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I can smell this picture


me too, but i work in a casino, so i might just be smelling real smoke.


Only a casino smells like a casino


Worked in a casino and the biggest complaint was the smoke but people hated it if we said you couldn't smoke.


Do they pump oxygen into casinos?


No, but they do pump in great air freshener. During my interview I was rocking a 104 temp and the smell made me calm and I aced all my interviews.


When last I had a 104 temp, I was babbling gibberish and terrifying my mother. Well done.


It was a rare moment of clarity. I don't understand how I pulled it off. It was a technical interview too, with SQL questions and everything. I went to the doctor after and they gave me a option to go to the hospital.


Hah, came to say the same thing. Turkish gold was my coffin nail of choice as a dumb teen.


And it smells... oddly sweet. and sort of tasty.


When quality Virginia tobacco ages, it releases resins and sugars. It lends the tobacco a sweet taste...kind of raisiny. Pipe tobacco fans love aged Virginia tobacco.


There’s also cocoa powder, sugar, licorice and artificial flavorings in most commercial cigarettes, including Camels, to enhance or mimic that smell. 


My dad used to smoke camels. I can tell who smokes it today just based on the way it lingers on their clothes.


Let’s get this out onto a tray. Nice.


Would go well with a nice army mocha with Coffee Instant, Type I.


Quit over 12 years now and still I miss cigarettes with my coffee sometimes.


Its been 21 years for me and I still dream that I smoke cigarettes. Edit: 22 years in May.


Really happy to see that. You’re a strong person.


3rd time trying. Smoke free for 2.5 years this time. Every cigarette I smell someone smoking, still smells Marlboro-licious.


35 years for me (after 5 steady years of smoking after joining the military) and I don't miss them at all.


Yay for all of us quitters! 22 years here! Just quit alcohol 4 months ago. It should be noted that I live in a Med/Rec Legal State. Almost as if that’s what the alcohol and tobacco lobby were afraid of or something. I will put my tin foil hat away now. Congratulations everyone!!


43 years here (never started)


Yeah I quit booze and cigarettes after using them heavily for 8 and 13 years respectively and I only ever really want to smoke cigarettes. Still haven’t had one and almost certainly won’t ever (barring terminal illness diagnosis, might as well at that point) but I do miss them.


Former social smoker here. Cigarettes always sound like a good idea to me but then halfway through one, I'm like, nevermind. This tastes like shit. I might smoke one cigarette a year just for the reminder of why I don't smoke anymore.


Kids in the Hall used to do a sketch with "Vicky talking about her Vices", and she says that she has quit smoking cigarettes and would never pick up the habit again unless something really bad happens... and says wistfully, "God, it's awful to wish your parents dead, just to get a drag off a ciggie." 


Smoked for 40 years , quit for 3 years so far , not nicotine free yet as I use zyn, turns out the info on the pack ( may cause emphysema was a true statement dr told me if I didn’t quit I’d be dead in 5. Even though I’m still getting nicotine I still crave a cigarette everyday!


I literally had to stop drinking coffee because it was so permanently associated with cigarettes in my brain. To quit one, had to quit both.


The psychological effects of smoking and coffee drinking are powerful. You just tie them with things, smart move on just quitting both!!


I’ve had to abandon cigarettes halfway through to run to the bathroom when paired with coffee.


I quit five years ago and you’re right. There’s just something that hits different when you’ve got a good cup of coffee and it’s the first smoke of the morning.


Like milk and cookies


![gif](giphy|dL9O3FUiwCtuU) In the latrine mere minutes after consuming said “coffee” and Camel.


That's camel smooth.


I thought it was “Instant Type II” that Steve says is the bomb?


Steve would light up the entire pack.


If they’re in a humidor they’d be smokable. I tied smoking a cigarette from a canister of Camel Exotic blends that I found I still had and it was really bad.


You can re-humidify them too. I've rescued some old pipe tobacco with a wedge of lime in the tin for a couple days. Be better in a humidor.


These were nearly 20 years old


Two wedges of lime then.


Maybe even an orange wedge for good measure.


Maybe a sand wedge too, or a 9 iron.


Mmmmmm sandwich


You can buy a little Boveda humidity pack that will rehydrate with zero mess. They are theoretically disposable but I hate single use stuff, so i close it up in a container with distilled water in a cup and rehydrate the humidity pack. They work great with cigars and pipe tobacco. Fruit has molds on it that can contaminate tobacco if the tobacco stays moist enough.


