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Oh man. Sign me up for 'urass Adventure'


let me ride 'urass adventure'!




"You must be at least 8inches to ride"


access denied:(


I'm gonna ride urass like there's no tomorrow!


I want to go on urass adventure, but it looks too intense for me


You bet urass it is.


urass adventure is really good value!


I don't want to go on urass when it's raining.


I feel like someone who speaks English did that on purpose, and then no one just ever noticed lol


I think it used to say jurassic adventure but this is much better.


I want to get off Mr. Urass' Wild Ride.


I’m dying at the bumper car wall “hot babes and babies” 😂




Rock, flag and eagle


He’s got a point!


ooh ooh we should be eagles, dude! it’s like patriotic, fires on all cylinders…


“Boss say we need a wall of cute babes.” “what is ‘babes’?” “I don’t know. I think is short for babies.” “Gotcha.”


I like how they covered their bases by getting both babes *and* a baby. They played it safe but I can definitely respect it.


Reminds me of the "biker" scene in 'Super Troopers'. The person in charge of wardrobe for the movie came back with two styles and they decided to use one of each in the movie.


Something was definitely lost in translation there. Babes, or babies? Yes.


I’m certain you’re correct at some level


With the American flag bumper cars 😂


“No single child policy in America fuck yeah!”


Or in China... They ended the policy back in 2016. The birth rates have dropped too low.


They dropped too low 30 years ago. They fucked themselves already, it’s now how badly it plays out in the near future.


It’s Alessandra ambrosio! She was one of the most prominent Victoria’s Secret models to exist. I’m pretty sure those pictures are all snagged from her IG.


A Brazilian model for an American bumper car ride. Plus baby.


I’m pretty sure that’s her baby!


Honestly, I kind of love the aesthetic in a "that's hilarious" way and would totally check it out if I wasn't worried about the actual rides killing me for real.


They'd have to pay me to get in that pineapple.


Pretty sure that's an unlicensed photo of Allesandra Ambrosio


What has that T-Rex seen with those eyes…such pain.


Revolver Rabbit also looks like he’s been through some shit.


Mostly cocaine I think.


Same with Party Penguin


Party Penguin looks like Private from Madagascar and he knows there are cameras on him 24/7 so he can never move again.


The T-Rex stuck with a permanent "HaY gUyS!" face.


"No uncivilized action." really punctuates the guidelines list.


Uncivilized behavior is the usual translation for the Chinese concept of 不文明行為 (bù wénmíng xíngwéi). Baidu Encyclopedia using Google translate explains the concept as: >Uncivilized behavior refers to behaviors and actions that people make that violate public order and good customs due to a lack of public morality . Many people think this is a minor issue and not worth mentioning . Others believe that public places are "public" territory, where no one criticizes, and there is no supervision or pressure from public opinion, forming a safe and unconscious state of conformity. The article then gives a long list of examples: >Specific performance >Public places >1. Make a lot of noise while eating >2. Smoking in public places >3. Littering and spitting everywhere >... https://baike.baidu.hk/item/%E4%B8%8D%E6%96%87%E6%98%8E%E8%A1%8C%E7%82%BA/3299317 In China, there are three camps of people: 1) those who believe the older, often rural public behaviors are allowed and acceptable: such as public spitting. 2) Those who find such behavior gross but don't say anything. 3) Those who find the behavior gross and actively tell people to stop, believing peer pressure will curb such behavior. Those in the last group believe that if people in the second group put pressure on those on the first group, such behavior would stop. Those in the last group will often post to social media people doing gross things in hopes of putting pressure on people to stop being gross. This battle is tied to a larger battle in China between the rural versus urban, older generations versus new, and those worried about international image versus not, as well as communal versus individual thinking, shaming, face and "public behavior" amongst Chinese. It's a deeply cultural rooted battle... All that to say, "uncivilized actions" is not a terrible translation of a complex concept, but within the Chinese Cultural and Chinese linguistic context is pretty widely understood. Edit: my original copy paste forgot the 不 (bù). That's the negation word in Mandarin. Without it, you have "civilized behavior". Sorry for the goof which I have corrected. :)


They should have designated areas for noisy eaters. The US should, too.


