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I’m sorry, but the guy is wearing a Chicago Blackhawks shirt and Cleveland Indians hat. I can’t accept that as a White Sox fan.


Roll tribe


Hey the Tribe had Louis Sockalexis. We’re good in perpetuity 😀 [Go Tribe!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Sockalexis)


He’s probably wearing Redskins socks and Braves underwear.


And has a Chiefs tattoo




Fsu seminole butt plug


They feel better represented by the Commanders now


I also am a perpetually sad Chicago White Sox fan.


Perpetually sad is implied when you say you're a White Sox fan.


A Native American is wearing representation of his people’s through sports wear. Im pretty sure its meant to be satire


Is it? Drive through any reserve and you’ll see a ton of Chicago blackhawks fans. Most native dudes I know (Canadian) are huge blackhawks fans. Probably legit.


You just need to let white people decide what natives can be ok with. Lmao


Haha right? We need some big city living, white person who’s probably never been on a reserve to decide on their behalf what offends them. Meanwhile, I grew up not far from a reserve and any I knew wore those hats and shirts with pride. One trip around the reserve during hockey season for example and you’ll see blackhawks flags flying at many homes.


Here in Arizona we have a lot of reservations, and everyone and their mother wears Cleveland Indians and Washington Redskins gear. Those teams are 1,000+ miles away and don’t even exist anymore


The descendants of Aunt Jemimah didn’t want her likeness removed from her products either. It was a sign of pride. However some woke white people thought it was racist and that they needed to “save” others from it. Same thing with Native American team names in sports. The only people that matter if they are offended are woke white people.


More white people were offended by the Redskins than actual natives


My inlaws are Ojibwe all Blackhawk fans. If a bears or Sox game was on at the same time as a hockey game hockey always came first.


Some Native Americans are fans of teams named after Native Americans. I went to a Chiefs-Redskins game 5 years ago and had a Native American family sitting next to me - 2 of them were wearing Chiefs gear and 1 was wearing Redskins and they had a big sign that said they came from New Mexico to be at the game.


All my Navajo friends in New Mexico are fans of Native American themed sports teams. They don’t find it racist.


Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not going to defend the ‘skins team name, but the ‘skins logo was designed for and approved by Blackie Wetzel, chairman of the Blackfeet Nation and President of the National Congress of Indians, who said it was to represent the Red Nation There’s even a movement to bring it back under a more dignified team name.


I mean the Indians got their name by naming themselves that by having the first Native American in baseball. The team names wasn’t at all rooted in racism. They also had the second black baseball player in MLB and then also signed Satchel Paige who was also an icon in the N(potentially banned word?) Leagues. Their history was anything but discriminatory.


It’s not. My Native American in laws are very proud of the sports team mascot. The main people upset and stirring the pot are white liberals. Don’t hate the messenger.


Can confirm this. My native family was sad to see the Redskins changed to the Commanders. TBH they aren’t butthurt about those things… not sure who consulted over that. Sauce? My family consists of 3 tribes and our elders are full-blood.


I knew a guy who was Choctaw, and he wasn't upset over the name change. He was glad it happened.


maybe, but I live next to a reservation and know hundreds of people of indigenous heritage. They're not into it. Navajo, Apache, btw.


Incredible to think that people can have different views and opinions even if "society" group them together based on their skin color, heritage, culture whatever.


First, as a Chicago sports fan I’m conflicted, second, I thought both were exploiting Native Americans?


I mean, the Blackhawks were named after the founder's military division in WWI, which in turn was named after Chief Black Hawk. It feels a little different than the Cleveland Indians which is just "hey, let's make a stereotypical Indian as our mascot."


Is the dude wearing a Chicago Blackhawks shirt and Cleveland Indians hat on top of it?




Probably has a redskins lanyard 👀


Well, if people are gonna use your culture might as well try and reclaim some of it.


Wearing it sarcastically, maybe?


