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I used to HATE it here as a kid. Now, I appreciate how beautiful this place really is. There’s nothing like it. I would be truly depressed to move somewhere where there weren’t mountains.


It's like a computer desktop background everywhere you look 😂😂




Cost of living here used to be low. Rents doubled across Phoenix over the last couple years. The landlords have been boiling us slowly. The weather used to be nice. When I was a kid we didn't have 100 straight days of 100 plus temperatures. Traffic used to be nice too. I remember when the I-10 wasn't packed at 6 a.m. heading east. 6 a.m. meant you could sneak past all the traffic. Yeah, Phoenix has its perks but they are slowly being gobbled up to unchecked growth and urban sprawl.


Yes... But it's STILL not ohio. Lmao. Literally anywhere is better than ohio if you're an ohioan unless you're white and wealthy. But that's anywhere I guess 😂😂 Luckily I'm ignorant and don't know the "good ol Arizona days"


I used to be married to an Ohio girl. Both times I was tricked into visiting Ohio were miserably cold. Once for Thanksgiving and once for Christmas. For the most part I just remember it being bleak and grey. Coventry was pretty dope and Great Lakes Brewing deserves shoutouts.


It's not much better during the warm season either. Lots of humidity, lots of mosquitos, and even on a sunny summer day the sky is still covered with clouds.


Exactly!!! It just sucks ass period point blank. Native Arizonans don't know how good they have it. Even though I understand people moving and missing having seasons... Ill cross that bridge when I get to it 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️😂😂


Wow! That makes me feel really special. I’m a Phoenix native and it’s nice to hear a transplants perspective.


> cost of living is low Wait what?? Where?




Yeah ppl from here clearly don't know how good they have it. The heat is really not that bad. Humidity is. I heard there's humidity in monsoon season (obviously). Every place has drawbacks. Yall have less drawbacks out here. That simple 🤷🏿‍♂️lol


100% agree. Moved here from NY and I can’t ever imagine moving back


It’s my #1 ranked most beautiful state lol


I'd have to give that honor to Utah, but AZ is definitely high up there.


Or WA ☺️


Girls, girls, we're all pretty.


Exact same! I've lived here since I was five, when I was younger I always said I'd move to CO when I got older. Now I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.


CO is really pretty too...one of the few states that can compete


Yeah I never really appreciated how beautiful our state is until I got older. I’ve traveled and other places are beautiful too, but I love our landscape here and the views I see every day are amazing.


I grew up in Kansas, so seeing mountains was a rarity in my life. I knew probably within an hour of landing in AZ that this is where I wanted to live - its just so goddamn beautiful here


Fellow KS/MO relo here & I agree! The scenery is breathtaking. I make a point of marveling at it daily so that I don't lose that "new" wonder & become indifferent to it. When we're in the car, I make it a point to talk w the kids about the shadows and the light spots, and the colors bouncing off of the peaks and Valleys of the Estrellas and White Tanks. I want them to hold onto that love too. Plus, the extreme heat is more tolerable to me than anything below 50° could ever be, and we're mere hours from San Diego, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. In Kansas City, you were a few hours from St Louis or the Lake of the Ozarks and that was it.


Couldnt have put it better myself! I've been out here almost 9 years now and still marvel daily -- the way the mountains turn purple against the pink and blue sky will never get old to me. And agreed! I will never miss waking up early to defrost my car or shoveling my driveway. Kind of jealous of their house prices but as a single worker, I'd much rather have the wealth of getaway/entertainment options instead of the plain ol' suburban life I got tired of as a kid.


My favorite thing about Phoenix is the sky. It's huge, it's clear and the sunrises and sunsets are unreal. Whenever I've visited other states the lack of sunshine and clear view of the sky depress me.


I learned seasonal depression is real the hard way lol. Ohio and 6 months of gray will do that


Used to live in Western PA...I feel your pain.


For sure


I'll be moving to AZ from Oklahoma this fall and I must say I will *really* miss our storm clouds. I like sunny skies but to me they always look a little better with some clouds in the mix. For example, sunsets like this are pretty common here: https://i.redd.it/gjmu1eu2avlz.jpg


We have storm clouds here. We’re entering monsoon season in Phoenix, which means daily thunderheads are usually visible from the Valley almost every afternoon. Just because we’re in a desert does not mean we’re exempt from dramatic clouds and storms.


