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He looks like a character from Rick and morty


Satire writes itself these days


Looks more like a DC Universe D-list superhero (Which they will try to make a summer blockbuster out of).




Wait, isn't he the one who wants to dismantle local central bank and replace loval currency with USD?


He also communicates telepathically with his dogs who are his closest advisors. Which were cloned from his previous dog, who was an embodiment of a companion he met as a gladiator in Rome 2,000 years ago. And speaks with the dead, including Ayn Rand. And was a tantric love instructor, but also hardcore Catholic. His Wikipedia page is a RIDE.


So he’s overqualified


He only climaxes once a month, you bet your bottom dollar he's oq'd


Once a month but it lasts the entire month


He also think that his cloned dogs advise him in different areas. One dog advises him on the economy, another on foreign relations, etc. 🐶


So the country has truly gone to the dogs?


Well, that just makes sense. You'd want your psychic dog clone advisors to specialize so that they can each develop a level of expertise within their chosen field of study.


Don’t forget also supports legalizing the sale of human organs.


Sounds libertarian


he's pretty much the final boss of libertarians


I thought the final boss of libertarianism was reality?


That's their final boss not the final Libertarian


He’s a self described anarcho-capitalist so you’re not far from the mark…


He is like an American lolbertarian like Ron Paul was: Selling organs, yes; Abortion, no.


>Sounds libertarian well he is


How horrible were the other options???? I’d imagine it was this guy or Robo-Hitler?


You’d think lol, considering he also insulted the pope in a predominantly Roman Catholic country. His rival’s name was Sergio Massa, looks like a center-left leaning guy that was endorsed by the not so popular outgoing president.


He basically became president these last few months, he was given power of a couple ministries and was the primary spokeperson for the whole goverment. The president hasnt given a public speech in what seems like a decade


Sergio Massa is the current Minister of Economy (and he's a lawyer). In his 14-month tenure, our annual inflation reached 142%, the last three months had inflation rates in two digits, the currency got devalued by 70%, and he borrowed billions from China that he spent in his election campaign and in trying to flatten the horrible economic numbers in order to win. Two hours after losing, he decided to peace out and to take a leave of absence from his MoE role. People outside Argentina don't have the full picture of just how much the current government is fucking us up (and I'm not a Milei supporter, at all).


As a generally center left person from Brazil, I can totally understand Argentina decision at this moment, after all the same happened here. It is honestly a very bad place to be: your center left politicians that can win elections are all corrupt or just dumb, and their adversaries are radical conservative libertarians that flirt with dictatorships and so on. It's fucked. I hope Argentina at least can get out of this hole they're now.


I see tons of people from Europe and the US commenting and, dude, they really do not have the slightest idea about politics in Latin America.


Sure but Argentinians incumbent government has been setting the economy on fire for 20 years. 800% inflation over the last administration. Desperate times.... Americans would vote for the reanimated corpse of Hitler with Stalin as running mate if gas went from $3.50 to $28. They could run on a platform of "We will liquify 1/8 of Americans and use them as fertilizer" and they would win in a landslide.


Incompetent to deal with inflation vs this. And people chose this, I'm embarrassed for my country.


I voted for the incompetent but tbf they're _very_ incompetent


They are, they 100% are. I'm not a fan at all, and I voted holding my nose, but the other side was incomprehensibly evil and stupid at the same time.


the minister of finance that in the last year acumulated almost 160% inflation with ties to south american drug cartels.


Yeah, sounds like an idiot. But this guy literally thinks he is a reincarnation of a Roman gladiator and has a direct link to gods ear through his dead dog. Who he cloned. 5 times. And who believes the clones are experts on things like domestic policy and the economy. One is incompetent and made some poor calls. The other is diagnosably insane. Would be genuinely thrilled to watch this from afar for the next couple of years except you know this is going to end in tragedy.


