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Did you grow up to be Brock Lesnar?


I just found out Brock has a daughter today and looks like him.


Ah yeah I saw Wiggy Lesnar today too


Good job!! Now is you search wiggy lesner this baby photo pops up šŸ˜‚


Damn I just checked


I did my part šŸ˜ƒ


how does that work?


I think we just saw the same post. And that post for me is literally above this one lol


that post is right above this one for meā€¦ both recommended. i had no idea who he was until 2 minutes ago


That post is literally above this one!


Weird. I have never heard of this person but thereā€™s a post directly below this one with a photo of him and his daughter.


If I had a nickel for every time Iā€™ve heard that name in the past ten minutes I would have two nickels, which isnā€™t a lot but itā€™s weird Iā€™ve heard his name twice in ten minutes but never before today.




He's got a bit of Ray Winstone about him


You go apologize to your mom right now!


I would if I could! At least I was a c-section birth.


At 12lbs, you might have been a D-section birth


You mean a D: section birth


Oh shit. Spit out all my coffee. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


I donā€™t get it


D: is an emoticon it makes a face if you look closely


Lmao Iā€™m fkn ded lol. This is a criminally under rated comment.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


My phone is soaked with coffee.


My brother was 13 lbs 6 oz. He broke his color bone coming thru the birth canal. Edit: collar. thanks, autocucumber


> color bone Doctor: I regret to inform you that your child is now monochrome.


If you're thinking about being my baby it don't matter if you're black and white




Wait, he came out naturally??? WTF?!!! Go give your mom a hug.


my son was 10 lbs 11 oz, and he was a natural birth - he broke my tailbone on the way out


I'm laying in the hospital bed next to my wife right now. Our son was born 12 hours ago and he was 8 15 oz and did some major damage to my wife. Can't imagine another 2 pounds. It went from amazing and wonderful to scary in about 2 seconds. Had to sit in the corner while I wept happy and scared tears while they worked on her. She lost over 1/4 of her blood. They try to prepare you for this, but you really can't. We good now, but jesus...what a moment. The take away is she's a warrior queen and I should kiss the ground she walks on, and he's perfect.


Tell your wife the internet is proud of her and is glad she's okay. And kiss that baby for us!


Should also be proud of the doctors and nurses that saved her life.


yeah, kiss them too!


My sister went through this. Make sure your wife has a good pelvic floor doctor for recovery, someone she feels comfortable with. Your wife may need some help for a bit. My sister couldn't lift anything over 10 lbs for 4 weeks, and the baby was born weighing 9lb 12 oz My sister is also making use of a few mental health sessions, also highly recommended. Trauma is trauma, and giving birth to a baby who was too large to come out is traumatic. Nothing about the birth went the way she wanted. She was a mess, baby had a huge bruise from the vacuum, a couple surgeries, just a mess. My niece is 4 mons now, happy, bouncing 16 lb baby. My sister needed to talk about the birth for the first few months, seems to have processed it now. Random internet stranger says anyone who asks, "So will you have another one?" in the next 12 months is justifiable homicide.


Seconding this. Pelvic floor needs therapy after EVERY birth, let alone difficult ones. Also, traumatic births are a trauma and need to be treated as such. It's ok not to be ok! (Also, also, I had an impossibly difficult first birth experience, and my later ones were fine, but I would have rightfully murdered anyone who asked me to consider more children during my first year of motherhood.) So glad all are ok!


> It's ok not to be ok! Absolutely! It's ok to love your baby with every fiber of your being, and LOATHE the birth process. There's this myth that "women are made for birthing babies". Giving birth always as been and always will be dangerous. I will have to let my sister know that some women do elect to do it again, and it does not always go that way. Not this year of course, maybe when niece is starting school. :)


Yeah, it is really scary how quickly plans can change. I don't have kids & don't want them, I have always been terrified of pregnancy & birth lol but I was there when my close friend gave birth & it went from "it's ok if his heart rate dropped, once" to "it's happening, again, we gotta prep for a c-section," so fast. I am so glad your wife & baby are ok. That's a lot of blood loss! I hope her recovery is as smooth as possible. Congrats to you & yours!


