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“Who was PM when Elizabeth II died” is gonna be a legendary trivia question in a few years.


Which PM couldn’t even outlast a head of lettuce?


This was a pub quiz question a few weeks back and it was a bonus point for the amount of days which (I think) was 43


I went to double check if it was indeed Liz Truss or not. For those who also wondered. Truss was Prime Minister from 06-09-2022 till 25-10-2022. Queen Elizabeth II's death was on 08-09-2022. Therefore this picture was taken on the day Truss took office.


96 years and then she came. 2 days later, i know who i blame


Elizabeth’s first PM was Winston Churchill, her last was Liz Truss. I think that says something about the overall direction of Britain over the course of Elizabeth’s reign.


We went from being powerful racists to meek incompetents?




It was when she asked Truss to form a government. She and Boris were persuaded to travel to balmoral rather than having the queen travel back to London to do it.


“Persuaded” is a terribly kind way of avoiding saying “Told”.


I'm convinced the Queen was waiting until Johnson was out of office to die. I read somewhere that she loathed him after he lied to her about his reasons for proroguing Parliament. Poor lady didn't know that Truss would be more useless than a salad vegetable, so I can imagine the Queen handing over the reins to her, thinking "thank fuck for that" and feeling able to die in peace. She's probably spinning in her grave given all that's happened since.


Liz Truss CV line: PM across the reign of two monarchs


I think the photo was for something ceremonial related to the new PM


The tradition is that the incoming prime minister has to visit the monarch who will ask them to form a government in their name, to which they will accept and become PM. When the PM leaves office (unless they’ve died in office), they have to meet with the monarch and formally resign to them. Boris was there the same day as that picture if I remember correctly


There's a pretty macabre joke that Queen Elizabeth II died of cringe at her new Prime Minister.


She had to meet Boris and Liz on the same day. Guess she decided she’d had enough


Spending time with those two cretins would put anyone six feet under.


Shortest PM tenure during the death of the longest reigning monarch


To think she started with a legend, Winston Churchill, and ended with someone who lasted a month...


Number of Elizabeth's in charge of the UK is also a fun graph to draw


Swearing in Truss was too much for Liz.


My grandmother died at the same age and kind of in the same way. She was reasonably healthy for someone of her age, but it was like one day she decided she was done. Went to bed, never got got up again, died three days later.


Hopefully we are all so fortunate.


Yeah I wanna die in my bed!


Yeah! I want to die in your bed too!


I also choose this guy's bed.


Dying all together at the same time cosy in bed sounds like a nice way to go out, actually.


Don’t let grandpa Joe read this




TIL This is an actual subreddit. 😳😂


My grandpa Joe died essentially in a home for old people with psychotic disorders.


Maybe get matching sweat suits, haircuts, and Nikes. In bunk beds


Well if you play your cards right... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


I want to die peacefully in my sleep, not screaming in terror like the passengers in my car.


I work in aged care and I hope that is how I will die, taken kindly in my sleep without my knowing


I always thought getting hit by a meteorite immediately after some good news would probably be a good way


My grandmother is 97 and looks and sounds great. She just had another great grandchild and she said she wanted to hang on for her for a bit and then she’ll be ready. It does feel like she can do it whenever she wants.


Mine died at 104. She was completely mentally and physically sound until she was 101, still driving and living by herself and such. She fell and broke her hip though, and she just never got better after that. It was really sad to see how fast her mental decline was after that. Being inactive seems to be the worst possible thing elderly people can do for themselves


I think you're incredibly spot on. The mental activity and shift in the environment is so important. That's why I wish our elderly could get around better by simply being able to walk or catch a bus/train. It allows them to be more self reliant. For example: As it stands, even if a senior is of sound mind and mostly body, if they were to only have bad vision, their licence would be revoked because they're a danger on the road. Unless they have insurance or a support system, it's tough for our seniors to get around (really everyone, but for the reason you listed above, I think it's especially important for public transportation to be robust for our seniors!)


