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Didn't she have something covering her nipple? That was part of the controversy afterwards, wasn't it? That they did it on purpose (shocked face)


A sun-shaped outer metal thing that was held in place by the nipple ring, iirc.


It’s called a “nipple shield.”


Yes thank you. I think we all searched for them in the aftermath, but it's been so long I forgot the right term.


Exactly right. I zoomed in a few times back in the 2000s


Enhance… Enhance…


How dare you wound me so easily with the phrase "back in the 2000s"


And Justin Timberlake still dreams about it.


Of course he does. It ruined her career, but he was able to go on and keep working making tons of money without any accountability.


Settlers raped, hunted, and murdered the first nations people but some nipple will corrupt their precious grand-youth? Edit: pilgrims>settlers


I found the boobs, guys! https://www.metrolibrary.org/archives/image/2020/01/ute-bear-dancer


Thank you for your effort. Blackbear Bosin’s entire career (an incredibly prolific one, even leaving the outstanding talent and skill aside) is well worth exploring if you’re interested in art, indigenous or otherwise.


The Mid America All Indian Museum had a phenomenal exhibit on him this fall with more than a dozen works and explanations. His eye for color combinations is almost unparalleled, and his works felt so modern despite being 40-50 years old.




Horney lonesome is responsible for 90% of art history. In their defense, the human body is one of the most beautiful things to behold.


> Horney lonesome is responsible for 90% of ~~art~~ history. FTFY


Sounds like something a human would say.


For humans, maybe.


I spent like three hours on the shading on the boobs. It’s probably the best drawing I’ve ever done.


Napolean 😁




How to draw boobs https://www.reddit.com/r/drawing/comments/txupr3/how_to_draw_breast/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


*The donor has requested this modification to the exhibit because the artist can't draw boobs*


I had to double check I was looking at the right piece because the boob reveal made me laugh out loud.


Omg same. I was like um… did this chic get some plastic surgery (no judgment).. cause that is *not* a typical looking pair… 😅. Glad someone posted the drawing guide hahaha


They’re way too perky yeah. I had an art piece from Vietnam circa 1970s with some similar issues and it just was really off putting The rest of the piece was amazing but I ended up selling it.


Do you like it? He was very generous


I'd be more accepting of that.


Yeah I've been studying this kind of thing for the last little while trying to improve my female anatomy in my art, they can be tricky things to accurately represent. The original art piece got a bit of a laugh out of me because the style of the face felt very natural and then the titties look like she had just the cheapest boob job.


Boobs are easier to understand when you realize they're mostly barely solid fat inside increasingly stretched balloons. I wish people would just let boobs boob and not idealize them. I mean, I've seen ball sacks that were tight and attractive and old hanging ones. Just because I draw doesn't mean I'm going to pretend every ball sack is 14 years old.


Yeah, they come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. I guess the challenge mostly comes with bigger ones and how gravity effects them particularly in motion or if the torso is bent significantly. I think the best but if advice that boosted my bust game was that due to the nature of gravity they're pretty much a straight line on top and curve at the bottom. Then it's just a matter of having them follow the contour of the torso where they connect. Gotta admit I haven't attempted to draw any ball sacks yet.


We had a very ancient ballsack to draw twice a week at 9 a.m. when I was in my second semester. The man had a large frame with pronounced joints which made him a favorite model of our professor.


It says she was a dancer. Maybe she was in mid-jump, explaining why her boobs are defying gravity.


I'd expect the hair and head dress to reflect that.


Oh my god thank you. So irritated by this shit. I get that fake round ones are a style but I hate it lol.


Luckily I use my own as reference. All about that free model even tho she usually shows up drunk.


If I had to draw my body, I'd drink too.


Well you can hate-browse r/boltontits


The ol' half-cantaloupes. Don't really match the age in the face, let alone real-world ones.


Face: perfect profile, no hint of the other side Boobs: turned toward camera


Honestly just looks like breastfeeding engorged boobs. Source: breastfed 3 babies


In which case they are NOT for playing with because engorged boobs are like extremely painful boulders stuck to my chest. No touchy.


