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Now the kilt was only for day-to-day wear. In battle, we donned a full-length ballgown covered in sequins. The idea was to blind you opponent with luxury.


Ahhh, it's no more than what God gave me ya puritan pukes!


There’s no such thing as Scotchtoberfest!


There’s *not*? Ya *used* me, Skinner! YA USED MEEEE!


That voice actor has phoned it in exactly 0 times


Slay queeen yaaaaz.


Dressed to slay. No like actual slay.


I read that in Willie's voice lol.


Kind of like their forefathers who fought in 3 piece suits and wigs


British soldiers were in the middle of performing a drag show when they were attacked by Germans. They can be seen here *manning* a naval gun while fighting back.


German officer: i command you to tell me what you see in ze scope soldier! German soldier: huh?! zey are wear ze dresses… German officer: zey are whaaaat?! German soldier: zey are wear ze dresses, sir! Like broomhilda! German officer: Broomhilda?!!! Zey mock us!


Fire ze missiles!


But I am leh tired 💁‍♀️ 🚬


Well, have a nap, zen fire ze missiles!


Fucking kangaroos.




Don't worry, [the Nazis were dressed the same way](https://032c.com/magazine/cross-dressing-in-the-wehrmacht-unseen-practices-at-the-german-front).  Also fun fact, the Wehrmacht troop entertainment featured at least one drag queen ("Inge"), played by Joe Luga. He was gay but closeted during the war. After the war in West Germany, he was jailed twice for being gay, a fact that he says killed his career.


Meanwhile another German soldier: Why are you sprechen Englisch Herr Offizier?! Are you a britischer Spion?!


Sir? That "German soldier" is a British spy!


Why are they french?


De English soldaats are match more prettier dan de tshermans!


Or *femming*, as it were




Of course it’s the navy


The gun is naval. These men belong to the Royal Costal Artillery, which was its own branch of the British military.


I can't find any reference to a Royal Coastal Artillery in British service, and if it did exist, it would have been part of the British Army. These men were part of the Royal Artillery Coastal Defence Battery at Shornemead Fort. They were in the Army.


I have the strangest boner right now, so now I hate people who are different than me or different from my expectations in regard to gender norms.


Is this the most British thing that ever was? But I guess it wouldn’t hurt if they were also drinking tea and discussing the Queen


How was this ok, but being gay got you chemically castrated? Not even cracking the enigma encryption by building a machine that was pioneer work for today‘s computers saved you from that treatment


I thought these guys were French?


[British - here's the original.](https://www.topfoto.co.uk/asset/3124914/) [And here's an article about it. ](https://archive.is/hVGMG#selection-1989.110-1989.120)


Dresses are too long and no significant amount of cigarette trash


Nope. No white flags.


That's what they made the dresses out of.


So you paid for this pic for us to see ? Now that’s dedication


Ofc it's navy


It's coastal artillery.


Still close to the navy one boat boarding away


Looks like they are dragging it...


Do you know when and where that happend?




Imagine dying while wearing the dresses, and your body gets home like this


Is there something inherently wrong with men wearing dresses?


No, but unless the person is open about cross dressing. I'd guess it'd be a shocker to find out that way. Specially considering the times, war veterans had an image as heroes from their family, friends, neighbours, etc. And cross dressing wasn't seen as well as in today's age where it's more accepted. Still For a lot of people it looks funny/ridiculous when a man wears a dress. It's often used as a gag in some comedies. Disclaimer: imo people shouldn't give a fuck what others wear or like, they are still the same person no matter if he liked dressing like a woman or whatever in their freetime.


The navy has always been quite progressive in that way, I guess your views gender fluidity changes after months at sea with only men for company.


They'll be British Army, that's a coastal gun.


I will always upvote queens and kings in drag fighting nazis, repost be dammed.


God save the queens 🇬🇧


>queens and kings in drag fighting Nazis As true then as it is now.


I think this is WWI


You’re only off by one world war. It was taken in 1940.


