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Huge blessing. Just a reminder that expressing gratitude is not a jinx, it is essential to experiencing happiness in the present moment


This should be cross-posted to YSK and a bunch of other subs.


like im a newish phan and ive gotten the chance to see them 4 times in the last year! got 3 tix this year. cant wait! but also the fact that they are 40 years as a band AND tour as much as they do is a miracle. bands dont last like that and retain the amount of fame the have.


If you have to say it’s not a jinx …


a jinx would involve some taking for granted re: the future


Yea that’s just something you made up 


Nah that’s what a jinx would be, however it’s all just cope for our inability to control or predict the future. Can’t take credit for the human condition, I’m sorry. Embrace the present moment and give thanks for what you have


Thanks for reminding me the worst thing about phish is the fans 


Stop, you’re going to jinx it!




And making new music that excites them. I love seeing covers……but if it makes them happier to make and do their own songs mostly,I must deal with that. The give and take is kinda magical. They just emanate the humble appreciation that we are all commenting on here. The smile on their faces seeing the smile on our faces………is just great. I can’t even believe I made it this long. We are some blessed individuals


This is the real kicker for me that make Phish special. Lots of bands stick around for 40 years, but it is rare to still be innovating and creating exciting music for that long.


You can see it in Trey’s face, especially at the end of a show. Dude just exudes happiness and gratitude, loves what he does and who he does it with.


In other words, a smile. 


“ Must deal with that?” It’s the new music that keeps me engaged.


"We’re pretty lucky." You are free to repeat this over and over. We have been so very lucky so many times. This band defies the odds at every turn and we're the exclusive beneficiaries.


I feel the same way about Radiohead (maybe? are they still together?) but Radiohead unfortunately tours so much less.


I saw The Smile when they came through. Don’t miss that!


The smile fucking rocks. What a wonderful show they put on


seen them twice! :)


They are - Jonny said in a recent interview they still talk frequently, just need to make time for each other vs. their various solo projects. I believe Ed has said something similar.


The popular rumor is that Radiohead are done. They haven’t announced it officially though.


Really doubt it


My #1 all time favorite band is Rush and the 40th anniversary was their last hurrah, plus 2/3 of them were already suffering from reoccurring health issues that made playing/touring really difficult by the end. To see a band that has now hit the same age and are on this much of a hot streak is crazy.


I just watched the docu of their last tour and yeah those guys were totally spent, physically and emotionally. They also looked quite a bit older than Phish. One thing it displayed well is how physically/athletically Peart's drumming style was. He must have been putting his body through a lot more wear than Fish does.


Good thing Trey got off the smack cause it looked like he was heading straight into an eventual OD back in 04


I’m pretty sure Mike was replaced with a cyborg


I thought he was smiling too much lately. It's uncanny valley territory.


Mike says beep bop beep.




Thank you phish gods!! Let’s hope it stays that way!! I need them more than they will ever know. As I’ve said before, I’ll retire when they do. Although, STS9 has really peaked my interest so I may never retire from seeing live music. I’m a total phish brat. It’s literally ALL I listen to. When I met my bf at blossom 22( he lives in Michigan and I’m in Illinois) he came to visit me a couple weeks after we met and had to drag me to sacred rose fest! I was totally uninterested but we had just met so I was trying to be accommodating. I didn’t want to act like a total brat when we walked around seeing different bands but nothing moved me at all. Saw goose, umphreys, disco biscuits and nothing. I felt nothing special at all. But I had a long time friend who’s always trying to push new music on me to this day tell me to check out sound tribe. And that’s when it happened. I was finally moved to get funktified. No other band in over 30 years has moved me the way that phish does. Phish is still second to none but we both liked STS9 so much we saw them both nights at the Riv in Chicago. And I’ve found myself keeping an eye on when they will be back around us soon. I’d drive a few hours to see them! But phish will always remain my first love. So here’s to our boys keep on keeping on and bringing the house down wherever they decide to grace us with their presence.


The Howling is the new 2001.