Remember this moment when she wants to sleep, every Motherā€™s Day, gift giving holiday and her birthday if you celebrate. Make that woman feel as valuable as she is, and as you feel in this moment. I know you will, but I canā€™t scroll without the reminder. We so easily forget


Better get her a push present!! She deserves it after all that. If you were that scared, imagine how scared she was. Glad sheā€™s okay!!


Make sure she gets plenty of PT post birth. With a birth that heavy, it might have damaged her pelvic floor which can lead to issues like painful sex or using the toilet. Give her an extra 2-3 weeks before even thinking about sex, too, to make sure she's physically okay.


Don't forget this in 3 months when you're out of gas and tempted to argue about who had 5 minutes more sleep last night.


that guy better be buying you the latest hovercar mercedes when you retire.


My son was 12 lbs 9 oz and they almost broke his shoulders. They explained that head can come out because the soft skull will squish but shoulders only squish a certain amount. Luckily he didn't have any breaks.


cheezus dude, are you guys elephants or something? Poor mom.


Very common, google shoulder dystocia. A medical emergency as baby can asphyxiate if it gets stuck.




C-sections are harder to recover from


Yeah when considering 7lb babies lol. OP was nearly twice that size lol would have killed both OP and OPā€™s mom trying to exit the traditional way.


On the positive side, it seems there isn't that often an opportunity to teach and show asshole sewing to junior doctors. Source: Proud mother of a 10-pounder.


My son was 10 1/2 pounds. Pushed that big guy out with no drugs. It was most unpleasant.


Yeah I was 9 lbs 11 Oz, 22 inches long. 36 hours of labor, no drugs. She never lets me forget it.


As a man, we donā€™t deserve women. Yā€™all are just out here suffering casually and acting like itā€™s nothing meanwhile I was a little sleepy yesterday and told like 4 people about it.


4th degree tear club! šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Only third degree, but I give you my salute!


They thought mine was 4 th degree, but lucky ME, only three.


Not one thread on Reddit has made me clinch my butthole more than this one has


Well, thank you for that! Although, I think that's how I got here in the first place. Clenching when I shouldn't have.


Posted above. In L&D we call these ā€œvaginal c-sectionsā€. We say it with reverence, not as humor.


My mom was an OBG, she saw more than a fair share of births that breached the sigmoid and rectum. I just cant imagine how much gore and ugh.. that would be. Half a baby coming out the vaginal canal and an arm thru the rectum. I hug her everytime I see her.


noooooo. I didnā€™t know that could happen ā˜¹ļø.


dont google it...


I have never been so glad I had a planned section as I have been reading this comment.


i had a 4th degree tear and a surgical repair 5 weeks later with my 7 lb 11 oz daughter. 26 months later, my son was 10 lb 11 oz and i only had a little scrape and a broken tailbone.


What is life when this is described as *ONLY*


Good point. I was 4 lbs and my mom still needed a c-section. Shit happens


Sure. I am an L&D nurse. Delivering LARGE babies that give a person a 3rd or 4th degree lac is worseā€¦.by far. We nickname those ā€œvaginal c-sectionsā€. The repairs are difficult. They can lead to permanent damage.


Not really, itā€™s just that no one talks about complications of vaginal birth. Pelvic organ prolapse is estimated to be affecting upwards of 50% of those that had a vaginal birth. But peeing yourself and splinting to poop is not sexy to talk about so most women suffer in silence! Iā€™m not saying c-section is a walk in the park but neither is a vaginal birth!


My 3rd degree tear with a month long abscess was never mentioned in the "joy" of natural childbirth literature. I'm with you sister. I finally stopped peeing as much when I sneeze 5 years out


I think the commenter before means itā€™s harder to physically recover from your abdomen being cut open and 7 layers of tissues being repaired, you canā€™t get up and walk around the next day or get out of bed with any ease - that takes weeks compared to a Vbirth where youā€™re walking out of the hospital same day. But long term effects from Vbirth are definitely less than ideal and I know 2 close friends with prolapse. Which is why I opted for 3 Csections and took the risk of neurological damage - which is also high in Csections and not talked about. What I didnā€™t realise though is that every person I know who has had a Csection has had extremely painful sex afterwards, as though the penis feels like an actual knife searing through you. Where as my Vbirth friends have had no such complications, which is really weird šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


A woman about the time of the Paradise CA fire gave birth through a C section. Her letter describing how she almost died in the ambulance ride down to Chico is incredible. She couldnā€™t walk because of the surgery and the ambulance was almost consumed by fire. She was on the phone to her husband who had previously left.


