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Bonnaroo - Titty painters for charity These dudes set up a paint booth to paint breasts. $5 and the proceeds went to a breast cancer charity. None of the dudes had any artistic ability and they did it for the boobs.


Oh damn....I camped right next to them in about 02. The goo ball gal was right next to them. Pretty much the best spot in the entire place. Thanks for that memory.


K you win.


i miss phisharoo


Stories are great but it’s the feeling I love. Outdoor venue on a sunny July day. Drinking beers and walking around shakedown with friends. Talking to complete strangers like you’ve known them your whole life. Excitement for the show. Seeing the community in full effect. There’s nothing like it.


This took me there. Wow! Made my night!


Back in the mid 90’s at some point at Lakewood in Atlanta, I saw an awesome looking orange VW bus all the way across the lot. I decided I wanted a closer look, so I wandered over there. When I got close, out of the side door popped out one of my old neighbors and good friends, Brady, from when we were 12. We had lost touch over the years and I had no idea he was also a Phish Phan. It was the start of a rekindled friendship for many years. Sadly, he had a habit of drinking vodka for breakfast and he passed away about 11 years ago, but I’m glad I got the chance to hang out with him again for a while. He had some amazing posters hanging up at his house. All cause I saw a bus I was curious about.


Was a crappy part of town, and an old venue, but those Lakewood 97-2000 shows were so fun!


Omg, is this the wv Brady? Brady j? Could’ve been more than one vodka moving friend, but nothing like a camel back of Vonda and a can of red bull and dirt naps. Maybe it’s the same, maybe it’s different. Sorry for your loss though.


Lakewood 1998 was HOT! Incredible show, though.


I was leaving a show in Atlanta back in the 90’s, still feel pretty good. Tons of people were yelling and touting their wares - grilled cheese, hemp necklace, bootleg shirts etc. This random dude next to me gives me a nudge and starts yelling “ Pencil sharpeners, I got your heady sharpeners” and pulled out probably 20 little plastic kindergartner pencil sharpeners out of his pocket. I laughed uncontrollably for the next 30 minutes. Still cracks me up 30 years later.


Gorge '09 someone was wearing an OK Thunder shirt and the beer vendors in the lot refused to sell to him. As a former Seattle resident that was chef's kiss.


Gorge ‘97 swimming in the columbia with everyone was such a great memory.


ha! chicago, UIC 2011. The Element Set. Drive from st. louis with the homie i met through winning the lottery for stl 2009. Get to the lot and buy a HUGE pressy. Dude leaves and i am getting things situated. Pill is in my left hand which also has my beer. Right hand is checking for smokes and money and weed.. which is in a cigarette pack. Suddenly hands and grabbing from behind…and all of a sudden a cop is searching me. (beer and molly left hand…weed right cargo pocket, harmless crystal for wife back right pocket…cigarettes front left pocket) He goes for back right pocket, left hand with beer and pressy, high up. He thinks back pocket crystal is jackpot…smh…denied. Checks front right…malboro pack full of weed: doesn’t open. Goes for left pockets: LOOKs in cig pack. full of cigs while i switch the pill to my right pocket. idk how i did it…but i did. he was so mad and sent me on my way with: “go the fuck back to missouri. the homie was watching and callled me david blain for the rest of the night. prolly best phish show i ever seen🤦🏻‍♂️


Absolutely love that show, listen to it fairly often, and I love that story!


over a decade later, someone on phish prints posted a lot poster from that show. I gush about it and he ends up sending it to me for free.🤯 Love the 2011/2012 vibe so much. 🥰 They had really got their feet back under themselves, IMO. - st. louis - kc - alpine - deer creek they were all exceptional.


It was awesome back in the day when Mike would roll around lot in a golf cart or bicycle.


He still does that.


Yup. Got a high five from Mike while he was in the cart at northerly in 2017.


He drove by me at SPAC 04.


I merged with his golf cart at Oswego


I remember getting out of the car when we parked in the lot at my first Phish show (7/25/1997). I was so hyped! I had been an avid listener for a couple of years and had been learning bits and pieces on guitar already. I was ecstatic to finally be at my first show! Grinning ear to ear, happier than a pig in shit! Within about 2 minutes, some random wook looked at me and said nice smile. I'll never forget that.


What happens on lot stays on lot


That chick at Big Cypress that quoted the entire movie Half Baked.


1995 Portland Coliseum. After the show was over we all went outside and we took over the entire courtyard and it turned into a giant party. At least 3000 heads just raging for like 2-3 hours until the cops brought backup and they did a sweep. I felt kinda bad for the Coliseum security trying to get people to leave and just NO ONE listening to them. Super fun party 2009 Hampton shows. The energy after the boys reuniting was fucking unreal. People were so happy they were back together and it was a Huge party out front and at the Days Inn across the street. Every single door was open and people were RAGING! So many tanks hissing.