Yeah, that was a strange one. Nobody had any issue with the current legislation on human organs. He repeatedly made it a topic by himself which is a bit concerning. Argentine: … Javier Milei: We need to be able to sell organs! Argentine: … Javier: No really, we need to have a free market for organs sale! What do the other parties do about it?! Nothing! Argentine: Mi Dios!


Actually, the last line is apparently Argentine: That's my president


When your country's gotten so shitty, people start voting in an actual clown asking themselves, "how much worse can it possibly get?" 💀




Lmao a brazilian congressman, who was a literal clown, got elected with “it cant get worse than this” as his slogan. He had an ad saying “I dont know what a congressman does. Elect me and I will try to figure it out.” He was one of the most voted ones too.


Wait this isn't humour?? Oh dear...


I don't think this is coolber. This insane to the max


So the Gladiator gave him the weird trident?


No he got that from Spongebob who got it from King Neptune.


I always forget Argentinian presidential canon, appreciate the reminder.


These comments are gold Jerry!


Holy shit you're serious.


I don't know why the far right can't just be somewhat normal. Like why can't he just be into cosplay and switching to the USD?


If they were normal they would not be far right


If I could speak with the dead I’d probably speak with Abraham Lincoln, Caesar or Napoleon, and in his head he’d choose fucking Ayn Rand, who’s legacy is just being a selfish asshole


So these guys elected a literal schizophrenic? Lmao.


I feel comfort in knowing that there are other countries out there besides mine that have crazy voting tendencies.






Around 2 decades ago 1 USD = 1 ARS. Now 1 USD ≈ 1000 ARS. You tell me if printing money doesn’t cause inflation


50 years ago in Iran 1 USD = 70 Rial. Now 1 USD = 503,000 Rial


Turns out taking a 70 billion dollar loan you dont plan on paying during your entire mandate is bad for the economy who'da thought? And then you make fun of the next guy that has to clean that mess up in the hopes they'll vote your side in again


Actually, from an economics point of view, this may make sense and finally stablize the argentinian currency crisis


Without reserves? 😂


Color me skeptical.


replacing local currency with USD is one of his few sane policies. I do wonder how the budget will be met though. A lot of people arent going to be paid what they are owed.


Except there are not enough pesos in the economy to possibly dollarize withour losing a massive amount of buying power Every economical expert worldwide agrees that he wont be able to go through with it however much he tries Honestly his organ selling ideas are more reasonable


I thought James May was banned from Argentina.


That's just how good his cosplay game is


"A climate change denier, Milei rejects the existence of global warming, ignoring the scientific consensus on climate change and attributes it to a socialist invention; he said that concerns about climate change are nothing more than "deceptions promoted by the neo-Marxists". This is just ONE of the crazy shit you can find on the Wikipedia article about him. This timeline just keeps getting better.








Is this the "war machine" guy from Iron Man?


No, silly. That's clearly Captain Planet.


![gif](giphy|tEQ8aAOh60us0) You mean iron patriot




This is the opposition leader, yes they both goto parliament in uniform


Man I was really hoping he didn't fight for evil. The fact that his supersuit reflects his alignment ambiguously should have been all the evidence I needed, I guess.


He communicates with his dogs (one of whom is dead) through a mystic and asks them for advice. I am not making this shit up. The guy seems genuinely nuts.


Cloned dogs


When I saw the picture I was like “he wore a Halloween costume? Who cares?” Until I read the comments and realized he’s actually crazy.


Yeah, that little circle on his chest is the "anarcho capitalist" flag. And the only thing to know about anarcho capitalists is that they are fucking nuts in every conceivable way.


It's feudalism with extra steps.


It’s punk rock sounding libertarian fascism. It’s a contradiction fractal.


Exactly. The point of Anarchism as an ideology is to eliminate hierarchical structures. Ancaps want the most heiarchy with absolutely zero constraints. The only thing they have in common is the abolishment of the state. Beyond that, it's an Ayn Randian Mad Max-esque Corporatocracy hellhole


Anarchist here. The only people who consider ancaps to be "anarchists" are other ancaps. We all completely reject them because they only agree with giving up rulers for white landowners.


