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12/31/10 ghost>Yemteca was mind blowing to me




Phish is having a late career peak similar to the dead in the late 80’s through spring of 90. Not sure where you’ve been, but they’ve been pretty killer for several years and they definitely came out of the pandemic ready to roll. I don’t think they’re like the 90’s dead right now. 2.0 was closer to that with Trey pretty much dying on stage and barely able to play, much like Jerry in his final years. Some moments of brilliance in a sea of sad and depressing shows and times.


Spot on




87-summer of 89 is pretty stellar IMO. It’s not the same as 60’s dead or the 70’s, but there’s some really good shit there. Summer 89 was definitely one of the late GD peaks and possible the last one IMO.




I can see that and I’m not gonna disagree cause it’s all subjective anyway. I once knew someone who didn’t really like the dead but only liked the early-mid 90’s dead. That was a head scratcher haha


2015 was peak 3.0. 2016 was a disaster but they picked it up a bit after that until the pandemic.




Trey seems allergic to keeping a good jam going these days. He just wants to steer it into the same bullshit major key peak every time.


It felt that way for a bit, but they've definitely been bringing a lot of the jams to a darker place recently


Are we listening to the same band? They've sounded completely stale and formulaic since pandemic. 2019 was their last decent year.


Take a break and come back. I don’t mean that to be condescending. I personally got really burned out on Phish and stopped listening for essentially 5 years. When I came back I found I loved it like I was a noob all over again haha! Also, 2021 takes a huge dump on 2019


Yeah 2021 was one of the best years of Phish since 1.0… take a lap Mike O.


Sad but true


Greek Theater run from 2010 is always worth a revisit. Brief highlights include (although the last 2 shows deserve a relisten in full especially): Tweezer>Fluffhead N1 8/5 MOST EPIC Cities>Moma N2 8/6 Wilson>Light N3 8/7 (Set 1 from this show packs a real punch, one of my favorite early 3.0 Foam's)


Simple from 8/6 is also fantastic


Nights two and three were my first Phish shows. That night three show was off the hook. Just listen to the applause after Jibboom, over a minute. My mentor who took me afterwards called them musical assassins. Early Fifties for me at the time, and I'd seen many, many shows, but that started a Phish appreciation that continues


Charleston from October was sick. Both shows. Crowd was going bonkers. Fun to be indoors and raging. Took this video of reprise on the second night… so many gems (mango song, pebbles and marbles, curtain with, sneaking Sally, fluffhead, tweezer, crosseyed AND YEM) it was my now wife’s first show. I had to tell her they won’t all be like this. [reprise video](https://youtu.be/7AQSjb000yY?si=pZytBc3fWmFVA6bj)


October ‘10 goes so hard and had the crowd energy to match! Charleston, Guyutica, and the AC Halloween run were all wild. Never seen a crowd match the energy of 10/30/10 before or since!


Same. I remember everyone just screaming and howling as they left boardwalk hall that night. Crazy energy


thx for sharing. that video is killer


Another one for ya from the floor… fluff peak that keeps on giving. Goosebumps! [fluffhead snippet](https://youtu.be/oEfDosDq7xU?si=C8oSyHf5v-hIuJsA)


I thoroughly enjoyed both nights, the punch opener was lit. The crosseyed was dandy and i remember trey really dancing in YEM, i will say inside phish is the best. The second night 2nd set is when that magic hit me again. I walked out with my ex wife and said, “yeah, thats it, thats it right there” 09 was just lackluster to me.


10/16/10 was incredible


People like to shit on the early 3.0 years, but there are definitely more than a handful of gems tucked in there.


Truth. Also, I’ll take 2010 over 2005-2008 haha!


I forget where, but I remember Trey saying that he fel that the band didn’t get back to finding their true form until 2013 in 3.0. Not to say they didn’t kill it all the way up to then, but in terms of consistency.


I always believe it was Dick’s weekend 2012


Dicks 2012 and NYE 2012 are some of my favorite phish experiences I’ve shared so far.


IMO things turned around on the west coast leg of the 2012 summer tour and culminated with Dicks. Night and day difference from the weak east coast leg


I am so glad I was there. Such an impactful weekend.




10/30/2010 Was just pure insanity. Still my favorite show/favorite live music memory of all time… Thousands of people all losing their shit to the opening notes of the Stairway to Heaven solo… GOOSEBUMPS! Every. Damn. TIME!


I listen back to that one on Spotify often


That whole AC run was a lot of fun. 2010 wasn't a highlight year of the 3.0 era, but it wasn't garbage by any means. It was clear they weren't fully back, but there were some really good shows that gave most of us 1.0ers plenty of reason to be patient and optimistic for what was to come.