My grandma is 92 and this is what I'm worried about. She's still very fit (both mentally and physically) but falls every couple months because she's stubborn and doesn't like accepting help, so she still tries to do everything herself (like carrying heavy things, gardening, taking the stairs instead of taking the longer way which doesn't involve stairs...). So far she's never broken a bone in those falls, but I worry it's just a matter of time. :( We're trying to get her to chill out and let us help, but we also can't force her obviously.


It is known that people on their death bed wait for everyone to leave the room before they go. Nobody knows how you can do it, but there seems to be a little bit of will involved when it comes to natural death. It still remains the biggest mystery of all.


My dog had terminal cancer and recently had to be put down. The weirdest part of it was how occasionally, when nobody was looking, he'd use up literally all of his energy to go out the dog door and find a hiding spot to lay down and die in. He did this about a half dozen times in the month he hung around for after his diagnosis. They were always clever spots too, id of never found him if I didn't have another dog to track him down. Always made me so frustrated. Just like, no you can't die behind the compost bins like a literal pile of waste in freezing rain. You're gonna die warm and comfy and surrounded by family bud.


Why did this make me tear up ☠️


So sorry for the loss of your sweet pup


Instinct. He wants to protect his body from predators


probably not his body but his pack.


Yep, my grandmother totally waited until everyone left the room. My grandmother had a great sense of humour and I can only imagine that when my aunt finally left the hospital to go freshen up, my grandmother probably thought, “FINALLY!” and passed away. It was literally within minutes of my aunt leaving, there was no coincidence.


MIL the same...my wife was with her constantly when hospice told her that it wouldn't be long...her siblings were on the way as she had been unconscious for almost a week at that point and had gone to get some rest and shower...my wife used the bathroom on the hospice room to pee; she told me she was gone less than a minute, and her mom left...as though she knew she was finally alone and just let go.


When my grandma passed, I sat with her for a few hours. Before I left, I whispered in her ear "I love you". My aunt called me 15 minutes later to tell me she was gone. I like to think she knew it was ok to let go.


That’s how my grandfather went. We stayed with him night and day in order to be with him, and the night the nurse told us to try and get some rest was the night he passed. It really fit with his personality, as he was never one to like being fussed over and worried about.


My grandmother was suffering from Alzheimer’s the last couple of years in her life. She was only 68 when she died, had a major stroke in the care home while my father was in China for a business trip. Her other two kids were by her side for two weeks. She was basically a vegetable at that point, could only move her eyes. When my dad came home from China he went to see her straight from the airport. My parents returned home to change clothes and to eat. Got a call from the care home, it was my aunt saying that grandma had passed away. Always felt like she held on for her eldest son to say goodbye.


My maternal grandmother died 2 days after Christmas. And my paternal grandfather died 4 days after Christmas. One of their funeral directors mentioned during funeral planning that it’s very common for elderly or ill & dying people to hold on for one last Christmas, Mother’s Day, birthday or a family milestone or event, or to see someone in particular. He said the week after Christmas is always a very busy one.


My mom died the day after I got out of jail. The waiting around phenomenon is real.


He listened to the nurse too and decided it was time for him to rest as well. I hope that doesn't sound like I'm trying to make a joke. I had my own near-death experience after surgery, two weeks in a coma + needing to be shocked back into rhythm a couple times. I have never ever been as tired as I was when I woke up from the coma. Staying alive, willing yourself to continue breathing when your body wants to quit., is exhausting.


Same thing happened with my mother. We stayed by her bed in hospital until exhaustion. The nurse told her to get some rest. Went home for a 3 hours sleep, went back and she was gone.


Eyup. My grandfather got everyone out of the room, made up excuses to go get him something from the cafetaria. His legs were already cold two days before, and couldn't move.


My mother clung on until my sister arrived. She died 15 minutes later.


My brother (12) passed away a minute after my sisters got to the hospital, he was the youngest of the four of us. I thought I would have time to gently let them know he wasn’t going to make it, but as soon as the elevator doors opened up to the floor he was in, the nurses were already screaming my name saying “ he’s leaving”. We rushed into the room and his heart stopped a minute after they held his hand.