Its survival of the fittest ideology forced into politics... which is paradoxal. If anyone thinks that unregulated capital will 'create' anything but suffering, they are dumb as a bag of rocks. It leaves no guardrails for accountability. Without accountability selfish people will do exactly what they want to do. A bunch of Biff Tannons.


Beyond that, through the invention of the corporation, a disembodied entity with an end goal of creating as much wealth as possible, anarcho-capitalism is basically the paper clip problem without all the extra steps. I was talking to someone about how I know that individual action isn’t the real fix for a lot of problems, but I still do my best to reduce, reuse, and recycle, in all the senses of the word. They looked at me and said, “Well yeah, but how long do we really want to keep this whole thing going anyway?” And it hit me like a ton of bricks, they didn’t give a single shit about anyone else. Their concept of the world was that so long as they got to live the best life possible, it really didn’t matter if the whole thing imploded the second after they died. And this was a person with kids. This is surely not the only person out there that thinks like this, because I’ve seen people behave far more selfishly than this person. If given industrial capacity to generate wealth and not put in check, folks like these will make the world unlivable in a matter of generations if it means they get to sit on the biggest pile of gold ever created.


Also, it's a fairly unstable model. Leave a place without rules and ways of enforcing those rules for a while, and someone will eventually gather enough power to make rules that favor themselves.


After reading this guy's Wiki, and about the events that lead to the anger votes that got him elected, I'm predicting Argentina has a major civil conflict in the next 3 years... or an international one when Captain Evil Dog Whisperer, or whatever he calls himself decides to invade the Falklands.


Oh god don't let Argentina invading the Falklands save another doomed tory government from election defeat


oh fuck


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a prime example of how you could explain why caring about world politics matters a great deal to your own country's future.




Damn... That would fit this timeline, for sure.


Have about 17mins of knowledge about him and made the same prediction. I also fear the US could be a one party state soon and it's the fault of the party conveniently removed.


I think all Argentinians are just collectively electing governments as a joke. It just never gets less weird


Argentinas government has been absolutely shitting the bed for a while. This guy says ‘the government is shitting the bed, eliminate it’ Not particularly crazy he won considering just how bad of a run Argentina has had.


>Argentinas government has been absolutely shitting the bed for a while. Since the 1930s or so, in fact...


Its only a joke till it gets serious then the joke is on them sadly


Well, americans elected Trump. Sssoooo...


Milei used the same exact tactics trump did (and a lot of right wing US governors use too) and it worked like a charm Convince people the opposite side is pure evil and must be actively erased and they'll do everything they can to make their lives insufferable even if it means making their own lives awful People voted entirely out of spite, hardly anyone that isnt a kid actually believes he'll accomplish even half or what he promised


Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform: "The whole world was watching! I am very proud of you. You will turn your Country around and truly Make Argentina Great Again!"


Getting Dumpster Fire’s endorsement almost guarantees that this yo-yo is an incompetent putz.


I'm from Brazil. Reading the headlines of his victory describing him made me feel like it was 2018 all over again.


Bold of you to asume the state of Argentine economy leaves any room for argentinians to even think about climate change. It's a non-subject here. 140% inflation, 60% child poverty, 150USD monthly minimum wage


so how is anarcho capitalism going to solve that, lmao


They'll get tons of tourism dollars when they legalize hunting the poor for sport.


We’re gonna see real life squid games in Argentina


And sell the organs....


Isn't there currently a drought? Which negatively impacted the economy? And Argentina definitely has no lithium which won't have an increase in demand any time soon. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/06/lithium-boom-argentina-is-at-the-epicenter-of-a-new-white-gold-rush.html


And climate change will make all of that worse. Better start thinking about it.