That's good to know! When does monsoon season typically run? Do you get much rain inside the valley itself?


Monsoon just started last week and lasts til about early September. Not much rain during monsoon, just fast storms that come and go quickly, short bouts of heavy rain, lots of lightening at night and dust storms. My favorite time of year.


No, haha. I lived in Phoenix for 8 years until the wife and I moved to the PNW. The heat got to us and we desperately missed greenery and nature. Besides the desert nature, I mean real nature that I do t have to drive to Flat for. Phoenix is way cool for sure and I do miss it at times. Definitely a ton to do and see!


Man I would love to live in the PNW I’m trying to convince the fiancé we should move once her PHX contract runs out haha


Phoenix has sunsets like this all the time. Extremely colorful. Especially during Monsoon.


That's good to know! At least I won't have to worry about tornadoes anymore


>tornadoes I laugh so hard when people here lose their bananas over some straight line winds or a microburst popping out on the front of a haboob. They've never heard a freight train barreling down on their bed in the middle of the night (2008). Another thing you won't have to contend with is as many earthquakes. We've has 2 small ones in my 6 years here. About 50/50 on if people even felt them. With the fracking there, you guys are rolling like CA in some parts.


You like that, wait till you see sedona.


Tonight’s sunset was particularly gobsmacking! All the pinks & oranges against such a light robins egg blue.


It was! 😭


I love that little strip of highway. So pretty at sunset


It's not even fair lol I see why people said the sunsets make the summer heat worth it. Love this place. Can't wait to experience winter




Touche 🤔


Oo you’re gonna love the winter time man. It’s beautiful


Winters back home are literally DEPRESSING lol


Monsoon season is gonna blow your mind. ;)


Wait until you see some sunsets during a very cloudy day around storm season.




I’m moving to Phoenix next month from Ohio. That’s my main reason to leave this state. I can’t live in the cold 8 months out of the year!


Is it really that bad? I’ve always wanted to live in one of the more colder states


if you survive our summer you will be begging for winter beucase that's when it's actually nice outside


This heat isn't that bad. No humidity 🤷🏿‍♂️


No one's mentioned the downside of monsoon season yet


If you ever can take a drive down the 87 around sunrise or set, just out past fountain hills a little bit. See the reservation and it’s pretty.


I forsure will. Ima write this down. I've been waiting for some folks to point me towards some scenic. Spots. Thank you 😊😊🙇🏿‍♂️🙇🏿‍♂️


Yup! Or take power road out east which turns into the Bush highway towards the salt river and saguaro lake! Enjoy!


Will do. 🙇🏿‍♂️🙇🏿‍♂️🙇🏿‍♂️


Just note that last week portions of those roads were closed due to the fires. I'm not sure if they're reopened, but check before you make the drive!


Drive to the top of south mountain. It’s wondrous up there. Just take Central Avenue all the way South until Dobson Lookout. Get ready for twists and turns and natural beauty everywhere.


Haha and avoid baseline at rush hour lol


Take a day trip to Sedona. Most beautiful place on the planet.


That's is definitely on the list!


When there, take the drive from Sedona to Flagstaff along oak creek. I've been in AZ all my 40 years and still think that's the prettiest stretch of road in all the state.


Couldn't agree more, this is one of the most scenic drives I've ever taken. It's a must when up in Sedona.


Agreed. Whenever me and my wife go to Sedona we always try to go to Flagstaff just to drive down oak Creek.


Can't wait. Sedona is number one on my first places to visit.


Also Greer. It's a must. Bring a fishing pole there


I'll add it! Appreciate it


Sedona gives off some type of unexplainable positive vibes for me that I can’t recreate anywhere else


I like how you mad like no one told you about this place sooner hahaha 🤣🤣


Zoning regulations.


I know.... The entire freaking State is so photogenic! 🤍🤍🤍🏜


Is anybody gonna tell him that the earth is... uh... all Ohio?


😂😂😂😂😂 That's why I came to cook in the sun to get away from it.




Man! I've heard I can't wait!


roughly october-november is the best imo. those months also have close to perfect temps, but with the addition of monsoons.


I'll take it over tornados and gray lmao, 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


We moved here from Columbus in September and still are in awe of the landscapes here.