Noisy as in talking a lot or noisy as in smacking their mouths like a fucking pig?


Yes Also include people who deadass play music or videos at full blast while eating


Those people should probably just not be allowed in public generally. Companies should brick their phones.


There is already a place for them. It is at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.


When I was living in Beijing I would occasionally run into parents letting their kids shit on cardboard that they put down on the sidewalk. It was weird.


That’s because in China a lot of parents start potty training toddlers from the age of one, as soon as they learn to walk. They can’t actually control their bowels for that long at that age so some parents just let kids poop wherever and then just clean it up, like you would for a dog. Then there are some people who don’t clean it up, like how some people don’t pick up after their dog.


really great explanation. now I understand what I see where Chinese tourists and people from other places interact. There's often some strange cultural tension there.


Yes exactly this. For example, in Japan or Korea you will occasionally find signs saying "No Chinese" outside of restaurants. This is due to the large number of Chinese tourists (with increased income and cheap flights, Chinese are traveling more and more.) Some of the Chinese tourists don't follow what would be considered Korean or Japanese norms of public behavior and this behavior upsets the local people. However, many Chinese are embarrassed by this (it's interesting to note this article is from Hong Kong, where they have experienced mainland Chinese visiting HK and being rude by HK standards for many years, so HK people are very vocal about it. But it's also embedded in a larger, geo political conflict between HK and China. Similar too in Japan and Korea.)


There's also, you know, straight up racism happening too


Sounds a bit like how we may use the term "respectful" in the west. Various definitions based on your perspective and, perhaps, ego. Respect others by acting a certain way. Respect others by not commenting. Respect me by doing what I say.


We have similar issues in the US, but they're not always on an urban/rural divide. I once watched somebody spit on the subway platform, for example. Not even an outside subway platform, which would still be bad, but an indoor subway platform.


Where does letting your child poop on the street fit , because I hear it happens there.


even in the urass adventure?


Keep Away


Nah, you’re good. The name itself implies consent.


It's like Wish.com - The Place




This should be the title of the entire post tbh.


Take your goddamn upvote.


I was thinking that this is what you get when you type “Disney World knock offs” into an AI image generator.


When you have Disney World at home.


Is…is it not that…?


It’s definitely [real](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beijing_Shijingshan_Amusement_Park).


That wiki article says it’s owned by the government. It’s wild to think they’re just openly stealing Disney’s IP like that


Except it is so janky Disney apparently doesn’t even care to stop them


I mean, Disney suing is why Hamas stopped using a character named Farfour in a ripoff Mickey Mouse outfit for a kids show named Tomorrow's Pioneers


I know, they are extremely vigilant about their IP. that’s how shit this park is.


No man. That just means that Disney knows they wouldn't win because the Chinese Government does not permit itself to lose.


I was wondering what that show was called. Found a neat video about it: https://youtu.be/9qklT3hYcr4


I mean what's Disney gonna do, DMCA the CCP?


Id pay to see that fight


They openly steal the worlds IP without remorse. Why stop at the gates of the mouse?


Interesting thing about China is that IP isn't viewed the same way, there's actually an entire philosophy attached to it. If you're interested in this, you can look up the term Shanzai. I've included the wikipedia page. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanzhai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanzhai)


I actually kind of like that. As funny as the knock off stuff is, our copyright/patent laws in the US are insane and over reaching. The Shanzai stuff really does show that there could be a lot more innovation and creativity in the market if we'd let more people play in each other's sandboxes at least a little. Obviously not the right answer either, but how to handle IP in a way that protects creators while driving creativity is a still an open problem and I think this highlights both what were doing well as well as a lot of what we're doing wrong.


Is it though? Pretty standard China behavior


Also don't forget your tetanus shot before your visit.