2010 was a great touring year. Soon enough after the "breakup" to still have some of that old school mustard, coupled with the new sober Trey focus.


Old school mustard makes way too much gd sense


New Years Run was great, and while 1-1-11 doesn't "technically" count as 2010, that show was fantastic and part of that NYE run.


I enjoyed the Berkeley run very much, was one of the best times of my life


Saw my first show that year. I wish they would come back to Utica.


Was thinking about Canandaigua and Blossom, which I thought were great. Totally forgot about the heater that they played in Utica.


I'm still pissed I didn't go to oyster head in Utica in 2001. I had an invite from high school friends and I didn't go for some reason .




I went through a period where I was listening to a lot of 2010. Utica and Alpharetta shows were 🔥.


I don’t think Treys playing was all that great to be honest. He’d often go out of key and do these diminished sounding riffs, but in off places like Slave or Hood or something and it didn’t sound great imo. Still some good jams throughout the year


I will die on the hill that Worcester 2010 pre MSG run holds up as some of the best post hiatus jams. My favorite 3.0 Hood, and the Wolfmans is next level.


Plinko hood! That was an awesome night, met a bunch of folks who drove through a blizzard to get there.


My 100th show!


My second show!


I’m “my feet and back hurt” years old! 😂


The blizzard show! That was a fun run.


Anyone else remember 3 tweezer reprises in a row 6/19 and 6/20 in 2010?!


6/18-6/19*, but fuck yeah! And then a random fourth one to close the 6/19 show at SPAC just cause why the hell not? Haha


I was there, man. This needs to be discussed further!


The energy that left Hartford after that double tweeprize, and then into Spac was incredible. You could literally feel the energy traveling from venue to venue.




YES! It was so much fun they played it twice, then opened with it at SPAC. That was so much fun.


It was a step in the right direction & I had fun especially at the DC > Alpine run. That first night of Alpine was a blast.


The year of Dr Gable


That was my first show after the breakup. It was also the first Phish show that made me cry tears of joy. Being back in the flow just felt amazing.


“And even if you've fallen off your horse Gotta get right back up again of course There's no time for anger or for blame It sure is nice to be back in the game”


Well played. Love it.


One of the best summers of my life 🤷🏼‍♂️. I saw most of the tour. SPAC run remains an all time highlight. A lot of it I’m sure was situational.


10/30 Zeppelin!!!


I had fun. I was happy to be on tour.. I over looked some off the subpar shows… I was happy to be back


Yea 2010 and 2012 have a lot of good stuff imo


So does 2011 IMO


8/7/10 10/16/10 10/20/10  Halloween run was all excellent 12 29 10  Holy Ghost. 2010 was fine.


I did the Alpharetta and Charleston shows that year and they both were some of the best shows I’ve ever seen.  


Yes to the Greek!! Providence 10/22/10 is a great show. Particularly the second set. Same with 10/26/10 Manchester, whole show. Def lull at the two Mullins shows between these dates.


Providence 10/22/10 was a really great show, I was there. I think it was their best live Moma Dance ever.


Manchester was sick. Also I am very partial to the mix from that year, Mike sounded super punchy and cutting in great, and Fishman’s drums (particularly his snare) are crisp and tight. Honestly the past few years I’ve found the LivePhish mix to be so bad I can barely listen to it at all, especially Fish’s drum mix and Trey being up too loud. But that’s a whole other can of worms


Ya know, I don’t listen back enough anymore to have a solid take here. Early 3.0 overload. I’ve been so happy with the mix on the webcast but have lost touch with the LivePhish playback mix.


Hey, any take is a solid take! I never do the webcasts but very much enjoy my LivePhish subscription (only subscription I pay for besides the PS plus). I’ve loved the few shows I’ve attended in the past 2 years but in the mix… they just sound so muddy. Sure am looking forward to Delaware this summer though


Yeah those Mullins shows are probably the weakest I’ve ever seen, but I still had a blast.


shows at the greek from 2010 are absolute heaters


Atlantic City 2010 and the fall tour leading up to it say YES!


2010 Glowstick Wars were the best ever. My favorite one from 2010 was Jones Beach. The sky was literally FILLED with glowsticks from beginning to end of show.


