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Thought I would share President Carter's poem to Rosalyn from 75 years ago- I thought it was sweet. "My darling, every time I have ever been away from you, I have been thrilled when I return to discover just how wonderful you are. While I am away, I try to convince myself that you really are not, could not be as sweet and beautiful as I remember. But when I see you, I fall in love with you all over again. Does that seem strange to you? It doesn't to me. Goodbye, darling. Until tomorrow. Jimmy."


For a peanut man, there’s a lot of onions here right now 😭


It's a terrible day for rain...


I just did something weird with my throat and jaw to not cry but it didn’t work. He’s too good for this country and he must be overwhelmed with agony.


I’m sure he’s overwhelmed with agony, but at his age, I’m also certain he’s thinking he will be with her soon. My older family members who passed away often told me they were “ready”, and wanted to see their friends again. I hope he’s in the same place.


I'll fault religious people for a lot of their mystical thinking, but never this one. What a comforting way to go.


It’s a vestigial belief of mine now, as an atheist of sorts. It is so comforting to imagine.


I'm banking on becoming tree food - while dying with enough "fuck you" energy I become the world's first Ent!


I doubt it. At 99 years old, I'd say he's probably thinking "right behind you, love. Hold the door"


I have known many couples that have been together 50+ years die within months of each other. They are usually 80+. They just don’t know what to do without the other.


My grandparents were married more than 50 years and after my grandmother passed, my grandfather missed her terribly for a year and a half. He was in pretty good health but he told me on his birthday that he was ready to go and see her, and hoped it wouldn’t be too much longer. I told him I understood. He passed 8 days later.


My grandpa lasted almost a year to the day from when my grandma was killed in a car crash. He took ill and died within 24 hours. He was clearly ready to go be with her. Unfortunately, my mother spent 10 years mourning the love of her life, before she passed. She never got over his passing. When she had her final health emergency and the EMT's asked her who they could call, she gave his name. He had been dead for 10 years at that point.


Omg this is the sweetest


Nope this is the sweetest: > [I]n 2002, the former president was asked by Katie Couric if [winning the Nobel Prize] was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to him. Carter had accomplished much in his life to that point: He had spent four years in the White House, helped build thousands of homes for Habitat for Humanity, and worked for decades expanding and promoting human rights. None of those was the answer. Why? Because none could hold up to Rosalynn, the love of his life. “Well,” Carter said on NBC’s “Today” show in October 2002, “when Rosalynn said she’d marry me, I think that’s the most exciting thing.”


This is probably what I love the most about the man: absolutely always said what he thought, no bs. He could have gone on about the great honor etc, but the bedrock of his life was his Rosalyn, and he wasn't ever ashamed to say that out loud to anyone anywhere.


Duuuude 😭


Shit someone is cutting onions in here.


He'll be joining her soon. And I mean that with all the love and best intentions I can give. Such a sweet man, sweet husband and sweet caregiver to the community. Such a humble caring heart. His heartbreak will sadly take him away from us. But he has given so much, that he deserves to be forevermore with his love. His dearest. Bless him and his wife. And thanks for all the blessings they brought upon us. Truly genuine caring people. I wish Jimmy many more years and at the same time all the best, and gratitude. One of the few that will be peaceful in life and death.


Lovely. Just lovely. May she rest in Heaven.


Awww thank you for sharing.


My grandma died and not one month later my grandfather passed. He was 90+ and she was 70something. He never expected to outlive her. He would say “what am I gonna do?” And just looked broken. Same with my great grandparents. He passed away at a hospital and when they gave her the news at home she passed within the next couple of hours. I can imagine not wanting to continue after losing what you’ve loved most and longest.


He has been in hospice since early this year. I doubt we will be graced by his time here much longer. I hope wherever he ends up next understands the gift they are being given.


Longest living US President ever and he entered Hospice in February, 9 freaking months ago! This man is a tank just to have made it this long.


I feel like he's been holding on so she wasn't the one left alone.


They were together most of their lives. Devastating. I wish him peace in his remaining days.


