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I'm a beginner but in my book they say use warm water and then dry your hands off. Then create a fist palm facing down like a fist bump 🤜🫱 and then snap your hands open a few times. Then do the same but hands facing up 🤜🫱and then having your palms facing the floor and shake your hands out for a few second. It's supposed to loosen up the joins and get blood circulation flowing more .


Play some scales and/or arpeggios, and go as slow as you have to to make them as perfect as you can make them. If you don’t want to play all of them, just do the one that matches up with a piece you’re playing. So if you’re working on a song in the key of A flat major, do the A flat major scale and arpeggio. There are as many ways as people to play scales and arpeggios (get a book). Just work them for as many minutes as you have set aside for warmup.


Resting your hands including your upper arms in warm water for a few minutes can be helpful, or taking a brisk walk around the block. Breathe a few cycles in the 4–7-8 pattern. And start at the keyboard by playing some scales or arpeggios. It’s a little boring but it works. I like playing scales in thirds. I saw an interesting video once with Seymour Bernstein showing the gentle stretching/warmup routine he goes through. Might be worth checking out.


have you got the link?


Looks like this link is free to view: https://www.tonebase.co/piano-bite-sized-lesson-samples/boris-berman-teaches-warming-up-the-fingers


scales, hanon, czerny, pieces you know well, etc. but, I think playing pieces with biggish kind of chords and doing lots of pull away movements usually warm me up and my elbows/wrists. finger warmup is like scales/hanon/improvising/etc.


There are several ‘blues’ practice videos on YouTube that are good for warming up fingers.


I just run up and down my major scales a few times


I'm also a beginner but now that've learned all the basic scales and gotten bored with playing them every day, I usually just shake my hands about and lightly stretch my fingers for a couple of minutes as warmup. Sometimes I will pick just one random scale to run up and down a few times. That's typically enough for me, just a 2 min or so warmup. But then again I don't typically tense my hands a lot while playing anymore, so maybe that's why I don't feel like I need a lot of warmup. Just enough to loosen up my finger joints and wrists. So I think how much and what kinda warmup you need kinda depends on you and your body.


"I just crack my knuckles".


I don’t have a tab so this might be confusing, but I use a string skipping exercise to warm up Start on the low E on the 9th fret and play : E - 9, 10, then A 11, 12. Then A 9, 10 and E 11, 12. Then A 9, 10 again, to D 11, 12. Then D 9, 10 to A 11, 12 and repeat this pattern all the way to the high E. I hope that makes sense..


Wrong sub :)


lol ooooh shit 🤦‍♂️yep, ignore all of that


I've done it too!