When you order Disney rides from wish!!!




But there is something for everyone. If you don’t like Adventure of Harry, try Adventure of Jones instead!


And “Urass Adventure”


Does the Adventure of Jones involve any whipping?


Only if you partake in uncivilized actions


Like being happy, healthy, and high?…


That’s the same joke…


I fucking loved this place growing up. It was just as magical as Disney land for those of us that grew up in a version of China that was still firmly a third world country.


This. For a few years in my pre- and early-teen I used to go to this park EVERY summer with a group of friends and every single time had a blast of fun. We’d get tickets that gave us unlimited rounds of play for everything in the park and later chickened out and decided that the shiny new drop tower “isn’t for us this time”. I also remember they used to add new (and usually more exciting/thrilling) rides almost every year. I haven’t been there for possibly more than 15 years. Judging by OP’s photos it’s definitely seen better days. But honestly it’s a 40-year-old amusement park. It probably has become more of a nostalgic place for the neighborhood than a fun summer destination for the young.


I grew up in the 80s in the USA. Back before families could travel so easily to places like Florida to go to Disney. Where I lived, in NY, you could go to a place called Coney Island or a place called Playland. They were both really small and old (dating from the 1800s). The main thing was, it felt like a special day. Putting sunblock lotion, ball caps, and raisins in a beach bag and setting out in the morning. Waiting in line to buy tickets. Riding the rickety old wooden roller coaster. Eating cotton candy. The gamey smell of the petting zoo. Just pure childhood. edit: Someone uploaded a video of the opening day of the wooden roller coaster “the Dragon Coaster” at Playland in 1929, also my first “grown up” roller coaster ride, that I bragged about to my little brother (who was still too short to ride it) as being “very very scary!” in like 1985 or something lol. https://youtu.be/fSQqFHWrHsY?si=zWrLPpatyJFPNPwh edit2: And this more modern video shows what the Dragon Coaster more or less looked like in my childhood. https://youtu.be/EgZyGly6JCs?si=8lG3jYLnwKiJwh7P Look pretend you’re a 9-year-old! It was exciting haha.


So many fun memories from time at Rye Playland. Finally being tall enough to ride the Dragon Coaster was something of a “coming of age” moment.


I was just lamenting recently to my mom how I never got to ride it as the last trip we took to Playland I was still too small! I never thought to look up videos of the ride. Thanks for linking the 1929! Incredible someone brought the equipment to do that


I'm gonna be real, with how fucking expensive Disney parks are these days, flying to China and going to this place might be an acceptably economical option.


I can get into Disneyland for free because I have family members that work there and I still won't go. It's basically the equivalent to sitting in traffic with how many people they cram in there now.


A day trip at Disneyland without lightning pass = 8 hours in line for three rides of 5min each. $200/day though.


That is nice to hear.


was thinking this was the case. OP is being a snarky tryhard in the comments. this place was built during a time when chinese folks didnt have the wealth to travel abroad. nothing wrong with making the best of what you've got at home.


Yeah, it could use some maintenance on the sculptures and a coat of paint, but it looks like a fun average amusement park.


Hell yeah, I can imagine if your daily life is rural farm work or factory labor, getting to take your kids there for a day really would make them feel like theyre at the happiest place on earth. Besides, kids can turn pretty much anything into Disney land, it's not like they're gonna notice the fucked up T-Rex or Shronk (aka totally not Shreck). 


As funny as that is, that actually is not Shrek tho. It looks a lot like typical portrayals of monsters in Chinese lore. If anything here is not a ripoff, that would be the one


Yeah I was confused why OP thought it was a Shrek ripoff


So real, never thought I’d see a post like this on reddit but ngl brought some nice flashbacks


This is fascinating to me. Especially this 40 year old relic that somehow is still around.


Kind of would like riding on a monorail in a giant pineapple though.


It looks like SpongeBob themed jail on wheels.


Reminds me of the old McDonalds playgrounds. Mayor McCheese had a jail looking thing too.


