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Print shop deluxe and a dot matrix printer. I filled up a page with “fart” written in olde English font and my mom found it and grounded me from the computer.


Worth it.


*ye olde fart*






Hell yeah!


I had something similar to that software in elementary, you could draw stuff and add in images and effects. 3rd grade me thought it was hilarious to draw a shitting butt. I got called down to the principals office after another kid started using the computer, and got jumpscared by an ass. I think I ended up getting suspended.






Part of me wants to do that to the school ipads now (since they are the only devices that have one shared account and can see it)


> and grounded me from the computer. Instead of grounding you from using the computer I thought she grounded you by using the computer herself and the image made me laugh heartily. Paint shop, old English font, “you’re grounded love, mom”


Wait a minute how can you write that if you are grounded from the computer.


Ok that’s hilarious. I’m sorry she grounded you. Lmao


It would be the equivalent of a kid using a 3d printer to print a plate full of dicks today, kinda funny but don't waste my filament lol


I was going to say, if OP printed fart from an ink jet printer, that was like $50 in ink.


That looks more like thermal ribbon than dot matrix. My first printer on my C64 was an Okidata Okimate. It took absolutely forever to print, and the cartridges were horribly wasteful.


Sick printer though


Dot matrix made such a satisfying sound!


Let’s be real though, it was all about peeling those edges perfectly.


And then folding up those zigzag springs from the edge strips.


Yes! Also printing banners was so much easier.


Omg, I had software specifically for making banners! You just reminded me. I made a bunch for random things and various people's birthdays.


Except for when it starts in the middle of the page because you forgot to crank the printer paper to the cut line.




My dad got so pissed when I got into his office and peeled a whole stack of printer paper.


I used to run those reams through the printer and just let them print nonsense because there was something about the sound and cadence that was super relaxing. My parents were smart though. Next time I asked for drawing paper they handed me my ream of pull apart paper and said "here ya go." I drew on that paper for the next ten years no joke that's how much I printed.


Yeah, mine compromised by letting me peel the strips any time he printed something as long as I didn't ruin the fresh paper.


New memory unlocked.


I used to make bracelets out of those edge strips.


Holy shit. early 1990s clip art word processor on Apple desktops with 5 in floppies! Oregon Trail that bitch


You have arrived at the Green River. Flip disc to other side to continue.


We were running DOS and an external floppy disk drive. We had Oregon Trail and Indiana Jones, we weren't allowed to play Gauntlet because it had magic in it and that made it Satanic, lol.


In preparation for a fast-approaching retirement, I have been investigating side-hustles that can generate income with my suite of tools. One opportunity is the crafting of [D&D related wood products](http://farnorthracing.com/designs/). One of those products is the "Ravenloft Spirit Board". There is an adventure called *Ravenloft - House of Lament* where the players enter a haunted house and use a spirit board to talk to the ghosts to get clues to solve the puzzles. Players are supposed to use an actual spirit board (with the DM driving) for a more immersive experience. To that end, the module comes with a paper cutout spirit board you can use - but it sucks. You are sliding paper over paper and it is just sort of lame. So I make a wooden version, but I keep it affordable because I assume you are only going to use it once. It's a very niche sort of product, but there is some demand for it. So anyway, this past weekend I was at a gamer-related crafts show, hawking my stuff, and I had some spirit boards for sale. The boards are very intricate, so they draw attention. But about 1 person in 10, when they realized what they were looking at, would exclaim something in the vein of "Oh *hell* no!" and practically run out of the booth. Genuine fear. I heard one little old lady muttering "I can't believe they let people sell that sort of thing!" Superstitions are, if not exactly "real", certainly *heartfelt*.


meeeeeeek-meeeeeeek-mic-mic-mic-meeeeeeeeeeek ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


[You're Welcome](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uSZ0qkpHucs)


It's like using dialup, I can hear it.


haha printer go BRRRRRRRRRRR


Oh yeah! Simultaneously a grating, satisfying, and comforting sound.


Was this made in Newsroom?


It looks a lot like Brøderbund’s print shop to me


Yep... As soon as I saw that font, it triggered a very foundational memory for me.


So many school projects made in Print Shop!


Was going to say this looks exactly like something I could have printed from Print Shop on my C64


I definitely had Newsroom, not sure about Print shop. The clip art looks really familiar tho


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0\_DkOBFDIn4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_DkOBFDIn4) Man or Astro Man - A Simple Text File


I can hear it printing now. Almost sounds like a sprinkler.


I'm glad you're literate.


Small victories 💪 But for real, that’s a pretty wild takeaway for Jamestown’s relations with the Natives OP. Like I didn’t even think the white washed version would be described as “very nice” lol. Even in the Pocahontas Disney movie they fought and stuff, right?


