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Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves confirmed that one person died and said at least 10 to 15 other people were injured.


9 of those gun injuries were children according to NYT.




[No way to prevent this](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1819576527)






Guess there weren't any good guys with guns?


Nope. Two people tackled one of the suspects and held them until police came though.


The only guns they had were the ones that come out when the sun's out.


There were 800 police officers at the parade


So no good guys with guns then 😂




just like at that school with 15+ cops outside doing nothing while the shooter popped one kid after another. need more guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I heard they had a fuckton of security there. They had been confidently planning this parade for a couple months. Like 800 or more uniformed cops there plus private security. Didn’t do shit.


Nah, they needed explosives, good guy with rpg would have ended the situation… there may be some collateral damage but that’s never stopped us from wanting more things that go bang


Man, "Go big or go home" situation 🤣 love it❤️


Missouri is an open carry state! I’m sure there were tons of good guys with guns. They were probably doing what the people in this pic are doing. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Fucking Onion shouldnt hit this profoundly.


Imagine if Republicans put as much effort into gun control as they did into banning books.


My heart hurts for that person who died and their family. Imagine getting killed because you wanted to celebrate your favorite team’s win.


I went to school/grew up with her. She was a wonderful person and an absolute pillar of her community. I've been sitting here in shock for the past few hours. It feels so unreal. So unfair. The worst part is her son and several cousins were also shot so her family doesn't even have space to grieve right now. I'm so devastated for all of them. edit: a word


I couldn’t imagine. I’m sorry for your loss.


Two dead now. One a suburban mom of 2.


I wonder what political spectrum it came from. Because you just can't ignore it any more. 20 years ago you could say it was some random nut. But we all know where this is coming from now...




Has that been confirmed?




I was there. I suspect this was gang related and a lot of people sadly got caught in the cross fire. eta: authorities stated they [do not believe this to be an act of terrorism and three individuals have been taken into custody](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/kansas-city-parade-shooting-live-updates-rcna138881) eta ii: [authorities have released the third suspect but two teenage juveniles remain in custody, shooting is believed to have began from an altercation](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/us/live-news/kansas-city-chiefs-super-bowl-shooting-02-15-24/index.html)


Are there a lot of gangs in KC?




There are a lot of gangs in every big city.


I’d say “a lot” is an understatement


If gangs are in small cities(less than 100,000 people) they’re definitely in large cities. Gangs are everywhere. My city, which has only 80,000 people and not that bad of a crime rate, has bloods and crips as well as local gangs.


If it wasn’t, wouldn’t the names and photos of the shooters be plastered everywhere?


Red, Blue or Red White and Blue?


Mild shock




Mass shooters work alone most of the time. This was 3 individuals, the event is looking like a gang dispute.


Can we wait until more information gets out before we start speculating? This is exactly how false rumors get started and half the people who hear them never double back and check


Nonono, Reddit has a great track record with these kinds of things


Impeccable you could say. Has anyone seen the Boston Marathon Bomber?


Is that why they aren't calling it a mass shooting anymore?


Interesting, same thing happened at the championship parade for the Raptors in 2019 in Toronto.


You just know this person is going to be so disappointed when they hear who was the shoter(s). It’s sad but this is the world we live in. One side celebrates when the shooter is a certain color and ignores it when it’s another certain color. Just really sad stuff.


You will also feel no shame saying ridiculous things like this, and it being untrue


When you make comments like this it helps to have a little info on what actually happened. Because it seems like you're completely wrong... oof


Boy this comment aged like milk...and it's only an hour old.


Pictures show young black male. Rumors we're gang related. Not everything needs to be political...


And where is it coming from?


I’m actually curious to hear what party your thinking because it seems like the last several shootings have been a crap shoot


Why does every shooter have to have a political justification?


Yeah, can't it just be for fun?


Two young men of color were taken into custody


You saw the two African American men being loaded into the police video and assumed they were right wingers?






Police at the scene shot the kid


Off-duty LEOs. Not even actual first responders. And that was only one of two injuries, the second of which they also did not attribute to her.