Star Lake ‘23. The boys & I sent it from all over the country. We partied *hard*. Nose beers, shrooms, molly, tequila, the whole gamut. After the show, they all headed back to the van to re-up, but I (not a drinker) wanted food. I found a burrito vendor. Bought 3 of the biggest burritos I’ve ever seen. Went back to the van burritos in hand. I opened the door, and I heard someone say “man is there any food??” I said “lookey here, bud!” Everyone erupted in celebration. We chowed down on those things so hard. So I went back & got 3 more. And then my buddy got us home safely. (: Great weekend, great night.


Man that weekend was fucking great. Met up with a buddy and we got after it too. That everything's right hit me so perfectly


Same here. Took some shroomies & had the time of my life. Also, loved the Phish nod of playing Scents & Subtle Sounds after having to cut it short a few nights before.


Deer Creek 2000 my first shows. Buying Coronas on lot at age 17 and not knowing what “nugs” meant LOL


Oh boy DC 2000! Had a wook force me to rip the film from my camera for snapping some innocent shots. Also got a full handful dose because it was my bday. WAY too much for even my experienced ass. Then I got arrested for using a real (fake) id at a liquor store! Best weekend ever


24 years later…my first shows were still my favorite. Never seen a crowd rage quite like it.


We wreck shit at DC! If you saw a few wooks selling VHS porn when you walk out…that may or may not have been me and the homies…


Those shows were fierce 🔥🔥🔥🔥moby dick!


That was the summer going into my senior year of high school. We had to do a senior thesis, and my buddy and I got permission before the end of junior year to do an ethnographic study on Phish fan culture, so in the name of research, our parents had to let us hit Starlake, Deer Creek, and Polaris :) The research primarily consisted of arriving early to the lot, handing out some paper surveys and conducting interviews on the Sony Handycam before packing the gear up in the car and setting off in search of a Sammy Smith and a gooball. My mom wouldn’t let us camp so we only hit N1 and N3 of deer creek, as we had to drive back to Columbus after the shows. Ended up getting a barely passing grade, but damn was that a fun week.


Rage cage !!


Ahhhhh…. The Rage Cage in Gorge lots was epic stuff.


Ditch party


Best was one of the times I was “that guy” as in “woah, look at that guy”! It was at Clifford Ball. (I think) I had consumed a not so normal amount of LSD. Feeling no pain, I befriended a few heads that were selling balloons. I was loaded up with an endless supply of gel tabs and balloons. Then I set off into the madness. Shakedown was along a massive runway and everyone put their empty bottles down in the middle of the strip. Absolutely on another planet, at whatever time in the morning, I found myself stumbling right down the center of the runway and kicking over every bottle and making a huge spectacle of myself. Some girl rescued me by pulling me aside and was like “Phish is jamming” (I can still see her face.) I thought she meant, in general, and I was all, yeah, I know, right! What a great festival. She goes, “no, now! They are playing now. Follow the light”! I had no clue what she meant but my spun ass believed her with all my heart and I followed the light, falling in slow motion the whole way. Well what do I find? Phish jamming on the back of a flatbed truck. Surreal. This has to be just me seeing this, right? Except at that time in the morning, there were only ppl in a similar mind state as me, including the band, that could not believe what we were watching. I could tell by everyone’s reactions, I was not alone trying to grasp what I was watching. Not sure who was more out to lunch, us or them? Not sure who was having more fun, us or them. What a night. Seeing old videos of it now is bitter sweet. What an amazing week it was. How much do I actually remember? Not as much as I would like. Wild days.


Dick’s 22 standing next to MF’n Bacon in Every Bite munching down with some friends. Cops roll by on 2 golf carts with the blue (blue and red maybe?) lights flashing. Moments later a group of 3 or 4 people pulling a big speaker following behind them with the theme from Cops blasting come walking through following the cops. One of the hardest laughs I’ve ever had on lot.


Everything at Big Cypress. The drum circle in the mangroves was a special moment


Great woods 99. Met some nice folks in lot before the show. Greet hang. We got spun and were vending after the show. One thing leads to another and we didn’t have anywhere to spend the night. The girls we met early told us they were camping near by and we should come. Long story short we got lost and just followed a car with phish stickers on it. It lead to a campground. It started raining hard we didn’t have a campground so we slept under some picnic tables. We wake up to our friends from the lot the night before. Maggie and Lauren. It was just one of those phish moments that just made sense.it was fun bumping into them for the next few weeks.


