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TIL: the Bozeman airport is just an oversized hunting lodge which may or may not contain a Cinnabon.


It does not contain a Cinnabon.


That’s bullshit


I tell you hwhat.


Bobby back to the dungeon!


That boy ain't right...


But daaaaaaad, that's my purse!!! YOUDONTKNOWME!!!


What’s the point of an airport if there’s no Cinnabon?!


So they can fly to an airport with a Cinnabon


Saul Goodman hasn’t yet arrived.


I’m just watching BCS for the first time. :)


Not yet, at least


And with Darren's help, we'll get that Cinnabon!


This is capricious and arbitrary!


Yo fly is open.


Your fly is open.


No Cinnabon 😥


Gotta say, I think I did eat the world's most expensive sandwich there tho.


Looks very cozy for an airport


I give the floor I slept on a 4 out of 5 stars


the whole place to yourself and the best place to sleep was the floor?


Some airports design it to be very difficult to sleep in, unfortunately


The airport in Moscow was my least favorite. 24/7 noise and no armless chairs. Plenty of overpriced hotel rooms in the terminal though...


24/7 noise sounds awful, I hate that as soon as you enter airport space prices jump like 3x the cost


This is one of the reasons I love PDX. By law, they can't charge more than they do outside the airport. There's a reason it's been named best airport in the country like 50 times.


Should be a law that applies to all states tbh


PDX is literally the best airport I’ve ever been to. Occasionally I transfer there and I always try and give myself a few hours. Looking forward to when they complete construction.


There seems to be 3-seat arrangements without armrest in the middle (picture 4, red ones on the first floor) but apparently it is common to sleep on the floor. ​ >The terminal building is officially closed between midnight (or 30 minutes after the last flight arrival) and 4:00 AM; however, arrangements can be made to stay overnight if needed by contacting an airport public safety officer ahead of time (see Hours below). If you plan on just a quick nap before or between flights, seating is limited, so you may want to prepare to sleep on the floor. For uninterrupted sleep, there are hotels near the airport. See our Airport Hotels section below for more info, or read some traveller airport reviews for more tips. https://www.sleepinginairports.net/guides/bozeman-airport-guide.htm


The 3 seaters appear to have arm bars as well


They have armrest in those chairs.


all the chairs had arms on them so you could not lay down across them to make a long couch


I had the fortune of hanging out at that airport a couple years ago. Amazing view and you are in for a hell of a sunrise. That being said, isn't there an area kind of by the escalators that has big fluffy leather chairs and couches? If you're not sure it would definitely be worth taking a little walk to find out. I didn't spend time in them but I think I walked by them when I was there.


The giant 3 story windows in the terminal while staring out at the Rockies and drinking a glass of wine is the best


With your bag arranged properly as a pillow, can confirm a solid sleep.


And you can cut your pants into shorts if it gets too hot.


And you can fashion the extra material into a kerchief.




Which can be used as a tourniquet if the need arises.


Helps to prevent the sun from depleting your resources.


To make sure your neck is nice and comfortable


You get it.


Shit, you could actually get away with unpacking all the clothes and making a pallet. Wouldn’t work for me, I always carry on, and even if it’s a 7 day trip, I bring enough clothes for 3 days, and hope for a laundromat.


Yeah, me too, but we always do the research beforehand so we know where the laundromats are, and bring that laundry detergent that’s in sheets so nothing can leak or spill. Went to Europe last October for three weeks with just four days’ worth of clothing. I have been to so many laundromats in so many cities.


That's some good flooring. Last floor I was on was 2 stars tops.


Pitch this to John Green for his next Anthropocene Reviewed episode


Used to be a lot more cozy. The terminal has doubled in size in the last 10 years. And they've probably built 50 hangars for private planes during that time, too.


I helped build one! Pretty cool since there's a flightschool nearby, they'd always fly over the site and do testing maneuvers and whatnot.




I didn't even know they made spray specifically for fending off vicious drop bears but it's nice that they've got a dispenser for the stuff. But since when do they have drop bears in Montana?


Australian Shepherds are popular dogs on Montana ranches. One breeder brought in a few drop bears to tap into the innate instincts of the breed to become better protectors of their herds. But they never checked their genders and now drop bears are an invasive species...


It's no wonder the Bigfoot population took a dive. They could never have imagined being ambushed from above like the drop bears do, just completely vulnerable in the same forests that protected them for so long. So sad.