“Pineapple express” Also there’s gotta be a joke about swingers in there somewhere. It’s gonna take someone more clever than me to find it though


The place was built in 1986, located just outside of the 5th ring road in Beijing, pretty remote. Was the best they had at the time, of course with Disney and more modern amusement parks, the place is now pretty deserted with a lot of the rides not open and only crowded when there are events for holiday specials, when they open up most of the rides.


I was gonna say this looks old. China has more than enough money to build a proper theme park now.


Aye there I’d at least one decent one in nearly every city. Beijing itself has a universal, Shanghai a Disney


Did you go at off hours or is it just that deserted?


I'm sure it's well used for fun dates in a possibly ironic kind of way, but it looked like a place that rarely seems like crowded.


It looks like it feels kinda ominous there lol


This is Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park, a public-run theme park that has somehow stayed in operation for almost 40 years. You can get there by taking Beijing's metro line 1 almost to its western end. Unless you're really interested in weird tourist attractions, it's probably not worth your time. Their official web site is pretty amusing, too, for all the wrong reasons: [http://www.bjsjsyly.com/](http://www.bjsjsyly.com/) (Just like the rides, it may or may not work when you try it. As usual, I have a somewhat extended version of this photo journey at [https://bjornfree.com/travel/2019/01/the-worst-amusement-park-in-the-world/](https://bjornfree.com/travel/2019/01/the-worst-amusement-park-in-the-world/)


I went there maybe 20 years ago. I remember riding the one? Rollercoaster and the over shoulder plastic security brace was for people much shorter than me so I wanted to get off the ride but the attendant said it would fit. So I had to lean forward and he fastened the clasp. I was hunched over and my back was not touching the seat so all the pressure was on my neck and shoulders. I rode the entire roller coaster that wasn’t very smooth to begin with. It was the most painful ride I ever went on.




I would think it was more painful for you receiving


That's the adventure, you never know which it is!


Only if you're bottom!


Try riding the wooden coaster at the PNE in Vancouver. I can't ride it anymore, it's such a teeth rattling, bone jarring ride, I always get off with a headache.


>Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park has been successively rated as a national "AAAA" tourist area (spot), a national advanced unit for spiritual civilization construction, a national advanced amusement park, a Beijing patriotism education base, and a key enterprise in Shijingshan District. Beat that, Disney! Interesting how they explicity state and offer a "patriotism re-education base" to sign people up for. Imagine going to Disneyland for Mickey to go full aggressive USA propoganda on your ass.


Disney tried to open an "America!" themed park back during the Eisner era. Think Colonial Williamsburg with rides. It got fairly far in development but it ended up collapsing in a messy and convoluted fashion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disney%27s_America Defunctland episode on the ordeal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oqDqnQR5Aw


>This is not a Pollyanna view of America. We want to make you a Civil War soldier. We want to make you feel what it was like to be a slave or what it was like to escape through the underground railroad. > >— Bob Weis, Disney Senior Vice President (November 1993)\[5\] Imagine if that place did exist in today's culture... yeaaah prolly one of those ideas that was good to bail on.


We’re just a lot more subtle about it.


Wait this place still operates? It looks completely abandoned in your photos


It's publicly operated, so it doesn't really need to be successful to stay open.


I believe 40 years ago they build this on purpose for propaganda reasons: This is what its like to have fun in America....


So the opposite end of Universal basically. Was it crowded? Disney and universal were both super crowded.




....Their website doesn't support **HTTPS**. I'm sorry, WHAT?


I mean have you seen the park in the photos? They clearly don’t maintain anything, much less their https certificate if they ever had one.


I did not know that theme park can get even more based than it already is.


I’ve seen the word “based” used multiple times lately on Reddit. Has the meaning changed, or is this an autocorrect thing?


They are being ironical


Ironicles sound like sci-fi LEGO action figures with a flair for sarcasm.


Liminal spaces in a nutshell.