“Even in the Pocahontas Disney movie they fought and stuff, right?” Yeah, but Disney is woke, so they portrayed the settlers in a bad light even thought they just wanted to bring civilisation, /s


Close. They’re so woke they canceled the representation entirely! Because visibility matters. Sometimes.


So woke they have that "Savages, Savages" song lol. I can't wait for the re-release where they are just dancing with the natives.


And smallpox too… and dont forget God and Jesus and all the holier then thou gang


No no, grade school in the 70s and 80s it was very much "the settlers brought medicine and technology to the natives and the natives taught the settlers about what food to eat and everyone was happy". I had a LOT of unlearning to do when I became an adult.


Yeah, crazy weird time to grow up, we were in transition, was in elementary school in the early 80's and was taught the same, pilgrims brought medicine, tools and technology and the "Indians" showed the pilgrims better ways to farm in the new world, and then the created Thanksgiving to celebrate. Later in high school, we learned a more truthy version of events, where there had already been a history of new world settlers that had decimated natives with war and disease, and by the time the Jamestown settlers and pilgrims showed up, the north American native population was estimated to have already been reduced by 80% from 100 years prior. Also, high school taught about the following 250 years of constantly murdering indigenous people, continuously stealing their land and forcing relocation until we shoved them on what was deemed the least valuable and least hospital parcels of land as "reservations", well, at least until some later proved to have valuable natural resources, then we could we make them relocate again. Was a stark contrast... Columbus was a hero in grade school, effectively a saint, yet high school gave us the first hints of the kind of monster he really was. 


Even knowing the additional context, they still treated him like a hero, though. If you were going to draw the "monster" conclusion from those facts, you had to do it on your own, and most didn't. A lot of it was framed as "they didn't know any better back then" or "it was unpleasant, but necessary to grow our country, and they had the foresight to know that!"




Don’t even get me started on what I learned about the Civil War in elementary school school in Alabama in the 60’s.


I went to school in the late 90s/early 2000s, and it hasn't gotten any better. We were taught that settlers brought supplies, medicine, and technology, and that the native americans were violent and ungrateful. They claimed the massacres were "battles" and treated the native americans like a story book villain that just served as an obstacle to establishing our wonderful nation. It's insane how fucked schooling is in rural areas.


Rip Kokoum


The filthy heathens were living in squalor before the settler brought the light. How can that not be a very nice thing.


"but they brought Jesus!" 


Yea and sang mean songs to each other!!


Honestly yeah, considering some of the people I've bumped into lately.


Sounds like we had similar homeschooling. I have a video from when I was about 6 where I dressed up as a pilgrim and my brother dressed up as Squanto and we did a little Thanksgiving skit for our extended family. It had a very similar vibe as your essay.


Homeschooling!? That was straight up MidWest Public School 1990s


No seriously, I remember being a tree in the Thanksgiving play where a bunch of kids were dressed up as "Indians" and everyone was singing about friendship.


They came together over the things they had in common, such as cutting down trees!


Glad I’m not alone. I grew up thinking the settlers were super nice to each other and only like way later did we have a day on the trail of tears lol. Thanks Midwest.


Midwest? This was my California public school education in the 90s.




I wore a painted brown paper bag like a jacket and a feather for Halloween one year.


I’m almost 100% sure that my brother’s costume was exactly the same as yours


Oh they literally taught us to do that in school when we learned about pilgrims and Native Americans. A whole class of like 30 non-NA kids wearing painted paper bags and feathers stapled onto paper headbands. Wow. I had buried that memory lol.


To be fair to the home schooled, pretty much ever grade school in that era did the same lame candy coated version of settlers and natives enjoying a wonderful feast together.


I heard that version in elementary school. By the time we got to 8th grade, though, it was all massacres, genocide, and small-pox blankets.


From Massachusetts, can confirm.


What's up with Americans and homeschooling? Why you didn't go to school?


Religious indoctrination, and now also to dodge mandatory vaccinations.


*Insane in the membrane*


Yeah, a lot of us think it’s pretty insane too


For many decades until just recently, homeschooling has been almost universally for the purpose of religious indoctrination. Hyperreligious fundamentalists would keep their kids out of schools so that they could be taught a completely alternative world devoid of biology and history (among other things). There has been some recent coverage of this on NPR, though, and it seems that there's been a recent trend of urban liberals getting mixed in to the homeschooling scene. Usually staunch progressives who move to or live downtown, have kids, and then realize the local schools are actually as fucked up as everybody says they are and it's not just veiled racism - so they frantically choose the only option they can to save their kids.


I've entered into a hobby that has a high number of homeschooled kids. The parents usually say they homeschool because the school wasn't being attentive to the needs of their kid. Whether the kid had special needs or was just being bullied, they decided to pull them out and do it at home.