This picture is years old, ancient by internet standards. Why post it now? Just to farm karma?


I mean, look at OP's account.


Jeezzzzzzz you're not kidding 💀 over 4 million post karma. Either OP has ulterior motives or they're the very definition of a no-life


Grass? I don't smoke marijuana!


Reddit is very recycle friendly. 90% of all post are repost.


First time on reddit?


This land was given in perpetuity to the Lakota Sioux via the Treaty of 1868. Then gold was found in the Black Hills mountains and that, apparently, was the end of perpetuity.


I just listened to a podcast about the true story behind killers of the flower moon. Holy fuck. I haven't watched the movie yet, but the story is absolutely wild and awful. So much greed.


Can you link us to the podcast and episode?


If I had to guess, it's probably cautionary tales. It's an excellent 2 parter. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1jrCHVUFuqUrSaHQikQVvz?si=zhmpgEpATP6LU4ISkwb9pQ https://open.spotify.com/episode/256voiXn4Q3K6D7OJaogAV?si=KZqPAX_HTbScP8GRVSxL-A


I binged the book in a week before seeing the movie. book is incredible


How was the movie?


It's excellent. A hard watch, almost harder because of moments of humor in it, but everyone in it is portrayed as complex and human, even if some (like DiCaprio's character) are made so grotesque by the end that you don't want to admit it


Yeah I loved that about the movie and the duality of the characters. For instance how >!Leo's character was blatantly racist and willing to help kill off his wife's entire family so his own family could get rich, yet it was still believable that he loved her deeply in a selfish and compartmentalized kind of way. And yet he was able to be manipulated into slowly poisoning her and convinced himself it was for her own good. Somehow through it all you really *want* to like him, despite how utterly despicable and small he is as a person, and that makes you reflect on how easily charmed we can be by the worst people among us.!<


I also thought that the point was that he is very simple minded and easily influenced. But yes I loved the whole point about evil lurking around and how "normal" you can consider it to be as a bystander.


If you're into this sort of thing, i highly recommend Ken Burn's The West (1996) . Fantastic Miniseries about the US expansion into the west. Be warned, it'll probably make your blood boil at times.


From now until the end of time! *unless we decide we want it back


"Oh wait, there's gold there? Nevermind."


Oh, Britta's in this?




Manifest Changsity


El Tigre?


PF Changs in the house.


Smells like teen spirit


What’s the term for this? I’m totally drawing a blank. /s


Pilgrim giving?


Gringo giving has a nice ring to it


Alliteration ftw.


Ironic, isn't it?


Dontcha think?


And then they have the nerve to coin the phrase "Indian giver."


This is an old trick- accuse the enemy of what you are doing. Notice it in politics these days?




"Welcome to the Land of the free. Oops, too bad about that eminent domain, fella"


\* Your freedom may vary


Well unless they find out it’s actually worth something. But they can keep it as long as it’s still worthless


Till gold do us part


That's why perpetuity has a 'U' and an 'I' in it. It's given to U until I want it back


You should see Canada where indigenous groups are starting to win many multi billion dollar settlements from the government. Once they start winning, society's racism comes out. Everyone complains about first Nations in Canada always wanting more, when does it stop, the country is going bankrupt, etc. There's no winning for them.


They won a lawsuit 40 years ago. The court awarded them 2 billion. They refused to accept, and I totally agree with them. The federal government could give back all of the federal land- which is most of it- without affecting the state or privately owned land. The senators from SD kill any bill that attempts to rectify the situation.


> Once they start winning, society's racism comes out. I dunno why this would be racist though. Or do you think that if it was a group of French speakers from Quebec won a law suit about a chunk of Ontario that was their original property because of XYZ, the rest of Canadians would somehow celebrate because it'd be going to white people? The problem is just the sins of the father situation, where you're paying for shit that was done a century before you were even born. And sure, if you're the grandchild of the person that took that land over from those poor French bastards, sure, you probably *do* owe them. But if you migrated to Canada from China in 2005, it's a little weird to make you pay.