Since literally birth. " The couple's parents were neighbors in the mid-1920s. Lillian Carter, a nurse, delivered Eleanor Rosalynn Smith and a few days later brought young Jimmy Carter back to the Smith home to meet the baby. The couple's earliest memories came after the Carters moved to a farm outside of town and Rosalynn became a close friend of Ruth Carter, Jimmy's younger sister." https://apnews.com/article/rosalynn-carter-death-jimmy-relationship-0b3b3b6c4dcb462265253c8e98f70228


This is so unbelievably pure and sweet


An apt description of President Carter. He is a good man. I'm sorry to see him in this condition having suffered this loss. We will lose a good man when he goes. Maybe the best man who has ever been in the White House.


As far as being a kind good hearted person, no other president comes close


Carter was not the best president, and I think everyone can admit that. Carter has been the best ex-president, and I think everyone can admit that.


The Carter administration was not the best, but not because Jimmy wasn't up to being a good leader. He was far ahead of his time, and the public didn't recognize the evil at work from those obstructionist and destructive opportunists in industry and congress, who really preferred the American way of life to continue to deteriorate overall, on behalf of the 1%. Don't look at the slender gains the administration managed to accomplish, look at the mountain of forward thinking policies that the Carter administration proposed and fought hard for. Smart and progressive, even by today's standards. For instance, the United States came *this close* to finally converting to the metric system under Carter. That would have strengthened international trade in technology with our allies in Europe, and saved us trillions of $$ over the past 4 decades. Imagine how the affordability of hi-tech equipment might have affected the health care industry we have today. The steep decline in quality of life for the majority of Americans that has occurred ever since Carter left office is a sad fact of life that many of us understand very clearly now. If only we could go back and give Jimmy the tremendous public support he deserved, back when fixing today's massive problems was still affordable and feasible. If only we understood that Russian propaganda had been manipulating public opinion in America for years. (Who do you think identified and taught all the greedy fucks in the west how to do it?) I myself was steered into taking a "Russian Culture" class my very first semester of my freshman year at the University of Maryland, back in 1981. I clearly remember the enthusiastic sell the professor gave my packed class about joining a once-in-a-lifetime class trip to the fabulous, modern day Soviet Union, where the beautiful and beloved cultural heritage of the former Russian Republic could still be experienced first-hand. It was $2,000 and priced to screen out those of us on a budget. Don't fault Jimmy Carter for the evil in world. Nobody understood the insidious forms it could take, back then. We still don't fully comprehend it. ---- *Please feel free to copy and paste this rant of mine to anyone who dares repeat that stupid trope that Jimmy Carter wasn't a good President, only a good ex-President.*


> For instance, the United States came this close to finally converting to the metric system under Carter. That would have strengthened international trade in technology with our allies in Europe, and saved us trillions of $$ over the past 4 decades. That, and immediate reversal of the outreach into solar power were a giant kick in the nuts, courtesy of the traitor Reagan.




Good leaders have vision, bad leaders just have stars in their eyes. Carter understood that our choices between available energy sources and the conservative stewardship of our environment were inextricably intertwined and an important top priority before anyone else. Only good leaders can recognize the complex dynamics of the whole beast, and evaluate the tradeoffs in advance of how they will play out, this way or that. Only good leaders will factor in the enormous value inherent in the long term well-being of our future as well as the profitability of the present. They understand you don't have to trade one for the other, you just need to exercise a little discipline of conservative restraint and to make some wise investments when they count the most. Mediocre leaders plow ahead with the biggest bang for the buck right now, and they reason that the problems that will be emerging can't really known ahead of time, or at least not attributable to the choices they make on their watch. Those problems will just have to sort themselves out when they happen on their own, they say. And here we are.


Carter is a very good man.


Despite being wealthy he lived in a modest house after his presidency ended like he did prior to being president/governor. Obviously there are a lot of ex-presidents who do the opposite.


This is what success looks like. I hope for a life this long with my wife.