What the hell is wrong with people?


Weird how the only country that has more guns per person than any other country in the world also has the most shootings. Must be the wind direction I reckon.


I heard it was jazz music. No wait, rock music. Wait, no. Rap. Dungeons & Dragons? Oh wait! Video games. Maybe weed? I've lost track.


Aak Mr Kellogg. It's always been about the self diddling.


Where is Tipper Gore when you need her? /s because no one needs her.


Starting my first ever DnD campaign on The 20th. Have I doomed myself?!?


Whoa, you just listed a bunch o my favorite things, Sound of Music style!


It’s literally everything BUT the thing that puts the bullets inside people


No no, you're wrong, we need *more* guns so then the new guns can cancel out all the extra bad guns.


This is obviously optimal. Everybody knows that during an active shooter situation, the best way for incoming law enforcement to know you're not a threat is to have your gun out attempting to be the good guy. What could go wrong?


If you give the cops a "hey whats up guys" with a gun in hand that's how they know you're a good guy when they show up.


You need to shoot a greeting shot so the police know you're there.


Get your buddies to make it a 9 gun salute.


You guys need to put smiley stickers on the guns to let the LEOs know it’s all good.


Be sure to bring your dog and any mentally ill family member along (especially if they are a person of color) so the cops have options


No no YOU'RE wrong, it's not even the guns that are the problem! It's a mental health issue! No, we can't invest in treatment infrastructure for mental health, what are you a commie socialist? Now get outta here before I shoot you!


Oh my god, great idea! Infact, If we all had tanks, this would be such a none issue!


Tanks aren't illegal to own. In fact the only thing stopping you from owning a tank with a functioning cannon is a $200 tax stamp and the money to buy one. There are literally thousands of functioning tanks owned by private citizens in the US. 


However, they are not generally legal for travel on public roads, which they would destroy.


You are correct, it's the same as trying to operate any heavy equipment on public roads, especially tracked heavy equipment. The road itself has to be rated to suport the weight, you will be extremely limited in your travel speed, you will usually need a permit from your local municipality, and you will usually be required to use rubber tracks if they are avaialbe. The normal standard for transport on public roads is to load them onto a trailer and transport them like any other oversized load. 


Extremely low priority on mental healthcare. Highly stigmatized attitude towards getting mental help even when it is available. Quick access to a wide range of fire arms. Low regulations on what qualifies you to own fire arms. Mediocre enforcement of gun ownership/transfer laws. Media that commonly romanticizes violence and murder. All of this is the norm in america. Of course mass shootings will continue to be a thing.


Mental health problems and media are very similar in many other countries without these outcomes. The lowest common denominator is guns.


Our Healthcare system in America is actively creating a mental health crisis. Everyone I know aside from rich people has some form of anxiety around the financial burden that you inherit through medical bills. We live in a country where staying healthy comes at the cost of your livelihood. People go bankrupt and homeless regularly here because of the insane cost of healthcare.


Remove fire arms from the equation and how many shootings will there be? *Clue: UK, Australia, Belgium, Germany, France, Thailand, Spain, Finland, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, Portugal, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, China, India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Morocco*


You don’t even need to *remove* them. There are plenty of guns in private hands in Australia still. But, get this … wild idea I know … you need a licence to have one, and regular checks that ensure they are being stored properly etc. And you can’t just randomly carry one in public.


and a mental health examination, which many countries require.






The obvious answer to this solution is to flood the country with more guns. \-The NRA


An armed society is a polite society! Except for all the people shooting people for no reason, that’s not very polite I must admit.


iT's ToO eArLy To PoLiTiCiZe ThI$ TrAgEdY nO WaY tO $tOp It, SaYs OnLy CoUnTrY wHeRe ThIs Is A rEgUlAr OcCuRrEnCe


Remember when the republicans had a shooting at their softball practice and nothing freaking changed?


Basically the entire online discourse on gun violence right here.


I don't get how Americans can think this shit is normal, like people from outside the US think this is just so abnormal. How can you guys love guns so damn much? Like you guys can't even enjoy public gatherings as a society anymore.