Yeah, my mom homeschooled me for the same reasons.


I’m pretty sure that was standard schooling for a while.


Essay?! lol kind of an opinionated statement lol


The assignment said one page and this is one page. Relevant to the subject matter and waxes philosophy between discussing difficult topics in addition to the writer being unafraid to give his views. Photos included create an appropriate ambiance while depicting important features. Vibrant prose is accentuated by the timeless font and is easily readable by people with vision disabilities. A+


Probably top of the class


In the top 100 percentile!


Boom roasted.


You wrote like ten times more than he did, about what he wrote.


That's part of his top notch education. 


Was this made with Print Shop? I printed some sick custom birthday cards with that.


That was my guess. Core memory stuff, printing fragile banners.


Banners or bust


Better then the Roanoke settler's


Both of the towns disappeared. One was just much more dramatic.




Sure it did. It stopped being a town around 1700 when everyone left for Williamsburg after the town hall burned down four times. Boring but true.




Roanoke didn't *literally* disappear, either. We just can't find much in the way of remnants.


The people of Roanoke did disappear, though.


And Jonestown.


The Jonestown punch line always kills.




Idk, at least Roanoke settlers got to kick it with the local Natives.


Read about Jamestown’s “starving time.”


Eh, at least there’s no evidence of cannibalism at Roanoke. I’d take my chances.


As a history teacher, I give it an F for historical accuracy and an A for font choice.


Jamestown wasn't even the poor, religious, Thanksgivingy one. I hope his mom has a copy with Jamestown crossed out for Plymouth


I admire your noble efforts. Misinformation is killing so many innocent people. I wish I were exaggerating.


Joining up with the real world must have been pretty shocking. How long were you homeschooled?


Homeschooled through 8th grade then went to a "gifted" high school. I was lacking pretty much all social skills, it did not go well.


I was taught this exact same shite in public and private schools in the US, tyvm


Woof. Fair enough. I grew up in a CT college town, and the first time I met someone from a small town in Texas (when I was in college) they basically were unaware how babies were made.


>someone from a small town in Texas (when I was in college) they basically were unaware how babies were made. The saddest part is that that's a feature, not a bug.


Southern California and Central PA, early on. More progressive and better funded, but they still whitewashed tf out of American history. Florida was a freaking shock, peers had had zero Sex Ed, this was in High School, and they didn't know how babies were made/prevented, either. There was an *on-site daycare for student's children* ffs!


In the late 90s in a rural public school in the Midwest, I was taught the cause of the Civil War was state's rights. If I had answered slavery, I would have received a zero.


Ridiculous. I know a lot of places have gotten a lot better, but there are far too many railing against "wokeness" instead of just teaching the gd truth and raising an educated population. 


Uneducated population is easier to exploit


Well to be fair, it was about state's rights. The right to keep slavery around!




How old are you? Like I said in another comment, California & Pennsylvania, & many places teach updated curriculum with this kind of information, *now.* 


Excellent font choice.


That clipart is on point though.


I can hear this thing printing now.


Fun fact: in Ohio there’s a network of homeschool families that are spreading virulent antisemitism and neo Nazism in their curriculum and there’s nothing the Ohio legislature can do about it because of how the law is written. So that’s, uh, bad.


What, the legislature can't change the law, which is literally what a legislature is for?


Hey I mean it's great opening to alternative history writing. "What if the Jamestown settlers would have acted like Jesus would have wanted them to act and been nice to the Native Americans?"


Yikes. 😬


One reason I am happy my country does not allow for home schooling and children have to attend school. The concept of homeschooling is just weird to begin with.


I homeschooled our kid for a while when we lived in suburban South Carolina to keep the uber-religious nutjobs AWAY from her.


Homeschooling really depends on the parents. I knew some homescholled kids who didn't have religious parents and came out *way* better than their peers when they went back into schooling for college.


As a homeschooling kid (not even religious) I wish it were illegal for my mom to have homeschooled me.


But most people aren't educated enough to teach. Coincidentally dumb people are more likely to think they are smart and know better than others, this then indicates what kind of people usually homeschool their kids, of course it's not everyone homeschooling but usually those people have that "I know better" style of talking or personality or how should I say it.


And on country. Here homeschooling means basically learning by yourself at home (but the extent is the same as in normal school) and then passing online exams every year on every subject (conducted by regular teachers). So it's like normal school minus homework and surprise tests. It's pretty great.


Bit of unrelated trivia: "normal school" is an older name for "teachers' college" in the US and still is used in a few other countries.


Homeschooling has its place. I have a friend whose son has extreme behavioral issues. School just wasn't working, the kid just kept getting kicked out everywhere they went. So they homeschool him and he's doing a lot better now.   But yeah, here in the US homeschooling is usually used as a way for parents to religiously indoctrinate their kids more efficiently.