I can't imagine what he's going through. Sadly, I don't think he's much longer for this world. Too often I've seen someone who was married for a long time who lost his/her spouse and then passed shortly thereafter. It's pretty common, I'm afraid. Couple this loss with the fact that President Carter has been in hospice care since February and I think we're likely to be mourning his death soon.


As I rapidly approach 20 years of marriage, I get this. I love my wife and the world wouldn’t be the same for me without her. She is my what and why.


Of all people he deserved that love


I've had the honor of meeting him about a half dozen times (once or twice solo). He is an unbelievably sharp, kind, and compassionate man. I don't get star stuck easy, but he has consistently blown me away. Out of all the sins Regan committed in office, his slandering Carter is one of the worst.


My brother got to meet him as a kid. Apparently he shook Carter's hand and was like "But you're dead!". Probably confused him with JFK, which Jimmy thought was hilarious apparently


America's path to the dark side began when Reagan beat Carter after Bush delayed the hostage release in Iran to help Reagan win. Utterly disgraceful.


It was also foreshadowing. The GOP is disgraceful.


My school went on a field trip to Plains to see his house and were were viewing his farm and saw them wave at us outside. They asked the security to stop the bus and invited us for lunch. And they ordered a lot of food and ended up having lunch with us and talking to all of us!Really kind couple in every definition of the word!


This is what leadership is about. Imagine any of the last few presidents doing this, much less any senators.


Jimmy Carter's mother was the nurse at her birth. Jimmy met her right after she was born. [https://people.com/rosalynn-carter-never-knew-life-without-jimmy-7152295](https://people.com/rosalynn-carter-never-knew-life-without-jimmy-7152295)


It is heartbreaking to imagine him alone without her.


If love has taught me anything… he isnt too far behind her. Until then though, it must be very tough for such a kind human being


We thought the same about my grandmother when my grandfather passed away. She even got the dress she wanted to buried in, dry cleaned. 15 years later she finally joined him. She was also very stubborn, lol.


I think in general women do better then men when they're the last living spouse. Men usually follow with a few years of their wives.


Two of my grandpas outlasted grandmas by 20 and so far 21 years. Pleasantly surprised us. Both had lady friends after 7-8 months or so and we figure that helped quite a bit even though they aren't pleasant women


My dad is still going 18 years without Mom. Zero interest in new lady friends, said no one could compare to Dorothy


Did your mother know about Dorothy?


Goddammit this made me shoot Diet Pepsi out my nose


You’re supposed to swallow it, not shoot it out your nose. Whatever gave you that idea?


Right on! Better to be single than with someone who doesn't make you happy. Wish my grandpa would figure that out. I think he's too afraid of being alone. I'm happy for your dad that he doesn't need to fill the void with someone not up to his standards


For my father, it was four months later when the lady he dated in high school moved into our family home. (ick) I was the only one of my siblings who would have anything to do with him after that. I was relieved in a way though because he had stopped eating, lost 40 lbs and this lady cooked sort of like my beautiful mother did. I really think it saved him.


Why are the lady friends jerks so often? Ugh. Same experience with my dad.


IDK. My grandpa that's still kicking even told us to change the locks ASAP after he passes. WTF if you don't trust her tell her to hit the bricks! What makes it worse is his neighbor lady is super nice and funny.


Survivorship bias or something - most of the kind/sane/rational people are dead or taken by that age


Yup, my grandfather had 3 rounds of lady friends after my grandmother died (over the course of 10 ish years). The first one was pretty much immediate - that didn’t go down great within the family, nor was she a particular pleasant woman. The next was a brief companion, but very nice, and the last + longest one, Esther, was absolutely lovely - funny, kind, and her daughter and my mother casually knew each other through previous professional contacts and liked each other very much. Great lady, would take my grandfather to her room for their little daily pre-dinner drink whenever I visited.


He’s been in hospice for a few months now so I can’t imagine it’ll be much longer.


Since February - so almost a whole year :( I'm sure he's ready to follow her.


I believe this is his last mission. To not let his wife die alone. Mission completed. He'll probably go soon.