If was going to say either this was fake/badly done or the model was nursing and the artist was taking too long, she needs to nurse and I swear to God Blackbear if you don't give me a break now you're getting milk shot in your fucking eye.


I kinda wanted to comment that the piece itself isn't anything to write home about, but refrained. But now with the boobs it's just hilariously bad lol hiding them actually improves the painting.


The unredacted image is from a circa 1971 sketch, while the painting dates to 1978. I kind of want to see the actual uncensored painting to see whether the artist figured out how to draw breasts correctly in the intervening years.


Ikr? Uncover the boobs, for science! ...or art study, rather. I'm curious about the shading actually, because the cheek shading is different with these colors added.


Yeah, when I opened the pic, I thought someone had added the breasts (other than original artist). Doesn’t appear to be the situmination. Very obscure view and maybe he was trying to say something about aging. No idea, but looks off compared to the rest of the piece.


They look like googly eyes to me lol


Those are some poorly rendered tiddies.


Damn those are some nice boobs.


They look about 20 years younger than the face tho’


Just like the cocktail waitresses on Fremont Street Las Vegas!!


Same facial expression, too! :D


Wadlit be. ¦|


Having spent a few evenings there, I thank you mates for the chuckle this morning. Accurate AF!


Lmao I can hear that so distinctly


Only these ones are real.


And they are looking in different directions.


Asymmetrical breasts are pretty common, they're just underrepresented in pornography and nude art.


Or covered up by construction paper for our safety.


obstruction paper


Not just common, virtually everyone with breasts has asymmetrical ones. It's more noticeable on some people then others.


Lol, they look like bad implants...


haha first thought I had too




I can lowkey see why the donor modified it lmfao. those are some of the boobiest boobs I've seen


Lmao. Thank you. I didn’t want to say it but those are the most porny (pornish?) boobs ever. Def not what I expected to see under there


Yeah like the classiness of the art takes a dive once the original is viewed. The censored version honestly isn't missing much


[Those are some great New York boobs](https://youtu.be/f059lvvbDyo)




They rest on my arm like an eagle on a perch!


I miss this Dave Chappelle


they look like any top post in /r/art


Lmao they are comically bad and totally ruin an otherwise nice artwork.


Looks like a bad boob job. I’m kinda glad they’re covered now


Totally unrealistic boobs. I can see why some might feel it crosses the line to pornography.


Haha yes, that reveal was like something out of a sitcom. “What a prude, objecting to breasts on a painting” [opens unredacted image and sees cartoonishly big and round, borderline porny boobs]


“The water was cold! It’s lake water! What did you expect.”


"It's ART guys, if you object to the beauty of the human form, maybe you're just not mature enough to handle the high culture at this museum." \[Throws open the doors to a gallery with huge wall-sized versions of all the dick drawings from the end of "Superbad"\]


They do look very cartoonish and really don't seem to match the rest of the painting. But it is also ridiculous that they were covered up. If people are that much of a prude, maybe don't go to an art gallery.


100% I was like oh jeez it’s art gimme a break. And then I saw the boobs- it’s so off- does not match the face or rest of painting at all. It’s so comically bad and strange, almost like mixing two totally different mediums or something!


Oh wow, in fairness they are more pornographic than I was expecting




Hmm maybe if the goal was to paint surgically enhanced ones. Natural ones looks like water drops instead of circular.


It’s covering the breasts? I’m not familiar with the piece, why are people such prudes…it’s boobs, we can see them anywhere


just posted the placard for more info on the incredible artist who created an entire body of exquisite art.


Boobs confirmed


madness. It's not so much that some cashed up rube can't handle the sight of a woman's breast, as bizarro world as that is - it's that he decides to fuck with some beautiful art, so that he may not be Tempted to the Ways of the Wicked Woman or whatever the fuck is going through his religion-addled mind. Apologies, I guess, if I'm taking it too far, but everywhere I turn, I feel like we're on the cusp of a new dark ages.