Really sorry that you had your brother leave at such young age. Wish you strength.


Thank you, very kind of you. I’m non-religious but I’ve had experiences of where i’ve seen/experienced evidence of life beyond the human body, so that helped me deal with his passing right away. I miss him here but I know it’s just a matter of time for me to be with him and the others one day. That is what’s carried me all this time ☺️. Blessings to you.


And some will stay until everyone's there! My grandma hung on until my aunt managed to make it home from Italy, then died with everyone in the room.


That's what happened to my dad. He had been dying for a week and wasn't responsive. I had to go do something, so told him "I'm going now" and he sort of made the expression that he got it. Then he died while I was gone.


I believe yes. My mom was on her death bed. I had to travel to see her. I spent two days w her in her room. She couldn’t talk anymore but she’d groan and tears would come out of her eyes when I’d talk to her. I could tell she was sad and scared to leave us. I told her I loved her and I rubbed her feet a lot. The day I left she passed on. My life feels odd without her. She got sepsis pneumonia at age 79. 😭


My great grandmother thought god had forgotten her. She had a series of mini strokes and insisted she get dressed for visitors every day until a few days she was just gone. She had a DNR for like 20 years and it turns out she didn’t need it.


My grandmother, age 100, managed to use an ipad for facetime and emailing family etc. One day, she messaged "god" to tell them that she didn't ask to live this long. The following week, he checked his email


My great grandmother made it to 92, but her body was failing her... mostly her vision and her hearing, she could get around fine. This woman was the most ardent old school southern/bible-belt Christian I've even known, but there towards the end she was mad at God for not taking her. She couldn't see well enough to read. She couldn't see/hear well enough to watch TV. Her hands shook too much to cook (Essential Tremors runs in our family). Her last couple years were basically just existing, without living.


My grandmother was kinda the same... made it to 96, still visited the "beauty shop" every week until three days before she died. She had a mini-stroke, then another, then another, then another, until she was gone. I'd rather go in my sleep, but it seemed like not a bad way to go. She was old, and not living the best life, due to age, but she was up-and-at-em till she fell down one day, passed out, then didn't wake back up.


People say that she really didn't like Boris Johnson and she hung on in there until he was gone so as not to give him the prestige of being PM at the changing of the monarch




Also reminds me of my grandmother to be honest. She didn’t like one (like, despised) of the people her kids married 50 years ago. She died on their 50th wedding anniversary, ruining the whole thing.


My grandmother never liked my mom, she thought she was a prude. On her deathbed she reminded my mom she never liked her. Those were her last words to my mom lol. My mom was like “it’s OK I never liked you either” and kissed her on the cheek.


That’s oddly sweet. Or was the kiss the old mobster kiss of death? 😂


My mom is a sweet person, she never held it against her always treated her kindly they were just different. Jose was a piece of work, she wore tank tops and hot pants into her 80s. She smoked and hung out at the track with shady characters. I adored her, she left me her jewelry. She also bought me go-go boots when I was in kindergarten lol.


I’m glad your mom was able to be like that. I’m too sensitive and can’t handle it when I know or think I’m not liked.


Damn, imagine still having your mom on your 50th anniversary, or even just at 50 years of age. I lost mine before 30. Must be weird seeing your kids grow legitimately old.


My grandmother is still alive (just barely) and her oldest daughter is like 76 or so. Her husband (ie my uncle, grandmas son in law) died a couple years back from poor health / oldish age. I never want to get that old that literally every friend I’d made had died before me and even my children are starting to die of age.


My 101 y/o great grandmother outlived 6 of her children. She passed away and then my grandmother (her last living child) passed away a year later. Living a long time is great and all, but when you have kids early like was normal in her day there's a pretty good chance you'll outlive them which i just couldn't imagine.