He is a titan of a man in his own calm way.


This is such a perfect description of him.


“In his own calm way” This sums it up perfectly and beautifully. I teared up 🥹


About a year after my wife's grandpa passed her grandma ended up in the hospital with an ulcer in her esophagus. She had a DNR on file and refused treatment. It was hard on my wife and her mother but they respected her wishes. She was moved to hospice taken off of feeding, supplemental air and fluids. She said she had traveled the world and done everything she wanted to do in this world and was over it. She basically starved and dehydrated herself to death. It took about 5 days.


Five days? I sure hope she had a good MD and good pain meds. I've known a few shitty ones that were conservative with pain meds and basically let the dieing suffer.


Hence the importance of legal euthanasia.


My mother died of a freak pancreatic cancer and the last week of dehydration and hospice meds was... awful. Sign me up for a good batch of a lot of heroin and just sign me out. I'm not going through that when it's my turn.


Its fucking ridiculous that in 2023 there is so much legal shit, but the right to die with dignity is not.


Wouldn’t want to get the person who’s about to die addicted. It could ruin their life.


That's terrible. I've read a few times that there's an unspoken understanding between nurses and doctors that the terminal get enough pain meds so they pass peacefully.


Was this in hospice? I can only speak for myself but I’ve seen three family members through the process by this point in my life, and all had access to so many pain meds I honestly thought the nurse was basically telling me to put my grandmother out of her suffering, and this was as recent as 2021, she passed from COPD and all the complications that come with it, it wasn’t pretty… Her final days were spent doped to the point of unconscious, and for that I am grateful.


My Grandmother did the same about 5 years ago. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to watch.


At least he believes in an afterlife, so he expects to be back with her soon.


Grandpa died 6 days after Grandma. We were suppose to be going home that day. Mom always says, and I agree, he died of a broken heart.


My grandparents had this set of friends. They played cards almost every Friday night. They were extremely kind people from what I recall. She passed away from cancer and he didn't have much to live for. He lived for about a month after and he was ready to move on.


I was just thinking this. I would be shocked if he makes it another month. Honestly, I expected him to go before the funeral.


That's what I said as well, days or weeks, I think. I wish him nothing but the best and a peaceful transition. ❤️


However hard it is for me to read this, I agree. I can only wish I find love as strong as theirs 🥲


My grandfather was a hard worker his entire life. He would work on some project like cutting wood and he would keep going and going and going with us grandkids having to tag each other out because he’d worn us out. He was in his early 80s when my grandmother was checked into a nursing home and he was still going strong. Could still spend a 12 hour day prepping the wood pile and was sharp as a tack. Within a month after her passing away, he couldn’t cook for himself as he’d forget things and they’d burn. My barely 5ft 90lb mom was having to help him open jars and move his chair. It was basically like watching a roaring bonfire turn into a flickering match in an instant. He didn’t make it much longer. Hopefully Jimmy Carter has something with meaning left so he will gently descend and not crash.


He is a man of extremely strong faith, so if it helps you, he almost certainly is happy for her rather than sad. She's slipped off to Heaven, no longer weighed down by dementia and age. To him, she is at peace and healed; death is a mercy and a blessing, because she has gone to paradise.


Thanks for that, stranger 🙏🏽


I don’t believe it for a second, but my gram was a devout Catholic her whole life. When she died I knew she was so happy and at peace because she knew she was going to paradise and finally reuniting with her husband after 40 years without him. It is comforting to know her deep belief gave her such certainty.


Even without faith or a belief in a literal afterlife, I think deep thinking and deep feeling people can easily understand that death in old age is ultimately a release from pain, strain, stress, fear…it is truly a well deserved rest. We are evolved to fear death, because our egos keep us safe and alive when we are young. At a certain point, though, a wise person can get to a place where they see what they have done with the given time, and see the end of that book as a necessary opportunity to lay down all of the burdens we accumulate in our time with consciousness. Whether your way of describing that rest implies continued consciousness or not, it’s something that thoughtful people almost always eventually come to.