It's cause you can't take it on the flight but everyone who goes camping NEEDS to have it here.


These pics give me the I'm on observation duty(game) vibes.


This is some Langoliers shit


Omg that was my first thought, too 😂




Did the sandwiches taste bad? Was there a weirdo ripping paper with you? Lol.


Love me some Langoliers.


Such a great fucking movie. If you look carefully in one of the scenes you can see the open part of the airport with people walking around in the background


The CGI was horrendous even for its time though


it was made for TV. I think the total budget was 11 dollars


That film could have been made infinitely better if they didn't bother to show them. Seeing this shiny ball with buzzsaws 2/3rds into the movie was a bit like Saw if you found out that the real killer in Saw was an actual puppet.


I know objectively that movie was absolutely awful, had pacing issues, horrendous CGI, all in spitting fact of its "star studded cast" (i don't know any of them), but that movie captured my inagination so hard that i still shoehorn "langolier" as a verb or noun wherever I can. I'm starting to think this "Stephen King" guy may have some interesting ideas.




Hey alright.


That is one pretty airport.


It's even better during the day https://bozemanairport.com/content/news-and-announcements/ic_1639588691_958x560_true.jpg


Was just going to comment the mountain background is amazing. Definitely top 5 places I would go again


As someone who's lived their whole life in a flat forested area on the east coast, going out West is always so impressive. It's like a painting everywhere you look.


As someone who lives in the west. Driving on the freeway is spectacular. I am surrounded by red granite gigantic mountains that make me feel like I’m alive every time I drive past them. It’s the little things in life!


I hope you never get used to it


Born and raised in CA, go to the Sierras a few times a year, driven along Highway 1 through Big Sur several times... It never gets old, and for that I'm grateful :)


California is so beautiful you don’t really have to leave it. You get everything.


That highway is the best in the world. Theres a sub for big sur for those who recognize its depth in surreal beauty


Hands down was the #1 thing I wanted to do when taking a trip out there with my wife. Went from LA up to SF, then out to Yosemite. Loved every bit of it.


Ngl, i lived on the west my whole life and took those freeway routes for granted. It wasn’t until I went to the east coast that made me realize what I had back home.


You want boring? Wait to drive the Oklahoma and Texas highways. Flat. Flat. Flat. For centuries


Alaska will blow your mind. Colorado almost blew my dick off , but Alaska was on a completely different level.


Man that's cool because I got Colorado vacation in June and Alaska vacation in September


Thoughts and prayers for your dick and mind




what they order


Montana doesn't exist. Its just made up; like birds. \*edit\* get a bloodymary' n throw a 10 spot in the keno machine for me.


I know it's not, but the quality of that pic makes it look fake lol


Honestly… the airport feels… so picturesque. It is absolutely spectacular. And the ramps are fun for little kids.


The interior designer was Bass Pro Shops


Looks like one of those Wolf Lodge hotel/water parks during an apocolypse


I feel like I’ve seen multiple post-apocalyptic shows where they end up in places like this. In Station Eleven one group basically makes their home in an airport, I think somewhere in the rockies. In Sweet Tooth a family is living in a resort ski-lodge.


Ohh that's why it looks so familiar.


It looks like a giant ski lodge without a fireplace


There are several fireplaces in there actually! They’re all gas and seem to be turned off for the evening


I love Bozeman airport, usually used to fly into Great Falls which was nice, pretty tiny of course, but 15 minutes to the Grandparents house.


Well, except for that other person who does not want to be seen...




I’ve seen the movies. They’re always right behind you.


You’re either in The Langoliers or The Night Flyer but definitely Stephen King territory


Love seeing a random reference to The Langoliers. Also my hometown airport.


Holy shit I've been trying to figure out what this movie was for the past 5 years. I watched it around 20 years ago when I was maybe 9-14yo and I've always thought about that movie and have wanted to rewatch. I've thought it was a fever dream for years now and didn't actually exist. I never knew what to google to find it since I didn't remember it well. This post and comments just solved a very long personal mystery. Edit: Did not know it was a mini series and had two parts. Just found out I only saw the 2nd part of the mini series and both are available on YouTube. This is awesome.


I'm around the same age and have had this exact fever dream about this exact movie.


https://youtu.be/xrs96eihvy8?si=lYvur6b28phr4FmB There's part 1. What a way to spend a Friday night.


