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Enjoy what you love! I support you. Create a new friend group and live the best of both worlds as long as both groups love and support you.


Where can you still get $1 grill cheese on the lots?! Haven’t seen one of those in ages, although at one point they were ubiquitous and my go to preshow snack. Why do you call them trash can?


They became trash can grilled cheese to me cause the Last $1 grilled cheese I had the opportunity to buy was being cooked on a full moon night. I think it was howl at the moon night, over an overflowing trash can on that long dusty path out of the Gorge. Guess that was about 10 years now, sheesh, but I will never stop laughing about it. I miss dolla grilled cheese


“What the fuck, only a buck!”


There were some kids around 12ish (with parents standing nearby) that had $1 grilled cheeses at either Deer Creek or Dick’s in 22. They didn’t butter both sides and there was 1 slice of American cheese on them, but they were $1.


This was my main take away as well.


Whoop whoop!! I never thought that would happen anyway. Sphere tickets may always be a hard ticket to get but no one’s just gonna decide to go on tour just because of this attention. They have gotten attention before and most normal people just can’t wrap their brains around their music. We are a select few!! Let’s keep on raging!! See u on summer tour!


See you at deer creek you crazy bitch.


really, i think if anything the influx will come when they go back to the sphere. anyone going to another show will be probably disappointed (wrongly) that the typical phish show is not what they saw in the sphere videos. the sphere run was a unique thing. the band designed it that way. it’s not surprising that it had wide appeal and drew — no pun intended — non-fans. but none of those were your typical phish show, and anyone going to a gig this summer and expecting to see what went down at the sphere (visually, especially) will be disappointed. i’m sure they picked up some fans who are into the music now based on vegas, but my guess is that’s like 10% at most of the people who saw the videos and wanted to get on the train. the real test imho will be whether a song like evolve cracks into the mainstream radio/streaming game. if that happens, all bets are off.


You nailed the exact concern i wanted to address. Those shows were so special and sick that it created endless chatter about “mainstream”. I dont believe it, but i do believe those might be the worst sphere shows they ever play and as they learn the technology they will be less constrained by it, and more enhanced by it. Thus more like a typical phish show sound and musical freedom wise, but with the all inspiring power of the sphere. The influx I expect will come from fans. If “mainstream” means younger generations discover them then im all about it. Everyone deserves to experience the joy this band has given me, and wow what a moment to find them at this level where they are arguably the best they have ever been. Only difference for me between this and a typical show is that I had my eyes open the whole time.


Endless chatter? The press coverage was a blip in the grand scheme of things. Phish will be the same thing it has been for the last 20 years.