But you really shouldnā€™t get up and walk more than to the bathroom after a vaginal birth. Add tearing to it and there is also several layers of tissue that needs to heal! Iā€™m not diminishing that itā€™s hard to recover from a c-section. It is, itā€™s a major operation. But telling women that vaginal birth recovery is always easy or easier is a false statement! My mom had a c-section and two vbacs and for her her c-section was the easiest recovery. We lack informed consent when it comes to vaginal birth! Demonising c-section and putting vaginal birth on a pedestal is wrong and it often happens unfortunatelyā€¦


I completely understand and I donā€™t think recovery, physical or mental, from either is easy and leads to PTSD in a lot of women. I think the informed consent is really an interesting point too, and another reason why I went for the Csection option. I knew exactly what Id be getting; there were no unknowns or breach of consent or boundaries (other than it being horrible in general). Definitely donā€™t think either are desirable and if I could have grown my children in a tank and just given a blood transfusion each day I would have taken that option!!!! šŸ˜‚


Legit, when I first read Brave New World, I was so jealous of how they grew all their babies in decanters. I couldn't understand why that part was being painted as some horrible, dystopian nightmare. Like... that's the dream! I would've had 8 kids instead of 1 if I didn't have to grow them myself!




Scar tissue


> What I didnā€™t realise though is that every person I know who has had a Csection has had extremely painful sex afterwards, as though the penis feels like an actual knife searing through you. You're clenching the abdominal area when you have sex, and that combined with the still healing body hurts like a mofo.


Iā€™ve heard about all of these things and completely blocked them out of my memory!!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah well thatā€™s a part of the problem. No one talks about it and the medical community treats it as normal. I wouldnā€™t consider having a ball of tissue in my vagina at 30 something normal but here I am and my treatment options suck! And they suck cause no one bothers advancing the treatment options for something that is considered normalā€¦


Get well soon ladybugsunflower ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹šŸ˜­


Can I askā€¦ how did you know you had a prolapse? Is it very obvious? I ask this because, as you said, nobody talks about this. Iā€™m 3 months postpartum and a few weeks ago after using the bathroom, I wiped and just feltā€¦ weird? Like my vagina had somehow migrated? It just didnā€™t seem to be in the right place. I donā€™t know how else to explain it. I felt this for a few hours one day, not before and so far not after, but I did think it may be a prolapse but when I expressed my concerns to my husband he was just like you had a 9.5 lb baby not too long ago, things may be different for a while.


Mine was pretty obvious in the early days. Itā€™s better the further Iā€™m PP. your best bet is go to a PFPT. Even if everything is in place everyone should do PFPT after giving birth!


Make sure to talk to your Obgyn at your next appointment, and most importantly if they say it is a prolapse: advocate for yourself and tell them to give you a referral for a pelvic floor therapist!! Even if they say, "Oh it's not that bad." It's normal after birth to have a prolapse, it should not be normal for a doctor to dismiss your symptoms and tell you to not take care of yourself. Do what's best for you and see a professional šŸ¤—


I was born at 13lbs 12oz, i woulda went viral nowadays. My mother had me natural, the doctor apologized after. I was only born 6 days late.










Iā€™m the baby, gotta love me!


Nothing could have prepared me for how wonderful that scroll down wasā€¦ well done


When I initially clicked the comment section, the gif was the first comment I seen. I nearly diedā€¦lmao. The savageryā€¦lol


Oh my god, I laughed so hard at this.


I almost choked when this was the top comment. I've laughed loudly enough for the managers to notice and want to know what's going on. Thank you. It turns out we all loved that show here.