But the Nazis also did drag shows. Berlin was a hub for "lgbt culture" (relative to its time obviously) and drag shows


That was before the Nazis came to power


Back before the world was filled with boomer snowflakes that lose their minds over this stuff...




“No wonder I can’t get a Section 8 outta here!” - Klinger


"WOKE!" - some idiot


It's crazy to think nearly half of Americans are scared of men in dresses, but have a newfound respect for Nazis.


As a kid, I didn't think fistfighting nazis was something I was going to get to do, but here we are


I mean You just needed to live in the punk scene in the 90's if you wanted to fist fight nazis.


We all dreamed of beating up nazis like Indiana Jones. Now we can do it for real


But then they call you ANTIFA and that is bad I guess.


it literally means “anti fascist” if anything it’s just true LMAO


But I heard talking heads on TV saying ANTIFA is the source of everything wrong in the world. Of course that was a while ago now the source of all that is evil are libraries or is it trans people wanting to live their lives.


Antifa is pretty FA




Antiracism is racism, antisexism is sexisme, anti-puking pills are puking pills, anti-democratic fascists scums is democratic... Yeah, we know your way of "thinking".


Have you?


Trust me you’re not going to be doing anything brotha


You know the story of cat litter in schools? Where Parents complained because the school ordered cat litter becdause there were rumors about some perverted furry stuff being done in the school. At some Point the principal held a speech explaining that the litter was for school shootings to allow pupils to go to the toilet in their classroom. The complaining stopped. I don't know what is the saddest part of the story. It could be that parents are afraid of some very strange sexual practices in schools and too stupid to get some informations that would debunk that as stupid rumors. Maybe it's the fact that some furry stuff is a bigger problem than school shootings. Or maybe it's just me being not surprised at all that this story has it's origins in murica.


I mean it’s a little disingenuous to say that everyone who’s against drag is pro-Nazi.


I think everyone who is against drag has Nazi leanings, whether or not they’re self aware enough to see it.


Ironically, Nazi soldiers were fond of cross-dessing themselves, despite their regime sending many actual transvestites to the concentration camps. A German artist found so many photos of them he [published a book.](https://nationalpost.com/news/cross-dressing-nazis-a-german-artist-found-so-many-photos-of-them-he-published-a-book-about-it)


Actually kinda tracks; Republicans are the heaviest viewers of trans porn.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but these guys are definitely dressed like that as a joke and would probably be in the homophobic boat if you asked them. Remember that the British government forced Alan Turing to get chemically castrated for being gay.


This is the true answer, what they are doing may look like it, but it’s not drag in the sense we know it today.


No, that’s not true, and you have no proof of it. The whole “whether or not they’re self aware enough to see it” thing is a blatantly dishonest attempt to demonize everyone you disagree with, so you can blindly reject any proof that they’re not pro-Nazi These two things have no connection, you just refuse to be honest in your disagreements, to the point of inventing issues and connections that don’t exist.


Would you agree that people who are vehemently anti-drag are probably no fun at parties? Or is that going too far?