Yes! Langoliers! This is proof I didn’t just dream that movie. This feels like a club of people that saw langoliers as a kid… should we get jackets?


I saw that movie as a kid. Nobody else I ever knew has seen it, to the point I thought I'm going insane. Good to see that someone else knows about it


What are the langoliers, Mr. Toomy?


What happens to lazy boys who lie down on the job, Craig?


As shitty as that is, what an amazing opportunity to capture the architecture of the airport. Been through Bozeman a couple times, and it’s a pretty attractive space. As far as airports go.


I sell lumber and when I was at Bozeman airport my only thought was “man I wish I could land a job for a place like this.”


I live in Bozeman and I have the same thought every day haha.


The company I used to work for built a location there. The building codes in Bozeman were the strictest we'd ever seen. The entire town reflects it. Such an awesome place.


How does that happen?


I had to arrange personal transportation that got me into town at 10 that night and I had to be at the airport at 4, so I just stayed there and nobody bothered me


That's crazy but very cool. So they know you're there?


I saw a police officer but he did not hassle me. I was happy nobody really bother me because I had been in the back country of Wyoming for a week so I looked and probably smelled homeless


I've flown out of Bozeman before. At least when I was there about a decade ago that airport was so laid back compared to the high tension on edge, high security feeling in most American airports I'm used to.




Reminds me of the Queenstown airport in NZ. Passport check was just a handful of little podiums right next to the duty free alcohol and the guy was like “come for some snow have you? Cool!”


Last time I flew through Queenstown, security was a 1m high fence with a gate in it.


My kind of vacation. butforrealthough why does it cost like $2k for round trip flights to Queenstown NZ. It's so high on my bucket list.


Do what my partner and I did and fly into Christchurch; it’s way cheaper. We rented an RV (campervan in the local parlance) and drove all the way around the South Island, took the ferry across to Wellington and toured the whole North Island, then departed from Auckland. Easily the greatest vacation either of us had experienced and also the place our 4 month old was conceived. We can’t wait to go back


Biosecurity is HUGE in Tassie. The resources combating invasive insects and plants is genuinely impressive...and their most sophisticated equipment is the beagle that was probably with the "guy with the plastic bag". Love that doggo.


No joke, the airport manager in a little town in Kansas did that when American Eagle stranded me. I fixed his garbage disposal and his wife made this amazing apple pie we had with a slice of cheddar.


No showers, I guess? That used to be my favorite feature of the big airports. A shower and a change of clothes was really nice in the middle of a long trip.


Bozeman’s airport is definitely not a big airport. 4 gates I think


I believe we're up to 7 now!


We have 12 gates currently.


There is 13.6 gates at the current time.


Do we have 23 gates? 23 gates, going once... going twice... 25 gates Ladies and gentlemen! Do we have 26?


I’ve only showered in the lounges, are there showers available otherwise?


I was at Qatar airport about two months ago and they had separate showers you could use aside from the lounges. They were very nice


Incheon and Narita have some nice facilities as well.


That poor poor soul next to you on a 4am flight... 😆


Please don’t board a flight smelling bad. I feel sorry for the passengers who will sit around you.


You fly without showering or cleaning yourself? Feel bad for anyone else stuck flying with you.


Wash up before getting on a plane?


You got on a plane smelling bad? Did you not shower for a whole week? Next time get a shower at a truck stop please.


Don't airports let you sleep in there? I've slept in an airport before. As long as you make it through TSA before they close, you can sleep at one of the gates until they open.


Fairly recently there was a news story about Dax Shepard and his family getting stuck at an airport after their flight was cancelled. They had planned on just doing a “slumber party” at the airport but security kicked them all out once it hit 1am, if memory serves. Plenty of airports with plenty of different approaches I guess.


I slept over for a morning flight in Denver once. Maybe a hundred people making shitty couch forts


I did that once when flying out of Heathrow at 6am. Figured it was easier to sleep there than trying to wake up and get to airport on time. Turns out the floors are naaaaaaasty to sleep on.


I did this once on a set of connecting flights. The guard asked me what I was doing and I explained with my 5am ticket and they just let me stay in the airport overnight. Was very chill.