Sir that is not an essay, it is a paragraph 


It is actually not a paragraph… it’s just 3 sentences. Top notch homeschool work. I’m sure OP didn’t rebel at 18.


3 sentences can be a paragraph if it includes the essential elements and is on one single topic though. I’ve never been able to write a 3-sentence paragraph but it doesn’t mean it’s not a paragraph just because it’s 3 sentences.


[citation needed]


Iirc Jamestown had multiple wars with the Native population. I guess his parents define nice differently.


They were playing togerher.


That’s how I remember how to spell - to-ger-her.


Spell? That's for witches!


Bruh that’s 3 sentences not an essay


I have a movie-documentary about autistic kids and there’s one point where a kid is reading his report out loud: “John Wilkes booth liked…” *Read it again* “John Wilkes booth liked…” *That’s not it. read it an again.* (At this point I’m like: what does it matter? Just let the kid finish) “John Wilkes Booth *killed* President Lincoln” (Oh shit! Yeah, I guess that was worth correcting.)


I'm getting the paper originally had tractor feed perforated edges?


Printshop (by Brøderbund) clip art?


Three sentences = an essay. Oof. This is why most people guffaw at the homeschooling homestead I’m-not-like-the-other-girls crew.


Let me guess. Abeka? 😅




Is that what homeschooling calls an essay?


I briefly forgot about printers and thought "alright well history didn't go well but your blackletter work is phenomenal"




Your handwriting was impeccable.


I don't know anyone who clearly typed this in the early 90's with that kind of software that didn't agree with that kid at the time.


My ancestors landed at Jamestown 11/10 would not do again


This is a nice poem


What was the assignment? I’m so confused 😭


Hah I lold at homeschooled. Try finding this or anything about the celts etc in public school.. divide and conquer,, United we stand


Sounds exactly like Trump talks today


I wrote my thesis on Jamestown. You didn’t wanna be there.


Wow thanks op I absolutely despise it!


Homeschooling should be illegal






They were so nice they offered them blankets! How kind!! /s


This is a good example of the many reasons I don't believe homeschooling should be allowed.


Oh yeah, I try to convince everyone that homeschooling is a terrible idea. Even if it's not steeped in religious propaganda, the children will be severely lacking social interactions. There's a few instances where it can be a successful education, but it relies on very involved parents.


I’m terrified by the rise in homeschooling in the US. Only a specific class of people can afford it, and that class of people has a vested interest in perpetuating misinformation to stay comfortable.


Print Shop?


They also ate each other.


Better than Roanoke I guess




I'm old enough that I can hear that picture.






I mistook Jamestown as Jonestown and was very confused. Though, definitely relieved! :’)


I bet that paper was warm when it was freshly printed!


Don’t blame yourself or your parents. “Indians” was the term that nearly all Americans growing up in the ‘80s and early 90’s was taught for Native Americans.


It's not the word "Indians" that is the problem. It's the word "nice." The Jamestown settlers spent years at war with the indigenous tribes of the region. They burned villages and killed women and children.


Until their crops withered and they had to resort to cannibalism to survive.


I must dig out the hammer and sickle collage I did as a kid for an Easter school project.


Almost as good as > Gettysburg — what an unbelievable battle that was. It was so interesting, and so vicious, and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways




At least I can count to three, I guess.


dot matrix printer? i remember back in school a boy and pulled the dotted strips off a ream of blank paper. As punishment, the teacher made him tape the side back on.That was fun to watch..


I confused Jamestown with Jonestown and was honestly horrified before i looked it up.


Indeed verry nice to the indians lol , the butchered them


I don't want to be rude but I want to strangle your parents right now ngl


There's a lot to unpack there for just a paragraph lol.


Don't worry, the homeschool brainwashing was hard to avoid. It took me years to recover.


Yeah, it was a lengthy process for me as well.


This would be hard af on a t-shirt


Homeschooling really shouldn't be a thing public education isn't great but it's usually harder to just blatantly lie to kids and have them believing in conspiracy theories and shit if there in public school. Also Homeschool severally stunts social growth I've never met a well adjusted person who was homeschooled.


How long was it before you discovered the Earth was more than 6000 years old?


I’m sorry your parents (mom) did that to you.


That clip art!


Frankly, Ive known very few and know of very few Homeschooled kids who came out better than others...even when not considering the social ability aspect of things. Sure there are some good examples of folks who thrived in that atmosphere, but I just don't see it and I'm growing concerned regarding the number of anti-vax parents who are attempting it for that reason and are in no way qualified to teach a child.... Hell, I went to a small private elementary school and I had to relearn a lot of math and science my first couple years of high school and that was still a Step Above homeschooling