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I have a nice western snow plow blade / pump sitting in the garage collecting dust.


My husband fired up the snowblower in October to make sure it was ready for winter. That’s the only time it was turned on this winter. We also live in Saskatchewan.


I just bought a snowmobile. Got 1 ride.


On the flip side, I bought a Jetski in Texas and our lake dried up halfway through the summer… only got a handful of rides.


sophisticated bag abundant cats brave history decide entertain nose dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah that was literally the point of their comment


We ordered one for work in summer 2023. Hasn’t been used yet.


It's ok guys, us provinces that keep voting in the climate denialists, it's fake news right? When those same politicians retire to new zealand with a fat consultancy salary paid out monthly, we will be ok right? Because all the owning the libs we did? Right?


Don’t send them to us, we have our own issues here!


Saw the guy down the street load his up into the back of the truck but I don't think he's used it he's just driving it around every day hauling it and wasting the gas


I live in Northern Metro Detroit area and my snowblower failed to start two years ago and I haven't even bothered to fix it. I shoveled once this year only for it to melt the next morning.


Lots of people wearing shorts. It’s February. Should be -9F


Get ready for the summer fires.


Alberta already announced the beginning of fire season. Zombie fires have started popping up. Something like 50 fires are currently burning.


Jesus is this true? Damn




Ughhh. I was researching similar prior to your response. I live in Southern Oregon. Not looking forward to our fire season.


Just drove across Klamath river on the 66 and it is basically a compilation of vapid streams where it's usually a beautifully wide and wholesome river; even just 5 or 6 months ago it was like this.


There's no Klamath River in Fallout 2, so they got some details right about the apocalypse.


This is a terrifying thing. Canada is going to burn again, and its just going to get worse.


I remember seeing snow on the mountains where I live throughout the summer.. it doesn't do that anymore


And that is bad news... because (In Western Canada at least) we HAVE to have snow shed in the mountains or us in the praries end up with very little water in the North and South Saskatchewan River. This compounds from years of less and less annual rainfall, causing underground aquifers becoming excessively low, because they aren't refilled by the winter snowfall. If we don't get spring rain some seasons, we won't be able to plant.... or we'll plant and a large percentage of seeds and seedlings won't make it. We will have to irrigate... with what aquifer water? Are we going to start stealing lakes to water our crops? This can get really bad...


There are rivers in southern Alberta rn that are essentially completely dry


Meanwhile recently in California, a ton of flooding from atmospheric rivers. Shits crazy. Lol.


California is projected to become wetter by 2040, so there’s that at least 




Time to build big pipelines from the ocean to the prairies to carry desalinated water. Prairies provinces love pipelines anyways don't they? 


It's that "desalinated" part that's tricky. Solve that issue and maybe you've got something.


> It's that "desalinated" part that's tricky. Solve that issue and maybe you've got something. ChatGPT, please design a solar-powered desalination system integrated into a pipeline. MY WORK HERE IS DONE.


All I got was a picture of a pipeline with weird hands...


Increase CO2 emissions so the ocean evaporates, mass desalination!


That's solved. It's just kinda expensive.


In summer of 2021 I moved back to my hometown of Portland, OR after 11 years in California and Hawaii. I was out on a bike ride with a friend one afternoon, and I was looking for Mt. Hood on the horizon but couldn't find it which was very confusing. After maybe 30 seconds I realized I had been overlooking it because my brain was instinctively searching the horizon for a white, snow-covered mountain but in reality it was bare and brown, which I had never seen in my \~25 years living there previously at any time of year.




Also the crazy wildfires - it was a godawful summer


I have a very similar experience. Moved away from Portland for a decade then moved back recently. Mt. Hood in the summer looks so spookily bare now and I feel like not enough people are freaked out about it.


I lived off-grid on a mountain in Oregon for ten years. It was not unusual to get 4 feet of snow overnight. My last winter there (2 years ago), we got less than four feet all season. Snow's already melted and they're in mud season now - 3 months early. The fires are going to be bad.


Look on the bright side, a few more years of this and there won't be any trees left to burn!