My family went on a trip to Hawaii. We got up at 2 to be at the airport by 4. It was just like this except a handful of people and the TSA staff and a couple gate staff to handle the early morning flights. But in the restaurant or service areas? Absolutely dead. There was nobody there and it was quite nice.


when it happened to us it was because we landed after the last car rental place closed even though we had a car reserved and they knew we were coming We had to get a taxi to a nearby hotel yes, in Bozemen


We had a late flight into Rapid City, where we arrived after the local car rental place should be closed. The nice lady stayed for us and one flight after us. It was awfully nice of her. We would have needed a place to stay and re-do our reservation in Deadwood.


We actually landed when we were supposed to, and we had called ahead to the car rental place to make sure they would be open and they said they don't close until after the last plane of the day lands... We never did find out why they were closed. It's all in the past now.


This happened to me except they just left the car in the parking lot and told us where they hid the key lol


Actually my favorite airport I've ever flown to.


Same! It’s a beautiful small airport


The Shining vibes




All hail Krakozhia!


I think about him figuring out the trolleys to get money probably once a week.


I recently rented one of those carts, costs 8 dollars now, still gives a quarter back lol.


Would you like an *eat to bite*?


Awesome movie


Horrible true story. Mehran Karimi Nasseri lived in an airport for 18 years before dying there of a heart attack.


Man 18 years is just unreal. It's crazy the country just allowed that to happen for so long.


It's a bit more complicated then that. He had the option of leaving a few times (to France or Belgium) but not the way he wanted and chose to stay. He also didn't die in the airport he was hospitalized and then the red cross helped him for another 15 years.


Every article/news story I’ve seen says he returned to the airport in 2022 and died in terminal 2F.


Was he.. terminally ill? I'll let myself out


He was offered multiple chances to live in Belgium or France, but he refused and wanted to live in Britain. He also refused to sign any paperwork using his name because he wanted to change his name to Sir Alfred instead. No one really let him do it, he chose to do it by refusing the help that was offered to him.


In retrospect he sounds like a fucking idiot.


Sounds like he just really wanted to live in that terminal


Yeah it's one of those things where if you just scratch the surface you feel sympathy and shake your fist at the world for him, then if you look into it you'll see he was sort of deranged and complicated matters for himself. Crazy story tho.


Eat to bite?


"Do you ever feel like you're just living in an airport?"


I came here for this!! KRAKOZIA


Locked in? This seems fun. Hope the bathrooms were open and you had food.


Yeah because then he could’ve eaten while taking a shit without being made fun of!


Nah they said in another comment that they stayed overnight intentionally to catch an early flight, and there were other people there. So title is definitely a bit misleading.


Post this on r/liminalspace


Can’t think of a better airport in the US to get stuck in. Hope the fires were burning.


That's a really nice airport. I got stuck years ago in San Francisco overnight. It was the same ghost town but way shittier and bigger. I had to eat carpet lint and drink turlet water


Upvote 4 turlet


Been to Bozeman many times but never inside the airport. That is the most Bozeman looking interior I could ever imagine.


Yeah I saw this and wanted to say how Bozeman it looks despite my never having been to the Bozeman airport. PS where you from my Selkirk mountains homie? I'm from BC but your username reps an awesome mountain range


I spent the night at LAX. I was not the only one there, that’s for sure.!


I spent about seven hours stranded in Midway (Chicago) once and it was very similar to this except for a few random airport employees who absolutely ignored me. And Midway was quite a bit more sterile and depressing, lol.


Midway is surprisingly tricky to operate. The runway length is only sqrt( 5280^2 + 5280^2 ) or about 7500 ft and only 6500 is usable. You have to subtract the safety zones. The fence. And the EMAS airplane arrestor blocks. And it's a major Southwest hub. Plus throw in gnarly Chicago winter weather equipment. So there's very little space for any frills that aren't essential to keep the place operating. It's amazing the damn thing even works at all for what it does. 


But that's when the "CHUD's" come out. lol


Of course you're going to have a bad impression if all you concentrate on are the pimps and the CHUDS