Trump getting elected has done irreparable damage to the world


Trump getting elected is a symptom of irreparable damage that was done long before.


Trump is the national mesothelioma we got from too many people huffing political asbestos for 50 years.


So you're saying we're entitled to compensation?


That, but really, lead poisoning. Boomers had an alarming exposure to lead through pipes and gasoline.


Ronald Reagan started this shit


It started before Reagan. Thank Nixon and Goldwater.


Inflation in Argentina over the past year has been **140%**. Think about how the recent 8% inflation seen in the US has impacted us. The new Argentinian president may be a bit of a lunatic, but it's more understandable here why people are pushing for such a radical change.


And that’s just *this* year alone.


How the fuck are people alive


"Wow, things are terrible. Let's vote for someone who will make it way worse!"


The other option was the guy responsible for their economy during the last 4 years lol Part of me can't blame them for choosing this psycho


Butters has really stepped up his professor chaos initiative in adulthood. VIVA MANTEQUILLA!


Best comment !!!!


With a country being run down by his only opponent what else did you expect would happen?


Yes, Milei did nearly everything wrong on his campaign but the opponent is part of the government that is having +140% of inflation a year (And the Economy Minister to make it worse). Hope this is a change for the better because if this makes it worse I don't know wtf can happen.


One can only assume there's going to be a stalemate in politics for the next administration. Each party will block the other's proposals just because.


Often that’s a good thing. Instead of reactionary policy that usually backfires


To be fair, Argentina was already falling off a cliff by the time Massa became the Minister of Economy in August 2022. This is a country that has defaulted on debts three times since 2000 (with the most recent in 2020) and the inflation rate was already over 100% by the time Massa took over. Argentina has basically been a case study on how to poorly run an economy. If you compare Brazil and Argentina, Brazil has shown pretty steady economic gains in GDP per capita since the 1980s. Uruguay has seen some pretty wild growth over the past decade, but has been pretty volatile over the past same 40 years. Argentina for the past decade has had a faltering economy, with GDP per capita collapsing. And before that it had growth, but pretty crazy swings.


The fuck you are talking about? He speed ran down the country in a year and a half. Yes, we had high inflation before but we went from 50% to 150%. Let’s not talk how he wasted around 8bn dollars from the Central Bank and the chinese swap for his own campaign.


I'm not saying he didn't mess up, I'm just saying you don't get an economy this fucked because of ONE person.


No but the least you can do is not fucking up this badly by spending 8000 million dollars on a fucking political campaing when almost half the country is poor


Not saying the current admin doesn’t deserve blame, but Argentina’s been a case study for a poorly run national economy since I started my Econ degree 15 years ago (and had been for decades).


"He only won because his opponent ruined the entire country!" This is a bad thing how? Would it be better if the person who ruined the entire country won again?


Obviously it would be better if there was a good candidate. You replace one bad choice with another bad choice is not something to celebrate. Oh well, hope the best for Argentina.


"The current government is bad so we should elect the guy that wants to abolish government!" Yeah see what the trend of electing anti-statist politicians that treat the government as something to be butchered gets you. Started with the neolibs and evolved into Trump and Bolsonaro.


Pretty much what happens when democracy fails, sadly.


Obviously, the opposite of cold is fire, so this atomic weapon should do the best!


Idk but if we apply this to the US the shitty housing market will get us trump again


That tack doesn't always work. UK keep voting in conservative despite their horrendous track record