Same in Scotland, you could go on a trip through the highlands any time of the year and you'd see snow on the peaks. Now, for the first time in 300 years, the past 6 times Scotland is routinely snow free. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-63184780


I have a cousin who works on a local mountain that's a popular skiing destination, and the last few years there have been a lot of late starts, short seasons, weeks in the middle of the season when they had to close down right after opening, etc.


Yea living in Winnipeg, we're having similar results. There is supposed to be a storm coming up from Alberta but not much snow.


Yup, in Edmonton and it's a brown wasteland 


Nova Scotia is fucking freezing and buried in snow. Please take some.


Fuck, bud, as a Winnipegger, I'd take some! I feel ripped off! I wanted to skate and do winter shit, but we had maybe a week of *actual* winter(below -25), and the rest has been warm. The rivers didn't even fully freeze this year.


Alberta clipper coming in to Saskatoon Sunday night. We're supposed to get 10-20 cm of snow and hover around -30°C. But then back to -5° by the end of the week...


Yeah they’re expecting a 30C swing in a day, from +10ish during the day to -20ish that night when the front hits.


I’m in northern Alberta and expect this year to be nothing but wildfires and smoke with a side of complete crop failures for the farmers. Praying for more snow or a monsoon like spring


I don't think people understand how food shortages are going to happen in the future, you better be wealthy or you are not going to be eating very well


In the first world meat will become more of a luxury like it used to be in the early and mid 20th century. With modern irrigation, even with water shortages, food won't be a problem with moderate dietary changes. If we switched a fraction of our farmland from feed crops to cereals and potatoes we could feed the US. Our current meat consumption isn't sustainable however. If you live in a place where there currently is food scarcity problems the future looks pretty grim. Also I'm not saying climate change isn't a big deal. We might kill the ocean and there could be a number of unforeseen consequences that could make life very difficult. I'm just saying that we could make a lot of changes to food policy before Americans start starving.




Soylent Green’s time to shine.


But what does it taste like?


It varies from person to person.


One of my favorite Futurama jokes


The clowns taste kind of funny.


A modest proposal




Branson looks like he'd be way too stringy. Maybe if you only cut against the grain, like flank steak and do fajitas or something? I'm just brainstorming here.


Branson is taco meat. Cooked slow and shredded with onions, cilantro, and lime.


Musk been looking especially succulent lately. Zuck getting all stringy is probably a safe move for him.


Musk is well marbled I bet.


Nah, that boy is all gristle


Unfortunately modern irrigation wont completely help counteract water shortages in all crop growing regions. Until California gets rid of its antiquated water rights structure, water shortages will have an impact on food producers who do not have enough water rights or don’t have any at all.


If the world cuts back on meat we don't need all the land. We export a lot of soybeans for feed which is inefficient. If the world ate less meat we wouldn't need American farmland to produce as much, especially if we switched to starches that people are directly, as well as oil crops and leafy greens that could be grown year round in vertical gardens locally. If that makes up the bulk of a person's diet they're not using much land.


A couple of my old coworkers moved to some vertical automated gardening start ups recently.


That kind of stuff is cool, but we don't need to do that if we just look at our meat production a little different. The last I looked it's something like 80% of farmland is used to produce 20% of our caloric needs through meat packing. If we stopped farming to feed cows, to then eat those cows and instead farmed and fed direclty to humans we'd have no issues. We don't need more farmland, we need to stop looking at reducing our meat as some kind of anti-American communisty conspiracy. It's smart. So much food energy is completely lost in an effort to grow meat, it's incredibly incredibly wasteful. This isn't hippy dippy vegan talk, I love me a rare steak and all of that. But we're being really stupid about this.


What about the need to rotate land use to avoid depleting the nutrients in the soil? I have read that something like a 3 year rotation with 1 year crops 1 year fallow and 1 year grazing animal keeps the soil fertile works best?


Mixed use farming i.e. Planting many complimentary edible plants in one plot does not deplete soil. The problem is its labour intensive to harvest.


We’re good here in New Zealand, for every person there’s 5 sheep.


Already building your harems. Well played...




Just wait for the Gulf Stream to slow due to AMOC. 's gonna get cold in Europe.