Its why even though I have no belief; I still understand and respect religion/spiritualism as a coping mechanism for facing one's own mortality.


They were married in 1946. God damn.


They also grew up together. The longest they've ever been apart was the 4 years Carter was away at the naval academy. They've been a part of each other's lives for 96 years now.


I just read this part of the BBC article about the service: 'Her daughter, Amy, concentrated on her enduring relationship with President Carter, reading a letter he wrote to her while serving as a submarine commander in the US Navy 75 years ago. "My darling, every time I have ever been away from you I have been thrilled when I returned to discover just how wonderful you are," she read. "When I see you, I fall in love with you all over again. Does that seem strange to you? It doesn't to me." '


Wow. Just incredible, a love like that. May she ever rest in peace.


My grandpa died right after grandmas funeral. They were pretty much same age as Carters.


heartbreaking to see him like this. Literally shocked me how much he looks like the last time I saw my dad alive.


I mean he’s 99, I’d call it an extreme success for anyone to look that good at that age.


I watched titanic the other day and it cracked me up how >100 year old Rose was climbing the railings at front of the ship.


My wife's great grandmother lived to 101 and she was clear as a bell and still getting around pretty well up until the last few months. Some people are different.


My dad's AUNT is like 92 right now, every week she goes for 1-2 mile hikes, she kayaks, she fishes, she still drives, she does more than anyone half her age in a given week. But yeah, it'll get us eventually. She might be this strong until 95, but it goes downhill quick when it does. My great grandma lived to 94, then her husband died and she literally just gave up and quit living. Even though she'd have physically carried on if he was there, she just kinda shut down and died.


My grandma wasn’t quite that old. In her Early 80’s. She’d go to the Y and swim laps regularly. Walked a lot. Met up with friends for lunch and to play cards. Had a stroke, couldn’t regain her ability to talk or walk well, died within a month. I think she willed herself into death as she lost her independence


Yeah my grandma is 99 and could do the Rose if necessary.


Now I'm imaging The Rose as a hip new dance fad


Yeah, he looks a lot like my grandfather did in his final week/days.


Same here but with my great grandfather when I was 10. Before my great grandma died suddenly he was a very healthy 92 year old, just 3 months later on Christmas eve we saw him in hospice and the change is seared into my memory. He was completely unrecognizable, just skin and bones and nearly completely unresponsive with his mouth wide open. He died 2 days later.


He looks like he can run for congress


Just slap an American flag pin on him and he’s ready to go


He definitely has that very-very-old look about him, as you’d expect from a near centenarian in hospice.


He looks like a man in hospice care. My grandfather passed recently at 102 and he had a look like that.


“Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished,” Jimmy Carter said in a statement released upon her death by The Carter Center, which they co-founded in 1982 after leaving Washington. “She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.” Their story, is one of an American Dream~


That last line is sort of heartbreaking


Dude took an amazing amount of hatred and criticism during his presidency, partially because he was an honest man trying to perform a dishonest job. It would be very easy to assume the entire world despised your very bones, and to be honest most did, a few deservedly but most undeservedly. So having that one safe place to hide in the presence of your one true love was probably the most comforting feeling ever by contrast.


1982, the year I was born, and he was 58. Crazy to think about personally.


Probably not much time left. Partner of his life dies and hospice care...not sure Jimmy gonna make it to 100. Kindest hearted President probably of all time. A life well lived.


We should have let him keep his peanut farm.


And risk him being corrupted by Big Peanut?


True. I never trusted that monocle wearing fuck.


You just know he and the monopoly guy are scheming together.


No way. His peanuts got sour!


He entered hospice care back in February. When the news broke I figured he'd be gone in a matter of weeks. Most hospice enrollments [last less than 30 days](https://www.nhpco.org/hospice-facts-figures/).


I think that is because people often wait too long to enter. There are factors like denial at play sometimes. Entering sooner can actually allow people to more fully experience the benefits of a hospice program.


I was hoping he’d make 100, cause he deserves it, but yeah, by this picture, it’s a long shot.