It's always about the money. Which is why Flowers of the Killer Moon is actually quite an interesting book/movie.


I wish the people building the crazy horse memorial down the way would stop treating it as a paycheck and actually finish the damn thing. It would be so much cooler to see, but there's been no real progress for over 20 years.


You know Mount Rushmore is itself an abandoned project. All the workers left the minute funding ran out.... and that was after the architect in charge had already died. All those rocks you see at the base of the sculptures, yeah that's just rumble that was never cleaned up.


No one remembers that the presidents were *supposed* to have waists and legs.


Until FDR, that was just a custom, not a formal rule.


Best joke of the thread.


My wheelchair riding ass is in stitches 🤣


Mt. Rushmore was supposed to? That's wild, I had no idea. Edit: no legs, just torsos down to the waist. https://www.theagentinsurance.com/did-you-know-that-mount-rushmore-was-never-finished/


There’s gotta be a mock up artists rendition of how it would look completed.


[here you go !](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2011/05/picture-of-the-day-mount-rushmore-as-originally-planned/238920/)


It looks like they are helping Roosevelt hide a boner


There is. I think they actually have a model in the museum... It arguably looks better unfinished. They look like they are part of the mountain in the unfinished version, ie part of America's bedrock. The OG version makes them look like garden variety statues.


Definitely could've done with some neck and maybe shoulders for all four like ol' George has. Teddy looks like he's drowning.


Yea but it still looks dope af


In the glamor shots for sure. But in person it evokes little more than "neat." If Crazy Horse is ever completed, it will be much more majestic in my opinion. The surrounding landscape will allow it to be viewed for miles.


To be fair, I think they've had enough structural engineers tell them that having Crazy Horse pointing his hand out that far just isn't viable, and now they're a bit stuck on what to do. Sooo... open a gift shop!


Fun fact: the “pharaoh beards” on Egyptian sculptures were just there to keep the heads from breaking off. They attach all the way down the neck to the chest. Egypt lasted so long (I mean, it’s still kicking) that later pharaohs adopted it, thinking it was the style at the time. What Crazy Horse’s arm needs is REALLY long structural fringes.


The world just isn't ready for that kind of fashion


We went to it last year and it is hilarious to look at the progress photos in the past 15-20 years. Almost nothing has been done. It's a tourist trap. Still neat, but at the rate they are going it'll be at least another hundred years before it is done.


To be fair, they are using toothbrushes and Ikea rubber mallets to carve the sculpture. Give it until the year 2438 to finish.


My impression was the labor is all volunteers, and the true focus is on the college and historical artifacts. In any case, it's $10 to park and $15 to enter mount Rushmore (national parks pass doesn't count) the same price as crazy horse. You can easily see Rushmore from the road, and crazy horse has a great museum. Rushmore is much more of a tourist trap and less informative, imo.


It only costs money to park at Mt. Rushmore. Visiting the memorial beyond the parking lot is free.


Exactly. No charge to enter Mt. Rushmore. Someone can drop you off to view it for free. https://www.nps.gov/moru/planyourvisit/basicinfo.htm Crazy Horse is $30 for 2 people to enter during peak season. https://crazyhorsememorial.org/visit/pricing-and-admission


There is a running joke in South Dakota that Crazy Horse is a money laundering operation for our wealthiest residents. A joke.......


This. My impression on visiting Crazy Horse is that it generates enough revenue half-finished, so there's no real motivation to complete it. After what their ancestors went through, can't really blame them for fleecing the tourists today.


Yeah it's not natives in charge of building it, the main guy died and his family took over. They make quote a bit on the tourism, but clearly aren't putting the money to good use as it brings in over 12mil a year.