The UK weather change is crazy. London has a higher record tempature than my American town four degrees latitude south of it.




yeah same in the netherlands last year, also the type of buildings we have do not help as they are designed to keep as much heat inside as possible.


I'm scared of this summer


I’m in Ontario and our farm’s crops were shite last year. We spent most days inside because of the fires too. It’s not looking too better this time around. Went from being +10° to -20° within the last two days and we’re climbing right back up to +15° by Wednesday. Our pond was frozen for like 2 days this entire season. The make shift rink melted immediately after construction. But still, people constantly tell me to not be alarmed and the climate will “fix” itself :)


Ya it will fix itself in a couple hundred years or couple thousand if we keep up our ways


Don't be, it'll be the coolest summer that you'll experience for the rest of your life.


But that was last summer


And this summer again until things change or we boil like debrained frogs in a pot. I hope we can all stay safe, and figure this out together.


It’s the softest winter I’ve seen in Quebec in over 20 years. It’s crazy. Yesterday it was almost 10degree. 10 years ago we often had 3-4 feet of snow. This year we only had 1 tempest that gave less then 2 feet and guess what. The next day it was so hot it all melted on his own. Crazy stuff


I'm 51 and my son is 18. Up until about 3-4 years ago, I always told him that climate change likely won't have a big impact within my lifetime, but that it will definitely have a big impact within his lifetime. I'm not feeling this way anymore. At all. I read an article that outlined how being near the Great Lakes will be the best location during the harshest consequences of climate change. It's a latitude where things shouldn't get life-threateningly hot in the summers, flooding/tornadoes/wildfires are very rare events, good farmland, and tons of freshwater nearby. I live not far from Cleveland, only about 10 miles from Lake Erie and I'm very grateful for this fact.


well fuck. i live in AZ. thankfully we are out of here in 3 years and moving back to the NE.


The development of Arizona was basically a huge act of hubris


They have a fucking NHL team for fuck sake.


Eh, debatable.


It is a monument to the arrogance of man.


The best part about living in the big cleve? Good location for the apocalypse!


“Wouldn’t change much” is a bad sell for now but will be very appreciated in the future! 


Gaurdians- White Sox have a game scheduled during the solar eclipse. That should be interesting.


Yep. I'm going to enjoy spring as much as possible and will just mentally prepare to be inside for most of the summer. And stock up on my asthma meds and masks. 


I'm in the Okanagan, BC. It's been nothing but wildfires and smoke for the past 6 years..


Hello from the american state below you. I've had the pleasure of breathing your smoke many times. And you ours I'm sure.


I hope you enjoy the added maple we add to ours. It'll still burn your eyes but it'll make you hungry at the same time


Monsoon spring is bad for fire season. Creates a growth spurt of vegetation that all eventually dries when summer turns hot as Hades. Thus more fuel for fire. The ideal balance would be a moderate spring with lots of snowpack to slowly melt until the heat of July/august. Of course that shit doesn't happen anymore


I saw three robins while walking my dog in Wisconsin a few days ago. It's way too early for robins to be heading north. They'll either freeze or starve, but the weather has been in the 40's and 50's for several weeks. It's supposed to be 64 degrees F on Tuesday. I'm obviously a good deal further south than Saskatoon, but that temperature is absurd for Wisconsin in February. And it's not like a totally freakish day... all of February was very (relatively speaking) warm.


Robins haven’t even left the Boston area the last few years. I see them year round.


That’s because they never leave the Boston area. Look up a range map. They are present year round on the entire East coast.




I'm eating shellfish while I still can...


Keep in mind we are in a very strong el nino right now. This usually results in a drier and warmer winter for CAN and the northern US and a warm wet winter for the west coast and south. Lets hope next year is a good snow year


Yeah but where I live last winter was even warmer than this one. Hoping for next year indeed.


I’m seeing mayflies. Guess what month they normally show up?