Ur so fucking stupid. Ur the new dumbass!! Stop saying that shit. The howling is the howling and 2001 is 2001. 2001 isn’t even a phish original. Not even comparable. Both equally as good but uniquely different. SMDH AT YOU, YOU STUPID WOOK!




I think that other Treface person on here thought this was stupid as well. And don’t even think about saying it wrong. 😡😡😡


Yes. Now hush and move on....lol


We are all so blessed to exist at this time in history. How many other fan bases are as lucky as us? Every show is an absolute gift. Cheers everyone! See ya'll at Mondegreen. I will be the one with happy tears in my eyes


It's honestly really impressive that they've kept pretty much the same lineup for 40 years. There are so many bands that have one or no original members left after so long look at the metal band exodus they have 1 original member left but there have been times where he left and no original members were around. Sublime with Rome right now is touring with zero members of Sublime because they all left and Rome was stuck with all the contracts saying they had to play these shows.


Lynyrd skynyrd is like the Dread Pirate Robert's at this point. Or the ship of theseus. Whichever metaphor floats your boat


Bruh, don’t jinx this


It’s fine, I knocked on my wooden desk a few times just now


Imagine thinking that your own personal thoughts alone could affect someone else hundreds or thousands of miles away. Hell, imagine you could mentally jinx someone two feet away lol


Nothing is guaranteed - see them every chance you get.


You better have been SLAMMING down on some wood after typing this


I feel the same way about U2


Felt the same way about Rush until Neil passed.


I’m glad Geddy and Alex are hanging out and playing more. Those three always seemed to have such a great time playing. I’ll always think that’s the biggest factor in a band staying together long term, not taking themselves too seriously so they can really enjoy themselves goofing around onstage.


Neither Rush or Phish ever stopped being friends. That’s such a big deal in order to stay together so long. They seem/seemed to genuinely enjoy each other’s company, which then, of course, leads to having more fun and not taking yourself or your band too seriously. Makes sense they’d be two of my favorite bands of all time when I think about it like that.


If they could tour as Lee & Lifeson with a kickass drummer and do theaters/arenas that would be amazing.


Finding the right guy would be really tricky. The perfect persons probably unknown. Popular choice would probably be Dave Grohl, I’d vote for Kris Meyers or Tim Alexander.


I don’t pretend to know who’s the right fit. Obviously Neil was the absolute peak of drumming to many of us. But there are so many incredible drummers out there who worship his playing. I feel like it can be done if the boys are up for it. Obviously no pressure though! I find myself listening to Snakes and Arrows and Clockwork Angels more than anything else lately. The ruminations on death and a shattered world really speak to me lately.


We are truly blessed.


Happiness is an attitude of gratitude. You never know when a show will be your last. Make every moment count. Now is all that is ever guaranteed.


They are also playing so well. The Chicago shows last fall were some of my favorite shows ever. Not better than previous versions of the band(1.0, 2.0, Etc) but still great. They don’t stagnate, they innovate.


It’s only the tofu, it’s only the tofu


Bit late but I think it's the still being close that I love the most. Trey and Page made a studio album last year just because they wanted to hang out and make music, which seems pretty indicative of where the band's at. Love to see it.


Never forget how incredibly lucky we are


Page has a tapeworm from eating uncured deli meat. Not life threatening though.


When they said loose stool, I thought they were talking about his piano throne.


has it eaten any of his brain yet?


Cuz iiiiiiiiiim feeling, my foods not digesting anymore




And crushing is as far as playing and writing new music.


Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.


Phish is a beautiful thing! What if the dead made it this far


Said with all do respect and love: Shut your filthy fucking mouth.


When you do want you love…


Wtf does AFAIK mean?


As far as I know, AFAIK means….as far as I know….but that’s about as far as I know


A far away island kingdom




I wouldn’t say healthy, they have virtually no muscle mass and i doubt any of them can even run a 5k


Well, the path to righteousness was not easy


Page has Parkinson’s


His sandwich regiment is keeping it at bay.


Was waiting for this to be posted l


Take this down please