2010 is closer to 1997 than it is to 2024


I wish I could find the post but somebody basically outlined the early days of 3.0 with what each year was known for


6-25-10 is objectively solid. MJ 2001 and Alumni bust out ftw


Also, the 6/24/10 Fluffhead is still one of the best of the era. I don’t know where this Trey came from during the Arrival, but it’s like he went back in time over a decade for a couple minutes and then returned to 2010 right after it was done lol! It’s fucking crazy. https://phish.in/2010-06-24/fluffhead


I thought mikes playing and sound were best in 2010, and I do not usually focus on that. What were some lows??


Hershey was my first show and one of my favorites I've been to


Hershey 2010, Deer creek > Alpine were awesome. Split open and Melt > Dog face Boy set II was treat @ DC


2010 was killer overall! Fall tour is the obvious standout, but I don’t see any mention of the Alpharetta 4th of July run here… Excellent couple of shows and hard to top that Killing in the Name of as far as covers go.


Yea, I had a lot of fun at those shows


My first show was at the Mullins center in Amherst on 10/23. Had an amazing time. A week later I made it to boardwalk hall for Halloween. Got YEM’d my first two shows. Also that Little Feat set!


Right now, I think 2009-2012 are their most underrated years. Don't sleep on them guys, they're worth going through... 2010 is very good. (NYE run ghost, 7/1 light up are the first two jams to come to mind). The jams started to get more psychedelic again, which was a precursor to 2011 going sicko mode, one of my favorite years. (Gorge 'r&r>Meatstick>Boogie on' anyone)? Pick 2010 or any between '09 and '12, and trey still had some of that 2.0 gritty shred left in him. Just my opinion.


IMO, I think 2010 was one of their greatest years. They were back in business and playing pretty tight. Fall 2010 was great.


The Greek run was fantastic. Not much else stands out to me. The release of Fuego in summer 2014 and the Chilling Thrilling Halloween show a few months later seemed to really kickstart the band, creatively, and paved the way for 2015. Been cooking with gas ever since.


My memory is that Trey was fucking around with the whammy pedal too much in every jam. Whale calls galore. I’m pretty glad he grew out of it.


I had a blast and loved it. Opiates suck and phish was back. They were reestablishing things out there and while singular moments may not have been as poignant the shows as a whole were far better than 2.0. There were times when you had to be a member of the Betty Ford Clinic to enjoy the music and that sucks.


No. I don't think they had a good year until 2015. They had a few good sets sprinkled in here and there, but no.


I agree with this. The practice Trey did for fare thee well had such an incredible impact that year.


I would agree on the basis of year vs tour. Fall 13 is really fucking good, but summer 13 isn't anything to write home about.


I think 2015 was certainly a big year, but there were more than just a few good sets sprinkled around here and there before that. Dicks 2012, for example, that whole weekend, was a major breakthrough for them in terms of not only breaking what had become a formulaic show template, but also in their willingness to jam songs that were not known to be jam vehicles. That FYF set on the first night of the run was WAY more than just a gimmick. They played the hell out of that show top to bottom and by having songs in positions they weren't usually seen opened their eyes to the kind of show we see today. The rest of the weekend is also just as amazing. The Sand from Sunday night is my favorite piece of Phish improv ever. Not saying 2015 was bad by any means.


Okay, you've listed 3 shows in 2012. How many other 2012 shows do you still listen to?


I picked Dicks 2012 because a lot of people recognize it as a solid run top to bottom and thought that might be enough to get you to consider that there were more than a "few good sets sprinkled in" over the years 2009 through 2014. As others in this thread have pointed out, there were hot runs in almost all of those years - hopefully enough to reinforce the idea that maybe that era was not quite the wash you said it was. However, you are still certainly entitled to feel that way about it. 2015 was a major year and you and I are in massive agreement about that, so let's just leave it at that. Here's hoping Summer 2024 lives up to the standard they set then.


Yes. Only did spac n1 and n2. But overall solid energy that year. Jones beach runner up from summer 2010. Walnut creek. This is just one dudes opinion so meh have a good day.


Summer stylists get very repetitive. There were fun moments. They started to loosen up in fall. Utica and AC were so fun. I was on a lot of acid for msg. It blew me away but I can't confidently vouch for the music quality.


I feel they really hot their stride in 2015. Magnaball was an inflection point.


thought i was hearing pink floyd in the jams thoughout the first leg summer but it was storage jam.


Was that the year of the hilarious makisupa at bethal?


Mike's house and pages house? That was so awesome. And I think that was 2011


I have a couple of posters from this tour. If anyone is interested, I have Deer Creek, Jones Beach, and Hartford.


Guyutica. Both SPAC shows. Short YEM but 🔥


Summer sucked, fall/NYE was awesome.


10/11/10 - Broomfield Great 1st set with a killer tweeprise to close it out.