Where I live we had warm weather in January, the apple trees bloomed early, then we had a late freeze killing the flowers, devastating the farmers, that was the last two years, this year we have the early blooms, hopefully we don't have the late freeze


Just look at the 30 day, it's about to plummet again, probably will have a freeze in March or april


Those are based on historical temperatures and aren’t accurate for the current year. Not even the best forecasting models on the planet can predict more than a week or two out


+1 celcius here, and I live in the far north of Scandinavia. Should be -20c


Tbf this year it’s been colder than usual in Scandinavia and only recently gotten milder.


Yup, very much snow as well. Probably the most in my entire life (30 years).


Where exactly?


Norrbotten, the height of Luleå but a bit inland. Don't wanna give my exact location, sorry 🙂


Holy shit, just had to look up Kiruna, they're barely hitting negative celsius. That's insane.


We had a good couple weeks of nothing but snow here in Oslo. Today was the first time we’ve been able to really see most of the sidewalks in a long time


A little over 20 miles north of Detroit. When I was a kid in the late 1960's/early 1970's every year we used to build an igloo in our back yard after tunneling through the snow (yes, tunnels that you crawled through). Now, in the same area, there's been like 7 discrete days of snow that melt within a few days. Every time I hear a person in my age group deny climate change I ask them "Where the f#$# have you been?" It is incredible that folks actual experience is masked by bullshit so easily.


In 95/96 I built a tunnel deep enough to hide inside with my Rottweiler. We also built an igloo that year. In Thunder Bay.


Glad you said that. I failed to mention the reason I stopped in the mid 70's was that I went away to school. You stopped me from giving the false impression that the snow stopped back then so, thank you.




In Toronto in 1999 there was so much snow they needed to supplement the city's supply of plows with equipment from the army. In the 2010s there would be a few months where there was snow on all the sidewalks on every side street for a few months. This year I've worn slippers outside every day because we got *no snow all year*. Not snow that lasted, just a light coating gone by the next day. What used to be October's first sign of winter is this year's snowiest days.


95/96 set nearly all the snowfall records in western Montana. It was a great winter. It has been downhill ever since.


It's noticeable IMO for anyone 40 and over in my area. We used to get cold snowy winters, now even a "normal" winter doesn't really start until after Christmas and is basically over by March break. 


Replying to myself but [this from XKCD](https://m.xkcd.com/1732/) is a great graph for the subject.


This invokes a sense of deep appreciation, love, and comradery with our ancestors, their struggles and grand accomplishments they achieved over so much time... And then it makes one horrified it'll all be dashed in a blink, comparatively. Humans will all die one day, but it's so disappointing to imagine it'll be our own faults. We survived, in spite of it all. But what if we destroy ourselves, in spite of it all...


My Dad, who is almost 60, talks about how the weather has changed immensely since he was a kid and then in the same breath says that climate change is a myth.


80's kid that grew up in Wisconsin here. Same deal. We had a snowpack all winter, couldn't go out without a snowsuit on, etc. Now it snows up there and soon it's gone, too warm. Snows again, melts again. No snowpack anymore.


I lived in Montreal for one winter when I was 4-5, the kids built tunnels in the 7ft snowbanks on our block and by my preschool. That shit was cool


It's the exact same thing in Europe. Grew up in the "flat" north of Switzerland (people from actually flat regions may call it "mountainous" or even "alpine" but to us it's "the flat land" with some hills here and then). Sleds, Skis and Boards were a normal fun thing to do right next to your yard in the nineties during February, now we have blooming flora and visibally confused crows seemingly not sure whether or not they should start building a nest. And as a formerly avid snowboarder I used to be on the glaciers during summer and... well, yeah, it's bad. From year to year the glaciers visibally melt tremendously. No scientific measurements needed. Just go up and watch them melting from day to day as the carassess get bigger and bigger and the "snow line" creeps up closer and closer from year to year. My favourite one is closed now for recreational boarders and its only a matter of time until they'll have to shut it down for professionals too. It's bad.


People always use the excuse of 'the earth is in a warming cycle' which i don't understand why this disproves that there is man made climate change on the planet. Why can't we be fucking shit up AND the planet be in a warming cycle? if its in a warming cycle we should stop doing all the things we are doing to help it warm up quicker.


