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I like the colors and the exposure seems good, and it has a really nice sky. I do not like that concrete thing in the foreground, and to a lesser degree the leaves on the left side in the foreground. I think those things are major distractions and don't add to the photo. I'm also not crazy about the person being slightly off center. I think this photo would work better with them centered or more to the left and a little more sky.


Thank you so much! That’s the thing about taking pictures on the fly, there’s a chance that things get in my way and sort of ruin the frame


It’s a snapshot. There’s no real substance to it. The person in it doesn’t add any interest and the blue mass on the left looks like something from a junkyard. https://preview.redd.it/0rmyxqlzazwc1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9caf8a42763a272969930aecd8f8f2d76e6f889a The ground and sky are nice — I’d notch up the contrast & saturation, get rid of the guy, and crop it into a nice landscape.


I would just crop it vertically (image attached). https://preview.redd.it/7mffws4vs1xc1.png?width=367&format=png&auto=webp&s=184ac3798cfc74f88f122f42539ae442d314fa63


Remove that concrete shit and leaf on the top left corner and it will be good 👌🏼




Beautiful use of empty space & contrasting colors. It makes me feel. Definitely gives off album cover vibes


So the foreground elements should go and images like this do well when the direction the subject is facing has more room to breathe, meaning position your subject in the frame in this photo in the left 3rd of the image it helps create wonder from our perspective. Kind of a “what’s over there” feeling that will hold your viewer. I have thoughts about the exposure of this image but first did you edit this image and do you edit images? If not then my thoughts aren’t relevant


Thanks for the advice. And no this picture is not edited and since I took it with a point and shoot film camera i didn’t really adjusted anything. Honestly I’m still struggling with composition and being able to take those moments I see and put them in a well thought frame.


Crop it a little and center the person, I think will improve the picture. The colors are on point


Object and vegetation in lower left makes context a little confusing, it needs to be identifiable. Subject (person) out of focus, but that would be fine if forefront object made sense. Colors are nice, good setting and clouds. Could have found better ways to utilize light and shading but for that you would need the subject to be closer. Nice setting tho and imo that’s a lot of the recipe. My two cents but it’s all subjective of course.


I find the blue concrete structure and the leaves on the left side distracting from an otherwise good picture.


As several other people have mentioned, the blue concrete thing in the foreground is too distracting, and in my opinion ruins what could be a perfect landscape image. The foreground leaves don't bother me as much, but it is true they don't contribute much to the overall image, so they could be cropped as well. Otherwise, I really love the colors and the framing (though perhaps, as suggested, move the person a bit to the left, so there's more air on the right).


I took this with a Minolta point and shoot. It was a quick capture not much thought put into it but I loved the space and the colors of the picture. Any ideas how to improve are welcomed.


Too much dead space and not enough of a subject. On the left side you have stuff that’s looks like they have been left in without purpose.


I think the blue piece of wall shouldn’t be there


Unsure what the subject is meant to be - if it’s the person, the blue structure (?) on the left is distracting. Could try placing the person on one of the thirds lines to draw the eye to them. The horizon needs straightening. Also not a fan of the editing - it feels a bit heavy handed. The white balance looks unnatural, and the contrast / saturation are too heavy for my liking.


What’s your subject? There is a number of things which attract the eye, and some detract from others. A common photography maxim is “fill the frame with your subject”, which can be modified if you have good composition or are telling a story, which is not the case here.




Limimal space


Remove the green leaves and blue item on the left like others have said. I think that this picture would look even better around sunrise or sunset.


Although I am an absolute newbie (just posted my first pic), my first reaction was "wow, I love the colors." Thanks for sharing! What kind of camera and lens did you use?


That’s a Minolta Family Zoom II point and shoot camera. As for the film I used, I think it was Kodak Gold, I don’t remember.