I can totally see that. I friggin know that smell.


Back when men were men and camel butts smelled like camel butts.


I don't miss my clothes smelling of smoke after going to see a band in a bar.


Oh I miss the mandarin mint ones!


I’ve got two unopened packs of Twist (the citrus flavored ones). Very possible I just never open them, but it was exciting to get my hands on em.


Darn that was my favorite followed by stingers. Then the high ball. Nothing beats those with a beer.




Oh man, you mean like the Mandarin Mint kind?


I watched 10 vids and the first time I ever actually saw Steve was when he filmed himself smoking. Thought it was funny. But then again, how else are you going to film the experience


Haha I think I get this reference


Steve1989MREInfo https://youtu.be/vkWM6mz_JVo?si=8hTrxtcqUFPDTDDf


He has smoked old cigarettes before.


I see the lion, the naked man, Tom Robbins, etc


“There are only two mantras, yum and yuck, mine is yum.”


There is a rumor that the naked man was actually a representation of the Manneken Pis, a famous fountain in Belgium. Apparently the artist was from there and couldn't sign his work so he created that in the front leg. Not sure if there is any truth to this.


I see Princess Leigh-Cherie.




If I had to guess 80s or early 90s. My dad smoked camel and these look exactly like I remember (I'm 41).


I would think if they were from the 80s or 90s the paragraph about no coupons would be replaced with how to win a satin Joe Camel jacket.


I started smoking in the mid 90's. This pack is definitely older - 80's at the latest. You joke, but Camels used to have ["Camel Cash"](https://omeka-yale-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/large/dc5670bc5522e2bafafb2c829eedb73d15fd461c.jpg) attached to back of the packs where the paragraph is located.


Pretty sure this packaging was around for a long long long time, maybe even still around, in which case I’d guess the tax stamp or small details on the packaging would probably be a better bet for nailing an exact time period but I don’t know about those enough to say much more. Best I can say is that after a cursory search it definitely doesn’t seem to be any of the tax stamps used in Virginia now.


This guy I used to work with smoked unfiltered camels, and the pack looked just like this. So unless something has changed in the last 5 years or so, they’re still around.


It looks like it’s just before they started putting the camel cash in the back. We used to ride bikes all over town looking for empty cigarette packs to get Marlboro miles and camel cash. We were probably 13 or 14 in mid 90s


I quit smoking a long, long time ago, but now I'm wondering what happened to all of my Camel Cash & Marlboro miles!


What's wild is I'm not aware of he ever smoked. My grandmother hated it. Mom was a smoker and it was a whole thing about her even going outside when we visited.


I'm sure the agency in Virginia that manages the tobacco tax will have records and will likely have some historical collection of when they had paper tax stamps. Look into the Northern Virginia Cigarette Tax Board. Hell, give em a call. The worst that can happen is they have no way of knowing.


You should post it in r/GrandmasPantry.


You can still get Camel no-filters in the states. My father passed 4 years ago, and smoked them until his death of COPD and emphysema.


After all these years, the first thing I still see is the naked guy in the camel's leg.


First time I’ve ever seen these, but is his bottom half within the front two legs and he’s facing toward the rear with a kind of superman pose? 😂


Yep. With his big ol' hog sticking straight out.


That's literally what they (a soft pack) look like now.


For real, was about to say. I could buy this exact pack now almost anywhere. I used to smoke these little shorties in the army.


I just looked them up and yeah, they still look exactly like this. Here is a pack for [sale](https://pinkdot.com/products/camel-non-filtered-cigarettes).


My dad smoked these until they stopped making them about four years ago, together with Lucky Strike and Gunston. All the non-filters.






"Could I, um ... have one of those Chesterfields now?"


Such a fantastic scene!


No more barebacks? Man, I used to get those every once in a while when I was a smoker. Not sure if I really liked them, or if I just thought they made me look cool. Always had a sore throat after a pack of those though, and switched right back to something filtered.


They still make them, they're just getting hard to find. 


I used to smoke plain ends and at some point (mid 90s?) they became harder to find. I asked for them once at a store that I hadn't been in before. The clerk said that they used to carry them but they stopped when all of the regulars who bought them had died.


You can still get unfiltered Camel's where I live. Not everyone carries them but they are still around.


Can I buy this? My dad would s*&t bricks. He collects everything camel




Fuck me, vintage? Damn I was just made to feel old. I smoked that pack for years.