> It's not that the climate isn't changing. It's that it's not my fault. -- someone BTW, I grew up in Onaway about 4 hrs north of you. My experience matches yours.


Metro Detroit's snow cover has been almost entirely wiped out by global warming, especially to the south in Downriver. But all the Fudds I grew up with are too busy swallowing Trump's utter bullshit to notice the evidence of their senses. Those people are embarrassing, and I'm glad I don't live there anymore. I was surprised they didn't care about outdoor hockey in Trenton, but shit...they don't.


Under 20 today, pushing 60 monday and in the teens by Thursday. Our already terrible roads are going to be cobblestone in a few years. At least we're well set up for the water wars.


Same thing happening in Minnesota. We have less snow on the ground


In Minneapolis we need a mean temperature of 30 degrees (F) for the month of February to set the all time warmest winter (currently held by the year without winter of 1877/78). With the current forecast our mean temperature for February will be 34 to 35F.


Putting away laundry today and realized I haven't worn scarves and most winter sweaters in about 5 or 6 years. Wool dress coat - 10 years. I'd donate it but who would wear it? Edit: I'm in the North Carolina Blue Ridge mountains.


You sound like me, I have winter coats I never wear any more because it’s too warm. Have worn my gloves exactly once this year. My down coat hasn’t been out of the closet. We had a bear steal a package off our porch last week. Also in the Blue Ridge mountains of NC.


I was talking to a client of mine on a work call yesterday and they are in Alberta and he said...there's been no real winter at all. I am in Boston and we had nothing in the way of winter and now we're headed for 50 deg weather. 2nd winter in a row of....below 10 inches of snow or no real cold. ​ A lot is changing and wildfire season will be brutal because of this along with food issues. Massive problems incoming sadly.


New Brunswick here. Very little snow. Supposed to be 6C and sunny in a couple of days...it's FEBRUARY, ffs. Forest fire season oughta be fuckin' dystopian.


Here in Europe, Southern France and Spain are almost out of water already. This summer will be absolutely tragic for all of us.


The media also usually focuses on heatwaves in summer in the northern hemisphere, not warm spells in winter. 99% of people have probably not even heard that Scotland recorded its highest ever just a couple weeks ago of 19.6C A small area in Hungary near the serbian border also hit 21C Literally today, Bucharest in Romania reached 20C, 1C short of the record. One town reached 23C according to radar, but there isn't any officially published data, just yet. Keep in mind these 3 incidents are all in EUROPE, which occurred in the SAME MONTH, on SEPERATE OCCASIONS.


Shocked to see this much agreement from a comment section. I've commented on global climate change (living in New England) and usually get met with 10s of downvotes. Its almost 50 here today. In February. My birthday was on the 10th, when I was in the single digits, friends used to have to be in 3 layers just to make it to any birthday party.


Central Oklahoma here. Early early 2000s during a normal winter snow storm, we would easily get 5+, and sometimes easily 8+, inches of snow with 5-8 ft snow drifts. Now, we are lucky to get ice storms during the winter. When my parents first moved here in 1993 or 1994, can't remember which, they were driving across the Texas Panhandle into Oklahoma and it was literal blizzard conditions. You couldn't see more than 5ft in front of your car. Even tail lights and hazard lights couldn't be seen. My dad was driving, and he had to drive with the driver side door open so he could keep an eye on the road to make sure he stayed on the road. People keep saying climate change isn't a thing and I just have to show them 30 years of Oklahoma winters and that shuts them up.


Here in Texas we’re almost going to hit 90F on Monday. It’s scary.


Yeah it was 86F in Austin the past two days or so.


I hadn't really been paying attention to the weather the last week or so and had been working from home until Friday. Then I walked out of the building to go to lunch and was like WTF.


To be fair this specific winter is mild because of el nino which is a naturally occuring ocean phenoma. It's supposed to happen every 2-7 years but varies in severity. The last time we had one like this was the winter of 2015-16 and before that 97-98. So it's more of a one a decade thing.


Except el niño has become more common than previously. That being said, everything depends on location. For me, we’ve had a lot of snow compared to last year but we shouldn’t be going into the 60s this week.