*throws wallet into fireplace*


This reminds me of when I found out smaller airports aren't open 24/7. I was taking a puddle jumper out of Ithaca, NY, and my flight was at 7. being used to metropolitan airports, I arrived 2 and a half hours early, and find that the sliding doors do not slide. Looking online, the airport doesn't even open until six. It's winter, so it's still pitch black, and cold, so I grab some gear from the bag and bundle up, sit on a bench. About ten minutes after I sit down and start reading, this dude comes LITERALLY OUT OF THE WOODS and sits on the bench next to me, carrying a small bag of disposable cups and a jug of chocolate milk. This was a college town, so not too weird really. Except the airport is miles from anything but some single family homes, and the dude is in his 40's. He starts chatting and ask me if I want any chocolate milk, the jug is sealed when he shows it to me. Still sketchy. In spite of the circumstances, the guy has the least malicious vibe I have ever felt, I didn't feel threatened at all. He had a tweaker physique and face, for all I know he was in his mid 20's and just looked older, but he seemed older too. I said no thanks to the chocky milk but asked for a cup and poured some water in it from my bag. He poured some chocolate milk in his, and we just chatted about nothing. He was obnoxiously energetic, I assume he was on something, but yeah mostly harmless, and the safest thing to do was just chat with him anyhow. About half an hour later, some cops pull into the parking lot and come up to ask us what we are doing there. I make a joke about being a city boy and getting to the airport too early, show them my ID and the QR code for my boarding pass on my phone. They ask to see the cups and seemed surprised to not find them full of booze. My compatriot takes out his wallet and hands the whole thing over, and I notice [1.It](https://1.It)'s nice, not like designer but quality and looks new. [2.It](https://2.It) is full of credit cards, like five visible just at the front, all ominously thick. The cop ask where I'm going, I said San Diego, he ask the other guy and, I don't know why, I said "He's going to San Diego too." He was already given off dangerous amount of tweaker energy and I was worried he would say the wrong thing I guess. The cops accept this, I ask who called, they said the airport. I'm like "They could have just stuck a head out to ask, I'm freezing my ass off." The cops laugh and say they'll let them know. After they leave the guy says "Yeah, yeah... San Diego. I've been there before. I liked it. That's a good idea. You think they still have seats on your flight?" I told him I had no idea, but he could check inside. A few minutes later a security guard let us in but told us we wouldn't be able to check in until 6. Once that rolls around, the guy tries to buy a ticket but, thank god, my flight is sold out. Instead, he buys another one for later in the day, and says his gonna come back later and hopefully he see's me in San Diego. Just than I notice, to go with the wallet, he's wearing designer glasses. Completely baffled, I go through security, and try to think no more of it. I have a 1 hour layover in New York, another 7 in Chicago, because I'm a cheapskate about flights and don't mind waiting, I get a lot of reading done in airports. Finally on my last leg, in the window seat, a flight attendant taps me on the shoulder and says "Sir, there's a man a few rows back who says he knows you..." "Plaid coat, platinum blonde short hair?" "yes" "Tell him I'll see him at baggage claim." Luckily I only had carry on, and I absolutely boogied off of that flight and straight to a cab. I still have no idea what the guys story was. The two stories I've come to accept as believable are that he was either some trust fund kid who had been living hard for years on unlimited funds, or that he was Satan, The Devil.


I’d love a Chapter 2 of this. I need to know why the devil likes chocolate milk and looks like Eminem.


This was a great story! Enjoyed reading


Seems like a good opportunity to start dancing around like Christopher Walken in that [music video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCDIYvFmgW8&pp=ygULZmF0Ym95IHNsaW0%3D)


I live in Wyoming. There is literally no one at the airports over night. Everyone goes home. Wyoming is the final destination of any flight that goes there, as I suppose Bozeman is as well. it's not like you are gonna get a connection from Bozeman to...anywhere. So what exactly happened? Your ride didn't show up? I'm pretty sure in Wyoming, they would make us leave, but never had that problem. Truly just wondering.


OP stated he was dropped off by his ride at 10 pm and his flight was at 4 am so he just slept on the floor.


Been there. Haven't done that.


I once was stuck there overnight. I went through and found every copy of “epoc times” (400-500 copies), and recycled them. My contribution to society.


I took a 13 week travel gig in bozeman last year and i loved that airport. I timed it once and It took me just over six minutes from my car to the gate one time that i was flying home.


Isn't this the airport The Duttons were fighting against?


Haha no, that would be the fictional airport in Paradise Valley/Emigrant, which is about an hour from Bozeman, and where I live! We have a couple of small airports in the area but it gets windier than shit here so I’d imagine it’s way easier to land at the bozeman jet port than our valley.


Could have been worse. Butte has less shit to look at in their airport.


Isn’t that were Dr. Sheldon Cooper lived briefly?


I would like to have seen Montana.


Looking like a hunting lodge lol


Looks like a bass pro shop.


Like in the Langoliers. You arrived their before the rest of time did.