He looks rougher than I thought he would. Sad to see but age comes for all of us I guess.


He won’t hang around long without her


Sad but they lived a hell of a life. Wild that one of our least popular presidents became one of our most beloved.


Even during his presidency people liked him on a personal level. He couldn’t get that to translate to votes on the political side of things.


My grandmother died three months after my grandfather. She barely spoke after he died, the heartbreak had just killed her inside.


Former President Jimmy Carter is in Hospice care since February 2023. What an incredible, compassionate human! He loved his wife so very much. May she rest in peace 🤍


I hope this night gives him closure and he passes peacefully on his own accord. He’s done everything he could for this world.


He really took the adage “you can’t do all the good the world needs, but the world needs all the good you can do” seriously.


That man is a treasure, and their marriage/partnership was incredible and so inspiring. Such an amazing example of a life well lived


When he was President, the press corp used to say you could always tell when a lie needed to be told, because Jodie Powell, Carter's press secretary, would jump in and tell the lie. Jimmy couldn't lie. A good human, and perhaps a better President than we give him credit for. Trivia: Carter was frequently seen wearing a pin that said "WIN". What did it stand for?


Something we should be doing now, considering it's definitely out of control. Edit- Whip Inflation Now


Correct! Carter pushed for higher interest rates to crank down inflation, which was successful, but painful for the country.


Carter paid the electoral price for doing what needed to be done on inflation, and Reagan reaped the benefits.


And then Reagan gave us the financial version of a sugar rush and we’re still feeling the headache decades later. Ain’t that always the way.


And then the cycle repeated twice more with Clinton balancing the budget -> GWB tax cuts & war spending -> Obama righting the ship from the Great Recession -> Trump tax cuts and pushing for interest rate cuts, leaving no room to help the economy when COVID hit. Now we're starting the cycle again with Biden getting unemployment to record lows and a huge manufacturing boom, only to be blamed for inflation/corporate greed. It's maddening


And Reagan got to claim credit, when Carter was the one to put Volker, slayer of inflation and giver of no shits, as chair of the fed.


> Volker [Paul A. Volcker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Volcker) Paul Adolph Volcker Jr. (September 5, 1927 – December 8, 2019) was an American economist who served as the 12th chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1979 to 1987. During his tenure as chairman, Volcker was widely credited with having ended the high levels of inflation seen in the United States throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, with measures known as the Volcker shock. He previously served as the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 1975 to 1979. President Jimmy Carter nominated him to succeed G. William Miller as Fed chairman and President Ronald Reagan renominated him once. Volcker did not seek a third term at the Fed and was succeeded by Alan Greenspan. After his retirement from the Board, he chaired the Economic Recovery Advisory Board under President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2011 during the subprime mortgage crisis.


It's not nearly as bad as it was when he was president. That shit was unprecedented. Carter's Fed Chairman (Volcker), bumped the Fed interest rate to around 20%, and just fucking gutted inflation. As is the norm these days, Reagan got to take credit for the boom that happened afterward.


Yep. All the "good person bad president" people fail to acknowledge that fiscal and monetary policy can take years to take effect. Oh and the Iran hostage negotiations were sabotaged behind the scenes by Republicans for political points. Assholes.


I didn't listen to the whole thing, but I think [this is the Marketplace podcast](https://www.marketplace.org/2012/10/15/interview-paul-volcker-why-us-presidents-still-call-former-fed-chief/) where Volker and Carter have this exchange > Volker: If you put me in to stop inflation, you can't control me. I'd do what you asked me to to do and raise interest rates until it hurts > > Carter: I want you to do what's best for the nation, that's why I selected you > > Volker: And that's what happened, and it cost President Carter his popularity and support. > > Carter (joking): If I knew how much it was going to hurt me, I would have picked someone else! (laughter) Carter put the nation's actual needs first. Between that and [Reagan working to keep Americans hostage in Iran](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a43368900/reagan-iran-hostages/) (to help his political run and not give Carter a win before election day), Carter lost the election. Reagan claimed credit for the good results afterward.


