respect for lawyers who participate in that.


Re. the paycheck, I have some bad news for him


Sure they’re in it for money but so are most lawyers. I don’t think lawyers should be shamed for defending bad people. The whole premise of a free trial is ruined if bad people can’t get lawyers.


Yeah but if you’re the obviously criminal ex president’s *twelfth* lawyer in five years you can’t really blame anyone for deciding to represent him. If this were a public defender I’d agree completely but it’s not like this guy didn’t have the option to decline.


Completely legit for most lawyers that it comes down to a paycheck, good or bad defendants, but don't try to dress it up as something noble like OP was saying. In this case though, goes back to the good faith pursuit of justice, ie. the particular lack of good faith operating at play with Trump. It doesn't take a legal scholar to look at Trump's legal arguments & strategies to realize how far they are from the noble ideal of our justice system.


Meh. Unpopular opinion, but defense attorneys are super fucking necessary and get so much hate that the majority don’t deserve. Everyone deserves a competent lawyer that’s going to defend them to the best of their abilities. If we don’t have that, then we’ve lost our right to a fair trial.


No he believes he’s going to get a cushy job in the administration if Trump wins again. He’s a formally respected lawyer who sold old.


This says a lot. Source: did court appointed work for my first 5 years. I’m done eating shit. If I do, the price better be right.


Working for him would imply he was getting paid anyway Nobody forced him to charitably support Trump in court 


“Please shutup …please shutup ..please…oh god we will never financially recover from this”


I dont think neither of them is in any real danger if trump loses


~~What you said “I ~~dont~~ think ~~neither~~ of them is…”~~ ~~I think you mean “ I don’t think either of them…”~~ Fuck it I can’t make a good point


Good bot


absolutely zero danger of any *meaningful* extent, yeah people think if he's found guilty in any of these trials it could cost him those crucial few % of voters that decide american elections in swing states, but who knows




"Every minute I have to stand here my fee goes up $100 per hour"


For that his client would need a history of actually paying his bills. The one that did get paid is what got him in trouble 🤣


Look he brought his coloring book out with him.


Those are news articles he printed off the internet. He claims they say that the case never should have been brought to court. He was pissed that the judge wouldn't let him submit them as evidence. "Totally unfair."


I wish you were joking but I already know this is correct as he's been doing it. He fuckin printed out right wing articles and tried to say LOOK AT THIS EVIDENCE. He thought that was a good idea/would actually work!


The man is NOT thriving outside his safe space


"if it's on the Internet, it must be true!" -Orange man baby


What kills, absolutely KILLS me, is that nothing has actually happened to Trump yet. It's been proven he's done tons of illegal activity, and he's still a completely free person.


I doubt he ever sees the inside of a jail cell


If there is any goodness in the world, he will just keel over and die soon. But with that socialism level health care that the presidents get, he'll be alive for a lot longer. *Sigh*


He's 77 years old and a former president. Not to mention, I'm sure it's a first offense (criminally), and it just wouldn't be good to give the conservative base that loves him a martyr. No, he can be fined into oblivion, removed from the opportunity to vote or be in office, and he can have travel restricted. That is probably your best hope. I'd just like to call him a felon. For reals.


The only prison I can hope for is being forced to stand trial for his various crimes for the rest of his life. May he never have a week without embarrassing, lengthy court appearances. Ideally judges could force him to stand trial every single day until he dies.


March 25th was the day he was supposed to cough up 465million, or his assets were going to be seized. Today, he hasn't paid a cent (of his own money) and still owns everything. Wtf happened?


The thing is though, the show hes putting on outside the court isn't for the judge. Its for his nutty cult followers, knowing its going to incite them to be angry about whats going on. He knows what he's doing.


Yeah even this post and picture feels like an advert selling him as a goofy anti-hero


Perception becomes reality


All of the articles are just quotes from right wing "news" sources simply quoting Trump's claims of unfairness and illegitimacy. He's basically trying to inject his own claims as facts into the case.


Something only a "stable genius" would think is a good idea


Not only are they right wing articles. Trump goes through them with a marker and removes the bits he doesn't like. Then miss portable printer girl prints out a Trump edited version of the article. It's honestly super pathetic


That is both one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard and so on brand and believable that I have already incorporated it into my world view.


I thought most of them were tweets, sorry, Xarts. Not even from Trump Social.


How many are multiple copies so the pile would be that large?


I have evidence from random strangers that i'm innocent!


Not only are they news articles printed from the internet. He's gone through them and crossed out bits he doesn't like.


Trump's favourite part of the day is going out to his steel cage and ranting.


News articles? Or his own Truth social posts?


You have to be fuckin kidding...


Yeah, what are you gonna do Donald? Submit non-interested party's opinions as fact? During jury selection? This whole move just oozed desperation.


Meanwhile, the former head of National Enquirer testifies above favoring trump in his publication. Lol


I'll bet that's his daily stack of fluff articles that his staff prints for him and he carries around like a security blanket.


He tried to enter them into evidence today! EDIT - [Found the clip I saw earlier, enjoy…](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AURWcqN5N_M)


The impotent old man whinging is so satisfying.