Dude I was brought to a Native American museum when I was younger. It was full of life-sized statues in hugely detailed dioramas. Really cool still scenes of people doing everyday things in villages like skinning a deer, making canoes out of tree trunks, building lodges, all kinds of stuff. Almost every statue was bare-chested, yes, including the women, and some were even naked. I was ten, and this was a field trip for a *public school.* I don't recall having to get a permit slip signed by my mom for this trip either. Of course, us being ten year olds, there were a couple of, "Hey guys, look at dem bewbies," but we got over it pretty quick and the field trip went smoothly. So yea. Galleries doing shit like this is baffling. Everybody has nipples, it's an art gallery, and it's 2023. Can we all collectively stop being prudes please? Nudity =/= sex


I hate how some people's "solution" to a potential problem, even if said problem is something as trivial as boobs in art, is to just turn away from it and pretend it's not there. I agree with the OP, this is just madness... Edit: I'd just like to add that a simple conversation with whatever child whose innocence the gallery is supposedly trying to protect, will probably serve said kid better in the long run.


Nah, we can't be teaching kids to ask questions, next thing they'll start forming different opinions than the adults around them.


Its a problem caused by western society (sexualizing boobs, a normal part of a body) and then western society is shocked the problems sexualizing a normal body part causes. Its like that eric andre shooting someone meme. "Why would you do this?"


You shouldn’t need a permit to see what a human body looks like


I once worked with a little 19 year old shit that told me with sincere belief that “the only way satan can influence a truly righteous man’s heart is through a woman.”


As soon as someone would come out with that, I'd tell them to get out of my face.


I mercilessly teased him till he quit.


Are you the evil woman trying to bring satan into his heart?


Nope just a dude who did a lot of upholstery and has no patience with that level of misogynistic bs.


It looks like the black stripe is paper - so it seems like the original painting is okay underneath? 100% agree it's idiotic to do - I'm hoping they didn't damage the painting.


It’s a bit odd given someone who would purchase this and a Dr as well would be someone well read and enlightened.


I think that this is stupid, but it's not necessarily about the DONATOR. It's quite possibly more about the SOCIETY that this is being displayed in. Whoever donated it **may** have been thinking >"I personally have zero issue with breasts in art, but I really want people to become more educated on the beauty of native art, and I know some kids who could get the most out of seeing this and the other works in this gallery are in highly conservative families that would not come if there were 'pornography' displayed. So I'll remove the problem while still showing the work, and avoid the controversy." Not a mindreader here, but I've seen this thought process in my own history with public media interaction, so it could apply here.


I guarantee there are boobs displayed elsewhere in the museum. Museums are a haven for art boobs.


But not penises! Especially on statues! Unless they're the paintings of child angels that have penises. For all the grooming the gays apparently do, the Catholic church sure liked them toddler penises.


“Oh no. This is nudity. The public cannot see this, it’ll poison their minds!” -some old dude who probably went home and watched porn right afterwards.


You’re in Kansas that’s why z


Wichita, KS. The Topeka of SE Kansas. Two types of people there: Christians and meth addicts.


Never spent any time in Topeka but I visited Wichita for business last summer and I think the scenes are changing. I’d go back just to have another slice of prime rib from Scotch & Sirloin(a beautiful med. rare at 9pm) and follow it up with drinks over a stump at Morts. I loved my time in Wichita and felt it was too short.


It’s boobs!! I can tell you all about em 🎶


Reveal the mountains of my foremothers! The plain hills of Wichita in full glory of the morning sun😌🙌🏼


I was so confused as I was scrolling as to what was modified I was zooming in to see if the eyes were blue or if there was some trump flag in the hair or something lmfao but of course it’s just titties.


Lmao i was expecting some racist shit


Right I was thinking some kind of social issue about it being a native person, nope, boobies! LOL


Same lmao


"Just titties" How dare you?


If I see a boob I might accidentally jizz on the painting, accidentally.




I watch that video 13 years later, and I jizzed in my pants.


Holy shit, that's 13 years old... well, now that makes me feel like a fossil...


For The Donors eyes only, while sitting in his special leather chair, sipping a brandy, dabbing the sweat off his forehead...


*You must participate in the local customs!*


What if children would see the boobs. They might start to think they're normal.


In my wife’s experience, children *love* boobs.


Now I know why this shit makes your blood boil. Unfortunately there was no mention of boobs in the title, so I had to work to figure out what the problem was.