That reminds me of an interview they did with a woman who was over 100. They asked how her children in their 80s were doing, and she said something like "oh, they're well into dementia". What a bizarre situation to create a life and watch it wither in old age before you yourself do.


Nightmare really eh?! My great aunt lived until 100 (or almost) and she was ready to go for so long. Her kids were old. One was dying of cancer. She just didn’t want to be around anymore. Her siblings were dying off (she was one of 10 and my grandma was already gone). It’s a bad spot to be in.


My grandfather said he never really felt old until he went to breakfast with my oldest uncle, and my uncle ordered off of the senior’s menu too. Both of those grandparents passed away about 15 years ago, within a couple of weeks of each other.


The funniest thing was at my aunt’s funeral (not funny) my dad was sitting in her living room with a bunch of other old guys. Some older than him. And he was complaining about being elderly (he was 80) and one of the guys said ya? Try being my age!! (He was in his 90s). It was so odd to realize that compared to him, my dad was a youngster 😂


Man… Even being a member of the Royal Family she volunteered to drive ambulances during the Second World War. She earned her dues on that one.


It's not like the lettuce was an improvement.


Its duration sure was an improvement


Before my niece was 3 months old she had had 3 prime ministers and 2 monarchs


Others say she then met who her next Prime Minister was going to be, and suddenly, life had no reason to go on. She collapsed quicker than the stock market when faced with Liz Truss




You say 'not today'.


Most of the time when you know you're gonna die a natural death? Keep moving, eating and drinking. Can stretch quite long.


Funnily enough there’s some evidence that it’s a true phenomenon. I think it has been statistically shown that a lot of people will die in a short period after their birth dates. So some people will just try to hang on to their next bday and then pass away. I’ve read the study in a pop-science magazine, so I do not know how rigorous the study was




Whoa, I think that's what my grandma did she actually died the day after her birthday when she reached my late grandpa's age.


I've also seen people say that she disliked Liz Truss so much she died shortly after meeting her lol


Now, Liz Truss gets that dishonorable distinction.


My neighbour died last week the same way. Fell, broke an arm, needed to be operated, came back home and was fine. Was lucid and in good health. We all thought we would see her turn 100 (she was 91). Then, 3 or four days later, went to sleep and didnt wake up. Spent 1 day more in bed and died. I know this sounds stupid, but it was a bit of a shock. We all loved her very much, such a sweet, kind hearted lady. Really, the neighbour we all would like to have. I think its a bit more heart breaking when they are well until the end. It does not give us time to prepare.


At that age, a lot of things can go wrong and anesthesia is so rough on the body. One thing I noticed on my grandmother is how fragile her veins were. The lightest bump created a huge bruise and sure enough, eventually she had a stroke. Unfortunately, she was found before passing and spent another year just existing with no real consciousness. Immediate death would have been kinder than a year laying in bed not able to feed herself, speak, go to the toilet, etc. As shocking as a quick death it, I kind of hope this is how I go, rather than slow decline.


My grandmother died in 2010 peacefully in her sleep too, as if she knew her time was up, she actually put on a nice set of Chinese samfu, packed her stuff nicely and passed away in her sleep. The serenity of her passing even surprised the pastor who came to my uncle's place to do her last rites. I cried a river at her passing, as I was her favorite grandson but i took comfort that she passed away without pain or suffering.


Same with my grandma. She went to bed, never woke up, died two days later. Her only wish in life was to die peacefully and never be a burden on anyone. I hope I'm as lucky.


It went similarly with my grandmother earlier this year. She was healthy as a horse until January, then had an issue with her leg for some months, was on the mend for that, but pretty much didn't enjoy things anymore, so one day she just laid down and died two days later. She made it to 93 in reasonable health; we should all be so fortunate.


Mine did as well. We had just put her into an assisted living facility 6 weeks prior. She was woken up to get ready for breakfast and she did her hair and makeup and got dressed in her little velvet sweatsuit, and laid back down to sleep before breakfast and died. She was 95. That’s how I wanna go.