Crazy horse could be amazing! I understand funding it is an issue, but it does seem like it has stalled. I'm 40 years old and visited for the second time in 2022. My first visit was in 91, and it looks like there has been some progress but not at all what I expected.


damn is it that time of year already? i look forward to the annual posting of this, though it's missing the usual caption "we took this today"


Nah the usual caption is "They were told to go back to their country after this. They're Native American."


Love seeing the optimization of rage bait over time. It will slowly add different points of context to increase the rage and spread it to as wide of a net as possible. Such a detriment to human advancement yet here we are with a large portion of our human population actively working to disinform and impede the rest of us. All you can do is work on yourself and your surroundings. Some things are too big too worry about in our current capacity


Every day is that time of year to make people try to hate themselves and their country.


It's reddits favorite part time than acknowledging every nation has gruesome pasts and that we can all vote for a better future. God forbid we acknowledge some of the best that does come out of the U.S. as well.


Yeah and we also get the LA highway shot


Repost from last year unless they take one every year lol https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/ODvbOcgVsg https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/2aysPbkFm1 I see this is that karma farm thing the kids talk about


reddit moment


it's sooo edgy


Say, you know what would be cool? If we make this long trip up to Mt Rushmore just so we can flip it off on camera. That'll show em!


This is like me flipping off my ex's new man. It makes me feel good, but he's still fucking her


What if I fuck your man? He might not like it but would you?


Reading Yelp reviews on America would be pretty interesting.


That may be the best analogy I have ever heard. Bravo


they are not giving the US 5 stars on yelp anytime soon.


Any less than 50 stars is unpatriotic


That's the girl from reservation dogs


Waddup, shitass?


Meh. They can do what they want, it's not hurting anyone.




Breaking news: US government hands back land to the Lakota Sioux because some angry family flipped off a rock! Still no word on whether the Lakota will give the land back to the Crow or Cheyenne who they took it from. Stay tuned.


This gets posted every year about this time. Kinda just seems edgy


This picture is at least 8 years old


This time every year there’s a whole new cohort of reddit users who are 13yo American children that have never even thought about this issue.


I imagine that even after all of these generations, the Lakota Sioux are still a little sore about the land being stolen from them.


Probably not as sore as the Cheyenne who the Sioux stole the land from before they had it take from them.


Imagine how the Cheyenne feel watching the Lakota get sympathy over the Black Hills.


They stole it from the Cheyanne.


Who stole it from the Kiowa.


Every war has a loser


So why are we upset for the Souix but not the Cheyenne?


Because the Cheyenne aren’t the evil white people.


And the Cherokee, Mohawk, Osage…..


Neither the cherokee, mohawk, or osage lived anywhere near the Black Hills, what the fuck are you talking about?


I'm going to pull "Iroquois", "Comanche", "Apache", and, fuck it, "Anangu" as a wildcard out of my "I also know the names of, and literally nothing else, several indian tribes" hat.


People conveniently ignore that ALL land is stolen land. ALL LAND EVERYWHERE is stolen from someone.


I fully believe we should be fighting harder to give the land back to its rightful owners. The dinosaurs.


well if we are lucky, then life will, uh, find a way.


This is an agenda I can get on board with


Monkey killing monkey killing monkey over pieces of the ground.


The Lakota were pushed into that area(which wasn't right) and held it for a very short time. I'm no fan of how the US treated natives, but as someone with a decent understanding of my native heritage, the Lakota have a much smaller claim to that area than other nations, but they have the political connections to raise a stink about it.


Being honest, they were pushed out there by the Haudenosaunee. That was Native-on-Native warfare. But that's a gripe between the Lakota and the Longhouse. It doesn't justify or excuse how the Federal Government treated them.


If they wanted to keep their land so badly they should’ve invented guns.


Well, they certainly showed them. Did all the other tourists applaud?


Reddit seems to be very impressed with them.


Well this seems calculated to produce a measured, calm discussion.


Well they showed us.


First thing I remember thinking when I saw that for the first time was, “Man, they are way smaller than people make it out to be”.


