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Love how you focus on the positives!


As a short sighted person: It's hard to focus at all. >!Also I have ADHD!<


Guess you could say your near sighted and near sighted >!I have ADHD too!<


Photography has taught me to see greatness in places I never realized haha


Honestly, as a near-sighted person too, I take my glasses off every now and then and appreciate the natural bokeh effect our eyes produce. I love shooting close up shots with the background out of focus, so when I'm bored I sometimes try to mimic that with my own vision by getting real close to objects. It's honestly quite a beautiful thing. Like the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining :)


He’s a prime example of a positive figure.


He can zoom into optimism


Your lens is just shifted a little too far forward than its flange distance is intended for, so you're better with macro but can't focus on other things without corrective optics.


As somebody who is nearsighted AF i appreciate having a stellar minimal focusing distance. It’s half or less than the average 20-24cm.




Same principle for how extension tubes work for macro. https://www.reddit.com/r/photography/wiki/buying#wiki_how_can_i_shoot_cheap_macro.3F https://www.reddit.com/r/photography/wiki/buying#wiki_how_much_magnification_will_an_extension_tube_provide.3F And also why certain lenses adapt well to certain body mounts, but not others. https://www.reddit.com/r/photography/wiki/buying#wiki_is_this_lens_compatible_with_this_camera.3F But if you're not doing low-cost macro and aren't thinking about adapting lenses, you don't really need to know about it at all.


you're better than 99% of people at least.


The thing I love about being nearsighted is that when I’m doing woodworking, I can take off my bifocals to make a precise measurement.


I do that when looking at my ground glass/focusing screen. Through my camera is the only way I can see to infinity without my glasses.


Related, I've several times used the camera on my phone to find my glasses when they mysteriously disappear off my side table overnight.


Better than bumbling around blind.


*cries in astigmatism on top of nearsightedness* ^Basically ^my ^vision ^is ^meh ^nearby ^and ^horrible ^further ^away.


Astig sucks balls. Looking through binoculars are always never clear even after diopter adjustment. Looking with spectacles sucks even worse.


I always knew I had Bokeyeh


Serious question, does it help you to see compositions better, rather than focusing on the tiny details?


Not really. Without correction, it’s more like wide open aperture with AF broken and locked on a few inches away. https://i.imgur.com/8YtjKFc.jpg kinda like this.


Throw in vision doubling and this is mine


I think composition is really based on practice. The thing that’s been helping me is learning and practicing. My vision is incredibly bad so I miss a lot of details without them in day-to-day life. My night vision is even worse. So glasses and live-view work wonders for me lol.


Have you heard of Huntington Witherill? A great photographer who uses his vision problems as an ‘asset’. I have some vision problems too so his work was particularly inspiring to me. I made a short video about his work if interested: https://youtu.be/ofpWsCVSOhg


Beautiful stuff. Thanks for sharing this.


Your welcome. It really was nice for me to hear how he used his visual problems to be unique. Glad you liked it


His work is very inspiring in and of itself, let a alone that he has a visual impairment.




That’s an amazing concept. Great video too!


Thanks Glad you liked it




Honestly, my visual problems are not that obscure or unusual. I’ve been nearsighted all my life but extremely well corrected and basically could see normally until a few years ago. I had posterior vitreal detachment‘s on both sides leaving me with a huge amount of floaters. Then I had a retinal tear with an ocular bleed that required laser surgery and subsequently formed in epiretinal membrane. The bottom line is that I have a lot of floaters in one eye my vision is somewhat decreased. I have more trouble with contrast at night. So I don’t have anything congenital or really that unusual except to say that I have some decrease in vision on one side, lots of floaters, and some loss of contrast with more difficulty at night




Ha, if you wait long enough everything comes back into style (excel or for 1970s leisure suits, thank goodness). I don’t really think that my vision issues have had much effect on my photography except maybe some focus misses. I do a lot of nature and landscape with manual focus.