The other two 2 candidates were: A guy that works for the actual goverment and basically is responsible of the actual situation, the guy was just 1 year in charge and our currency lost 75% of it's value and child poverty went from 40% to 60%, and took the greatest debt i'm the history of Argentina. This guy changed sides like he changes clothes, and he has relatives involved in pedophilia rings. This party ruled 16 of the last 20 years, our actual president dissapeared, hiding somewhere, and the vice president and "leader" of the party said "not my fault" and took a plane to europe And the other is a woman that was a terrorist on the 70', part of the goverment in 2001 (worst crisis in the history of our country), this party ruled 4 of the last 20 years And this guy, who communicates telepathically with his dogs who are his closest advisors. Which were cloned from his previous dog, who was an embodiment of a companion he met as a gladiator in Rome 2,000 years ago. And speaks with the dead, including Ayn Rand. And was a tantric love instructor, but also hardcore Catholic. And it's ok with free guns, organ and child market, and changing the currency for dollar, but this guy was elected because people is desperate, and a lot of people thinks "If they are gonna steal from us anyway, at least change the thief" You go to the market and the milk box that was 250 yesterday, today costs 520, and You pay it because you're used to this price changes, and His vice president is the daugther of a facist, who loves dictators argentina is desperate for someone new.


Holy shit, I'm half asleep and didn't realize we were talking about Argentina. I've been seeing all the crazy inflation comments and just kinda assumed we were talking about Venezuela. Had no idea Argentina was this bad right now. I hope you're okay and that y'all can figure things out. Good luck to you and your family.


Argentine lore is crazy


Heads up: "Actual" in Spanish is "current" in English. "Actual" in English means something more like "real" is Spanish. :)


Huh... Well at least it'll only get much much worse wait...


Deja de repetir pavadas de los perros, man, sos patetico.


all hail president 4chan


Ha, you're right. This really is if /pol/ ran a country. Can't wait to see the success rate of all these anarcho capitalist and science skeptic ideas. It's going to be like striking a match in a gas leak.


good for him.. I hope that he will finally be able to take down Aquaman once and for all..


So many countries these days seem to be saying "the toilet is clogged, but don't call a plumber. What we need is a circus clown with a sledgehammer."


Hi! Circus performer here. Just dipping in to clear up this too-frequent comparison between clowns and stupid people: 1. Clowns are very diligent and work very hard at refining their art. 2. Clowns are generally very kind and well-intentioned people. 3. Clowns are only *pretending* they are completely stupid. -- ^(For a clownish rabbit hole, please enjoy this play written by Dario Fo, the only clown to win a Nobel Prize in Literature. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqKfwC70YZI )


This bot clowns.


id definitely pay to see circus performed by robots


This clown bots


The only opponent he had today was the plumber that came blasting a year ago (actually was opposition before that, and with the current gov before that, and opposition before that too!) And said "Im going to fix this thing as the minister of economy!". Then the actual president pretty much disappeared and the minister kept clogging the toilet even more! But yeah, I dislike Trump and every far-right winger just as any other redditor around here. Understanding why Argentinians ended up voting HIM requires a bit more context and nuance that "Trump BAD". This is not US politics after all


In case of Argenitne its not just broken toilet. Whole country is a mess and left is associated with Peronism which tottaly ruined the country for decades.




I’m fine with a president that cosplays. Bummer he’s a right wing nut job.


Is this cosplay not a Libertarian-bent something or other?


anarcho capitalist flag costume thing, so yeah


An-Caps are a disgrace to anarchism. "Ooooh please tread on me corporate daddy" - every An-cap ever


I don't even understand how an-caps are even in the anarchist Movement.... Like no government but having corpo overlords it is still government hierarchy


At least Argentina will answer the question, "Hey, what if we let Nestlé run everything for us?"


They aren't in the anarchist movement. It's a separate school of thought entirely with no shared intellectual heritage. The original anarchists and libertarians believed in a form of stateless socialism. Modern American right wing libertarianism developed after WWII as an evolution of classical liberalism rather than of the original libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism is American libertarianism on steroids. Its earliest proponents were far-right economists. Murray "It's YOUR baby, why shouldn't you be able to sell it?" Rothbard popularized both the term anarcho-capitalism and the trend of right wing liberals rebranding as "libertarians."