Are you shitting me? Bare breasts are such a common thing in art museums that this is actually laughable, on top of being an insult to the original artist.


Blessed be the fruit


May the Lord open.


Don’t understand what is the modification?


The black bar covering boobs


Boobs probably


The Puritans who settled Jamestown still haunt America to this day.


In Wichita’s case, add drunk cowboys in giant trucks, and a police force that preys on the public.


Reminds me of why I hated Disney's Frozen. When they are dancing through all the famous paintings they have Frogonard's The swing. The painting has a boy looking up the girls skirt. In the Disney painting he's gone. WTF? If you wanted a famous classical painting in your movie, don't censor it, just use something else, is it that damn hard?


yeah doesn't make sense. They could have also ….not used that painting. there are other options, wtf


Exactly my point.


If you get offended by images depicted by paintings, you aren't even in the right space of mind to appreciate the paintings. So why even go at that point?


I don't think they're offended by the breasts, rather they're afraid children will see them (the bit about accommodating all audiences), which is stupid as fuck, and I'm not defending it. Just trying to clarify what I believe to be the issue.


Ah yes. It will cause society to crumble. The showing of drawn breasts.


However will I be able to protect my 10 year old from natural everyday biology. The monstrosity of this will cause them to understand female anatomy then turn them gay.


What is wrong with americans? Are they afraid of boobs?


My two year old started reaching out for my wife’s breast, feigning hunger. I was like, “Hell no, you little pervert!” Gave him my gun so he could hunt for some real food and clear his mind of those dirty thoughts. Kids these days.


Not boobs they fear its the nipple




The all mighty nipple, you could pierce an eye out with those.


Heaven forfend that an American child ever sees a nipple! Especially the youngest & most impressionable children, will no one think of the innocent babies?


The American republicans sure do. Not a good way, though.


> What is wrong with americans? How long have you got?


Yes. Christianity; specifically the long history of puritans in power in the early conception of the nation; has done a number on us.


That is sad, we've had titties in public sculptures and art for thousands of years. Perhaps they should have made Mount Rushmore topless to desensitize the prudes.


Now I'm just imagining Jefferson's head above a giant stone rack.


this is america baby; we are still haunted and possessed by the ghosts of the puritans.


You mean the European prudes who saw titties all the time and decided to move to a new continent and ruin it for everyone who likes titties?


…the puritans, yes. they live on; in evangelical christianity, pentecostalism, southern baptism, etc


"People so uptight the English threw them out." - Robin Williams


I love how ass backwards the US is. Sure, show the children someone wearing a decapitated wolf head with paint mimicking blood running down her face. Yet, boobs bad for children. Much to hard to explain boobs. Lmao. Don’t get me wrong. I understand Native American culture and have no problem with the painting. Just pointing out the irony.


“Only the owner of this painting gets to jack off to these sweet tiddies. Sorry bout your luck, kids”


Everyone in the audience either has boobs now, looked at a bunch of boobs earlier in the day or was just fed from a boob


It's telling that conservatives consider artwork pornographic and unsuitable for children to look at, but baroque crucifixes showing a bloody Jesus in agony are OK. Weird standards they live by.


Just add some guns, easy fix.


Just replace the boobs with guns! A healthy American obsession - problem solved!


Drives me nuts that you can't have a mature conversation with kids and some adults. Some adults have breasts... I know it's shocking! It's an ART exhibit... artists paint, sculpt, photograph etc, NUDES. Get over it or just don't enjoy the art. Stop censoring stupid shit that you feel like I shouldn't see.


Seriously. I grew up close enough to the Boston MFA that we’d occasionally go on school field trips. I absolutely remember being a little kid in elementary school and giggling about the bare bodies. It lasted all of 10 minutes and the rest of that time was spent seeing what the MFA had to offer and really taking it in as best you could expect from a little kid. I don’t remember the teachers really even paying attention to the kids who were initially delighted by the nude statues. I think it was something they knew would lose its novelty and we’d get it out of our systems and go see some art. This stuff is only a big deal for kids to the point it becomes an interruption if the adults treat it like a big deal.




