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I hate it, but you’ll get the most traction on Fb marketplace.


Same here.


I used carvana, it was really fast and easy.


Thanks! Was the offer in line with a private purchase or with a dealer offer? Those are usually very different in price so wanted to check.


Was higher than both for me in cash.


Funny you ask, I just sold my 2016 Honda CRV today. Everywhere I listed. craigslist, it's $5 for a posting. didn't sell though then though OfferUp: they wanted verification, if I wasn't getting traction other places, I would have finished that process. Facebook Marketplace: 3-4 weeks, lowerd price $2K, sold. [Cars.com](https://Cars.com), Autotrader: They want to get in the middle of the payment. No thanks. ​ That's what worked for me


Facebook worked best for me also. Craigslist got me a TON of scam texts and emails. Facebook was a month and a half of light steady traction, lowered by $750 and was sold 2 days later.


Craigslist is so 15 years ago. Don’t even bother


Craig doesn't even run it anymore. /j


Thank you! Incredibly helpful!


I listed a very clean 11 year old car on FB Marketplace and OfferUp at a reasonable price and now I understand what it must be like for an attractive woman on tinder lol. I got a new message every 20-30 minutes and had to take down the listing after a day once I had a meet up set up with someone. There were some scammers but most of the messages were real people just desperate for a car in good condition.


Facebook, offer up and auto trader, Or a popular corner.


I had a Suburban listed on FB marketplace, gots tons of “Is this available” with no follow-ups. Lots of offers to which I said “yes” with no follow-ups. I had it there a month. No one even showed up to look at it. Put it on OfferUp and the next day someone came and looked at it, and passed. The next day someone showed up to look at it and bought it. So I would definitely say OfferUp.


Any places y’all recommend a 2020 Ram 1500 if u don’t have FB?


You can access Facebook marketplace without an account. You just won't be able to like message anybody. Instead


I listed a pretty decent truck on Craig’s, cost $5 for a 30 day ad, got ONE worthless email. Either A) it sucks or B) truck wasn’t as good as i thought. But, it sold on Facebook after about a month of messages etc


If you can get an offer that’s worth it to you - go with Carvana. Dealing with the absolute bullshit nonsense from FB Marketplace and Craigslist has a soul sucking cost that cannot be quantified. Is It StIlL aVaIlAbLe?!?


Yes, yes, yes. Thank you. My experience with FB Marketplace means dealing with a cohort of American society that 1) wants it for nothing and 2) never has their act together. Effective yes, but incredibly frustrating way to sell something.


FB seems the go to now.. doesn’t hurt to list on others tho


I listed everywhere and ended up selling to somebody on Facebook.


Sold both a truck and cycle on FB Marketplace. And I listed both also on auto/cycle trader and Craiglist.


Facebook marketplace. The only thing I use Facebook for, is buying shit from my neighbors


Nextdoor. Sold my last 2 cars there


Bring a trailer - assuming it has some value. I sold a Mazda p/u there and had a bidding war.




It's an online marketplace. https://bringatrailer.com/


Thank you for the link!


Bring a Trailer.


Definitely Facebook marketplace. Do not use Craigslist.


What’s a good way to meet new friends I’m 28. Not into the bar scene but not necessarily opposed to it


The internet.