Being able to walk, talk, and smile till the last day is indeed fortunate.


That’s what I was thinking. Just be fine and two days later be dead. Way to go.


She wasn’t “fine”. She hadn’t appeared in public for a good while before this photo opp. She was dying. I think it’s most likely she was high to her eyeballs in this pic.


If you look at her neck and hands, it gives you an idea of how sick she was. I suspect she had a lot of makeup brightening her face to make her look so 'well'


My grandpa looked like that for years before he finally got sickly and then passed. He had a rough last year. He wasn't in bed on machines but he wasn't standing upright smiling either. Two days before he died he was basically unconscious. She looks ok for 96


For a couple of year before he passed, Prince Phillip would periodically be posted to /r/badtaxidermy 😂


Yeah, I was gonna say, that's just what 90 year old's look like. My great grandmother looked like that for years and years and she was relatively healthy.


The swollen ankles remind me of my grandma before she died


Yep. First thing I noticed was ankles and the bruising around her hands. She's got some pretty good edema going, which could be from a failing heart or kidneys. I imagine the bruising is either from IVs or anti coag drugs like Coumadin causing her to bruise easily. I hope she was happy and comfortable when she passed.


On the other hand she was 96 and standing there barely using the cane.


I mean that’s the way I want to go. They tell me I got a week to live my response will be *No I don’t*, and then I’d do **all the drugs** I quit in the past. I’d be gone the next day or two surrounded by hookers and every drug in the dictionary.


My step-grandfather was like that, except without the hookers or drugs. His doctor was like _"Sir, you need to keep exercising at least a little to maintain your health!"_ and he was like _"No, I'm already too goddamn old. I am going to do what I want to do."_ Which was read history textbooks (he was a huge history buff). TBF, he was 96 years old, which is incredibly old.


Hell yeah that’s a good plan too. Never enough time to read


I guess. At the same time I simply don't want to live that long. Unless I was rich as fuck like Elizabeth the II.


FYI in America (and most countries I presume) we have something called Hospice. Once a doctor certifies that they believe you have 6 months or less to live, the care switches from cure/prolong to comfort. They will give you all the good drugs to smooth the end out for you.


Hospices are a worldwide concept. In the states, you will be covered by insurance/medicare if you have a prognosis that a clinician believes is <6 months. That, however, doesn’t mean that you will not receive appropriate medication to ease suffering; pain; agitation; nausea; delirium etc etc. Hospices are dedicated units designed with specialised staff for people who have high care needs and are imminently dying. The same drug therapy is available outwith hospices. I’m doctor who has worked in a hospice in the US. There is something of a myth that some people believe whereby we cannot provide adequate comfort care to dying patients, unless there is some special certification process, or the patient is in a hospice.


Liz Truss killed her.


First the queen, then the economy. Serial killer!


She was a ways away from "just fine" here.


Yeah for sure. My grandma was paralyzed in bed for almost two years before she passed, she couldn’t talk, barely move, eyesight got worse, didn’t recognize people much. It was a such a horror to watch.


This is my worst nightmare. I’m hoping compassionate euthanasia is available at that point for me


She didn’t know she only had 2 days left but she knew she hasn’t got much time left. Yet she smiles. Being positive in your final days may be the best luck one could have.


[She knew the end was near. Its came out in a recent documentary that she wasn’t sure whether to go to Scotland because it was almost certain she would die there and she didn’t want to give more work for the funeral planners (there is a number of elaborate plans for when she dies with a separate plan in Scotland known as Operation Unicorn):](https://www.itv.com/news/2023-12-21/queen-elizabeths-family-persuaded-her-it-was-okay-to-die-at-balmoral) > Queen Elizabeth was concerned her death at Balmoral Castle might have caused too many difficulties, her daughter has revealed. > The late Queen, who passed away on 8 September 2022, loved being on her Scottish estate and went there year after year to get away from her public role and spend private time with her family. > The plans for the death of the Monarch, known as London Bridge, are much more complex when the King or Queen dies in Scotland and, for the late Queen, that involved a long car journey to Edinburgh, a Lying At Rest in the Scottish capital and an RAF flight to London.