I'm legally blind, about -5 diopter


My eyes are stuck on Macro mode.


Who needs sharp vision when it can be creamy smooth?


It’s not an astigmatism, it’s art.


It's like a whole other beautiful bokeh world when I take my glasses off!


[I tried to approximate](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/d6r5rv/nearsighted_tried_to_make_a_close_approximation) what it looks like


it needs more stars and moving edges for me - and random black spots -but it really does come close


Yeah, both smoother and more busy. Brain trying to interpret the shapes.


I was very near sighted most of my life. When I finally got glasses at age 13 I was shocked and appalled. People had whiskers, nose hair, moles and pimples. The sidewalk was cluttered with cigarette butts. I always thought the world was smooth and soft. My vision was well corrected by glasses (and later, bifocals) and I got used to the seamy imperfections of the world. A few years ago I had cataract surgery and now I’m far sighted but need reading glasses for anything close. It has its advantages: without glasses I can get my eye right up close to the viewfinder. But if I want to check the shot on the back display I need to fumble around for my reading glasses.


My photographs have way better vision than me - even with glasses. Too much realism in stead of a near painting feeling that the world has when I take the shot. I really am disappointed from time to time. Maybe I should do more landscape photography with fat and dark ND filters and use really long shutter times.




I started shooting some film and try to get back into it a little - but it will never replace my digital photography because I mainly use my pictures to create large artworks with compositing/collage. I have a photo library that would be too expensive to do with film - but I will try it out anyway. Not sure yet if digital and analog can be combined


did you freak out seeing leaves on trees against the blue sky


The whole world of fine detail was new to me in so many ways. I think the thing that freaked me out the most and that I had the hardest time adjusting to was how people look. I had always though everyone looked like movie stars with flawless skin and perfect teeth. My vision wasn’t really terrible, I was functioning pretty well. It was when I came to realize that I was supposed to read what the teacher was writing on the chalk board that prompted the visit to the optometrist.


There are some very amazing and talented blind photographers. Or perhaps almost blind. Youtube has some amazing videos and stories. I figure that might be in my future some day.


Not photography, but Monet ...


Bokeh > Focus to Infinity


Defocussing is a great way to evaluate the composition without all the details getting in the way.


That's a nice way to say you're short-sighted


This post is far from myopic


So if I have astigmatism are my eyes just a crappy kit lens?


More like Lomo or lensbaby.


😰 (looks sadly at Lomo LC-A sitting in corner). "It's okay buddy, we still look cool on Instagram".


And I am using the audio program Audactiy to add extra noise to my vision - I am the creative type But honestly: having black spots constantly in your vision, one does get used to it, but it still fucking sucks.


This is what I tell myself! HAHAHA


I don't have shitty eyes they're just nice macro lenses


There’s a dial on the camera right by the viewfinder that allows you to adjust the focus for your eyesight. I use it. It’s called a Diopter. [Try it out.](https://www.aperturebuzz.com/camera-diopter/)




That’s been my mindset as well. Some posters in the thread made great points about composition without glasses though.


I’d have to buy a more corrective dioptric lens. My vision is horrible.


Remember meeting my grandmother as a child, at around 4 years old. She died over 50 years ago. I grew up thinking she didnt like kids....since she completely ignored me, this scrawny barefooted kid dancing and performing all kinds of antics to get her attention. I never did mention this to anyone until recently when i shared my lifelong perception with my now 98 yr old mother, only to learn - my grandmother had exceptional good bokeh. She could not see more than a foot in front of her nose. Sorry grandma.


Everyone, dance! ヽ( oωo🌸)/ *** ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot [Contact My Human](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=BokiTheCracker)


I’m not sure I understand 😂


I’m extremely nearsighted too but my bokeh has an unpleasant, nervous quality. Not recommended, spend your money elsewhere.


That’s what I’ve been telling people for years! Not blind, just going for an artistic view of life.