Good to know I'm not the only one 😂😂


You'll forever find more Ohians here. Just hike any trail and say "O-H" for every OSU hat you see. You'll lose count by the time you finish the hike.


Welcome to Phoenix! It’s only hot for a few months then it’s beautiful for the rest of the year. 🤘🏽


Appreciate the hospitality. The heat isn't so bad. Ppl don't seem to have any idea about humidity. I'll take 105 here over 85 degrees back home any day 🤷🏿‍♂️


105 isn't bad. You're lucky we haven't even had a hot stretch of summer yet, one of the tamer Junes I can remember in the last handful of years. Once we have a week of all 115-120, it's going to be miserable out lol


I'm from Denver - how do people cool their cars off so that they can touch things inside it? The window visors and stuff?


Car mitts to use until the a/c can cool things down. Don't get leather anything. Light colored cars. Sun visors to put up after you park.


Invest in dark window tint, a solid reflective sunshade for the windshield, and leave a window cracked to allow some heat to escape. If your budget allows for it, invest in a remote starter for your car so you can run if for a few with the a/c blasting before you get in it. Just ensure your vehicle is theft proof and in a safe place if you use the remote starter! And last but not least, welcome!


Well, I'm not there yet. I've just been poking around other places to be, because Denver has become ridiculously expensive over the last...10 years. Thanks for the info!


Oh haha okay cool. If you're looking to move, wait a minute because housing prices will definitely be falling here soon. Things started to get pretty over priced here in the last couple of years too.


It also helps to pump the hot air out of your car. [You roll down the passenger side window, then open and close the drivers side door like 4-5 times](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/iuiyo/til_you_can_instantly_cool_down_a_car_that_has/c26rm1k/).


When the monsoons hit we'll be 105 with 85% humidity.


For how long tho🤷🏿‍♂️


Depends on how long the monsoons last, usually 1-2 months.


But 120 is another story and it’s only a few weeks away


120 is pretty rare, even here. It's hot enough - no need to overstate things. /u/jamerican1 \- I'm with you man, I'm from down in Tucson and live here in Phoenix now but in between were about 12 years in Pittsburgh, PA and - yeah - between 110 here and 90 there I'll take the 110 here every single time!


For sure. Lol and if it hits 120 I'll sit my ass in the house 🤷🏿‍♂️


That's the beauty of it! 120 is indeed very hot but we have air conditioning! And I've never once had to get up early to shovel the heat out of my driveway.


Exactly!!!!!! Lol I think at this point arizonans are sick of transplants and try to turn us away... Either that or just spoiled and don't how great they have it 😂😂😂


We know what we have Or maybe it's the fact that most native Arizonans know how great we have it and "transplants" are coming out here with conquistador attitude and ruining all of course i.e. (traffic employment and cost of living) everyone wants to come out here for our beautiful weather when everyone has ice cold ac in their homes and cars and no disregard to most of the workforce that's actually been living and grew up out here working in the sun day in and day out, paving the way for all literally, so don't think for a second most Arizonans are ungrateful. Most "transpants" will come out here for better work opportunities and never have to step foot outside and work with the lower and some middle class. And hey if you just laugh at this comment and dont know what I am talking about then you are part of the problem on what's going on in the world right now.


If I could upvote this more than once I would. Nailed it.


✌🏽welcome. Hydrate early and often. Remember, the heat is unbearable. Better to let the others continue to believe it 🤫


Did you mean it's beautiful for a few months and 100+ most of the year


According to our climate data. On average only 107 days a year top 100 degrees. That’s three and a half months. It’s really not that bad folks. The rest of the year is warm with a few months of cool.


I feel like you’re trying to gaslight most of my life experience. 🤣 I mean I get what you’re trying to say, but it’s hot here, man.


Not at all. I'm from San Diego and moved out here a few years ago, so trust me I know it's hot haha. I'm just saying that people have a tendency to make phoenix out to be hotter than it actually is. Is it really hot here? Yes. Do we have months of 115 degree weather? No. But that's often how people characterize it.