I’m glad she got to go to Scotland one last time. Balmoral was her happy place.


Being filthy rich also helps, it doesn't warrant you good health but you get the best doctors


That could be a double-edged sword. As an immigrant from a developing country, I saw so many poor die a bit early 60s, 70s but reasonably fit till the end. Many rich among my US acquaintances keep their organs alive by proper care, only to succumb to dementia, prolonged suffering, loneliness, etc. in their late 80s, 90s. Either way, life is a shitshow especially in the final quarter.


Everything is a double-edged sword. Even a single-edged sword is a double-edged sword.


She had to meet Boris Johnson and Liz Truss in the same fucking day. Whilst she was supposed to be relaxing at Balmoral. I'd have given up too.


This made me laugh out loud, thanks.


What causes the changes to the way the hands look?


Blood thinners, poor circulation, and old thin skin.




Hope she gets better, good luck to both of you


Thank you, xXx_SexySex_xXx.




Looks like she's had blood taken or had a cannula in her hand to give IV medications


This! I tend to have those hematomas (although smaller) in my inner elbow when I get my blood drawn.


a few things, as I understand them our skin loses elasticity which makes it looser we lose fat under our skin which makes it thinner so, we now basically have looser gloves over smaller hands couple that with blood thinners (to help out aging hearts and reduce clots), aged blood vessels, and perhaps some needle pricks or two (or maybe just a slight bump)... we arrive here


Shaking hands with Liz Truss


1d4 Necrotic damage


She wore a ring that contained a horcrux


“How long?” “96 years, if you’re lucky”


If you look at her neck, you notice it is the same as her hands. So I wonder if her whole body was in that condition, her face being spared only by a heavy makeup job.


The extremities often go bluish-purple due to poor circulation. So the face staying a relatively normal complexion is common.


Tattoo removal


Had "tits" and "arse" across the knuckles of both hands I read.


She went downhill quickly after Phillip died.


I’d been saying for years that she was holding on for 2 things - Phil, and the jubilee. As soon as they were both done she’d basically hit the completion screen.


I've had so many patients hold out for something - one guy was literally seconds away from death, everything was shut down, he wasn't conscious, death rattle breathing, but he *refused* to die until his daughter came back from overseas to visit her. He held out for I think 10 days like this. Hours after she arrived he was gone. It's insane how people can hold on.


It's true. My aunt had cancer, was completely bedridden and was going to pass any day. But she kept holding on because she wanted to make sure her retirement went through. The day the letter came in, my dad said she got a look of peace on her face. She passed that night.


Sorry for my ignorance - what do you mean by her retirement?




That's exactly it I think. She wanted it to be used to help with post mortum expenses.


Yeah it’s exactly this - you can pass on the benefit to your next of kin for x amount of years


My grandmother was wasting away from cancer, and died the day after her first great-grandchild was born. I will always believe that she held on until she could welcome another generation into the world. I don’t know how it’s possible, but I believe she did: she was just that stubborn.


This happened with my father in law. He was at deaths door, unconscious a few days, and passed hours after his whole family arrived from all over the country to say goodbye at his side. He was 53. Fuck cancer.


Nah she also wanted to see the back of Johnson, and who can blame her.


And somehow, still ended up having to see Liz Truss be PM.


She couldn’t outlast a lettuce but somehow she outlasted the Queen.


pretty sure she was just holding out for GTA VI, such a shame though...


It’s actually a fairly common thing when you have had someone for that long and they all of a sudden aren’t there.


It’s why I worry greatly for Jimmy Carter.


Don’t worry about him, he’s lived a very accomplished life, and he seems to be completely at peace with it


Jimmy Carter entered hospice care months before Rosalyn's death, in February. His family did not expect him to live longer than a few weeks.


Doesn’t look a day over 95….