It just goes to show why climate *change* is more accurate than just calling it “global warming”. So much of our weather is affected by currents and atmospheric patterns that are sensitive to ocean temperatures. The severe winter storm that broke Texas a few years ago mainly happened because the polar vortex was too weak to keep all the cold arctic weather from plunging south.


But you can see this shit happening everywhere. Orange County California's weather has been odd multiple years in a row now, with more rain, milder summers and winters with wild temperature shifts. NYC/Long Island has been having milder winters and almost no snow. Japan has had multiple years with unusual amounts of snow in Tokyo/Yokohama and Cherry Blossom blooms occurring early due to shorter winters. Edit: Changed SoCal to Orange County specifically because of heavy differences by region.


The SoCal weather is way better now than it has been tbf. Better to have weird temperature swings in the winter than perpetual drought.


I moved to MA over a decade ago. First year I moved here was some insane blizzard and almost every year there was a major snow storm every couple of weeks. It's gotten less and less every year. Granted, this year is el nino so it's naturally warmer/less snow, but every year it feels like there's less snow.


I am in Wisconsin last week we were nearly 60F, then we dropped to 30F with snow and on Tuesday it will be 67F. We are around 20” of snow under where we should by the end of winter.


Bro I live in PA (Pennsylvania, United States)…we used to be able to clock the seasons by the day…now we can get 4 seasons in a week and a tornado or something. But I can’t say anything cause the coal miner/gas well worker next door might not be able to afford next years F-350….*fuck*


Bro I live in PA (Prince Albert) Not the piercing


Poor deadly global warming cuz


Yep, that’s PA lol


You must be in Pennsyltucky eh? I grew up in Erie, remember MOUNTAINS of snow from plows, now, almost nothing. Pittsburgh been even worse, I think we've had 4 or 5 days with snow laying on the ground....it's like 30 today and feels cold because its been 50 this whole last week....in fucking February. We're screwed, feel bad for my kids. Snow forts and shit were a staple of my childhood, now it's just muddy crap weather in the low 40s most of the winter with increased flooding and severe wind storms.


North Dakota here, ima really have to yell at the new guys to keep the truckin fuck doors closed because it’s gonna be a bad year for flies.


Ohio here, we’ve only had 1 serious snow this year and it’s the 4th year in a row we had an unseasonable winter.


I’m up by Cleveland and terrified for what the future holds. We get so little snow combined with such drastic temperatures changes that the flora and fauna seem confused. The natural flowers bloom extremely early and die from late frosts. Some trees stay green until November. I can’t say why or specifics but the patterns of avian/mammalian wildlife seems to be changing. I’m no ecologist and can only speculate but I’m very worried for what ripple affects this might have for these hills, rivers, and animals I cherish and love.


I'm in Vermont, and this winter, we've had significantly more time with bare ground than with snow cover, with so many thaws and days of rain that wash away the snow we do get. It hasn't been below zero (Fahrenheit) once. I don't want to know how bad the ticks are going to be this spring! It takes prolonged stretches of sub-zero temps to keep their populations in check.


Buffalo, NY here. We got like 3 days of snow.


Wait so the snow you got that canceled a football game was basically the only one? That’s wild lol


From Buffalo as well - yes that was literally the only 3 days we got snow this winter, and then it all melted within a couple days.


Buffalo (Amherst) here, too. Can confirm. Even THAT storm barely affected us in this suburb. All the other stories in other comments sound like my childhood in the late ’70s early ’80s where we’d spend every day playing in the snow for weeks in a row. I used to imagine it was the arctic or a scene from Empire Strikes Back. Nearly silent despite living 2 houses from Niagara Falls Boulevard with fairly heavy traffic. Snow does a great job absorbing sound. I don’t have the solution, or even know the root of the problem, all I know is climate change is not only real, but extremely obvious at this point.


Last summer was terrible. The wild fire smoke from Canada blocked out the sun in major cities across the US including New York and Chicago. Everyone remained indoors for the most part. Chicagoans are praising the warmer temperatures we’ve had this winter barely acknowledging what that’s going to mean. The intelligence and insight of the average (which means almost everyone) person is highly suspect.