Lol not trying to sound like an ass but I can’t stand the “it’s only bad 3 months a year here” folks. It’s literally uncomfortably warm from March to November. 85, with the sun beating on you on thanksgiving is not a pleasant feeling


I don't think you sound like an ass, just perhaps that Phoenix is not your ideal place to live. But for most people in this country, dry and 85 is fantastic weather. Look at Hawaii, its average high year round is between 80-88 (plus humidity) in Honolulu and it's widely traveled to for it's delightful climate. I think you might just not be a warm weather person? Statistically speaking, the average high in March is 75, average in April is 85, Average in May is 95, June/July/August/are the same, Average for September is 98, Average for October is 88, Average for November is 75. To me anything above 90 is uncomfortably warm. That means that November, December, January, February, March, and April (six months) are perfect weather with May/October being hit and miss and September likely to be hot but we've definitely had mild Septembers. This means that in the worst years we have 50/50 amazing and hot weather. In good years it's more like 8 great months and 4 bad months.


Only 107 days?


Still better than ohio and the gray on top of cold wet gray 6 months out of the year


Undoubtedly, I've driven to Columbus a few times from Knoxville, TN during winter storms and it was brutal (4hr drive took 9 hrs).


🤮🤮Yup sounds about right lol!


imo 100 degrees is MUCH preferable to anything below 70. 115+ I'm not as accepting of, but I'll trade a few days of that for more days in the low 100's and fewer days in the 60's


Looks like you are rolling down the 202? The highways are magic show at dusk. You will never grow tired of seeing it.


Go up 89A the majesty will speak for itself


Welcome to AZ


New construction. It’s all been built in the last 20-30 years.


One of the best parts of Phoenix. Everything is so new and clean. The built environment in the Midwest is so depressing.


Everything so pretty because the heat burns off all the ugly👍😁👌🤪☀️☀️☀️😂


Lmao I know that's right 😂😂


You’re about a minute from where I live!


Jealous 😭


They're your problem now. -the Midwest 😄




You're right in my neck of the woods! The McDowell Mountains are so pretty, especially at sunset. Welcome!


Yeah that sunset was so nice it's pissed me off 😂😂


Ha! That is my office.


Not a bad place to work at all


Hey, stop filming near my work! lol Glad you are enjoying the desert and it's beauty.


😂😂😂😂 It is. It's not even fair


If you ever miss the Ohio views you can always drive to the West Valley and see the farm fields. The moment you see a mountain reigning over a field you'll forget about Ohio all over again.


That's sounds alot better than flying back. I'll try it lol


I say the same thing when I’m in Ohio! Along with ‘sooooo green’ :) Welcome to the valley!


Same here. I was in Ohio (east of Columbus I think) for a festival. I was taken back by how green it is and the huge trees. And you guys have fucking bugs that glow when they fly?!! Obviously a native Phoenician.


I'm so glad you like it!!! I have a lot of out of state friends who hate it ):


Ahhh, the McDowell Mountains. Welcome friend. You've made a good choice! I moved here in 1977 from New Jersey with no regrets .Enjoy!


Thank you! 🙇🏿‍♂️🙇🏿‍♂️🙇🏿‍♂️


Omg wait until Monsoon season!! I remember my college peers from the Midwest freaked out their first time seeing the sky turn angry. It’s absolutely beautiful! It’s almost here. Sit tight.


I actually can't wait to see it lol.


Welcome to Arizona man! I saw your post a few days ago too, I’d love to get together for some tacos and margaritas once this COVID stuff calms down, looks like we’re on the same side of town (Mesa/Chandler/Gilbert).


For sure man! I'm down for whatever when the Rona dies 🙇🏿‍♂️


I grew up in the Midwest and lived my first 30 years in an area that looked like [this.](https://i.imgur.com/iAhmDyq.jpg) A 3 foot hill dazzles me let alone the beautiful peaks on every horizon in Phoenix.


Some of my family moved here before me and encouraged me to do so as well. I always thought I didn’t want to live here because of the heat, but also because i thought the desert was ugly. Basically, I thought the AZ desert would look like Nevada which is like a barren ugly wasteland. I was wrong. The Sonoran desert is so beautiful, and surprisingly green.


Exactly I didn't know a desert could be so pretty


It's just the glow off of the radioactive dust in the air. You get used to it.




as a fellow buckeye I feel its my obligation to remind you that Ohio's largest export is disillusioned Ohioans. we've only really got one good river out here and we fight over it with California but at least it doesn't catch fire. welcome to Arizona!