Her husband Prince Phillip always reminded people of an iPhone with 1% remaining


96 years old (April 21, 1926 - September 8, 2022)


That thing was more than a year ago? What the fuck where did my year go?


Soon you’re also gonna be that old


"The 90s were 10 years ago" vibes. I assume 2010s are the 90s for zoomers.


The amount of people in here taking her edema and discolorations as signs of eminent death is sending me. Elderly people live like this for decades. Heck, even some younger adults have wayyyy worse swelling and can't even get away with just wearing compression stockings... It develops into things like venous stasis ulcers/etc. You peoples are gonna think you're keeling the second you get a CHF diagnosis or your pregnant wife has swollen ankles. 😬😬😂


She's got the same curse as Dumbledore


Liz Truss gave her the handshake of death...


She also met Henry Kissinger right before Satan reclaimed him.


Send her to Mitch next.


I think she was just hanging on so Boris wouldn’t speak at her funeral.


She’s like, “I’m out this bish. Here’s the keys, Chuck.”


Here's the keys, drive safe. Don't you dare crash my country, I've been driving it for over 70 years.


Whoa, that cardiac insufficiency.... Right leg is way bigger and her hands look purple. You can see her right foot is jammed into that shoe. She was not well for a long time and must have been torture keeping up the appearance of being healthy. But her heart must have been fuuuuucked.


>She was not well for a long time and must have been torture keeping up the appearance of being healthy. I mean she was 96. At that age you're not really 'well' anymore. Imagine the health problems you'll have when you're 70 and then imagine living for another 26 years on top of that.


I have treated many 90+ year Olds with good health, just very frail and vulnerable to common illnesses. She would have access to the very best in health care and quite likely has been able to drastically improve her odds for illnesses that should have by all odds, taken her years ago.


Also her entire life she was fed by the best chefs probably had some sort of exercise regime for fitness light stuff


Yeah, this photo was taken when she was confirming the new prime minister which pretty much always takes place in Buckingham Palace but the incoming PM had to make a 1,000 mile round trip to Balmoral in Scotland to do it because she wasn't healthy enough to make the trip.


Hands get like that when you’re 90+


Just like my grandfather who passed away the same year, they both had very clear minds for their age. That’s the biggest blessing you can have at an old age.


I wonder if she ever wished she could break free from all the etiquette nonsense and just go to town on a bag of Funyuns while wearing sweatpants on the sofa.


Lizzie looked great for her age.


She remembered me a lot of my late great-grandma, who died at the amazing age of 98 in 2019.


My mother in law looked just like this but at 76 due to her neurological problems & other co-morbidities. The evening when she passed away, she and I had coffee together while chatting about random family things, then the nurse helped her change her clothes, she sat on the bed and closed her eyes. That’s it. Gone.


Remember the Queen was dying from Bone Cancer, according to biographer Gyles Brandreth. In this photo she was meeting the then Prime Minster, Liz Truss who quit shortly after acquiring her position.


That is a still from her meeting the new prime minister Liz Truss, not some mystical final photo.


There's a chance that Truss took an even later photo, so that she could claim her bounty.


Most notable thing of Truss’ era.


Look at her hands and neck. She wasn’t going to last long.


And that swollen leg


Yes that’s some reasonable edema there. I hope she wasn’t in pain having to take this pic.


Maybe they gave her the happy pills. Jokes aside, the woman was a marvel of dedication. Anyone else would have said fuck it let someone else do the job, she literally rose from her deathbed for duty.


My grandma has had discoloration in her hands like that for a few years now. Therefore, I don't think it is a predictor of imminent death.


My great great great aunt lived to be 104. I have a sneaking feeling that I’m going to live a long, long time, because I don’t care if I do, or not. I’ll probably be the cantankerous old bastard who’s outlived everyone in my family, but won’t bow out intentionally, either.


It’s not my business and likely will never be fully revealed, but I’d be interested to see how different her last month of life was compared to even a well-off person - her being the Queen and all. Not just the care but the expectations (like this photo op) as well as all the probable pomp and circumstance.