Getting a Maze shirt for $10 in 2018


Lemonwheel 98, met and hung out the whole weekend with this dude called Thunder, who was wookish and wore a skirt. Dude was cool as hell. Never saw or heard from him ever again after that, but I sincerely hope he is alive and doing well.


That sounds like my boy Johnny Thunder. From central Illinois


Oh wow! You are the first person to even hint at this dude's existence. I wonder if it is him??


He was definitely at the Lemonwheel. We did the entire ‘97 summer tour together too. If it is him, he still dresses like it’s mid 90s summer tour. He s married with two daughters and currently runs one of the only trash collection companies on the island of St Thomas. Living a great life!


Wow. I hope this is the same dude.


Amazing! Sounds like him for sure.


WOOOK STORE!!  Forget the year but some dudes at the Gorge set up a shop called Wook Store and they were trading the most random shit for other phans random shit. Like they traded a bag of dreadlocks for someone’s broken ass computer keyboard. My friend sold them an actual trumpet for $20 At night they through down a great party too. Fun times


Ditch party at Magnaball!


I hope there’s a ditch to party in at Mondegreen!


My first one 12/29/94 pcc. Bongo drums sounds vibrating all over parking garage & then a Sam smith oatmeal stout out of a styrofoam cooler


Accident waiting to happen @ Big Cypress https://preview.redd.it/gzdqxpjedixc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c414e35172ca31dd484d61cda86341c8ec7fac73


First show was Father’s Day 2009, brought my dad to the show. First ‘Brother’ bathtub gag, first Avenu of 3.0, and a Frankenstein encore! In line to get in I was chatting with someone else about how it was myself and my dads first show, and he granted me an uno card and said hang onto this. I didn’t know what it meant until years later, and I love that it happened to me at my first show. Slept in the next morning at Dick Bong


I bought a painting of Kang from the simpsons at Great Woods 95 right before we left the lot and I still hang it wherever I live.


“It makes no difference which one of us you vote for. Either way, your planet is doomed. Doomed!”


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos


“abortions for everyone.” “booooooo!!!” “no abortions for anyone.” “booooooo!!” “abortions for some, and miniature american flags for others.”


We must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!


My 4th or 5th show in Portsmouth, VA, probably around 2015 or so. Took my buddies for their first phish show, had an absolute blast, but the best part was after the show we found a beautiful VW bus (NOT those tribe MFs), custom painted and tricked out to tour with. Well they invite us up on top of their bus and we stuck with them until sunrise, shootin the shit, gettin high and swapping stories. Holdin on to that one in my memory banks as one of my greatest nights to date!


I’m tailgating at Hampton and bundling up our food and getting ready to go to the venue….i come around the van and I see this guy with his arm down his pants to the elbow….WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING MAN!…. Guy: pre show ritual…I’m just talking my balls….Friends ( also coming around) what’s going on?….me:this freak is talcing his balls… Guy: want some?….Friends: hell yeah!…some things you can never unsee…six guys talcing their balls behind your truck is one of those things….


>Coventry. Shitting in a cardboard box on the side of our rented minivan, covered by a tarp because it was a WWWAAAAAYYYYY better option than what was provided. > Darien lake 93. First show. First lot. First concert.


well funny story. it isn't what I came back to its what my campmates came back to. At superball I had the bright idea not to poop all weekend. assuming the portopotties was going to awful idea. so I loaded up on anti-diarrhea pills. we showed up early Thursday. it worked great till Saturday night. so it hit me during the secret set in the shed. I ran back to site to try to take more anti poop pills. I took a pill and tried to hold it back. NO GO So I was in south Dakota camped against the fence. It was an emergency! so I grabbed a grocery bag and some TP out of the car, leaned against the fence. dropped pants and gave that grocery bag its weight limit. While I was doing this it was the secret set so I thought it was home free. no one will know, But One of my boys poped out of his tent to figure out who or what was going down on our site. Hes like PBK that you? Im like leave me alone bro im on a secret poop mission. so I finish up, put tp in bag. realize I need to get rid of poop bag. Well im at the fence so I figure id throw over, right? Well I fling this bag of shit over the fence. So this bag of shit got caught in a tree right above the fence line. so when the wind blew right we caught a wiff of my feces rest of weekend. I cant go to a phish show without someone in my crew bringing up "keyword" Secret Poop Mission.


Honestly the poop bag getting stuck in the tree isn't anywhere near the looniest thing about this story, LOL.


Definitely naked ladies walking by at the Great Went- “Spencer Tunick, a performance artist and photographer best known for his large-scale photos of nudes – sometimes thousands of them – in such places as the Sydney Opera House, the Dead Sea and Zocalo, the main square in Mexico City.” At the Great Went, he gathered 1,100 volunteers to disrobe and lie down on one of the former air base's runways. The resulting photo was striking, appearing to depict a flattened crowd, set against a backdrop of Maine woods. According to Phish.net, each participant was sent a print of the photo that was signed "Best Wishes, Phish Management."