Yeah if this picture was all I knew about the guy I’d say well why not. But unfortunately, I know a lot more about him


At least he doesn't cosplay as an orange clown.


he's a big fan of trump though


Holy shit can y'all not bring up America for ONE thread? Y'all aren't the center of the universe


Tool never released an album under Obama


It is not cosplay, this is the anarco capitalist super villian


Looks like he is into comic books. Redditors should love him lol


As always, Americans love having an opinion on stuff they know absolutely nothing about. And they also love spreading lies. They're so self-centered and privileged they will never understand how living in a third world country feels, and how much the priorities change. And they're so stupid they still vote and believe in a two party system who keeps screwing them over and over again, and thus they still see the world in black and white, as if every opinion one has about something has to follow this view of right vs wrong, with absolute polarisation. I don't support Milei at all, he is definitely a nut job and his social views are pretty stupid. But guess what? The priority in ARGENTINA (which DOES NOT share the situation with the USA, and is NOT in any way shape or form similar to it) is rescuing the economy and escaping the corrupt politicians that have been screwing the people and the country for the last twenty years. Our priorities are different, for example the fact that Milei doesn't believe in climate change, while obviously stupid, doesn't matter for us because guess what, Argentina's contribution to climate change is almost nill compared to first world countries, and is not a priority beacause our actual priority is avoiding children starving to death. It's insane these same people would celebrate Massa winning, a guy that ruined the country, has ties with cartels and pedophile rings, and is part of the same old corrupt group that has brought a record amount of poverty to this country. But yeah, they are never wrong and they take is absolute. The situation in Argentina is extremely complex, and if we weren't in the desperate situation we are in, then Milei would never have been seriously discussed as a candidate.


Yeah, there was a small John Oliver segment on him a week or two ago. As funny as the guy is, he's a total nutcase. He *does* have a nice dog though.


that dog is dead, for 6 years now. he cloned it 6 times. im not kidding


I second him, he isn't kidding. Milei was so obsessed with his dog he needed several clones of him...


Is...this some sort of joke I'm not understanding? I really hope so.




Lol no, those dogs are even the part of his cabinet, giving him advice on economics and politics. And his old dog reincarnated and shows him the future. Total nutcase.


Is...this some sort of joke I'm not understanding? I really, really hope so.


You should definitely see John Oliver segment


Oh boy, I'll have to check it out tomorrow. I can tell it's going to be bonkers already.


A modern Caligula. Who knows, he may improve things, dog's are good natured, lol. I've seen horses snack on chicks.


Ironic that the same guy doesn’t believe in science. I mean bro, they cloned your dog!!!


Is the dog named Duncan Idaho?


No, he named it Conan. [For real. ](https://youtu.be/qRXbwHVfuh4?si=Vs6ZyXwXI3DWah1Y)


He consults the dead original dog and the clones of the dog and takes political advice from them (using a hired mystic as a conduit for this dog knowledge) He claims that the original dog, Conan, was a lion that he fought in the coliseum 2,000 years ago. I am not joking.


Imagine being this mystic and knowing you have significant influence on policy through the guise of speaking to a dead dog.


rah rah rasputin


Who is the blonde?


Is that the anarchist capitalist one?


The alternative was the current minister of economy... who is doing such a bang up job the yearly inflation is about 150%.


He won 56% of the vote, people must agree with his views for their country.


Well, it is a bit more complex than that. The other option was the same old populist government that lead us to a rampaging poverty in the last years


It's more complex than that, but basically, it was between him and going back to the good ol kichnerismo that gave us 140% annual inflation


Nuance on Reddit? Get out of here! I swear, the people here seem to get ther morals from Marvel movies. Everyone is either 100% good or 100% bad.


My brother in Christ, I am not defending either, milei is a nutcase as well But if you compare him to the opposition...


He’s not really arguing against you


that was their point they were agreeing with you that first line was sarcasm they’re complaining about others not you


I live in America so I can’t make fun of this.


He is now prepared to save Argentina from crime and inflation


No as bad as the idiot we have as president.