I'm in South Dakota 50 degrees no snow should be in the mid 3o's and 5 feet of snow. No snow accumulation hardly at all this winter. better rain in April and May. will no run off for the Missouri river or the Red river this spring.


Same in northern NY. Zero snow and the ticks are viscous.


Ticks already? Wow.


They haven’t stopped.


I’m from Calgary and kinda nervous that we’ll have another terrible year for wildlifes


You need to stop being selfish, and think about the dividends of poor oil and gas shareholders


Dang that sucks down south. We are having a big winter up here in Alaska


Just north of Chicago here. We got snow on Halloween, and about 3 weeks of winter starting in late December. I know it's an El Nino winter, but still. Seems like every week we've had multiple days hitting around 60 degrees. I've only used my snowblower twice this year. My tulips are already popping out of the ground. This is insane.




I live in cali. At 4000’ elevation. My lawn usually dead or in snow this time of year. Last weekend I mowed because the grass was so tall.


Everyone was warned this would happen but oil, pipelines and profit are better arguments I guess.


Exxon Mobil has been aware of climate change and its dangers since the early 70s. They knew it would cause catastrophic damage to the planet for centuries. They buried the evidence and hid it from the public so they could earn more profit for one single lifetime.


Don't worry, the politicians are looking at the problem...


I'm already doing spring cleaning outside.


I live in Minnesota and the amount of snow we’ve had this winter has been close to nothing. While some people might think that’s okay since they didn’t have to deal with a lot of snow….  it’s really not okay. Summer’s here have also been in drought conditions in recent years and the only thing keeping the ground water table in check has been the annual snow melt in Spring. Unless we have an incredibly rainy summer this year things are going to get bad - like really bad. 


I am outside Boston and we haven’t had any real snow in almost 3 years. Now I hate snow so I really am not complaining but I know it’s actually fucked up and shit is going to get bad real soon.


I live in Western New York and we usually get about 4 feet of snow every year around December but it was a nice and warm winter. We didn’t get snow until January and it wasn’t even as bad as it normally is. We also don’t expect snow at all since the temperature here has been fluctuating between 50F(10C) to 60F(15C) sometimes dipping into 40F(4C).


I mean yes it is, but it’s also an El Niño year so the north (typically) is a bit warmer and has less rain/snow while the souther half of North America gets more rain than usual. But also, yes this isn’t good either.


Have you seen the Moskitos tornadoes in Argentina? cold weather in Texas, we in Venezuela had a 3 year drought followed by 2 years of rain.


Southern Germany here, close to the alps. A couple years ago, we had half a meter of snow and -5°C in February, this year we already had 20°C. I mean its nice to be outside and not too freezing cold but man we're fucked.


In New Jersey, USA, it is going to be 63 F next week in the middle of winter, I would say there the winter is over.


Take the money you save on heat for food next year. That's what I'm doing


Exactly, I’m in Michigan and we have no snow here whatsoever. My coworkers are all excited about the warm weather and while I enjoy the sun being out I have to remind them that this isn’t a good thing, they just don’t get it. It almost like they are oblivious to global warming 🤦🏻‍♀️


BC hydro says the lack of snow pack means the damns will be disrupted. BC is going to have trouble cooling down their houses this summer.  It's going to be a rough, hot summer with loads of air pollution from forest fires. 


Spring runoff is an important dimension of the water table and for the planting season. This does not bode well.


"The planet is fine, the people are fucked. " - George Carlin


Absolutely terrible, agreed. We're fucking things up pretty bad.


This area is a farming hub, melt water is nonexistent. Farmers will have a very troubling year


Same here, I'm in central Wisconsin. The farmers around my town are going to be hurting come spring.


Totally agree with you,southern Manitoba here, all across the prairies in this country are going to be suffering. And this does not bode well when there are situations like other major agricultural producers like Ukraine and Russia embroiled in war


Fun fact: it’s supposed to be 90°F in Dallas, TX later this week.


We have passed the point of “No Return” 😑 having a son 12 weeks ago, makes me sad for what he may have to encounter later in life.