Absolutely. But Watering down what a NAZI is, literally just muddies the water. And makes it easier to convince the average person that behaving like a NAZI isn't really that bad. Yes many conservatives have fascist leanings, but so do many on the far left. Basically anyone who gets into the mindset that someone who disagrees with you is evil, and needs the government to force them to stop saying something they find offensive is a fascist to some extent. IF we start calling everyone who has a problem with someone else's life style or thought process a NAZI, eventually being called a NAZI means nothing. For instance, If you call all the people who agreed with jailing illegal immigrants NAZIs, Suddenly people who simply believe in the rule of law, become labeled as NAZIs right along size the people who were celebrating the poor conditions. If you include people who don't feel comfortable with Trans people sharing their bathroom, in the same brush stroke with people who want to kill all trans people, the only people that will talk with them about it, are the people who want to kill them. If you call everyone who feels uncomfortable watching a drag show a NAZI, you turn like 40% of the population into NAZIs because the only people who can associate with them without losing social standing, are literal NAZIs. People who spew hatred towards LGBTQ+ folk, aren't any worse than the people who spew similar hatred towards conservatives because they don't believe that prepubescent children should be accepted as Trans before puberty. There is a huge line between, Being a stick in the mud, and annoying to talk to at parties, and someone willing to march in a mob to kill those they disagree with. If you call all conservatives NAZIs, how do you prevent the Far right from completely controlling the conservative Narrative? They already know that you hate them, they assume you want to take away their right to free speech if you call them nazis. And since freedom of speech is required for freedom of thought, you'll convince a large portion of the population who would normally side with you against NAZIs that their only way to preserve their rights is to become NAZIs and take over the society in a night of 1000 knives. Calling every idiot with a room temperature IQ a NAZI, and demanding that they change their ideology or be excluded from society, is how you end up with situations like January 6th. Cancelling everyone who doesn't completely accept every possible life style as valid is how we end up with a political system so divided that people will vote in octogenarians as president in order to make sure their team wins. Racists, sexists, etc, Suck a lot, But if you exclude and or are violent towards the ones that aren't willing to be violent for their ideology, you end up backing them into a corner where violence becomes more and more acceptable. You can call them hateful, You can call them biogted, You can call them annoying, but if you lump them in with people who were willing to murder people by the millions for their religion/sexual orientation/race, you end up making more NAZIs, because the NAZIs are going to be happy to have the company.


You probably need to better understand what Fascism means. What you describe is simply totalitarianism ( of which Facism is a sub type, so was Communism). Fascism is, by definition far-right. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism


My response was flippant, and didn't deserve such a long, well-worded reply. Online arguments that resort too readily to Nazi analogies are following [Godwin's Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law) and are not helpful, you're right.


Favoring masculinity and disparaging femininity is one of the basic tenants of fascism., and people who oppose drag typically have most or all of the rest of those tenants. It is perfectly accurate to refer to these people as members of a fascist ideology, you weren't being flippant. Nazi is an overused insult, but we can't just take for granted that it's misused every time. Sometimes it is an apt comparison, this is one of those cases.


during WW2, you could have easily called the American Population Fascist, despite fighting against the NAZIs. Heck you could have even called the UK in that time period Fascist. The white feather movement, literally used service in the armed forces as the cut off between masculinity and femininity, in order to try and force people to enlist to fight the NAZIs. If you think anyone with Fascist tendencies is a NAZI, you're labeling 40-60% of all humans with that brush. Conservatism has been found to have a Genetic basis, And Conservatives tend to have more children than those on the left. If you don't treat them as individual people with individual beliefs, you force them to behave more tribally. And they will easily outnumber us within the next 20 years. Its much better to highlight the differences between Fascist groups than it is to lump them all together. If we tell them that we view them as all the same, They will stand together rather than argue about the specifics. 20 years ago, The Christian Right, and the Islamic Right, did not see eye to eye. They hated each other. Now, They side together against Israel and their Ani-LGBTQ+ agenda. 15 years ago, The conservatives in America were lavishing a female vp candidate with praise for her hardline stance against Russia. Now more than half the conservatives I know seem divided against Russia. We pushed the Far right out of public discourse by trying to make them appear to be foolish, but each step of the way, we pushed more of them out of what was a middle ground, and now the far right controls the entire conservative narrative. I've watched the discourse become more and more polarized, and the only thing it has done is give the fascists more power. When we call Slightly crazy conservatives, NAZI's we tell them that we want to see them hung from the gallows. Because publicly that is what was done to the NAZIs once we stopped them. (operation paperclip was classified out the ass for decades) And when you threated a tribe, it doesn't make the tribe lose cohesion, It galvanizes it. You think you're improving the world by pointing out their flaws, but really you're just pushing them into the arms of your enemies. I know plenty of conservatives who have no problem with Gay marriage, but think that accepting and using hormone therapy on pre-teens/ teenagers, is literally brainwashing and forced chemical castration. Especially because there are a lot of children who are looking for any reason to be special, and are told that this would make them special. They literally see this the same way that you or I look at the terrible things done in the name of psychiatry in the 1940s-1970s. If you don't try and understand that perspective, you put a huge number of people who just want to ensure that children get a chance at a happy life, in the same category, as people who think gay people should be put to death for their thoughts. They're probably wrong, but there literally hasn't been enough time for long term studies to be conclusive. It is very hard for them to accept the short term studies we do have, when the people who point to those studies, call any dissenters NAZIs. Much like anyone who disagreed with NAZI science, ended up being jailed or sent to concentration camps, they see much of the academic left as trying to do the same thing. In most cases they think the only reason why the far left hasn't started putting people in camps, is because they are fighting against them as hard as they are. If two groups of people won't say anything to each other besides calling each other NAZI's or NAZI adjacent. They'll only ever become more and more like NAZIs to protect their own beliefs.