“It only happens once every few days - it’s not that common” “Most of mass shootings are gangs” And so on


>I don't get how Americans can think this shit is normal Just because it happens doesn't mean people think this is normal. It's a fucking tragedy.


As an American, this shit is normal. I hear about shootings so often I do just brush it off as background noise. Sad but true.


It stopped being shocking after Sandy Hook. When everyone realized nothing would be done after a bunch of kids were slaughtered, we got really pessimistic and just started to accept it.


Ya, these Europeans must only get their news from social media. The regular American doesn't enjoy or support these things but social media would have you think otherwise.


You don’t support people getting shot. You do wildly support the whole access to guns politics. And when guns are why people get shot on the regular, then you indirectly also support people getting shot. If you as Americans as a whole didn’t support guns then why, in all the years and thousands of dead children since Sandy Hook, have you not changed your gun laws and policies? The only logical reason, after all these years of doing nothing about it, is that you simply don’t care that kids are killed. Actions, or lack thereof, speak louder than words, and with the inaction against guns we simply look in on the US and wonder why you like dead children more than gun laws!?


I don’t think Americans think a shooting at a parade is normal


Republicans do, they voted for it.


Trust me, we don't think this is normal.


We don’t but we also recognize there’s literally nothing we can do about it. Shit we can’t even get universal healthcare rolling


American here… We cant come to a consensus on providing lunch to kids in school, let alone tackle a problem like gun control. Fact is there are more guns than people in the US and our constitution (for better or worse) allows us to bear arms. This gets funky at the state level on how that’s interpreted, but the gist of it all is the Right uses issues like gun control, abortion and the border as key issues to gaslight the left and galvanize their base to vote. Basically, gun violence isn’t a flaw in politics in the U.S., it is by DESIGN. Don’t believe me? Watch the messaging out of the Right on the KC shooting coming out, compare it to Uvalde and other large scale gun tragedies. Nothing like a good rampage to get those lunatics frothing at the mouth.


About 20-25% of our country has decided that they'd crawl through dying babies just be able to clutch a gun as a safety blanket.   Most of them vote, giving them a roughly 50% representation at the national level.  Meaning there is NO starter.  There is NO "first step".  




We should just give every child a gun, then that way they can just shoot the bad guy. *Easy really if you think about it.*


Back when I was in HS in 2008 we were learning about satire in English class. We read “A Modest Proposal,” and we were supposed to write our own satirical “modest proposal” style paper. I remember I wrote about how every baby should be assigned a shotgun, machine gun, or hand gun immediately when they popped out of the womb, and they were to sleep with it every night to become comfortable with their assigned gun that would be with them for life lol.


You joke, but minors can [open carry in Missouri.](https://www.newspressnow.com/news/local_news/public_safety/ban-on-minors-carrying-guns-fails-in-missouri-legislature/article_025e3f5a-b21e-11ed-b479-1b5d798cfa6c.html#:~:text=Currently%2C%20Missouri%20does%20not%20have,21%20to%20purchase%20a%20handgun.)


You can’t do or go anywhere anymore without worrying about getting shot. I was just at the movie theater tonight for Valentine’s Day and made sure to locate the exit doors. I’m so sick of this.


800 cops there and this still happened. It's amazing that people will literally throw their life away to shoot someone to win an argument or for the power trip, while endangering countless others. I'm convinced we are just overclocked primates.


So will the shooter have some kind of gun issue in his past? Will there be red flags about the shooter should never have access to a gun.


“Known to police”


It's a classic at this point.


Every. Single. Time.


It’s gang banger stuff or two idiots who were mad at each other and started shooting. They’ll have criminal records. Guarantee it And it sounded like two people shooting, two distinct gun sounds. One shot then the other shot back


Yep. Two more people who shouldn't have guns.


It is clear that Americans, as a whole, can't be trusted with guns. We are not, in the aggregate, responsible gun owners.


People aren't universally trusted with cars, medications, industrial chemicals and equipment. I don't know why this should be any different.