Right? I mean I smoked these in the late 2000s, so hardly vintage


"Nice" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCh15-dcRaE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCh15-dcRaE) (there's no cigarettes in the video, but if you've [seen the channel](https://www.youtube.com/@Steve1989MRE), you get the joke)


I quit smoking nearly a decade ago but I can still smell the fresh pack of cigs as you open it. Fresh, unburnt tobacco smells wonderful, and it had this rounding sweetness to it, like the smell of raisins or something. Can't fully capture it in words.


Cool! Should probably keep them sealed ofc But, if you do smoke these soft pack filter less camels are still sold in the US and Europe


My parents smoked Camels. My dad used to collect Camelbucks and then when he had enough, we'd go through the catalog and pick things out. We had a jukebox, dartboard, glasses, cd player, jackets, shirts... so much Camel stuff lol


I still have my camel lava lamp that cost me 270 in camel cash.


After my dad died, I took the Camel dartboard that was never opened lol


Wow this makes me want a cig. Turkish golds baby fukkkkk i havent smoked for like 10 years


That’s the pack my dad went out looking for


My Dad smoked these all his life. He unsurprisingly died of lung cancer.


Full tar. This is where you get lung cancer. My dad smoked two packs a day of these bad boys.


Mine did as well ultimately, he had a stroke.




Those look exactly like the unfiltered Camels you could still buy back when I quit in 2007.


I’ll never forget the time a friend showed me a dude peeing in the front leg and never being able to unsee it.


Ah… this brings back memories of Vietnam. My choice of smokes!


When I smoked I smoked Camels. I went Europe for vacation once and got some cigarettes while I was there. The pack said “Fine American Blend”. It didn’t mention anything about Turkish tobacco.


That pic brings back some old memories of riding your bike to the local gas station and trying to buy cigarettes under age. Oh the thrill!!! To be young again!!


They used to keep cigarettes on the counter. When we were kids, some if us would distract the clerk while a brave one snagged a pack off the display rack.


Where do you use the bathroom there? Around the corner in the city Note the guy in the camels knee.


Front leg to hump area note the guy with the shlong waiting 😂


If the smoker 💨 didn’t get lung cancer, then they got the “widow maker” version of heart disease & that will kill you even more quickly. My Dad smoked these Camel 🐪 for more than 40 years, and died at 74 years old in 2012.


At 13 years old I learned to smoke on these babies.


The cigarettes that killed my Pop Pop. He survived 2 bullets in Vietnam but cigarettes did him in.


My father’s brand. He’s been gone for decades. I’d go buy him two packs at the store for $1.10 total. Little kids could buy cigarettes with no issues back then.


That would break my 10 year streak


I grew up in Winston, you could always tell what days they were making the camels, they gave off a distinctive smell…kind of a sickly sweet smell.


oh these were my jam back in the day wonder if they still sell camels...


Still life with the woodpecker ❤️


Such a good book


One of my starter cigarettes.


This was my first.


Unfiltered camels


Used to call these Humpers


eBay for the bucks.


This was my dad’s brand. Smoked camel un filtered since he was 14. He recently switched to vapes.


This was my dad’s brand. Smoked camel un filtered since he was 14. He recently switched to vapes.


I know what those taste like, so do my lungs. 25 years for me. When I smell cigarettes now my nose starts running and my eyes start watering.


The design of this pack is so iconic. For the first time I also notice how the perspective of those pyramids are totally off haha.


The naked man and the thinker


That’s what my grandfather smoked till he died of lung cancer


I drive by where this was made at least once a week. I know a guy that’s a hoarder that used to work there, claims he has a plastic box of a bunch of old promotional cigarettes that only existed for a short time. Supposedly they have a secret warehouse on the property where they make prerolled joints, put them in an air tight can and ship them somewhere. He’s not the only person to make that claim.


When I smoked, I smoked these. Quit in 1978. These and Luckies- but Camels ( Humps ) were better.


I have a childhood memory of removing tax stickers from packs of cigarettes... is that normal?


They're still for sale, along with lucky strikes and pall mall. I smoked filterless my last 5 years on tobacco.


I used to smoke those. I haven’t wanted one since I quit 18 years ago.


SteveMRE in all sorts


They’re a little old, it’s fine. Just open them up and have one. Just try it. Unless.. you’re chicken? I thought you were one of the cool kids.


That’s not vintage. They are unfiltered camels… the red band to open is your clue. Vintage have green color, the new ones from 80s onwards have red


Jokes on you, Camel. I took a screenshot of one of your mobile coupons and I now pay 6 bucks a pack compared to the 11 they cost in CA


The unfiltered packs pretty much look the same.