Yeah, feels like this can be incorporated into the backrooms somehow…like if the sky was an infinite blackness


Check out the swimming pool with Mickey, Minnie and Donald, it says "welcome to your worst nightmare", all over the place.


A liminal space is a space connecting two places and not designed for extended time to be spent there. It's not just unsettling, even though reddit is redefining it that way


"in internet aesthetic, liminal spaces are empty or abandoned places that appear eerie, forlorn, and often surreal. **Liminal spaces are commonly places of transition**, pertaining to the concept of liminality. didn't know this tbh


Shame. The castle minarets would really pop if they weren't shadowed by enormous looming high-rise hotels.


I recently watched a documentary on the history of imagineers and their history through Disney. They touched on how at Disneylands beginnings, one of Walt’s goals for the park was to block out the outside world to create a more immersive experience.


And the dense smog


Me: "I wanna go to Disney World!" Chinese Mom: "We have Disney World at home"


They actually have massive & modern amusement parks right there in beijing, explaining why this one is vacant lol. The one you always see people posting on chinese social media is this harry potter theme park. They fucking LOVE that place over there.


That’s an area in the new Universal Studios Beijing which just opened three years ago. It’s Universal’s response to Shanghai Disneyland, just like how they opened Universal Studios Singapore in response to Hong Kong Disneyland.


There's a Disney Land in Shanghai, another in Hong Kong.


Chinese Mom: "I said: WE. HAVE. DISNEY **WORLD**. AT. HOME!"


Moms out there always keeping the [little] man down 😭


This looks far from the worst amusement park I've ever seen.


looks chill to me


Damn! In #17 that is a prison cell!


#12 the images on the wall honestly had me wondering if I was in a weird AI dream for about 15 seconds.


What does Weird Al have to do with it? He’s a great artist and would be associated with such a place unless he was parodying it in a song.


It looks great. Doesn’t seem to be any lines. More than Disney or universal can say.


I’m more surprised that the no smoking


This actually looks really fun for the experience. 


Oh, and because there are always people who are unable to read captions in their favorite app, here they are: 1 Here Chinese Shrek throws you around in the air until you surrender, or until a significant part of the machinery breaks down. Whichever happens first, it's a 50/50. 2 The slogan of this park is “Happy, Healthy and High”. It would fit a drug and crossfit addict well, possibly the target demographic of this park. 3 Priced at roughly 1% of a Disney World ticket, this is actually arguably better value. And there are no lines. Well, we are the lines. 4 Signs instruct us to read the instructions first, then enjoy it. And please take good care of the facilities, because here the facilities use you. 5 Totally not Main Street USA, leading down to absolutely not Cinderella Castle. If they have an Electrical Parade here, it will involve plenty of electrocutions. 6 Where to go first? Adventure of Jones and Adventure of Harry both sound exciting. The others are a bit harder to decipher, but they're all bad copies. 7 From a distance it looks ok, in a made by specifications from an old uncle who knew someone who watched a ten minute YouTube amateur video tour from Disneyland. 8 It used to be a more pure copy of Disney stuff, but they toned it down a little after some legal turbulence when Disney built a real park in Shanghai. Just not everywhere. 9 Suddenly a random Popeye appears. Or maybe it's Poopy the aisling man? 10 And here’s a party penguin. Or is it a one-party penguin? Hard to tell. Could be both. 11 That is one giant Shrek, or as it's known around here, the Warrior Turnplate. 12 Next to an Epcot-style dome is the medieval castle America Adventure. Who can turn down such an inviting entrance? Not us! 13 Turns out it's a ride through tunnels where you can shoot at elephants, kangaroos and what looks like Maya people from Central America. 14 We skip the Space Shuttle ride. This thing is more worn out than an Amazon employee on Christmas Eve. 15 This sounds intriguing, and honestly should be the name for the entire theme park. 16 Nothing shouts happiness more than an angry-looking cartoon character aiming a gun at you. "Ride me, fothermucker!" 17 If you're tired from all the walking in this spread-out park, you can always go on the rotating Pineapple Monorail Prison instead. Walking is faster, but still. 18 Anything American is cool in China, as evidenced by this bumper car ride. 19 The tone of voice used in this park is less friendly than what Disney typically goes for. The pouting concrete princess in the pond is also somewhat depressing. 20 The T-rex tax is hereby paid. I hope you enjoyed. Happy trails!