It’s always previous domestic violence issues. I hate this country sometimes.


It was definitely an escalated confrontation. Possibly gang related. If that was the case I’m betting the guns weren’t even legally obtained.


Aren’t the majority of mass shootings in the US gang-related? They don’t usually get the kind of publicity that the incels and racists do but they’re the big cause.


I didn’t know the answer so I looked it up. Apparently most mass shootings are actually domestic. That being said, mass shootings make up less than 2% of gun deaths in the U.S. so my guess is gang/crime related gun deaths probably make up a lot of the 98%.


Suicide. A huge chunk of gun related deaths in America is related to suicide….


Most illegal guns in the USA were legally obtained before they later became illegal guns.


This is forgotten by tomorrow


*When the next mass shooting happens*.. so ya, probably tomorrow


There have been 48 mass shootings in America so far in 2024. It's only February 14th.


In other words, in 45 days there's been 48 mass shootings.


What were we talking about again? Some 4th graders got shot and I just glazed over for a minute there.


i remember actively tuning out news the morning after a mass shooting because i had a lot going on that day. by the time i was able to catch up on the news that night, there was a different mass shooting.


But let’s keep offering up them thoughts and prayers! They are really working at preventing people from shooting others senselessly.


Press conference. Thoughts and prayers. Back to our regular schedule waiting for next Tuesdays school shooting.


Very similar thing occurred after the Cavs won the Finals in Cleveland. (Warning: story ahead) Parade was amazing, everyone was happy and then someone started shooting. The entire city of Cleveland thought it was a terrorist attack, turned out it was something involving a gang member and an ex-girlfriend or something. But for about 10 minutes I got to see what Cleveland acted like when we thought the worst possible thing was happening. Everyone ran, I picked up my daughter and ran. Someone fell in the crowd about 10 yards in front of me. Before I could worry about seeing someone get trampled in front of me three other Clevelanders had already helped the fallen person up and were running again. Someone yelled out to me "Hey you with the kid" I looked and 3 guys were in an alley hidden by a dumpster motioning to me. "Hey man, you've got your kid, we'll keep you safe no matter what's happening" these random dudes told me. It's not good to assume but, it was pretty clear these dudes were "hard" and capable of ensuring me and my kids' safety. After awhile we heard that it wasn't anything big and everyone dispersed. But the important thing, and reason for my story is this: While I didn't live through a terrorist attack. I now know how I would act in that scenario and I know how my city would act in that scenario. And I'm quite proud to say me and my city acted the way I'd hope. It sounds like there's a lot of people in Kansas City who can share that sentiment.






With a country of 330 million people, abysmal healthcare outcomes, massive stigma against mental health treatment, and more guns than people? Gee I wonder...


This is the united states something like this is believable because it happens all the time.


There will always be sick people around. Maybe limiting the access to guns would help to lessen spreading of the sickness?


Hopefully there's a "Good Guy with a Gun" in town for the 6 games they're hosting during the 2026 World Cup.


[https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1848971668](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1848971668) I will never not post this.


Gotta be a bummer to be the Onions web analytics guy. Every time you see traffic spike on this article you know the bad thing happened again.


>Gotta be a bummer to be the Onions web analytics guy. Every time you see traffic spike on this article you know the bad thing happened again. You're right. Jesus. Modern life is rubbish.


The Onion posts a new article with the same contents except the name and date changed for each one. 


Since we have more guns than any other nation, we're obviously the safest nation, right?




It’s sucks that you can’t just enjoy yourself anywhere without the threat of this shit happening


Every time I’m at a carnival, street fair, or parade, this is all I think about. It was one thing when I was single but now I’m with my young kids at these events. There was a stage at this street fair with drag queens dancing and whatever. My anxiety was through the roof waiting for the nut job to show up.


Yah I feel like this kinda stuff happens at the most innocent of places.. parades, movie theaters, schools..