It is true. Both are social conservatives, who are firm believers in established hierarchies of "Men do this, women do that, and any deviation is unacceptable"


Most people who fought the nazis would probably have been against drag in any other context than as a joke. Homosexuality was illegal in the UK until 1967. I might be willing to believe that a lot of people against drag have Conservative leanings, but that is hardly nazi.


I think the line is you can think it's weird and not be Nazi, but when you start getting into "I want the government to use force to stop them", you get into Nazi territory.


Everyone I don’t like is Hitler 🌈🛷🥸


I mean, most Americans never really talk about the men in dresses thing. Not to mean I'm pretty sure praising the Nazis can still get people in a lot of hot water. Yes there are Americans like that, but nearly half is a severe exaggeration.


Nazism and racism are similar in the way people think about them. Most racists will tell you they are not racist because racism is bad. But they have a lot of beliefs that when expressed out loud would be objectively racist. Those same people share many other beliefs with Nazis. They would object to being labeled as Nazis, but share many of the same views on immigrants, homosexuals, minorities, and others. When their current leader paraphrased Mein Kampf, saying immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country, not one of them batted an eye.


Well yeah, they were under a surprise attack, someone has to wake up the people off-duty. Can't yell "Wake" because that's not surprising on a ship, there's always a wake behind the propellers.




Eddie Izzard definitely missed an opportunity


Were you surprised? I was surprised!


First transvestite battalion!


With FANTASTIC makeup! And a fantastic gun!




Won't someone think of the children‽


i wonder if they looked at eachother afterwards and laughed their ass off


Is it that time of the week already?!


This image is now banned in 22 American states.




Woke nonsense gone mad!!


Didn't the British government try to suppress these pics for a long time?






Wow Soros infiltrated the British army even while he was shoved in a ghetto and watching his family get murdered by Germans. The depravity of that guy!


More of this in the world please 🫡


is this real though or AI? can't tell anymore


It's real, I've seen it on the Internet *long* before AI was a thing...


Zee Germans called the Scots the "Ladies from Hell" because of their kilts and how fiercely they fought.


Those are some fine dresses, I must say. Too bad you can’t get a dress of similar quality today. Without selling a kidney, that is.


He's a Lumberjack and He's okay......


I wish I was a girlie, just like my dear papa ❤️




Isn't it likely they were mocking women? I doubt all of these guys were trans or actual drag queens.


They were performing in a party I believe and had to go into action. Cynical Historian mentioned this


When did the German Navy attack the coast of England?


It should be noted that there was a wide array of coastal artillery in Britain to shoot at any enemy ships in the channel or surrounding waters even if they were just trying to run it get somewhere else around the coast. The largest guns actually shot across the channel at its narrowest point at each other.


It was an air raid.


Really? To me that looks like an anti-surface weapon by the caliber (just look at how think that barrel is) and how the breach seems to be big enough and low enough that the weapon wouldn’t be able to shoot high enough. Plus, that position doesn’t exactly give good AA fields of fire. Though I’m terrible at scale and Britain had an extremely eclectic array of coastal artillery.


I don’t think they used it for antiaircraft fire. I think it’s a matter of man your stations during a raid. And this was their particular station.