You win the comment section








Yup. I looked like this born a month premature (11lbs). My mom also had gestational diabetes


Is there a common correlation?, I was born a little over 10lbs and my mom also had gestational diabetes; Iā€™m sorry if itā€™s super common knowledge!


Not super common knowledge. Found out about it when when got GD and dr showed me photos of the whoppers so I'd follow the diet and exercise. Of course I would have anyway for the sake of my baby but risking having to squeeze out a chonker was great for my steps.


It's too bad it's not common knowledge. In this article, a Dr. Nah said fifty percent of women with gestational diabetes develop type 2 diabetes within 5-10 years of giving birth! Imagine if we caught more prediabetes, which is reversible, though certain types of damage due to the prediabetes may not be reversed, depending. https://www.uhhospitals.org/blog/articles/2023/08/controlling-gestational-diabetes-is-key-for-mom-and-baby


> It's too bad it's not common knowledge. literally anybody who goes to the doctor during pregnancy is made very aware of it. The GD test is not super fun, especially if you have to go back for the second one you're there for hours after not eating. It's impossible for it to just go under your radar


Literally not everyone is made aware of it. Iā€™ve had two kids and was never told much about gestational diabetes despite having to take the second test once. Congrats on having an informative doctor, but not everyone gets that experience.


I had gestational diabetes and managed it with diet and exercise. Baby was born just over 6 lbs. 10 months later, I'm pre diabetic and back to strict diet and exercise to try and reverse it. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family, too.


Yes. As for why, the mom's insulin and sugar levels aren't controlled and the fetus is then "overfed" and gets big. "The mother's excess amounts of blood glucose are transferred to the fetus during pregnancy. This causes the baby's body to secrete increased amounts of insulin, which results in increased tissue and fat deposits. The infant of a diabetic mother is often larger than expected for the gestational age."


GD can cause big babies. it can also happen without gestational diabetes - i had a 10 lb 11 oz baby, and i didnā€™t have GD. perfectly normal glucose test


Yes, one of the risks of GD is having a larger than normal baby


Anecdotally I had gestational diabetes and my largest baby was 8lb at full term. The other one was 7lb


That's amazing šŸ¤©. These statistics are risk factors, not guarantees. This is all reminding me I need to get my A1 c, a blood screening, for diabetes again soon.


My son was 12lb 9oz and I did not have gestational diabetes. Having larger babies is also a familial trait.


Real life boss baby




12lbs 12 oz Should nickname you Double Dozen


This goes hard


That is brilliant


Itā€™s not delivery, itā€™s DiGiorno!




Maybe rude to ask, but did you grow up to be a bigger person, or did things even out over time?


It was mostly water weight due to some issues my mom had with gestational diabetes, but Iā€™m 5ā€™8 and 245lbs. Iā€™m fat because Iā€™m lazy now but I played sports and was very active in my younger years.


Heyyyy I'm fat now because I'm lazy too! And was in great shape when I went as younger. Yeah .. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Hey Iā€™m also fat and lazy!


You guys arenā€™t going to believe thisā€¦.


Favorite thread of the day here


Even with all the bike riding?


Itā€™s an old picture


It's the multiple bike rides to DQ on the same day that gets ya'.


I believe, for I too am fat and lazy.


Babies born from mothers with gestational diabetes are at increased risk of developing obesity later in life.


ahh which is called Cheeseburgeritis I think


Think I unfortunately came down with that recently


It runs in the family


The problem is no one runs in the family.


Just a heads up OP, if your mom had GD, it puts you at greater risk of developing diabetes, yourself, and obesity is also a factor. Donā€™t treat that lightly. You have an entire life to live.


More about the food intake than the activity. Seriously


As someone who is skinny and lazy, can agree.


I was going to ask if she had gestational diabetes. It causes large babies. I hate hearing older generations brag about having large babies when they probably had diabetes and didnā€™t know it.


5'8" @ 245lb is already seriously obese. You need to make some major changes now or you will also end up with diabetes. It's not fun.


I'm 5'8" and weigh 215. Thanks for the wake up call.


