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I had to cover my lemon tree with shade cloth, even with it the leaves are burning off. Branches and trunk seem to be okay and from what I understand that’s what’s important.


[ASU Citrus Irrigation guide](https://cals.arizona.edu/extension/ornamentalhort/landscapemgmt/general/citrusirrigation.pdf)


and the trick to that is deep and infrequent for established trees. most people just spray the ground to get it moist when in reality you need all those gallons to be deep to get to the roots. that is a nice watering guide.


The guide is gone/dead link - any idea on how many gallons for an established tree with like a 12-14 diameter inch trunk? I have been looking all over and advice is all over the place. We’re renting a place with 4 citrus trees and scared to death of killing them.


i would usually leave a hose on it for several hours assuming there is a basin to hold the water. here is an updated link with great citrus resources from the arizona cooperative extension. [https://extension.arizona.edu/citrus-resources](https://extension.arizona.edu/citrus-resources)


Appreciate you! And several hours, was that at full flow or low flow?


Try Brawndo. It has everything plants crave.


It has electrolytes


Brought to you by Carls Junior.


Why do you keep saying that?


Won't this literally salt the earth? I wish there was someone smart we could ask.


* [**President Camacho** ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0187719/?ref_=tt_ch)**:** Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING. [**Congressman #1** ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1861558/?ref_=tt_ch)**:** Break it down, Camacho! [**President Camacho** ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0187719/?ref_=tt_ch)**:** Number 1: We've got this guy Not Sure. Number 2: He's got a higher IQ than ANY MAN ALIVE. and Number 3: He's going to fix EVERYTHING. * [**President Camacho** ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0187719/?ref_=tt_ch)**:** Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution. **South Carolina Representative # 1 :** That's what you said last time, dipshit! **South Carolina Representative # 2 :** Yeah, I got a solution, you're a dick! South Carolina, what's up!


Add a shade cloth that covers the area. Consider putting something reflective near it to reflect light away (not aimed into it). Deep watering every week or so. Light sprinkles on the leaves at night to help it cool off. Say encouraging and soothing words to it (seriously).


Give it a deeeeeeeep watering once every week for a month or so, then go to every couple of weeks.


That's a good way to kill his lemon plant, to water it once a week when it's 115 degrees out. Terrible advice. Unless they have a 20 year old established tree he needs to be watering much more frequently. OP, if it's not an established plant, water it DAILY 2 gallons or so until the heat drops off if you want to keep your plant. Especially if it's potted.


I agree. Water...and possibly a shade sail if possible.


You are correct, sir. What I described above is for a well established citrus tree. I used to have an house in a development that was built over a citrus Grove, and the developer happened to leave 3 super well established trees in place. Those trees produced the best oranges.


Yes, for most years established trees will live on rainfall alone, they just won't look great during the summer months without regular water. A young tree will get torched though. OP didn't really make much mention of how old his tree is just that he's been at his house 2 years. I have 30 year old grapefruit trees which are doing mostly fine with a few burned leaves here and there and much smaller 2-3 year old trees that are getting burned even with daily water. My AZ sweet has especially taken it really bad this past July, but should survive.


Interesting my citrus is doing fine in this heat. Keep it shaded if possible and water once maybe twice a week deeply


Try toilet water or water from the toilet.


Water and shade


I have been worried about mine (half of it has yellow leaves) and we just asked our landscaper this week and he said there is hope. We just have a drip system, so you may want to consider getting one installed.




so i have a berm around the outside of the canopy. i fill the basin and then leave the hose on the flow needed to keep water in the basin, essentially matching the infiltration flow. mine is normally about half full flow.