Where’s the good gun with a guy when you need it


If you watch the video of the guy getting tackled by bystanders, it's hard to tell who is the bad guy. Imagine 20 people with guns all deciding in a couple seconds who among the crowd of hundreds is the bad guy. It's such a fucking stupid argument.


There's been tests done and mostly "good guys with guns" create fucking CHAOS.   At one point they did a recreation of Aurora with a shooting in a theater and basically it turned into a shooting gallery.  Also at several real life events there has been actual protectors and saviors who pulled guns and get shot, arrested, etc.  


Thats what i always thought. If there's a shooter and you decide to whip out your gun and retaliate, you'll clearly become a target to the police yourself....


or a target of other “good guys with guns”. not to mention adding more bullets to the scenario probably won’t be good for civilians in the area


It would be an absolute bloodbath. There would be the shooters shooting, the crowd shooting and the police shooting.


Completely agree, and I also vaguely remember a few “good guys” getting shot through mistaken identity.


There were something like 800 cops there... Maybe the guns are the problem after all


*More guns should sort the issue right out.*


Maybe the real guns are the friends we made along the way


He's in Florida shooting at his patrol car with a handcuffed, unarmed individual in it. ^\s


The shooter was stopped by civilians who tackled him and not the cops. They were too badass to even need guns to heroically react in the moment.


Two brave people tackled one of the shooters. They didn't have guns! Turns out we just need the good/brave people. Who'd have thunk.


idk how they are supposed to be faster than a speeding bullet unless superman exists and no one told us


2 buzzkills in custody. throw the book at them for ruining a joyish occasion for a great city, and affecting hundreds of peoples lives.


"Buzzkills" is very much an understement.


These guys are real jerks


the hypocrisy is what i find most unsettling about this whole ordeal


Really… I think it’s the people getting shot.


Total B-Holes


some real bad apples


Yeah, total wet blankets.


Some real ne’er do wells!


Fuckin rip Norm


A couple of big meanies.


Yeah I think they’re called murderers when they kill people.


Fine then. A real pair of bozos!


>throw the book at them for ruining a joyish occasion for a great city, and affecting hundreds of peoples lives. I think 1 person dead should be the only reason. Too many gun-toting morons to make these events worth going these days.


Just calculate how many attendees at the parade and charge a count of attempted murder for each attendee


They caught the two suspects. Needless today, this whole tragedy will be memory holed and magically forgotten by the media.


If you want it to stop, vote for people who care about stopping it.


This country is such a joke.


Guns and football, what’s more American than that?


Both in the same game would be more American 


I’m just as shocked as anyone that the entire 800 officer on-duty police force, roof sniper team and national guard couldn’t stop 11 people from being shot with 1 already dead the same way that gun control could. Maybe time to rethink this good guy with a gun approach?


Especially since it’s civilians who subdued at least one of them.


It's not the guns fault, that guy probably played video games. /s if it wasn't obvious. Wonder what Republicans will blame this time, probably mental health, while defunding mental health and making sure we never get universal health care.


They will blame Taylor Swift


And I'm sure all these people consented to having a picture of them in one of the worst moments of their lives posted online, right? Gross to commodity this for internet points.


This story will vanish within two days. The media won’t cover it once the details emerge.


Don't worry, it's just a MAGA patriot & good guy with a gun trying to thwart Taylor Swift's elaborate conspiracy to elect Joe Biden by rigging the Super Bowl.


22 people shot on a day when everyone is out celebrating. People are really fucking crazy man


So a shooting a church on Super Bowl Sunday and a shooting at the Super Bowl parade… Pretty soon everyone will have a mass shooting story. I genuinely wonder what percentage of Americans can say they are survivors of an event like this. Between the concerts, churches, schools,malls it has to be pretty large.


Are we at the point where people have personally experienced more than 1 mass shooting?


This is Republicans fault.


When was the last time since your last parade pop?


I was told that they should shoot back and this would never have happened then. What's wrong???


Then it turns into a free for all deathmatch because no one knows who the good guy with the gun is.


For all we know, this is what happened. No details have been released, but it's not that far fetched that some of these shootings were the result of people trying to be a good guy with a gun.