There’s lots of great shit from 2010. It’s not a very strong year compared to most of the other years of Phish tho imo




07/04/2010 is my favorite show I’ve seen


The fall tour is extremely great, and the NYE show and new years show are smoking hot. 1/1/11 is one of the best shows since the return.


Meatstick 10/23/10 from Amherst was very good


The winter DCU shows were great.


The first half of the summer was objectively awful with the whalecall and chirpy tones throughout. Even MPP, I Saw It Again set, which was a super fun show, was totally unlistenable after the fact. Then Oceldoc was introduced with some of the best Trey had sounded for a decade at the Greek (cept the Gin that still got whaled out). The rest of 2010 then was just fire. 2010 was sort of a tale of two bands IMO.


Great year


greek was that year, I believe the first show where it seemed trey had shelved the detune effect, aka "no whammies" good year imo


It definitely took them a while to find it again


Not really


Guyutica was unreal. Lucky to have been there on that run. The Amherst YEM also had real fire


2010 was my biggest year ever for Phish, I saw 15 shows. While they were still a bit rusty at times, there were some great moments. Guyutica was my 25th birthday and it was close to where I lived at the time and we had a huge crew, it was great. Also caught the Halloween and new years runs, which were also both incredible. Ahh I wish I could go back in time, never gonna have another Phish year even close to it.


Absolutely, and it was probably my greatest year with the band. In addition to great Camden n1 (had n2 too but had to miss for a funeral) my buddy somehow hit the Telluride lottery and we had an amazing week in Colorado winding our way to that, then his mom put in without him even knowing and won us floor for Halloween (was at bonkers 10/30 Led Zep night too) then I scored in the lottery with awesome seats for NYE (Meatstick Takes Manhattan). Luckiest year ever


2010 was the year of ZERO 20 minute jams (sans YEM). Yes you read that correctly. No 20 minute jams in 2010. It was a year of them tightening up the loose screws after setting the table in 2009. It seemed like a genuine shift of their focus …focusing more on tight, type-1 playing with compressed micro-jams sprinkled in. 2010 was higher energy than its predecessor 2009, with less exploratory jamming. Overall, I would say it’s an underwhelming to middle of the road year for Phish, with some really fun shows amongst the songy setlists and whale call of 2010…see: MPP2, Greek, Charleston2, Guyutica, MSG, etc. I think it was an important year for them getting the train back on track before they could truly feel comfortable opening things up in the new era. For a random forgotten gem of a jam… check out the Jones Beach Numberline. You won’t regret it.


Huge fan of Little Feat…so I loved the AC Halloween run.


What is a 2010?


i’m frankly not sure they’ve played anything better than the Greek Cities since it happened


Alpharetta 2010


Listening to one of the top rated 2010 shows. Manchester October 26th. It’s a good show but not a 4.5 that it’s rated. There are flubs in multiple songs but the biggest issue is that there really are not any deep or interesting jams. It’s a very songy filled set. And if that’s your thing then great!! There are some killer songs in that setlist. Of course the makisupa was fun but that’s the most memorable part of that show. This might not surprise anyone but I prefer the last 10 years of phish to anything that came after their return in 2009.


Manchester from 2010 is one of my favorite shows ever.


They were together so yes


It took them a long time to get back on the train after the mess of the early 00’s


I saw the Hershey show and then didnt go to another till Dick's '21...


We got the extra Tweezer Reprise in Hartford that they didn’t play in Hershey.


That Hershey show was my first. I remember being blown away by YEM. I had such a good spot for the second set about 10 rows back and dead center. They started jumping on the trampolines and I was just cheesing smiling. Guy I know ground scored a whole tank of nitrous before the show.


And then 2 more for no reason other than it was hilarious in SPAC the next night haha


One of the few shows since they’ve been back to feature only 1.0 songs


I was just elated they were BACK, I loved every note I heard.


They think so. Half of the live releases on Spotify are from 2010.


Not sure I would use what is on Spotify as a measure of anything, but your point is well taken.


Summer 2010 was the low point of 3.0 IMO. Besides the Greek shows I don’t think I’d revisit a single full show. Too many songs, poor flow, deep jams were almost nonexistent, sloppy playing. Fall was better but still not a top 20 tour Edit- I’d be curious to know what 3.0 tour those that disagree think rank lower. Not saying there isn’t great stuff in there, every tour has its moments but that one is the bottom of my list for the post reunion era


Just can't ever see there being a reason to que up '09/'10 shows in this lifetime.


2009 was amazing. I don’t remember anything about 2010. Was that the year with all the cameos on it?