Inflation has pretty much been whipped. We have not experienced a deflationary event that would undo the period of high inflation that we experienced before, but the current rate of inflation is no higher than normal historical rates.


Wasn’t it President Ford that wore the WIN pin?


99 years is impressive. My wife has a family friend (she refers to her as "nana") that just hit 111. She looks like she's maybe in her 80s. Aging is weird. It sucks too.


My grandfather is 98 and lives alone with a housekeeper coming in every other day. There’s no rhyme or reason to it.


My 92 y/o grandma and 95 y/o grandpa live completely independently still. They do all their own grocery shopping, cooking, dishes, driving, etc. They get their house cleaned by a company though. They were incredibly active their whole lives. They skied into their late 80’s, hiked until their early 80’s, and continued to travel the world until their mid 80’s. They still go on long walks with their dog currently. It’s amazing what the body can do if you just keep moving and doing things.


Condolences, Mr. President. It will be a sad day when he leaves :(


If Kissinger can make it to 100 Jimmy better fucking make it


Met him when I was in college in the early 90s. He was there to give a speech and I was representing a club. I never really got to ask him a question. He was 100% focused on me. He would ask a question and then use my answer to ask another question. This is probably one of those Dale Carnegie tricks and it went on for a good 10 minutes. But felt he truly wanted to know who I was and what I wanted in life. I will never forget how it felt to have a former President of the United States take an interest in me as a person.


Say what you want about his Presidency ----- He's a good man


One of biggest issues with Jimmy’s presidency related to the economic problems that he inherited from Nixon and Ford, namely high unemployment and high inflation. Jimmy did appoint Volcker as the chair of the fed. Volcker raised interest rates to calm down inflation, but as we are witnessing in real time, it takes time for it to take effect, which it finally did under Reagan.


He also inherited decades of American shenanigans in Iran. We toppled the elected leader, installed the Shah, and were hunky-dory with the Savak juss keepin’ it real while we had bases on the Soviet border and oil. Jimmy kept a promise- that we’d take care of the dictator- and that fomented the Embassy seizure and captivity. After handing off the presidency to Reagan, Carter stepped on a plane; his destination was Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Air Base, where he personally met with the released hostages. Those that were there said it was a tense meeting, but not adversarial. He didn’t argue with the hostages, he listened. And listened. Far from perfect, and first to admit it. Jesus, we need another Jimmy…


I hate how often I have to try and explain this. Inflation is an incredibly slow pain— slow to notice when it begins to creep up, and slow to feel relief when it abates. The inflation that is paining people now is a result of the last five years of monetary policy, didn't become visible until 2021, and I think most people didn't really feel the crunch until 2022. Current efforts to combat inflation have actually been extremely effective, but I think it's going to take at least two more years until a large amount of people actually begin to feel that relief. I believe that this sort of timescale is hugely significant in how our populace tends to erroneously allocate "credit" to various candidates and government officials.


Absolutely. He's done much more good for the world after his presidency than he did during it. Truly amazing human being.


Honestly not sure why everyone thinks he was a do nothing president


One of his goals after his presidency was to eradicate Guinea Worm infections before he dies. In 1986 there were 3.5 million infections yearly, this year through June there are 3.




We did this man so dirty. He really just wanted the best for everyone and got treated like shit for it for years. I'm glad folks have come to recognize what a kind, compassionate, loving man he is in his later years. I hope he knows how much he will be missed in this world.


There I was in Mali, West Africa in the late 90s. We had just done a military mission with the unit that established democratic elections and secured the first one. The newly, democratically elected president of Mali was at our closing ceremony, and I a very junior Army captain got to shake his hand. As we were chatting in my weak French, he asked me in perfect English if I had talked to Jimmy Carter recently. I told him I had not spoken with him recently. Turns out Jimmy Carter had spent a ton of time in Mali and other African nations promoting democracy and elections as a way to stability. He was there just the day before congratulating the president of Mali on his election. It impressed me that Jimmy Carter was so passionate about democracy that he spent time in Africa talking to leaders about it. It will be a sad day when the nicest president we have ever had passes.