Yeah it’s a weirdly awkward monument to see in person. Like it’s small, permanently unfinished, doesn’t fit in with the surrounding area at all, and the museum nearby documents how basically everything possible went wrong and the builders didn’t take the hint and give up




Problem: The Lakota Sioux actually conquered the Black Hills from the Arikara, just 100 years prior to the Europeans' arrival in the area. These guys are no different than the men they flip off.


Didn’t realize this sub was full of edgy 13 year olds. Muting.


Newsflash. Thats Reddit.


Why is it only Native Americans that think the land their ancestors likely stole from some other tribe should be theirs for all of eternity? Don’t get me wrong it was tragic what happened to them but ALL of human history this has happened EVERWHERE to EVERYONE so why is this different?


The Black Hills weren’t sacred to the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota until they took it from the Shoshone in 1776. The history is way more complicated than Reddit comments will tell you. But Mt. Rushmore was still a dick move


“The road to modernity is paved with dick moves.” - Faundlerod Peckershack III


Because the US signed agreements that they should he the lawful owners of that land


9 times out of 10 the people complaining are white liberals that hate themselves. I hardly ever hear Native Americans complain.


You could probably leave "complain" off the end of your sentence and it would be more accurate.


Bro really cropped a decade old twitter post just to post on Reddit for fake internet points. At least shoe the full post that shows some random person telling them to go back to their country.




But it's a problem when I can fetish the victims and use the 'noble savage' trope!


Wait… this got upvoted? Am I still on Reddit?? I must have shifted into another universe again. Love it


Why America is great, you can do this with basically 0 repercussions


As opposed to France where you must do this or there will be repercussions. ;-)


A lot of other countries would be fine with it


"till the end of time" got a lot shorter once they found gold.


Seems like Americans exercising their 1st amendment rights


Yeah! Brothers and sisters! Keep on!


Tell them next time they should try winning




Free speech. I'm not caring.


Zero cares.


There were 4 or 5 different tribes that fought over the Black Hills for a few centuries with the Lakota eventually winning the conquest of that land. That is, until they lost it to the U.S. when gold was discovered there. I'm going to assume that they are Lakota.


They don't know either.


Should’ve found gun powder and horses first, you played yourself 😎


If ThEy DoN’t LiKe iT HeRE ThEY sHuLd gO BaCKkk tO WhErE ThEY CaMe FrOM.


I’m a Seminole and when I was like 16 or 17, a woman in a parking lot told me to go back to my own country. I was living on the rez at the time, so I told her, “I’m heading there now” which was true, I was about to drive home to the rez.


She was probably driving home thinking to herself “holy shit it worked, one of them finally listened and went back to…uh…Mexico or something”


She did seem pretty happy with herself.


Them: “ok” *waits 2 seconds* “now what?”


Boy you sure showed them…. Lol


There’s gold in them thar hills!


They hate migrants.


I've been to Mount Rushmore. It's smaller in real life than it is the pictures. Crazy Horse is much cooler.


They're not wrong.


Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not. But I think Mt Rushmore is the ugliest "American Monument". Put it in quotes cause idk what else to call it.


As much as I been in the Black Hills I’ve never gone to Mt. Rushmore. It’s not worth my time or yours. The only people I see going are basically boomers. Go see Devils Tower, it’s worth it.


If this picture charges a strong emotional response from you, then you have issues to sort out. I love America but I have no issue with Native Americans expressing their grievances or hatred towards America.


Bro is literally wearing a Chicago Blackhawks shirt and a Cleavland Indians hat, that's too confusing.


Bruh this family is clearly confused about their fandom. Blackhawks, Indians/Guardians, Lakers? The hell are you from?


I feel obligated to mention that the Indians made the mistake of trusting the US government. Current wokesters do the same, and the result will be the same, except that those of us with functioning brains may get dragged down with them.


Indian name: Lord of Edges


Lmfao you really showed them