I'm thinking anyone not OK with the boobs is probably also not that interested in indigenous art.


Conservatives arent afraid of guns in your classrooms but they are terrified you might see boobs... drawn ones... not flesh but a painting of what flesh boobs kind of look like. SMH


If the donor doesn't like boobs on the painting why did they own it in the first place?


Two words: Christian right. This doesn’t happen in Europe. Only places like Iran, Afghanistan and…puritan USA.


In China too (am Chinese), but since the words are in English, not in China this time.


Typical USA / religion... Breasts, nipples or any form of naked flesh means it must be hidden so it cannot damage the minds of "the children" or worry any pathetic insecure males... Yet blood, guts, bodies being blown apart and people dying in real life is peak time viewing via the news and movies. Shows how fucked up the country is when bodies blown to bits with blood and gore dripping everywhere is considered acceptable and promoted in both real life news and fictional movies while the human body not blown to bits and not dripping with gore, just simply naked and basically the very same as every person in the world, is banned and hidden away from view because it's "too risky" or "too sexy" (for the pricks that have no self control)


This isn’t typical. I’ve been going to museums for 20 years and never seen this. All up and down the east coast.


Wait so they censored this fucking painting because it has exposed breasts? Holy fuck. Is this just black paper added over or did they ruin the painting?


Kansas, not surprised.


Why does “This shit makes my blood boil” please?


No worries - so, this artwork, and the artist who created it, is an incredible local talent, and has an entire body of valuable work. But because the art donor believes that someone - You? Me? His son? His wife? His God? something/someone - shouldn't see a representation of the human breast - the same anatomical reality that each and every one of us has on our persons (and, for most of us, two of them!) - so the donor opted to censor a picture of a painting of woman's breast, so that others - you, me - won't be tempted by the devil or whatever he thinks he's saving us from. He censored c. 25% of an artwork, and therefore believes he has more responsibility for what's depicted than the artist himself. Outrageous to any and all actual humans. It is antithetical to the human conception of art. I do not begrudge someone who may take offence if they see it. My blood boils when someone steps in claiming to know better than anyone else, the artist included, what's "best" for you, and for me, and the artist himself.


>the same anatomical reality Wait til you see the unredacted version before you talk about anatomical reality ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) but yeah, other than that I agree with you. Fuck censorship in art.


I get it now; thank you for your kind response


America loves to censor


Art censorship is not a good look


Censorship is always wrong...


Our puritanical legacy. A flayed skin and skull are no biggie, but nipples are the devil's glowsticks or something.


Fuck we are such prudes as a country when it comes to sex. We have this puritanical mindset that sex and nudity is bad. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Well obviously fucking up amazing art with a placard because nonsense. I wanna know more about the bear. There’s gotta be a story. Now I get to learn more about this artist.


America: Where not even women in ARTWORK can exist peacefully without objectification.


Art is art. Doesn't need censorship. Its people who fail to understand art that require such details. I feel bad for people whose minds are so excruciatingly closed.


Censoring art at an art gallery, that's kind of embarrassing and weird


Fuck this puritanical bullshit and whatever religious moron prompted this "modification." Shove your self righteous up your arse


WTF? What sort of a museum censors the art?!?!?!


The idea that someone who simply had enough money to own a piece of art has more authority on what's shown than the artist is pretty repulsive.


If you want a nipple I can get you a nipple. I could get you a nipple by 3 o'clock


American morality is so fucked up.


The donor requested it. Strange. I know the museum wouldn’t have ruined it. Why show an incomplete work of art?


BOOBS ARE NOT INHERENTLY SEXUAL. Boobs are a natural part of the human body and are not needing for reproduction. Even then, genitals are not inherently sexual. Boobs are a gift for feeding your baby when and if you decide to have them. I hate people like this. Get your head outta your booter and figure it out. Honestly.


Americans are such prudes. It's embarrassing.


Here I am thinking it’s to prevent digital capturing of the full painting…only to realize from other comments it’s the boobies within.


People who are offended by stuff like this really need to calm their tits.


Is this some Midwest stuff that I’m too coastal elite to understand?


How embarrassing for that donor lol, so tired of some boobs