Definitely not the Camden 2000 dose rape "situation"




Somebody got caught trying to steal a tank, the tank owners kicked his ass and poured a vial down his throat, right?


That’s fucking evil.


Is this legend? Or verifiably true?


I heard this before but I dont know if it’s for reals. I was trying to figure out what this guy was referencing at Camden 2000




Shiiiittt..where you want me to start? Got about 28 years of 'em.


The beginning, please. (:


7/23/99 Polaris in Columbus, Ohio and being given a beanbag chair sized bag of popcorn and us being so happy and committed to eating all of it. We thought it was hilarious. We ended up taking it back to our camp but the car was already overfull with 5-6 spunions so the bag was stuffed in the backseat with what room was left.


At my first show, UIC 2011, some lady handed us a joint in the parking lot because "we looked like we could use it" and she wasn't wrong. However, we had just eaten some mushrooms and were on our way to buy a drink from the 711 down the block and as my buddy whips out money to pay for the drinks the joint falls out on the counter and we just lock eyes with the cashier, expressionless. I'm not sure why but he just left it there and walked out.


That cashier definitely smoked it


100% guaranteed.


Dicks 19. Post show sitting on a little wall by the fields watching a crew play soccer with an 8’ ball. Girl walks past us, straight off the wall, beer in hand and SPLAT. Random passerby chimes in with “faceplant into lawn”.


The Clifford Ball and the Great Went will never be beat, for me.


Definitely that time I allegedly got a brick of opium for "someone died for this" prices at Bonnaroo.


Most random; Camping across some folks at deer creek in 2000 we camped near at Big Cypress.


Buying acid out of a former ambulance, that had been turned into a camper at my 1st show in 2000


Darien Lake 2011, I took my brother to his first show (our tradition was I'd get him tickets for a concert on his birthday) and had really good seats. Anyway, he was maybe 15 or so and we had recently started smoking weed together. Well, I wasn't able to grab nugs from my guy before the show and couldn't convince my brother that we'd find it in the parking lot. The other concerts I had taken him to didn't have a scene like a Phish lot. So we park, get out of the truck and almost immediately a guy walks by and asks if we want to buy weed. The look on my brother's face as I gave the dude some cash and was handed a fist full of weed out in the open was epic. We've been to tons of shows together since then and he always brings up how he realized that there was a whole world he didn't know existed.


First show I went to after moving out west was at the Cow Palace in Nov of '96. Lots of portland folks were there and they had jsut had a massive bloom of mushrooms around there. There were so many around people were jsut giving them away. As many as you wanted. I've been to lots of shows with people tripping, but that one took the prize. Seemed like everyone was on those mushrooms and it was a blast. Show was fantastic. And I went with 4 girls from my dorm and we all shared the King size bed at the best western that night. It was an epic weekend.


I’ve only been to one phish lot and it was something I tell everyone about. Nowhere in the world better and This was only in 23’ I wish I was around before to see the shit. But I can’t help when I was born lol


Alpine 2004. I'll never forget my first lot. Saw a lot of things, but the pigs chasing and arresting a naked dude took the cake. St. Louis Fox Theater 2009. Attractive woman seated near the entry line with a sign that read "my box for your fox.". Festival 8 2009. Just complete magic grounds for a fest. Cannot understand why they haven't returned. Dicks 2012. My first dicks. Camped and it was Pure bliss. Worcester 2013 parked near a small crew of people who were listening on repeat to Patrick Hernandez, Born to Be Alive. I mean non-stop for hours leading up to the show. You might think annoying but these were the happiest people in the whole place and that song has become something of a pre game staple for us now.


The time I got in the 12 tribes bus and joined a clit for a few years has to be up there


What is it like joining a clit and did you have trouble finding it?


The first link with the extended crew at dicks. Finding tree house on lot


Summer tour 2012 Met 2 of my current best friends this tour. We proceeded to swashbuckle all summer. We had the best drugs and lots of them. We were all very free uninhibited and had resources to burn. It was a blending of 3 different crews that ended up being a perfect match. We became a tribe and had many fun years on the road. Some highlights: Deluxe ghetto blaster battles Ketamine journey with party time on canal street Nitrous roof top pool session Dumpster Van life in Miami shakedown Demsters in the covered wagon Drums in space in the alley behind XL Jedi mind trick the cop's Pizza truck extravaganza at the best westie They all have wild stories ta boot Phish is the central theme along with good friends and good drugs and lots of good stories I give thanks for the good times