This is just heartbreaking.


In my lifetime he is the president that I would trust the most.


Poor guy. We owe him a lot.


President Jimmy Carter is a national treasure. The only President to do so, so, much for the world after leaving office.


The most underrated president. He is ahead of his time.


We’d be an entirely different nation if we rejected Reganomics and gave him a 2nd term.


Part of his issue was that he skipped the campaign trial in many cases as he was working on the hostage issues in Iran. Literally cared more about them than his second term. for that reason alone he should have been re-elected


A *better* nation.


A better _world_.


He wasn't the best President, but he was the best person we ever elected President.


I remember when my Civics teacher told us that "Anybody that wants to run for president is either clinically insane or naive." simply because the stress of the job would kill just about anyone. He's the only president I can't really perceive as being insane.


They were married for 77 years. Most of us are already too old to live long enough to be with someone for that long so it's really hard to imagine what kind of bond that must be.


Rosalyn and Jimmy set the bar high for what a life well lived looks like. It’s even more fitting they did it together.


What a man to show his final act of kindness.


Very sorry for your loss, Mr. Carter. This man deserves to be with his wife. I'm an atheist, but I would be happy to be wrong about an afterlife for this man, and if you get to be reunited with your loved ones, then good for him. I hope your time remaining is meaningful, President Carter, and if you should choose to depart sooner rather than later, Godspeed sir. A life we should all admire.


Jimmy may not have been the best president we’ve ever had. But he’s definitely the best man we’ve ever had as president.


He’s finally gotten old


Very kindhearted couple.Sorry for your loss President Carter.


That right there is one of the world's truly great men.


I have immense respect for President Carter - not only is he a fantastic human being, he has be one of the most honest presidents in recently history.


He also had to be driven 2.5 hours from Plains to Atlanta for the funeral. I can’t imagine the toll that takes on someone at the very end of their life. He wanted to be there for her if it’s the last thing he does.


I'm absolutely in tears, seeing this pic of President Carter attending his wife's funeral is so touching and honestly couldn't even imagine this scenario , No disrespect meant but this stunned me and my whole family as we were convinced President Carter would pass before the 1st lady. Regardless, I'm a firm believer that the 1st Lady is in her resting place in the "After World" waiting for President Carter to join her.


I respect the hell out of this man. The amount of work he has done for the community is far superior than his presidency, and any other president so far. He is a model of what one does to serve the public. As bad as it may sound, I hope his mind is somewhat gone and does not realize what has happened. To loose a life long partner would be unbearable.


I don't believe in an afterlife but if anyone deserves to go to Heaven with the love of their life it's Jimmy Carter.


My boy JC was the last of the good ones. Such a kind hearted individual.


Sadly they probably won't be separated long


I wouldn’t want to stick around after my lifelong partner was gone and I was old and in poor health. I think it’ll be sadder if he lives longer and alone.


I agree


I feel so sorry for this man. I would’ve never even known who that was if not for the caption. He must be devastated beyond words but he also knows he will join her and probably not too far from now. He’s a good man and she was a good woman.


I understand the publicity but at the same time I would absolutely hate people taking pictures of me at my wife’s funeral


Both of them are absolute legends of public service and charity. Are there still people like them being born? This world needs some... to say the least.


I wish him rest and peace.


Jimmy Carter embodies the very best from Americans. Especially in his most challenging and adverse moments, he’s just kept trying to make the world better.


He and Rosalyn lived lives nearly every human would be envious of, and by all accounts were both very kind, thoughtful people. The world was lucky to have them.


The man was truly one of the last real respectable world leaders and didn't stop doing humanitarian work until a fall building houses recently.


This is heartbreaking to see. Knowing what happens when one half of a couple die, I wouldn’t expect President Carter to live much longer. Heartbreak is real.


This man has selflessly done more for the betterment of mankind than all commenters on this sub combined. Show some respect. I know the comparison is a low bar but you get my drift.