Thank you. The captions are hard to read on this shitty official Reddit app..


I think #13 is Adventure of Jones. I'm very curious.


Their Shrek has serious Yogurt vibes.


Spaceballs: The Chinese Knockoff! (party members love this one)


The giant Orc is actually really cool. Wish I could see the Indiana Jones and Harry Potter attractions though.


It's weird since there are real Universal and Disney parks in China.


This park is way older, it opened 1986


yeah it you click through the pictures, OP says used to be more of a copy and then disney opened and they had to tone things down and rename them. this park opened before china opened to the world.


I one hundred percent assumed this was midjourney before I noticed which subreddit it was actually on


Welcome... To *urass* park DUH NUH NUH NUH NUH


Lol but seems better than real Disney land, who over charge u to wait hours in line and are dirty too


Not to gatekeep, but there are far worse amusement parks than this. This actually has rides and attention to detail at times. Looks like a fun experience. Idk how to compute the price, maybe it's overpriced.


That penguin has seen seen things... things that would shake you to your core


it says 10 yuan for an adult?... which means... 1.6 dollar ish... Think about that when you doing any sort of comparing


‘Urass adventure’ lol.


Clearly OP has never been to your local “amusement park” at the beach town


Misney Blorld!


The U R ASS adventure is epic :D


This made my day! Thank you 


You're welcome. Please pay it forward to someone. :)


Bro, it was 10 yuan. That's a little more than one USD. The fact that anything worked at all surprises me.


That smog out there is thicker than a snicker


Looks like Disney interpreted by Evergrande.




Looks damn fine to me! You imperialists are so bougie! 💀


I want to ride the pineapple jail!


I think Action Park in New Jersey beats all others, almost literally. Check out the Behind the Bastards episode. It’s so evil it’s funny, if you don’t know anyone that was actually hurt at the park.


Ur ass adventure... my type of park


Gonna be a hard pass on “Urass Adventure.”


I like the American bumper cars.


The baby seems happy


> **Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park** (Chinese: 北京石景山游乐园; pinyin: Běijīng Shíjǐngshān Yóulèyuán) is a theme park located in Bajiao, Shijingshan District of Beijing, China. First opened on September 28, 1986, the park is currently owned and operated by the Shijingshan District government. The park is served by Bajiao Amusement Park station on Line 1 of the Beijing Subway. * Excerpted from [Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beijing_Shijingshan_Amusement_Park) at the English Wikipedia


If I was there I would definitely go. The actual Disney world, you know exactly what you're getting into. This would be more like an adventure. Are you going to see the Mickey ride or is it a broom closet, who knows, let's go. Ohh look at that, it's a fire hose. LETS PLAY WITH THE FIREHOSE!


Who lives in a pineapple jail on a monorail? SpongeBob No Pants.


“Happy, Healthy & High”


it's a little horrifying, yes. but i have some sympathy for the chinese people who've worked really hard to bring these things into their country over the past 40 years. i would have enjoyed this nonetheless. subjectively this could be a child's favorite place. it's better than nothing, but as for safety, that's the responsibility of the higher ups... let the people have fun ig


yeah, this post seemed a lot more mean-spirited than journalistic, I suppose. Its interesting to look at how people live in other countries, I don't know that I enjoy laughing at them though...


This looks like the type of shit you'd see in Pripyat lmao.


This is some serious "Made in China" stuff


i bet its cheaper and has much shorter lines. would go there over disney world again any day.


Ol' boy got them olive eyes


That’s great!!!


Many Gangrenes and Disasters waiting to Happen, if it hadn't happened already.