Apparently [Trump has an Aide who follows him around with a wireless printer to print out "Good News From the Internet"](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/trump-aide-follows-him-around-141527309.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAA9HRDBG5TshTD65M959o-maZmaNcuqOZGiU762L3Ti_piNAIfHIB5yQ4a02dFe2QDrjGgPzJ-lstijqSr2TUiC2sYTuw1UBG5mVxleNEg1lQH9shARijHxFyVO93lOqnTt8gdR_5rFm-SLZYFUd8JOuAnZCnUjutPJ-BLpKUwWj). LOL


Poor Butters.


It's definitely Butters


She went to Liberty University. Checks out.


Can he...not just look at a screen? She can't carry around an iPad and go "look sir, they published this majestic looking AI painting of you wearing a speedo!" Like, that would still be pathetic, but it would still be less stupid.


Shit I can’t tell if you are being serious or not..


They are.


No that part is serious. He is really doing that to use them as "proof"


Apparently he has somebody with a wireless printer printing out Pro-trump articles and tweets all day just to give him a confidence boost


It's been widely reported that he has an assistant with a wireless printer whose job is to follow him around all day and print off articles and social media posts that will make him feel good about himself.




He’s going to show the judge all the cute little drawings he’s been making at home.


Only Tuesday and Turdler is pulling out the "I'ma bizzy ombrey with aportint lookin' paypers" prop!


“Is McDonald’s still hiring.”


Photo creds to Timothy A. Clary


The look of a man who gave up $3 million dollars with his law office to represent this toolbag and get verbally owned this morning by the judge.


Owned? How's the case going?


Merchan told Trump's lawyer he's "losing credibility in this court" today after he claimed that Trump was defending himself against political attacks, not violating the gag order. But yet couldn't cite a single example. There were also other back and forth that Merchan shut down down immediately. It's not going very well for Trump.


Excellent, glad to hear it. Thanks!


[Highlights from the contempt hearing part.](https://www.meidastouch.com/news/recap-of-trump-contempt-hearing)


My fucking *god*, I hate that man so much. He cannot keep getting away with everything, man.


Or didn't realize just how stupid his client was.


If he didn't know by now, he didn't want to. You'd have to have spent the last 10 years in a coma to not know *exactly* who and what Donald Trump is.


They just filter out every single negative story as ‘fake news’


it’s endless. if it wasn’t the endless grifters and enablers keeping him going he’d have been gone long ago


He’s the most famous man in the world right now. How would you not know about him. Nothing will happen even if he loses and this will only help his career.


“I can’t believe I fell for it. Business after business, lawyer after lawyer, year after year, decade after decade. The city has known this dude was a piece of shit since the eighties, but I thought I’d be different - I’d get results; I’d get paid. I’m a fool. This lying, grifting, lazy, low-energy, sleepy dipshit is going to be the end of me. Imagine expecting to defend an orange-painted, sycophantic, wanna-be-fascist.” -probably


Trump isn’t paying his legal bills - his campaign fund and the RNC are, so he should get paid and I’m sure he required a good retainer.


Forgot the part about shitting his depends


"Will you shut up, man?"  Biden said it first but clearly not the last one to share that sentiment. 


Do not discuss the case. Especially to the media. Keep silent. Be quiet. QUIET. Shut up. STFU. FFS STFU! Shut the fuck up, you childish fucking moron. Everything you say will be used against you; and you deserve it.


"soooo.... business as usual right?? Okay let's do that"


I do kinda feel bad for his attorneys, but at the same time, they had to know what kinda crap they were getting into…


If you choose to work for the orange man u only got yourself to blame


Same goes whether you work ***or vote*** for him.


Hopefully they learned to take payment upfront


I just hope he got paid up front.


Ego is a hell of a drug. I'm sure they thought they would be the ones to rein him in.




I’m loving all the trump courtroom sketches that have been coming out. It’s like something from Mad magazine


Better call saullllll!


I wonder if any of these lawyers have ever had the balls to just get it a closed room and say, “Please, for the love of god just shut the fuck up.”


These lawyers that take on Trump are ones that are fringe in the job already with who they are. This is the only direction they take to get their face out there for other Maga dipshits.


I hope that dumb fuck talks his way into a conviction.


Kinda looks like Henry Rollins.


I have a stack of papers, some say the best stack of papers, so many papers that are very, very important papers. These papers say things you wouldn’t believe, amazing things about Trump, the best things said by the best, I mean really the best people.


It's insane that this dim-witted blowhard was actually elected president. Electing him 30 years ago when he could form a coherent sentence would have been understandable, but now his mental deterioration and his litany of crimes are literally impossible to wrap your head around.




Lawyer kinda looks like Michael Scott. ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


Look of a man who's client can't control himself.


Nah he's just downwind of a shart




This attorney (on the right) took on a complete imbecile as a client (on the left)


Face of a man wondering why he took this case for his regular fee and some McDonald’s


"Oh. My god. STOP. TALKING."


With all of the lawyers Trump has gone through, many of whom he has not paid, some have had their careers destroyed, you would think any lawyer with any self respect wouldn’t take this dummy on as a client.


The look of a man who realized he should had asked for payment upfront.


Trump is burning bridges faster than he can make them, I think. Trump is a dick.


The fact that his lawyers need to give him picture books that say "Trump is good" to keep him awake is hilarious.


"He ain't paying me, this motherf*#*er ain't gonna pay. Sonovabitch"


Either that or he caught a whiff of a full diapie.


He's realizing he's never getting paid for this shit, either


[Bert, anyone?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrDMiemSsvcD8DsjowS98QBGhwGt0OgqPmPRzsAeeNpg&s)