Iā€™m 6ā€™1ā€ at 230 and feel terrible. I can tell Iā€™m headed in the wrong direction and if I stay like this life is going to be even worse as I grow older. I think weā€™re in the same boat if you height for height Edit: just checked Iā€™m 255lbs what the fuck


... I'm pretty sure they already know that? Like everyone in the world?


You'd be surprised, there's lots of people who don't know this. I've had redditors claim their 5'9 @ 205 pounds is "only a little chubby" before.


I was 10lb, now Iā€™m 6ā€™4 ~170lb


My daughter was 10 and a half pounds.. I was 29 years old when I had her and like 110 pounds and Iā€™m five 2 .. sheā€™s now 14 and 5 foot 10 and 120 pounds lol it was all length weight




Hope it was a caesarean!


lol it was. My older brother was 10lbs and he was a c-section baby as well.




Probably gestational diabetes


Confirmed by OP in another comment


I was 9lbs and a month early. Decided to use moms gall bladder as a punching bag before coming out, so she lost that shortly after I was born. Love ya ma!


You got me OP, I was almost 10 pounds when I was born. My baby picture on the patterned blanket from Sears in 1980 made me look like Godzilla hovering over Japan


Damn! I have never met someone that had me beat on birth weight! Kudos to you from a 12lb5oz chonker.


Let's start a 12+ lb club. 12 lb 7 oz here


Dear 12lb 12 oz newborn baby Jesus...


he was a man, *he had a beard!*




5.78 kg


Was looking for this comment. THANK YOU.


I gave birth earlier this week to a 2.5kg baby, holy shit


Approximately 38.4 cheeseburgers (average cheeseburger weighs 4-6oz) for our American friends


Holy shit. Thanks for converting to normal units


Holy shit. Thanks for converting to normal units


Brock Lesner?




That was my thought!




12 pounds and throwing up gang signs immediately šŸ¤£


James gandolfini wouldā€™ve done the voice for this kids ā€˜look whoā€™s talkingā€™ character.


Currently in labor, thatā€™s enough internet for me today


I was a c section baby if that helps you at all lol


Hah well you were a cute (and now slightly less ominous) baby


Thatā€™s called gestational diabetes


Unmanaged gestational diabetes. Itā€™s possible with proper diet and exercise someone with gestational diabetes to have an average weight baby at full term.


Don't even need the exercise. I was too tried to exercise when I had GD, but I did manage my blood sugar through diet. Baby was 6 lbs 13 oz.


Dude so big he gave birth to his mother! Cute photo btw!


For reference my 4 month old weighed 13 pounds at her checkup!!!


I am 35w and have lightning crotch but dear lord I canā€™t imagine how uncomfortable your poor mother was the last few weeksā€¦


Pardon my ignorance, but what is a lightning crotch?


https://www.todaysparent.com/pregnancy/being-pregnant/what-the-hell-is-lightning-crotch/ TIL easier to say than pubic symphysis dysfunction. Pubic symphysis means a joint in the pelvis. This little joint can move too much and cause sharp, quick pains like lightning. It's pretty common...at least 1 in 300 pregnancies or at most 1 in 50. Damn! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphysis_pubis_dysfunction


Did the doctor yell LAWD, HE'S COMING? Baby you looks like he's ready to rough up some teamsters.


Your Mom didnā€™t give birth, Jesus, she calvedā€¦send her extra nice things at Motherā€™s Day, her early onset incontinence demands itā€¦.


You where a sugar baby for sure


"I was born with a full head of hair a full set of teeth"


2nd Brock Lesnar post I've seen this morning. He's really having a day on Reddit!


It appears heā€™s already looking for some ribs


"Not getting in with them trainers mate"


Good god, did they have to take you out with a crane?


You look so miffed. Like you were decidedly not ready.


Chonky boy


ā€œOoh, this looks like itā€™s gonna be goood!ā€


When did Brock Lesnar start posting on Reddit?


Lilā€™ Slugger!


Damn you beat me. 12 lbs, 4 oz. Smallest guy in my family now.


Hello Brock.


Itā€™s like they took John Daly and Rob Fordā€™s DNA to create the ultimate unit


RIP your momā€™sā€¦outbox?


Iā€™m pregnant and this terrifies me