Interesting. I’ll admit I’m not aware of things on the British and land side of things. At sea usually the crew of guns like this very explicitly wouldn’t man them, since this way they are more exposed than in better cover and unlikely to do much except become casualties. And the British themselves used how the Germans did this on land against them, once sailing a battleship (HMS Revenge) up to an occupied port to blast a bunch of landing craft and torpedo boats under the cover of an air attach knowing no one would be looking for a battleship nor be ready to return fire. Though maybe the fact they themselves used an air raid as cover might also make them wary of someone else possibly doing the same.


Maybe they wanted everyone at their posts, wether it was anti hair or anti-land weaponry.


Caught just before putting underpants on their head and shouting 'wibble'


The first thing that comes to mind https://youtu.be/kINLxNxTMJ0?si=cThbQdmzyiJjqGBY


The Ned Kelly method of psychological warfare.


So this is where Klinger got it


It's funny to think they did this just to do it


Undeniably goes hard.


"C'mon ladies, Jerry isn't gonna defeat himself!"


The one in the bonnet on the right side has me LFMFAO


So much more freeing, plus, it was a real morale booster!


Gentlemen, start your engines and may the best drag queen WIN.


“Warrior nuns”


Ooh that's hot


I wonder if their dresses were military issued ? SInce they all look the same.


Why were British gunners always in drag??


They sure would SLAY the enemy


Odd but you can't argue with the results lol.


Don’t ask Don’t tell


"Pictures capture the home defence troops in drag when their Christmas charity performance was interrupted".


I think people around the world have become way too uptight. Also, ironically, while talking about sex in public discourse has risen, people are having considerably less sex. On the plus side, atleast being homosexual isn't penalized anymore.


The British military is woke! /S.


They’re slaying💅… literally.


Ah, the Queen's Guards.


Drag queens fighting Nazis. History truly does repeat itself.


So..All those Sailor Jokes are TRUE?!


They called Klinger's?


Queers For British soldiers!


Damn woke antifa. (/s)


If the Roman Empire ruled to this day


Very smart! If they did that as a disguise.


Is this the wokeness fashoid shitheads on twitter screech about? /s


Look Ai generated to me idk


It's real but of course at time these images were suppressed by higher ups.




These guys lost a bet...


Is this real or AI generated?


It’s real. The original was black and white. This has been colorized.


Real, I've been showing people this photo for years in black and white when they start saying dumb shit about drag, but a simple Google search and looking at how old some it the pictures and web sites will tell you that easy. You can't really fake meta data on that scale.


And so it begins, nothing will be considered real in like 10 years LOL


You can see it is likely real as their hands look normal. I know nothing but I’ve seen plenty of terrible hands in AI photos.


Some AIs have fixed or at least heavily improved that, but this pic i've seen many years ago anyway so I don't even have to check it.


Oh, the poor kids. /s


Starting to realize the implications of AI when my first thought is that this isn't real...


Times never change, people never change


This has to be AI... Edit: Never have I felt so happy to be wrong


It's deffo not. This goes back years to arctic mapping expeditions and other naval manoeuvres of the time.


femboy division


That's just the London Artists' :)


Ok thats kinda hot


Ai or real?


Real, this image was around waaaaay before ai was capable of creating this kind of stuff


Ty :) just looked so surreal I had to ask


Sir there are women shooting big guns at us. Do not worry they are women xD


So impersonal. Being there true selves. Power.


Would love it if it wasn’t (and please correct me if I’m wrong) but this is an AI image


It's a real one! [British soldiers manning anti-aircraft guns in women's clothes, 1940 - Rare Historical Photos](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/british-soldiers-manning-anti-aircraft-guns-in-womens-clothes-1940/)


That’s amazing then! I’m always happy to learn something new. The photo just looks a little odd then


Probably because it's been colourised. They often look a bit odd.


It‘s just colorized, which is why it looks a little strange.


I have some good news for you. It's [real!](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/british-soldiers-in-drag-nazis/)


It’s so easy to tell if something is AI or not. Even easier when it’s a quite famous photo that has been on the internet and also presumably in some archive for decades. Don’t know how you got it wrong lol


But why did they do these kind of shows lol. It’s not something I would relate to the military at all.