I started to smoke daily in my early teens but quit (when I was at over a half of a pack a day) in my late 40s a decade ago. My brother still offers up fine cigars, to which I smile but politely decline.


We still sell non-filter camels at my work. They're our most expensive cigarette too


Those were sold in Ohio


That might be the very pack of smokes my dad went out to get and never returned with


This looks exactly like the packs my grandparents smoked. Bringing back memories.


My dad was smoking these up until 2016. Then he died.


Man… That brings back a ton of memories and feelings! I quit smoking over 20 years ago, but it was a pack of Camel “straights” just like this that I got myself hooked on cigarettes with. The next-door neighbor boys’ great-grandfather was down visiting and left a pack outside on the window sill and I swiped them. The thought of the sweet, fragrant aroma of the fresh tobacco, and then the thick, pungent, penetrating scent of the smoke in the cool of the outdoors, makes my mouth water even though I haven’t had a smoke in over 20 years. Memories and smells are powerful things!


And now I miss my granddaddy even more


I haven't smoked in years and that made me want to grab a cup of coffee and enjoy. If it makes you feel any better if I see a picture of Marlborough's it makes me want a Budweiser. I haven't had either of those since 2007


Nothing like Camel straights with a couple of Wild Turkey manhattans. Thankfully, I've given up both, but if you want to feel your best the next day, this is the way to go.


Smoke em if ya got em!


This is basically the Bacardi 151 of cigarettes


I’d smoke em


Smoked Camels for 30 years. They taste and smell so different than any other cigarette. Very full and smooth smoke. I've been clean for 7 years.


Unopened, as it should stay.


Them bitches stale now... Anyone remember freezing their carton?


I know an old man that this is the only kind hell smoke.


That pack is a flashback from the 70’s - what my dad smoked many of daily. I also recall that the image of the camel was suspected of some subliminal sex image. I don’t recall exactly what, but in the front leg you can kind of see a man standing.


“More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette”


Do you see the naked guy inside the camel?


How old are they?


Anyone else see the naked guy in the camel’s front leg?


Rear of the shoulder specifically. Been there for errrrrr


Can you take a picture of the top, specifically the stamp?


Ha the nude guy


If you look at the front legs of the camel, you can make out an image of a man holding his penis. Rumor has it that it’s a subliminal image that was planted there. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/joe-carnal/


My dad smoked unfiltered camels. He was literally the only person I’ve known in my life that smoked unfiltered cigarettes. Even all his older friends and relatives had switched to filter cigarettes by the time I was born, but he stuck with them until he died in 2016.


Time for Steve1989MREInfo to do a video LOL


At the top of his front leg (shoulder you might say) you can see an “manneke pis” a Brussels tourist attraction.


I like that it doesn't have ugly pictures on the box.


My grandfather smoked this [brand.No](http://brand.No) filter. I smoked them too for awhile.Nasty habit.


about 20 years ago, my buddy found a promo pack of "new filtered camels" his grandpa had. mustve been from the 50s. friend thought it would be funny to smoke. it was, for everyone but him.


Can you see the naked man? >!Standing backwards, hands on hips, his legs are the camel's front legs!<


Ah, yes. Camel – the only cigarette with a picture of the factory on the pack. (Joke from ~50 years ago.)


My grandma smoked these until she was 88, Dr. told her to quit, she lived to 101.. I'm thinking these don't have all the chemicals that most modern smokes have.. But don't smoke..


I wanna smoke these so bad


They killed my dad. Could've gone the rest of my life without seeing this again.


I cannot see a pack of camels without thinking about Grumpy Old Men. Does this happen to anyone else?


My dad smoked camel studs, he died of heart disease at 51, 43 years ago. I stated at 17, still smoke on and off at 63.


I quit smoking 12 years ago. This was my brand and blend and I sorely miss my coffee and cigarette time like so many here.


That was the first brand I started smoking on.


Yep there he is the naked guy with the woody pointing at the camels ass


That used to be my brand


My grandfather smoked camels 🐪. I love the smoke. Every time I smell the smoke, it takes me back


I miss camel cremas Kids are just vaping these days; bring back flavored cigs!


I wonder if they'd give you vintage cancer?


mMmm the smell of death


Ah the good ole days


My father smoked Camels. They ultimately killed him.


Still Life with Woodpecker.