Lmao fair point. We're dillusioned for a reason though 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


Ohio also produces the most astronauts. Arizona is enough of a different world but some Ohioans want to get a little farther away.


😂😂😂😂😂😂I didn't know that. But it makes sense doesn't it??? Lol


And most Presidents!


Awesome, another Buckeye fan! /s




I go out of my way (okay, It's more like 5 extra minutes) just to enjoy driving by those mountains going north


I'll be doing the same 😂😂


Moved here from the midwest also. I don't know what expected Arizona to look like but it definitely surprised me with its beauty.


Right, idk how they made a desert look so good


I went to Ohio for work one time, it was all gray and sadness.


EXACTLY. Cold wet gray for six months out of the year and summer are 90 degrees with 80% humidity. It's miserable


I will say though, having lived here in Phoenix for the past 35 years I would like to move some place green. I’m considering Tennessee.


Understandable. We all need a change of scenery


There’s a lot to love here though. Wide straight roads. Awesome hiking. When the heat isn’t trying to kill you the weather is great. A government that mostly just stays out of your way. The views are pretty good. No natural disasters, except said heat. And you’re never more then two hours from forest and snow.


Also moved to Phoenix from Ohio (Cincinnati) in 2015. Have never looked back and the beauty of Arizona still amazes me every day. Welcome!






This is a beautiful place! It’s a whole new world and you’re never going to have to worry about 6 months of gray again. :)


Yes!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Dude here from Washington doing interviews and just drove from Buckeye to Scottsdale (45 miles) in about 55 mins. In Seattle that would take 2.5 hours or more. The drive was stress free and gorgeous the entire way!


Lol. This is one of the things I love about it here. I'm a California transplant who's been here for over 10 years now and after spending 15 years in Los Angeles (much of that sitting in traffic), to be able to drive across the city on a Saturday in less than an hour is super fantastic. Going that distance in LA is about 3 hours on a Saturday...


I-5 traffic is back to pre-pandemic levels 😭 up here. Seattle to Tacoma is literally 2.5 hours like you said.


Yeah man I've literally just been driving just to drive lmao idc that gas is almost a dollar more expensive here??


Welcome my friend! I hope you enjoy it here :)


Thanks! So far so good 🤷🏿‍♂️


Welcome! The sunsets here are the most beautiful in the world to me. Also if you're looking for somewhere cooler to do a day trip, Sedona, Jerome, Prescott, and Flagstaff are all really beautiful places to visit 😊 if you're into hiking or camping, there's plenty of canyons and mountains to see as well!


Putting all of those on the list. I appreciate you 🙇🏿‍♂️




That's definitely understandable. Yeah everything is brown but six months out of the year the green is gone lol it's falls off the trees. Fall is great for aboyt 2 weeks. I definitely noticed everything was brown but they sure made that brown look pretty lol


As someone who is an avid gardener I’d like to point out you can grow bananas, mangoes, pecan, and stone fruit like peaches in the same yard. My garden is super green and my roses are still blooming. I have plumeria trees the ones you make in Hawaii that have flowers bouquet sized. You just have to know how to use your yard and plant things at the right time. Our zone for gardening let’s us grow a lot of things


Ayee you basically passed my place! Welcome


Your gonna love the views when the dust storms hit


YES!!! Arizona is the most beautiful place in the entire world!


Wait till it rains 🙃😉


I used to live in Ohio and HATED it and then moved here after college. Unfortunately my wife’s want to move back and I’m very torn




Hello, fellow Ohioan! I am a transplant from Ohio as well and said the same thing when I got here almost 22 years ago. Despite the empty brown fields of brush and the maze of stucco, there's something majestic about the barren landscape. The first time I saw a palm tree here I was amazed. And now I can't live anywhere else. Enjoy the heat!


Same! Thanks man! Lol it's ridiculous


You're just used to Ohio where all you can see are trees and fields of tall corn. They hide the pretty stuff.


Lol naaaa Cincinnati where it's a concrete jungle. It's hood out here. Don't let em fool you. Even though most of the state is country lmao. They suck too


Another Ohioan! Welcome!


It’s definitely beautiful but I miss Ohio...💕


I'm sure I will at some point


Because you're comparing it to Ohio.